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Flesherton Advance, 18 Dec 1902, p. 3

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Ceylon Tea la the finest Tea the world producesf and is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. I«.«ui te» itlaken try '^&Iad*" Cttta (i% MAKING MATTERS WORSE, A philanthropic lady visited an asy- um not long ago, iind di.splu>eu r«eat interest, in the inmates. One iW man particularly gaineti her com- )as£jon. "And how long have you been lore, my man?" she inciuired. "Twelvxj years," was the answer. "Do thoy treat you well?" "Yee." "Do tliey feed you well?" "Yes." After addressing a few more ques- ions to him the visitor passed on. Jib noticed a broad and broadening mile on the face of her attendant, •nd on asking the cause heard with »nsternation that the old man wns rone other than the medical super- ntendent. She hurried back to lake apologies. How successful she raa may be gathered from these (ords; "I am \x;ry sorry, doctor. I will .ever be governed by appearances igtiin." mmm to a miner. STBAINED his BACK AND WAS SENT EOME IN AGONY. What shrunk your woolens ? Why did holes wear so soon ? You used common soap. iUMUGHT RXDUCES SZPSNSK Ijk r«r Mm OeUseu Bar. nt MISTRESS AND MAID. "Jane," said a mistress the other day to her servant, "1 am sorry to I part with you: but I can put up with your impudence no longer. You must go." i "AH right, mum," answered .Jane, pertly; "a change will do us both ' good. I am going to be married next month." "Intleod, JancI Well, I hope you taay be happy, for, apart from your temper, you are certainly the most careful girl I ever know or heard of. During the twelve months you have been with me you have never once broken a piece of glass or china of any description!" â-  "Not that you have ever found out, mum," said .Jane, with a re- vengeful smile. "But I have smash- ed nigh everything in the place at one time or another!" , Had a bombshell .struck her the ruistreps could hardly have been : more astonisihed; but she managed to gasp; j "What do you mean, Jane?" I "Pretty nigh everything, I say; ; but the "joins' is so line that they haven't noticed them; and I'll leave you some cement in the dresser drawer, for I don't bear no malice, â-  and you'll lind it come in wonderful handy, seeing as how you ain't bad at breaking things yourself." _ LaTd Up All Winter, but Dodd'a Kidney Pills Put Him on His Teet Again and Now He Is Coin- pletely Cured. Indian Brook, Victoria Co., N.S., Dec. 15. â€" (Special) â€" Augus D. Mc- Donald, son of the postmaster here. Is prominent among those in this district who swear by Podd's Kid- ney Pills as a sure cure for those terrible pains in the fcacic that are one of the surest symptoms of Kid- ney Disease. And Mr. McDonald has flood reason for the .stand he takes. While at work in the coal pits he jtrained his back and was sent home In an agony of pain. The nearesit doctor, twenty-five miles away, was sent for, but ho could do little to reliere his suffering. This was in October, 1901, and he couldn't do K hand's turn of work till the spring of 1902. Then a hotelkeepcr advised him tc try Dodd's Kidney Pill.'^. That ho- telkecper didn't see him again till last August, and then his first ques- tion was "Angus, how's y"Y* back?" "As well as ever it "as,"'^ answe.ed Angus. "What cured it?" "Dcdd's Kidney Pills cured mc com- pletely." And the postmaster at Indian Brook is always ready to testify to the truth of his son's statement. Pains in the back, Lumbago, Hheu- matism. Dropsy and Heart Uisi-asa Bro caused by diseased Kidneys. Dodd's Kidnev Pills will cure them. Messrs. C. 0. Ilichards & Co., â€" My three children were dangerously low with diphtheria. On the advice of our priest my wife be- gan the use of MINAKD'S LINI- UKNT. In two hours they were greatly relieved, and in live days they were completely well, and I (irmly believe your valuable Lini- ment saved the lives of my chil- dren. CJratsfuUy yours, ADKLBICRT LKl'KDVRE, Uair's Mills, June 10th, 1S99. I Mother -r- "Why aren't you and Georgie as good boys as your little brother?" Young Hopeful â€" "I s'pose it's 'cause you'd had more ex- perience bringin' up boys when you commenced on him." The average amount of rain which lulls south of the equator is only 26 inches; north, it is about iiTJ Inches. THE WABASH RAILROAD Is the great winter touiist route to the south and west, ,ucludiiig the lamou* Hot Springs, Ark., Old Uexlco, the ijgypt of Anuwica, Texas md CftlUorni,), the kuiiLs o( sun- •hin« and flowers. Your particular attention is called to tl e met that passengers goirg \ia I>olruit and over the Wabash, rcacli thcii' des- tination hours in I'.dvan-Jc of other Uncs. 1'he new anti clegc.Mt trainB on the Wabash are Uie finest in this country, everything is firit class in every respect. AH round trip winter tourist tickets ar« now on sale at lowest rates. Time tables, maps, and all inforuia.- tlon about this wonderful railroad checrluUy furnished by any ticket agent, or J. A. Richardson. District Passenger agent, northeast corner King & Yonge street."--, Torcn'o, and St. Thomas, Ont. I'ruspccl Ivo Kmployer â€" "So you Want a placo a-i porter. T)o you think you are strong enough?" Por- terâ€" "Don't worry about that. I :nocked in three ribs of the last juv'nor 1 had. and he was live weeks n the hospital." SOMETHING TO UEMEMBEU. When traveirng you should bear in mind the road and the trains that will take you to your destination in the fa.stost time, and in the most comfortable manner. The tirand Trunk service excels in both par- ticulars and passengers from To- ronto to Monlreal, Buflalo. New York, Detroit and Chicago, will find the day trains equipped with wido vestibuled coaches, handsome Cafo Parlor and Dining Cars serving meals "a la carte." The night tniii-.s carry Pvillman sleeping cars to all above points. You ca.n leave Toronto for Montreal and cast at 8 a. m. ttnd IQ p. m. for Buffalo and New York at 9 a. m.. *.riO and (j.l.T p. m. and to Detroit and Chicago at T.35 a. m.. *..'iO p. m. and 11.20 p. m. Tickets, reservation.s. etc., at city offlce, northnest corner King aad Yonge strcotB. TEACHERS ON STRIKE. The little principality of Dirken- feld. In the Crand Duchy of Olden- burg, is threatened with the strange spectacle of a general strike of .school teachers. Tho population is about 43,000 all told, but the pay of school teachers is so low that, after many vain efforts to obtain rerlres.s, they have drawn up an ultinuiluni in form, declaring that unle.'is a new scale of emoluments be granted with- in a specified time, the entire body of school teachers will rc5?ign. AN ADMIRAILE FOBS 'S kLTH COCOA FOit MAINTAININQ ROBUST HEALTH IN eOLO CLIMATCt. wktch Itnoad ralux at f .\ but sll w« uk for It i* St. as. aad tend it to you bj mtll poalpald. In burisK thii wstch you r in no r!«*, for If not «a r«pr«>«nt«d, triai ft back to utAnif <«• will ratumyeur mon*y. Wa «r« rallablaand will carry ont nnr Dromiici. indyoa are ap aafe In Nen(lii\|( U4 your raonry a« you would do Id slrlnf it to nay marchant Id your ofrn toiro. Itatosnibdr you do Dot hRroto open tbo back or froat of tb'.s Wktoh to wind it up or aetthe bands a« loitia of ihe cheapor wa:,ohaii oTirsii, bat H wonod and art by the Htm. Tho caret* not nioksl or wblte nista'. bu^haaa H«avy koI<< plat* that wilt iTtar, and U much superior to iha ordlimry K o'.d plate finlab. Read car«fn It the atwvailMoripi'on, lor wo suarHBi«« every word u> b« true. Tbla ia a watch tha*. na m»B ar boy need ba aabaoaed to curry, »Bd It can 1>3 railed ugoa orarr time. Pay a lltlla «i»r« a^d (tot a r«ally jool watch, wbat oould b« nicer for a Chrltt-naa Prsaant rroii lh> f tber bo hli boy. or from tha yooBC man u h a father or Iha slater to her br.itbor, or tha TOtiaf lady to bar aeatla maa friend, than taU beanUfal walch I k moal dealrable ( ft. KTery- body who racalrea aae will lMdelt«htc4 We ailTiae too aot to aUa. IhaoBpertuBlty toiacnr^ a watch that wU' tlT« you twrfaot kaiUfaction for aaany yaara. Ramambar w* raturn your manay tf Ih* watch la riat aa w* rapraaant It Write your atne plainly, and addraM a-tr:P3PX.'r Q9.a >£>•»♦. 3». aiC^aBmiX^oaa., Oaa.-*. WHY SWIMMERS DROWN. A long-distance swimmer, correct/- ing popular errors, .states that acci- dents to swimmer.s are seldom due to cramp, but to apoplexy resuitin(f from sudden cooling. The sinking three times is a curioub error, as some persons swallow water and strangle on lirst immersion, sinkini^ but once, while others may sink and rise fifty times. A man who has saved sixty-five lives has found that the drowning person cannot bo stunned by a blow in the face, but tliat he can bo handled by pressing the thumbs under his ears and duck- ing his liead until manageable, this being done from behind. _ Wood-pigeons do more harm to British crops than any other birds. She â€" "Mrs. Boreton called to- day, and I thought she'd never go." He â€" "But you are so amiable. I suppose .you never gave her the slightest hint that you wanted her to go." .She â€" "Indeed, i did not. If 1 had she'd be here now." '^Vu^g â€" "1 always like to hear >i man say what he thinks." Wagg â€" "But the leople who always say what they think generally think such di.sagrceable things." SOUTH VIA WASHINGTON. Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Balti- More, Wa.shington, Old Point Com- fort, and the .South via Lehigh Val- ley Railroad and its connections. Four fast expresB trains daily for Washington, Ashcville, Southern Pines. Charterton. Savanali, Jacl.< eonville, St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Tampa. Miami. Nassau. Cuba and all Florida and winter resorts south. Kxcursion ticketsi now on sale. For full particulars, illustrated literature, maps, etc,, call on or addre.'S Robt. S. Lewis. Canadian Passenger Agent, S3 Yonge stieet, Toronto, Ont. "You ought not to beg," sJio said. "No, ma'am," admitted the tramp. "Why do you do it?" "Well, ma'am, I wouldn't if I could git people to give me money by jest looUin' sad." The battle of Tours, in 7.32 A. D., is .said to ha%c been the most mur- derous on record. 350,000 men in all were klUod. ENGLISH SPAVIN LiNIIMEHT remoTes all bard, aoft or callound Lumps â- nd Blemishes fiem koraes, Blood Saavla, Cnrba, .Spli-j ts, Rinj Boae, Sweeny. Stiflai, Bpr«i«is, Sore anil SwolUa Throat,' Cousha, •tc. Sure $50 by ust of aaa bottla. War- ranted the mo.<^c wandarfal BlemUh Cars «Ter known. .Sold by all druggiiti. Ur. Augu.iit Kocaig s Hamburg Drops, as a blood purifier, strength and health restorer, and a .specific for all stomach, liver, and kidney troubles, leads all other similar mc- dicine.s in its wonderful sales and marvellous cunndoncc of the pxjople. especially our vast German popula- tion. It is not a new and untrietl product, but was made and soUl more than sixty years ago. Hard coal, e.xposed to the weallier, in bulk 8 per cent, per annum; soft coal loses fully lii per cent. I Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfec- tant Soap Powder dusted in the bath softens the water at the same tim« that it disinfects. Lake Manasanovara. in Thibet, is the loftiest in the world, beinff be- tween lii.OOO feet and 20,000 feet above sea level. "Mamma." exclaimed a little boy. in(lign;iiitl,y. after the vi.sitor had gone, "when 1 get to be a man I'm going to KCt up a society for pre- venting ugly old women from kissing nice little boys." Ds&fnsss t&nnot Da Curea by local apolioaltona^ as they caaaot ra^ch tha disaai«d yorilea of taaaar. tharalaonl; oaa wj^y C'9 onrs daafneos, and that la hy cna«Liia- ilaital r^medivfi. Dsjkfaiaa U cnnatd br aa Uflaaied coadt laa o( >ha B<i<^ua lUiag of tha Kuaiaiihlan Tub«. ^hen >h!a Wba ia In^ fl&med yon aaTft a rumbling louad or tKpor feet hearlDK, and witaa It la ant rily olnaad dcafnoaa la ibe rasn>t, aad unlaa< >he in/lam. naatioa caa ba tat<-n r-ut aad ;hi« : ubo raaurad la tta normal ooDdifi^n. haarias w:il ba da- •trayed (orsror; niaa caiM oat of ten ara o--iued by oitarrh, which fa nothing hnt aii In- flamed coiLdition uf th'S Touoo-a^ «gr'aco% Wa will sire Oea Hundred DoUara for aay caaeof Uaafaaaa (itaaied by catarrh) tJiatcaa a]t h« anrad by Baira Catarrh Care. Seed 1 or clrcBlon. free. r. J. CHENEY Jt CO., Tolado, O. »or Oirr »l«ty Trara. A» Or.B .«sD Wan. TaJiD Sikevt. - Mr^ WiaiUoiT.s.-OTtbina Syrup liai btan >u<i4 for atcr siiry y»»ri dj uiilii.iin of nalheri tar ^bair ihlUren ivl^'n :aftthlag, with pcrfact lacoaM. It jaalbM Ifce chi'ii «otlen« tin tum», illiyiall rtin, oy/ea irad ralii: »nd lithe bast rtmnlj Wx Dlarrhtca. !l ptaaianl to tho â-  •sie. Ifolrl l,y <1 uitlni in onrj pirt itf tbe nor ,1 Twenlj.!i»»coiit>»botlIo. lu olita Is ii.oalciil:i.'.lo Ha lu.-a and ask for Mra. Wlailawi Saatklai :i»run: and take no aibar kind. MUSIC Teachers WANTED To send ftjr our Com- plete She;:! Mh«U Catalogues and Special Ratc<. Wc are equipped to •iipply every Music Teacher ia Canada* WHALEY, BOYCE & C9., Limittd aS6 Main Street. 158 Yonge Street, WINNIPEG, ft?AN. TORONTO, ONT. You can mako from M to t7 per weeli knittiDI for Bl. Only a Kinai! mraatment na-askary. Wo fumlfth ram frea auil pay b«Uar pricea than »dj olhbj- eaupanjr. Any pa;, ton c\a operato aaaobiDB. Applr at onca Ontario Fumlahlng Oa,i TOROXro, CAN. Nervous Kmplo.ver â€" "ThoiUiis, 1! wish you wouldn't whi.stle at your work." (.mice Hoy â€" "I uin't work- intf, sir:, I'm only whistling." Ssid by Dmraiatr, Tic Hall'a f ami y Mfia are Ua beat. t\wh LioiiTieol Cufuj CeidSi efc, ' Ho (adniiiiiigly) â€" "Y'ou'ic not the sort or girl to give yoiir.self away." She (insinuatingly) â€" '.\o, but you might ask father." MinafQ's Liniineot l'u[es Dipl^llisria, Many watches tick five times to the second. Tlii.s means 157,788,000 ticks in the course of a ye;vr. Turkeys, Ceese, 0u9ki, Cliiok ens. If you want best prices ship youj poultry to us. We want large quantl? ty to meet aemand wc have for it. gâ„¢ ^% ^\^ Waaan^atycu Blar C^UIVJIO Pricfia for Thsm. "<* Dawson Commission Co-i umvat TORONTO. Cvaiicnmeau aai] C.>.raapoBdfa a lolieitad. 0. Q. Bastedo k Co. 77 KINQ BT. BAST. TORONTO. 30 Ye.atra in -tha Fur Trade In Toronto. â- ^-•^a--'*--"*.-'*^-'*. Manufaotureis of fura cf every kind. roil LABIBS' AMa MIR-t WEAR. Seud fur Caialcfc. MerebanU will flad it pay to aort up w th ua. We pay hlRbsiii. pr'ra" for RAW runs and QSN SIKO. Piompt laiorr.f. Ship hy expraaa. tend for Price Ll«t. Dominion Line SteamthIM Uonrreal U} LUarpaat Beat«n t« lirer. poul. Portlana ta LlTarpoal. Via Quataa- tawD. X^tfta aud Kaflt .Stuataahtpa Sapador aoaaniuodaltoa for alfr.l.'uaicft nf v.'i'HiQseTa. Sklooaa and Stalaritana arv aal'l.'ihipa. Siict^aJ attanUon baa barn oiv.n to tika 8f»c«na and Tilrd ClaM aoeoaimodatlon. V^i ratca .f pa^^airfi aud all yarliuvlan, aiiply to any aaaal of tho Company, or Riotards. UUli A Co, D. Torraaeo A Oa.. ;; State •t.Boaiaa. Montnal aad raitlaa*i A South Sea Islander was ciui- stiintly boastiiiK about his British nationality. "Uubbish!" twid a friend: "you haven't Kot a drop of British blood in you." "Indeeii 1 have," lie prouilly replied. "M,v great-Rrandfather liclped to eat Captain Cook." Toggs' Old Friend â€" "Cood gra- cious, man! Do I find you n'duced playing a cornet at a street cor- to niitke a living.'" Toggs â€" m not doing this to nuike a liv- ;. My wife won't iet me practice tho house." it!g in Miiiarii's Llnimeot Cures Disfemptr. Wiggs (gloomily) â€" "Ah. what can he worse than the ragged edge of despair?" Waggs â€" "Humph! The ragged oflgc of a collar." iioQfii's imiiiieni m% Cflmei in eows. THC M«ST POPUkAR OKNTIPMIOB. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. the tealh. gwaatsaa tho feraatli. â- tranitkans tha cuaia XMAS TURKEYS And I'^owl of all kinds wanted, t.'ood prices guaranteed. Ship at once to W. A. SMITH & OO., 38 Churoh St., Toronto. Our eouunission is only live ler cent. ; trv us. STAMMERERS. â€" â- - I ,„ jiiHTiMnaiaininM ,1 .Miaa ^a Tho Arooti Inatitata. Berlla. Oat . r» W. J- Araott. Sauerinlendeat. We treat tho oauaaâ€" not almply the habit, and therefare »ro- doce natural apeeeh. Wrlto for partlonlar*. Gents' Suits Cleaned ar Died ; alia Ladlaa' Wear at ail kinda and UoiiM IlaiMjaae a< oTorr daaeripUaa. QOLD MRDALIIT DTKIO. â- BITISB AMBBIOAH OTaiHO OOX MontrnI, Taiaato, OtUva A Qaabaa W P CH59 « kupiWv of raiTtfiles to 4 ^ wmÂ¥m9ig for nn ut hevs, ^tb At kb»r« ttutf. w« hir»wii t\% itMrhtiit) oad i-aj-Tor WiB tTwrtr atiicnt in. LXetaA^u nt) trntlian'ei »7 to 310 11 week niailt (inconlfnc to \Vcnf devatM TO th^ vol;. Writs rtl nB*« for part4aii]a.-«. naiaa ref.rcnceft. The DealnUn Mnittiix Co. Dapt. a. TOROMTO, OUT. VooD « Photo. EkfCRAViNG^ !»â-  J. L. J0N£SCnG.6 ^ -••OBAV &TI»eCT.~TOR(Mia

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