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Flesherton Advance, 25 Dec 1902, p. 5

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Tn£ FLESIIERTOK ADVANCE December 25 190? •*â- ". ^ metbddist = eburcb* Tiesberton PA^TOa -K jv.d. Iviaon WllBOu â- i' â€" â€" eVcrvioc-iSunday 1 1 a ni.& 7 p. m Vicinity Chips f !i:iriicteristics cf the Past fleck Carefully Culled for tbc Curious "' A Merry Christmas to all our readers. Fresh lime always on hand. J. H. Duckett, Eugouia. Men's winter guernsies in large quan- tities and at right prices at Sheppard's. Money to loan at lowest rates. A. S. VanDusen, Flesberton. Car Windsor Siklt ju«t arrived. B'>yd, Qickliiig & Co. If you want a Rood suit or overcoat go to Sheppird's. Fi.r Saleâ€" One pair bobsleighs, nearly tiew. A[)ply at bank. FlesheH^n. Oyst..Ts, fresh and of best qu^ility at Sproule, Crcis.sley & Ci>., Flesherton. Bliiiwl lostâ€" 1< ear Flesherton on Dec. 1.1. Finder please le*ve at this office. Miss Annie Howard is home from tUe â- city to siHnid holidays with her mother. Blitcksniiih's appreiitice wanted â€" Ap- ply to Henry Wilson, blacksmith. Fleah- eiton. Co.v for s,de â€"Supposed to calve, ill February, 6 yi'Lirs old. A. Shacklc- f ird, Flesherton . Mr. Hugh Osborne of Nottawasa^a was the guest of, Mr. W. J. Bellamy over Sunday. / -" Our stuck (if flai'nels, flanbelet'Les, col- tons, shirtings, wrappeietes, waiet goods are in good assortmcut at Slieppiird's. Held Over â€" Addres-s and presentation to Dr. Sproule, Piioivillo correspoi.dence etc. These will api) next week. Diedâ€" In Artemesia, on Friday, Dec. 19, Robert James, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore, aged 3 m<>s 1(J days. Highest cash price jiaid for furs, hides, sheepskins and tallo>v. Don't .sell with- out giving njc a call. Mark Wilson, Flesh- erton '. , ' .â- 'â- ;â- ' Messrs. T. 11. Mackenzie and Wesley Buskin place their cards asking public support in their candidatur.- for the coun- cU. ^ Headquarters for all kinds nuts.candies, Ijmons, or.mges, b;inana», anA all kinds Christmas G.ods and groceries. Spri-ule, Crossley i 2o., Flesherton. â-  Mr. Doagle's dyna'';>0 arrived last week and is now being pia,,od in position. It is expecU'd thai the village will be sup pli^;d with light by Jan. 1. Hannah Bellamy recently save an "at home" paity to about 25 of the young people of tlie village, when a most en- joyable evening was spent iu games, music, etc. Master Emerson Bellanny of the Col- lingwood co'leaiate ; Miss Lucy Cooptr of 0. S. collegi:>to ; and Miss Liz/.is Wil- son of Parkdalo coUegi.ite, are anmng tho students home for Xiu-xs holidays. Sheep Strayed â€" From 'ho undersigned. Lot 10, con.lO.towuship of Osprey, about 23rd Oc'.ober, two ewes. Any informa- tion of same thankfully received by Samuel Colquott, Fevershani. Mo NKV TO Loan â€" .At 4^ lo 4jf per cen- Expenses low. .Also a number of im- proTed and unimproved farina for sale cheap. -Apply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- burne, (ir DundaU office Saturday after- Dvon. The .Advance had a short c.iU from Capt. lieinroso and Councillor Guy of t>s- prey on Tuesday. The aeaial Captain rau the Os-nifrage. one of the Clergue line of pa3Seng<'r.steainer8,fiom Toledo to the Sault during the past season and is now Wsiiing o'd friends in Osprey. Mr. Thompson Wilson has got the old planing factory pretty nenrly in readiness. Wo are [ileased to sve tho mill bein'i pro p»red for action, and expect to hear the old familiar hum of the chopper. Mr. Wilsoi\ has gone to Toronto to get new shafting. An adr.iinistratoi'K sale of farm stiK'k, iniplemonts and hou.vehold fux-niture will bo held on lot 17, con. 11, Ospicy, on Thursday, Jan. 8, at I'2.30 p m., the property of the late Muiigo Dam'. See largo bills, Wm. Davidson, adiuinistr.ktor, J. J. K.iii^ting, auctioneer. Notic(v-I hereby nivo notica that I have refusisl payment of two notes r>f JlOO each, drawn by me in favor of Thos. Tallwi'l, H,H I h.jve not receivtnl va'ne for the same, and the public is hereliy cau tioned auainsl negotiating tbean n<ite8. U, J. Laughlin. Notic« to Workmen â€" The resjular monthly meeting has been changed this month to Tueadiy, Dtc. 30, as the 29th falls on noiuinatioii dty. A full attend- ai.ce reijuested. J. CUird, W. M. Our public schxd teachers left for their I various homes W,t week 1 1 sjjund the hoi- j idaysâ€" Principal FuwceCt to Foiest, Mia* M.iitiii If. Fre.stiin, Mi.-<. Brown to Tor- onto. Mrs. Briiwnwiil n-it return. Her place will be taken by a Miss S Pbiilips of Seafoith. Mr. Donald McMillan, wlii e driving to town on .Monday, had a narrow escape from what might have been a bad catas- trophe. When crossing the track at the station au approaching freight train hit his culler as it passed over the rails, but the cutter was fortunately 83 far across that no damage was su.<>tained. Mr. Peter Norris is home for a few daya,haviug bruised his knee badly while skatin:i iu .Markdale on Saturday evening. Peter is havina: poor luck, just last sum - iner he ste,iped on a banana peel and fell on the sidewalk, breaking his wrist, so things are a little blue, bat we hope he wiil soon recover so as to resume his work again. We another poor fellow was so unfortunate ah to break his nnstf iho same evening. We Kuess he has decide<l that the rink is the place to remain while skating, not thf side of the wall. L. 0. L. 883, Ceylon, app iiited the foll'Wing otliofra at their reijular meeting on Dec. 11 : W. L. Wri:;ht, W. M.; G. Snell, D W M; Jas. McMullen, Chap.; El. Thompson, Rec. Sec. ; .A. Kenn-edy, Fin. Sec; John Snell, Tretis.; R. C-ok, •D.C.; Com.â€" T. Snell, F. Wright, T. Cairns, A. Sproat, J. Bca'ty. Dur tig the course of the eveoioa Bro. James Heinpliill, who w.o.'i abo it removing to Toronto, was prvsented t>y the lod^e w^ith a ahaviug sot, iliit^ift iiemi; a5com;mtiicd by a verbal addie-'S fr.)iu B.o. William McL.aighrey, W. .M. The rtgniar meeting of Centre Grey Farmers" Institute will bo hold in Flesh- erton (m Thur.sday, Jan 8, and at Thorn- bury on Jan. 15. The Women's In.sri- tute of Centre Urcy will also meet iu Fiesliert. Ill at the same time. The usual eveiiiu^ meetings will be held when gooil programs are offered. The speakers from a distance will be Mr. Heury Glendinnin.; of Manilla, and Miss Blanche Maddock ofGuelph. Some of the .subjects to be discussed aic : " Jiteds and feediiit'," " Be.iutifyiug the home," "Our institutes and hrw to make them interesting,'' ".Adaptati'>n tjf flowers to their surround- ings and their cultivation, etc. See bills for full particulars. Mr. Reid, the popular teacher of Sjc.3. held his annual entertainment on the 19th last.. The school was denesely picked, and the program was lively atid ple.asing, as usual. Messrs.Pa'ton.Parks.Macilon- ald and J. Pedlar form-jd a •violin orc'.ies- tra, supplying choice music. Songs, dia 1 't'ues, and drills by the punih filled iu each pause between tlie o-chesira '.nusic and siiigiu-.i by Mis.Sh,>pp.a'd and Messrs. SheppaiU and Wm T. Pedlar. Air. A. Tliiftlowaito niimpuiate! the accordion and Mivsteis Thisf'ewaire the mouth organ.s. Mr. Graham .ind the Misses Pedlar, Bellamy and Thistlewaite assisted at the organ. Mr. Charley Bellamy o.-cu- pied the chair in an able manner. Pro- ceeds $32 ID Thoannu.d financial s atements for the townships of Artemesia and Osprey have just betu printed at this office. Artem- esia. though suffering for some years with necessary extra expendiiuTo on ro.ids, litiuation, etc., has more than caught up with arrearages and can show a balance to the good of $1550.85. Added to this, this viUauo has a couple of hun- dred on hand t ovards paying for street lighting. This is a bettor showing than wo have had for many years and the council of this year are to be congratulat- ed on the manner in which they have managed affniis. No necos-^ary work has been neglected and the township is in Hood s!iap«-. The township of l>sp-ey strui;'.ile<l with smallpox during the year with an outlay of probably $l500,and yet their finances show assets ab.ivo liabili- ties to the tune of $1198.35. Mr. Fred Hickling of the 8th line had a na.sty and what ni'ght easily have been a fatal runaway on Mi>nd.»y evening. S line boys who were slei«hridiiig and yellinij like Coniaiielie Indians frightened Mr. llicklii'g's hor e at Muiishaw's comer, ai>d the animal bolted 0pi'O»i'e The Advance office it ran into Douglas A* Co'" seed wnrohouiie, bi-e.iking the "wsh and four large {laiies of uIhrs, roundel a t e (Hxst and lelepliom pole, where it freed it'<elf from the cutter and ."tartetl I onae *t a lierce gsit. Mr. HiokliDg was thrown from the cutter and Uioped around a cie |>ost. After being unwound he com- plained of feeling Sore, although we hope the injury is noc serious. He was able to secure another animal and drive home. The race was a wild one while it Listed and Mr. Bickliug might easily have been killed. The Methodist Sunday school will hold their anniversary on Sunday, Dec. 28'1>, and New Tears night. On Sunday morning a bright attractive service en- titled "The Manger's Treasure" will be rendered by the school. This will con- sist of choruses, responsive readings, reci- tations and a short address by the past«r. Iu the evening the pastor will preach an appropriate sermon and the choir wiil furnish a special pi-ograiu of Christmas music. On Thursday evening, Jan. isc, tea will be served in the schoolroom of the church from 5 to 8. After which a program of choice music, recitations, dia- logues, etc., will be given in the church auditorium. Fur the further particulars see posters. On Wednesday evening, Dec 17th, a quiet but pretty wedding took place at tht residence of Mr. Chas Irwin, when his daughter, Miss Maggie and Mr. Wm. Moore of this place were united in the bonds of matrimony. Tiie ceremony was performed by Rev. Ivisiou Wdson, B. D. The bride, who looked very charming in her pretty and becoming costume, was at- tended by her sister, Miss Eva, whila Mr. | James Moore of Varney supported his j bri)Cher, thq groom. A very pleasing fe.iture of the aveut was the presence of the bride's two grandmothers, Mrs. Chas. Irwin, sr., ami Mrs. Sharp. The happy young couple, wh ) are both deservedly p- pular, were the recipients of numerous and Costly presents. They have already t.ikeu up their residence in Flesherton and their mauy friends unite in wishing tlieui a 1 ing, happy and prosperous mar- ried life. Obituary Another of the old pioneers of this township passed over to the great majority on Suiid ly at midni.dit in tho peison of Mr. Jjlin Wriaht, sr., who for mauy ye.irs lias been a well known personage in Artomesia. He was horn on Nov. 3, lS'S,in the townlandof Drummate, parish o; .Ausjlnb.ig. county Mviagh\n, Ireland, and was consequently "4 yours of age. Landin^i in New York in 1850 he came the same year to Arteiresis, settling on a farm 1^ miles sout^h of this village. For the first few years he carried the mail from Chatsworth ( then Johiitown ) to Mono Mills. Liter he taught school for some time in this and the adjoining town- ship of Osprey, and finally devoted him- self to fanning, which he followed until 18J4, whi'u, in coosetinonce of a s.veie iltnes', h-; removed to Flesherton, where he resided until the hour of his death. Deceased was married iu 1S5S to Ann Wriubt. a navivc of his own birthplace, who.r. hi leaves behind, toge'her with five children. He always took a deep in- terest iu education and for 35 years was secretary of il.e school board in his sec- tion. This interest was al^o practically Hvi.ioiiccd in the education wh^ch he gave his children. These children in order are: John, Division Court bailiff, Flesherton ; .Annie (.V/rs Foi-syth) of Stouffville ; Wi liain, of the law hrm of Lucas. Wright & Mc.Vrdle ; David, teaeher in the re- formatOl^[a' Penetanguishene ; and Rob- ert, mathematical nias'«r of Haiit-rsvillo high school. Deceas-d was a man of the strictest inreijrity, in religion a Metho- dist, in politics a staunch Libcml The funeral took ploce to Flesheiton cemetery on Uednesday afteriicim. ^ -^ -M , k r "*! ^ P '"J ^1 -^r-: ..:...•.:...::::â- â-  Mr Of ik Of ili Or iHi il^ 4^ ill' m \lh \b iHi ili Oil iHi \^ ill Vii Hi iit \A \k lit \A iit i6 ili ili HHi m ill ib ^&&&&&&&e^&&&33^^^^^^^^ *** TiUtly iu>iCrt;on ouc 0'»t:*u>ii frrc ^â- . Mt4»r *ii f:\tcit!!» taken throuah Wunn ^^ tu. iv*«i\c .\ banrtnonK'ly llMftn^i'-'l vo \\'. }Tif-t c!r i-MnlK 11 cf OUT s-i.-ii'.iuo l.iioiml. 'It rii .<. * I a yiir: f"ur men', ^la. $i- tfoldbyall i:e»»f'tc»^o"». h1UNN&Co.'-^'«"""=-''NewTc;lr llri\iicl> Ufloti. lis :" 8t« Wa.ib>uj!tJii l\ ' FITS! , TJftMcNWtCTiw>frVBpO»pyid >liaw a I Afllnctton^ l* Ui« 0i>l7 auCtMSlUl TOTMdy. aihl i!i now iiml by t)i« beat phyvletui* mm I htxiriuiN 111 Ktm>|H« lUH) AmerlcA. tt la coiin.loiicinIly pt-viiuiieutJikl to Um ^IU£*> cd. Uyuii »ut!V->r rr>rn EPILEPSY, FITS. ST. VITUS' DANCE, w luir, chlMrm or p.1»Utm «*»'?''JK1 ^J, .^i^l^.i W.n.1 th»l l> ^Icttil. lli«> •""I lolS »n.l trr it It will 1» »«•^ll^T mall « AKD A 1 . ' . â-  Happy New Year TO ALL 1 • LS THE -WISH OF ' ; . .,. : T. J. SHEPPARD. ^ Watch this space next week. %^;5^ 5:^:3^:5^ m m^ m- m m ill ilr m m « m m m ik ik \^ Of ili % ilr m w m m I Just Opened I '^ The largest Stock of pt^rfumes ever otiered this side ( J^ of Toronto from the best French, English, German l '^ and American makers. ' boxes. In games we have a larae ( .\lso Ladies' and Gett'sCompiiuions in ihe newest style.s, and s 'lue use- ful things ill Sterling silver. In toys we are full as we can 1 o if all kinds ; Bugles, Guns, Air Riiles. Rocking Ho.-scs, Dolis, all kinds from 1 inch to ol5 inches long, some dressed others to dress youi-selves. Hand Slcis;hs, all sizes and anay down iu price. .\ lar<j>> st'ck of nuchanical toys very amusing, boats, both siil and steam.Steaiii Euijines, Traill, Tram Cars, -Horses, Tin Tops, Iri'ii Tops, Paper Tops wood- en Tops, Boys' tool bv>xos, school boxes. Girl's work bo.\es,Glovcaiid hiiiKerchief boxes, all kinds of assortment. card games of all kinds. Fort, pitH;hinCT ring, carpet balls, table croquet. Ping Pong, table tennis, Crockeuol.and many others. \lso a larsje stock of pictures and story books. Hymn book^. School books. Bibles, and other books iu a, good ;issortmeiit suitable for aiift*. Picrures. Auto and Photo Albums. These with our regular stock makes our plice al^out ;V5 full as it can be with sweets, nuts and orauires. About 1000 llw. ju'st arrived this morning and will De opened at once. Efp«l.l. It^»•r-lImI wl»rr«*vr >â- â€¢ llW nlM h*» rUlv.1. *lli.n wminu nwntltin Ulll pftrer. aikd KlT6 ftill iiddrMS to TUB UBEUa CO., 179 Ku>C Mnct wt*t, ToroalOk gureD T| ThanUini; allmy old friend.s for past partonage and Jb ^ hoping they will give me the usual liberal call. ^Jl * W.E.Richardson, : Flesherton. ^ ~w! J. DOUQLASS& CO. 'S ^poning ^nnouncQTnent To The People of Flesherton and Vicinity: â€" We beg to announce th;U: we have pnichasetl the Drug, Stationery and Seed Business of Dr. Christoe, and have nuule a very careful au<l thorough exaniination of the stock on hand and have rejected aril destroyed everything in the line of Drugs and Metlicines which we found to not be of prime (piality and standard sirength ♦ and trust by fair dealing and careful attention to business to merit a fair share of public pat- ronage. We have on hand a lari^e stock of €)?.n$tmas Coys and novelties w hich we will sell at sjicritice priceâ€" call and see. Wishing all the con<plimeut.sof the s a-ion. Respectfully, €ollinawood I30XJOLASS &CO^ Flesliepton. .i4 DKUaOIST, SEEDMBN. ETC. N. B. â€" We are open to buy any .luanti'y of Ch.ver, Alsike or Timothy Sed, and l>ay t'»9 highest market pi ioe, spot cash â€" ?• • ^tmples.

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