k- ,^V*.-».:^'«/*â€" -#- 1*^ 4* .*-.JI*-* « . ^,MW h â- 'toMkii ,J^-t ir^<1 . ykslj£ri0n if?* ana. 'TRUTH BEFORE, FAVOR." â€" " PlUNCIPLEb ^0T MEN. VOL. XXI, NO 1082 Flesliertoii., Ont., Xhursday, JVLay 8 i0p2 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR & ruoriiiEToa Rings ! Rings ! Rings I Experiments in Canadian Production Pork Wlwii the hoKS av(3 beina fattoned they may with advantage hare an allowance uf a condiment of one of tl.e following sort : â€" earthen soda ; a luixluro of wood aslits and !<alt, at ihe rate of one bushel of â- M*^ biambn«2 Rings We have a large number tif excellent <Iiftmond riiifia. Any one wiah- illf; CD {jurchttse ii good rinj,' ^hould see ouih. Selling: at $8 to $35. Uem ftirt^s Gem riii>;a, solid {{old bauds,, selling at from..' 81.50 to §6.00. Plain Gold Rings ' lOk, 14k,aiKl 18k- plain gold rings at lowest figure. W. A. Armstrong - Flesherton Vandelear Tfom Ottf Owa Cotrtsymuleni Seiidinii ia pretty well advanced. Mr. Alex. Clark of Sault Sta. Marie is visiting hia -sihter, Mrs. Geo. Pritohard. Mrs. Melville is very ill at present. Mrs. D. iMcGee has taken up her reai- deiiceinMr, Wm. Hutchiusuu's house ou CoUege sta:eet. Mr. A. Jolinston'a little girl, Kna, has been ill for sometime. Dr. Neeley is in attendance. Mrs, Will McCallum is visitiu^ at the parental homo, Mr. and Mra.Thos Kells. EatEenia From Our Ottni Correspondent. On Sunday afteruuun the Eujjenia Methodist church was re opened for ser- vice after beinbC painted and new pews put iu and other needed improveinents. The church is now very commodious and handsome. Rovs. Wilson and Thorn of Flesherton oHiciuted- afternoon and even- ing. Collections at both services amount- ed to uear seventy dollars, which, with jither donations formerly subscribed, al- most covois the amount expended. Tho pastor and oouisrSSatum are to be congrat- ulated for the Biirnest eflfort put forth and the result of tho work they have accomp- lishetl, which will be a Listimj memorial to their Zeal for the house of Uod and for his cause in this community, Fox'raers in this locality are almost througli aecdiiiL,'. The April showers have hastened vegetation, su that again earth has dounod her|mantle of green. Mr. Robert Hawkins is again very poorly. Mr. Linton is seriously ill at present. Messrs. John and Will Fisher havf gone to Wiartoii to work for the summer months. Their presence will be greatly missed at the young people's social f^ath «rinK«- Mrs. Nicholson of Trenton is visiting »t the Eugenia ilou.se at present. ' Mrs. Bly has returned from visiting her friends at Trenton. Sl^xwell It is Ui't al^oi^ether dcsiiable that ngiiculture' should he oruunized on ihu ashes to six pounds of salt, a luixtuiu same' lilies as great manufacturing enter- composed of 8 bushels of charcoal broken prises, '^but it ia desirable above every- into piecfcS the siae of u hazol nut, (5 thing else that the beat iiiftirniaiion pounds of salt,one bushel I'f wheat shorts available as applied tojvgrioulturo, .shimld thoroughly mixed, .sprinkled with a vailful be at the service uf each iiiditidnal of water, in which a pound and a quarter farmer. It has appejured also, desirable ^ of copperas has been dissolved. Either that he should receive encouragement, and one uf these condiiuetits may be put ia a where needful, the co'oper-ation of govern- place where tho hogs will have access to raeiit?, at the bcRinning of his organized, it and a chance to coubume all they lilio. co-operation with other f.".rmers, with ^ This is to lake the place of tlie soil, which uierchants And with transportation com- the hog would naturally swallow iu it's panics, for the iiniirovomeut of proiiucts, fe'^d if it were rooting in the ground. the exteiisicin of markets, and the hcitor- 1 So far as the kmd of feed caucus soft- ing ()fci'»n»poriations. The Department ness in the sides of bacon, experiments ut AsjViculture is endeavoring to provide indicate it to be due to the uoe of feeds these forms of help, and. this is one of j which furnish insufficient nourishmmit to the chammls thl-ough which that assist- , the pigs, and to the .want of exercise. anc» reaches the farmer, and a know- 1 There are no farm aninuils that can be ledge of the farmer's wants reaches those j made to yield as large a proflt as wuU- oapable of sup)*lyii<g them. , managed pigs â€" none that will so readily Experiments in pork production 'vere ! respond to efforta at improvement, in eouimeooed at the Central Exporimental | breeding tind feeding, and none degen- Faru), at Ottawa in 1800, by Professor J. ' erate so rapidly uader a system of neglect W. Roberta(m, who up to 1896 to 1899 by , and mismanaijempnt. They require warm, Dr. W. Sanders, the director of experi- 1 dry sleeping places ; damp, cold, unsan- mental farms in the Duminion, and for ^ itary pens are ruinous to the health of tlib balance of the decade was supervised pigs They aro the better for exercise is by J. H. Grisdale, B. Agr., the present an open straw yard, but they should liavo Agriculturist. a dry, warm, well-lighted pen, with a The bleeds inti educed in 1890 were 1 southern aspect, to retire into. Their Berkshires, Improi'ed Large Yorkshires, troughs should be kept perfectly clean by and Essex. Since then Chester Whites, frequent washings â€" 1 heir pens should be Poland China8,and Tamwurths have been j cleaned as regularly as those of horses or secured, while ^he Essex has been dis- j cattle. They should be so constructed ^T)m Our OwH Corre-poHiJetit. Seeding is just about closed around here, a few of the farmers have finished. Mumps are still going srouiid our . village. Our fiamar, Mr. George Long, La rush \a>i business this spring. He has Mr Dave McKaveny's barn framed, and ha.^ started to work at Mr. George Burke's, Mr. Windsor Ross, who is teaching scho<d in Hopiville. .<ipent Saturday and Sunday at his parental home. Mr. Jim Long, who is learning black- smiihiug with Mr. D. McTavish of Flesh- eiton, spent Sunday at homo. Fishing season has opened up again. Miss Ijousi'^ SterlinK returned home on Friday after a weeks visit in Toronto. Mr. Charlie Heron has gone to Bufialo. We wish iiim every success. Mr. Dick Heron and family have moved to BulK.lo. Mr. Will Linely loft last week for Dollar Bay, also '.Viil Wright went to Pwry Souud. Wo wish tho young men ^oiid iuek. Mrs. Will Cousins of eiughampton is spending a few days with her parents, Mr AudMrs, Scheuiman. _. I IS H â- Permanent Cure for Neuralgia BxptriciiCL'd sufferers sttte that nu remedy rolievesneuialfiin so quickly as a hot application of PoUoD a Nerviiiiie, the strongest liuiii'tnt made. Nerviluie is certainly very penetrating and has a powerful influeiiee over neuralgic paini, which it dcMtroys almost at once. Nei vi jine is highly recommeudud for rheumn- t,isro, lumbsKo, sciatica, and toothache. Bolter try a 26c. bottle, it's all right. carded. The result of the ten years' ex peri- meats has been to prove the Yorkshire- Tamworth cross will SII the bill. Where those breeds liavo been crossed with tho Chester-Whito.the Poland China, or the Ksuex, the get, in most cases, has proved to be of a rather short, blocky type. They have, on the nhole, exhibit- -d a strong tendency to lay on fat rather than develop muscular tissue. The ten years' experiments in feeding indicate that it will not pay to cook feed for swine where economy of pork produc- tion is the sole consideration. There is a gradu.ll increase in the quantity of feed! consumed for every pound of gain in live weight after the average live weight ex- ceeds 100 pounds. The most economical gains are made when the .iwino are able to eat the most feed in proportion to tlioir weight. Fi'ozen wheat may be used as a profit- able feed for swine. Skim milk adds most materially to tho value of a grain ration, and 100 pounds of mixed grains equal about 700 pounds of skim milk. Tlie relative value of skim milk in any ration varies with the amount of feed, the poorest retu ins per pound fed beii'g obtained when the proportion of skim milk to the total fo«d is the greatest. The avefn(>ed dressed weight of swine is about 76.44 per cent, of tho fasied wtiaht. When hard flesh is desired skim milk is a most valuable addition to the grain ration. Feeding mixed meal (barley, pease, and oats,} with milk will generally insure tirm meat. The greatest gains from a given amount of grain have been shown when it is ground, as a part of grain fed whole gets frequently voided before beinn digested. Mixed grams are more eeon- omical t^hsn grains fed pure. In one set uf ezpiriiucots in which ground grain fed soaked, tho data point- ed to a slight loss from soaking meal. While this luuy not be the actual case it is pr<jbable that the tesult from soaking meal may not be so marked as from soak- ing wUole grain. The type of aniinals fed infiueucoa the character of the meat more than the breed. Tho fact of an animal 1-eing a Yorkshire or a Tamworth will not insure a good bacon carcasp ; it must also bo of a rangy typo, and bo fed in a certain way. F^s whose rations are limited mako,generally, more economical gains than pigs that are rushed, and maturity and ripeness of the animal affects the quality of the flesh that water can be freely einployed iu washing them out. Thirty per cent. oreolin solutions should be frequently sprayed over the entire pen. The young pigs and shoats should be dipped once a fortnitrht in a ten per cent, soultion of creoliii in tepid water. This will remove parasites, relieve skin irritation, and cause the animals to thrive much better than they will do without this treatment. Iinprove<l sanitation will lessen the tend- ency to verminous infection, by destroy- ing the ova, which in cold,dainp,uiidrain- ed unhealthy curiiurs of underground buildii_g8 usually abound. Department of AL'riculture, Ottawa. Revolution in Newfoundland. Since the introduction into Newfound- land of the new inhaler reiiitdy, " 3at- arhozono," the treatineiit <if catarrhal dis- ease has been entirely revolutionized. The old timo snuif and internal medicine has been thrown aside and everyone ia inhftling Catarrhozone; it clears the head and ihroat in two iniiiutes, and is very a;;reeable and pleasant to use, Catarrho- zone is a wonderful cure f->r uoughs,(](ilds, catarrh, asthma, Ijrouchiti.s, lunu troubles and deafness. It relieves quickly and porujanently. We advise our readers to try Catarrhozone. Price 81, trial size 2oc. Druggists or Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont I McFariand, Stafford & Co. | 1^ HARKDALE, ONT. ^ I Orey bounty's Bi^g^st ana C:b<^ape$t Store ^ People of taste, who lire alert for the best the world affoi'ds, will be interested in what this stoie has to otter in merchandise of every .--ort. This isn't merely a clieap place. What reputation could bo worse than a cheapness wiiich meitns shoddy ? The keen scrutiiiy which we apply to every detail of the business keeps us constantly free from trash in any form. QUALITY is harnessed up with QUANTITY here and all extiava- gance is taken out of prices. Never any fear of your paying too much for anything. We lake good care that values are the bestâ€" absolutely the best within your reach. NEW BLOUSES The new blouses are here, perhaps the largest assortment of hand- some white Blouses ever displayed in this store. All the latest ideas in regard to collars, cufts,trimniings and style to be found among this stock. We want you to see them. No need- to buy unless you wish. Ladies white lawn blouses, ten rows of tucks and insersion trimming down the front, two cluster of tucks down tha back, fancy hem-stitched lawn collar. Special value at 75 Ladies white lawn blouses, good quality lawn, fine wide insersion trimm- ^a front, cluster of tucks down back, either fancy lawn or linen collars, several different styles, seme buttoned down the back. We think them the best value you will see at 1.00 60 Ladies Prino Blouses, latest patterns and colorings, madn with latest cufis, collars, etc., many of them equal to what we Lave sold other sea- sons at 75c, each. This season oO Special Bargains for this week. 35C |jair ladies cashmeie hose, assorted plain or ribbed, full fashioned, seamless, assorted sizes, good value in regular way at 35 and 38 cts. pair On sale this w eek at 17 Another lot, GO only, Moiis knit top shirts, ass>.'rted stripe and mottled patterns in dark grey, collar attached, breast pocket, etc., full sizes and worth 50 and 60 ota. each, on sale this week at 25 72 inch unbleached sheetiii<;, good hard round thread, fine even twill, usually sold at 25 cts. a yard, on sale this week at ICi 28 pair Misses slippers, tine dongola kid in sizes 13, 13i, 1, 2 and 3, as- soi ted styles in slippers, strap sandals, lace shoes, etc., regular values ?1.90 and ?1,35 each, each pair on sale this week at 63 24 pair ladies i utiDci.-, .ip simdal style, in 3J, 4^, 5, 6 and 6i, regular value 50 cts. ii paa'. ' â- . .sale this week at 19 2000 lbs go;;d (.iijioL. . just in stock. Dim't worry about how we got it, but consider thu , :.ci?. On sale this week at per pound 3 1000 lbs. good Sago, (not more than 10 pounds to each customer,) worth 7c. per pound. On stle this week at per pound 3 500 lbs. good dates, on sale this week at 7 pounds for 25 100 tins choice s.irdines on sale this week at 5 100 bottles London Slioo Dressing, cork sponge dauber, regular lOc.size. On sale this week at 5 Come and see us; we want your tiade and can save you money on every â€" well almost every purchase. -V- « License Couiinisiouers Meet The License Bimrd of Centre Grey met at Munshaw's Hotel, Eugenin, on Satur- day, April 25th. Mr. Clias. Pyo was elected chairman aiid Mr. P. McCuSlogh secretary, for 1902-3. The license to Paul Wardell, of Hol- land Centre, was witheld until the In- apector makes a fui ther and nmre favor- able report. Tlie following translers of I licenses were allowed on the requirements of the License Act being carried out, viz. : Josepti Biiyd to A. McLean, Uocklyn; and Sarah Allan to .John Steel at Mirk- dale. It was moved by P. Cullough and seconded by I.MoGill.lhat this board rat- ify and confirm tho folhiwing Iransters, to W. J. Carefoot, Desboro, to Michael Mc- Grath, to Miles C. Siniih The following liceii.ses were granted : â€" W. V. Carofoot, Desboro; Aaron Munshaw, Flesherl^m ; Joseph Cairns, Ceylon; Michael McGraih, Ceylon; Pafciick Boluer, Pricoville;Aich'd Butter.Pricevillo; S.irah Allan, Berkeley, ^ Joan Campbell, Chatsworth ; Allan Mc- A sories of expiriments was oouduetod j Dougall, Williamsford ; Miles C. Smith, to discover theeflfect on the quahty of the j V/alter's Fails; James Kolly, Markdalo ; meal and cured bacon from the feeding of | Andrew Fogarly, Markdalo; Itose Schu- wheat and buckwheat to syvine, in view nincher, Markdalo; Joseph N. Boyd, of the fact that many persons attributed ; Rocklyn; Thomas Lowe, Thornbury;Loah softness in ho^A to feeding whe.it or Issiao, Thoinbury; E. BIsckatock, Sing- buckwheat. The result showed that the hampton; G. B. Glasoford, Maxwell; W. feeding of either wheat or buckwheat H. McLean, ClarkshurK. al'jne is not ulwaya a cause of soft sidos, ! ._.».- because s<mie of the swino fed in each way yielded aides classed as firm le Couinusiouers Meet i ^1^ •^ it/ ' ^ ' 7KTf??K7R?IWR3C^^ ^00.â- Just placed on stile a nice lot of Gent's Furnishing. Collars, Cuifs, Ties, Hats, Caps, etc. Shirt* Hotcs should never be given more feed Cause of ^Splitting Headache Poiaona aooiimulate in the food .-md atone tiuio than they will eat clean, and spread every moment to all parts of the still have an appetite for more. Over- fcaidy. The brain becomes cunjested, foedioK keeps the animals from being nerves in-itated, ai.d the result is that active in taking exercise, and will causa awful headache, thani to grow too fat and soft. It is a Ferrozoiie is nature's own remedy for good plan to feed as much as they will headaches ; it is a good strengthener and consume and digest to advantage. Thrit purifier of u,iouinii>oii merit, a lasting will keep tbeiu hungry for every mual. potent tonic, and the greatest fnvigorant Regularity in the time of feeding will and health maker known. Headaches cause more rapid gain in weight than never bother people that take Ferrozone when t'liere is irregularity even to the ex- after each moal. Buy a box from your tent of one hour in the n.eal time. druggist for 6O0. By mail or Poison A The feed uf snine should be reasonably Co., Kingston, Oat. Sold by W. E. ' clean, it should never be putrid. Riohardspjn^. Re£tcly-]M[a.dLe Clotlxin^ A large stock of Ileadyma(les,calculated to fit anybody, and for qu.ility of goods and excellence of man- ufticture cannot be excelled in Canada, o^either can our prices. We lead in all these thing.s. A Fvtll Slioolc of Gpocer'ies on hand. Boots AXiLcl Slrioes ^ An immense stock from the best manufacturers in Canada. Our boots and shoes please. So do our prices. Just investigate. i^ We want your butter and eggs, for which highest market price v,lll be paid. We also want your trade and are bomnd to get it if square dealing and small profits count for anything. , F, Q. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON, I