TtiE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE November 13 1902 â- P.'Vrirj H â€" Hav..!3. Iviaori Wilson f5 >rvlociSunday 1 1 a nri & 7 p. m ' Si:I>jtct9 Tor uext Sabbitliâ€" f M oiniii','â€" Rev.Wiiltor Ayc.js witlpiaach { Kveniii}! -"is ihu Onhuii LJqimr Act n'ort li Cuhtinp; foviii-i.ot ?" j Servicv! ;it C«\ !ori at 10.30 h iv.. j Vicinity Chips r>«ar««t<'^ristlcs of the Past 5'<u'k Ciii-cifuny Ciiiled "or the CurSmss "•â- â- »- " â- Fresli lime always on hand. J. H. Duckett, Eiigotiia. Burn â€"In Ariemu-iia, nn Oct. 27, to Mr. .-tnd Mrs. M. E. Wurfa, a dau'jliler. Boin--In .\ito iieaii, nil Friil;iy, Oct. 24, 10 .\tr. ami Mrs Wni. Davis.a son. Money to loan at lowest ratos. A. S. VanDusen, Flesheatnn." Eenitmbi.r t li-e tempetance diibale at Ma.xwtli nn Friday evening, N<iv. 14 Born â€" In Arte:iiesia,on Thui"<liiy,2>iii'. 0, t<i Mr. 1111(1 Mrs. T. J. Seius-m, a daughter. Uinb ella lost in Fie.siieiton ilurini; teaciiei!;' coavontion. Findi-r will lie rc\r iid.d hy Idaviny iit this "ttico. We »rt! Sk'.lUiii; an exc-elleut stuck of 'V;ivcil«r'.s .sam|iles of l>roojl\es and .stick j):ns at 25o. Soo llieiii. W. A. Artii>trung. Colts f jr .s.i!o Two 2yeai-o!d pontral piHpci.i.) cults for s:\le, on lot 2?), Dorh'.ni io;\(i. Wui Meads. 50 acre bush farm for side at a snap, situated on the 14th con., Artemosia. W. A Armstrong, Flesherton. Advice fn ui tfio Fleshcilou Inmters wh'i are in Muskoka district, dated Sat- arday last, infoims ua lliat they h;id secured nine deer up to that time. Blacksmith ohop, i-ood busine.'ss, also drick hfuse :ind good ,st:dile. vid.igo of Fevei.sham. for sale at a bargain. Apply to A. R. Inkster, Fijvei'sham. H. Atexaiidcr, ';ulof, Fii'slierton. Ont., Cloth '3 clianint; iki d dyeiin;. Sjucialat tentirn giwn ;o ladies' .suiie. CXKce op- ysite livery itible An auction -ide of farm stock anJ im- pleoiciits will bo held oji lot 23, con. 13, <.)sproy, Tuesdiy, Nov. IS, when a largo list of stuft will be offered tor sale. J. J. Kaittini.', auctioneer ; James Brownleo, proprietor. Salo at 1 p. iii Ram lanili.i for sale â€" Eight or ten good Leicester ram lambs for sale for breeding purposes, also one sheailing ram and a few j;ood ewe lambs. For particulars apply to .Jauie.i Stuart, Kmiberley P.O. The Christiiin Endeavor of Flesherton ' church will hold a social at the home of Mr. Alfred Thi.stlewaito, on Wednesday, Nov. 10. Rigs will be pro- vided to lake those yoiug from the vilhire. Money TO Loanâ€" At 4i to 4| pm- cen- Expenses low. Also a number of ini- pi'ovod and unimproved farms fur sale e'leap. .Api'ly to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- buriio, or DandalK otiice Saturday after- uoon. Bella McKenzie of the lIcKeiizie farm, back line nest, who was on an e.v tended vi.sit with friends in Coilitigwood and Dnntrooti.liiis returned home accom- panieil by her friend, Mifs Uusso'l of Duntroou. Mr. i. J. Kelso, Superin?endo:;t of Nciilcoted and Do;'endont Cliiklixn, Tor- onto, has received from one of the in- fants' homes of the province a number of small boys to 1)0 placed in fo.<tet homes. There ."ire live of them â€" bright, attractive little follows who would certainly bo a treasure in some quiet homo «hero the prattle of children is not known. Any- one thinking of adopting a little fello.v should wriiB Mr. Kelso, who will be pleased to give all ni:ces.?!iry information. Quite a lippleof interest was created in tow n last week by the vi.-iit of .•« oniple of i;oi:lh-inen from the south in the per- sons of Mr. J. of TiUoiibur-^ .iiid (j. A. McUubbin, e iijinoer, St. Tboma'*, The goutleuien sre rejuesen in.; the Port Burwoll andOoorijiau Bay railivay, for which a charter was given Mr. Charlton at last aossion of piirliamiut. NVe belitve the is in oporati'U from P.'rt Uur- wo'.l to Ingtirsoll. It is proposed to run the line uji throusjh this s.'Ction to term- iuue at Collingwood, where Mr.Chirltou has large milling iuterest-". The gentle- men ab >ve iiioniinncd, i'i>e of whom is the present ui.aniger .ind t!ie othsr an eng^u^^o^, hive bj«in going over th>< pro IKised nuKe. They tirat e.^tamined a routa t'UDUgh (Mprey and out t'lroUijh the I'retiy River valley. This we believe rliey (uuud iuip Hcticableand next turned their Attentioii lo the beaver valley. They <Jrovo from this point to CoUingwood via Cl.iiksbiirg and returned the same way, caicfnlly iXiiniriing the more ditticult portion, which 1 es within two inileinorth of Flesi'ertou on the old Ho-.-g property. This spot Wi«s found, however, to be not ditficuir. The genlltinen seemed to bo favorably inipresiicd with the Beaver Valley route, anJ it is prolmKle that in the event of the rairoad bein-^ built tl.Ls route will be ciiusen. Te.vcher W.^NTEn â€" For S. S. No. 11, â- \r'emesia, male or female, 3iid chwss ceitdcate, for year 1903 Applicition, Ktaing subiry, received up t^i 15th Nov., iy02. George Wariing, Sec., Vandeleur P. 0., Ont. The Ad vance had a much appreciated cill fioin Mr. W. T. .lacknian of the Chdliwack.B. 0.,Pronres.!,oii U'ednes'lay bi'it. Mr. -Jackamn wan at onetime fore- m,in of the Marl;d.itc S'auilard. H« went out to B. C. thiiri'cn years ago and stiirt- ed the Progrcs.-i, wiiich has been a paying institution from iti incef'tion. A st'ecial Grand Army »f the Republic excursion to Washinut.n gave Mr .lack man an oppor- tnoity of visiting his many old friends in Oittiirio. He a!.so vi.-i:ed Wa.s|.inijton Aii'l Butf'il 1. Mr. Jackiii.tii nas.some 22 or 23 years ago, a fellow typo .vitli the I'liior of pnper, in ihe old Guide • •Iii'--! !.t Pund.i.k an^i in Durham. We were â- .;1 1 1 t" cha'f,' h s ;i r.i.l and note his piosperily. The Fe\ ersh.iMi sMg4 drivpr had a bad niiia«ay on WedneSiKy of !:i!it week. Hall a mile tha otliur side of <l.ixwe!l a bolt liiokjaad let ihc WNifSilrees on to tln^lni-se.s het'Is. No s,-lf respecthijj animals would .stanil thisaod Mr Sample's horses bolted. .\ii o!d l.idy was in the wagon with the driver. .After running a hundred yards or so the wrtgoo polj hit the ground and broke. Here horses and waaon parted, the wagon for- tuna'ely rem lining right side up. .A pulper was thrown from the rig and badly broken. The inmates were not injured. The horses ran about a mi'e and a half bi-fore beiuu sl-.-pped. It was an exeitinsj fow mooionts fnr Mr. Sample and his pa.-!sen'.'er until the wagon was stopped right side up. The first "big uuu'' of the prohibition campH'gn was fired at Poilaw on Mem- day evi-nmg when about 200 ratepayers gathered in the school and listened patient- ly to several addresses. Mr.S.Sheardown occupied the chair. The meeting was Hrsl .iddresscd by -Mr. T. McKenzie, who was followed liy Mr. Huteliioson of Inis- tioge.a farmer who is intensely in earnest on the prohibition i[uestiou. Rev. T. R. White of Eugenia exphdned the nature of the bill before the people, and was fol- lowed by the orator of the evening. Rev. J. S. 1. Wilson, B. D., of Flesherton. Mr. Wilson went carefully over idl the most common objections against the bill, and turned them down as farcial or trivial one after another. His address was listened to with the deepest interest and he was terdered a vote of thank?, which also included the other speakers and Jliss .Allie Joy of Flesherton who favored the audience « ith a solo. The meeting cer- tainly augured "well for an enthusiastic campaign, and the apathy and inditforence which sonic professed to notice at the beginning bids faiv to le thc^nuisbly dis- pelled before the -jlosa this campaign. Port Law Mr. Nicholsim of Oikvillo, formerly of this neiijhboiluiod, came up to atteml t!u funeia! of h's brolher-iiidaw,tbe late .Mr. Dyson, and is since visiting numbers of his fam-.Iy here. His old friends are ulad to see him looking ••o hilo and hoiir^y. Mrs. S. Sheardown received the S)id in lelligence of the sudden death of her nephew, a son of .Mr. Anau.-i Bolton of Bolton, who was for some years a resi- dent iieiv. iMr. and .Mrs. Sheardown at tenae.d the funeral. Mcs. McLean and S'ni;^ have purchased a IW acre farm oirthefonith line, Os- prey, to which they intend removing in the near future The Balgero* brothers and ihcir .Mster have taki'ii up U-cir residence on Mrs. While's firm. -r .Mr. and .Mrs. Win. Bl:ikiehav«! removed from t).-:prey and taken posses.sion of one of Mr: McNalij's house.<. Thieshiiii is now about compb'ted. The work Inis been long and t.'dious on aceouit of the uiuisuai bulk of str.iw and although there is considerable lii:bt grain the yield, gAwraily, has exce.^ded exviec- tations. The services of our teacher, Mr. J A. Hutchinson, have been secured for an other year. This has leen' hailetl with satisfaction by the pooplu of the sec ion of whom he has \y<A\ the coiiSidenco and ts'eetn. Tha first volley in the Arteiuesia \>ro hibitioii camp.»ign «jvs tired in our school house t-n Monday ni^ht. Th>« people uf I his i.>.»llin!j subdivision turned out in a b-dy Iwiidrs many from sunoundii.g dislrictf, incUldins' u Urge load of entlins- iasiic temperance workers from Fleshi-r- iin,'.ig whom were Rev. J. S. 1 Wilson, the Misses Joy, Mr. aid Mrs.T. J. Sheppnrd, Messrs. W. H. Bunt, J.E. Friwcetr,u'id Editor Thurston of the ".Ad- vance." and ju.'>t here in [)as«in>t we iiiiaht say that temperance pei'ple .sjiouU feel prouud of the "•.iilvancc" uad do feel pioud of it in the stand it h.i8 taken in .-tupport and advocacy of our just and rigiiteous cause. Mr. S. Sher.rdown was elected chaii man i-od tilled the position in a creuiiablu and citicieut manm-r Tne singing of the inspirin-; ciiiipaign songs was entered into with ^reat enthusiasm. Jlisa Jriy faioreii the audience a Solo,"Tl.e Sunday sch' ol man and the biewer, " which was much enjoyed. Short atldresses were deliver- ed liy the chairman, your humble scribe Mild -Mr, Thomas Hutchinson, Rev. T. R. White, who is heart and soul in the Work, dealt with the Ontiirio Liquor .Act of 19*.)2,i!oinjj minutely into its provisions and explaining them in detail aud show ing that tht: electorate were aske<l to discharge their franchise for any visionary thing, but that unlike farmer plebiscites they had nowsomethinsi definite â€" some- thing tangible before thein, and that it now rests with the voters to say whether or not we are to allow the drink traffic to continue. Rev J.S.I. Wilson, president of East Grey as.sotiation. who is a host himself and peculiarly adapted for the work a.ssit;ned him, delivered a masterly speech, and i.i his own unique, diamatic and entertaing way successfully combatt ed almost all the aiguments advanced by antiprohibitioiiists. We will not attempt to report his speech ; it would be im- possible to do so, as well might we at- tempt to report thunder and lightning â€" he must be heard, be must be seen to bo appreciated. To conclude, if this meet- ing with ir.a numbers and enthusiasm is lo be a criterion of the sentiment of the province then it is sufe to take it as an assurred fact, that not only willlhe teiu perince act of 1902 become law but the prohibition cause be overwhelmingly victorious. .^•<«*-^^'^-â€" '•^•«»'â- «l»•>»•3•^•^^^^^s^â- .»»â- .*â- ^â- ^»•^•^^«t• VaIuable Advice to Rheumatics. Eat meat sp.iringly,and very little sugar. .Avoid intoxicants, keep away from dampness, drink water abundantly and always rely on Nerviliiie as a quick reliever of rhuematic pains. Beimi live times stronger than ordinary remedies. Nerviline's power over pain is oeyond belief. It cures also sciatica, lumhauo. neuralgia and all pain, whether internal or external. Lirge bottles, p rice 2.'jc. X tramp who visited Ge irge Robinson's residence, East Garafraxa. m the S6ar<;h for something to ear, while Mr. and Mrs. Robinson vfere out in the tield topping turnips, helped himself to S39 in c;isli and so lie eatables, and then, having an important engagement elsewhere, left hurriedly to fill it. .A. good .story is to Id by an inspector in a neighboring county. While on a trip of inspection im Sacualny night he went into a hotel aud found the bar locked and the lights out. When leaving the place he met au old man and a^ked him if everythin,' locked up tight. The old man did not know the inspector and re- plied: "Come around in half au hour, the inspector is now making his trip.' Horses Strayed. To the jirem iscs of tlio llr.•^ersi•>ne.^ in ''-.lolioo bay uiaro and ore ycarlius colt. Tlio owner is roquestcii to prove property, I'ay o.xdeusos uuil take tlU'in iiwuv. JOHN' \\ i:1U':R ,t pons, Vunile ;enr TO CURS A COLD INONB DAY Take Laxnlivo Uromo l,>iiii!ine Tablets Al driisRists reluu'l lb 3 money if it fails to cure \V ...Urovo'ssixnaiuro is ou each box Sic VV. HOCKLEY Great Reductions f f» \»; \h m '^S^^ Z* 3. Sbcppard. •^i?- & €-• S, .'}\ ft; S; St SS. S; C; S; i jt & S; i: «.- St- «t C: S; at ^' T. J. SHEPPARD Seasonable ^oods« You will find all needful gootls for this season at tlii,s .store up to your expectation. We have spared no pains in the selection and the many wdio •visit us is proof that this store gains in favor djiily. Oltf Ladies' Siiitingrs In thi.s line -we have all the new Fabrics,and they are worthy of your in.spection. Gents' Purnisliincfs Our Men's Suitings in black and colored worsteds.and Scotch, English and Canadian tweed.s are complete, with a tine assortment so that when you want a suit to order we wt^uld ask you to call and see our collec- tion before buying. In'Men's and Boys^ Ready-to- wear suits, Overcoats, single Trowsers, Overalls, Smocks, Ties, Gloves, Collars, Underclothing, your needs are well looked after. IN READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots andL Shoes Our Boot and Shoe depariment is tilled up with a full stock of seasonable goods, heavy leather and felt for Men. Ladies and Children. Our I^ubbers We handle the celebrated Maple Leaf Brand and we have a large assortment of heavy Lumbermen's in the Snag Proof and heavy rubber; also Snag Proof long rubber boots as well as a full stock of rubbers for boots. Xlillinery The stock in this department has been replenished since the openings by large shipments of the latest and most fashional>le styles. The assortment is most complete and will be maintained throughout the season. »^ 4^ \i) i^ \l/ \i* m AT ib \«jr itH â- ii/ i^ (if i^ a> ill \b \^ iit \«i iJi* i^ i^ ilb iif iii ^ Hit iit aft ii iit iit iii \it ib iit iit w Ot @ O. XIcTAVISM @ iii[f[[iiilMlii[ei!iR^ /^^^ For F.i St Cass Buggies, Carts. I'iea&ure and Lumler \\ agon.'', (f5Jy Sleiijhs. We keep a stock en hand to choose from. hx AL50 HORSE SHOEI.NQ AND OENER.\L BL.ACKSiMlTHl.NQ â- J^^^ and iiuiraMtee tii-oi class work. We keep on haml Ploogiis and Plough repaiis, and also Massey- <C\J] (hinis .11. d N i.xon reiisii-s for linoers, Mowers, ill kinds of ^-VP lf\j. nvihiicy, also Binder Twine on band. ^ Winn i?i t^5»n gic^ us a caal « ^^VWs'amV^WsV^l'B^^VVVWVvVsWiWsVtiW*^^^^^^ â- Men's all-woid tweed suits, S9.00, redin- ed to l> T Men's Fan-y t»>ed suits, J7 50, leduee to 5 *^ Boys' 3 piecesuii.s.iiJ 73, reduce J to i 'â- > Boys' 2 piece suits,^3 W, reduced to 2 2 Dress Goods. •-'00 yd.s. fancy dness gooils.rego ar selli.ig price ;Wc. to 40c., reduce.l to 19 Boys', regn'ar prices 6l}o teduced to ^ 45 Circuit snaps in ll.nnele te shirts. 50 Men's Hannelet'e shirts, regular 50 cent, clearing out at 3."> Tallor-mnde Suits .\ snap fiU' young nie<i, rejuVir SI6 and SIT sni-s for 13 and 14 Every suit guaranteed to tit, or no sale. STRAW ii.vrs. Men's fine "straw liats 25 Mi IfOo i-r 20 Ladies .sailor hats, resnlar .")0 ind GOe for 40 24 Men's S.veatevs, el>-aring out at ...d8 12 Bovs sweaters, clearing out at ... .45 .•\ large a.».sortineiit of Lacliis kid gloves, reonlar SI. 25 nnd SI 15 goods f.r ... .90 .\ Large Assortment of Fancy tilassware Rigbcst price paid for Butter and Eggs Salt for Sale W. HOCKLEY. FOt^ FIRST CLAS5 CARRIAGES AND I'LOUQHS . â€" 00 TO â€" Heard's Works, Flesherton ;^ j ^ We have Cutters, Sleighs,Buggies, Waggons and Carts. ^ '^ I'lcurys, Dyment Butterfield and Wilkinson plough mC ^ Shares and repairs of the best quality. Spring tt^oth ^ 3 aud Iron harrows. Also first class hantlmatle harness. «,. ^ Rorsc Shoeing nr.d General Blacksmttbing. f ^% ^m^fmfmmmmnmmmm^r^^^^^^^^f^^^w Ji. milson = Tlesberton « « f& Xar^^s^o^tl^ Boa.r for Service. .4lvin I No. 72S 1 Fleshertons* Tonsoriai t> a !•! rvt* i '•â- on. 2 E T. & S. K. Terms ?l Ot). fiXWKjl iSep.lyr. Uieh.trd Alien, Klwher to The undersigned has a thorouuhV'reil Tamw.rth. Boar hivd by .Inlin B.ll. of .•\niber, Ont.. for service i-n l"t 170. WaNTED-BaRBER Al'BREXTlCK good chance to learn for the right young man. Bring along Ya Laundry Horses Strayed. Came to t\i*> pn^inisoa of the uudars««noti, lit »7 Con. la, .\rteii!esi«. aboat Oct,tst.,oue hor^i". ^ ^ ^ ! Tha owner is roiiHCftixl totiroTOi>ro?o»ty. piy ^ ^ V I rxi>en6«s anl take tbo same away n.iUUson = Tlesberton) Kugooiai ip. 0, W: . Samplk ,lm,=.-iAi,xai». - It^i^iti'lt:^