AUGUST 28 1902 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^ ^wi^m^^ (^mU M' il t rc«.soaable rato. Call on UH. A * ^ '"â- ^clMk'Vtb Ulv Court. Co Grey I«..«r of Marrlag. l.loeusea. Oonvejaucer sXy VubUc ASctlouoer Mouoy to loau rtijp'arcout. Charges -°fg°^!U«KTON I' O a 1 KPBOUliB »- I'onuiastor. Floshortoa ""'', 'â- -â- ';"k.*«e. aui «?» c«StullyarawD CbS« ,:r""'A ont'°for"ooean DoiSlulon 8&bip company. A call Bolioltcd . JiacietieiBi . n TT W moots on the last Mooday A °in oaJa month, iu tl.oirlo<.ge room. fH.w.trS.' block. Flofiberton. at S p ni. T. Blumy . Financier. VUitiDg^rell^aD^THed â- ^Zvanv AHTHTB LODGE, No. ^33, A. ?""T M *aeor. in the Masonic ball. 9traln'B Muniliaw, Sotrotary. C°'"tr.SS^J^eI?Krfaa,7v^ul^ liSsE'Si^u^^^:^-:'^--^ strong. pcclujil 01i C.vnTiyi^ ^ ^^^^ Physician, Surgeon, etc oaiJO ana rosidenoo-Peter at.. l'lo.shortou 1^I2. I*'- T. T3ibt>y,-rby8iclaa, BnrgbOD JJ etc. Flo«lierton, Out block oaiU'refibytoriaa ohnroh. May bo tound there day aud uight Corouor for County of Grey. KCOTT AND SOFTLY MomborB Collage rhysio. & Surgeon. Ontario Graauatain Mo.liciue of Toionto Univorsity, FoUowBhip P'I'Oiua.FoBt Gradu- ate o Ileal School and Hospital, Chloago. •liaeases of eye, oar.iiosoaud throat specially """softly. JOHN A. SCOTT FeverBhani. aiweii. JP t -TTBWKLL Votoriuary Surgeon â- Graduate of Ontario Vtitorlnary College, resldouoe â€" second door Bonth west on Mary street. This etroot runs south ProBbytcrlau Church. G Vir. MA 3 C K , „ \*- VDtorluary liurgjonand Dentist, Mox- woU, craduate of Ontario Veterinary ColleRO, offilltt'tod with Torouto University. ViBita biigeu ia Weduosday fromll a. in. to 3 p. ui,, an Foversham Tliursdaylroiii 2to 5 p.m. Cattle Stealing Extraordinary. Oil Thursday laat ayouti) named Jamea Cummins, aaed 17 yoars, was arrostcd by Chief Stovol of Mt. Forest, and brought before mayor Gruer, in the absence frmu town of Police lllajjistrato Macfjrogor.aiid un a char){e of cuttle stealing, laid against him by Mr. Samuel Shaw.con. 11, Arthur. The youth pleaded guilty and told a ro- inarkalilu story, e<iuttlliii(( any which ccuio out of the wild west and which is corroborated by other evidence. Cummins says he is an orphan mid that he came from Hamilton. Hu hired out laat November to John O'Donnoll, on lot 6, con. 12, Minto. Since that time the youth says he has beer helping O'Donnoll in a system which he describes asfniloirs: â€"Cummins was driven by his employer to certain furins in the neighborhood. A certain cow would bo selected, and the lad infonned by his employer that lie should go on the next nij;hl and take the animal as the owner ow ed him a certain sum of money. Several of the animals were insured by the man who had stolon them, and one or two were killed during storms by being struck on the head with an axe, and the claim made tliat they were killed by lightning. In this way, the price of the animals was obtained, and traces of the theft covered up. Two or three weeks a}(o Oummins and a little boy of O'Donnell's drove some swine to Harriston for delivery to Mr. Hyndman of that place. The money was paid over for the hogs, one of which was a BOW belonging to Mr. P. 6. McLellan, con. 10, Arthur, aud which he advertisad as strayed in last week's Rep. Mr. Mc- Lellan, we might add, recovered his sow and Mr. Hyndman is out the price paid thereof. After selling the hogs Mrs. O'Donnell and Cummins had a row over the latter retaining $10 of the sale price, Mr. O'Donnell being away from home, and the youth left. On leaving ho proceeded to look fur another job and hired out with Mr. Mich. Waloh, con. !), Arthur. Here ho became confidential and told some masons who were at work for Mr.VV'aleh, about having stolen a cow from Mr.Shaw, the man who laid the charge against the prisoner and caused his arrest. After hearing the evidence the Magistrate com- mitted Cuininins for trial. On Friday Chief Stovel took the youth to Gueiph where His Honor aJudge Chadwick at once gave the boy a hearing and romanded him to jail for two weeks no doubt in ex- pectation that O'Donnell will be captured in that time, when the boy, it is believed will only be retained as a witness, as it is evident he was made a tool of by his employer whose wheruaboutsiH nut known but tlie police authorities are doing their best to find bim. only the lifthtiiiiit; to show them over the iilouKhs that abound in thatdisinaUwiinp. At eleven o'clock the contiut^ent rt-:;'rhecl Mr. John BranifFs, where thoy Wore '" id- ly oared for after their long woaiy t -ip. About ono o'clock the reat of tlut jiirty came along and all reached Eugenia a, .out half past two Friday morning, a soiry looking lot. So ended the picnic. The parly will hold (heir next at Eugenia The carryall, it is said, will be sold for damages. Collingwoud Qas Well on Fire The accidental lighting of the gas well, almost coir.ploted on the premises of ex- Ald Carmiohael, Thursday evening brought out the tire brigade and hundreds of people, the fireman to fight tlie fire, while the citizens looked on aud many gave ad- vice i\n to how the fire could be extin- guised. The accident occurred shortly after work had been suspended for the day. Gas having been found, a pail was .placed over the tubing, which one man was try- ing to hold down. The escaping gab was ignited from the furnace of the boiler oloso by, and in an instant the well was ablaze. Mr. Wheathy, who was standing close to the well, was knocked down and badly burned, while Mr. Horton had his and whiskers scorched. The flame shot upward fully fifty feet, and a most intense heat. The firemen kept streams of water on the adjoining buildings, while efforts were made to put out the lire. Bags of saud were jilaced over the well, only to be thrown aside like chips. One after another expedient was tried without success until tinally a ;oneerted effort was made on the opening with the chemical engine, two streams of water and steam frotn the boiler, which proved successful. The principal dama'jo was to the der- rick and machinery. The loss to the con- tractor will be about ^'M)0. The loss on the buildings will be about S200. It was fortunate that there was no wind at the time, or the oncire block would have been destro/ed. On JVanti FLESH EKTON For Masaey Harris, Noxon, Fkury and VViIkinson farm implements, Fleury and Veaity plows >ti. hand all the time, alsoall kinds of repairs for the same. We manufacture Wngons Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing pr »mptly utrendod to' Special attention to tender contracted feet. Logging and Pi-jw Chains constantly on hand. arness ♦♦ *♦ 5 "% If you want a Fiivst C]as.s Hand- made sett of hanies.s go to HEARD'S CARRIAGE WORKS FOR THEM. ^mmmmmmmmmmmfm^^m^m^^ FALL TERM At till - rpt J. W, FROST, L li. H. Harrietor, Solicitor ConveyaDcer. oto olB.'Oâ€" Ni?xt to postofllou, Hjiroulo's block FI<:hjrton, every TUnrada and, court days N Bâ€" Owen Bound olHou, Frost" block Poulett strcot east. LUCAS, WEIGHT & MoAIlULE Harriitcra Holioitors Conveyancers, et OfHooB-'Jwan Kound.Ont audJIarkdaloOnt. W H WnuinT, MeAnULK \ 11 Luuas S Bâ€" Mii-ihonon otllco, aiitchellu Bauk fcvury Satiirdity. Tli'JiCKI! & 1'.\TTEIIS0M t Dan isterH, Uuliuiturd, etc Mnlaon'a Hank, Owon Boond hARRT G TUOKEU ORG W PATTEU30N MAKAV&SAMPSON.narristorn.flolicltorB. iu Ot'b'lCBti :â€" Owen Sonud, Morrhaiit'S Hank Hlock, N. of 1'att-jr.ioii Slou^io, liuriJalk, Mala rnct, every Saturday. Momiy to loan nfc 4Jii(ircent. AG. MA(,'KA)f,M.A., II B. SAMl'BON. Ii.Ii.D Always in attnndanou at FleBhorton and Duiidalii Division Courts. ^rw^SK! •~3W Ueiiti^tvif rjR. B C. MURRAV, L, D, S. iVntal nnrRoou •J lionoifji-iiiiiato of Toronto UiiIvrBlty and ftovfil Collijf,'. ofDinital 8nri;of>na i,f ()iitaiio. <)fll''c» â€" Oppo&it'i A.'iiiMMonq'-j Jswellory Store. WillvUil, Maxwoll tho latt W.idnosday of ouch month, aud Dundalk I and .1 Tluirxday til. eaob men FABM jFORSALE out r1god farm for »olo, 100 aorpB, iJSlOO, 9100 nash, balairuo easy tRrin<;0& norns climrod and 1,1 good state of nultivatlnn; 1:2 arrcs luust tliiili. iiiotf, liiilat.oo well tiinlicrfd, hardwind and iK.mloclCKfujd (isino Ijurn, Btnlilo niirtor; good frmiio dwiilHug; will fuiieeil. watuied and In coo-l ftii'...f.f i;iiltlvutloii:liiijili!srioiii Maxwifll and t! njilu from Fc.vnri.l)»iii. whuro nro iiiillM, i-tort-ft. <tr. , J mile from cIioi'hu factory. Aliply oU.J.hPUol^LH.Klcsbyton. £011-8 E ugen la Pianhig: Mills . . . Get your Sa.sli, J)oois, FIoonii<^, Sliefiting, New- ell Posts, I5iil I listers, dor- wv.v l?Io(;U:t,Tiaii(l Kailing, llic best, of, Spruce Latli, No 1 an«l No. 2 Sliingle.s, Vei-aiula and Fitting,Sid- iii^>i, etc. Turning of all kinds (lone to (irder. New run of stones for chop- ping. .Sati.sfactioii in all our line.^ guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR Kockvale. From Our Oicn Comspaiident . The music on oar lino is still on the in- crease, Messrs. Will Pedlar, James Fisher and Thos. Atkinson have each pur- chased new organs, thu.s making six instru- ments which Mr. Lamont of Collingwood has sold in this neighborhood. The following left here last week for Mankoba and the N. W. T. Messrs. M. and J. Gillespie, N. McDonald and Jas. Jamiosun. Mrs. Jerry Thompson aud her mother, Mrs. McKee, spent a few days last week with friends in Owon Sound. The following summer visitors him with us : Mr. A. Brown, Mrs. Thos. Clark, Mrs. McLean and two daughters from Maiiitowaning; and Mr. and Mrs. Storey of Nuttawa are at Mr. J. Portoou'9,Hr. ; Miss Kdi.a Pedlar of Thornbnryaiul Miss Alma Noble of Markdale|ttt Mr.J.Thoiup- Bon's; Mr and Mrs. Bunt and Everett ot Collingwood at Mr.. W. Pedlar's; Mrs. Mc- Dowell, of Cleveland ; Mia.Chivs.Phillips of Toronto, at Mr. T. Phillips'; Mrs. llannon lUdley and three children of Toronto, at Mrs. Silaal'hillips'. We regret that our auliool huuse was not rrady for Miss Stafford, our aniiablo teacher, after her vucatimi, but it will bo complete in another week. Ml'. TliOB. Fisher is erecting a new residence, Mr. John Wliitten is the con- Mr. Robert Clark i.s building a tine ciiinmodiouH bank barn. â€"• ».f4«*»«^« . ~ EiiKt'iiia From Our (Mm Correspouilmt. Born â€" August 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Jaint'H Armstrong, a daughter. Miss Edith Carr has rt'tiirnod from an oxtondod visit ai Aicola, N. W. T. ftlr.'Ooorgo Sloan and Mr. Coopir of Moaford were guests of Mr.anil Miss Hue- croft of Edunvalo nil Sunday lasl. Airs Will Purvis and two childri'u of Toronto have been visiting friends here the paat week. On WediifwUy last a number of our Eugxnia prople went for a picnic to Dun- can lake and inport a lively finio. They hired a canyall to take the ladies, but at the start the liorHes baulked and would not iiKive, so thby Kot out and walked If ost of the way. Then a savage bull at- tacked them and tliey llioiiulit their end had comn. Borne of the ladies lind great dillh'uUy in scrambling over the foncos with Iho 'least in hut pui'diit, Mhilo the carryall and the noble liorses w«-ie pr.iiic- iiig along n couple of miles behind. The imrly U^ft, Kutfenia sbout ten in the iiiiini- ing, rosched Duncan lake at thiee in the aftdrii'Min, foo'anre and wfary. They hnd to hvg a nior&el as they tramped along. Ofcourao no ono refusod them. WliiMi lli,.'.y wishnd to leave for home tlirir horses liaulked again. They waited on tho hrut«8 until 10 30 when a number of 'he younger ones started to walk home and got a guide to pilot them through the swamp. On the way a thander Morm mmo on and gave them a •orry lime, with (he night pitch dark and Ccyloiu. From Our Own Correspoiulent. Mrs. Hill and daughter of Markdiile spent a couple of days of the past week at Mr. H. Pipers. Miss Alice Ramage of Durham is the guest cf her cousin Miss Irene Legato this week. Miss Grace Preston of Marsville is spending a couple of weeks at Mr. W. Lawrence's. Miss Wilson and Mrs. Irwin of Cree- more visited tho former's sister, Mrs. Wil- son McMullen, during the week. Miss Morgan of Dundalk is visiting her sister, Mrs. J, 11. Egan. Mrs. Whiltaknr visited Duiham friouds on Sunday. Mr. Tliomas Cook, who has been in Toronto for the past four months, apeut Sunday at the parental home. We are pleased to see Mr. J. B. Egan able to be around again after an illness of two weeks. Mr3. Bell of Owon Sound was a caller on Mrs. Cooke on Monday. Messrs. F. Cuiriiis, Fretl Wright and A. Sproat ti'ok in iho excursion to the North last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Mitchell, who have been visiting friends in this vicinity for the past few weeks, returned to their home iu Buil'alo last week. Owen Sonnd, Ont. Commences Monday Sept. i, 1902 Tn a few months, at. this institu- tion, you can obtain the very best training in Business Subjets or Shorthand and Typewritins that can be had. Announcement 1903-1903 sent on application. Address 0, fl. Tlemlng, t: Prin. E>t<»i)8 the Cough and tvorks the Cold off Iiaxatlve iu one day Biouo-Qiiiuine Tab'iets corea oo\ . Ko Cure, No Fay. Price 3 Scent Flesh ertons' Tonsorial Parlor Wanted-Barber Apprentice good chance to learn for the right young maji. Bring along Ya Laundry. « « « S. Soineru, of Innisfil, lost a valuable horse under rather peculiar cicumstances. While leading it from pasture it ran back ward and came in oontact with the blade of a grain cradle, severing tho arteries so badly that the ai.imalhad to bu destroyed. Cbe FlesbeHon li^arncss * • emporium ? IS ? ? TflE PLACE TO BUY YOUR HARNESS. All kinds and [iricJS Whips and lashes Trunks and Yalice.i, combs and briL-jhes. Swoatpnds and collar puds, Axle Grease, Hoof Ointment and tinll Cure, Ilitts and Suap.i, Buggy Dusters and all styles and prices. Rubber Rugs, Woollen Rugs Harness Polish and Metal I'olish and Everythinj; in our line. m* nioore = Flesberton i.iv^iVlifl^uVlli WiiM VVWiniVVirtruvirix Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery Si 'tre done in firat-olaaa atylc and at Cj lowest rates. Special attention *"' given to copying. Itabioa' photos. 9 a specialty. Picture* framed. gl MRS BULrtER K&<n K^ K Kd^m BLOOD P If yon ever contracted any Blood Dlaeaseyof-ftio never saJe unless tbevirtis or pGisou has been eradicated from the system. At times yon sec rLlarniinrr Bymptonis, ! DutUve in hopes no serious results "will follow. Have yon any of the foUuwinif i ! symptoms? Sore throat, ulcers on the tonfine or In th9 month, hiilr fallinj^ out, ach- ' j ing^ pains Itcblne-sa of the skin, sores or blotches on the body, eyes red and smart, dyspeptic stomach, sexual weakness â€" Indications cf tbepeccndary Ata^e. Don*t | trust Co luck. Don't ruin your system with the old fouy treatmeut-^mercnry and potash-which only suppresseB the symptoms for a tiiac only tobr-^ai: out aR-aiiiv/hea | happy la domestic life. Don't let quacks experioii^nt on yoit. OurNKW WETllOD TRBATMKNT is (ruaraoteed to cure you. Ouv Ku»rant««9 uro back«<l by baak bonds that tha disease will never reaim. Thousands of patients have beenalreadv cured by otirNEW MKTEOD TKEATMKNTfor over 20>Ldr», and DO return of the disencQ. Xo esperhueut* uo riskâ€" aot a ^'pctch n^i" ^^^ ^ po*^ tlve core. The worst caj>ea solicited. Nervous Bjebilitt ova NEW METHOD TnEATKIBIfTwlt! cnr« jroe, and trake s «ati of yon. Under ita luflaeuce the brain bcooniea active, tbe bloo<i pnrioed sc that all piuiplea, blotches antl ulcers disappear; tlie nervt-s l>econie otfom^ ^s steel, so that nervouauesi bashfnlnesa and deapomlcccy dlsapneiir; the eyex become bri^lit, the face full and cle.^r, cnertry retttrns to tho body, ^n,l the morr.i, ^hyHi^;al a-ad sex- ual nystems are invigorated; ali drains ceaseâ€" oo mora vtlnl waylc Jrom tbecysteia* The various organs becomo natural and manly. Yen io<'t ^oui^sclf a man and know mariiatre cannot be a failure. Wa InTiteaUtbealllicttfdio conai*'t cr cunndcntially and free of charM. Dnu't let qnackn aud fakir* rob )0U of your kard-earaed doU.^rs. WE WItl* CL'KE YOtfOR NO PAY. We treat and cure NURVOUS DKlilLITT, SKXtTAL WEAKNESS, EMIS- SIONS, SVPUUaa. GLEET, STRICTUUE, Y A !;,li,i, inNT.Y r.vj lit. ADD EK I'tSKASES, and all di»en!u-a pccuUi&r to ta^a tud 'A-oiJia-Caics ^u£i.LU< le«l. DTiiTlTiD? Ara TOO a â- victim? Have yoa loat t«|j*7 Ati? yon ceni«mr.l.-\Slnj llH Hi Inn inarfiape? Has your Mood barn lUsoaaod? H.tvij yiiu anv w^fic- ilijILUljll I ness? Our New Meth.^a Treatnic!:t will cure you. Coaaohattaat frtM. No matter vUo has treated jou, write for aa hoQ«it ojiU'ion Fr>tn of C'lfs.-u CUarsea reaaonable. B«oIi.><*a.â€" "The Golden Monitor" l>ll>>at;-7.t>dl on l>l'H..'aeBot men "DleeaBM of Women" "ThoWa«eaoi Sin." "V«xico«,-olo, Sttictnie aad tilicv." All sent Frea sealed. No meitlclne sent C. 0. B. No names en boxes or enyekfies. EtrsfTiMi^^s ocniidential. Question lltt and Cost of TroalBtenl, ffif-Z, lor H...>i;ia Ctira. Ua SHELBY ST. >»;PC^K*w^ DETROIT SWICH. Thoroughbred Durham Bull f Service Cord minto» 29068* Tho uni1cr(iir;iuul han a tlue afied Puvliaiu nil turfmrvieo ou lot HI, T. * 6. V. Termsâ€" »1 for (.'rurtfl oows, >S for tlioroush- rods Pi>dit;rno on applioatloD. JACOll l.nVEK Flesherton P.O. Xan^wortli Boar for tScrvice. Alvin ( No. 738 ) T\w iiiidei.sijjneil has a thorouBhbrod Tiiniwnrth. Hoar hred hy John BeH, of .\nilipr, Ont., for service on lot 170, c.n. 2 K. T. & S. 11. T«rm» ei 00. ISop.lyr. Uichard .\l1en, FlMherton. Advance To tlio end of the j*oar for 40 cents. fksbertoiiFurniture Wo are carryin;' tho newest styles of seaBonaWo goods in all lines of Kurniiuro.'.coiisialuiR of : P-irlor and bcdrtMwi suits, lounges, silU-boards, oxti-nsion and centre talile.", chairs, window shadrs and curtain jioli .s, |>ioturo"», enaels, etc.. Which we ofler at LOWIiST PRICES Pii-laro Framlnp and Oeticral Re- iiairing. Undertaking in i»ll it« branches. Satisfaction guaraiiteetl. W, H. Bunt, - - Prop. .-^ •v:^',i.iiJ^)6!Mi: