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Flesherton Advance, 16 Oct 1902, p. 5

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T it ft F 1, E S H E R T O N ADVANCE OcTuBEft 16 1902 P.V^CJ i -hi :-j-. .S. £»iaon VVHsoii r €=ci-vlccs©«ncliRy 11a m & "7 p. ni Pabj«ct3 'or next Sabbiith â€" Mornin;;â€" Ruv. Walter Ayera will pr'-acli. Kveiiiii).'â€" Th« Pastorâ€" Subjecf, St ml ei^'C Iiifiucuceof Home Life. Vicinity Chips <;ii:»ri»ctcrlstlcs of the Past tV<M>k Varoriilly fulled for the Fresh lime always on hand. J. H. Duckett, Eugenia. â- Money 'o loan at lowest rates. A. S. VanDiiaeii, Fleah.-utnn. Mr. ai.J Mrs. Maik '.Vilsin spent San- day wi:h Durham fncntls. The steiimh liit expres-t inok ita I ru;i up for the Sffvaun on Saiiirdflv (iii-l waii^d to do general house*ork ou farm. Kor p.trtitnhrr- tipi-Jy at tins cffice. ait»»i uMU'i.'"! to cut 300 corilscuiiiwooJ. Qt'>\ p«y \V. A.Armtr ng,Fle.<herton. Mis. J. D. Clark uiid chiWreii <f Ottawa are cn.s's of rehtiivi-s iti town. K J . Sproule offers this week a special UsargJiiu in » firm. L'lok it up in another column. 50 acre bush fann for xale at a snap, situated un the 14th con., Artemcsia. VV. A Armstrong, Flesherlon. We have a i."0.nj assorinieut of that special line of sample suits in Iwys loJt. Call and see them . T. J. Sheppanl. R.jv. WcUwikkI of Dunrtalk preached two able seriimits ia the Mrthu*st L^iurch vu Sunday. Rev. Ivtsnn Wilson took Mr. Wellwood's Work in Duudalk. W. H Brown if Colliiigwiiotl who was «har>{t;d with having cousplred to murder his mochrr, was discharged by the magis- trate. Mr. Elijih Siumons, hUck.suiith at Protou Station for tl»e past year, bis given up husinoss and taken a situation with D. of tliis place. Geo. lusles of Badgeros purchased re cently from T Mercer of this townsh-p a Tturham calf bora in April last for the sum of 8300, Wb h«ve done more "bcsineas than evfi- this fall in the milliiiery department and «very lady that calls knows the reason. Thos. J. Sheppard. FiRK AT EuoKNiAâ€" Firel Fire! At Eu- genia. The result is lots of good, fresh lime, at the kiln of J. H. Ducke'.t. The burn of the past week is the best of the seasoa. Last week Rev. C. L. Mills visited his former parish and preached the â- harvest home sermon at Brfgrave, where his many friends were pleased to see him agaia. Money TO LoAN~At 4i lo ij per cen- Expenscs low. Also a numWr of im- proved and unimproved farms for sjile cheap, .^pply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- burne, or DuadaU office Sittttrflay ahor- auon. Farm to Tent â€" llih con. Proton. 100 acres, 90 cleared, ten acres hardwooil ; in a good state of fertility, well watered good buildings For ftirther particulars apply to Mrs. M. Egan, or J.RuustaJtler Flesherton. Scrap iron, ra^s and rubbers wanted in any quantity. If you have ar.ything in this line commmiicate with .\. Hughes, Flesherton, by card or otherwise, when our teauistors will call on y.m. Here fot; tvKo weeks. Brother Irwin of the Chronicle lias at Ust asserted his manhood nod will in future charge $2 per column if the religious controversialiats wish t> keep up the 6ght. That ouyht to operate like a cold water douche Mr. Thompson Wilson of Eugenia has rented the White cottage on Collinvwood street and will remove with his family thereto about the first November. The Advance is glad to welcome Mi. Wi'son and family to town. A rulrond suiasliup occurred in the yard at Dwen Sound on Friday inorning betwi'cn a freight and yard engine. Sev- eral men were more or leas yruised but none seriously. The «Jumage will be heavy. Owing lo the scarcity of men Mr.Deag'c Itw been obliged to go into the burh him- self and get out enough polea to c^miplete wiring the town, uliioh is causing delay. The wirea hi^ strung fr;.>iu the jiowei Mrs. W Trimble rL-iurneil on Tuesiay from a visit with relativt-s in Detroit We just rectfivod a <>f Men's long ruliliiT toots, snajt proof.t'ie heat i|U.ili'y anil guarante-jd t>> wear. T..J Sheppard. The -Advance is »• ny to learo of all «ccidt-r.t whirh hefol Mr. .1. W. Frost, tiariisii-r, of Owen Sound, last week White lidiii'i a bicycl« hora-i fr< -^i liia othoo oil a dark ni^ht Mr. FiTist collided With an ither wheeUman, Vnockinn out aoni>> <if his teeth and inju: ing him otlier- «'ise. Both wheelsmen were ><adly shaken np. Talk aliout root ijrowt'.s ' Mr. J. R. FawcetC of KiniKt-rley seeds us six onions ^rown fro.ii l.l.ick seed this year whii;h «ver;ig« <ine {joucd eiicli. The six weigh*^ siji p.unds, yoi-d full weighf. Until thL'^â- e are dL-^posed of, which will not lie loni/, it might be wise to keep a r.:.<pectful distance fmm the editor. Any- one washing lo pay ♦iheir suliscriplion may sJiiWe it undtT the door. Poslnra^Xer Sproule met with a nasty •accident on Saturday. While handling a cupboard in his aucti(m ro 'm over the office the piece of furniture hit htm below the belt, a.s it were â€" tO'^k him wnaisaix: and knocked him down stairs *jthont cereiuony- It tried to fo low but owing to itssize^tft-stuLt. R. .1. Ibrs a few na.sty»«iis on ibis face and a few bruises elsewhere, hut got off for- tunately witliout broken bones. It might have been wmse. Had thai cupboanl followed him to the bottom there would have been one male less in the p. stoffice. Tlie South Cirey Teachers' AR.sociati«in â- will be held in l4ie Flesherton -school <m Friday and Saturday, Oct. 16th and 17th. Ail »'ho are interested in education should lay ;-.ll other aside for those days â- and 'attend every xesaion. Steinberger, Hendry & C<i., Toronto, will have map.*, globes, .slate black hoard, and other school supplies m exhibition. Trustees requir- ing any of these things sh'uld make it a point to vi-it the showrooms in the puM.c school. An auction sale of farm scock and im- [iloHients will he held on lot 27, con. 13, .^rt' inesi.% on Monday, Oct. 20, wUen a Uii-g>i lot. (,f farm stock, implemeutg, cattle and houseliold furniture will be offered for sale, the property of Mr. A Madill, who is about to remove to the Siiulr. This is an exceptionally fine opportunity to get some good things at your own prices. See bills for complete list. ;., "Alone" aiiJ '"Purity" are the titles of the new pictures given to subscribers of the Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Monti-eal, this si-ason. They are con- sidenxl far ahead of any previously offeretl, and subscribers are sure to be delighted with them The many impiovements in the Faii:ily Heraild are making that areat paper almost itidi.xpensable to Canadian homes. Its weekly visit in this locality is greatly appreciated by almost every family. It is thi biggest dollar's worth known in the ntw^paper Rne, The teachers will have the freedotta of the town to morrow and Saturday. Let us hope the weather may be such that tiie visit will bo enjoyable. For Friday evening in Che town hall a concert of more than ordinary 'ntorest has t)een arranged. Miss Tessa, iVlcCalluiii has been eneaged for the occasion. This lady is one of the bestt known elocotiuniste in Canada. Insjiector Campbell has promised to yive his iuldrcM on ''The influence of thought on char- acter," which is spoken of vnry highly. .Add' tl to these there will be some i f th • best music avaikible, and everything con- sidered this is expected to be the e<ieiit{ of the sets 'U. A very happy event took place at the home i.f M'. and Mr.". Wm. Lawle.\ O • prey, on Tuesday. Sept. 30: h, when their eld. St daughter, Mary, was united in ma riage to Mr. W. C., The cet- emouy was performed by Rev.C. L, Mills of Flesherton. Th.t bride wa.s very be- c â- luinaly attirvid in white organdie, with veil of tulle, and wreath of orange bloa- soins, She carried a boquet of white carnations and n)ses and was al tended t>y her sister. Miss Opl»eUa Lawler. The Bioom was ably .supported by Mr. J. A. Hutchinson, princii>al of Pott Law public school, .'\fter the aereinony the young couple received many heacty congratula- tions, and the br'de was *e recipient of many useful and cocitly gift*. The groom pre-cnted the grooiiisinHn and bridesmaid with stei'IiHK silver wish-bona aliok pios. When all had dene ample jtutice to • sumptuous wedding breakfast, the young couple left on the evening train for To- r>>iito, thence to return to We«'on, where ion M 89 S'alfirJ of the Rockvale schoo will hold a house warming enteriaininent in the new school house on Tuesday, 21st lUMt. Gramophone, re(.itationH,dialo;iUc8, drills, etj , will con»iitute the prognitn. A {$ood time is i^asurred. Go by all lueaim. Adiuisaion 15c., children 10c. E > luont at 8 p. in. Our numerous Kimberley readers W'll be interested tii the the following fr-m the Owen Sound Times : .A very pretty wedding look place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, 2U Mill Road, ««» Wednesday evening. Oct. Ist, at 8 o'clock, when their fourth daughter. Miss iMargaret E. , was united in marriage to Mr. Benjamin A. Best. Aa the strains -ef Mendelssohn's wedding march pealed forth the bride entered the parlor lean- ing on the arm of ber father, and looked very pretty attired in>«n of iwjry silk, with tulle veil and wreath 'of Kly of the valley and orange blossoms, and carrying a shower boquei of white roses and car- nucioHS with streamers. She was attend- e by Miss Mary Knott, who was gowned m cashmere, and cirried a boquet of pink carnations. Miss Mae Stephens, niece of the bride, was Bowtr girl, while Mr. Jas. Crawford, Palmerston, brother of the bride, acted as groomsman. The cera- wony v«.a performed by Rev. R. Rodgers under an arch of evergreens, artistically- decorated with ferjs, dahlias and carna- tions. After the ceremony the guests numbering about fifty retired to the din- ing room, where a sumptuous supper was prepared. The happy couple were the recipients of many handsome presents, while the groom's gift to the liride wa^ a beautiful gold guard, set with pearls, rubies and opals. Mr. and Mrs. Best will reside in Owen Sound. knuae at Eugenia to this place, but a f« w poles were lackiig and the wire stringe.-a ' Mr. Lunan wilt resuiiia hia oM |Mr<rfi were called off last week until theae oould I as principal of the Wt at iD â- otoqi^ |>e secure4. t Jhiction Sale An extensive auction sale of farm slock, implements and household furniture will be held on lot 14, con. 5, Osprey, on Wednesday, Oct. 22, when the following articles will be offered for sale : 1 team good workine horses, 2 cows believed to be in calf, 1 cow fattening, 2 heifers com- ing 2 years old, 1 last sprijag's sleer calf,l brood sow, 6 young pig«, 2 months old, about 3 to 4 tons hay, 5 well bred ewes and 7 lambs, about 35 barnyard fowl, 1 set heavy team harness,! set single driv- ing harness, 1 Itiinber wagon, 1 pair market bobsleighs, 1 top bug«y,l cutter, 1 Noxon combined seed drill,almost new, L Ma-ssoy Harris mower', 1 Massey Harris horse i-ake, 1 Chatham fanning mill, 1 pair iron harrows, 1 set springtoolh harrows, 1 single pUiw, Sylvester make, 3 loguing chains, 3 sug*r kettles, 1 wheel- barrow, also whiffletrees, ueck yokes, spades, folks, shovels, etc. .Also 1 side- boat d, 2 kitchen tables, 1 parlor table, 2 bedsteads, 1 bureau, 1 wash stand, 1 cooking stove and pipes, I sewing machine, ill spl -iidid condition and does splendid work, S chairs, 2 rockers, 1 small table, 1 healing drum, 1 25-gallon milk can, 48 fin s.ip pails and spoils, 1 churn, 3 s;ood barrels and one about luUf full vinegir, a quantity crockery and glassware,! cheese press hoop, a quantity aid a number of pict'jres. The whole to be soUl without any reserve as the owner has sold Ins farm aad is movitig away. Sale at 1 o'clock. Usual terms. R. J. Spmnle, auctioneer. \Vm. Laing, proprietor. See bills. lEACHERS WANTKD- For S. S. Ko. 3, Em»hra.sia, jtriucipal m.d assistant. ApiJly stating salary ati.l quaiiticn- tiou to tho uiHiereignoI. Duties 'o couiint'UCi; January 5' h. lOtM. Api>IicR«iou b« iu on or be- fore octobor *5, 100:?. JAS. B. FAWCETT. Soc. Trea.s. S R. N- . 3 Kimbeites . Ca?7ze fisti^ay CiLiue to tbo'pretuiBes of tii:* nndei-signeA, lot 10. COD 10, Osprev, about tbe l.jth dav of Sept. lAitt. ono t'weeud twolanibH. Owiior ia luuiie-'-t- ed to prove proiHsrly, pav expenBon anu ta^ them away. It. J. COLQUKTT. t'eveitUjaiau. S^t £^9 ^arm <^or Sai&. only *2000 (if solH at oiicel 100 acres, 65 Ot for any uiachlueiy, balance well tiiubHred. excopt 10 Acres most of timbor otT; frame ilwelliug ami fraino barti with stable under; well watereil, runiiins ntroam and well at bouHe; well feuced and iu arst cbuts state of oultivatiou; IJ miles from Maxwell village and 3 miles from Kev^r- sbnm. .911^ caah. balance easv terois. Thia is a cheap far<u at $2500. Apply quiok. If not sold JD three veeks, will be rented to good *un- ant. noneothur need apply. U J.SPl^OL'FvB. B-IA- 1 m Real Estate Ar.ent, Flcnbertou. The Markets. i'arerullv Correr e<l Each Week Oath 27 â- â€¢â€¢> 27 Peas 05 o 65 Wheat 66to «5 Barley ^ to 45 Butler 16 o 16 K'.!gs fresh 15 '.o 15 Pork 7 25 to 7 25 Chickens |)er pair.... 25 lo 50 Oueks per pair 40 to 60 Tuckeys per lb 9 to 10 Geese per lb 6 to 7 Hay 5 00 to 5 00 Potatoes bag 75 '.o 75 Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord mintc, 2906S. FARM FOR SALE Only 81800. $500, balance easy terip* interi*at o'Z, I'Xf aciei>, 75 cleared anil under culrivat^ion, balance half c<idar swamp and half intxud hardwood. Com- foriable frame dwelling, frame pist barn half mile fiom gixid school and 3 mile« from village of Eugenia. Apply to R. J. Sproule, b'lesherton. The undersigned has a fiae aged Durham Bull for service ou lot 141, T. A S. H. Terms â€" <1 far grade cows, $3 for tboronRh- brods Pedigree on application. JTACOB LBVEB Ftasherton r.O. /?. /v. KINNFARdSONS .W.4XWELL Wiph to ihank their many customers for their liberal (mtronage during the past year and solicit a continuance of the same. If fairdeaLiig counts for anything we will have your support. In our line of Gpocerios you will find everything of iirs' quality for we will buy nothing else. We Esn Raw and Boiled Oils. Turpentine, Castor Oil, Olive and Sweet Oil in bottle or bulk. Machine Oil in any quantity. We have received another shipment of the Famous .\hren B<wia and Shoes which once to try is always to buy. Come and see them. We take all kinds of Farm Produce in exchange for goods. Our Terms are Oasti or Trade. We do not scU below cost but sell aa chea^ as those who say they do. Glenhurou Flour always on hand at mill price. We will have in a day or two Peaoties ud Grapes right from the fruit grower, s'l secure " a basket while they last. Picklinu Season is at hand, XXX vinegar, we have it. -Also spice of all kinds, so you can be supplied at home, which is far better than a jour- ney on a cold or hot day. Highest market price^iaid f<v Al txitter and fresh eggs. ij. 'N. KIKJ-SfEAI? ASON© Eugenia Planing Mills Gret your Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ballusters, Cor- ner Blocks, Hand Itailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting,Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR iimiNe enos. â€" FOR â€" • Lomber, Lath, A.; ;, .' Shingles, Flooring We have just placed In position a new planer and matcher and arc prepared tO' furnish building material in all the above tinea. Get our quotatioos when you '. .;,, want anything. Hickling Bros. 8th Con., Arlemesia â€" Maxwell P. O. 10 July, '02 Xarnwortli Botar for Service. Alvin ( No. 7a8 ) The undersigned haa a thorouvhbred Tarawortb. John Bell, of â-  Amber, Ont., for service on lot 170, ; onn, « K T. A S R. Terms 91 00. * ISop.lyf, Richard Allen, Fleaherton 1> Hit 9^ m <*« m I 9} m m m m T. J. S H E P P A R D % FLESMEHTOJJ JIlNQ EUGENIA Sadies and Getitkmen We invite all the Ladies and Gentlemen of Flesh- erton and surroundiag country to call and inspect our stock of Fall Goods. We are prepared to give you extra good value in all lines, but will meution a few specials we have: Men's and Ladies' Underwear Boys' and Girls' Underwear Men's and Ladies' Fiu' Coats Ladies' Fur Caperin'es Men's Keady-to-wear Suits Boys' Keady-to wear Suits Latlies' Cloth Coats Flannels Sheetings ' ' Wool Blankets Cotton Blankets Boots and Shoes Millineiy t ' Groceries Millinp;ry So far. we have been having success. AYe invite every lady to call aud inspect our large iissortment. Boots and Shoes Our Boot and Shoe department is extra well supplied w^ith a full a.ssortnieut of Men's, Ladies', Boys' and Girls" boots of all descriptions. We get our boots direct from the manufacturer and we can recommend them to our customers as wearers. Our fall line of heavy and light rubbers are in stock antl we have a good assortment to pick from. Grt>ceries It is admitted by all who have drunk them that our Japan and Black Tea, at 2yc. a lb., is the best they ever drunk for the money. If you have never tried it we would ask you to give it a trial. We sell you 25 lbs. Redpath's Granulated Sugar for $1.00. Clotliingf Our stock of Shirtings, Cottonades and Flannel- ettes are of the very best and at closest prices. We got a special line of boys' worsted stockings at 30c. It would pay to get a pair for the boys. When you want a good suit, either tailor made or ready-to-Vvear, give us a call as our stock of both are extra full of choice lines. 9^ m \A \A Sir 'ilr in il# \^ \li ikt i« Of in iAi an \k \ii \A «li <i prloe fiop px*ocli;toe. C 3* Sbemard ii

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