^^^^^ :r\i- f I- TWENTY-EIGHT KILLED- NEWS jTEMS.:; iy injnri'd- i M-.o ti;.iii-ai.ii dollar-. wliich it i-i Jiaid Kioyd imd in the hoii:T«? is missi.'!:' Orand Trunk Railway Wreck Near Wanstead Station. A despatch from Loiidon aays; Twority-eifjht kiUe<l in.staiitly U!ul nearly a score of others serious'y in- jured is the iic-t result to date oi the most terrible riiihvay aceide-it in Ontario since the disaster near ITaiii- ilffiii ill the spring of 188!>. !t look place at the little Hamlet of Wmi- htead. near Petrolea, on Friday night, when the Orand Trunk Chi- cago express collided with a freight that was moving out of its way into a siding. I>elails are c<jniing in slowly, but the loss of life will be terrible. The annoimconient that at 6 o'clock there were L'8 dead does not tell the whole story, for a uum- at Telegraphic Briefs From All Over the Globe. CAN" A I) A. I IVler V'ereghin. the roukhobor ' leader, ha.s arrivoil at Wiiinipeij. An exhibit of the products and ; manufactures of Austria i-> being I sent through Canada, The exports of poultry to Cireat Britain show a gain ot S21'J.055 tluring the p;ist ifix years. the earl.v hours of liie moruing the wreck. j CHADUATL: Of TOKOXTO. Dr. Uasil Harvey of Chicago whose parents live in Watford, t)nt. one of the injured in liie tlT.U. wreck near Sarnia. is a prominent • '^'"'' l-^me-iton waterworks, contro.- of ilt.-dicine • ^^â- '^ municipality, had a rev- graduate of the Faculty of Toronto Universitv. being a P-'y- siciaii of some ten vyars' standing. He was one of the occupants of tne liay coach, where the hand of death w;is so relentless, was well enough to give a brief account of his ex- perience at Victoria Hospital. Tho doctor had been visiting his molher . . ^, . , . . , in Watford. and was journe\.in ber ot the more seriously injui-ed are tjo^n th likely to succujub. The list of dead ^^hows thut the victinis were chiell.v from Western Ontario. HEAD-ON' COLLISION'. It was a head-on collision belwi en the .Pacific Kxpress for Chicago and an east-bound freight. The express was nearl.v two hours late and was making fast time. The freight was ^^^is leaning <.'ndeavoring to make a siding to Suddenly the ha\o the track clear for the express aiwl failed by a couple of minutes. The engines came together n«ir the w^st end of the switch with a fear- ful crash and overturned into the ditch. The tragigagc and tho ex- press cars telescoped into the smok- er with appalling rosnlts. while the pasfvngers road to Wyoming with the Iiurpose of visiting his bn.alier. Ur. iriir\ey of that place. His story is as follo.ws: I was in the Ijrst car behind the b;iggage ear at the front and talking to the Kiugscourt agent. who was going down to Wyoming. We were wait- ing at the door ready to get olT. [ up against the door. ights went out. there was an iniinite crashing and I found uxyself after rolling around among enue this year of S31.711 :n. The charteffKl banks of Woodstock ha\c decided to close at I p. m. on Fridays, instead of on .Saturd.i.vs. A .Montreal de-ipjUch predicts tlio adviuice of rubbers, owing to the in- crease in the cost of crude rubber. Si.x old women, ranging in age from lj'.> to V2 years, are in Hauiil- ton jail charged with trilhng olTesi- ces Jacob Knvger, a young .\Ionnon- ite of Ni vei"i'i!le. Man . was convict- ed at Winnipeg of holding up" a citizen. I'lirliauienl will not lU'.-et until tlv last Thurstiuv in February owing to Sir Wilfrid Lauriir's de'.entnm in the South. Among the companies applying for incorporation at Ottawa, are the OFN'IUJIAL I French slioenuKcr^ hav.- i->si)lve'l jto advance prices ten per cent The condition of the winti.T cio|).s jin tK-'arly all Kuropeuii Itus-ia is re- garded as bad. [ The Hu.>.-^iun tiovormuent is .sp.>iid- ]ing inimin.s4.- sums in relief work I among famine siiiierers t;eriuany'3 largi.'st bat t.. -ship was |lauucheil at Kiel .Saturday. She was christi'n..Ml Uruuswick. ] All cats. di>gs an i bir<!s have L'-^-n i banished from the K, user's p.ilaces. ; fearing iliat they may carry dis.".s.- ; Chinese court oilicials slat.- 'nal the health of the l>«)Wager Knipress is declining Sl-.e su'Teis from in- somnia French train il.;..-ves stole SJ.'.Omv Worth of diamonds from th • Faii of Carnarvon while t4;i- latter and the â- Count-'<s wei-e ir.iveHng l..'-'.wvu Ca- I lais and ['ari-- ! T'n' liuai'-cia! slatv-nteut â- â- >'. ' h.- : Mif.i.-ter of I''ii-,.iric>> rf Italy f.>r i>i,ilj-|o i,.t-ii.,|-;,.jr i|,,. ,.x[ionse of t.he itliinese .-xpodition. is uios!. satisfac- tory to the peop;.' showing a sur- plus of ;5:J.0'ti>.oiiii in-.. h: t ! e .v-li- mates for l;)OJ-'j;j a surplus of l>>.- ilclil.iiil)') lire is calculated, and fi>r l'.i'J-!-01 a surplus of 4 i"X''.iiO0 :;re these noises, all wedged in. Some T.ank of Winnipeg 'aiKl the City and thing was over my head, and I could only move my right U-g. Ilie rest of me was fast. The Kii.gscourt ag- ent la.v iicro.ss niy leg. When I mov- ed my right leg I dislurlied him. his dissatisfaction, as he Iiroteste<l on account of a broken i leg. About ;! o'clock they dug mo! out. I had great dirticulty in stand- j ing the strain. I had hardly eu- ' ough breath, but I decided it was enough to keep me living I had even enough room to s'.iake with the cold. I never shook so much in mv life. It seer'.oil an hour I of ore th.-.v got there. 'I1iey cncovered m.v feet lirst. l^ok at them wiggle.' some one said. having releronce to mv feet. The.v put jacks under the thing over my head and lifted it • up. They gradually moved me; they llicn puUixl me out from il-e hide uiKlernealh. That's m.v estimate of it. but 1 wasn't in a tit condition to have an accurate idea of their moile of pro ('.'dure " I Dr. Harvev did not .siv much of tlie scx'ue of carnage that was scat- tered about him. but he stiid that ; many were killed in his neighbor-! hood. Hi.'j injuries aix> not exten- sive and lie is ver.v tcankf'jl for liis miraculous csca|i'. j i UOKKUT JACKSON'S SfOUY. ' i Kobeit Jacksxni of Fetrolea. w hv.> Was a [lassviiger on the train, was; sitting in an otbce at the tlrandj I Trunk depot, with his other pasfvngers were pilt.fl upon m"ch to each other in a fearful wreck. CRIES OF THE DYING. There was an awful crash, the lo- comotive reared u[) and fell into the ditch, tho ibaggagc oar of tb.o ex- pres.<3 telescoped the smoker, and the shrieks and cries of the wounded and liying filled the air. The loss of life is believed to ap- proach to fully ;!0. The injured will iiumlK?r considerabl.v more. The.se lat- ter include many who ma.v die from their injuries. They sustained all numner of hurts, and when they reached the hospital at London were so co\-ered with blood that they could not be recognized. Th*.^ir ap- IK'arance simply beggars description. Many of the dead had .suflered frightful hurts, heails were cut olT. logs were wrenched from the boilies. blood llowed like water and the scene of the carnage became more like the door of a slaughter - liou.se than a mere stretch of snow-<o\e!e;l higliwa.v in the midst of a slcepin,g farinlaiKl. KXVUFSS AN IK>IU{ LATE. The express .<ihould have left Lon- don at 7.r>7. but she was over an hour late An operator's error is Sitid to have caused the accident. There was not a hou!-e to be seen an.vwhere through tho storm, and it proved, when ilay light came, that tlx»re was none within a distance loo far to carry the niaiined. Most, for- tunately, the two rullinaii cars on the train did not sustain any dam- age. They were warm and com- fortable, and what were a few mo- ments- before palatial sleeping com- partment.s for scores of wear.v trav- elers, became a teniiHuar.v hospital. The.v wore plact'd in Ihe berths, and what was possible to assuage the blr^-ditig wounds which were s istaiti- tHi bv nearly ewryone was done This wa», however, \er.v little; there was scarcely any water to bo had. Snow was brought in in the emleavor to _ tpionch the terrible thirst of the sulTering. .\ few of the passengers chanced to have whiskev in ttieir pos.sessi»ui. and' this provivl a fortunate thing The liiiuor is creditcnl with saving the lives of a rmniber of the lerril>ly injured, who hail given up hoi>e but for the slitmi- lating elTects ot the whiskey. SAVK11 FUOM ADDED UOHIIOK. The fear of a lire breaking' out led to a iletermineil watch being insti- tutetl: but. in spite of this vigilance, the wreck was scarcely saved from a lire that wixild \\ix,vc added untold '''o'no'ot the pussetigers. who was „o ! lumbermen Carry It to Various more of a hero than his fellows. mstricts. Coiiiitv Bank of Toronto A Vo.OOfi busiiel elevator is built at Hartley. Man . noxt on the farmers' co-operative 1"here are alroadv six e'.ovatoi's to be vear plan. there c. i;i:,vr dkitain rremier UalAiur is con.'.nevl to bed. sulTering from a sharp a'.L.ck of in- fluenza. Oil fuel apparatus is now being lilted oil board H. M battleships Ihiiuiibal and Mars. Londoti wor'Kh^iuse boys are to be >ent to Yorkshire and South Wales to work in the iu;:'es. .\ proiit of Ji;;!.Oii(i was nia.le on the Dover municipal waterworks dur- ing tlie iast 12 months. I'.lectricit.v for lighting purpo.ses is now hein.g supplied through peniiy- in-lhe-slot meters in LaiK'a--hire towns. .\ .-eries v>f public nieeiings is to be held in London to ca'l atl<'ntion t-i the unsatisfactory stale of li work- in.g classes. Mr. l^indfried. who was one of tho few surviving trumpeters who sounded the charge at I'al.iclava. lias died at Hove. Drigiilon. The Swansea Harbor triistoes are about to construct .i new tiock witii a lock capable of accomniodaling the largest vessels ailoat Noxt year Io:;i.-Uuiou wil! lie intro- left footiduivd with rogaiM to a redtiotioti of AIDED THIEVES. 'Police:uau Stood Guard While a Store Was Looted. ; A Chicago despatch s.iys rolico- .man I'atrick Mahonev was I'o'Jnd â- guill.v, 1 ui Daniel Curran. co-de- : fondant, not guilty, of burglary by a jury on Wednesday The burglary |was at a Jewelry slor^v and James Clark and an accon!;iUce have serv- ed terms in the penitenti.iry fur the crime Upon his relea.st? Clark told a -lory to the State at'-oru'-y which resulted in the arrest .if C ii'rau, a saloi>n-ki>e!Vr. and Mahoney. an olti- cer Weil kiov. n and respected among his I'.'llows C'.ark to--t.;!i..'d t'nal Ma- h.'K''.v. m luil un-fonii. stot-wl guard |W!ulo the ...â- '.Vi.'lry ~tore was I'O'ng [looted. BROTHER SHOT BROTHER. I Was Mistaken for Burglar and j Shot m Bed. â- A Brautford d.sp.itch says. A tragedy, resulting in the death of Wesley WatsoiT. aged 2." years. at !the hand of his elder brotiH-r. 'amesv w.is enait..>d on ll:e Kt-aru farm, two and a half miles w..>i o? SIiddl--port, in. till,' Township Unondaga. on Tues- day m.nning of laar we.k The faiiii is situated in .i l.)n.-ly part ol ti'.e township snu;i> liisiance from the main road. .;:id :s r'-nt •,! by Samuel and .Iam>'s Watson, w iiilii their brother Wesley was employed in D'troit The bn>th.Ts wore aloi.e as their nioih.-r wf\.) ^..^'PH Imusi. f.ir riieiii «-,,.; away on a vi.-y- it They had retired to bt>il. w!;en their younger brother return d un- announced and ma 1" an en'ran-e to th.> l!ou.-e The two men thought liieir home was being burgiari.ied. and. gathering a few clothes, maiu an escape throuirh tiie bedroom win dow. After reni.uiiiug with a n.'igb. i.or the rest of tb..- night they returned to the housf in ihe moi-ninj. .iruied with .1 shotgun Thev saw thf h.iuse l)jd b.-H-n ..'111. red. and pri>ceede,l ui>- stairs. itiv-.-tigating Thri.ugh a half-open door thev >aw a inau stretched out on the ti-d. \i t iieir approacii t:;.- si'.'.-per rai.s">d h::!i.s.-i: on his .-ibow. anii inuinHiiately James r.ased Ids gun aiKi lind. Th.- charge, whicli was of small -iiot. blew tho SJde olT the man's head and killed hini instantly In a mctn..-ut !the\' saw their mistake, but it was 'oo l.iti'; their brother wa.s bevtjf.d ;tiie reach of ai<l- ] The affair has bo.-n reported to tiie police. and the brothors were ar- mrest ed and an i:n-estigatii-n li'»ld It is said there was th- Ix'st of feeling in the famil.v. and ::.> re;uson can be sugg.-sted for the couinus.-;ion of a crinit.' Th.e Watson brothers are re- . porti'^i to b.' of a vory tiuud. nerv- iC^us disposition LATEi: sb.ot iMid mis- in the interosi pa.vab'.o on <:e|)osit the l'ost-<.<llice Sa\in!;s r.unk. Tho total number of non-coituuis- sioned oilicers and men -serving in the regular army at home on t!:e lirst of the month was t-ir^.t'iV-i. Tho memorial of the late Queen m to come ill from â- Whippingham Church. oieet>l by lite liag.gaite car had i King- and other u-.-ml'Crs of the royal ' fiunily. is practii-a'ly conipIeU'd. liofore the Channel Squadron goes to sea again all the ships are to be !i«i!Ueil I'ronch .grey, which i^ now tho regulation color of the r.r;l's!i ravv Tho (irtu of .1. and J W I'ease of Darlington. England, private b.xnk- ors. assigned with fL'.oOO.iMiO liabili- ties. Two of the partners are tiieui- bors of the House o: Conimoi s • .\ meeting of the promoters oi ll'O scheine for a memorial to ti'ie-.n \ ic- toria and a memorial to the sailors and soldiers who dietl in Uie l.ite war was held in Edinburgh The nine o'clock .Sutiiay ovoiiing , Stn-vices for West-end people in O' en- Mr Jackson had l>oen home for l ing dress who linvl other .service Christmas at Wood.stock. and was , times inconvenient, are beiig retiew- exvH-cting to cJiaugi" cars at Wyoui- â- ed at St. tUvir wralMVd up in a stocking. In con- versation Mr. Jacksxni rehitoil bis experience He was in tlio svcond car. just behind the baggage car. and was awake, as wore also many other ocmpaiits. Several were doz- ing or souiul asli.>ep when the crash came. It sivme<l above, as if th been hurle<i into the air and hatl fal- len on the roof. Tho lights, of course, wont out, and in a twinkling the bright lar with its load of happji , cai\--fice hu- manity Was a cold, dark mass of wreckage. Mr. Jackson could hear giMans and cries He himself was wixiged in betwivn svwiK'thiiig, so that he could not move, and he found it was two seals which were jamming bini down. His left foot, which was crushed, was held fast ami Wivs iKiining him groall.v. "l did not know what moment I v.as going to K" hurled into otornity. " said Mr. Jackson. "I remaineil thei-e for lhre<.--quarters of an hour I L.\m AND WATER. Intervsting' Tables m Firjt Volume o: Census. An Otiaw,! ii..-spatcli .~,iys: 'nie census \olume just out cnntailis an inleresting serie- oi tabi''^ prel'ar\"ii by Mr Jair.e> Wb.ite. i;"Oi;rapli''r of tiie IVpari men', of th.' Inton.ir. showing the are. IS of l.ii. 1 .ind w.i- ter in the sevei'al pi'i'vinces ami ter- ritories in CanaM.i The total land ai-ea is .given a- J.o!r..r..< l,i>7l icro- ,ind llie lakes' ai'i.s -'il.lsa,^"^ a r.-s. til'' lo'.a' s.iiiai'o nul''s oi terri',or> Leiivg ;i.7l.">..'7l .Ml tul.i! area- are excl»Hled from ihe calculation i>n- t.irio IS civ<litisi with th.e groatosi lake aroa. vi? , L'.'vSJ(i.:!iiii acriv* The cit.v of Toroi.t.i is croditevl wf.li 2S.^Uii ho'..s..-v â- 'â- ii..i7:^ f.iinilios. ,lii i a tnunicip.r. .'.:â- '. i -o' I oLT a'"ro.s ' Samuel Watson, 'lie in.in -vlio and killed iiis brother- W-.-sley at dl.'Port on 'l"t;esda.V R!or;;iiiir taki; g hull for a burttlar. sviil be pro- <eeiit.,Hl on .1 chai-go v>f :i:anslaiighlor. The ptdice consider the ca.->e the tuosi asiiiundmg one thai I-.. is ,jvor conic ti.1 their a'-'."nt!oii. ,i::d since tlie two orotiiers h.ive told thei;- s-torie.-- peo- ple ::i;d di:liciilty lu luiagiiiing how 'it would be lH-':'>ible for two tiien, ;iu;l,v .irni'X!. to be ^o frig'i'ened as • to slioof ,1 ni.ia will!,.- he Was l.vinj; ' asleep in b--.l, It is clear thai even if the ilLVooiied had tv«-n a bnr:;!ar. I he w.i- entirely m th.-ir | iw..-!-, iWitiiouL tileir us;::g :;ri'jrm^ I LESE MAJESTE- I School Girl Gets Fourteen Days' Ii:if>risonn-.e:it. I • .\ lierh.n d.e.-p.i tell s.i-.. \ foi- ish girl named Ivir'r' i-veiv a bi\>.icli with l-'ir.pei-^-r Wi'.l ..ini's pr-- tnre oi\ it. t.' tl'o :loor .m.i -~t in i-is! n;vii It. .She iuis b.s ;-. s.-i:i -v-t-ed t.-. fourUvii d.ivs' i-r.p:-is,-mm-rt .ii I:;- wasoi.iii for I''.--!' in.i'i-si '. tlio hr.n'ch w.is one (if thti-^e pr-'-^erM -^d i i the school piip'-s op t â- •• oe.-asion •'< ii's M.vesi v'^ \ :-it to To-ev All-, â- arlv. ing. SmALLPOX SPREADS, street, London. onl.v that he had pivsvnco of mnid antl know the bi'tter how to work, organi/inl a snow brigade. To their tinroinitling slriig.gles is due the fact that the liro was kept in check and illd no diunage. The lin^ broke out in tlu> very midst of the wreckage on one occa- sion, ainl, us t.heiv waA iiotliin,g with which to quench it but the snow the extent of the battle in which those hertK's engagiHl can better tie iui- ogiiuxl than desiuibetl Thev sci al>- i>ii tho snow from tho siile of tho tiiicks. and they brotnght it in hami- ! ,;^rry fui.«» from iK'twivn adjoining tracks au'.l tJie side of the railwa.v Wilh the .snow they fell upon the (lames. Uternlly smothering them with their hands ami their coats, which they hml Hung from their sltoulders. ami A Toronto despatch says: The pre- sent is a critical time in the small- pox situation. The outlook lu'W from the reports made to the On- tario Health IVpartmeiit is for a clear winter, but it was just after this date last yisir and two years a.go that the epidomie appeared in the lumber camps, which gave the VNITI-'.D .-llA I'ES Tlin-e liremen were UiiUd at a Brooklyn lire ou Friday. Tho Duke of New-castle is at New- York fv>r se\eral months' visit. .Mrs. C N. Beers, of North .\dams. Mass., recently received through tie mail a box of candy co\-erod witii poisvtnous powder. The I' S. Supreme Court h.as de- cided that a i>oUcy of insurance on tho life ot a nuudeier is not valid. on iho groiiiKl of public (hvUcv. An unknown person trie^i to d.sna- inito a •"â- 'lav boarding h-use at .Spring'.ield. Fa . partly v. v of the II I Fi.it.vi IN., i; \i:p!N.-; i Or. th- ri\or-i ui C.ishnu-io .ire I t liou.-^.mds i-f lio.itini; g.iruens. lerni- . cd b.e long -cines w-liich. ^if<: Wever loitether in the form oi .i ginantic nial Tho.-e >e<.l-.;'" :.;r.;sse>. ilags stalks, and liiu-s ure w-oven -ni li..; river or lake banks wl-il.- th-.-ir roots are stilt .growing in l^".' slin.o umU-r- neath. The rei|Uii-ed amount of carlU lis then superiiiipo.sjvl up.in ih,. nml. !th- stalks are then cut aul tie mat ' ami its load are a fu!l-!livlge<i ' ih'at- I itig-gaitlon." They are usually about tweiily b.v fnty yards in ex- • tet-.t. seldom larger, the full iie( th of the mat iiiul its earthly covering being about three feet .\ «iishen-'st Ciishndri wiJI some; inii s tow h:s ;:e-ghbors garden aw.iy from it- iii->orii-gs. ami se'l tile pro l:;ee of the other's toil. ! FAR.nS BEING DRAINED. [ HaIi->I-.U.iou Dollars' Worth, o. j Fertilizers Exported Ann-aaUy. .V Toronto d- spateh s,i->> 'Thu Uin-.ario fanner " says SI:- i, i-. • Cre-.'itn.ui. w-iU re.i!;.:e â- '. ii.it â- ;•• is 'losing w t-icn it is t'»o l..f|' 'I!-.,* â- _iin.i in.i.v oot:;-' -.vh.-n i;,. will inN,- to im- iport â- iertili/.ei-s from Uear l-n.-^ws Iwliero t.i try and btiiid up 'he soil. il don't lik'» -..» s,>' .s.> iTiuc-i \a!-iabh.i I'er-.iii --rs leaving the I'roviu.-e ' This statt-uieiu of Mr Cre.-iin.in's .r-eei'.es strong courirmaiion by llie [ii'>tA.is l'erti;i?i:ig substances to ;the ex'.ei-: o: ov"r h.rf a iiiuilion 'doll, us anil I. lily .ir" I oii-.g t.tl.en o-it o:' tin'.irio '.unis an-i export >.i t .• tlie I :utod Stales tiu-o'i^^h i.he si:igl~. n:-'duun of tlie in'rk-p-ic'iin^ h.o'i-<».'s. The pork-inic'.icr doesn't behove ui -.v.i-i.'. an 1 t.he biooU .md tl-.-.- bon-,'! .1. i ';..-'f,- and olTal of the inim.iU tlni' he c.i'i':ot make u.so of in an.v ot'i.-r w u.v ,irc made iii'v' a ;crtil-..:er and sv>;d by th...- <ack 'The t.i|,.od h --S .iporate<l in ili- process, the boneci .ire gi'oiin I .iiul the other par'.s pro- perl.v tre.i'.->|. and the prL»luct u valu.ibie. iicii m ail the oiu-tn lOiils speci.iKy 1! -.lied by the .sod Thi- l'ae..iii -,-. Ill Oiit.irio put up .ibout .-t.'.i-i'O ton-- of this fertiiizor aniiual- â- ly an-vl n -...-lis for $IS a t u; But jnoi 111 Canaan The packers <;.iy itlve IS no demand for it lumnig On- i!ano fann.-rs, but thai acro.ss tin line there is an eager ileniaiul am; everv [xieu-.l is -iKv^ltly oontr-.i-.-ied for " Ci^l inm.ites g it, were $I.IH.K> Tho tiny Tire broke out again, and ' j„ p^ivst-ott County, ami two have again, fanne<i by the winds. Again (j^.^,„ ,vivi>rtevl in the family alretuly anil again the brigmlo retunuvl ti' I i„{ectixl in WainlKvt Townsiiip. the Strugs'*, '""l '•'»-\v ''nally sui-- mj,,^.^ Countv. ileparlment sx> much trouble. "The lumbermen." saitl Dr. Hodgetts. but none "take a couple of «-tvks olT at Inn-t. ^ Christnuus-. and go U> their homes. I Ou .Saturday a rat st>i.e 'Thert> thev meet with smallpox and I bill from C 11 UukU-U s pliarmac.'*-. it back with thorn to the ! in New York, but lortunately the bill camps. We will hear the result of wa.-) noticed in the rat's hole in the it about the third wivk in Jannarv " wall, and was nshod out. Fridav's bulletin includes half al Kor Ihe lirst time in the history of itozen" new oases. Two of them are ' the Uniti-^1 Slates a woman s from South nant.ivgenet •Town»lni>, ! >s aptHxiring on and two from Calitlonia Tow-nwhip. ; eight-cent stanip CANARY IME. coedvxl; Init the lire kept noble men from assislinf; in other work in the relievltig of tJie imprisomxl i>iH)ple The news of the di.soster did mil rxwch Ixmdon till after ini<lnight Or«»w» were ut once or<ler\.d out with . .^ th,. auxiliarie.s from here and the I cial dish was put on the menu as Sarnia Tuniiel Thrc- doctors from i '.k'aTntf pte When this was brought Wyoming and thnv from WaUord in and the co-ior rv>mov«l two dozen heail the iK'sign of the Tho fa\oro<l lady ... .Martha Washington, wife of the lirst Fri^ident. Tho general otVicors of the W. C. T. V. will take iiume«liate slep.s to se- cure a l*â„¢ prohibiting s-aloons with- in four miles of llnitwl States forts, army posts, camps and all premises , . lUsetl" for military ;«irp*>ses by the At a, dinner R\ven by Mr ami Mrs. | j,,,;,,^) stat^.-s. lohn rilney, ot New Jersey, a six.^ .j,,,^ r,^i,io,ice of Hob<>rt Floyd, of Mannington. Va . was blown up with dvnamite by robbers on 'nic»lay WwTwaii tb^"aulxiiiariesrai*rt "iwt Uve caimriea tlulterv^l into the air. night Mr. Floyd was killed instatit- ly and his wife *ad servant serious.- BY COM il To SI'I-iN Kn!' I Lad,-. --milh is pi-ep..r-ng to in.ike her-a.''f anotb^-r s'.cii c-iuer f..i tb.- bisioric scenes around her as Prii..*- sOiS is fi-r W'.iT^-rioo ,A rei;iil..ir coach service, it seems, i- to te or- gauiioil to Spiv)n Kop. ami when Iho pa-..sengei's have w-alked over the fatal summit they will liml lefresh- inent and lodging at a 'Spion Kop iHotel." whicIi is to 1-e biiUt forlh- jwith on 'Thi-vv 'Tr-oe Hill. ' 'Thv f.ioi that 1 iiin a S"^'-'*' n»u- siciiui." .=aid the l.niy iroiu n louii- tr.v village. was the nv-ans of --liv- ing luy life during the ilood in our town a few years ago " 'How w.is that'" .oikivl the .vo'nip lady who js.mg When the water struck our j hoa.-t? my hti-.*ba'i:<l iji't on the (oUl- iiug t><><l aivd tloatcsf iti>nii the stream until ho was rescue.l" "And what ,did you do»" â- Well. I acconip<itiie»l jhiui on the piano." A PEST FROM CANADA. Scotch A-athorities Ask How tc i Destroy a Vvecvi. All it'itaw.i despat.h s.vys I'lof Pou;;all. of Ola.sgow. Scotland. luu written to tho Fr-h.-i i.-s IVparlmen •iskiug i;> what way the.v c.in kill oi u;e' rid of a Caiiadi.m watoi w.s'd calhxl .m.ich.iris. whi.'h eatui.- to t'n-:ii friuii Canad.i some .vears ,i:;o This wisvl his owrruti one ol the luos- f.miois trout li.-Jihin resort; in So.itl.itid. Lo-.-ii l.e-.-<.n. ami the .experts are at a l.iss to know how to i<'l rid of it MANY NEW R.ULWAYS. ' Six Thousand Miles Constructed in i United States This Year. I A Chicago desi-alch -ays; Ac- Cjirding to the Kailroad C.izctte. railroad buiidaig in t.he Dnited -StatM for H'Oi: .iggixvaled •5.t'>26 miles, a I total not exc'-CHk'il in an.v year sittco I ISSS Second track, sidings. jmU okvtrio lines are not includvul Okla- homa leads, with o~0 iniWfi of nvw line. Texas come-s second, with WHi ;inilO'»; .\rknnsaH is third, wilh ;!7l milivj. and liulian Territory fourth, I With 3t>3 luiles.