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Flesherton Advance, 11 Dec 1902, p. 5

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December 11, 1902 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE c:*! ;«*♦♦«♦ I F. T. HILL & CO I *sieK****i^*«*; \ A BIG HARDWARE STOCK j 5 People who visit i.ur hRrchvaro ilcinirtinniit for the first time, invarinlily oxfjreHs surprise at the Iftiai'iiesi ami ( 5 Comp!etft!i!ns f)f our Htnck. Almost evcrytliiig pcrtaiiiinL' t^) hirdwaro in to be had lirru. We've a hig hloro nn(( • a big atock. Just t!iinliâ€"iiiiUi|)eiidc'nt of n lurgo oolliir wlieru oils, etc. aro stored, we have » floor Hpaoo of . J 3,500 sqimrc feet, all uacil for hnrilwaie. Few hnrdwaro stores north of Toronto aro looulod in such a oinnmodious i h\fiHwtl, « hilo in point of values wo have few cciuals and no superiors. Just now our stock is very complete, par- ! tioularly in such lines n.s : â- COOK STOVES AND RAMJES HEATERS, DRUMS LA M PS V N D LA NTEKNS SKATES. HOCKEY STiqKS SAWS AND AXES GLASS, PUTTY PAINTS, OILS OIL CANS CUTLERY TINWARE WOODENWARE GRANITE WARE Bia asscHtnent and special Ualucs in fur doods. SC> imitation Beaver ca|isi, all bizts, rich, ylossy fur, quilri'd satin Imuiu', a thoron^di warm and durahlo <!ap, without bein^ uniiecussarily heavy. lio«t values to te hml Hf 2.r.5, 2.75, 3.50 .•ind 3.75 18 Coniy caps, all sizes, wedge nhiipod, s.itin lined, slose, soft, heavy fur, a thoroughly satisfactory cap at a very simhU price- 1.40 24 Sporting caf.s, all si/.es,lieaiiliful electric; se;i),lu-avy quilted fa;iii lininj;, jimticularly warn) and comfort- able, two prices 82 75 .iiid 2 95 Jockey Electric Si-al caps, all sizes, beautiful lich gl(js«y fur, hi;avy (piiltfd satin lining, a cap that will (iive thor. 'U'.jlily sati-f^u tory w<>ar, each 4.90 18 Elec'rio seal caps all aize*, beautiful dark,ii(h (ur,-> litjht in weight imd tlioronghly durable. This is one of the vory caps we've ever soin at i.lio price, each 3,50 49 r.lack IVrsiaii Lamb CMps, wedge shape or with bai.d. This ever popular cap is shown this season in the pn tlicst curls we've ever been able lo secure. All siz' H, eaL-h the best rc|iresenlative of its price to bo had nr 2.75. 5..50, 5 75, 5 91), lJ.50, U.75, 7.00 and 7.50 24 Lailic'S and children's i<r.iy Persian lamb caps. In these we make a vi-ry coujpL-te showing in almost evi'ry quality and size that could pos<ib!y !;• desired. If you want a really i;iifid can we are sure '.'i' can suit you. 82.50, 2.G5, 2.75, 2.95', 3.40 and 3.50 ""llEliOllBSllIEnU FiB^GlsT^ BOUGHT SPECIALLY FOR TRK XM.\S.TRADE. Nuts, candies, oranges. Lemons, currants, raisins, spices, peels, icing sugar, extracts, etc., etc. Our ciiRtomers want the host and wu're in a positi. i\ to furnish if, them. Nearly looo pairs Men's and Boys' Heavy Rubbers. Good goods hoUi>ht cheap and sold accordingly. We can give you what you want at the price you want to pay. Come in and examine them. GENTLEMAN- See our Ready-to-wear Suits and Overcoats. HINTS FOR XMAS. SHOPPERS From now until the Xmas. holidays we'll be busy â€"very bu.syâ€" as a matter of course. In view of this we'd like as many as can conveniently do so, to do their shop|)ing in the forenoon if possihlo. There's more leisure, small crowds, and a bettor aurvJco gen- erally than during the rush and crowds of the after- noon. Everything in perfect, readine.s.s at 8 o'clock. Come then if you can. or as ."ooii after ns possible GIFT GIVING SUGGESTIONS Capcrinos, Fur Collar.*, Fur Ruffs. Fur Mitts, Curl Mitts, Fur Jackets, Kid Glovc.'<, Fancy Belts, Fancy Hniidkerehiefs, Silk Handkercl iofs. Fancy Combs, Fancy Slipper.s, Shawls and Wraps, Blouse Velvets, Gent's Til s, (Jent's Braces, Gent's Gloves, Gent's Scarfs, Gent's Cuff Buttons, Gem's Collar Buttons, Fancy Lamps, Fancy Tea Pots, l"iiiicy Pitchers, Fancy Glasg Seits, Chin.i Cups and Saucers, Shaving Mugs, Dinner Sett.s, Tea Setts, .Dolls, etc. ° m^m^^^w^^ F. T. HrLL&CO Victory and Deftifit "i ' The voting on the ref â- romlum measure on Thuisday last rusulteil in its dofoit, yet ill the defeat i* to be found a larsjo degree of success in that the vote waa overwhelmingly in favor of tlio Act so far as it went. The daily papers in.ule a curious mistake in coinnienting extciisively on the smallness of the com. try vote when as a matter of fact they had not got the results from the country. There was no method ptovidid fi.r securing these ro- I urn's md inly uiiul the olhcial aniioiince- nieut was made could these he got at. Xa most of tliesii declara tiona were not made jiitil Tue.-day and aro not yt-t in our possession the actual figures aro not known at time of writing. It was an- ijiiunced that Centre Grey hud only polled 4t>9 votes in favor of I he Act, whereas the vote amounted to 3t)8tl, with a in.ijcnily ill its favor of 2542. If the fii;uris in yi her ridings were RS misleading as ours it would bring the vote up almost to the required Dumber. Moat of our readeis aro f.iiniliar wiih thj returns -is given in the dallies. It remains for The Advance lo yive the correct H|4ures for Ceiilio Grey as announced by the returning officer. Th( se figures an; as follows : ARTEMESIA SULLIVAN EUPHRASIA Kiinberlcy, Wodehoii,se 1 2 74 39 (io 58 (i7 81 05 32 80 25 7t 27 09 74 23 23 11 20 51 4 1 3 3 2 9 9 C RECAPITULATION Yes No Aiteniesja 535 112 Colliogwuod .183 09 Euphrasia ,530 42 Holland 470 86 Maikdale 140 19 O.sprey * ... 494 58 Sullivan 303 1,34 Thornbury 122 Our Ciubbinff jCt'it Papers marked with a * give balance of this year free. Thk AnvANCB and â€" . *\Veekly Mail and Empire with pre- ';ii":ii ^ 1 75 *Woekly Globe i go Family Herald and Weekly Star and premium 180 Daily News 2 30 Toronto Daily Star 2 ,"50 Toronto World 3 00 Guardian \ p,. Su'» ".'.'."â- â- .". 1.80 The Markets. Carcfiiliv tlorrod' ed Kju-h M'cck Total Outs. 047 P' 552J Wheat Barley Butter Eggs fresh Pork Chickens ])ir pair. . . . Ducks per pair 572 565 i:.9 552 437 Ves No. Markdalo . 140 19 Fle»hertoii . 113 21 Prioevillo .. 04 33 Ceylon .. 50 IG Euuenia .. 1('7 11 PiO't Tj4W 54 <) .. 50 n Ol'aiitfQ, Valley .. 4(5 4 Proton Station . . . . ,. 01 9 O.SPREY Maxwell .. 93 23 iTuvershitin .. 125 13 Mclntyre . 103 5 Wareham .. 08 7 Total 3080 Majority for the Act, 2542 Dundalk 107 Sliclburno 154 24 140 Tuckey.sper lb. I (leoso per lb. . . 54^ 3030 Rob Roy 49 Singhanipton 50 COLLING WOtd) Thornbury 122 CUrksburR 102 1 2 3 4 5 tJ .... 8 -â- V yacht with express-train speed -The f.-.stost vessel in the world is now an American product. On Septoniber 7ihi on the Hudson river, the new yneht, Ar- I row, built for tivo New Yoik gentlemtr, heal the rectjrd of the Engli^h torpeihi- (lestroyer, '.'iper, by almost throe miles an hour. The .\rrow ran a mile in less than one minute and twoiify seconds, or at n rate of 45.0<J niiUa nn hour. The record of the Viper is 42 25 mihs per hour. The Arrow is 130 feet long, 12 foKt inches beam, 4 feet 7. iiiohes draft, «ith a dispJacemeiit of fiO tons. Her (piadriiple expansion eu(.iiies can produce 4,000 hoi'.se power. Hay Potatoes bag. â- â- ^ . . i;.- J .'^ Tn.vrr: N'Iarks Anyone sonillag a aku:* and .â- :>v;'-.-li>llnii ni,-,» nulo»ly Mi'OitalM par ..;>lnli)U wiinhir i,:. >!'»â- lavontlnn Is iircUjihiy i.,.ioiiti,Mp. Ccmniun tl;)n»«ira.1rii>ll.,i|. llHii(!i-..v.|! en onien.f mt friK!, ui.ieRt iiiienpr forHeciirli'.p natonic, I'-ior.i-) •^^.-ul; (li.oii;;li .Muna ,* Cj. i\ 1': /T^cint rrt'ic:, million; i ivir^o, i:i l-iO . roorlvt » â- 'i.-.i..*!:;.-.!,'/ !T!n.-t; »•<â- !! (rc-.'tlT. Inrcwt o|r ^J.i.i.ii i.l »oi^-n!:Ii.! .imii.-eil. C'-ini. *3 n l"".', 'â- ,'.â- 'â- ;â- â- ••"' â- '••• ^t- *'•" 'jy 1:1 Hir.Td,l,..ikr.^, il Tr:..i i>ir..;B. lij I' K„ WssSU-jiioiv IJ.Jl, » '%^fc'^'»^t^'% â- *.-^-%.'tt.'ti,-ii <%.'%/t4.-% , 8 '.) u J2 1 •> 3 4 I HOLLAND 122 24 102 21 8 3 8 G 14 39 3 23 10 75 42 5 58 B 72 2 27 3 15 4 08 27 149 a 145 3 58 22 69 31 YV INTER TERU j 1 ?3^$bcrton Furniture AT THI Owen Souu'J, Ont. I Our courses in both Business and I Suoitliaiid depa' tuieiits aro up to date, ; thorough and coinplite. ' The demand fur young inon as oflieo ne^islansi^i inuuh gicaterthan lhu>upply. Circulars and full information free. AdiLess 1 C, A.FLE.'WiNQ, PRIN USararooms, Wo are carrying the newest styks of goods in" all lines of Fuiiiituru, coiisisiing of : Parlor and bodrocuii suits, lounges, sidehoirds, cxtensii n and centre tables, chairs, window .sImkUh and curtail poles, picture", easels, eio.. Which we oiler at LOWEST PRICES Picture Framiii)j and Genoral Re piiring. Uiideitakiuij in .til its -• branches. Satisfaction guaranteen I ' ^ W M. Bunt, - - Prop. ]( i^c8»:«ce»3c«Kt»S3«»:o»5s«e3se»5CK83i •*. SosTfiiQ ^'soTwl ;£Iii:its To XMAS buye: This .store has never before had sucli an array of hantl.some articles just .suitable for usoful pre.sents as we show now for the needs of the Xmas HoHday 1 rade. \Vc can merely give you a few hints in these columns â€" you should come and .see the goods for yourself â€" they'll not disappoint you in quality and besides the prices are Right too, so that you'll find it easy to make a pleasing and .satisfactory selection. Xmas Present Offerings. Xmas Turs. Liidieb' C;tpeiines ill a bi\; viiriety of Stylisl' Pur Combitia- tious. FiOUi $).7.j lo SI 5 Of>. Fur Gaunttlets for Latlis.s or Gents, to match any Coat. From 82.:i5 Lo §5.00. Astraclian Capos, large ai:ie,fiili sweep. Fiom 812 50 !o Si5. S Astracliaii .Jaeliots, rich ulosssy cnil, qnaliiv cinaiunw-.'t.'d, all sizes from 32â€"10, bust, §25 00 io iJiW.OO. Gents' Fur tloats, Dog, t'<.r.-jii:n,n Lamb, Wcn/oat, Cocvii, Kniij,'aroo, VVallubv, Goat, Etc., iiii uizcs, from §15.00 to §15.(10. Cliildren's White RuO's, fi-oi.i 25o. Xma$ f^ati(ikerc!)kf5* C'jlort.d BrocHiled Bi^k llanilkpruliif fs, ficra 2^0 to oOo- Whito Ileiastiched ISiik Handkercbicfrf, IVom 25c. to (iJc. - Irish Lawn Hiuidlceicliiefs, tVuin 5c. to 2)0. Laco and ErubioiJtrtd Linen liaii.lkeicliiers,!; .jin 25o. Children's Picture liaiKlitei'cljiefs, from Sa.-, to o.z. XMAS NECKWEAR tients' biik and Saiiii Ties, in all new styles,fi-o:n 50o Gouts' fciilk and Satin .VlutHer?, all color.t, from 2se. to§l 00 Ladies' Fancy fjillf ."^J iifflcrs.very stylish, from f>Oc. to §1,50 Ijadies' Fancy Sill; Collars, all shades, t'r.jni y'ic. to §l.ttO. Ladies' Silk Ties, new styles, uew colors, from 2-Jo. to §1.00 XriAS LiNENS Linen LXamask Napkin.s, now patterns, per cloz., 83o. to §2 25 Table Cloths, border all round, laige sizes, from §1.25 to §2.75 Linen 'J' ray Cictbs, lovely desigus, from JOc. tu §L00. Linen Sideboard Scarp, new patterns, from 25c. to 50c. 3apaaie$c SiSk Drapes AIJ pure Japanesse Silk Chair Drapes, Piano Drapes, M:intel Drapes, Cushion Tops, etc. New Goods, al! baud embroidered in gold and colcted silks, Prices from G5c. $L50. Fancy Shawls Keversible Wool Shawls, new patterns, frotn 75o. to §I-.25. Wool Shoulder Shaw's, all popular shades, from 60c. to §1.50 Umbrella Shawls, hand made, from §1.00 to §1.50- Wool Hoods, Wool 'I'oques, Bootees, Wool Mitts, ror the little ones, all pi ices. Xmas Footwear Gents' Felt flippers, new Gorman goods, from 40c, to 75o- Ladies' Felt Slippers, very comfortable, from 40o. to $1.00 Ladies' Velvet Slippers, fur trimmed, from §1.25, Gents' Fine Leather Slippers, from 7oc. to §1.23. ?J Hardware Department Xmas China New Dinner Setts, 97 pieces, new designs. §7.50 to §15.00. New Tea Setts, 11 pieces, elegant patterns, §2 25 to $tj 50. New Toilet Setts, 12 picce.s, uew coloriiig», 82.50 to §6.00. Xmas Lamps Fancy Hanging Lamps, Banquet Lamps, Hall Lamps, Reading Lamps, Table Lamps, I3ed Room Lamps, Children's Toy Lamps, All immense seleotiou. From lOo. to $6.00. Xmas Silverware Pickle Cruets, Cruet.s. r.utter Dishes, Derry Dishes, Celery Glasses, Cake Baskets, Card Receivois, Salt Cellars, Spoon Hold- ers, Sugar Bowls, Prices tc suit all Purses, F'ancy China Noveltiesfor Xmas Water iiiid Lemonade Sett.s, now designs, §1.23 and §1.50 Fancy Glass Eperynes, very handsome, 60o. to $2.50. Poiiiil;,'e Setts, lo-.tly china goods, 25o. to $1.50. Moustache Cups, novel patterns, 15c, to §1.00. Shaving Mugs, ehgantly decorated, lOo. to 60c, * Cheese Dishes, row shapes and colors, oOc. to $1.00. Fancy Gilt Glass Setts, v«ry rich effects, iOc. ta §2,00. \'nlch Safes, Syntp Juas, liuttor Dishes, Tootii Pick Holders, ppooii Dishes, Ash Tiays, Trinket Boxes, Fiower Pols, Fern lIoId> eis, Japanese China Novelties, Berry Dishes, CauJlestioks, Fancy U'edgewood China, Fancy Plaques. Collar Boxes, Glove Boxes, Tie Boxes and a best of other Fancy articles suitable for Prcseuta. Xmas Cuttery Carver Setts, Shtffiold make, $1,00 to §1! 00. Knives and Forks, steel and plated. 75c. lo §S.0O. Tea. Deaeil and Table Spooiid, iOo. to 8d.U0. Butter Knives, uew Designs, 25o. to $2.00. k >

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