NovE.\fBi:R lil 1902 T tt K t L li, S H E il T O N A I) V A N C 1? iJil^ilKjiS tfiWil;? VT'OlTLLOUail A YOUNO '**• iUukurit, MuikiUlo i)3 a ;;oiiariil baukiM,; b'juIiiutjK. Mohoy loauoj ftt a ruasoiiikbla imo Call uii uii. A S VANIJUSKN. .1 I' " Clork Dill Oiv Court. Co Gruy aduur of Mfii'i-iti;{u liicunsuh. l^>uvuyaucis Noiai-y I'ubliu Aii.;lloiii'i.T. Meitwy lo loiin at tj pur uuut. CUargtm nioitinuti*. IXKHHKUTOK I' RJ Sl'HOULK l'04(ma3tur, Klosliorton .^dtuitits-tioiiur In H. C .1., Aurtionuor (Jon, Ain'raUer n:iil Money IamkUt KbiI K<tit-.i 111 I Ininianco AK""'. Douila i'!ort;{iv40i, loiHis an 1 wills ciiiudilly ilniwn U;> ail I valui:luns iiniit* on *hort»ist i;oti(n,\ money lo lo iii at lowo.^t latiH uf intuicHt. <'ul ojtioj^ attjli.l < I to Willi pioiuiitn. K3 li^!-|tJ< low, Aiutit for ()i;c-an IJuiiiiuioii t»a:u3tiip Coiiipany. A ceil boliclteil. ."^aciJtiCiT' A O U NV mucl.s o;. lliu Idi^t Mon<luy £i lu oa^'ii nio'itli, in tli-iir loUftu room. Sj l)locJ{. J'ltMliortoti. lit B ii.ui. Joliii ur.l, W. \l. ; I A l'"-l 1 ' a II , Hofoiilor ; V/ 1)1)1. ;iaiy. l''iua:)oi.)r. Visitiny bi'clUro'j luvitt'il Plti.SCi; AKT.'ITK I.ODHi;. No. x::i.A. A !J. Miocta in tliu Miisoiiicliitll. Ktriiin's blojk. I-".»Mii*.rtoli. cvril-v I-'l-M.iv on oy bnfonj t:io fill lUJOn. !â- • il \V Ilicklln:; W ;j. Clms. Muasli iw, SoLfijtary. nrjuisf i."ij«;ii;in'i):s. i. o. v. tncots in J (;l).-iBii)u'« liloii!; t!if! lust l''ii'l;iv fvunini; •>H.:li iii'intll. Vi^itiiii,' Koro.iciira litiirtily C. U., K. Wftlior ; It.S., \V. .\. Ann- slrouit- MtilUixl Dll CAItTKU M C 1' & S Oiit, I'liyaiuiun, Kni-K(ioii, etc 0:11.^3 iinl rosliiaiicoâ€" I'otur Bt., t'loalieilou ^B^K. !•'. T. Hiljljy,â€" Pl.yaiciun, f-uiKton O.lico and llesi.lun.j:'. Coilin^-woo^l street, ouu bio :k o tut l*rosbvtin-iati cliurcb. ilay l>o fouii'l tli.;fi! day unJ iiiMlit. Coronur for Comity of Oriy. SOOT r. AND S iKTlA' .Monlbjrs i.;.jlli;.iM Pliysio. A SlirKonnn Ontario (irmlniao in Meliuino of Toronto Uuivo.aily. I'uHowHliip Dipluniii , I'ost (irailii- .i',-j Suliool una Hohiiital. CUicm-'o. rti8e;n3i of oyo, uar, iioso ami throat Biieciully troft^o'l. II. SOl-TfA', JOHN A. HCOTT, PeverDlliin . axwoll. Jl> t i'TnWl'.l.Ii Votoritmry Stii"t:aon Ttrailuato of Ontitrio Veterinary CoUuki^. resiituiico â€" Hiuotnl djor f;onlli wci^t on Mary mrout. Tiiis btroot riiuii boutli Presbyterian Uliurcli. " v'.tt'jiMwin y .Sill-;,' j'>ii aii'l Dentist. >rax- iroll, Rniilnai.) of Onliirio Veterinary Ccilb'i;i', C'Uii..i-tuii wit'j I'or.jnt.i University. Visil.s l'-u,;Mii ill SVe.iiio8.iay from 11 ii, in. to 'J V- ni., s;i l-'evuraliain Tlini Hilay from 2 to 5 i>. ui. _ r(]ftl .1. w. i.'uoBr, 1. L.. u. H.irriater, i).)licitor Coiivi-yanuer. etc 'o-li !o â€" -"^ext tu i>ostoilicu, Spconio'a blocli Kl: 111 jri- »n. every Tlinieclu ami, eouit clayM j{ (Jâ€" .JiVo.! iionii'l o;;ice, l-'rust ** block Pjulottr Htreoj east. LUCAS, WKIOIIT A MeAIirU.Ii liarrislurs Soliuitorb ijoiiveyaucerj, ct 0:Ujurtâ€" Owun Sioiiii'l, tint und Morkdalu Dm W il \V:i:aur, Aic.Mitii.K I II Ll'iab N U -yiojiiorton o.lice, liitcljeil'H Uank every Satnrday. TU'!ii:;i'. Jt l'ATTi;U:!ON IturrL-ttGi'it,, ito .^folHon'H i*alil^ I'weii i'-ound liAllUY « Ui'.i.t W PATTiOU.iON |l|AC;CAY& SAMPSON .!larrlster.8. Kolielto h. 1*1 <)!.'i-'li;H:> :â€" Dwell H.-iinrt, Mereluuifi' lla-ik mo'ik, N. '^f 1* Ltt â-ºÂ»â€¢ '(»n Uoiitie. UnndaUi, ai:i iHreet. every Sulnrtiay. Money to ioi.u an 4^ imr Oi'lit. A. O. M.i'JIi\Y.M A . H.K SA.\Il'.St)N , r..l. 1) Alwavs in aM,eM.luiii*-» at I'leiiiertnii iiinl Dun iiiik l)ivi^n<iii ('onrt^'. ^cnti-itVii DR. V. C. .MUKRAV, Ij. I). S. ilor.lai Hintieon iioMor 1,'r.i InatH of roronto UnlverKi.'y ami llo'.'ai i'.»Il.»tf,» of 1> -111 'il S.iryt-oiiH of <;iitaint. ijiM -eâ€" Opposite Anintroiiij'H .iowellery htortv Will vi>til Maxwell Min iitHt WuilMeMlny of uaeli lujnLI:, a.i<l Uuiidalk 1 and il Tburaday lu e.i'.-Ii inoiitii. r' nJT/in fVQ/iAruiiiia rij-ain nnjvp, nrifui X Photon ^^M -TAKIZiN -AT TUB FJesherton Photojcraph Gallery ivru il,.iiii in liiHl-olimii alylo and lit l.iWfBt rnlei. Speciftl attoiitiuii Bi*Oii III L-ii|iyiii<!.' |i)iiitos. » dlieoiiilly. I'ici.iiiiis fniuieit. MRS Bi.'i.nnR ^; FariTia for Sa^Ie I,ot in, c,iiiiie«fi.)n l-J. t iwimliiii nf f>Hlir<,v dinar HI t'leniniiraiin--: <r. arref, r.% eleaiwl, lial! nufu l^irdn >riil IhhIi; In »( ml uta'e of fliilllva- lloM.i'liar of no, Ion. w I,; ,(,„„| fiHuin |.«i n aiiil Kinl;!*!! niiiir, 4UXIVI; a uooil lioii'u Mx:f. u â- "ori'v, under me. nv Htoiie, ni'|ii,r rrainc, vita flnljlH-r), a (jou.l final pr-iof dial; wnotlklmil vn ijl a 1 I liaii"! (iiioerii an. I iinvei-laiilirL' vrM and "111110 III (.MiiKl oiilnr al. uielar rrMil; I'luMtv ot n.iitir for «liH k ill iiaKlnre. T< â- oi anlii, •MKIiTaKli. balaiiea to niiit llni iMirilinHer, ft pur trill, on lial'iiMiii. Mv ronnoii fur Killine ><• ill ii«»»K. anil tii« plnrn niUM*. Im nelii. 'l'hori» \<* an orrh.inl of about I) aei'xo ari I Initwpii f> and n kvrm of (.til Mliiai. S. Iiooi I iiiiio I'hiireliri vilhiii 1 orif nillrr; about (wiiinilin from Kav- i#iain A|>|ilj to lliu (>wiirr liv Iftt*-! or nu Ibv f*u>ul*u«. JiiH\ HI'HHKH, k'avenliaiii V. O., Oak. Agricultural Shows in Britain. A [irivtilu letter from Mr. W', A. Alac- Kiiiiioii, t'liief of llie Fruit Divi.sii)u, Duiiiiiiioii Du|il. ul Ajiriciiltuii!, wUu is nmv ill Uicut liritaiii, coiitaiiis sMnu iii- teroMliiii,' Holes on tlie (luvolupunieiit of a;j;i-iculturiil xliiiw.s in tint country. Some of hi.^ crilicisiii.s given lnTovitli aiu v,cll woilliy of ii'lioo by lliose inteiestej in AnnciiiliMu! K'ltioutioii in CmaUii. ()iit> sliiUiiii^' feiiluiuof the recent Roy- iil show lit C'lirlisle, Kiig , Wiij tlmt nil but t\Mi ill ihreo of llio lHiililin4;.s wi^ru .sini'ily fiiiiiio.i envereil witli ciinvas, in other Hoiils lliu show look pI:icM iinilur It suiie.s of Ion,' leuLs. The nilvfiiiliige of tliiti Kysieiii i.sthat tin; fraiiiewoik ean be Uiken(lortii, nntl iliu tents Kiiiiiped from iioint to jioint, ;iiid'l inniiy tiniea in the heiiijon. This artaiioe- nient iiUo niakeait |)i).s.iible to UHegrouiiTls for UII e.\liibiii(>n whieli are rciiuired (lur- ing the I est of the year for othin purijoses. The tents are iinaiioeil in a cuni|/aer iind systen. alio Older ill .Huuh a way that yisilors can yo in one direotioii niul return in iini.tlior .leciii.' always new e.tliibit; The cl;i.-,.si:, ar,' .•irianjjea in blocks, not in long liiie.). There are four clasics uf shoiv.s in Great fSiitain: â€" 1. Ttie lari'D nIiows (lev. it -d to biuediiio ty|)jh at.d iiiipluineiils ; IheKo are open to the Kinyiiuui. 2. Local hhuw.s, tor the beiielil of tenant farniern and lii-wciler.i m the nci:,'lib.); there may bo curtniii niieii coinpetiiioiis in these shows, iiiul the luldilioii of seclioiis lor horlicijliiire, apieultnru, apoits, etc, is o(jlioiiiil. ;i. Kat Stock shows for the eucoui-agenieiil of hifih class butclu-r's nieat. 'J'hu chief oni^s are heid at --liiuu- inghnni, Leeds .-iiid Norwich; the linaLs bO to .speak, where the wii.iiei.s in the llir.'e foinii-r couii).:'e, tako place at ihe ^leat .Sniiihtieicl .show. 4. Specilic showi.; Iheise are held for the hcuelit of one or more paiticiilar braneluN of ai^iiciilture, .such as dairying, friiiis, ponlti-y, horses, etc. A good type of Ihis class of .-limv is that hehi at the Auriculluial Hall, Lun- (I'll, during three .eonsecuiive weeks fin- special breeds of hnrsci as fol'ows:â€" 1st week, Shiies; 2na week, Hackneys; y^d week, tliormi^jhbred hunters and indo piiniea. t)neortlie best of these sli.iws IS that held at Ashbourne, IJ-Tby^sliire, a treat Shiie hoi. se ceiitie, owin..; to local eoiiditioiirt, line, cliinate. etc ; heie they have Ihree main divisions of the show: one bit classes; iind, fo.ds bred by leiiani fanneiv; aid, foals from .slalli. in Ijel.iin^iin,' lo local breeders. • Anoihi:r not.ibb' sli..u- is that call d ihe Cart Parade hehl in ]j.ind(in,wlieie prizes are iiiveii fir'tiie best single, iiair unicorn am! f.air hoise teams; must tie workino liorses aliached lo vehicle without loaib No new liarms.sor vehicles are allowed; tiie liirmuK iiiiisl have been used up bi date of sli .w, Whit .Mon.lay. The priitis are };ivou foi Ihe bu,t. uorkin;; eonuitioii, the object bimi; to encourage carters lo take <;ood care of their aiiiiiials and a [iride ill lloir appearance. This is one of the most eonmiciidable of the siiecilic shows. There are many l..eal |ioullry Miiow.s and village shows of varying ini|).irtane.e; at some o;' [iri.'.es are given to the sthool ehlMreu fi.rthc kst colleciion oi named i;, weeds, etc, Thi.-i is al.-d fmind to be u very satLsfactory aid to ed- iicali.iii. Pri\ato land owners also eonietimes hold shows for the encouragement of agricuhnre aiiiiing tluir leiiant f.rj.eis, under local fanners, t'liief among ihe^-e 1.1 the Khow held l.y the Duke of L..rilaiul known as the Waloeek Teimnt Fanners' sh iw. Tlie .secielary ..f the lioyal .Vgi ieullur- al Society Males that ihe year I7i)0 taw the bigmniiig .,f agricultural show.s in (J teat iJrUain, I'lrticalar enquiries about llu stainl- ards aibipteil in judgii.g slock at ilicse shows failed to ei.eil a delinilo slatoniunt on Ibis |ioiiit. Jn fad ihe ollicials tlieiii- n.lves weie not t lo uf to what i, or ought to be the .^t^Ul(blâ- (l. They aiMi,.ar t.. bine fallen ii.lo the ea»y error of looking on tlni prize iiself as neiiig th.' end an.i ko.iI of tlio t.'thiiii tor's On piv.shiiig ibo Liulter Moniuwhal closely, eenaiii oilieialH ad- mitted thai loo litilu lUumiion was paid to eiiher llio eilueatioiial Value of 'he show or tho cash to the faroiris at large, III ihe ija'ulof.nea of prize lists jud^'es are w;.rn.i; iiol to io nilhieneed ny tliu market Milue of in inuking a.uirds, ai.d 11 high oilbual .siaieil iliai in lii.s ojiin- ion too httlu atientuiii was p.ii,| lo il,u ucinnnb: \ahie oi iho e.>iliibil.-, unil tliat farmeis are s,i...(.tiiiu8 iirslnl by awards HO as to pnnbice an ariide which i;i n..t ri-miiiiiiratiie, V.ilh leuard to the Smithlleb! show they have begun to iiiaku iiinnoveiiK-nts I in the diiecliiiii of iniiiket deinaiid-i ; lintt I IM to be expected ii.s the objeol of tlushow I is to CI. coinage tliu production of bulch er'a nic.i'. I'oinieily pr zcs wero given for animals four years old, bul liitcly Ibis Il la been (uL diiwii to tlilOB Hod under, and no prizcH are eiveii bir cows. The result is ihat ih.-y get lewer of the "lal- low ' aiiiinals wli ih used lo bo seen there; y<t tiny still give awardii in smiie c.isea to ikiiiiiiids nhieh Hould Hot be Mitiglit for by » bulilier. Till) Siiiitliliehl jiulgis aii> l>reuil«is,aiid tlui l.-Ksoi'H le^ilied by bniners lidiii ton iiidgm. lit have t.i Lo picked up ailhunl liio boii.lit ..f any e.x,ilaiiatioii of, t'oiim the juib.iM. liiiii.ers are auppo.«o.l lo barn iioin thOHhow thai certni i lyp. s if iiiiiiials ean bu made to pni lloah on al ft CTiuin rule, Weinlil for ate. Th. rn il iiUo II hluui..|,iur clasa, which th« juug. s vi. w unit nink abve uiid aiter- WarUi tthen killed. The secmluiy huya th». Ihu uveiiiKe ro.-nll u i:,o h,j„|,i i;: raiikiU lirat Mh «livu aod Uiiul A »i tiieiu .ra ixceptiuiii und .ume ili.«»i. I isfactioii in coubcquenco. In tliiH cksa one jiidgo ia usually a farmor pind oiin iibinclnr; these have siiiila: ideas for tho bloek IJeifcr.s must be k Ihd if ihey bike u pi izi-, tliia lieingu meal show, and iiot a lieieial or agricultur^Uhow, Educational iiieetiiig.s are all 1 ut un- known. At Cailislo there weiodonioii- stralioii.s of dairjino proceHses, but no wind of explanation seemed lo be given. Uuclph leaiis them all fur active, ener- getic, intolligeiil education, for III Britain the birme! Kieiiii lo lie highly honored in bcinii allowed lo e.\hibit, and th.-y let him pick up some crumbs of iiif .im.ition :f li" can. F. \V IloD.sox, Live Stock C'oiniiii.ssioner, Our dubbing jCtit I'aper.-> marked with,u * give balance of til is year free. 'i'liK .•\iivANCE and â€" *Weekly Mail and Em|)iro with pre- " "liuin 3 1 75 *\Veekly Glolie 1 Ki> Family HeraM i.nd Weekly Star ai.d premium 1 hO Daily Nows 2 oO Toroot.) U.iily Star ... 2 ;;•') Tiih.nt-> World ;t uO Uuardiiin \ ;)q The. Markets. t;arelullv t'oricr ed Earli M'<( |^ <'i'ts «H -o i,-; ''^•"â- i t)7 o (i7 ^^'I'-i'l 00 to (;.-, I'lirley 45 to 4."i Butler ](i ,, t(; FiL'gs fresh ;c -.o ]« ^,'"!l< â- 7 00 lo 7 00 Chickens per pair.... 25 lo M) Duck.s per pair 40 to «0 'ruekeys jier lb () to 10 (Jeese ])er lb (i to 7 H.iy 5 00 to ,-. on Foiatoes bair 75 â- .o 7-5 lldllliS 6ii§ â€" K(»Ii Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Flooring V\'e have just placed in posiiioii a new planer and matcher and are prepared lo furnish buihiiiii; material in all the above iin-.-s. (let our quolatioui when you want anything. SiickHsig Bros. 8ih coll., .\rteiiiesia â€" Maxwell 1*. O. lO.luly, '02 C.zLine -fistTay Oanie to tlio proniisi's of tlia unJerfii(;iie<i, l.t 10, ion 111, Csprcy. about tlio lAlli ilav of Sept. iast, one cwu aim twolainbs. Owner is reiiUflfl- e.l lo inovo iiroiierty. puv oxpensoBaiid tako tlioin iiway. li. .J. COLQUliTT, I'evcishaiu. \mmi \m m wmi TIi'i iiiiiU!rsij,"ioil has ti ftno thoroii^libritii Yoikrihiru hoar for 8t!vvi('»t m» lufc U4, liftU utni- cu.^sioji, Artuattisiu. Tuiiiis :&1. W.K.DYSON. fc//// Ofl^ff ^€trm ^or Saic, only tid*K)0 (if iiny iiiiirliiiu'i V. U) Il -I'l'li ui.Mt of fifttuii baiM \\\ VUlHl.liK Siri'Hlii and lit l\riit. \:\\^' iroiii M.ix\vu1l V hIuliii. $^cav a cjioni lana a.\ soiil ill throi* w.' imt^ iKinoothor tV 1., 1 111 HoM ftfe oiii:B) 10t> iicioK.CJ ftt for l):il iiK'e well thiibnmt. I'xuopt tirub *r iilY; frtviuu t'w.'lHnt.' \\\\k\ Ih titiibto uir.hir; wuU<rutl, liii t \ix It ivi lii>UMo; wn!l f<Mit;tt<.t 8t.itu of etiltivntiou: \\ tiiilm llUi^tt a<l I .) nlilod f.'UiU K.iVMT il, i>i!a;ico i'a w toftin. 'riii.*!'* '^iJiW. Vps'lv qiiiirk. l( not t'k*<, will be rtnti'l to tjivnt 'on- iM'u.i ripply. u..r.sru«)m»F.. I'jiLl H-itaiiT A.^onfi, t'fjsliji'tuu . When Doctors Disagree Consult an ' /Mhi Optician yrTvS '^'2 Nervousnessâ€" headaches â€" sleeplessness and dizziness, often puzzle the best physicians. Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct c.-iuse. Nothing can eflfect a permanent cure that does not remove the That is what our scientifically fitted glasses do, W. A. Armstrong, 4CWELER AND OPTJCI#. "i FLT5HERT0N. THRILLING EXPERIENCE Of Motorman Waldeni In the employ of TORONTO STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. DID NOT WANT TO GIVE UP WORK BUT WAS FORCED TO DO SOâ€" TELLS HOW FOR EIGHTEEN MONTHS HE HOVERED BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH, TREATED BY THE BEST PHYSICIANS IN TORONTO AND HIS CASE PRONOUNCED SO SERIOUS THAT HE WAS ADVISED, AS A LAST RESORT, TO USF THE OR. SLOCUM TREATMENT-IS NOW IN GOOD HEALTH AND BLESSES THE DAY HE HEARD OF THIS MARVELLOUS REMEDY. Mr. Alfred Waldcn, 7 Cornwall St., Toronto, whp has been in the employ of tbo Street Railway Com- pany for a number of years a3 motormari, informs us that he had an attack of la grippe, followed b^v typhoid fever, and after many weeks of suft'ering" it resulted in a complication of throat and lung' troubles. During this illness he was under the care of one of the best physicians in this city, who prouL-iinccd it a very serious case and advised him to stop work, which he was finally compelled to do. Mr. Walden heard about the Dr. Slocum Remedies and commenced their use and after usin^f them but for a few weeks he noticed a great improvcmeat. After using- this valiiaMe treatment for some littW time, the cough stopped, pain in left lung^ ceased* appetite iijiprovcd and night sweats were checked j and in about thl^:c nionths he was able to go back t(? work, feeling as well as ever. \\"hen interviewed, !^lr. Walden seemed to be in the best of spirits and expressed himself in the most grateful tenns, as he considers himscii comptetuly cured and in ihs enjoyment of good ht;.T,I'.h. What the Dr. Slocum Remedies have done foi Mr. W'akUrn has also been accomplished in thousands of other hopeless cosest wliich tcstlmouials we have oa file. A New Discovery that Cures Consumption. The Dr. Slocum System Presents a Positive Cure for Humanity's Greatesi: Foe. Four Marvellous Free Remedies for ail sufferers readins; this paper. Ne«v Cure for Tuberculosis, Consumption, Weak Lunss, Catarrh, and a rundoiwn system. Do }ou coug:h ? ly Do your lungs pain you? Is your throat sore and inflamed? Do you spit up phlegm ? Does your head ache ? Is your ap[)etite bad? Are your lungs delicate? Are you losing flesh ? Are you pale and thin ? Do you lack stamina ? These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most dangerous malady thai has ever devastated the earth â€" consumption. You are invited lo test what this system will do for you, if you are sick, by writing for a FREE TRIAL TREATMENT and the Four Free Preparations will be forwarded you at once, with complete directions for tisev The Slocum System is a positive cure for Consumption, that most iiisi»iious disease, and for all Lune' Troubles and Disorders, complicated by Loss of Flesh, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and Heart Troubles. Simply write to the T. A. Slocum Chemical Company, Limited, 179 King Street West, Toronto, giving post olhoe and express address, and the free medicine (the Slocum Cure) will be nromptly sent. Persons in Canada seeing Slocimi's free olfer in American papers will please scud for samples ta Toronto. Mention this paper* ;vr-:'- r.*:j ^jiiiJorHjm ? ? ? iS TnB PLACE TO BUY YOUR HARNESS AU kiiuls and pricjs Whips iimi Ijis1i>k fruiiks i!:iii Valico«, C'lmlis iiml l'ru->h'S. Swc.'iti).t:lM .-Miii coll;ir i«iili). Axle, Uod:' Oiiitinciit iiiiu liull Cure, Bitts iiiul Siini)', Biii,'!jy Dusters (itiii nil .stylos luul p. ices. Uiibln!r ru.:s. Woollni Rugs Polish (iiid Metal Poli»h ;inil Ever>thJng: hi our line. ttS. meere = FlesFjerton Mliitf \\\ \ m. MAXWELL Ahlii. Sii^'-,v li'vs aiivuucetl »d KtiU coii. tiuiio to svl! tho liost. (.Jranu'atid Snjjii iii 23 pounds f jr $1,00 Otliw SiiL' ut Imv [.rices. \Vu liiiM! milled to our lie i)f Units 1111(1 fclli' e.s KOIUNSON .\Nl> I/NDS'kY lirur.EU CC).'.i IvVNTKUACK nUBCKIl AND OVKRSllOE^fi, whldi yi'U fun'l .seii>vv-i in niiy t >->ii in Oiitaiii) for 4iiality wnt price, foi- wo sull a"- such ft U>* iiiaiyiii tliiit it is ii wonder lo the tiiuli'. £3n':Sei^'4»car» Ptsttts, 3«?ckst> iJKcJ Oi?er<5!iS ii'Ctn 60 cents io $1*50* Those uro H few tliinijs ilut ymi ciii "ot Eugenia Planing Mills â- '.:..:' Get your Sm.sIi, Doors, Flooring, S'.ieoting, New- ell Posts, Ball listers, Cor- ujr Eludes,] i;iii(l l»,ailinir, the best of .Sjiruco L;ttli, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Vei'cUKia and Fitting,8id- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stone;i for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S Walkei Sloan PROPRIETOR A Few Monties «. S?.; NT A THE »^^ Cwen Soi:rt;, Cnt V>'i.l lit II jnuiij; ni;,n ir winii;.n l"i.i- llU.-llil .ss. Tliii Iitst eoiiis.i 111 C.iiia''a und leiis. n- al>!ofei« :iirl oxpeiiso.s, Colloxo ciuut..r f'le to imy ndilniwk' / C, A.FLEMINQ. PRIN. . « Owen Sound, Oni 1,11 , I Hi \ ThorouRJib.ed Durham Bull for Service^ Cord mtntor 29068, i.,Tii?o;.':„tK^rio;r.,,\.'"rs,T' ""â- ''''"' T«rini«-»l for Kr*.l« powh, M for thorouch bifas l'v>ltgix'« oil a|<|iliu«tli>u JACOU LBVKK FlMhartou 1>,0, ^ TIesbeif on Furniture \ lUarerooms, \ We are cnrryinv il-e newest styles of Koasoiialile go.i;l,, iu al| li„ts ^f Kuiiiimre, cmisisiiiij; of : Pirlur and bedrouui suiLs, lounges, sidelK>ir<U, o.xteiisii n eeiitru luMef, eliairs, «ii»K.\v ^llad^s t,ud o6ria 11 pii:..«, jiietuio^ ea.'ois, etc., Vi'liicli we oiKr ut LOWEST PRICES T'iclure FiHminjj and General Ko prtiriiig. rii.leiMkiii^ i„ all its briinclius, SrttiKfne'iiiii guarHiileea. ^ W M. Bunt. - . Prop.