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Flesherton Advance, 25 Dec 1902, p. 1

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yUaferiban ^iljancr. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb ISOT MEN.", VOL. xxn, Nc n\'i F*lesh.erton, Ont., Xlitirsday, Deceiriber 2o i002 W. H THURSTON, EDITOR * PBOFhIETOB A Merry Christmas. WE heartily thank you customers for your liiwriil patroiiiiae durinir th« year aiid we havi? much pleasure in takiii',' thii i.pportuuity afibriled us of wii-hiiii: you ALL a Merry Clirislmas. WE also s.ilicita continuation cjf your patronaiie as we have a iiiorc extensive showini'of aU lines coiinecteii with "ur business and especially goods suitable for Xmas Presents. W . A. ARMSTRONd FLESMERTON brought out vociferous encores. The pupils who look part in the singing were accom|)aiiieJ on the organ by Mra. McKenzie, who assisted the teacher in that part; of the trarhitig. Miesea Ida Simmons and Tressy McKeo gave an ex- hibition of club switiginu, which wasdmie to perfi'cti'in. Notwithataiidins; that the adini-sion fee was a very nominal one, a nice sum was realized which, Mr. Butch- 1 insdii, who is to be congratulated upon the success uf his effoit, will apply to the purchase of requisitiea tor the school. Ou Satunlay last a little >f\T\ arrived lo add joy to the home of Mr. aad Mrs. J. A. Tlionipson. To The Electors. Kimberley Mr. Ben Carrut hers visited his mother recently. Mr. Goorge Muiidle of the Northwest â- Vja^visiting his parental home at present. Miss Ediia Scanlao of Tliornbury vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Proctor on Suiidaj'. Mr. .John Sinjirt ia visiting frienda in this vicinity. Mr. J. R. Stafford has taken a job of cutting w(X)d from Mr. John Alexander. The hti-h being out on the tenth line i;f Collinawood will iiece'^sitate Mr. Stafford comaining there almost tntirely in tho^e wcodoi wilda, aii.l we hope he won't be lonely. Miss Annie Si-ctt is spending her Christinas hi.lidiys at her parental home Mis C, Knott. Hod Mrs. R. D. Car- uthers attended the fair at Guelph as del- egates triim the Women's Institute. Mr C. Stuart and Miss.-s Elhi Hurd and Jessie Gilbert of Meaford are spend- in2 their holidays at home. School closed to-day (Monday). The scholars presented their teachers with a very pretty album and gave their best wishes for the future. Miss Jennie Mundle of Toronto is vis- iting her (Kirenial home at presen"". Mr Wni. Tn>tter is finishing up the tbreshiiii; around here. Port Law May Christmas cheor, And a glad New Year Each hearthstone hover round, And sunshine bright < With love's delight Within each home abound. Mrs. Mnaeo, who ip visiting with her ^aughttr, Mn, Jamieson, is recovering from a severe attack of illnes Master John Kennedy has been suffer- inn from a very painful abcess on his arm for some time p.ast. Mr. Charles Napier is going around again afier being laid up with ery.sipelas. Mr. J. A. Hutchinson will spend his Xuias holidays at his homo at Brechin. Oar school entertainment which came off on Wedne^ay evening of last week ptMVed a decided success. As a full re- port niiyht trespass ton much on the kd- van'^B s|.ai;e a few general facts may suilice. The chair was felicitiously o.-c:ipied hv the Rev.T. U. Wliite, wliois alw.tys Welcomed by the people of this section and wlu>ui tliey delight to honor. Tha bulls of the ln-oaram was fui nislied hy the pup Is of the s>:hool, who perPirined Ibeir part.s wil. in recitations, sulog, luoMiin Ko! gs, drills siMi^in'i by the school and a spirited delmte by five boys. Miss (Jtajfurd came ovov with a contingent from R.K.'.^.val- s hoiil and furiii!>hei.l .sniiie man- b 'ts of moio than ordinary mftit, iiiclud- i!ii| n recititiou by her-<elf. Ml". Charles St»»ff<>rd a!s" gave a recitation. >»hich w«h above the ordiiary. The 4;h lino dtr'n.' liand coiiiisting o' .Messrs. 8. Pe.lNr, J. E. and John MuKee, f^ave a number of iQS rumentnl selectioii? which, oa?h lime Stone Settlement Mr. Editor, we wish you, your family, your family connections, your staff, your readers, everybody else in general, and the good people of Stone Settlement in particular, a merry ChrisUuaa and a happy and prosperous new year. Mrs. Henry Stone has sold her Glen- hurun pioperiy to Hamilton Bros, of that place. Miss Anuie Harrow having completed a successful term at the Durham Model school, returned home last week for the holiday se.»s m, after which she will com- mence her iirat duties as a public school teacher near Durham. Miss Anuie is another of our young ladies for whom we feel confident in predicting a successful career in the useful and noble profe.ssion ahe has chcsen. Miss Flossie Stone, the highly esteem- ed and efficient teacher of the O. D. R. school has been re-eugagea for next year. She is hoiue for her holidays. On closing our P. school, Mr. J. L. Wood, the popular teacher, liberally dis- tributed a supply of c indies, candies we mean, am Jiig^t his pupils, according to his usual cmtoui. He is spending his holidays alâ€" soniew here. Mr. Henry H 'Iman and daughter. Miss Laura,recendy vitited the former's sister, Mrs. H. Stone. We wonder how a real Knight would figure as a compositor on the Advance staff. ||His connection with the Duihani Chionicle was ephemeral. The annual eiitertaiument of our P. school on Thursday night last was a de- cided success. The call for a full house was responded lo beyon d our e.\pecta- tioiis, a portion of the audieuoe accommo- dating themselves as best they could near the ceiling, ladies ha<l no room for crino- lines, gentlemen moaned for room to stretch their weary limbs, evtu your scribe had not room to form his hooks, loops and circles, from the sardine like picking of the audience. The prog. am was interesting and lengthy, so much so, that after three hours rendition a large poriiou of the pfoytam abandoned owing to the latouess of the hoar and the distance from home of a large portion of the audience. We could not attempt to in- dividualize the merits of the portoriiicrs, as all did well,which was clearly deuioii- atrated by the plaudits of the audience. U jwevcr, we cannot refrain from making mention of the Gaelic aongs by three little girls in costume which was very att'active and if we were to judge by iho vociferous applause and cries of encore, we would take it for granted that all within the room understood Gaelic except your correspondent, who ."at shrouded in mystery, concluding tha: the v.oe l.i.'ssi.s wore endeavoring to sing in shorth-md The entertainm-nt was brought to i close by sii.giiig the national .aiitl.em .'iboat Jl o'clock. Receipt* $2'6X>:> Mr.T.Granger performed the duties of cliainnan in his uaual free, easy and humorous luanner. Card of Thanks Having decided to retire fioin the Artemesia Council board after four years Service 1 desire to trtko this opp^rtiiniiy of thanking tlie doctorate for the con tidence they have placed in me in the \\tft, ai.d to wish you all th» compliiuen»» of theteai'O'i and a prosptrou* new year. Yours ,>iucerely J. A. BoYP, Ladies and Gentlemen. I beg to announce that I am in the field for councillor for the township of Arte- mesia, 1903. Your vote and influence are respectf ully^aolicited. Wesley' Bcskix HcFARLAND, STAFFORD & CO. HARKDALE, ONT. Q rey Coun^'y's Biggest and Cheapest Store. To the Electors of Artemesia. Ladies and Gentiemen. Having been repeatedly requested by a considerable number of ratepayers in various sections of the township to allow myself to becomeâ€"* candidate for the council for 1903, I have yielded to solicit- tationa; and bting unable to call on you all personally, I take this inet'nod of sol- iciting you ill anticipation for the same. Wishing you all the compliments of the season I am Sincerely yours T. R. McKe-NZIE. No Election For Connty Councillor In DIrislsn 5 -lessrs. John .IcArthar anj Skiftlngrton Bell Kct tbc plum by acclamatlca. Monday was County Council uomination day. Returning ofticer Bellamy opened the ball at 1 p. u^., when the following nominations were handed in to him : Skiffington Bell,Dundalk, nominated hy Messrs. Geo. Thompson and R..I.Cronin. ; Ociirge Watson, by J. D. Morgan and ' S. McCuUough. I .John McArthur, PrioeviUo, by Thos. | KellsandD. McMillan. | Thos. Hanbury,by I.Sinclair and John 1 Bellamy. ! After the nominations each camlidate j spoke a very few minutes. Messrs Han- ' bury and Wal=on retired, the returning ' officer declaretl Messrs. McArthur and j Bell elected and that was all thei'e was to it. There was a good s|)ritiklini/ of in - i telligeut electors present but the amount of interest manifested was not so great as in the luunicixxil nominatioiis. !91axwell The Orange fowl supper wa s quite a success on Tuesday last. Rev's. Scott and Coburn attended a social on behalf of Philip 0;tewell, sr., held at Mr. F. Sayers' of the 12th line, on Monday nmht of last week. About §15.00 were realized. Credit is due to -Miss PoUuck and Miss Barber, for this worthy enterprise. Mr. Albert Long haa purchased the blacksmith shop owned hy Mr. Pedlar and will take possession at the new year. The public school had a closing concert on Monday afternoon. Recitations and drills were aiven by the school, also a number of choruses. Among the visitors were C^ptai.i Bemrose, Mr. W Ro.s.s and Mr. Georije Lon.', and a number of pirents. Mr. Ross took tho chair and presided. The pmsirainme was enjoyed by all present. Credit is due to our teacher, Mr. Andrews, for this enterprise. The Meiliodis;s are going to have Mlsa Annie Snyder, a noted elocutionist of Toronto, to recite ;it Buokiogiiam church on Friday nighr, at Feveisham on Satur- d.iyoftis week, and at W..rehani on Roekvale Mr. and Mrs W. Pedlar ai-e visiting friends in Middlosei county for a fort night. They left ou Tuesilay morning. Our new school has secured a tine bell pnrchiscd through Boyd, Hickling & Co.. which will call the children to.'eth !r for the first time on the morniiiii of Jan. 5. Mr. C Bellamv will hang it Miss Stafford » ill again wield the birch ill our school ne.\.t year nt an increase of sal.iry. Mr. .^inbro.'*;' Saigeon of B. C. and his sister. Mis. C. Thompson, of Osprey.visit- etl friend* here Itst week. Mr Wilf-ed PI. iUips has departed fir Molidi-, Alabama, for an extelidevl vi"it wiih frieuds Bet", re leaving he enter- aiuad a number of young people. Shop e»rly. Shop early | Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Sh<ip early Shop early j Shop I early I Shop early ' Shop early .Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Sho I earlv Only Six days Before ebristtnas Every day from luw until Ciirisnuas the crowds will be greater. Our store is larue, but every foot of floor apace will be needeil. >Ve have a Lirsje staff of salespeople and every employee will do their utmost to serve customers promptly and satisfactory. If you can possibly tlo so shop in the morning. The comfort, the convenience and the all-round satisfac- tion are in 'he shopping I efore noon. Tables and .â- â- how cases have been arranged and decorations put on with a view of helpii-.g you make selections of Christ- mas novelties in the easiest possible manner. Every department is bristling with Christmas bargains, and we can save you money on many Hues. Shop pearly in the day. Xmas. Fruits Choice new Valencia oranges per dozen 12 and 18 cts. Choice large Naval oranges, all juice, per dozen 35c. Larjje choice leimms per dozen 18c. Fresh roasted peanuts, [ler lb. 15c. Xl'W soft shell anionds, per pound 15 cents. New Marbut Walnuts per lb 15c. 1500 lbs. choice novelty mixed candy, per pound oc. Choice new Hallowee dates, per pound 7c., or 4 lbs. for 25 cents. Choice fresh top figs, per lb 5c. Large glove box pie.ssed Eleme fias 12ic. 1 pound fancy box choice table raisins, "for £Oo. Finest selected Valencia raisins, (no stems) per lb lOo Currants, finest cleaned Filiatras, per lb. 8 cts. Lar!;e new prunes per pound 8 ct-s. Lemon and orange peel, "Crosse and Blackwell's" per pound 15c. Fresh cranberries, per quart, 10c. .Jams and Jelling, as'orted in j^rs, 10c. Fresh mince meat, per tin, 10c. VISIT THE BASEMENT We have opened out in stock this week several cases ot Fancy China and Brick a-Brack. If you are puzzleil to know what to buy for a Xmas. present you will get an idea among the novelties in basement. China Cups ond saucers, China muijs. Shaving inu^s. Coronation plates, Jug.s, Cheese Di.shes, Celery dishis, salt and pepper shakers, butter dishes, Tootli pick holders, match holders, ashtrays, tobacco jars, inkstands. Burnt sets, Crean and sugars, fern pots, rose bowls. Jardinieres, porridge sets, tea sets.dinner .sets. Five o'clock tea sets, fancy China lamps. Brass lamps, lemonade seta, water sets, fruit sets,gla.^s sets, cocoa sets, toilet seta, salad dishes, pin triys,irustard pots, Bon Bon dishers, child's tea sets, China candle sticl:s. China jugs, fancy vases, China ornaments,Bi3C ornaments, Weilgewood ornaments, etc. Remember everythinvr marked in plain figures and one price to all. Your money b,ack it not satisfied. Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early- ; Shop early Shop. early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early iShop early Shop early Shop early Shop early ; Shop early Shop early Shop early Shop early _\^- y-l mcFarlandt Stafford ^ Co* markdale* .^.::.: / ••> 4 I : : Joyful ^^ i : Ctiristmas Oreetingf TO ALL OUR ' Friends and Patrons FARM FOR SALE 0:dy SldlK), SotKK bdanoe t.-rmn ; ntcrost 5 .'. KXi acroi., T5 cleared and i under cultivation, Halance half c.idnr s.vBuip ai d half inixeil Inrdwood. Com- i f.iriable fiame dwelling, frame p< at barn half uiile fioiii ijood scl ool and 3 miles fh>m viilaee of Kugi nia. Apply to R. J, Sproule, JS'Iegl.eiton, i F. G. 5^i5.KS1?EI>X. i*'V,.W»j*Mm^.W.W^M»A^.WWW^

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