Kovkmbbb27. 1901 THE FLESHKRTOM ADVANCE §mnm €ixxAfi W'OULliOUQH A YOUNa lUiikorB, MHrkdale iJo • gaaeral bkiikiuH bu»iriuH». Mouoy loBDod • reuoaablo ratu Cull uu ua. AS VANDUSKN, J I' Clork Sth Dlv Court, Co Oroy •8uer ot M»iri»K« I,lo6Q.««. Couv6y»i>oei Notary Public Auctioneer. Mooey to loan .t«i .eroout. Cbargoe --'^^»,'«i^„ p o RJ 8PB0UI.B „, ^ ^ _ Pojtmaater, Flesherton Vevanour, Ai>p>»i«"'- »>"' M""«y . Louder KeTSiUo au.l Insurance Aeont IJeede mortKaKO", loaves aul will- careful y rtrawr. monev to loiiu at lowost ratoa of iiitLTost. Col «ct"oS« attou.lod to with piomptnoHB 'bV.,o' low. A«ont ror Ocean on.luion tftamship Company. A call aolioitml. :J0deticisi O U \V nioola oi- 111" 1'"' Monday ,n oncu month, in tl.uir lo^ice room •s block. I'lualiurton.atBp.ui. John ar.l Ilol.am W M J A b'.iU' 'Kit , Uecoriiur, W. y.Fiuau'cior. VisitinB brotUroa iuviUod T»1IIS'('K \UTHTH IjODdE, No. m:)!), A. P' ^ tl, n oets in the Maxonic imll. H ram-, block, l-iuilwrton. uvery Friday on or brrore tbo full u.ocu. I.' 11 W HickliUii W M. Cba9. Munsbaw, Sacrotary. Onllitr KhRHllKKTON, I. O. F. meets in Cbris oo-« lilacial.e last Krida> eTonluR o.ch n>oMtb VUitinK Foroote,- b.art.ly Tcl-iouio. C.U.,«. Waller ; 11, S.. W. A. Arm utrons. pcAuat 0U tJ-^JJ"^'!?^ s ont. Physician. SurBcon, etc OlUce aud roBidoncd-Potor St., Ploahertou I^H. I'- T. rilL>ljy,-PliyBi'-''i»". ^OfSe"" A-9 etc Klesborton, Out Oilico an.inesldeuc.^ CollinMw"O.Utroot one l,ln,-k mist I'r.-sbytririail cnil.ch. Mav bo louuo tbore Ty and niRht. Coroner tor County of Grey. dVBea"e!;of lye ear,' nose and t'hroat specially treated. H. SOKTIA', Fevers ban) . JOHN A. BCOTT. axwoll. Jp t I'TKWBLIi Veterinary Sm-Reon Graduate ol Ontario Voterinary resideucB - saooud door south Mary street. This street .Presbyterian Chmoh. Collene, west ou ruus south G V^e.lr.ttyri,irK<«nand Dentist Max- well, graduate of' Ontario V«t<"">"S' ^""'f'j offll la-ted with Toronto Un'vor.ity. VWt. kugen la Wednesday from " »• "• '° * P" "*â- â- »u Feyorsham Thursday from il to S p. m. fgal J. W. FK08T, L li. 11. Barrister, Bollcitor Oonveyancet. eto ofllje-Next to postofflce, Sproule's block Flihertou, every Thursda aud, oonrt days N B-Owen Sound ottloe. Fro.t» block Poulett street east. LUCAB, WRIGHT 4 MoARDLE Ilarrlsters Bolicltors Conveyanoeie, •»• 0(Boes-Ow«n Sound. Out andM»rkda)eO»t. W H WbJoht, MoAbdlh J B Ldcas N Hâ€" Flesherton otllce. MUcboH'i B»Bk »»ety Saturday. TUCKBB & PATTEBBON Barristers, Hollcltors, ete Molson's Bank, Onen Rnnnd HABBY a TUCKEK GBO W PATTBB80N If ACKAYASAMPSON .Barristers, solieltora. m OFFICKS ;â€" Owen Sound, lUercIiant'a Bank lUook, N. of Pattarxon Ilonaa. Dondalk alu Htroet, every Saturday. Money to loan at 4iporoont. A. O. MACK.\Y, MA, H.R. 8AMP80N. L.L.D Always in attoiidance at Flesherton and Duudalk Division ('ourts. Hcnti^tti} DR. B C. MURRAY, L, D, H, dental BorReoo honor grndnato nf Toronto University and Royal OolloKe of Dental Burceuns of Ontario. OITlcoâ€" Opposite Armstrong's Jewellery Store. Will vlHit Maxwell the last Wednesday of each month, and Uunrtalk 1 and II Tbnrtday (D each month. a iMiUMii;tiafv ;<^uVMi tunJM iinnj;iwrinnn>< Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery art) dono in firgl-olasii siylu and Ai li>wo»t ratu.i, SpuriAl attonliiiii Riven to copyine. Baliioa' photos. « apecialty. PicLiires framtu). MRS BULHER £n:ri!n3i!n:iri!h!n!nin!nlriln!n^ •Ciiririiifiiii^ F'a.rm for Snle Tint 11, Ottnonolnn Pi, tnwnship of <j*pr*y, oloarnf liicnmlirnnue; 0.'t noieH, 11^ cleared, hal* aiica liardw.>ot) hush; lngi>o.l sta'.e of eultlva- IJun.cl'tar of noxlon< weeds; good tranie baru atid atHbla4 under, 40xfV>; a i;und housu .'10x0(1. U *»-*irM). und(»r Hlomv btone, urper frami', well flMbihiil, a tiooil frost proof oi<llai;wtiiid>liod SD x-Jt), a I.Vharrul elHtern and ntirer^falllnu wall luid pumi> In (.'"nd or4l«r. hll undur mof; idaiity rf water for Htm:k in pasture. Terms of s»U, aboo oaah, bi\lanoii to suit the pureliaser. S per c«iil. on balance. Mr reason for sidlliiH Is til- oeis, and the pinrs must be i^olU. There Is an cweliard of about It acres all. llH-twson S and 8 aqrss of fall whrat. Hehool | mile, ehnrehss Mlfalivl ort mlln; vboitt two nill«a from r«T- (ftuu. Alit'lylowie ownur hi Isttsi or on the â- JhuiUll JdllM HPIHBtl. ' VaverabMn P, O., Oai harness • * €itit»orium ? ? ? IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR HARNESS All kinds and price* Whips and lanhes Trunks and Valicoa, coinlm and brusheH, Sweatpads and collar padH, Axlo (JreaHe, Hoof Ointment and Gall Cure, Bitts and Snaps, Buggy Dusters and all stylos and prices. Ruhbor Hul'S. Woollen Rugs HarnoHs Polish and Metal Polish and Everything in our line. m* nioore = FicsbeHon MAXWELL Ahlio Su(,;ar Ipia iidviinccd wo still con- tinue to Hell the I)c8t Granulated Sugar at 22 pounds for $i.oo Other Sat;nr.s at low price.'*. ' ^ Wo have added to our lino of B jab and Shc:c8 HOIUNSON AND LINDSAY RUBBER CO.'a KANT KUACK RUBBER AND OVERSHOES, which you can't .surpass in any town in Ontario for iiuality anri price, for we sell at such a low m.iiij'iii thai it is a woiidtr to the trade. lUomen's and men's underwear* Pant$, Jackets and Overalls from 60 cents to $1*50* Those aro a few tbings that you can got at Wâ„¢!" KefcreiiduB V»te. A corrmpondent writing The Advance from Clinton any* ; Friends of Temperance I Friundu of humanity ! Let uh hear in ipind : 1 That our vote is a trust from God. Hi.) eye is upon ug 2 That we are our brother's keeper. Help to put temptation out of his way. 3 Thdt in this case, if «o stay at huuit, wu shall be ounted »8 against the measure. 4 'I'liat •.\ e are not voting on the act itself, but on the question of bringing into force the Act "vhich has already bean passed. 5 There is no time to lose â€" in a few days theopportuni y will be goiio by for- ever. 6 That if the vole fall short, there are those who will jjo into a drunkard's eternity, who nii«ht have been Buvo'l,ai,d eoiiio loved one may he of the nuiubt r. 7 Remember the words ol Jesus Christ "Every plant which my Heavenly Father ha'Ii not planted Khali be rootid u|j." And we aie sure that the trafhc is .•!uch a plant." "Hnve faith in Gud." Work with a will, and expect a glorious victory. The Agonizing Pains of Rlieumatism Swollen, aching joints, muscles are blili'and sc>ru,every inoveiiicntacco!iii>;ini- cd by |f!i;p. The most potent remedy is Poison's Norvilim-, which has live times tlio painsuf duing power of ary other pre]iiiiation. Apply llie Nervilinc cop- ioiioly, rul) it on well and then bind in a hot Hiinnel liai]cl»<;e. Tliis will c-jrc the worst Ciise.s in a shoit time. Try Nervi- liiie for rhfcnniatisni, iieuralgiii, sciatica 01' lumbago â€" it's all ligbl- ajid only costs a ([uartor. I ilGKllNIi BROS. â€" FOR â€" Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Flooring We hnve just placed in position a new planer and matcher and aro prepared to furnish buiiding material in all the above lines. Get oar quotationa when you want anything. Hickling Bros. 8th otm., ArteDiosia â€" Maxwoll P. O. 10 July, '02 S/// Oifyff J^arfn ^or Sa/e. only Siaooo {if soM at oiico) 100 aoroK. n5 fit for any macblnery, baUiu:o well timNired. except 10 aorea moat of tiuilun- olT; frainu dwelling &i>il frame barn with »tablH unilnv; well wuitired, ninninu Htroauiand well at lioiiHe; well fenced aiidiu ni-flt clftb-i Rtiito of onltWatioii; I] miles IrotQ Maxwell vilU^'o nut 3 iiiilud (ruiu F«ver- fibaiu. 8-500 catth, balniioo eiii«v tttraii*. ThU la aobuapfarui iit ^i-VK). Applv qulok. If not â- old ill three woekti, will bu reiitvU to tjood *^eu- ant, uuiio other ueml K)>|>ly. 1{.J.KLMu>U1jIS. 8-15 1 m Ueal KHtato At;tint, FloHtattrlon. Eug^enia Planing Mills Get your Sa.sh, Doors Floorinjij, Sheeting, Now- oll Posts, Ballusters, Cor- ner Blocks, Hand Kailing, tlie best of Spnico Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veraiula and Fitting.Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to ortlor. Now run of atones for chop- ping. Satisfaetion in all our lint^s guaranteed. Walkei Sloan PROPRIETOR Thoroughbred Durham Bull ServlceJJ Cord minto, 2906S. for Thd unrt«r«lKnail haa • fine miad Unrhain Bnl) for wrvlea on lot Ul. T. A 8. H. Term*â€" •! (or iriHia eowH, M for thorough- brwl* Pedlgrsa od ixppllokUon. JACUIi LKVKH FlMhwIoa P.O. FARM FOR SALE Only S1800. 8300, balanco easy tonna iiti'i'i'st b"/,, 100 acres, 75 cleared and under culrivation. b^dance half c.idar .s«ain|) ;iiid half mixed hardwood. Oom- fiiriable frame dwillin^, frame pi .st barn half mile fiom ^ooil school and 3 miles from village of Eugenia. Apply to R J. Sproule, Flesherton. Turning Down the Doctors The niarvelloua cures cf Oatarihozo* are being much talked about. Thon^uuds are dady recogiiiz.iio the exceptional merit of this simpli! inhaler treatmci t, and instead of ftinning to the doctor wi'h their winter ills -thoy protect themaelvis by Catarrhozon0'.; it kills colds in the head in ten minutes, quickly relieves catarrh, broochlti8,a8tlMna, lung truubltis, and cures even 'though till other remedies ha»e failed. Cktsi-fhozone ie ve»y ploiu- ank, Mkfe andcnnvenient'to use. Its be>t recommeiidHtieD is it»' enormous sale; try it tu-<)»y. Price ?1.00, small »ize 26 cetil*, at drogifittj'. . One Culliovw^ firm will just have the nire 1ittte«aia6f 91,067 04 to pay in taxes tbi» yo»r. Another will pay over 8809, ao'.thor over 876% another over $708,aiK>ther over $6*16. Yet we have notnvard that the; aro kicking;. While walkiiiRdown Broadwij.Orange- ville's uravedijrger nt>ticed a couple of the town doctors walkine behind him. He immediately ktopped, let them pass, and then walked alon); behind them. The doctors nutioed this, and, th lir curiosity being a'onsed, dfrnnnded (he reason for his conduct. "Oh, I guess I know my place ID this procession," raid he The Northern Exbibiiion went behind financially thi« year. The whcde trouble is that iho directors do not know how to use priiitor's ink. Tbey sent to Toronto and got a few lithof^rapba of a little girl sitting on a fence looking at a windmill aikl on fair day wondered why the people did not turn out like they ui>ed to in former years. We didii't notice many (teople there from Toionto.- Brnce Bei-a!d That there i« moiiey-nmkinj; in ijood hurse-i n^ well asi cattle ha.t been fully de- moiiBtmtvd by hicnl bree<1ers and by none more than by Mr. Roht. McBrine, who has made a D .minion reputaiion among horsemen duiing the Inst few yeai-s. When Mr. McRrine purchased his splen- did pair of pure-brod Clydesdale loaies three yi-nra asjoa ;»reat many people were at a lo.-<a to see how liu was Koini; to get his monuy out nf them ; but there is i.o longer a nivstery. A year ago last June Mi. McUrine began to get results by the sale of n big year old colt to Mr. Win. Magee, of Deslioro, for which he receiv- ed tl'O liandHoino sum of $.100, an invent iiiuiit whleh Mr, Mnueo hiw not regretted. .Mr. MclUiiie's «ceond s:ile was a hand- some yearoM tilly to Mr Neil .McEllieron, tliu'piico of which wni ;f2iiO,a satiafacloty invest inont for the pnruhasir ; but these kales were both ecii|isud by one of last Week. Thin year both of Mr. McHrine's m.irt'S had foals to Mr. M. E. liobeo'n magn tic nt sire Itarron Iturvie, both of which ttHik prizes at ditTereiit fall ^xhib• itioiis, line of tho.n llirron King [S3dti] takiii:< hr.ii prise at aU of ih- mIiown and and aweop stakes at the Holland f.iir for tie best Clydesdnlo any m-e. Mr. Magee, the owner of (lortltm M'aciicilage, last week purchased Barron's King, agt<d, iix U'Ontlix, for »hieh he paid th-< hnndtt^.qia Mini Ul f4M).--Chai*«oilhN«*|. CONSUMPTION â€"ujmmmm CAN BE CURED EDITOR'S NOTEâ€" The Slocum System of Treatment for the cure of Consumptton, Pulmonary Troubles, Catarrh, General Debility, and nearly all the ills of life, is medicine reduced to an exact science by the world's foremost specialist. By its timely use thousands oF apparently hopeless cases have been permanently cured. The Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is needed by some, the Tonic by others, the Expectorant by others^ the Oxojell by others still, and all four, or any three, or two, or any one, may be used singly or in com- bination, according to the needs of the case. Full instructions with each set of four free remedies illustrated here. Our readers are urged to take advantage of Dr. Slocum's generous offer. THE FREE TRIAL The honor mC thus cflectivety- arrestia^ the progfresa of this £atat malady rests with the wonderful systeis of treatment which has been reduced to an exact science for the cure of Consumption and for the cure of Catarrh and other prevalent conditions which pave the way for Con- sumption â€" that successful method evolved by America's greatest scientific physician. Dr. T. A. Slocuto, whose g^eat lil>erality, throusrb his Free Trial Treatment, sent broadcast throughout this broad land, has centributed most to the rout of the most Eitent mgcacy in the destruction of human e in this hemisphere. His Free System of Treatment has arrested the hand of death in the cases of thousands of cootumptives and has pre- vented the disease la countless instances. The Slocum Treatment consists of four distinct remedies for the cure of Coa- aunptkm. Weak Luacs, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all polmonary and wast- las dIaMaes, and is based upon print^ples essential to the correction of function, the rebuilding^ of the tissues, the overthrow of parasitic animal organisms and the estab- lishment of health in all the departmesta of the human body. The four preparations embody all the necessary elements of a complete treat- ment for Consumption â€" its cure and pre- vention â€" as well as for most of the cbrooie and wasting^ ills of life. Apparently hop^ less cases are cured by their timely use^; These free remedies comprise the gf*eat cnnitive forces discovered by the emi- nent physician, Dr. Slocum, they represent the acme of the pharmacist's skill and with them win be found explicit direction* for their use in any case. You are invited to test what this systett will do for you, if you are sick, by writinc for a FREE TRIAL TREATMENT and the Pour Free Preparations will be for> warded you at once with complete direc> tions for use. Simply write to the T. A. Slocom Chemi- cal Company, Limited, 179 King Street West, Toronto, giving^ post office and express address, and the free medicine (the Slocum Cure) will be promptly sent. Persons in Canada seeing Slocum's free offer in Amen<^an papers will please send for samples to Toronto. 13. McrAVIiSH Ki'r Fust Claat Biiggie*, Carts, Pleasure and Lum' er ^^ a^in.', cutters, Slei;.;hs. W<. ko-p a stock on hand to ehoo-e from. ALSO HORSE SMOEINO ANDOeNERAL BLACKSMITHINO and KUiiniiitce lirsr class woik. We keep lui band Ploughs aud Plough repair*, and , nI>o Ma<^iy H»riiH and NoXou repairs for bin<ler«, Mi>Wfis, Vl kiiuU if uiachiiiuiy, a!«o UiiuUr Twine on hand. « < (Ubeti in town flioe us a call « . FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES AND PLOUGHS . . â€" GO TOâ€" Heard's Works, Flesherton ijl Wt; have Cutters, Sleij;hs,lUiggios,Waji{jons ami Carts 5 KJi^uiy, Dvnient U.ittoi-iijld iin<l WilAias>:i p!o.ij:h,^ t*^ Share-^ and repairs of the best quality. Spring tooth aud Iron lmrn.>w9. Also first class hanthiiatle harne.^s. % ^ l^orse Sboeing and 0«neral Blacksmitbing. 7