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Flesherton Advance, 16 Oct 1902, p. 4

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October 16, 1902 ^^^^^iHrn^^H- I F, T. HILL & CO I THE FLESHEliTON A l*) VANCE Splendid Values in all deparf s I iB0V(l,l^iCkllt1g^<^0 Junt now our utock in rjiuh d>'i>artmoiit in at iU best. We pride ourHulves in having tlio LARGEST STORE, the LARGEST STOCK, »nd BEST VALUES in Grey County. CoiupRrini our -stock mid busiuess with that of a your ago you'll find a marked improvouiont at every turn ; and just as business incireasoa so in proportion do values and as-soitinonts got better and better. These few hinta pertaining to everyday values : 40 INCH DRESS GOODS 16 ota. 5 pieces beautiful twoed effect Dress Gooda, full 40 inch. wide. These goods will aive splendid wear.beinjj rever8il>li»,aiid are in an excellent assortment of eolorj ings. Very special, per yard 16 52 INCH SERGE HOMESPUNS 48 cts. 10 pieces beautiful, heavy serge homespuns, full 62 inch, in colors of light dark and medium gray, brown, navy and black . This is without a doubt one of the very bust dress goods values to be had, being equally well adapted for tailored suits or separate skirts. Very special, per yard 48 LADIES WORSTED HOSE 25c. 25 dozen Ladies' ScoUjIi Worsted Yarn Hose,si!!e6 8J, 9, 9^. We believe no better wearing stocking is to be had than that made out of good Scotch yarn. These 25 dozen arc of excellent weight, bright tinLsh, fast black dye and thoroughly dependable wearers. Special per pnir 25 40c. CASHifrERE HOSE. 3 pr. »1 00 40 dozen fast black, pure all wool Cashmere hose, full fashioned, ribbed or plain, seamless, double soles and otherwise perfect in make. At the price, 40 cts., they're as good value as we've ever been able to offer. Very special now, 3 pr. 1.00 36c TABLE LINEN FOR 24c-. 100 yards tine, good weight, half-bleached Table linen, full 62 inch, reuular 35c Veiy special 24 60o TABLE LINEN, 45c. 225 yards 60 inch, half-bleached, satin finish table linen, a beautiful, extra heavy cloth that will give the purchaser every satisfaction. Special 46 10c FLANNELETTE FOR 7i cts. 1250 yards of yard-wide Flannelette, fast medium and light colors, the best flannelette value we've seen in years, for only 7J GREY FLANNELS 12i to 37if. Over twenty ditferetit qualities, liijlit and dark colors, plain or twilled, constitute the best Hannel values to be had. Exceptional values 18 to 26 35o NAVY FLANNEL FOR 25c. 600 yards beautiful, soft, pure all-wool navy flannel plain and twilled. This is a splendid width cloth, absolut«ly fast in dye, and aa a wearer is unsiirpasaed. Special per yard only 25 LADIES RIBBED VESTS 25c. 5 dozen very special Ladies' Ribbed Vests, guaranteed not to shrink, each 25 18 dozen of the 65c quidity Ladies Hygeian Vests, clearing at 48 WRAPPERETTES I2ic. 6 pieces new pattern Wrapperetter, full 36 inches wide, extra special per yard 12i MEN'S FULLED CLOTH PANTS. 100 pair Men's Fullod Cloth P'lnts, (all sizes.) These are made from our own cloths, are extra heavy pure all-wool and coxt little more than the price of material and trimmings, per pair 2.25 TWEED PANTS 98c to $2.50. Having in stock over 200 pairs odd pants, we are in a position to give you any size and at any price you choose to pay. If you want a really genuine good wearing pant at $1.35 to $1.60 you can be suited here. IMITATION BLACK ASTRACHAN MiTTS. Fur Men. Women, Misses and children. Over thirty dozen of these desira'jle goods, made of bright black curlaU beautifully linud and having excellent leather facings. Per pair 30c, 50,65,70,75,90,$1.26 and 1.53 (JROCERIES 4 pounds Ginger Cakes for 25 4 pounds Lunch Biscuit for 25 ASK TO 5EE {GLASSWARE AND ROCKINGHAMWAKB. NEW JACKETS AND CAPERINES. NEW SHOES AND RUBBERS. MEN'S SUITS, BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS. F. T. HILL& CO The North Grey election case is set I the whole thing settled if he would pay ' down for trial at Owen Sound on Nov. 11. The Liberals now say tbey never -did think mncli of Taite, anyway. Many JSeform papers are reading bim ont of the party. He is still a Con- servative at laart, a National Policy man of the John A. school â€" a Pro- 'Xictionist, as it is now called, is not -attempting auy and longer to sup ipress his sentiments. A 5ure Cure for Constipation Somo remedies cure this distressing complaint in a day, some in a month, but Nerviline never fails to cure in a few -minutes. Just ten drops of Nerviline in' J|, milSOtl sweetened water â€" that's enctigh, and away goes the dysentery, cured to stay cured. Nerviline also cures cramps,colio, pain in the stoiiiuch and sick headache. It has five times the strength and curative properties of ordinary remediea, and should be in every household. Better buy a 25c bottle and try it. Nerviline is -all right. him $76 00 for not working the summer fallow properly. This Mcintosh paid, but after considering the matter for a few days came to the conclusion he had been "done up," and decided to see a lawyer. Information was luid against Watt charg- ing him with having o}>tained the $76.00 by means of the threat to charye Mc Intosh with stealing the wheat. Assisted by Mr. I B Lucas, who acied for Mc- intosh, and Mr. A . G. McKay, who de- fended Watt, the Maf/istnites wrestled with the facts for u couple of hours, and Bnally decideil they must commit Watt for trial at Owen Sound for obtaining the money by inuans of a throat.â€" Standard. TIesberton Fleshertons' Tonsorial Parlor Wanted- -Barber Apprentick good chance to learn for the right young man. Bring along Ya Laundry. TIesberton The Ontario Education Department has issued an ofKcial statement which an nouiiccs that candidates for teachers cer-- tificates will mil in the future bo required ' to study Latin. The study of chemistry however, will bo made compulsory. It also announces that after 1905 no foreign -languaiies will be either optional or com- pulsory. Executors of estates should take every pains to see that all rcquiromenta ccm- nected with th;)ir important trust are carried out to tlie letter. Recently thin fact was very strongly iniprrssud upon the mind of a Toronto execut<)r wh" neglected to adveitise in the proper manner for nil claims against the es'nte to bo put in by a certain dutu. After the estute was dis- tributed a claim whs put in amounting to several hundreds of dollars, which the courts conipnllud him to (xiy, together with the costs, out of his own jiocket. An heir to an estate can aiake it exceed injtly disagreeable in cnsj of neglect t» advertise p operly. On Monday night Magistrates Rae, „ , ^j" ^ hack. I See I never Pickell and Marsh h»d Home kio tyi LOOKlDg DaCKM bCC 1 neVCF «|UeKtioiis of law to considt-r. It appears S3W DefCTe. that one JNmet Watt of Beiitinck, before This Is thc exclamitlon of Satisfied tHkin!{ a tiip out west rented his f<«rm to customers. .James Mcintosh, also of Benlinck On ' ^^ j^jyg (^jtg^ SUCCCSSfully Stubbom his return from the West., Beoinv'^^j^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ j,^^^ ^^^^^ .^^ &onie weei 8 III the suiiinier iHlloWitiiouuht _,.,,. , . Mcintosh b,d not bee., d in. hi, work Satisfaction guaranteed. Vroperly but said nothii.|f until one day Consultation free. Me'ntosh drove home the Med dril with' W. A. AriTlStrOngi of Walt's wtieatinit, whenhiraentfortonie Ifclntxmh and after clmrKiii« him with iCWCLCR AND OPTIOIA i jitmling the wheat and threataning to^ W. HOCKLEY I*roton. - Px»oton Great Reductions IN READY-MADE CLOTHING Men's all-wool tweed suits, ^.00, reduc erl to , 6 7 Men's Fancy tweed ^uits, 97.50, reduce to 5 Boys' 3 piece Ruit8,$3. 75, redui-ed to 2 9 Bi.ys' 2 piece suits, J3. 00, reduced to 2 2 Dress Goods. 200 yds. fancy dress goods, regular selli.ig price SOc. to 40(;., reduced to 19 Boys' blouses, regular prices 6O0 reduced to 45 Great simps in flannelette shirts. 50 Men's flannelette shirts, regular 50 cent, clearing out at. 35 Tailor-made Suits A snap for young men, re^jiular $16 and 817 suiiH for 13 and 14 Every suit guaranteed to fit, or no sale. STRAW HATS. Mon's fine stmw hats 25 to 30c for. . Ladies sailor hats, regular 50 and 60c .20 for 40 .68 .45 24 Men's Sweaters, clearing out at 12 Boys sweaters, clearing out at A large assortment of Ladies kid gloves, roj.'ular 81.25 and 81.15 gooda for 90 A Large Assortment of Fancy Ulassware l^idbest price paid for Butter and Eggs ••••• Salt for Sale W. HOCKLEY. yOEKSeiBE BOH FOB SEBVICE Tlie iinderslgnod liaii a flno tlioroucbbred Yoi'ksMie boar for service on lut .14. flftn oon- ctiBBlon, AriemoBla. Terms #1. W. It, DYSON. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE D Y Tnko Laxative llromn Quinine TM)lotfl All dniKKiuts rofuud tlin money if it falls to cure W bi.Hruve'iisiRnature is ou cacb box iUo bare him arrea'ad, prumia -4 to cnwidttr rL^SHERTON. For Sale or Rent. For Raid or to roi.t for a term of veamâ€" two Inls on tlui corner of Potor and K.liaatMitli street. Klimhortiiii on wbicli utr erected a Rood brick dwiilli:iK liotiRH,fi-a>Me bant mid HtftbleK.toKcihur witli otiier out iMiiliHiigs ; kI.i.i i;oo>1 nrchiiril of aiipl-s, |>ciiri,i-lierrle» Midiiniall fruit ( ; occupi- ed for the liiBl ftvtt yoarn afl a Tre.'bytorian nianao. .\pidv to Mux. Svam, KlunburtonP. O. Fleiiherto»,.liily 31, 1903. FARM FOR SALE 0« RENT FOR TERH OF YEARS. Lot m-ua,,1rd range N. E. T. * S. R., lArto- metia, oontatning lOO sore.. Briek boau, ihmkI fr.ine barn. Rood orobard. well watered. Two mile, from KlMhnrton. Half a mile from griit- iDlll. Will be .old on anv terniii .nitable to purchaaer. If not .old will bo rented for term of year.. For full pnrtlcnlar. apply to UkAK BiMOLATB, Fle.herton P. o, 8«i>.es] mo nillinery Excellence The excellence of our Opening Display excited general admiration and judging from Ihe unprecedented number of orders already taken, our new selections have received popular favor. Our prices are reasonable â€" our stock new and fresh and contains all the latest novel- ties in Fall Millinery. We aim to suit every individual taste â€" no two hats alike leave our work room- but all bear the distinctive stamp of style and artistic elegance. Ceave your orders as early in tbe weelc as possible. Some late arrivals of Sfylisb Keady to tpear fiiats sbowing tbis week. Fall Clothing We're enthusiastic over our Clothing stock this season and no wonder â€" wo have the most complete rauge ever shown here â€" the best values and the biggest variety of styles. With our space this week we cannot more than hint at our showings, but we'll be glad to have you come and look through whether you're ready to buy or not. We can tit any sized figure. Boys' Overcoats from gaOO Youths' Overcoats . . from $4.00 Men's Beaver Overcoats from $5.00 Men's Cheviot Overcoats from $5.00 Men's Ulsters from $4.50 Boys' Reefers from $2.75 Youths' Reefers from $2.75 Men's Reefers from $3.75 Men's Suits from $4.25 Boys' Suits from $3.50 Child's Suits from $2.00 Men's Tweed Pants from $].00 A 75c. Corset for 50 cents, j 60 pairs Corsets â€" straight front â€" new militaiy hip â€" giving the "long" effect now so much desired â€" the latest thing in the corset world â€" thoroughly well steeled â€" beautifidly finished with lace and baby ribbon â€" all sizes. You're paying 75c for the same quality and older styles. Qur Special Prlce 50 cts. 1! i >> Everything You Are Likely to Need During Octoberâ€" Qu£i,litjr ctnci Pi^ice Ri^lut in Every l^ine I Hoi'^e Blankets Halters Whips Cow Ties and Chains Root Baskets Lace Leather Belting Packing" Rivets Lanterns Mitts and Gogj^lcf 5 Cylinder Oil Machine Oil Axle Grease Lanterns Butcher Knive.s Guns and Rifles Powder and Shot Shells Stoves Stove Pipes Stove Boards Coal Oil Cans I..anips Crockery Glassware Tinware Bovd,l^ickliiid&eo.

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