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Flesherton Advance, 9 Oct 1902, p. 4

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MPMMX October 9, ] 902 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE •«â-  I F, T. HILL & CO -â€" , â€" OUK - ?»?^i^^'f^f^-»! FALL MILLINERY OPENING '*' Takes place on ^Wednesda^ |>and Thursday of this week, October ist~^andr'2nd^ We'r6 mukillg extoiisivu pivparatioiis towards wlmt we trust will bo (Uirniost siinouasfiil opoiiiii^', and coidin'.Iy iiivitu (he preaeiice (if youiaolf and frioiida on above and following days FURS ; FURS ! FURS ! W;th Iho be»t, tlio laigeht and most carefully selected stock of el.'giint furs wu\u ever bad in stock, soiling even thus e:irly has been exceptionally brisk. Below we give just a few of thw prices tliowing ilio trend of values, and ple.ise roniuiiibur tliis--in every cnse and on every article we guaiantce absolute satisfaction. 35 Ladies' Fur .laokots. all sizes and lengths, .made nf exeoediu^'ly bi'.vutiful and durable skins, i.i black Astrachan and Suil. We never before had f ucli a worthy collection. l'rioo.s ranye from $22.00 to 45.C0 45 Ladies' UufTs, all sizes and qualities. Just tluiik 'â- f a nice V)lack lufi, four tails for only iX)c ; ethers in larger sizes at 1 40 and 1.75, whik one line in a very large size with head is 2.20. The bist you can buy for 3.95 29 Caporines, representing almost every worthy lino in the market. IJeautiful, rich and handsomely etl caperiiies at 82.50 to 13 50 Laiiies Jackets. From a very roiiipleto collection we make mention of one line. â€" Ladies dark gray Frieze Jacket, size 3^ up, 40 inches long, fancy mer- cerised lining, new culls, pockets, etc. This is a decidedly up-to-date uannent and ea.sily worth more money. Our price only 8.75 10 pieces (jf beautiful, lich Velvets, the choicest articles for a dressy Fall and V\ wjter Blouse. These qualities are retailed in most stores at 50 eta., and are considered good value. Our pi ice 37i and 40 15 pieces of extra heavy plaid Wrapperetto in colors chat we guiirantee alisolutely fast. These goods » re of splendid width beinsj double fold and may be utilized in the home for very many purposes. Reg- ular 17c. goods on sale now per yard only 9 1000 YARDS BLEACHED COTTON (.slightly soiled.) the regular 8 cent ([uality. Full 36 inches ^iride. Exua special Per yard only 4i SAXONY AND ZEfHYR YARN, 5 skeins for 10c. We've about ItX) pounds of S/ixony and Zephyr Yarns, (in colored only.) This wo bought at a fraction of its real worth and tnark it to sell accordingly. So long OVER 100 CASES SHOES AND RUBBERS In our onlargeti new Slii)-) Depiirtntent will bo fonnd n perfect stock, ri-piesenting the bear Shoo Manufac- turers of Canada Wo pride ourselves on I he excell- ence of our shoe stockâ€" a stock ihit for quality and quantity is not even appro^cheil hereabouts. For wet Fall wear you should try our hand-inude, watarproof shot's, guaranteed as such and obtainable only her*. 5 oases Men's extia lino Dongola Lao d Singes, new extension S(j1i.'S, self tip and solid leathor lliroughout. This line is one of the most fa5hi(jnable in the market for present vrear, and is easily worth 25 per cent more than wo have niarked it. Our special price is only 2.00 4 cases Ladies' Dongola Laced Shoes, self tip, medium sole, newest las', and solid leather throughout. We have these in all sizfs. Their actual worth is $2.50. Our special selling price is only 1.95 NEW RUBBERS.â€" GOOD RUBBERS Nearly one hundred cases new rub'<ers,niade by "The Boston Rubber Company," arc now in stock. Any person who has ever worn these celebrated goods could not easily be persuaded to buy any other. We have them for men, women, girls and boys. Prices not any higher than poorer qualities sell for else- where. Men's Chester Overcoats, 35 to 42, made of beautiful smooth, heavy clorh, silk velvet collar, new pockets, culls, etc. VVe'd like to show you tho excellence of out Overcoat stock â€" this line particularly, price 8.75 PURE WOOL BLANKETS. 2 cases Super pure Wool Blankets placed in stock this week. We have all sizes and weights in beautiful lofty finish goods, lovely colored bojvders and thor- oughly dependable wearers, full large size blanket, pure all-wi'ol, per pair t)nly 2 85 STONE CHINA CUPS AND PLATES 50 dozen White Slona China Plates, wheat paitirii at 15c below reaular pri^-e. Per dozen G5, 75 85c. 25 dozen extra heavy stone China cups, per dozen 55 Our stock of STOVES is now ihe moit complete you'll find. You cannot make a few dollars more ipiickly or more etisily than by buying your next stove from us. New Cook Stoves, New Ranges, New Heatcra. More particulars next week. as it lasts tho price will be 5 skeins for 10 Remember our MilliueryOpening takes place Wednesday and Tlmrsdav of this week F.T. HILL&CO ^jK^/fLT?^^.^^ 5r?r?^^?l^?^HH^^.i^^ THE GKEAT COAL STRIKE The coal strike now in piogref s on the other side of the lino is having vciy far reaching con?tquei)ces and is working havoc with the indiialries of the country, many of which are shut- lug down for want of fuel to burn. Added to thi ; it is feared very uuicli physical suffering will ensue during the coming winter in manj ciliea of the United States. This will have â- ouo good cflect ill Canada by opening tiie eyes of our people to the fact that they have been building tuo much upou au antliracilG foundation â€" trust- ing too ranch for a fuel supply to the VRiy limited coalfields of Penimylvania- Already a nioveinenl is jn fool, or at least a BUggeBtioii has boon uiadc, to uatiunalizo our own fuel preserves. Wo have largo quantities of good coal ill our country which ought to be taken over by tho fjovorninent and mined us a national uiulertakin<;^. A good lesson is being read us by point- ing out tho fully ol relying upon jinvaie iiiveslment for our (ad supply. It is too important a franchise to allow of vesting in the hands of a few cap- italists who can grind iho life blood from their workmen on a ChiiicKe liiiaiicial basis and place tho price of this necesiity at any iigaio they choose to demand. Tlii.s condition of despotism has about run its nioe, and for this reason, if for no other, we would liko to see the minPrs win tneir case. Up to tho picseiit tiniu the owiii'ts of coal 'uiiiea liavo snllVred least of all, from the fact that all stotik on hand soared up to a price that ii> iutoiided to reimbiirao tiiein for loss. Tho .\iauiicaii peo[)lo aro certainly free and ir.dcpeiident, btit in ouo in- staiico at least they li;«va for long allowed tlioin-iclves to bo grouiul iin.ler tho heel of a fow capiliilisl:^ who cwii all tlio ooiil liold.s. uud tho war bet ,eeii capital anil labor winch i;i now on may sec in tho mar fiitiuo an omiii<;ip'itioji aB nap irtant as that of 18()li wlicn Iho coloied peoplo were freed by our Amoiican cousins from ihoir yoke of hniidrtpie. Artcinesia Ct;uncil read and confirmed irdliam Blair, col- lector for Div. No. 2, presented his resig- nation, which was accepted. Artemesia Agricultui;il Society asked for a erant. Commissioner Division 2 presented his report of expendituie therein. By law (ilO, to appoint Alex Henry collector in I.livision 2 in the place of K'llliam Blair, ivas introducud and read a first, second and thiril time, siuned, sealed and entered in the by law hook. Muirâ€" Gibson â€" That Ihe follow ng duly ceitifiod accounts for gravel l)o paid: Thomas Granger, $2; PFollingtou Badge- row, $1.30â€" Carried. Gitison â€" Muir â€" That the aocimrit of fV. H. Thurston for collectots' rolls, printing and advertising, Jll.o5, bo paid - Carried. Gibson â€" Muir â€" That Annstnmg Bros, bo allowed tho privilege of erecting poles anil stiinytni; wires for telephone jnirp'ses from the KocUvale mills to Maikdale, by way of EugiMiia and Vandeleur or East Back lino and CoUingwood road, and that the Clerk proiiare a by law for tho pur- pose whim tho ViMi hai been located â€" Carried. Muir â€" l')oydâ€" That tho report of Cotn- iiiissionor Gilison on ward expenditure be received ni.d that he l>e paid ;S2C.i;6 coui- iiiission on .imount expended, $232.00 â€" Carded. Boyd â€" T bompf.on â€" That the Artemesia Aniicultural Koeiely be gniited J25 out of the funds of this township being tho upual yearly grantâ€" Carried. JFo have no^ advanced tho piiceof our tobaccos. Amber smoking tobiicca. Bobs, Currency .I'ld Fair PI ly chewing tobaeoos are Ihe same .fizii and price to the con- sumer a* formerly. IKe have also ex tended tho time for the redemption of Snowsh>>o tags to January is', 1901. Tho Empire Tobacco Co., Liiiii ed. W. HOCKLEY I>jK»oton. - IPr-otoM Great Reductions IN READY-MADE CLOTHING Men's all-wool tweed suits, $9.00, reddc ed to 6 7 Moil's Fancy, tweed suits, 87.50, reduce •o 5 Boys' 3 piece suits, $3.76, reduced to 2 9 Boys' 2 piece suits, tS. 00, reduced to 2 2 Dress Goods. 200 yds. fancy dross goods,regular selling price 3nc. t â-  40c., reduced to 19 Boys' blouses, regular prices 60o reduced to . 45 Groat snaps in llannele'.te shirts. 50 Men's llanneletlo shirts, regular 50 ceiit, clearing i ut at .35 Tailor-made Suits A snap for youna; men, regular §10 and Â¥17 suits for 13 and 14 Every suit gu»ianlc(?d to fit, or no srdo. STRAW HATS. Men's fine straw hats 25 to 30c for 20 Ladies sailor hats, regular 50 and GOc for ^ 40 24 .Men's Sweaters, clearing out at.. . .08 12 Boys swcater.s, clearing out at . . . .45 A largH aKsortmeiit of Ladies kid gloves, rovular $1.25 and $1.15 goods for 90 A Large Assortment of Fancy Ulassware l)idS)e$t price s^aid for Butter and £Qqs Salt for Sale W. HOCKLEY. TO CURB ACOLDINONE DY Tftko liHiiitlvn Itio'.iio Quiiiino Tatilnta All iliiiKKlst'< rofuml tliM uioiiov i( H (nilsi to euro W lO.Uiovu'ssiKtiatnro in on oacli box 25o Council m-t in tho town hall, F'lo.shor ton on Satuiil.iy, <.)otol>or 4. 1902. The uioiubi!i-» wore all pre.sont, tho leovo in tfiu tfh:vir. Thu luinutos of last iiuotinx *' Looking back«l see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free, W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Fl.5:SHEBTON. For Sale or Rent. For RaUj or to roit Un- ti tnrin of y«avBâ€" two Intfl ou tlio ronun* of PhUu and Klir.aboChHtrurt, t'lnshortoii ou which iirc uveotod a cooil bi-iuk ilwuliiti^ h^ barn auilstabk'P.toquthtir witli (itber out butli1inK» ; alK.i aonrl oielianl of npi'l 'fl, imavn,{»lu^vri<m anilHinall fruit h ; occupi- ed for tfitt lust rtvo years hh a ProHbytrvlan inniiso. ,\in I'' to Mtt-^. SYKHd, Hu.hertonP. O. KIaflliorton,.hily *Jl, IOv)J. FARM FOR SALE O^ RENT FOR lERH or- YEARS. T.nt lU-U'J.:ir.i vai «o N. F. T. A S. 11.. lArto- nuiHia.citiitftiiitnq hK> acvc!*. brii-k house, iinod fraino ham, «ootl orchard, well watered. Two niibf« from ^lt1^borlof:. naif aiDiUt from Kvittt- iiiiil. Willhn st'1,1 on anv t.oima Ruitablo to lnunbaHiu'. If not fob) will ho vented for term of years. Fur full particulars apply to I'AAc HiNCtAin, Fie8ber&oQl\ u, . 8ep.23-l mo nillinery Excellence The excellence of our Gpcnirg Disphiy'excited general adniimtion and ,ja(ljj,-ing from the iinpieccdented numlier of orders ah-eady taken, our new selections liave received popular favor. Our prices are rea-sonable â€" our stock new and fresh and contains all the latest novel- ties in Fall Millinery. We aim to suit every individual taste â€" no two hats alike leave our work room â€" but all bear the distinctive stamp of style and artistic elegance. i^ Ceave your ordeals as cariy in tH v^eck as i^ossible. Somelak arrivals of S^ylisb Ready to vi^car lilats sbov^ing tl)i$ week* ^^^^''^k^/^^ % «/«^%/«b^«. Fall Clothing We're enthusiastic over our Clothing stock this season and no wonder â€" we have the most complete range ever shown here â€" the best values and the biggest variety of styles. With our space this week we cannot more than hint at our showings, but we'll be glad to have you come and look through whether you're ready to buy or not. We can fit any sized figure. Boys' Overcoats from $3.00 Youths' Overcoats . . from $4.00 Men's Beaver Overcoats from $5.00 Men s Cheviot Overcoats from $5.00 Men's Ulsters from $4.50 Boys' Reefers from $2.75 Yoviths' Reefers from $2.75 Men's Keefers from $8.75 Men's Suits from $4.25 Boys' Suits from $3.50 Child's Suits from $2.00 Men's Tweed Pants from $].00 >' k ^^^^^^^ '^^^»^'^% ^^'tt^^^^^ ^^b^^-'V^^ "V^ '%' "6/^ A 75c. Corset for 50 cents. 60 pairs Corsets â€" straight front â€" new military hip â€" giving the "long" effect now so much desired â€" the latest thing in the corset world â€" thoroughly w^ell steeled â€" beautifully finished with lace and baby ribbon â€" all sizes. You're paying 75c for the same quality and older styles. Our $t>$cial Price 50 CtS. Everything You Are Likely to Need During October=- in. JB veK*y X^ine ! Horse Blankets AVhips Root Baskets Belting Rivets Mitts and Goggles ISIachino Oil Lanterns Guns and Rifles Shells Stove Pipes Coal Oil Cans Crockery Glasswai Halters Cow Ties and Chains Lace Leather Packing T-.anterns Cylinder Oil Axle Grease Butcher Knives Powder and Shot Stoves Stove Boards Lamps o' Tinware Boyd,1^ick]ttig&€:o. V .n-i, «Atf.<w**^vi<im<wa»w»''.i

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