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Flesherton Advance, 13 Nov 1902, p. 1

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^KEff^ssmmp. ^m^v r^' 'â-  <*- triUrn "TODTH BEFORE FAVOE." â€" " PEINCIPLEh NOT MEN." }L. xxn, N( no7 Fieslierton, Out,, Tliursday, JSTovetribcr 13 1003 W. H THURSTON, E DITCH & I'KOFhlETOH 'a 1^ !» y4UiH§ t* Gruucltes ;• ad Stick FitiS I litiG is a Hija[) â€" a genuine snap. Wo ijoaylit a UiiVt lifer's sioc'c ol' jsaiijjjles, Tlaue ure ii[) tu duic land iLjiunyliiy rcHablu but vre goi them lU a siMip lUid wo pstss tbcui lou to yon ai Uru baiu':. The I'tg- j uinr wliulisalf p! ico d' nciily ail ! of iiicse is away up. ''t! wiii seil ; }oii yoir.' [.â- :ck i;l'(.'i'Ji(.'r brooches' oi' stick \.\\:i For only 25 csats. BE bUilE .iii.i iiivo us a cal! and sooiiift ouL' "uefors ti;ey tiU t;o. They aro i^oiug fast for we sold a lai-jjc rurii'otti'c.f cheSd week. W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON {Prohibition riectings Meeliu;;s in fav-r of pr^hiliition wilt 1)0 held in iho towijship of Arti'iULsii ai FiilloM s : Nov. ]2 â€" VauJelciir ScboMlhouse. N..V. 13â€" Pricevilk-, Waisou's hall. N.'v. 14â€" Stone's schuol, Stone's Line. ' Nov. 14â€" lluid'd Sohi.ol, T'4-imtr, Lhie. Nov. 17 --Uuckvivlu SfhoolhoLisu. Nov. 17â€" Ebt-iiezL-r Methodist Church, Townliuo .\. and E. N.v. 18â€" Ctfjlon. the H.dl. K..V. 18â€" S. S> N... 9, 8th hue. N.'V. 1<>â€" Dranuy Valey Sciu.ol. Kov. L'Oâ€" S S "14, nnai- Markdalu Ncv. 20-Eui:enia, the hall Kov, 21 -=-S S 7, Durham Road school -. . Nov. L'4â€" Pi'otcn School. Chair taken at 7. 30. Some ut the fol- hiwini! will bo proient and give aJdrt'Ssus: Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B. D.; Rev. L. W. Thum; Rev, F. \V. Varlcy, M. A.; Rev. J. A. Matlieson, B. D.; Rev. VVni. Chai.tler; Rev. W. A. Rodwcll; Rev. J. Hui.t.r; Rev. T. R. Wliite; Mr. \V. G. Pickcll; Ml-. F. T. Carr. i MioS Lillian Gilhi'i-t is home for a feiv wc.ks' v!sit, and MLss J.Gilljvrt has gone to I'teiid Mcifi-r-lHiuh Sl-1;oo1. .Mr.Huii'oi .Mcifoidi.s hiredas piiiiciijal , o[ ihis ac:iiiol mid Miss Johti.ston fof Utathc-'if as as>ist«nt. .\[.-. GcT'^J Curry had his hands full deliverii-ii i'luit tree.-; this ["ast tew iveeks, having (i^liveit;! to the amount of 81400. Jlr. \V. HL-l.op wdl si/on h.ive hr-i mill npuirs c.nipleted wliich wiil imiji'ove the appoiranco of his pioperty. i\x. IJuibert Ntils of ttealhcote. is thresldni; out some of the farmers of this Si>ctioii as Mr. Alhvrt McConnell's seprr- ator has hroken ilown. 1 .Mrs.JanifS Cluystoii and son Harold of Eppinti vi.sited Iier sister. Mrs. Thos. Ahiror.iinbie, recently. Mr. John Irwin of Heathouto visited friend hero oil Monday. J!r. Gci'rje Stuart has gone to Powas Sen fur a deer hunt. \ and Mrs. A.Ellis has gone to visit ' iu Powassen ' Mr. Will. Ellis has shipped a carload of apples uiJ the lakes, iMossi-s. Joe Carruthers and .Andrew Wnllioe have returned h. iine after spend- if.g a few mouths iu the Northwest. Mes rs. Wm. Stuait, Robert ai:d T. B. Cariuthers have been ihowiuu .M)mc ! men through the valley who are flunking I of [jutting a railroad through t-) Thorn j bury and Collingwuod. t'eylo^i. Mr. J.Collinson visited Dur- ham iriemls on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Wadsworth and little daughter, of Toronto Junction, were guoat.s at -Mr. R. dok's the past week. Misses Kate and Marij MeArlhur of Priceville visited friends hero for a few days t!i;s week. Mi;«s Jean Collin.son left Moiiday for a few weeks sojourn with friends in Tor- onto. Mis. Stewart of paid a short vLsit to her brother, Mr. !> .MuDdl of this phiCH. Mr. Chapman, win, has been relieving Mr. McO ill for a few days, left Monday tor Oraiigeville. Mr. MeGill was called away on {Thins- day to attend the funeral of his mother near King, We iiie pleased to see Mr. James Mc Mulka out once more. Priceville We have been favored with good weather for hat vesting root crcps, wdiieh are about all under cover in this vicinity. I The 5th of November, or Gunpowder ' Plot anniversary, was not celebrated here, ! neither was the'Utli. Guy Fawkes is for- j gotten and a piiiice that allows his birth- day to come so latj in the se.isou is n it in it, I Hallowe'en passed over rather (juielly. 1 We hear that the cold water cure was tried on a ceicain inanufaeturor's wagon. The operating room was the Saugeen river, that important adjunct to our vill- age, for during the sumuior montliS it is extensively u,sed for watering stock, tilling tanks, and a large number of the popula- tion bathe more frenuently per week tlian Naiuiian did in the Jordan. The fanners wash thousands of .sheep in its t'dv, and the baptismal service has been held scores of tiLi'es 01. its peblrly .shore. A citizen replied a funny anecdote to us last sum- mer of a sheep w.isliing that clashed with a baptismal service, and at which event he nairiiwly escaped a " black snakiin; " when a kid sonu- 3a or 40 yeais ago A Colored preacher had been holding a re- vival anioiiij his people, and some of the converts chose baptism by immersitui^iii the Saugeen, the next Sun^iiy, iVi the pool below the old red mill. A farmer in the vicinity ctvught oti the idea of washing tile wool on the sheep's back and chose the same pool, and the Saturday previous, fertile cleansing of liis sheep, at which the aforesaid kid delighted to lend a helping hand. .V black man happen-d to come to ilie mill witli a tcrist and l.e- i lieM with horror tlu f.ariner â€" whom "r.e well knew hiid no love for iinmersi'iii- - washing his filthy ipiadriipei-lsiii tlicalniost sacred pt'ol. The b.ire h'.igel uieliin made s-'mn iaevcrenr. remark abou' wasliing 'â- white sheep to day and black sheep to-moirow," at which tlie sable de.icon took after liiin with a black sn.ike whip, but was inlerceptoa by 11 bystander who threatened to scrap ri:;ht there if he touched the b"y, Tne eobired congreg.a- , \ tiou held a council that night and le- Threshing ii about wound up for this \ solveil "to de;>cend about a hun.lrcd nds ywir and the faimeis have reason to c ui- ' up de creeU to annoder pool." gratuluto themselves on the lar.'e returns j Mr. Alex, Muir, of tbo Ceylon S'oek for their lalior. The tine weather of the , Farm, sohl a ram latnb lately to D, Edje past two weeks has enabled the fanners to I of Beinick that won live 1st priz s and lutrvcsl the root crop in a gooil coiiuition, one second at the various fairs iu the whieli, with the e.tctptioii of potatoe.-*, county. (which aie somewhat ulfectod by the rot,) ; Mr. W. L. Dixon of North Egremont I is an iuimense one. ! came to the conclu.^ioii lately that he pre- ! Mi.«s Edna Kills gave a Uallow'rii party ferrud Mr. Herb Watson's spring Ch'ftrl in Inoior of her cousin. Miss MoM.inis, ' Grit hlly to S^oO, so now W. L. oivns the ^ who has been visiting ill this vicinity for inultt red-ticketed blo,,d and Herb's s lino time, and who has returned to her pocket a nice wad of bills. I homo near pSnelburiie. |- Tciuperance inecrin.! in Wat.son's ITalll .Miss Li oby Pi i. chard and Miss Mary ! on ihs 13th (Thirsd.iy oigl't.) The lJ4iug as are learning Urossiuaking with ] public aie curdiHlly invited to attend Ms Henry of i\lark.Ule. j Mr. 1). MoAtilev, who returned from 1 Mr, Ed. Hutchinson has decided tliat , Vancouver, U.O , gone to Toledo, US j tailoring i-> more cmiuenial than farm - j Mri. W, A. Parker of (.)wen S-iund lia» I in<; an 1 is learning the business wi h Mr. been spending a couple of wejks visiting | , Tlo'inoSoti ut iMarkdilo. i her iiiothm-, .Mrs, W.Ferguxm, and other ' Our schovil liustees Itavw invested m h friends here ai.d in Shelburno, while W, i new school bell, which they pi iced in A, is up north chasing the and red j position on Friday last. deer. Mr. lieu Buchanan left last week for Mr. Peter Mc.Artliur and some fticnds Toronto, wheie he lias^svcured a position have shot 4 (Y) deer this week, j iu a machine shop. I On oruatiixer of the S (), T. hare been Mit.s Sura Johnston of Fainn>nnt, ac- workiiiL' around here for sonio days, compaiiied by Mr. Matthew and Miss M' I iVIr. L. McDougil ha< the frame of bis Pevitt, Hiitut Sunday her parents, new house ui) ai>d end ised. Laohie lelh Mr. and .Mis A Johtisu.ii. ; some rattling talei about the Nor' since he c<iine home. Mivy Jamieson. I Class III sr. â€" John Byan. III jr. â€" Fred Truemaii, Ruth ^Paul. Class II sr. â€" Mamie Maj^ee, Willie I Milligan. TI jr â€"Ella Maj-ee. Pt, il sr.â€" Jenuie Carson, Ethel True- man, Clnirlie Jaiulesoti. Pt,IIjr. â€" Bella Genoe, E, Jatuiesou, Newton Benson. j Pt. I chiss IIIâ€" Nettie Trueman. ; Pt. I class II- Lyda Trueiui-n, Wilfred ' Magee. ' Pc. 1 class I â€" George Benson, George Cirson. j Report of S. S. No. 7. Artemesia. i Class IV--Edit!i Din-wall, K .Meads, Louisa Dingwall, Joe Oliver, Emily Hen- : \ derson, Janet Why e. Class IIIâ€" Robbie Patou, Mary [-"aton, ' Maiy Muir, Willie Whyte, Uughie Mc- Phail Feed Vaur.e. Class Hâ€" Jeanie Muir. I Pt. II class sr. â€" )ohn Whyt •, Maggie Hendcison. j Pt. II jr.â€" Emina .Aleads, Willie Oliver, Hannah Waisou, JauKS Gillies, Pearl Ueiidersoii, j Sr. I class â€" Boldiie | Jr.I classâ€" Iia Whyte,Gartield Whyte, ! James Oliver. Those ivho were most regulai'In attend- ance Were. â€" Girlii'ld Whyte, Louisa; Dingwall, Willie (Jltver, Emma 51iads. | Flouk.nce E. STi'Nli,Teacher. j i Taudtflcur Report of the Kle.iherton public school for Scpteniher and October. Names in order of merit. Class Iâ€" Fred McMulluii, N. Teeter, May Fljnn, Jim Wilson, C^e^rge Patton, Irene WiLsoii, Ji'ii. Stewart. Class IIâ€" Velma Talbot, Frank Legiird and Lloyd Talliott. Edith 'I'eeter, Ethel Richaidson, Ha:'..l Tlionitison, John Sbeppard, Gordon Sht|ipaid, Muriel Mc- Tavisti, Frank I'.ittoii, Geuruina Hopps, lla Alexander, Af.nie Flyiiii. Senior pait P-George Stewart, Tciia Legard, Harmon Hale.s, Junior |.art II â€" Alma Leer, Rebecca Richardso-.i, Uerbie McLcod, Muriel Thunpson, Flora McMull-ii, llerbie Sullivan, Aland McDonald, Charlie Cros,sley, Lilian Down, Bert Petch, Maty Burnett, Irene Speuce, Ha Mi:chi-ll. Senior part II-- Edna Ptitton, -Adda Writ:ht, Lilian Rutledge, Lilian .Arm- strong, Laura .\rmstrong Elsie Baiuhouse, iViUie Wilson, Hardy Patton aiiss M. Martin, Tciicher. Junior division of juninr II classâ€" O. Davis, Violet Spence, June Radl.y, J, Teeter, Robbie Bellamy, Joe L.gaid, A. V<'ardrobe, Clinton Morrow. Senior H class â€" Bella Loucks, Fivd McTavish, Kendall Mitchell, Harold Karstedt, Fred Bellamy, Class III â€" Ettie Legard, Ettie Lever, Reta Legard, LulR Mitchell, Gladys Blakely, Albert Riehard.soo, Iviyitle Bhikely, Willie Cro.ssley,Florrle FV-Uaiiiy, Ri>hhie Down, Lizzie Wilson, F.Sullivan, Pearl Hopps, Glenn Petch, Martha Tiiom[,son, .Minnie Stock. MKS.W.N.t!Ui>v.-s, Teaeher, Cla.sss IV jiiitiorâ€" Celia VaoDn-on, K. L 'uard, Beatiice Hides, L^iura Davis, L. Boyd, Eva Spei ce. Rub; 'i'rini'ile, Geo. McTavish, Chwell Whiotm, E Blakely, Ha Lo\er. Class [V sr, â€" W'ilJa W-igh', Mabel Boyd, Ella Kirstedt. Class V jr â€" Ante Tiiur-st n, Charlie iMcTavish, Fred Karst«dt,Stanluy Thurs- ton, Charlie Bellainv. Clas4 V sr. â€" Myrtle Thuis'on, E!'a Bariihouse. J, E, F.twctirt, Priuaipal. > IK % â- r -â-  »â- ; I f â- i . ..-L , ^ ^ .^ f ^ ., râ€" ^'-V-'-' â- ' > » ''- «â- â- - ricF ARLAN D,5TAFF0 RD & CO. ilARKDALE, ONT. Grey Counfy's Biggest and Chieapest Store. Home Comforts.. Comfortable, Economical and needed for the liotne It's the constant w.itchfulness that accomplishes so much for you. We have been wideawake for your necessities in the way of Bed Spreads, Comforters, Blankets and Slieetiiii;s, $J00 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS Sl,45 pr, 75 piiirs pure white unshrinkable wool blankets with fancy coloied stripe borders, thoroughly scoured and cleansed, size 5G x 70, iu regular way Sell at 82, on sale at per pair 1.45 .S3.25 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS .S2.t)9 pr. 25 pairs extra fine unshrinkable super wool 7 lb Blankets, soft and lofty in fiiiisb, theroughly cleansed and scoured, in regular way would sell at 83.25, on sale at per pair 2 O'J 7 lb ALL-WOOL BLAXKETS FOR 83,25 pair. The manufacturer i-uaraiitees these Bl.uikeis to be made from pure white Canadian wool, absolutely free from any adultration of any kind, extra 3.4'i BEST BLANKETS MADE FOR S3 00 Extra supertine all pure wool Saxony Blankets, guaianteed absolutely pure, tine soft and loft.y ftnish. These are the best blankets miitlo in every respect, sizes 56 x 74 inches for t>3.00 per pair ; tJO -X 78 inches for S3,50 a |iair ; (i8 x 8(i inches for per |jair 4,50 borders. 81.25 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS FOR 95c pr, 75 pairs 11 x 4 White Flannelette Blankets in pink and blu a beautiful soft tinish and in re^iular way sell at cl.25, on sale at per pair 'J5 81.50 COMFORTERS FOR 81 19 Reversible printed Cambric Coiidurters of new patterns and good heavy lilliuii on sale at 1.19 82 25 REVERSIBLE COMFORTERS F<)R S1.7.">. This Comforter is filled with absolutely pure White Cotton which is especially prepared and carded into cross laps to give extra streiigili and buoyancy, on sale at 1.75 "82,50 RE'VERSIBLE COMFORTERS FOR 81.90 Fancy Sateen Comforters, large sizes, made from fancy »rt .sateens, re- versible, and ouaranted pure wdiite carded cotton lilliii" 1.90 82 75 REVERSIBLE COMFORTERS FOR82.25 Reversible Comforters of printed art sateens of rich colors and fancy stitchiin;, pure white cott«n tillinsr, on .sale at 2.'''5 81 00 COLORED BED SPREADS FOR 75c. Bed spreads in blue, and white, and pink, and white mixtures, centered patterns with border all around, worth SI. 00. im sale at 75 3 EXTRAS IN WHITE yUlLTS Fine Satin Whita Quilts, best Eiiylish makes, full bleached, very rich in finish and new ilesigns in Romati and scrool piatterii, oilr regular 81,35 line on .â- sale tor 8119 ; regular J1.50 on sale at §1.25 ; and §1.75 on sale for 1,50 ti5c, FLANNEL SHEETING FOR 4.5c. Eiuht-tiuarter Union Flmnel Sheeting, iu white, full 72 inches wide, sold in regular way at (ioc, on sale at 45 jVliiFki'lhiid, ^tkffoi'a k Co -jk. :,*.. '_fc.' Lumbermen's Supplies Pimpies, Blotches and Skin Eruptions How unsightly, Siimetiiues oven disgust- ing, and certainly very mortifying to the sutl'erer. They are in rely an evidence of impure, p daoiicd blood, and lowered vitality of the eleuientary organs, which Can be iiuickly changed by taking Ferro- z >!io afrer meals. Fcrr"Z 'lie cleinses thj blood of all poi.soiis and eruptions, m ikfix it rich in red C'irpuscles that manifest themselves in :v healthy ruddy complexion. To have a pure, s ft skin and good com- plexion simply use Ferrozone rcularly. Price .50--. I>er box, or six Itoxes fo $2 50, at dru.;:;ists or N. C. Poison & Co.. King- ston, Out. S.dd by W. E. H chaidson. Snag Proof Rubbers. We have a splenditl variety of snag proof rubbers in all sizes, for which we quote a few prices as follows : Snag proof Duck,6 inch,leather top.rollededge.sp^Cial $2*50 Men's 2 buckle Petfeetiou, special §2.2 ;> Men's 2-lMickle Pi'ife -tion, Tcnuito brand, S|iecial ., , 1,75 Men'n l-l>uekle rubber 1.00 B..y.s' 1 -buckle rubber <)0 Men's plain ove. s. Maple Leaf brand 7.5 LaJie.?' plain overs, 50 Luinberinaii's heavy si it, 50, 75_, Si 00 and 1,25 Ra«*dwar« Department « « Saws, Xcut and Others; Axes and A.xe Handles. Hluibt-rley Honor Kolls Mr». Cofley of Toronto is visiting her bi other, Mr. Albert My lo». ' RniHirt for (>x'ob-3r, for S. 8. No. 9, Mr. Janies Uninnioud of Peunsylvaniii, Artemesia. U. S., il visitjcg friends hero at present. Cl;u« IVâ€" Min» Bon,90ti, Berl Magee, FARM FOR SALE O ily SISOO. Sl.500, easy tcrnjs nteri'st 5^;', I'X) acres, 75 cleared and under cultivation, balance half Cddar swamp and half mixed hard wood. Com forlable frame dwelling, frame {x st barn half aiilc. fiom jjood school and 3 iiiileH frotu village of Eugenia. Apply tu K, J. Sproule, Flesherton. HARNESS SPECIAL Uoavy team hnriiosR, with Iriicliing, haiid-sewed, complete, usual 529, opitjiid price I 82(1. 0( J Di.uhlo heavy harness, "ilvcr nioinitpd. w.i.s S30, now g'.'C. OO Single driviuii Imniess, ttorlli SIC. for 14.( u Siimlt! iliivin;; harness, worth 15, for . . ,, 13 OU Siiij^lu harDesH, worth 810, for 8.50 P. G, KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON /

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