TOO MANY JONESES. In Wales They Cannot Tell Them by Names Alone. ' At a meeiing ot itio Cymmi'otioi^ ion society, Mr. T. K. Morris, bar- rlslir-at-lttw, loclured before a lo- prcscntfttivc audience on tlie Incoii- jYcniouce and confusion urising from the imucity of distinctive surnames In Wales, says tiio London Chroiiiclo. In Li\or[)i)ol uloiic, lio said, 430 Wclflmie/; itijoiced in the name of John Jones, and at an inquiry liold at AVcstmiiistcr into the county council water schcauo sixteen wit- oesscs bore the same siuiplo cogno- men. Before the Welsh land coni- luLssion, out of 131 wilnessea in one county who gave ovidencc, 101) shar- ed 14 surimnics betwtx;n them, and Of the lOi) as many as 65 bore pro- jwrtionntcly the nuuies of Jones, llvanN niidDavics. liccently ut the Corweu board of ffuariilans, owing to the numerous Jemescs who arc jncmbors of that body, It was decided to enter in the minutes each man's bouse u.iid )>aribh, as his full noino was not sulliciently distinctive. To remedy this state of things, Mr, Morris advocated the liberal adoi>- tion of the beautiful place names which abound in Wales, as wus done in Scotland and Norway, and the revival of the characteristic "Ap" with per.sonal surnames. He pointed out that the law allowed any man to chanpe his surname, provided that it was done honestly and without any fraudulent purpose, and his sug- gestion Was that a short act of Par- liament should be passed enabling any per.son to register a change of his name with the district i-epistrar oil payxncnl of a small fee. In this Wiiy an uuthi-ntic and nfflcrial record of tho change would be made at the time. 'Bobby, your mamma tolls nie you are a very bright boy, and she ex- pects you to be u great man," said Mr. Blossom, as lie .-iat in the parlor Wailing for Bobby's sister. "Ma never does 'spect nothin' right. She doesn't know what phe'.s talkin' about. .She told pa she 'spoctcd )5'ou and my s..vtier would bo mar- irietl 'foro spring, and that was nioic'n a year ago." LUMBABO, A NOVA SCOTIA MAN HAS FOUND A SURE REMEDY. Claims That Lumbago Can . Be Cured.â€" He Himself Had Suffer- ' ed for 25 Years. â€" Hope for Ap- parently Hopeless Cases. Kcoiiouiy Point. N.S.â€" May 5.â€" (.Special)â€" Mr. Ueorge S. McLaugh- lin, of this place, tlalms t* have found a remedy which will cure any case of Lumbago. Mr. McLaughlin himself has beeu a great sullcrer with this disease, and has sought, relief in very many treat- uienlR and renicdle.'*. r At last however ho came across a medicine which completely cured him, and which he claims any sullerer from Lumbago should be told of. I He Says :â€" ' 'I was troubled with Lame Hack for 25 year.-t or more. Sometimes It Was so severe I could not turn my- Kelf in bed. "A Hliglit, cold or hard lifting Would bring' on a fearful attack and |{lve me awful pain. "I had tried many medicines and treatments, but never found any- thing to do nie nny good until I hoard of Dodd's Kidney Pills. "My brother, who kept a small grocery store and sold siomc medi- cines, told me that ho had heard that they had cured a great many people of Lumbago, and he Bdviscd !ne to try them. "I commenced a treatment and in R short time all the pain left my hack and it became as stout and strong as ever. "Wonderful to say I have had no let urn of tho terrible Lumbago •inci". "It is now r.omc years since 1 wiis tured. and I have auiA nothing about It, for I wus afraid it would come back. and that I would have to keep on usinff the Pills in order to be vvell. "But now i am satisflcd it is gone forcvur, and know (hat 1 am safe In aiaJdng this public .silalemenf. "r Iwlieve Dodd's Kidney Pills will euro any case of T.iimbngo or Lnnie Baf-k. for they helped nic out and nol>ody conbl have It much worse than 1 had." Free Gratia -For Nothing You Cah-not Loko Fool a Wumah. Whet the white man wants the black man's land be approaches the Innocent black with " presents " ot beads, colored cloths, ribbons, and «thor useless trinkets that catch the eye of the poor blackâ€" but that are no earthly use to him. ' These are all " giftsâ€" free â€" gratisâ€" lor noth- ing ! I I" We all know who soon owns the black man's land. Yet this system of conciliating the innocent Is not practiced alone on the negro. How many women read that they can get a certain " present " with a certain purchase and forthwith they make the pur- chase to get the " present " â€" free- gratisâ€" for nothing ! ! ! The pres- ent may or may not be usefulâ€" but in this twentieth century are there those who belieye they have not In the purchase paid for and often dearly paid for the "present"? When you want a horse you can- not buy hla teeth at ten cents a tooth, and get the horse thrown Into the bargain. When you buy a dress you do not buy the buttons, and hare the dress thrown In. And no more than you can thus get the present of a horse or a dress can you get a " present " â€" free â€" gratis â€" for nothing â€" ot diamonds, gold, jewellery, and cutlery, with the purchase ot a bar ot common soap. When you buy Sunlight Soap you are presented with pure quality in the soap Itself. You do not pay for loading refuse at the price ot soap, You don't wear out your clothes In half the time, and ruin your bands with SunUght Soap, as with common soap. If you want soap, buy Sunlight Soap â€" Octagon Barâ€" and you have paid for nothing but pure eoap. If you want something else than soap, buy It Independently of the soap, and you know what it has cost you. " Tea may fool some people all the time ; Tou may fool all the people some ot the time.** Tou cannot fool all the people all the time ;'• 'Tou cannot long fool a woman. 81B PAT WAS UNI'ERTURUED. Tho commanding ofBcer of a corps waa much troubled about the per- sistent untidiness of one of his men. Reprimand and punishment were un- availing, The man was incorrigible and remained as dirty as ever. A brilliant idea b-truck the colonel. "Why not march him up and down tho whole lino of the regiment and shame him into decency ?" It was done. The untidy warrior, who hailed from the Emerald Isle, was ordered to exhibit himself and march up and down the whole regi- uicnt, and the men told to have a look at him. The unabashed Pat halted, saluted tlio colonel, and said, in the hearing of the whole regiment, witli the ut- most sang-froid :â€" " i-egiment I ever inspected, sorr." Ur-TO-DATK Iii:i'INlTION.S. â- Wifeâ€" A sei vant who lets her ser- vices for life without wages. Truthâ€" Tho things women say of each other wlion they fiuarrel. Ambitionâ€" A fooling that nakcs a man want to do something nc can't. Kxpei-ieiico â€" Something everybody gets after it is too late t'> make use of it. Faithâ€" The thing that makes a bald-headed man invest in a bottle of bair restoitr. Purityâ€" The acme of i-crfectlon. found only in baking-powder and siKi i> .id\.Tl ist-mrnl.t. n SENSIBLE YOUTH. The young man's father had de- cided that he had led a life of idle- ness long enough, so tho other day ho had hiiu put to work in his shop, yesterday lie asked tho manager of tliu business : "How is Charley doing ?" "First-rate, sir." "Is he industrious ?" "Well, you see, sir, Mr. Charley's a very sen.siblo sort of young gentle- man. Some young men in his posi- tion would Want to run the business, and give no end of trouble. But he seems as anxious as pofsiblo to keep out of the wav." TIIK FORCE OF CYCLONICvS. Careful estimates of tlie force of a cyclone and the energy required to keep a hurricane In active opera- tion reveal the pre.scnce of a power that makes the mightiest ©fTor{s of men appear as nothing in compari- son. A force fully er|ual to over 400,000,000 horse-power was esti- mated as developed in a West In- dian cyclone. This is about fifteen times tho power that can ho de- veloped by all the means within the range of man's capabilities during the same time. Were steam, water, windmills, and the strength of all men and all animals combined, they could not at all approach the tre- mendous force exerted! rniRON LIFE IITR I1>15AL. At Bari, Italy, an old man named GiRsi Vinenzo, aged seventy-eight, has just been sentenced to five years' iinpri.sonnient for auinslaixghter. (Jissi had oulv been released from prison a few days when he com- mitted tho crime. He declared in court that his object in killing tho man was to get back to prison. On hearing his aoutonce. the accused said ;â€" "It is too little. Five years quickly. Sentenre me for life, I shall have to kill an- other man when I leave prison in order to be taken hack." Gissl has spent thirty of his scventy-eifiiit years in gaol. Hizzerâ€" "It makes my wife angry when r refi.'.sc to let her have the last word in an argument." Buzzer â€""Why dont you let her have tho last word '.'" Biziorâ€" "Well, then she says i am afraid to argue with her." Mlnarij's Ikml Cures Dandiulf, "There ain't nuich sympathy in this worlil," said Meandoring" Mike. "I took that iiolirenmn into my ronlidence. I told him that 1 had had all the troubles known ; that I was just a collecth.n of sorrows." "What did he do 'f "Ho looked mi. over an' then said it was about tii>JO for him to take up a collection." Pomcgrnnnte-wood is the heaviest Known. A rubir foot w.'inlis H4 â- ;H>. THE FIRST TO COMPLAIN. Fair patron â€" "See here ! You told mo a horrid story about tho way my husband was acting, and I've fo.und on investigation, that it is not true. IIo's just as good as can be." Fortune-teller â€" "Very re- markable, madam, very remarkable. I've told that .same story to about ten thousand different women, and you are tho first one who has made a complaint." SALADA Ceylon Tea is the finest Tea the vt^orld produceSf and Is sold only In lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. iapan tea drinkcn try "S^Uidx" Green tea. FEMININE OARD PLAYERS. Tho ladies of tho town of Arena- berg, Russia, aro pas.sionate card players. Since they ai-e not allow- ed to play at the local club.'*, they D-iitko up games at their friends' houses and gamble all day through. As soon as tho cash fundsi run short they take to various articles, most- ly toilet belongings. Thus one lost a bonnet, another some lace and perfumes, and they go even so far as losing thoir prayei'-books. C. C. RICHARD.S & CO. acntlcmen, â€" 1 have used MIN- ARD'S LINIMKNT on my vessel and in my family for years, and for every day ills and accidents of life I consider it has no equal. 1 woidd not start on a voyage v?ithout it, if it cost a dollar a, bottle. CAPT. F. R. DESJARDIN. Schr. "Stcrke," St. Andre, Ka- mouruska. In a closed room which contains enough air to hist one man for an hour a lighted candle will shorten his existence by :15 minutes, but if a ga.s-jet is burning he will live but ten minutes only. Deafness Cannot bs Cured liy local appllcKtlons. as they cnnnot reach the rlltieMed portion ot the ear. There lionly one vn\j to cure d SAfno^a, and that i<i by ooniititn- Honal rtmerti •», Ueitatati in oauteit by an Inflamed coi.dli ion of themttcouR lining of the tOualAchiaa Tube. When thin lube it in- tlamcd you nave a rumbling sound or Imper feot liearln». and whan it id entirely oloaod drafnein la Mis result, and unleaa ihe Inflann tnnlioucan b* t^kcnoutand thtd tube restored to lt<nori>ml condltlcn, hearing will bo de I trpyed fi.rQTor: nine (aae< out ot ten are O'luued by citarrh, which U nothliiK but an In- flamed condUlou of the mucou. aumce-. We win give One Hundred Dollarafor any oaee of Deatnesa (caused by catarrh) that can n >l be cured by Hall's Cat«rrh Cure. Send .orclrculari, free. r, J. CHENEY Sc OO., Toledo, O Sold by DruggUt', 7oc. Hall'^Famlr Plllanre the be«t. y A // /IT /^/ V '^oU -ike; ocuzIoiY c/ o^ wMsZk 5 PAINT UP your your % WELL. Paint up your houae buildings, yours barns, fences with paint that paints well and looks clean and bright ijA spite of the hot aun and storm or rain. RAMSAY'S PAINTS are made from the best pigments, purft oil and turpentine ; wear better than white lead, more economical, easier to work, beau- tiful colors, handy packages, und at tho right price Tor the beat paints. Drop us a card and ask for BOOKLET "K " FREE, showing how sMjme homes ar« painted. A. RAMSAY & SiH, «*-'-*• n^cNiFE^L Paint Makere© I i ! &« #••••••• ••••••♦••• •••••••«•••• 9os«»»»^»a»f If you havo any to sell lat us have your price, f.o«l>>, statlog quantity. The DAWSON GOMMI88ION OO.. LInnited, TORONTO Consignments Solicited. ^ i , | ,i j , t , t . t ..i»t44. i Mt,,|.i.|.|..H.,i..i..t.i. i ..|.i..|..t..i.,i.,t..t.i44-i-i. ii mi l •« Hon* ;; Sulphurous. • » '* Odoriess. « a Every Stiokâ€" A Matoh 4i Every Matoh- A Lighter ETOry- l>ad7 ask for I> ThcflnMt maleheeln ( ' the wanidJmM* frtm ' â- eft eerky iririe, and * ' eepeclally (ullaM*. | \ fer domMtlo He«â€" , ^ put up In n*st atldlaK â- > keiea,aaMrt«dMl*r* i I eioh hex •entaMos • > BkoutSM matehaaâ€" * I three bexM In apaali- ' | •«•• %\ < f For Sala tow * > All PIrat Ctka* • > Daalera. > > pj[..f.|..|..|.. | ..f.. | .. | . .f .f44^Hf»M^-H'-VM~M'-M-I>H4' Eddy's "Headlight Pariour Matches ILL FOU THIRTV-EIliHT YFARS. Russia year produced ten mil- lion barrels more oil than did the United .Stales, but iho new Texas oil-lieUls will probably make up tho dilYarenco during 1!)02. Klopa lli<i roack and iTorka off tli« Fold. LaxallT* Bromo'Qulnine Tablttta core a cold is one day. No Dure. No Pay. Price ticenta. Tho latest astronomical photo- graph, pix'pared by the joint exer- tions of llio observatories of Lon- don, llerliM, and I'aris, shows 08 millions of stars. Mlflard's Liniment Relieves leuralgia, "I'm .surprised that ynu, whoba\u written 3<) many books, should have marrli'il so illiterate iv wife." "Well, Thors's one book of hers that l»>ats \ all Jiilne put together." "What's ! that ?" "Ilcr bank-book." la the Page Standard 11 Bar Fence, mad* of "Pa|e" wirs which Is t < tee as atrong aa comme*'! '.'ire. 'The rcqtiniioua ceil, poto liaaTy appaaranca.allowa for ezpautlun and oon traction wliiob Uimpnrtaat n-trinelo Oanadlan cttmate Onr nprlitht wir<<s urn In one pUea and kareatrengthef about 800 ponnda If mad* ofplecee npllcrd at each hnrlionttt, Wiay wavidbaTe a strecith otonly abont SOOpounda. Wn alio malie gatee. oriicmental fencaa, jooUry Eettjng. Bailt and ataplee. The Page WIra fence Ce . tiwIHil. W iilimv. ll>. Oat, f â- Vlonkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen utensils, steel, iron and tinware, snlves and forks, and all kindn of cutlery. The riir in wheel of a watch makes 1,'160 ((; â- . cslutions in a .venr, and tho niimVfC of vibrations <u- twnis Is 143.v>.ri,i>00 a .year. rOHTIlAlT.S OF THK KINU. The King has oiMleix-d the execu- tion of one hiu\drod medallion por- trait."* i>f himself. Tbesi-, richly niounti>d. aro iiitcnd<?d for presenta- tion to dislinguislicd guests at the Coroiuitton. incliwUng the loading representatives of tho Colonies and India. His Majesty is being specially photographed for the purpose. From Melbourne comes news of a record in the -shape of the death of a man of seventy who had been drawing ciick pay from hid branch of thrt Manchester Unity Order of Odd- fellows for thirty-eight years with- out a break. He had received from the sir); fund of the order upwards of $5,000. For Over Sixty Years Me.*. WIH.4L0W a Soothiho S.trup baa bMa uaad bf miUiona ot mothora for thsir childr«n whito taelhtn;, Iciootlida the ctiiltl, roftvni the luuia, aliayaimia, oitraa wlailuollo, regiitatgB tlieutomaoh nnti l>>>weU, and ).i Ltiu belt rtiRiody fur IXftrrhiBa. Twiinrir.Urn cunU a b^tUo. Hold bf (Iruxgiata Utruiigtiout tho world. Be »ur« aad it<il(fur"MK«. WlMSLOir'SSOOTUINO SVRWi>.'' In 190'.» the Killel Tower will be- conio the property of tho t)ity of I'aris. and bo used wh it.s meteoro- logical office. TO «DRG A €OLI> IN OXK n(Y. Take Ijaxatlve Bromo Quinine Tahiti's A I druKglata refund the money if V faila to oure. B. W. OroTe'ii Hignature '• on aaoh bos. 3}o. BOYS BRIGADE .Silk thread is three tiinofi stronger than flax tlu'Oiid of thd same thick- ness. t\mh LinimenKiifes Burns, etc, Eight IJriti.^li comtu.-xudcra havo been granted dukodotus. fcil's Liniment for sale eyer^filifif! Man is said to be subject to l,ai2 dilToront diseases. Bu^le Band Indnimentt, Bugles, Fitet, Orumi, Cape. etc. EVERY TOWN OR SCHOOL Caa have a Fit* and Drum or Bugle Bind. Lowest pricea ever quoted. Illuatratcd nricv-Iiat mailed free. Wri«. u» for ANYTHING In Ml'SlC or MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. WHALEY. ROYCE & GO.. Lleitted Winnipeg, Min^ Taronto. Canid^ CARPET DYEINQ ^^ andU.aaning. Tills U « •P'lciiltr wiH» tho BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINQ 00. 9end partloulara by poH and wo aro aar« lo aalUlT. Addrasa Box 1SI, Montreal. Dominion Line Stoamsiiipt Montroal to LlvtiriKKit. Boston to lirar- $ pool. Portland to Liverpool. VU QutcoB* town. Largo aad K&st Stoamabtpa. Svtpertor accoranotftttoa for all ctiiMM of pa«sengarB. Saloons and dtAttiroAEat ftre unitdships. Kpeoialftttvitlonhaa baen olYna t« thO Second HilooQ aud Third-Clus acuommoakttoa. Fof mte«orpu<a)[eaad bU partiouUn, ftppty to soy irr-^\ oC thu ConipanT, or RtotArda, MllU & Oo, D. Torr«oo« & Oo. . nStBtaac. Botfeon. HoutroalftnlPortUad< JWooDA Photo. Engraving ^ J. L.JONES tNG.O i^ "lOft BAY STRECTâ€" TOROMIO WANTED RELIABLE AGENTS Wo Willi L :it ouce tmslwf^rthf moa aitd woman In erery locaUty. Uwal ot travoling, to iiit odnoo a new iliacuverr hiul keep uur alnw o<iril« and a-ifortiHiuj matter tacked up in oontiptonons pi cai throughDUt tbo town sni founbry. Hteadf cmploynient joar round, commiiiHiou or .nuhirr, $oj|.oo 0er Honth and fcxpenses, notbo excdL*d tH.^ pur day. Write for panioulard. Postofflua box 337, INTERNATIONAL MEDICINE CO.. LONDON. ONT THI MOST POPULAR OINTIPRIOB. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH P O W D E R„ Preearvaa Iha teeth, gweatan* Ihe braath. Strenerthana the (uma TO PRINTERS IFOR SALI.-TW3 S-ravoiutlon Campball PretBBS, bad MxM inohM. SplandM «rd«r. Prioe $1,000 taoh. Terma aasy. t. F1MNK WILSOH, n Waat ^tfalakta it., Tarontq PUL-MO WILL CURE difficully ol breathing:, tightness oi Ihe chrst, iviielingr awaj of fleah, throat Iroublei, consumption, cough.*, catairh, colds, [meumonia and pleumy. A MMPU FR{E Br MAIl to every sufferer. Put-Mo \i tor sale by all druggi^t^ at $1.00 per large buttle, and 15 cunts foe small bottle, or direct from THE PUL-MO CO., TORONTO, ONT. To Cure Any Sore: I Uea Cllaadlne. Tlile Balm ef Qllaad preparatla^ IB positively Iha greateet healing remedy knewn, I F. a. Hurelay A Oa., Orutglata, aruiaela, eay :-• I " Oileadlne la aatling well. A ouatemer reoenttl Burehaaad rtva boxes at enoa. Use oih- aamf h-eoly. W< hlfhly recommend It." Ik). Druniats, or Qlleadlna Oo., Toronto, Our Daban* ' ' turaa cem° \ l bine an ab • » s olu t e ly ' t safe sccur- • • ity with a " * profitable * ' roturn for tho money \ * tiivo-sted. Thoy aro i.sHued in,, .sutiui of $100 and upwardu • . for term.i ol one. two. three, • 1 f'>iU; tfr fi^f yedra. and inter- * * i\st ut the ralo ot ^rjri ** FOUR PERCENT. PeTaNNUM "^ It. Accriica from tho date on which tho money i.<» received liy the Company ^Write for further Infornu-v- t.ion * . -~» â- « v» , THE CANADA PERMANENT t^nd WESTERN CANADA MORTCACE CORPORATION oFFioaa. TOMONTO 8TRBIT, Toronto