C tl £ t i.K h 11 E R i -\ A I). V A N t' It SBPtEMBEB4, 19(3 Tlesbtrton t»A3XORâ€" Hcv.J.a. IvisunWllaon eervlce-iSunday 1 1 a.na.iSc "7 p. m. Subjects for next Sabbatii â€" Morning â€" Whore is Ab<sl thy brother t Evenia:; â€" The Los^Hlizeil drink tr iltio. Servi.M at Cayloii at 3 p. m. Baptist Cl:\urcl\, Flesl:\3rtori Preac)\er. Rev. H. CooKe. Sirtvics Suudjy miruinj at 11 o'clock S-il)jeot for next Sabbath: Eicpi^tatiun and Realizatina. Vicinity Ciiips characteristics of the Past Week Curcfully Culled for tbe Cnrioas Fresh lime always ou hand. J. H. Duckett, Eugenia. For pl'ugh points (if all kinds, go to Petei' McArthur, Priceville, Good ; bri'shing engine â€" a hargnin, if tnkeii at once. aiilcb cow for sale â€" Apply to VV. Barn- hiiu.s-?, Flesherton Lost â€" About July 21, one white ewe ;ind two black-faced laiub.«, ewe and weather. Finder please coimuunicafce with Mrs. E. Paul, Eugenia. Township council met on Monday for a short Stf&sion. Clock Bellamy wa.s absent from hi.s place for the lir.-3t time, we be- lieve, in cweuty-two years. Minutes will .ippear next week. The Fall Assizes are on in Owen Sound this wet'k, and a number from this district are attending as jurors and witntssea in some iutereatir.g cases from this section. Drug ipprent'ice wanted â€" An active youna man about 18 years of a-^e, with proper edutational ijualification to learn drug business. W. Turner A Co., Mark- dale, Ont. Visitors to Toronto from the Coimty of Grey may secure the address of friends in the city by calling on C. W.Chadwick, secretary of the Grey County Old Boys' Association, Q Temperance St., Toronto. The C, P. R. advertised "one cent a mile" tickv.ta for Toronto Tuesday and Thursday of this week and next. When proi»pect,ivo travellers went to buy their tickets the sum deimindfd at this staticm was t'vp doliais for tlio 83 mile trip aod return. For saleâ€" Good ta;)estiy carpet, almost new, also other article. Apply to Mrs. Tate Graham, Floshorton. Amou^ the pupils who passod the Leaviii!! esamiuation at this .«chonl the following are attendina colle'^iato ". Mr. Emerson Bellamy at Collinawood. Miss laicy Cooper at Owen Sound, Miss Jennie Wilson at Toronto. . Tenders wantedâ€" For the paintinj of the woodwork of the outside of the Meth- odist church, FleshortoM, up to no(m, Monday, Sept. Ist, 1902. For spccifi- cfttiuns apply to W, Clayton. Money to Lo.iiN â€" .^t 4.V lo 4i} per cen- Expenses low. Also a number of im- proved and unimproved farms for sale cheap. .Apply to Goo. Rutherford, Shol- burne, or DundalK olJice Saturday after Farm to rent â€" 11th con. Proton. 100 acres, 90 clenretl, ten acres hardwood ; in a good state of fertility, well watered, sjood buildings For further particulars apply li Mrs. M. Egan, or J.Runst.adtler Flesherton. Mr. C. Hales of the Durham road re- ceived a bad cut lisl week with a scythe which he attempted to throw from a binder where ho was carrying it The blade noado a bad cut on the fleshy part of his leg below the thigh. He is able to walk ahmnd It might have been worse. We feel constrained to say thank you to Bro. Irwin of the Durham Chronicle for his more than flaltoring reforcnce to iiur recent jatint amons the islands. Wish we could have had you along, old mati. Division Court was held in the town luvll on Wednesday if last week before .ludae Morrison. The docket wai light, no c!ises of importance hfina tried. The nuwt intere.stuig were laid over until next court. Bailiff Wright hs'd sn auction sale of chickens on Saturday evening, when roiue 7t5 'irds were distuwed of. Sixty of the brood brought six dollars. Ten hens, a roo»ter »nd five small chickens were sold for S3.2.v>. The birds were all fine upeci- mena "f the Barred Rock and were ra'sed by Seth Cole. Thty weri- seized on an execu'.iou held by J.H Heard & Son. The justice mdl got up a full head of .steAui iince mote op Saturday riftern'on. laet t ) accommodate some OKproy gemle- m^n who h.'xda .slight d'tt'orencc to settle as a continuation of the ligitatioji engon- <'«i-»d through "courage" iuibiooil at friend Gl»»8ford'.^ hoti-l. Maxwell, on .\ug.20 la»t,»nd referred lo in laat. week's is.-ue. Ill this ins'anco Rolwrt Scillcy ch»rB«d William and Th.w. Phillips with assjiu't. There were slight dincrppancies m ihe evidence of the parties bi.t both w«re pr"fu.sB in thsir belief i.i the integ- yity of the opposition and would not tot H iiiomeiit believe they wuubi knowingly awfar !•• what was fali^j. After hcJiriiig the bulky evid>tice Miigistrale VaiiDus»-o imp..s.da little fine of 81 and 810.30 cosiu on William Phillips and 82 iiid ^10.3.5 coals on Thomas. Lawyer Wright appeared for the plaintiff and Thos Phil- lips pleaded his own cabe. After tho Case Wiis over both parties adjoumwt t<j to the refreshment d<:pa'tment. at Mine Host .Munshaw's and all shook hands all round. White winged peace now broods over the Montague and Capulet hou.ws. Two little boys, Fred Sullivan and Fred Bellamy, were phiying at school, when then the former tripped the latter, ifoung Bellamy fell upon his arm in such a way that it was broken. It was a rather bad break and the doctor's aeriicea were called in. The arm is now in splints. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cornfield suffere<I the loss of their infant daughter, Lou Ellen Marie, on Saturday last, after a short illness. This is the fourth child which Mr. and Mrs. Cornfield have lost ill infancy. The funeral took place on Sunday to Mt. Zion cemetery. It i.s n t often t hut we feel inspired to print a sermon, but h.ive been requested ro reproduce one which was recently preached by the Methodisi pastor here, and have acceded to lh« recjuest. We thiok that those who n:ad it will unan- imously agree that \\r have done the correct thiii<j. Thisiermon on politics and loyidty is really a choice production in the way of a sermon, timely, convincing, eloquent. It is interlarded wiih incident, quotaiioii, and facts which make it enter- taining as well as instructive. Read it and you will be the better for it, and also be in a position to say we did the correct thing by giving it the wider pub- licity of the press As for ourselves, wo thipk it one of the most suitable sermons for publication we have heard in a long lime â€" if this were not .so it would not have found place in The Advince. - â- n »l I m- Horse Breeders, Attention ! Having purcha.sed the famims young Clydesdale stjil!ii:u. Hi iiour Bound, from Mr Will. McCluiii.', Euphrasia, I give notice to paities having m.'ires to breed that be will s'aaJ at my stable, lot No. 21, con. 10, Artemesia, for service the balance of this summer. His color is dark bay with one white hind and one fore foot, with star on forehf.id. He has proven to be a very sure foal getter, and the 10 or 12 spring colts from him .are of superior quality and all will be about the same color as himself. He wa-s '{ years old last 23rd M,iy. Teru).s:--Ti> insure, S8.(X), â- vith reduction en. ugh to pay paities time coming a distance. In.speclion invited. Pedigree on application. j6SEPH BUCHANAN. PERSONAL Mr. Tom Egan of Hamilton paid a short vLsit to Sir. and Mrs. J.Runstadtler last week. Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Bunt visited with friends in CoUiugwood (ivcr Sunday. Very few peiple are taking in the Tor- onto fair from this .section compared with other years. Miss Maud .Agnew of Given Sound was the guest of iNlias .Miuuie Munahaw last week. -iUisa Berta McCalluni of Owen Sound is the gut.'st of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. VanDuscn. Township Clerk Bellamy visited with friends in CoUinuwood and Nottawasag.i for a faw days during the past week. Mrs. MaiT of the Methodist parsonage is visiting with relatives at Belleville, Port Hipe and elsewhere. Mis. Bell and daughter of Owen Sound has been visiting her brother and sister, Mr. Roderick and Miss McKenzie of the gra\el road. Mrs. J. M. Thurston, who has spent most of the summer with relatives here and at Kimhorley. returned this week to her home in Toronto. Messrs. A. McDongall, foreman of the Durhsin Chronicle, and Call Newton of Brown's |ihoto studio, Durham, spent Sutidiy with friends in town, returning Monday mia-iiiag. Rev. T. Cook and family returned ><n Thursday last from a fortniaht's trip around the shora of the Georeian Bay, aii<l announced having had a very plea.sant outing. Mrs. M.Egan and M.ister Murtca E^an of Hamilton, who have spent the summer with relativea here and in this vicinity, returned to their home on Saturday. Rev. J. C. Wilson of Brighton, spent a day lust week witn his son. Rev. Ivi.<ton Wilson, «hei> on hn wav to general con- ference at Winnipeg. Miss WiUon, who has been visiting at the parsonage for some lime, accomjiaiiied her father on his western trip. Misses Ada and Besisie Biown of Dur- ham return«d lii^m« after a brief visit with their friend, Miss Florrie Richard- son. Miss Richartlson returned with them and will remsm a few d.iya in the cement town. Miss Maud Richirdson returned to Tonmto laMt week after a summer's >i»it at the parental homo. Miss Anoie Richa^l»<â- n also returnwl to her colh-ge duties at Sackville, N. B. The tri>ubh"i of the old wi.inan Who Itvcil in the :ihtiu an; noi worth inuotiou- iiigaloo-.; side if 'ho^u of William Clarke, who waa i;rra:giud in the S^uthwark p 'lice court til o oiiur day chiirued with leaving liiH » II,- .11, d three childr<-n Oesti- tuie. Clark pie«dea that liLs progeny was t<K> iiunieiuiis for him to take care of. IJis first wife hore him sizteeen children, his sccot.d wi.fe twenty. The wife, who Was called .as a witness, said she thou^'ht she hac only eighteen children, but there Wero so many she was not sure. The piisoner .s^id that one at least of his sous WIS doHd, but as t<j the rest he couldn't say how many were living. The Markets. Carr^foilv Correr ed Earh Week OatA 38 -o 38 Peas 7? o 77 Barley 45 to 48 Butter 14 o 14 Esigs fresh 13 -0 13 Pork 7 25 to 7 25 Hay 5 00 to 5 00 Poutoes bag 45 10 50 Campbelton Hero to the Front That famous Clydesdale stallion the Maxwell Company have will stand for mares at Maxwell hotel for season 1902 at dlO.OO. Is one of the greatest stock getters in the county, which is proven by his stock. G. R. GLVSSFOllD. 29a. S/orkshiro SSoar S'or Sarvica, Tbe undersigned bias a ftoo thoroughbred Yorasbiro boar for aervico on lot 34, fifth con* cossion, Artomesia. Terms $J. W. R. DYSON, â€"THEâ€" WESTERN FAIR LONDON Sept. 12-20 - - 1902 A Hedley of Spectacular Merit Prof. Hutchinson, the Human Bomb, in a thrilling baloon asuensii'n and para- chute drop. The marvelous Cycle Dazzle The Osnatos in a sensation novelty. The great Gay, the Handcuff King. The Olifans, Continental Eccentriques. Man- ning and Du Crow, famous Monopedes. Rosa Naynon, with her Troupe of Trop- ical Trained Birds. The Bard Bros., Ac- robatic Wonders. Chriasie M. Jones, Cornet Virtuoso. Magnificent Pyrotech- nics and many other features. Special train service over all lines. Exhibits further ahead than the times. Grounds incidiou.sly beautiful. Buildings irresist- ibly inviting. Prize lists, m;ips. programmes and information for the asking from Lt.-Com. W. M. G.\RTSHoaK, Pnsident. J. A. Nbli-bs, Secretary. Hdministrator's Sale . OF Valuable property in the township of Osprey, in the county of Grey. Unrtoi- iustructionslfrom tbe .-i.dmiuiBtrator of tbe estaicol Mungo Daucl.lato of Ibo towusbui of Opprey Lu tbe couiitv of Giov, furuior, du- cottBod.ttmre willbfdolii by pubUo auction at 'boTemporiiiieu HoujI iu tbo viUogo of l^'ovoi- sbaii; ill tho county ot'Groy, ou Friday, September 26th, A.D,i9o2 iid2 p. m., tho following property, namoly: â€" Lot number Seventeen (17) in tho Elovonth couceseioQ of cbo tjwubbip of Oaproy in Ibo county ol Grey.coutaijinsono hundred aorot<,bo tbo sanio moro or leiia Tbia farm is situate about one milo from tbo village of Kevorsbniu. About oiijhty acres are nleared and tbu bolaaco is timbured with hard- wood. Upon tbe premises are sai.l to be a frame liouse.ouo and a. half atories biRb; a frame bani :-X):;lti and 1 fmuia straw shed, 43x48 with >tabli-8 beneacii. There i3 a small orchard on the preujises. TERMS of S \LB Ton percent, of the purebaso money to bo paid to the vendor or hiw solicitors on theday of sale and tho balance i*i thirty nays ilioroa.tev srithout iutere^t, into tbu Canadian Hank of Ctmmei-co'Ht -rorouto, to tbe joint credit of tbe adniinistratof and tbo olhoial guardian. Tho pioporty will be sold subject to a re- serve bid, axed by the oUicial Guardian. For further particulars and conditioiisot sale apply to the undersigned William D.vvidso.v, Luo.is, WRiQHT&McAaDLK .-Vdiniuistra^or, Vendor's Solicitors, Kob Koy, p. o. Owen Souud, Datod August iJrd, A.D..1902. , ijJiuwti'u^fV VMUM uvwuwiruwuvy^-rtv wm^m Photos ^ â€"TAKEN â€"AT TH Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in firsl-cl.ass style and at [j lowest rate3. Special attention tj given to copying. Babies' photos. S a specialty. Pictures framed. r, MRS BULHER \ ijfDilnlitnirtni tilrtnirinSWilitrlniii xrtninS- Cbe Flesherton • • l)<irtic$$ * « Emporium ? ? ? IS TOE PLACE TO BUY YOUR HARNESS. All kinds and prioes Whips and liushts Pi-uuks and Vaiicea, oombs and bru.shes, Sweatpiuls and collar pads, .\xle Grease, Hoof Ointmeot and 0x11 Cure, Bitts .nnd 8nap«, Buggy DuRt«r.i and all stylos and prtcea. Rubber Buys. Woollen Rug« Uarneis Polish and Metal Polish and Everything In our line. m* moore * Fle$beHoti Kor Sale or Rent. For sals or to root for a term of yearsâ€" two lots on the corner of Peter and Elizabeth atreot. Flesherton on which are erected a good brick dwelling house.framo barn and stablos.togotbur with other out buildings ; also good orchard of apples, pears.eherrios aud small fruit? ; occupi- ed for the last flya years as a Presbyterian manse. Apply to iliis. Stkes, KleshertouP. O. Flesherton, J;ilv 21,1002. FARM FOR SALE Only 91800. $500, baUnoe easy torma interwat 0%, 100 acres, 75 cleared and under cultivation, balance half ctdar swamp and half mixed hardwood. Com- fortable frame dwelling, frame post bam half luiln fiom good scbocl and 3 milefl from village of Eugenia. Apply to R. J. Sproaie, Flesheiton. THE OWEN SOUND 1] iKiisiim RE.OPENINQ Cuesday» Sept 2tl902. The Owen Sound Collegiate Institute will re-(/pen for the Fall Term on Tuesday, Sept 2nd, at 9 a. m.,when pupils will be enrolled and classified, and classes organ- ized for the General course ; the Commer- cial Course ; for all grades of Teacher's Certificates ; for Pass and Honor Junior and Senior Matri:ulatiun,and for entrance into all tho learned professions. Staff and Equipment Tho Staff consists of eight teachers, all spec* ialists, and men of tho highest professional stftudiug, Tho equipment is thoroughly modern and ethcient, and among the best in Ontario. Terms : The fees are: For County Grey pupils. Ten Dollars per year; for pupils from other counties Ten to Twelve Dollars per year. For annual Announcement or other informa- tion apply to THO*. MURRAY, JNO. RUrHERFORO, I'rincipal. Sec -Treasurer. Fai^Mti. for Sa.le • Lot 16, conceseiou 12, township of osprey, clear of incumbrauoe; 95 acres, G5 cleared, bal- anco hardwood bush; in good state of cultiva- tion, clear of noxious weeds; good frame barn and stables under, 40x60; a good house 30x26, l storey, under storey stone, upper frame, well flniahod, a good frost proof Cellar; woodshed iSi x20, a 15-barrel cistern and nover-failinii well and pump in good order, ail under roof; plenty of water for stock in pasture. Terms of sale, .â- 5500 cash, balance to suit the purchaser, 5 per eeut. on balance. Sty reason for solUng is ill- ness, aud tho place must be sold. There is an orchard of abont \\ acres and between 5 and acrijs of fall wheat. School \ milo, churches within 1 or'i usiles; about two miles from Fov- sham. Apply to the owner bv letter or on the proinisus. .JOHN SPEER8, Feversbam, P.O. .Out In the matter of the estate of Mango Daod, late of the Township of Osprey, in thp County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. ' Notice is hereby given pursuant to the '-Ke- vised Statutes of Ontario," 3897. chapter 120. that all creditors and others having claims agaiuat the estate of the said MUNGO D AND, who died on or about the eleventh day of March, A.D., 19U2, are required on or before tbe twenty-second day nf September, 1902 to send by post, prepaid or deliver tolWilfiam Davidson, Esq., Bob Rov. P. o., Ontario, administrator of the estate of tbe said duccosud, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, and full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such mentioned date tbo said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of tile deceased auiotiK the parties entitled thereto, havingregard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or oen,uns of whoso claim notice shall not have been received by him| at the time of snch distribution. Dated the 18th dav of August, A.D.. 1903. LUCaS, WKIGHT & Mo.UtDLiE, Solicitors for the administrator, Owen Souud, Ont. FOR Lumber, Lath, Siiinsles, Flooring. We have just placed in position a new planer and matcher and are prepared to furnish building material in all the above lines. Get our quotations when you want anything. Hickling Bros. 8th con., Arteniesia â€" Maxwell P. O. 10 July, '02 .^•(7'^^^-5-5-i*^^-5-5»T5V ' c^^.^^rS^-.-'-,^---'^-, 'IS Z. % Sbepoar x^lestierton « is giving Li^uaenia, JJ Special Values Tjhia 7/^onlh . . . 111 (♦> In m m 'tis us m 9} 9S 9} «\ ; «^ in all lines of summer goods. Our prints, nuislin.", delaines, Suminer Dry Goods all being cut in price. We have received already some of our fall goods. Our stock of shirtings, cottonades, flannelettes, wrap- perettes, canton flannels and deny being very well shipped. We are giving some special values in men's antl boys' clothing," we want you to briugyour boys here to our clothing department aud let us show you how com- pletely yet how economically we can tit them out not only with suits but with every article of haberdashery from hats to hosiery including shoes. y^i Our Tlfen's 7)epajtment. We want you to seo the superb selections we have made to sell at popular prices. These include every fashionable fabric and are cut after the latest ilesigns of the swellest tailors. You will find in our store the latest styles of hats and everything that is worthy in haberdashery but at prices considerably below what othei-s charge for identically the same qualities. BOOTS jQLii^fs sh:o£:s Our Boot and Shoe Department is complete in all lines of Men's heavy and light shoes, women's wearing and tine shoes, also girls' and boys' in all prices. We buy direct from the manufacturers thereby saving you the middle man's profit. OROCSRIEZS Our stock of Groceries is always kept fresh. Our 2.")c. Japan and Black Teas being someMhat extra in value, we would ask yon to give them a trial. A full line of crockery always kept ou hand. Highest price for all kinds ot produce.. T. J. SHEPPARD ^^-^^ i«/ w Sir Hit \«i \6 ^ Ui i4 in ik iff i^ il6 \i^ Ui iif iXt 0^ \i/ Of iXt \b \it 0^ %