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Flesherton Advance, 29 May 1902, p. 4

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IP MAY 29 1902 THE FLESHETON ADVANCE I F. T. HILL & CO. wwvywww' I Hardware | White Swiss and Fancy Muslins. Hundreds uf yurdii of beuutifui guods, in xpiits, figurrH, HtripcR mid chockH, also fnnoiosâ€" a most supurb C'dleotiun at 10, 12i, 13, 14, 15, 17, 1«,20 and 25 jfe Wiiite and Black Organdies. Al Get our (juotatioiis on HARD- |§c Beautiful, fine, full width goods, at 18, 23, 26, 80, 35, 37A and 40 jj WARE buloro ymi make your jfe I next purchase. Many Imvo nl- fe pull assortmont of Linens, Piques. ^' ruady doiiu so and have .sjivod ^ ^ n.onev f Crashes, Ducks, etc. 'iZR^ =JBF 1/R"" ^«C^ '•JIt==SR= *<lf %5? ^i*= ^R^^?IP'^? WHITE MUSLIN SHIRT WA.ISTS Hftndgiimely liiii.sheil lino Mu.sliri Kooils,trimmc?(l with l;ice iir insor'ion, btittdiicd hacks «r frmits, new cult's. This in onu i.f the nuist coinplelo coUeotioiiH you'll tind in thesi' vary upto d.ite jioods, pricoa raiiiiinu; from 1.25, l.'.io. 1 50 up to 2.4o LADIKS' COTTON HOSE (fast dye) Nearly one hiiiulred dozen of tlio best value cotton Hos) we've over h!nidlc<l,Ki)lendid wt'iiiht,full-fjvsiiion- e.i, fast dyo lioie, at lU, I2h, 15, 18, 20 and 25c. t)ur 10-cciit s*-oekiiiy i.s a< good as you usually get for lU cts. LADIES' SUMMER VESTS. 50 dozen Very fine, right priced suHinier vests, lonjr Kleeves, half hIkpvc-s ami sleeveless. These are very nice, beautifully triuuned t^oods and are uiisurpMsed in value, cacli 5,10,15,17,12^20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 50,000 pounds of Wool wanted during: the next v^ . six weeks for which we are prepared 10 pay higlioit cash or tivi lo prices. Wo have juit placed in .stock an unusually larj^e supply of Uliioketu, Flannels and Yarns, bouf^ht. atsi»ecially close prices and which will be sold accordin;,'ly tiaouidi t.he wool .season. ^ ° You will tiud UM thoroughly prepared for the bigijest kind of business, throu;jhout our lar]^e store 200 pair MEN'S (READY TO-WEAR PANTS We've had those made from our own uoods and there'rc right in quality, woikinanship and fit. We can give you any kiud nf tronaer ytju wish, bo it worsted, seiKe or tweed, at I he lowest price you've bought equal (luality. .Inst think of an all-wool'tweed panta' 98c. fall sizes,) bettor ones at 1.00, 1,10, 1 25 Ibi. i.40, 1.50, 1,75, 1 85, 2.00,2.25,2.50, 2.75, 3.0oi and 3.40 MEN'S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR. Large and small sizes, line stron;: thread, none better or more satisfaetiiry. We have them ac 25c. ,35c 40o. 6O0. Also same price for heavier gooda if you wish them. Two Lines Linen Towls, Special. 35o per pair pure Linen Towls each 12.^ 22 and li)c. per pair pure Linen Towels, each 7Jt Extra values in Art MihImis. Art Sateens, Ooionnes'j Curtains, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Linoleums, etc. 1^ ^ ^ I it. bargains tjreetinj! you at every turn %mmmmmm. F.T. HILL&CO, mmmm^^m^^ BUYING FAT PIGS. Mr. E. D. Canutlicrs of Kimlieiley a few weekg ago went down to North York to assist in the election of Mr, Davis. He was engaged by Duncan Marshall of Thornbury for this pur- pose, but Rob gave out wlicu lie went down into York tiiat Lo wad looking â- for fat bogs! Just what connection â- fat hogs had with Mr. Davis' el'jction we cannot say, but they are evi'iently liguting in some way. It is said tliat in North Grey a recent election hinged largely npon fat lambs. This matter of connecting live stock with elections appears to be ou the increase, but The Advancedoes not pretend to say where the advantage lies. But to return to the subject : One J. J. Macdonald accus- ed friend Oarrulhers wit!) having ofl'er- eJ him live dollars to vote for Davis. R. D. tbet. swore out a warrant cliarg- iug Maoilouald with perjury, and Mac« douald got back bj swearing out an- other warrant against Carruthers for perjury. The case against C'arruthers was tried and dismissed while that against Macdonald is adjourned until next week. North York eeems to be a difficult riding in which to bny fat pigs and Robert should come homo -without further delay. It does not necessarily follow that •the man who "overlooks" getting hini- aolf nominated for the Legislature wouhl also "overlook" drawing his salary if elected. A subscriber points out the fact that tation .starter should bo added. This will we have had a Const-rvalive .Toyorii-! j'"-"*-''' "'" '"'"'^^ "'"' '""^"^ t''" particular .•--...,. , ,, ifernient.-itioii of the starter to be the pie- ment in Ontario for a week past, at all , vailing' one in cream mid butior. To be events. According to the daily press '""*' eftociive the starter should be added I B. Lucas of East Grey was the only i^;'^•'';'^'â- '''''"^T^ soouufter it has c- , â- ' •''ngulated. After that poiin lia,'> been member elected by acclamation, and reach-jd it deteriorates in activity as a as a consequence the govovnmcnt, so "^f'^'uf «nd undesirable flavors are apt to far as it goes, was certainly conserva- tive. It is certainly quite a distinction for I. B. to say that be has been the whole government of Ontario for a week I develop in it. Diindalk. Lesson in Butter Making^ AND ENGLISH MADKBTS. From Our Own CuiTespondeiU. Victcria Day was obs^jrved as a holiday in town, all places nf business being closed. Quite a number took in the sports at Markdale while others went fishing. Dick McAuloy, a youns; man whoso oc- cupilion was frauiiiig, coinplaiio d of not' fooling well on Thursday ovoiiing last and his euiployer, Mr. Dean, brought him to the Queen's Hotel, where a doctor was sumiiioiiod but despite all medical skill his spirit took its tlii^bt on Sabbath morn- ing at eleven o'clock. His remains were- interred in Melaiicthoii •jenietory to-day (Monday) We extend syuiputhy to the .sorrowing hiendsin their sudden bereavej iiient. Mr. .Totm .\rnoUl, who moved into town r-jceiitly, is, we regret to sty, seri- ously ill Hunson Bros, have sold their mercan- tile husinoss here to Mr. Parks of Hoi land Centre. We extend to Mr. Parks the right hand of citizenship. The Dutterins of Oiaui;evillo and the Thisdes of this town cros.sed sticks here this (Moinlay) afteriKJon, which ended i'.i a draw, each team souring four goals. Thi I clean a.ul the best 1 I bid fair to bind i season. TO CURE ACOLDINONB DAY Takii I.RXftlivo Hroiuo Quiuiiio Tablots All ilruKK'sCs ruiuiiil iliu niunoy if Jt lalls to cure " iKo â- Mt. Forest liBB added a isixlli hotel license iu tTie town and rediicud the fee fioin 8-2D0 to if-.'OO. This i.s scarcely luaciorJ with Mr. Wliitiiey's idea of reduction and high license. Mr. Davis "overloolad " the hour of nomination. What about his mover and seconder ? Did liiey also forgot the lioiir ? This is one of the inuiiy 'inquisitive queries that the pnblio will persist iu spriuging. Tlie Globe say;' rdilnrially timt Mr. Davis arrived at the place of iioniiim- tiou jnnt ton minutes too liilo to get himself nominntod. Aa a ni-ttor of fact it was a full half Iliim' after the returning oflScer liad left llin hall before Mr. Davis sh.)w?d up. If the Olobo'aolher election nintter la all aa veracious as this statement we pity <Uio.JzioralB of the old Globo.tbat's all Goutiauud from lust weiik. The process of pasteurizing consists of heating the croiiin to a temperature of 158 to. ICO degrees Fati., and cooling it rapidly to the ripening temiiuratuio by the uae of suine special cooling apparatus. Wherever this has been carried ojt prop- erly in Canndian creameries the results have uivjun hettdr qualities to the butter, anil have ruaicdied faults in flavor in cases whera taints of vitrioua sorts had previously been trou'olesoine. When only the quality of the butter h«8'to bo ciinsidereil it is sullioient to pas- teuriiB the cifaiu aftej separation.; but when it is als'> desired to lessei' the dan- ger of spreading disease by means of the Hkim milk it i^' necessary to heat the milk before Bi'paiation,aiid cool the skiiii- nillk and cream afterwards. A tempera- turo of 185 ibtjjrees Fall, is sutlicioiit to destroy dis^ase-eimslikely to 1)0 found iu ^''^"V «:«« ami clean a.ul the best of iiiilk;andwh,demdkMiayl,ehealedloth.a;!':7"" l''^'7'l'-;> throughout. Our boys temper-nuiv, with proper appliances and I ''"' ^""' '" ^'""^ '''^' l'«""""t here this haiidliiig, «ir.!i(iut Ki^ifg ""y objectimi- uhle llavur to the liutter made from it. In making butter from pasieurixed croam the preparation and use of the •'feriiicntatioo stiirler" are irnpoitaiit parts in the o|ieration. Ah >ut tw > quarts I W. k. Urovo'ii signature is on uaoli box of skiin-niiik are healed to 205 degrees I Fiih, and held at that point fm- ton iiiin- 1 "~ utes, afiur which 'ho milk is cooled lo 80 i douros Kali, by pourinj! from 0110 vessel ! to another, exposed to the atmosphuro of the buttir innkiiig room. It is then left in II lithlly closed jiir at onliiuiiy at- niosplKrii; Kniipurature, in auiiiiner f.niii 60 to 76 de;;ie< s, nut d it it coairiilated ai.d has H mild laciie nc.d llavoi. This method cull only he siioocssful when Ih. Rlninspheiv to which it is exi>"se(l is free from i-eriii.s w hicli cau.-ie undesirable odors and llavors. W hen the eulinie lOi this is Called, ba« been |ii'i'p:ired, a ({uantity of skiui milk, wbuh is pine, sweet and free from tiiinl, sii-iuld be lioatud lo 150 ile grees fahr., anil left at that ti inpor..ture j «»,» for ton m.liutis, It iiiny then be cooled to n toinperat lire nf from (iO 10 TOdogro.s 1 "WOIl't-fO' I fihi., when a pmiioii of the culture, im 1 Hlieady ilisii ill d at tluirnte ol from 5 to 10 pur cent. .sliniiUl be a Mdl to it, aiiil ; well mixeil wilb it. That is the fi-rmun- ! j tatiiin utirii I-. It slmutd l.o ii-fl to rip 11 , St a tempeiai uro not eiee'.'din j 70 doLMOis [ I fahi'. Whnii it has bocomit dislinelly rourj and i.s iieaiiii^ Iho point of coa^nlalion, j I further di'vobipumei.t should bo ehnekeri i by lowniiu the temperature. The starter I niiiy l>t> milled to ihe crn^iin at the rate of | j from ;j to fl pi-r cent, of the (piai.tity of | I cream lo he I ipi'ud. In every case whorH . I the ercam ha.s lircoiiiu tidnt d, if the j j taint be of the furmeiit,ition origin h I Uri;er guitiitity tlwn uiual of the feiuiu^ A Good Time Piece is a FaitliM Servant. Wc make a Specialty of Reformingr kind. When we repair a watch or a clock we gfnarantce It to go accurately, ana ^arantee it to keep a-going accurately. W.A.Armstrong, lEWELCR AND OPTICIA FI-SlfSHERTON. Boyd.liickltiig # FLKSHERTON June Millinery The season is advancinp,' and one's thoiiglits niitiirally turn to "Summer" Millinery â€" the "Spring"' Mhx was all very well in its way, but now somethinj^ more di.stinctly "Summery" makes its want felt. We've prepared for this and although our spring ctd- lect'ion of Millinery novelties has received popular favor, as our sales testify, we can now eclipse our showing â€" our later purchases include the very latest ideas in Sunimor Millinery IS'ovelties. If v$5u want RIgb classâ€" iSp to date fSlininery. lUe an please you* Don't Miss This Opportunity! This week wc place on our Centre Table 50 Ladies' Sliirt.^ Waists -tdl ncAV and stylishâ€" some buttoned down buckâ€" all new cuff and sleeveâ€" nicely trinuucd, good embroidery and insertion â€" the lot includes white and colors ami in the latter you'llfind some verv dressy effects in striped and fancy cambrics and ze[)liyr.s â€" all g'ootl sizes. We sold .these in the regular way from $1.00 to $1.50. Special while they last.... TSc Or This] ! $1.25 5kirts for 89c. ^ Just one dozen Ladie.s' AVhite Pique and Linen Crasli Skirts â€" ^ the correct thing for y^ suninier wear â€" cool, durable anti coni- tV fortal lie â€" well cut and well madeâ€" good ^ range of .sizes. Regularly sold for f^ #1.00 and $1.25. Special 80c. $3.00 Ladies' Low Slioes for $1. oO pairs Ladies' Low Shoes â€" sizes 2^, 3, 3|- and 4 onlyâ€" an overstock of smaller sizes in rapid selling and popular lines â€" all new lasts â€" mostly black dongola, but some chocolate colors are included â€" some are laced â€" others strap and button- some pater t, others plain toe caps. Regular Price from $1.25 to $2.00. Special at $1.00 Rve Cent Butter Towels A special purchase of 50 dozen pairs affords us a chance to ofTer a Fancy Linen Dam- ask Towel, size •25x12^ with red borders and fringed en lis at the ridiculous price of 10c pair ov each.... 50 HJRl^ISli^imE I>Ei>'T WHEN YOU BUY PREPARED P.MNT BUY **Sberujln= It's the Best! me sel3 it. nil eioJos's. Wool ! Just a word about Wool â€" when you're rejidy to sell your wool, reinen)l>er we are open to huy any (jiian- tity and will give yt>u the highest market priot^ in Cash ou tuade. You'ro sure of .satisi'actioir either way, as our iininensB aH.sortmont oi' dcsiralilc goods is at your .service or the money is yours if yonjjrefer. Boyd^Kkling&^o.

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