Tsssm October 16. I9<W THE f tESffEKTOJI ADVANCB \A §mw»t €4vUji U'OULbOUQH A YOUNQ ^ Uankers, Msrkdal* oa â- gouersl bauking buaiiiOTa. Monej loaadd K k rotsouable rkte. Call ou ua. i » VANDUSKN, J 1' O Clark Stb DIt Court, Co Orey anuar of Marriage Lfceiinea, ConTayaoear Notary Public AuoHoneor. Money to loan <«t4)p«r«eut. Cbarcaa luoderatu. FLiEBIlBBTOM P O RJ HPROUIiB Podtmastor, Flanherton i/oiumUiiouor in H.O.J., Auottoaeer Con reyanoor, AppraUer and Moiioy Lender Keal Ktttatfl atiil Inaui-anoe Af^ent. Dtfede riortt|iii|ei>, loaxua anl will'* citrufully drawn vp anri valuatlotia inado on ^hortoBt notice, â- loaey to loan at lowest rates of iuteroat. Col aotJoiM iitteiido'l to witli prouiptnesti bar);es low. Agent for Ocean Dominion tAaiuKbip Company. A call noUeitod. >(i^retifj$ » O U W meets oii tho last Monday O lu oacu montb, in tboir loitge room. i > '8 block. Flesbertan.at 8 p.m. Jobn ard, W. M. ; .1 A l''..U') adt , Recorder; W. Kul.amy.t'iuaaoler. Viuitlng brotbron loTited PBINCB ARTHTB LODUE, No. »33, A. A U, meets in tho Uasonlcbal). Strain's block, Flcflhcrtou, every I'ridav oa 9t before tho full mocii. KH W Hicklins W M. Chas. Munsbaw, Se<.retnry. OOUltr KliKSHKRTON, I. O. P. meeta In OhrlBtoe's Hloch tlio last Fridaj evening e:ioli m;>ntli. VUitinR Forostora heartily TBlcoino. C. R., n. Waflor ; B. 3., W. A. Arm- BtronK. gUtlifal DR CARTER M C P <tc S Ont, Physician, Bnrgaon, ete OUoa and roaidonceâ€" Peter at., Ploshorton -»^H. K. T. nibljy,â€" Physician, Bo>geon •*^ etc. Floshorton, ()i>t ();Qce atidRosidenco, Colfiugwood street^ one ^>lock e 1st Presbyterian church. May bo found there day and night. Coroner for County of Grey. SCOTT, AND SOFTLY Members College Phyaic. & Surgeone Ontario Graliiate in Meiliciue of Toronto Univuralty, Fellowship Diploma, Post Oradn- a^j 'ilicckl School and Hospital, ChioaRo. dije.ii.)d of eyo, ear, nose and throat apoeially treated. H. SOFTLY, JOHN A. 8C0TT, Peversbam. axwell. P L i'TEWIiLIi Veterinary Sargeon T „ Sraduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" sjcoud door eonth west on Mary street. This streot runs sontb l^resbyteriau Cburcb. *J Vutoiinaiy riiirRjon and Dentist, Max- well, graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collate, othlia'ted with Toronto University. Viaita f.ugen ia Wiidnosday fronill a lu. to 3 p. m,, >u Feversham Thursday from 2 to 5 p.m. 1 fPl J. W. PB08T, L L, B. Rarrletor, Solicitor Conveyancer, eto fVIljjâ€" Ne.\t to postoUlco, Sproule'a block Fl^ihjt-non, every Thursda and court days » H-Ot»oo Hound oUlco, Frost » block Pbulett atroet eaat. LUCAS, WBIOHT & McARDLB Barristers Bolicitors Conveyancora, at OIQcesâ€" Owen Sound, Unt.and MarkdaleOnt. W fl Wiiiaur, MCRULK I B LvcAa :!l Uâ€" Flesherton olUoo, MltcboU'a Bank oyory Saturday. TOOKKR & PATTERSON Itarrlstors, Holicitora, etc Molson's HtmU, Owen Bonnd . HAKRY a TUUKKlt CHO \V PATTKBflON if ACKAV&SA.VIPSON .Karristers, sollcltora. |Vl OFFIOKS !â€" Owen Sound, Merchant's ' Kla:ik lllook, N. if Patt irsnn House. Unndalk, ftiii Street, every Saturday. Monov to loan at 4Jporeent. A. «. M/iCKAY, .M.A., U.K. SAMPSON, L.L.D .Always in attendance at Flesherton and DundalU Division Courts. |leutt$tVi) r\R. B C. IWURRAV, L, D, 8, dental nnreaon 'â- ' honor ariiduate of Toronto University and Itoval (;ollo«,i of Dental 8;ir«uoiis of Ontario. Om.Miâ€" Opposite ArnwtroiiK's Jewellery Store. Will visit Maxwell the last Wednesday r>t uauli monti;, and Dundalk 1 and a Thnradar in each mouUi. QfiWiMiyiyMUMtWKUiuriji^jjL^ Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery Hro done in fini-claaa aiyle niid itt lowed mte-i. Sftocial nttontion Kivoii to copyine. lUhiea' photM. a .H>eci»lty. Picl;ur«g framvd. MRS BULHER | ui2r£n3 innjuuxiayjUirifCi miiriiiiifirii ' Fax-m fox* Sale Lot Id, o<incnaf ion 18, triwnahlp of tiapra*. clear of Inoiinibraiioi-; Uj acrer, (U cleared, bal- ance hardWnnd buahilngnnd sta'.if <jf eultWa- iloM,i-l')ar of noxious weeilt-; Kond frnnie hara and stililui unil ir, 40«a(); aiiooil li«ni>» .10xW, 1 slmrev, under sto: uy utoni*, B-iper rrama, well Jf-ilsho'l, a 1^00*1 frost proof ornar;wo(Kl»*h«d 9ft Xil, a tO-haJTuI ois'orti and never-faitliift wall and pump In i2i>od order, all under roof; i-lxHty :if w.-ttur for stoek in paplurn. Torma of aala, 4000 cash, kalapou to suit the purchaser, A par oniit. fMi Imlanee. My reason for si,|luig is 111. naas. and tlin plana must ha aold, Thqra la an orrhard of about l{ acres and lietwaeu .\ an^ 6 ncroB of (all wheal. Kelionl ] mila. ohurolMa within I or'ij ntili^; alxiul two ui'loa from ITav. â- •ham Apply to tu« owner bv letter lA an tb* - aiaaa, ,l()fis Hl'HBBH, i ravvratiani, P.O.,Oa 0«pftty Prize LUt HORSES Pairdrangkt liorses, Vfm Brewster, F Hawton. Brood nisre, Wm Bre'.v- ster. Two'jear-old coU, J Bucking- ham, J Fletclier. Oacyear-old colt, J Fletcher, R Ilawfon. Spring colt. W Brewster. Pair agricultural horses, W Taylor. Brood mare,.T A Kernalian.El Lamont. Two year eolt,W J.Lougheed, VV Neff. Onejear old colt, H McDonald, W Conn. Spring colt, H McDonald, J A Kernalian. Pair general purpose horses, Fred Browniee, W Scilley, Brjod mare, D. Fletcher. J A Kernahan. Two year old colt. W Conn, L Pallistcr. One year old colt, Geo Ottewell, J Mclirinnon. Spring colt, D Fletcher, H Laniout. Pair roadsters, M Smith, Thomas Betts. Brood mare. Geo Whiteoak. Two year old colt, A McDonald, Tlioa Betts. One year old colt.H McDonald, W Brewster. Spring colt, George Whiteoak, R Plummor. Single driver, F Irish. Pair cariiago Horses, Chas Service, A McLean. Brood maro, FSpofford. Two year old colt, R Ruthvan, Alex Stept>en9on. One year old colt, R Ruthvau. Spring coitr R Ruthvan. Single driver, R Adams, C Service. CATTLE Durham bull aged, W H Guy. Bull two years and under, John Miller, G Ottewell, Bull calf.John Ring. Cow. John Miller. One year old heifer, J Bing. Heifer calf, J Mller, Tst an.1 2nd. Jersey cow,T Cooper.R D Meldrnm. Grade cow, JBuokingham, 1st and 2nd. Two year old licifer.W Moffatt, G Wliewell. One year old lieifer, J Buckingham, J Bing. SHEEP Shropshire ra'n aged, J A Kernalmu 1st and 2ud. Ram lauih, J A Ker nahan. Aged ewe, J A Kernalmu 1st and 2nd. Shearling ewe, J A Ker- ualian. Ewe lambs, J A Kcrnaiiaii Ist and 2nd. Pen Shropshire, J A Kcrnahau. Cotswold rom, aged, A iMnir, \V Conn. Shearling ram, k Muir. Ram lamb. A Muir 1st and 2ud. Aged ewe, A Muir, 1st and 2nd. Slienrling ewe, A Muir, 1st and 2nd, Ewe lamb, AMuir.lst and 2nd. Pen Cotswolds, A Muir. Li^icester shearling ram, I Fnwcctt, A Muir. Ram lamb, A Muir, I Faw- cett. Aged e'wfe, A Muir 1st and 2iid. Ewe Iamb, W H Guy, 1st and 2nd. Pen Leicesters, A Muir. SWINE Berkshire boar aged, R Ruthvan. Boar pig, 1902, R Ruthvan. Aged sow, R Ruthvan. Sow pig, 1902, R I Ruthvan, 1st and 2nd. Yorkshire boar, aged, R Ruthvan. Boar pig 1902, S Colquett, W Conn Aged sow, R Ruthvan Ist and 2nd. Sow dig 190'2, W Conn. W H Guy. Tamworth boar aged, Geo Rosa. Aged sow. J A Keruaban. Sow pig 1902, JohuiMiUer. WULTRY Pair light Bralima, R Ruthvau, G Ottewell. Light Legiiorns.Ira I'eiigo. Brown Leghorni", Ira Peiiga, Ply- mouth Rock. .1 Spcers, W Scutt. Paii' ducks, W Scutt,, il Ruthvau. Pair geese, R Rdthvun, W ilodgin. Pair turkeys, R Ruthvan 1st and2iid. GRilN Red winter wlieat, R Ruthvan, C Hogg. White '(I'inter wlieat, R Ruthvnn J Jamieson. While Fifespi-ing wlioat, R Ruthvan, R Ailuins. Red Fife spring wlieat, John Dougla.s. Spiiiig >vli(ai. any other variety, R Kirthvaii, R Adams. Barley, A iNluir, R Rutlivuii Black oats, A !Miiir. Siberian oats.li Ruthvan, J Elliott, 0.its any other variety, R Ruthvan, R .Adams Small peas, A Muir. Large peas, A Muii Timothy 8eed,R Ruthvan J Jamie»ou. Alsiko clover, J Jamieson. Red clover, F Spofford, J Jamieson. Flax seed, J UatB«y,Ji Jamieson. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Potatoes, Beauty of Hebron. N For- guson. Carter's King of Russet. I H Pciigo. White Elephant, W Rolling, I H Perigu. Any other variety, J Jamieson, John Douglas. Collection potatoes, J Jamieson, N Ferguson. Long muiigolds, J Jamieson, John McKinnon. G'lobu mangolds, C Hogg, R Adams. Swede turnipe, A Muir, C Hogg Aberdeen turnips, J Elliott, W Conn. Sugar beets, A Minr.C Hogg. Long blood beets, Geo Wliewell, N Ferguson. Beets any oilur varit ly,A Muir.W H Guy. Long table cariots.J Jamieson, R Piummer. Early llom, A Muir, Hogg. Field oariois. R Adams, I H Perigi. Parsnips, 4 Jamie(ion,Tho8 Co.iper. Onion>froiu ECrd, J Jaiuieson.R Ruthvan. Potato iMiions, J Jamieson, R Pmmn er. fop oniou:, KY Bnik. Winie biaus, T Vuopet, J Jamieson. Black beans, W Conn, J Gamcy. Table corn, Miss N Campbell, R Adams. Ensilage ooru, W Uolliit, IJ Pliiu mor. VYn.a- â€" M<a ingatadtc^blutfi*, R Kluminer, J J,iinie- sun. Red cabbage, W Julian, H Pu>ig(>. Any other vitrioly, J Elllotr, O Walker. CiiuliHowera, W Comi,J fliiott. T ma'", Thoa CooptT, J Jumii.soii. Squash, J Elli..tt, W Uodgin. P»m|kin8, J A Koruahan, H iluiiniHii. Vej(>'lable innrniw, \V .Jnliiin, J Elliott. Citr<)n8,R Hiuhvan. Cuoinii>>erH, J Janiiuion, R Adams. V»)g«t«lil« oysters, H H.'ituiun, J A Kernahan. White celery, I U Poriyo. Red celery. It Y Burk. . FRUIT AND FLOWERS Applesâ€" Uen Duvrs, H llutlmin, R Ailiiui.*. Alexander iipplo^, R A ..ims, O Walkrr. Wolf Rivor, W Kollini;, R Rutlivivn. Snow jipploj, R AdaiuK, K Ruthviui. Russutt, R Adams, J Jamie sun. Northern Spy, J Jamie.son, R. Ruihvaw. Powakoe, R Adams .( Jiiiui- eson Lombard plums, J .lariiifwrn, <) Walker. Any other variety, W 11 Guy, R Adinns. Duchess ajjplus, R Riithvan, K AdaiiiH. Collection fruit, R Adams, R Ruthvan Foliane plant, W Julian, I H Porigo. Table bourtuet, A J Coiiron, I H Perigo. Genuiium, Fl D iMel.lruni, A J Coiiron. Fuscliia, R D Meldruin. Betroiiia, J A Kernahan, R, D Meldruin. Callii lily, A J Coiiron,! H Periiso Collection ferni, R Heron,! H Pfi-igo. Collection plants, A J Coiiron, 1 II Peri^jo. DAIRY AND ORHER PRODUCE Extiuoted hiaiey, 1 H !"erigo,J Elliott. Honey in cninb,! H l^erigo. Tub butter, Jolm Hudson, \V Ho.lgin Roll butli-r, W FeigU9on,Thos Cooper. Cr^ck butter, Thos Coopor, .J Buckiimhain. Hoiim- niade cheest-, I H Perigo, W Hodtjin Kruit oakf, D McTavibh, I H Poiigo Jelly cnko, 1 H FVrigo, Thos Cooper. Lemon pie, N Feryuson, 1 H Perigo Homeiniide bn-ad, John McKinnon. T Cooper. Maple supir, W Hodsjin, John iVIcKinnon. Maple syrup, John Mc Kinnon, G A Miller. Jar poach'S, Thus Cooper, D MeTaviali. Jar plums, N Fer- t!"Hoii, W Hotigin .lai pears,G A Miller, N Frrjiuson. Jar grapes, O Walker, D MeTaviah Slrawboiries,0 VV«lkbr, G A -Miller, Collection jellies and preserves, Thonia* Cooper. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES AND LADIES' WORK Pair woollen initls, I II Perigo, N F.r- guson. Wo'dli'n eock.s, J Jnniics 'n, ,0 Walkw. Knit or crouhet quilt, O Walker, J Jauiioson. Silk patchwork quilt, O Walker Cotton patck work quih, D Mc- Tavish. Quilt any other kind, J Jamieson, J McKitjii.n. Wbisk h.dder, W H Guy, Miss Campbell. Collection of doilien, O Walker, Miss Ciuiipbell. Pin cushion, O Walker, Misa Campbell. Berlin wool work, J A Kernuhan, Walker Berlin wool wreath, O Walker. Fancy knitting, O Ualkir. Rraiiling in cotton, O Walker, D McTavish. Embroidery, O Walker, I H Perii;o. Sofa cu.ihion, J A Ki-niahai^, O Walker. Foot.stool.I II Perigo. Hookid heart brue. Miss Campbell. Mat of atiy kind, J JamieHun, Walker. Rjiij car- pet, Wm Julian, J A Kernahan. Toilet set. Miff, Campbell, D MoTaviah. Tia coney. Miss Campbell, O Walker. Crochtt work ill wool, Walker, Miss Campbell. Crochet work in col tun, O Walker, D .McTavish. Table drape, O Walker,Jobn McKinnon. Pill'W Hliains, () Walker, I Hawloii. Collection fancy work, O Walker, D MeTaviah. SPECIALS Collection of weeds iind weed seeds. S S N'l. 7, Ftveisham. By W Uej,'ji, ColliugwooJ, for best 50-11) tub of butler by aep.'irator process, O A Miller. Uy W H Tliuraiou for liands'jnreBt plant in llower, R D Meldrum. By C .Siophei.s & Co., Cohiiii!woi>d,for best 201b crotk of butter, Thos Cooper. IJy Onilfoylo Bros, of Collingwooil fir best 10 lb Clock of butter in 1 lb blocks by separator p.ocesa, A Miller. By W J Di>ugla.sa of Collinj^wood for , best luyal giant sugar beeta, A Muir. A. Fexv Montlis « 'PrMATHE Owen Sound. Ont Will tit a youB^j nmn or woman for l>uaiii(H.s. The best coursj in C.««ad« and reason- able fees and uxpeuaes. College circular f 'i o to any addrcsa. C A.FLEMINQ, PRIN. Owen Sound, Ont. m. 80 YEARS* '>t\i"^.5i<('» Oebionj AtiTono !â- l<^nU^R » «»-<lc i\ ei'v! (I.'srrlr!!"" inoj ouli'lilr usiurlnln i.iir niliilun < I'O whi'lluT ni: UlTi-ntl"!! l« iir.^ahly rniwtni.lii. < <immlinl.-n tlniiii iilrlJltlT .nnOilomliil. n:iliehO"y on 'ntyilU ,111 Irco. lJMo3( iicnn<-y fi.r MTiifiiu l>iitmt«. 1'it.niii <:i»,-n Ihruiu-h Muiei * (». rotolv iftJtHil f'lillrt, without clinrcn. lu lH'< A S.iixltomulT niii»tr.it<Hl w>?<i»ly. l,;irir«!>l rtr Mrfltldil of unv ,«,-lelitltlo iourtml. 'iwrnjfl, >3 m fiwr; four monlliii, IL Sold by »H liewiiil»*l««J< tSuHX ooM^ob * K. w««htB«ao% a. ' ^af* * CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED EDITOR'S NOTE The Slocum System of Treatment for the cure of Consumption, Pulmonary Troubles, Catarrh, Generaf Debility, and nearly all the ills of life, is medicine reduced to an exact science by the world's foremost specialist. By its timely use thousands of apparently hopeless cases have been permanently cured. The Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is needed by some, the Tonic by others, the Expectorant by others, the Oxojell by others still, and ali four, or any three, or two, or aoy one, may be used singly or in coift- bination, according to the needs of the case. Full instructions with each set of four free remedies illustrated here. Our readers are urged to fake advantage of Dr. Slocum's generous offer. 'W THE FREE TRIAL The honor of thus effectively arresting^ the progfress of this fatal malady rests with the wonderful system of treatment which has been reduced to an exact science for the cure of Consumptioa and for the cure of Catarrh and other prevalent conditions which pave the way for Con- sumptionâ€"that successful method evolved by America's greatest scientific phy.sician, Dr. T. A. Slocum, whose great liberality, through his Free Trial Treatment, sent broadcast throug^hout this broad land, has contributed most to the rout of the most potent ag-ency in the destruction of human life in this hemisphere. His Free System of Treatment has arrested the hand of death in the cases of thousands of coosmnptives and has pre- vented the disease in countless instances. The Slocum Treatment consists of four distinct remedies for the cure of Con> sumption. Weak Lunss, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all pulmonary and wast- ing diseases, and is based upon principles essential to the correction of^ function, the rebuilding^ of the tissues, the overthrow of parasitic animal orgauisuis and the estab- lishment of health in all the departments of the human body. The four preparations emBody alt the necessary eleraeots of a complete treat- ment for Consumption â€" its cure and pre- vention â€" as well as for most of the chronic and wasting ills of life. Apparently hope- less cases are cured by their timely use. These free remedies comprise the great curative forces discovered by the emi- nent physician, Dr. Slocum, they represent the acme of the pharmacist's skill and witb them will be found explicit directions for their use in any case. You are invited to test what this system win do for you, if you are sick, by writing for a FREE TRIAL. TREATMENT and the Four Free Preparations will be for- warded you at once with complete direc- tions for use. Simply write to the T. A. Slocum Chemi- cal Company, Limited, 179 King Street West, Toronto, giving post office and express address, and the free medicine (the Slocum Cure) will be promptly sent. Persons in Canada seeing Slocum's free offier in American papers will please send for samples to Toronto. m mmm mimi eiiiiiR F.'r Fust C'ii.s.-< r>nggios, Cuts, Pleiisure ami Luuilor Wa^onv, Cut 1 8, SKiijhs. W." kic-p a .siotk oii hand to clioose from. ALSO MORSn SHOEINQ ANO GENERAL BLACKSMITHING and juiraiiieo fir-it cI.ihs wo'k. Wo keep on liaivl Ploiig'is un-l i^lougli ri'p«ii«, and also Massiy vp Hums and Ni'.voii ri'vn irs for I inntrn, Mowtis, "I'.l kimls i^f ni't hiiiviy, alvu Uiiuhr tSvino itt haix). » mben in tovpn give its a call « ^^wwvMvwi^wyWiiiwywywywywywywywyw^^ . . FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES AND PLOUGHS . . â€" CO TO â€" Heard's Works, Flesherton Wo have Cutters, Sleighs, Biiggics.Wagj^ttus and Carts. FJenry's, .Dyment ButtoriioM and Wilkiiia (ii j^Unj.!! Shares aiul repairs of the best quality. Spring tooth ^ and Iron harrows. Also first class handmade harness. 5^ ^ l^drse Shoeing and General Blacksmitbing. « .-â- fi*.