Na ifci iiiHi ^ i T ii|i lâ€" i ' " i^^^ :te>^-c â-¼ KOVEMUER 6, 1902 THE S^LESftERTON ADVANCE â€" i JL -l i .J» « ^^l^*^#* I F, T. HILL & CO 120 pnirs Men'.s Chroino Kip and Grain Bluclicrs, bel- lows toiiguu, liirgti or Rinitll Ihco holes, solid leather throughout, liaiiduiiido and thoroughly well made, per pair $2.00 und 2.25 180 pairs Men's Extra Fine Box Calf and Donsjola ShueH, all sizes. In the more expensive and hucr lines we can yive you almost anytliiiig you could t'o- siru, 2.25, 2 50, 3.00, and 3.25 and 3.50 Buy Good Shoes and Rubbers. Tho importance of secuiinK i;ood footwear cannot be ovorestiinateil, particularly so when at this season of the year the test on scaring <pialitii3s is seviTdst. In this connection wu nii<{ht say that every dollar's worth of our Fall and Winter stock IniK been bought auhjeet to their possessiuK three essentials, Fit, Durability and Style. We've built up an einiiiblu Shoe snd lUibbor trade by huiidhng largely such will known and dependable goods as those made by .Sterling; Urns , Loiidoii; Joliii McPhorson & Co., Hamilton; Boston Rubber Co.; Maple Leaf Rub- ber Co. , etc. , etc. We've thou.'iands of pairs of these dependable manufaoturera' goods in stock and guarantee every pair to prove exactly as represented. Hero are pailial details ; â€" ', • '-'^ jCadi'ea Shoos 60 pairs Ladies' India Kid Button Shoes, medium toe, tip, nice shape, serviceable wearers and perfect fitters, remarkable values at per pair 95 120 pairs Ladies' Laced and Buttoned Shoes, sizes 3 to 7, dongola kid, self tip, solid leather throughout, and thorouylily satisfactory. We believe this is the best shoo to be Inul at tliis price, per pair 1.26 90 pairs Box Calf Laced Shoes, self tip.extension soles, sewed and nailrd, solid leather insoles and counters, a very satisfactory medium fine, medium priced shoe, per pair I 40 90 pairs Ladies' Dong. Button Shoes, sizes 3 to 7, self tip, medium too, particularly dressy, at 1.60 90 pairs Dong. Laced Shoes, sizes 3 to 7, self tip, ex- tension sewed soles, and thoroughly dependable. In some places shoes inferior to these retail at §2, our price only 1.60 30 pairs Box Calf, flannel lined Laced Shoes, assorted sizes, self tip, extension sewed S(des, very comfortable and t'loroiighly durable for Fall and Winter wear, very special, per pair 1 95 180 pairs Ladies' extra fine Dong, and Vici Kid, Laced and IJu'rton Shoes, sizes 3 to 7. In these we have everything re9])usentiiig the best in the market â€" best in tit, best in workmanship and newest in style. Any- thiog you want at 82.00, 2.25. 2 50 2.75, 2.95, 3.00, 3 25, and 3.50 60 pairs Ladies' Glove Grain Ladies' Shoes, plain medium toe, nailed slioes, soft pliable leather, com- fortable lilting and durable. Usually this shoe is retailed at §1.25, our special price only 1.00 90 pairs Sterling Bios,, hand made Laced Shoes. Thi^ line we have handled for years and sell it on its past reputation. At tho |)iice wu believe it has no superior and few equals for ordinary, every day wet weather wear, all sizes 3 to 7 1-50 Toon's S/iooa 90 pairs Men's Laced Shoes (0 to 10) solid leather in- solus and counters, larsjc lace holes, thoroughly well made and txtr.i special at per pair 95 120 pans Boston Calf Laced Shoes, (i to 10, whole foxed, self tip, trippio stitched, nailed soles, a remark- ably good olioo for such a small price 1.10 CO pairs Men's Dongola Laced shoes, extension soles, nu>v toe, whole foxed, beauiifully soft and plial>lo. These are in all sizes from 6 up. Very special 1.65 00 pairs Men's Fine Don^ola Laced Shoes, self tip, whole fo.xed, mudiuni sole, sizuS 6 to 10, special at per pair 1.35 .30 pairs Men's Box Calf Laced Shoes, 6 to 10, .soft pliable u[)pers, self tip, wide toe, nailed anil sewed solos, solid leather counters and in.soles. This shoe at our price is fully 25 per cent, below its value, 1 75 CO pairs Men's Dongola Laced Shoes, Goodyear welt, sewed .solca, .self tip, extension solesâ€" a beautiful dressy shoe, per pair [lair 2.00 Sirts' Shoos 60 pairs Misses Laced Shoes, pegged soles, triple stitched uppers, solid leather, assorted sizes, very special, per pair 78 50 pairs Misses' Dongola Laced and Buttoned Shoes, 11 to 2, medium too, self tip â€" a nice comfortable and dressy shoe, per pair '^ 1.00 00 pains Girls' handmade Laced Shoes, 11 to 2. These are made by Sterling Bros, and for tit and durability are uiisurpa.ssed, per pair 1.25 45 pairs Girls Pebble and Dons?ola Laced and Button Shoes, 11 to 2. In these we have a very complete as- sortment of best qualities and correct styles, per pr.1.45 S^outho' fSAoes 30 pairs Youth's Shoes, 11 to 13, pegged soles, •olid leather, splendid values, per pair 75 30 pairs Youths' Buff Laced Shoos, 11 to 13, nailed soles, whole foxed, self tip, medium toe, durable and satisfact.iry in every detail, per pair 1.00 .30 pairs Youths' Handmade Sh'jes, 11 to 13, toe cap, triple stitched, pegged solefi and solid leather through- out, per pair 1.15 30 pairs Youths' Box Calf Laced Shoes, 11 to 13, too cap, heavy sole and pliable waterproof upi>ers, â€" an exceptionally good shoe in every respect, per pr. 1.50 ^oys' Shoes 60 pairs Boys' Buff Laced Sho^^^s, 1 to 5, lined. toe cap, fair stitch and nailed soles, whole foxed, solid leather, per pair 1.15 120 pairs Boys' Calf and Grain Shoos, 1 to 5, half a dozen different lines suitable for everyday or belter wear. Special value at §1.'35 to 1.50 CO pairs Boys' Seamless Slmes, plain wide toe.s, exten- sion sole«,liirge or small lace boles. In thus-.- we have a big assortment of depuodalle wearers at 81.35 to 1.40 30 paiiK Boys' Box Calf Laced Shoes, 1 to 6, toe cap, sewed and nailed S(des, whrdo foxed, nice shapeâ€" a shoe that will retain its sh.ipe and give the best satis- faction in wear, per pair 1.85 ynfanis' Shoes Hundreds of those in a score or more different makes, at 35c. 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, up to 1.00 Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers Over 1000 pairs New Bubhers have been placed in stock for this Fall's selling. In handliny the Boston Rubber Go's and the Maple Leaf Go's goods wo believe we have (barring hone) the best brands of Rubbers in the market to-day. And one statement fartherâ€" Do not for the sake of saviiiij a few cents buy inferior (second.s) from dealers who have nothing better to offer. They are tho dearest in tho end, by lar, as some have found out to their cost by personal experienco. Men's Rubbers, Women's Rubbers, Boys' Rubbers, Girls' and Childieii's Rubbers «t Lowest Prices. HILL'S HARDWARE, HARKDALE 25 doz. Cable Knives at $1*75* These are the unsurpassed "Joseph Rogers" make, some are slightly i Uhtod, but when cleaned and s?oured are practically unhurt. Thu regular price of tihese goods is §5.00 to 56.00 per dozen, but having bought them at a ridiculously low price ive pas.s them on to you in the B.miu way. "Joseph Rogers" celebrated silver knives, per doz.1.75 Buy your unn and Amiiiunition hero Buy youi Cross Cut Saws hero. Metallic Siding always kept in stock. Cattle Chains in any quantity. Best Axes direct from Vlanufacturors. Cook Stoves $13.00 up Before buying your next "Cook Stove" or " Heater " be sure to see tho many magnitioent lines we are showing. Our Hardware Department is already a big institutionâ€" big in assortment and unsurpassed values. You di ubiless kiiCMV tliat dealers who buy in increased ciuaiiMties get liiwer prices and l)ii?ger caah discounts â€" two iinpi ilant consideralions that we are not slow to take adviiiilaue of and (uss the benefits to you. Elegant Cook Stove with reservoir, $17.00 Boydtliicklltig %Z\ Ours is a Bi^ Store==Big in everytliing but prices. )-N^****^* F. T. HILL & CO ^^^^lei^^H^^l One side of tho (piestion often over- looked in highway improvements is tho incruasod value of hind, sayt tho lUirk's Falls Arrow. Many farmers regard with distrust and di favor measures for high- way improvenienlH, and are likely to op- pose ell'orts for tho betteinient of our ruada unless Ihuy can first be convinced that good roads will bo a paying financial investment. 'iVill it pay the farmers in dollars and cents to ini| rove tluir public roads ? A consensus of opinion from sixty of tlij most intelligent fanners in tho centre und n.)rthern parts of New Yoik state gives the average ostimutod increase in the selling |>rice of land, due to inipiiivud highways as $0.48 an acre, and tho ostiinated average annual los.s a 100 Bcr< t from poor roads as 870.28. Tho eRtimato may be too liiKJi for our distiict. Ciin any sane man doiil t tho wisdom ( f exchanging the losses, delays, accidents, tnd vexations of spirit occasioned by li;.d iciads, for the comfort ami luhrr advant- ages of u<iod rniuls, when the cost is the wm^h whwi hi might be delivered fru^ thu thaldrom of mud ri ads and may have option <if selling his faim at a rate that will more than reimburse him for the expense. Is You Back Lame? Does it hurt to sloop or bund down ? Have you a dull pain nt the liisu of the spine ? If so, tho best remedy is Nerviline; it will invigorate the tired, sole iiuiscles, mikes tham supple a'ld strong. Nerviline will diive out the pain aii.l make well in no lime. Noihing so good as Nerviline for lumtiago, slilfneck, rlieumatism, neuralgia and sciatica. Buy a 2oc. bottle :if Poison's Nei v'diiie to-day, and try it. CKIIIG BfiOS, FOR Lumber, Lath, Shingles, F.ooring We have just placed in position a new planer and matcher and are prepared to fuinish building material in all the above liucs. Get our quotations when you want anything. FARM FOR SALE jHickling Bros. Only $1300. {500, biibmce ussy tirmi" intcrost 5%, 100 aoros, 75 cleared and under cultivation, bulance half cadar swamp and half niixed hardwood. Com- fortable frame ilwelling, frame pest barn half mile fioin g(md scho<d (uid 3 miles from village of Kiigeiiift. .\pply to &. J. Spruule^ Fleaherbun,. 8ih Con., 10 July, 02, Arlemesia â€" Max* ell P. O. Horses Strayed. Came to tlio premlsea o( the uuderaiimsd, lot 37,Oou. 13, Artemesit, about Oct,l«».,oue hurae Tne owner i« ntqueitart to prove property, pav exi>enaaa and take tbe a&iue away - _ . _ Wm. Samplk. lugenia P. O.. 4 FURS I FURS !! FURS ! ! J You'll find we've preparetl an elegant collection for your choice this season â€" we've tried to any former showing and we think we've succeeded. Our Fnr .stock holds nothing but thoroughjy reliable qualities and the newest designs in stylish combina- tions of the most popular Furs. We mention a few lines picked at random just to give an idea of some of our values. Caperines Black Coney Caperines $3.75 and $4.75 Astrachan Caperines .... 5.50 Coney and Astrachan Caperines 6.75 Electric Seal and Opposuin C'aperines 8.00 Black Opposum Caperines . . 9.00 Black Coney and Lamb Caperines 6.75 Coney and Bear Caperines . . 9.00 Electric Seal and Wolf Caperines 15.00 Coney and Chinchilla Caperines 1 3.50 Grey Lamb Caperines . . 1:3.50 Electric Seal and Sable Caperines lo.oO All these are l)eaulifidly finished and lined, trimmed with four to eight tails. Rviffs Electric Seal Ruffs, large size, six tails, $3.50. Black Opposum Eutts.large size,six tails $3.75 C£t]pes Astrachan Capes, fine glossy curl, heavy quilted Italian lining, all sizes from 36-^44 iii>15.00 Jackets In Astrachan Jackets we have a bigger- range than ever. We have been particular to secure gar- mets showing a bright,, jet black curl and and guarantee satisfaction with ev^ry one of them, whether you buy the high or the low priced garments. I'hey are without exception, all beautifully finished and lined with a reliable and durable Italian or satin (luilted lining. We have in stock all sizes from 34 to 44 bust measure. Our prices range from $25 to $40.00 ^"<l oiii' values are unsurpassed. See Our Fur Jackets before buying anywhere- Men's Fur Coats Natural Dog, Black D02, Wombat, Goat, BuL-arian Lamb Corsicaii Lamb, Kangaroo. vVallaby. Coon. ALL SIZES. PRICES FROM $15.00 TO §45.00. Fur Caps Opposum, Coney, Beaver, Astraehan. Persian Lamb, Grey Lamb, Otter, Elect lic Seal. All our caps are full shaped, well Hnished, lined;' with best materials in neat and taking colorsâ€" tho shapes iiu-lude Don'iiiiion, Wedge, Havelock, Driver and Jockey Styles. ALL SIZES. PRICES PllOM §1.50 to $8.50 Hardware Department. Special November Sale of Wall Papers. During November we shall make Special Sale of Wall Papersâ€" we've sold thousands of Kolls this season and now have lots of patterns with only a few EolLs left of eachâ€" in most you'll find enough to paper a hall, bedroom or small parlor. We include many new designs in gilts and glimmer effectsâ€" none sold "less than 10c., and many of them at 15c. , and "iOc, a double roll, While they last we'll sell them at 5c. the double roll. Coolcin^ Sto"ires Ranges Pcatltig Sto»«$<> Stove Boards* $tci>i Pipes and Elbows. ^ .JL