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Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1902, p. 3

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MARCH 27, 1W9 THE FLESHETON ADVANCE ^, ,YiW..i ^ ? MARKOALiT | F. T. HILL & CO. I MARKDALE = Men's Youths' Boys' and A Remn.rKn.ble Collection V .i ly 600 Suits, including everything that U new for present and Hiiimm-r wear. to a SPECIAL CASH DISCOUNT and represents the beat clothing values you'll fiiid in Grey County. ink you to givo thorn a luok over before you make your iieit purchase. BrilINU STOCK. Kv.-ry article wag bought sub- We Tbesv are repnwvntative of our" NEW 18 Men's fine all-wool Tweed Suits, HIM 37 upward. DB c<ta, beautiful, medium-dark uiixed effects. This make* a particularly good, low-priced business auit, and one that will giro thorough satisfaction, well triimntxl, and the price U only 5 60 24 Men's dark gruy tweod suit*, tire 'JO apwaul, (in- visiM" itripc, ) made of beautiful, flMt all-wool unit erisl, perfectly and thoroughly shrunk, well trimmed throughout. At $2 extra tins suit would be K<p4 \ i'u ; all we mk in 6 25 24 Mens extra tine all -wool twoed suits, sbw 36 up- ward, single breaat sjtciiue coat* and double- breasted ve.-t. Those como in a nice a<8ortmi>nt of dark, broken pbt'd pattern*. Every suit it a perfectly satisfactory wc-arer, tiihH regards cloth and trimmings, and thu price M only 70 :: I \|.'n' ii ivy and blnck Ktiulmli serge suits, sizes 'M i 11 in tin' perniAiifiit color-t .'lit >inal>le. Contf and vont iro double bruast, coat> with best Italian lining* an<l ili-i-p French facing, all other triintnin)(H i lie iH'St. Kliuiwhere, suit en no bettor than these are M..M ii 1 fi and 810, our price 6 <JO 21 Mn dark grey tweed BuilB, wmsted finish, sizes 3i upwind. Thin lint) conies in a very neat range of patterns, thoroughly shrunk, perfectly tailored, and absolutely perfect-tit rmu. The price only 7 60 24 Men's dark brown Tweed suits, sizes 36 to 44. This line is made out of beautiful, fine all-wool mat- erial*, thoroughly nhrunk. with bast trimmings throughout, ooatu are single and vest double-breast. We think this is a remtrkably good medium-priced lino ; the prico is only 7 60 MEN'S BETTER SUITS 12 Metis Summer units, (half skeleton lined, 35 to 42. This conies in a buautiful, smoo'.h, black cloth with narrow grey itripv, thoroughly shrunk and perfect Htting an ideal Hummer summei suit, price 8 75 24 Men's English lancy worsted suita,sizes 36 upward. These are made of extra fine, all- wool materials, in brnwn, black and red, neat mixed effects, colon that are absolutely dependable, coats single and vest il.iubh-bresst. Hoc. $12, for 9 ib 24 Englinh worsted suitM, sizes 36 upwards, neat t>mkeii chec<|ue pattniN, single breast sacque coats and double breast vests. Tin linings used in thu suit lire equal to that used in hi^h-class custom work and the fit and milking is first class in every detail. The wearer of tlim suit wi 1 receive alsulute satisfaction hi every re|iect 10 00 : J. C. Rill $ Co. | markdak. | Importing Hetai lets _ Viyvwm-ivv^^^ Advance rt'HI.ISIIKIi WKKKI.V AT THK OPF1UB, COL- UMOWOol) HTBHT, PLBHllIkToK , O.NT. L'Y W, R. TIM K.slos. 4)1 JUT ai>. nun Htrlrtly In advance Advertising Rates: DC Column. 1 yar,<50 ; balfeol.,1 vear. 81 col., 1 yar, (19. i in- Reform couvention for KaU Grey will be l.cld in Floslicrtoii about Api il 8. Wt> understand that, it ia tL < imijioaeto bring oat a temperance aiun, an.l gbccpaeycB liavo been curl at Mr. Peter McAtislan of F.u pin 8ia as llie coming man. Mr. Me- Ai.-lau is inowu as a strong leuipor- am', iiniii, but wlictlicr IK- would sink politiCM b'jfoie teiupcraucc principlcfl ib a queytioti we cannot answer olT Laud. Accoiduig to the {Standard a inn t ing ia to be held in Markilulc about tin i nd of M ucli to iiomiuaU' a ciunli ditr to repicient tlit "Indepcndeiu" 'Clors of Kast Grey. What dm thulium? We |>renuic all tin- cU-etors of tLu liJing coMsider t'.i.-m- te.ves, but v>o bavo heaiJ no plaintivf cry for acme ono to c me forward and lepreseui them. It lool>H like a one-man cry, with that man th> prospective candiiiate. Hut we Khali aee. a red Lot campaiyn against the big for 13, snd defendant to pay costs. T. city departmental stores. It conld H ' - 1 " 1 - 01 dcf< ' I >< i *'i r . Hnice.of Colling- not 8 a>- w ,ougb evil of thorn. TLey ' fo ^P 1 1 "" tf were simply the work of hia satanio -^- majcsty and would work Tl ' m m ' >CM "' f" 1 volunteer regi- nifiitn will be norved wjlh the new riflea rum aud confusion in the during the during summer. The nnliti., business world if allowed to flourish, department haa decided not to establish The country press echoed the btar's d words aud gave it snob an ^ '"' c ' t arcn '" Toronto caved in the I . other day, the workmen beoan immcdiatu- MM as to give U ly toCRrt aw , y thc rul)1)j( , h , onl( , r (o Standing among tho city journals recover the body of a hoy who had just whish before it did not enjoy. BtU fcf.^JjVT'S""?!? in llle " , , ., . ]"st previou-i t., the collapse. Pretty hold, the attacks suddenly ceased | .,, tin- l.y speared and asked what and advertisements of these Same wm ? up.he having cieiked away to smoke otort'8 bf{;aii to appear in its columns "^jjl.^t (nxsun-d* And"sVi'lUoii and have continued right along ever maintain that cigarette smoking i.-i dan since, being at thc "resent time priut- | 8 er " u ~- td in two colors to attract special ! A old snap is as U.I as the fishing attention, a no other atlvcrtnemonts T""" 1 f ". r fn l -" ) ll r "- A K ntl,.inaii from tho wet was in town last in the paper are. 'Ihe Stars argil- w.-ek and in course of a c.mver- uients against these institutions wero lwt i" n ho dug in to tell us how severe the all riRhl as H know. But why did K^ 7hcy ' hke ^ the Star cease ita campaign BO snd- don in our office and, without even This brings U3 to the leading ! )lu " hi 1 '' ">' ' ''";- '.. left hom ' , he threw a cupful of cold water st a cat Will tho 8'ar pMMM sMI one chilly morning. The water f rose in donly question: us what pecuniary bonefit it deii/cd l " * cll "" k f '<* in t .i . thn head and brt.Vp its Hknll. Then he from the camp'iiKii Ntefwi lo - the told n^.nt w,,,,,,,,, w |,,, i ( .f, | 8mp burn extent to which tin subscription h.-U . inu "II night in a kitchen, nnd when she WIB boosted in the first place, and MMOily tM aiaount of liljomu It I n ..I t i lilnw it o-il in thc in. n-iii. i^ fonn t 1 .. ll.imo fn>xen dard. Slio broke it oH and threw it into tho woodshed, where .1.. rived from the departmental 8tu:es !~"''d out nnd set the shed on firo. As sioco its advcrliging coliuud H c f mud by them to be worth using Tlio country prc8 can understand if these two w.-iv n..t t i^h he P upwifi u t..ry of a local doctor, h,.,jut ' In-fore he Htnr'epl out ..n n drive, took ' lllnli " if d iv n,l It waa a breath froze in chunks . ... iv n, reath fro/0 m chu well enotlj-h that the Star has be, n a He put the, chunks in a pail when he ' 'I lie prohibilionis'.a of East Kinicoo are K'oing about ihe maiter in a nictli- odical way. They interviewed U o parly caudi latmi and the replies of tin -i e griulciuen being cpuivoctl and unaat- i 1 1 lot y a convention was called for Mon .lay i flail woi-k at Creouinre.wheii l\Hti:ilglit It-Ill,)- i;uiui! mail WitH | the Held. Tin- Kit ,l Siracoo pro':ib- in .,ii*ts evi luitly do not pin thoir faitli to tin: ii-ft-ivniliun. There are <. When tilings gut into on!, r llii-tr \\iil probably h.- n in . i\ nine Iria/rrancc oati'li.l itrrt in l!^- li.'l.l for the coiMhij- (li-ction. ll'ltlllll.,' t I pi, \r i;. I, Mill, i - |i.-op|,i wo.'king two tfii'H ul llie eli eii ii ii MI! III li-fi-ii nil.iin I tii .- il. in JiMti-Bli^ win.'. i i li .11 >r.i : i-di-fi|| and thawed them out. and had '' hiHk,y,-H.rriU,n The Markets. Kiiinur, and Urycly through tlioir In -iifvolent asaJHtanoc.and would like to kiu'w, morely from friendly inti to what extent it has INT,. : Wlien the KtaruivtM in this inf.nmi ------- s-aia *v .A.S7 - --wV A -~~.~S "._/ ~L/ |.J . MOB we will kindly reciprocate by in- \. <ar-rullv orr.-< <<) I ;l , h , , k I foi'ining that papt^r of the exact OHU> amount of profit derived hy the I'-HS ; country priisH for blowing the Sim 'n ' " rl ''V 46 io bugle when tho war was on Tie ,'',',.,1 "f., .ili country press fwls lallier lnimiliitii-d> I'oik 7 -j-, ,,, \\< I avo a spriotu qn,.Hiinn to put io the Toronto Star, but iij,i 4irro will intimate that we do not hope for a cmnliil ausw. r. A few ytut a jo the Star i.iaugnrat.d over the matter, dot.'tyoti know. lUy l'.i'at..i< 1. 1 A Seed Case The only cn8u on tin. .l.i-krt i t)i. Cniirt Ii. IN in 'I'lniriilpiii y on M.iinl.iy iin. ruing j>. in- ln-twi-t-n ono I ' n;lii.H, nf - . I, an. I Cli 'S M i.-U-y i.f Tlun ninny. So nr inni' H^.I \lm-ki-y -..'il In-lmvn 'JO !.',"> ..f Inn.ptliy I.. I ;Us nn.l WPIH I., li-m- .|. l.v ri i-il it in (' -I in^n ... ,1, lint I'm , wxsn'i tlip-rc nil*! iin liin-.l iiirii lia.'n'i ilm HUP?., y I ' t'rty M-.i-k-.y, rlm ictnnml in Tin'l-nliury iin-l l-i i .In- H.-i'il I. Itnyil Hi - h.pil^lux -i il MiU'kcy fin llie i -I lit* i-oiil.i I Kin 7 * H) IK) to 10 (K 40 -.o It Tenders Wanted ... I I-V 'I , !IH.|l.r-iKT-l tin. i,. -,.| n-| I -.-. II.MI N.. 1,-. Ait.-niptiia. ii I.MI-IUL.H kprllltth, at unni far ths fnniuh' i mi Mm . i i ial. I, ml ling ami l\ : t'ii.<ntili I.HI, en lot .14. UP. II i. Thu ),.. I 1-1. un. p I |.,.. itlrntlo i'.v I " ' III* r. -.i.l.. in-.. r,| |;.,|,f Aaltt a i sl Ins " i 1 *m s. TrM> ,Fli>*bi-ton iTrmtwi* i. ..p. i i M,K. i i In-rum, (MAUIIS I mi , n . Maxwull mi u I, snd i-n i in i.l fmni 7R' L i in it Ii iiM .1 .nlfo M .11 1 -.n have takon tho law i | i-r I iixln I .,| il,,- .- In-i-n delivered. t-> Trad or Mitfk.-y sli .nlilii t IH own hahdri and after nc soiling h: I no rijlii I.. '! il.o I Inn.) l>- f.p i' notifying Douglas, nt wMtak.-n in f i\ .ri.f Dp.uglas Tbo i.n.i. i .i^ii. .1 <l(*lr<. t.p H|| or trn.le si-out a :W acrn faini i-lip-m t.p K.-V.T-P|I*MI, K"."! (arm liiiimt unit liarn and \<ui ni; .i ' t'aril. WonM ohsags lor a Isrge UP in au.l |y cliffrou*. Anyone. lutere*t.l iJ.-<' i-,,i , HIK>H<| with K afMLDhUH, rvsnbm We take pleasure in announcing our Spring Millinery Opening ON- Wednesday and Thursday APRIL and and jrd. And cordially invite the Indies of the vicinity to be present and inspect the latest selections and newest creations in Spring Millinery Miss Osborn resumes charge of the Show liooni this season and any ad- vance orders entrust --d to her care will have prompt execution. During millinery Opening we shall make a Special Display of, Spring novelties! Novelties for Spring. No pains are leing spared in onlt-r to nuki- uur showing of Nf\v Sjirin^ (itxxls in every particular the most complete and widely assorted ever shown in this plaec. In these eoluins we can only pve you a mere outline in idea of tin- multitude of up-to-date lines we have secured for the enmin^ spring's business we want you to come and see them for yourself and pass your own personal judgement upon them. Spring Homespun Suitings We've secured the "Harris" Home.spuns for our leading line for spring which is a guarantee of their excellence in finish, color and dura- bility. "Harris" Homespuns in the newest shades of Blues, (livens. Fawns, Browns and (Jreys. Pure wool, f>4 inches wide, $1.00 and ......... 75C Pirle Suitings Some elegant selections in lighter weight suit- ings which cannot be surjKissed for stylish appearance when made up. "Kipley" Pirle Suitings in Fawn, Navy, Blue, (Jrey, Reseda and Myrtle shades; guar- anteed not to spot, cockle or shrink. Beautiful satin finish, 4:> in< lies wide. $5C New Delaines for Waists Some very pretty patterns in French Wool Delaines, the newest and nicest goods for waists dark, medium and light color combinations. 1H yard waist length for .................... " ........ - ........ $1.25 A Special Cashmere at i7 cts. A special offering in Cashmeres.all new goods. Jo inches wide, in Navy, Myrtle, Brown, I'.tu n and Cardinal, peryd. $Ct>CtltCCI1 CCtltS Soon time for House Cleaning! Itwillsoonbehightimetothinkofhousecleaning and the house renovation tint inevit- ably follows. This season we are ilevoting extra sjMiee in a different por- tion of our premises to House furnish- ing requisites and purpose giving more than ordinary attention to this part of nir businrxv everything needed for Rouse furnishing tome and look around our new Show Koom-*.t can't fail _ to interest you ! BoydTliickliiig & flfc KLESHERTOK ADVANCE MARCH 27, 1905 Vicinity Chips ChavriteierMtca f the Punt Careful!? Cullrd for the Curious methodist ghurch* Tlesinrfon s>ATOK-ev.J 8. !As>rvlceBunclay 1 1 n tit. Ac 7 p. m -.ubjacts !or next Babbatb Services- R. J. O. Wilson of Brighton, father i -f the past- .r, will preaoh moniing and evening. Special DiusicaJ sen'iv" in (ho eVeu- Up u the awnings. Oond Friday 10 nwrt- w. AH |>U-.i>9 I| tmsmefti cluaod. The pul.lio ch -I will shut up (*!>;> kW tot ou wtk. Cider Vinetf^r of -^H| l; .il ry st.lU at tho Medical Hall, Fri-*l iiioo aliraTH -u lianJ. J. buck, tt, Kn i.n Tw>- b.MA."- App'v to E. Wuit', I'.'l'iHl SUMOII. Mr F (I. Kursteiit lirnke s ! "n M"" limy for ihe new vltlilimi ti> HH I I'ck. Tim s>)lle-t i iimtlio Mvlhmii't church Suinly evenm/ tirxt will b in aid of ths choir R. P. LeiotL- t t Oi. >f Cujl.'n are "cll- inu ImJ roller-, t > fmmer* >it wholesale price tlui . Mr. Peri-y I'.rndlcy o( the poatofficc, OraiigeMlle, raid Tu- AdaB4 a isit U-t Fn.lay. A \Vi%rt"n fariniT n*id John Mulver rui> maJo IW x'ali ns of maple syrup and tl peels fn luaku I>H -nuch uiura Mrx Dr. Spruule, MarkdalB, anJ Mrs Ainlio.if St CathniH5*j,callel n friends hsmsooTuusday. Mrs. S- Kunatadtltr ruturned last wiek f rum an exteudoJ >wit with fnends m UamiltOD. New one horse \Vo.JsU>ck waoD, never ued a rraiii. Apply quick to K. U. K. Bradbury, t loshort'ii. Axgie Gibson left i-u Monday for aUi. Tho nthei unfiub>r< <jf tho family expect io follow lu a ( days. For sals A good working or driving sorrel hum* i Whalebone stock, wu^hl 1*X). Nil McCannel. Proton Staliun. 8ch>K.l Inspector Camphell paid The Advance a nh.m vimt n Monday while on bis way to v^tit some schools in thi nciuity Mr. A. M. Uibson has secured a situa- tion at 1'ori ii<i) La Prairie, Man., and leaTes fi.r llitt p> nit in a day or two.-- Uundalk 11. -raid. David Connors, an ind . nt fr. in the vicinity of MukdaU*. and mrrvmn a two- iU4)nl< term, died in Owen sound jail on Monday. Early Brittin ice<l poa* for sal.-, sed obtainc.l ir ui tin- '-l|'"- l '" e leadm* tield I"'* ''" <. piT bushel W. S. Iiikstcr, Warrham. ia. F. Auo<id cr.ip :iul stock farm. to rent .uinu-diaiely. No*r Terai reasi.un l>le. Apply fc> uwiu>r, T. Crr,Kuiiia T.U., tint. FIRM r<>R KALH- In Klesh-rt n \illuite, forty- two acres. Frame barn, brick IIOUH*. *(>:. u creek, and HOIK! Well. Terms mi appiioii ion. F (> K. Bi ad bury, Klesliurlnn. We JU-.1 o;n.'iieil up thiswrek 1(X> iiu-n - and Ii ..y HUMS, ruady-to-wen', fh.- rimst rangn and i be best, ^Kxls w.j h.ivr ever shown and would :wk any-'in 1 1. Hiking f". Twuit to call and ,n-p--o. T J.She|i[nid Faim to Kent Li 10, N D.R , m the townxhip i.f Art-iiiesia, in the c.iun'y .1! (irey. Also a housi- .-mil .- H-" dens, known ,-n th>- Scotl pni|*riy. Apply to MKS. C. Scxtrr, Arthur, Out. Good clf*n cluwr seo<l ; common reJ, Muuinio'.h. AUike, snd Allulu -uid Tim i'hy svil, M-i) L-hnife, for *\\i t th Medical Hull, Kli'shetton All ..iher ttardt-n ,-ind licld svudu in thrir season. J5 Msy. BIONKV T" l.i>AN--At 4^ lo 4jf p.T M t Kxpt>nnes In*. AK<> a Dnmlier of 1111- prou-.l and uiiiinpiovnl furins tr HH! cheap. Apply to(!>-o. Riithorfop), si,,.; luirn,, or !>..:. 'lain i>Cic Saturday after- uoon. We undcisl .M.I Mr. J. A. Virtue.. keeper ft, .us puruli;<l the fuiiutartt nJ stock of ihe Kcul . . Ht.d will l)jthoiK* |.r..|ir.. i..r in ilnMc- li Houne on and after April 1st. lk H'-l l'.l. fl a ,.v \1 r . . p ir.'-l last IVI-C'K i'h a visit from In* two lirolliem. Alex. and John, Pe'.oskoy, Mich. Mr. Me" T'lVlsh hail not veil oil.' of 'li.- In ftir tiftoun yen's They roturnod this week to iui-M li.i.m- in Michigan, which is 3T> mi KM K > .f Mackinaw, Acompain .^o HO exhibition of inov- IIIK piciurea in the town lull Saturday evom:i|' It w of the medium older, no btur than we have seen here before. Tfc aiMtiwKM Win UOIIIIMlKol l:iri{. Iv (>f school children. h,. <ot m ,. n ?"cent ticket. That ws ab.^, w y%iu( . , t ,, . a 7-eent show. *j^l An executi-rs' sale of household furni- , the properly of the late Mrs. James McClocklm, will b* held at Sproulo's i.-oras, Fle.sherton, ott Saturday next, March 29, at * p. m. Tho sale comprises a lot of good furniture' Soe bilia for further particulars. At tha cloae nf th Presbyterian Sab- bath scln i. 1 on Sun. lay Mr. A. M. Gibson was presenter! by the school with a hand- Snme biblu as an acknowledgement of hia srmoea aasupehntf odnut during the past twelve yeais. The preAmitati.m was made on buhalf of the school by the pruwnt superintendent, Mr. Felstead. The Department of the Provincial Municipal Auditor has just completed the audit soiled for some trart ago by the ratt* psyors of the tuwnsbip uf Glenelg, county of Orey. Mr. Mc~achern of Elmvale was the special auditor. The audit dis- cloMra a KIMM! many errors in the book kcrjxfiK of the municipslity, but no c*irnf of wniuit-doing ia laid al the diM>r of the tieasurer, Mr. .lames Eitge. What is said to be the finest lot of c.itt-1* evef shipped from this point were di-livend to R. Cook, cattle buyer, by Mr. R. Mciiill on Monday. The animals OMn-vit- d nf itl head and averaged in Kfiglu i.'~~U 11*. The he.tviwtt woighed 1510 11).. .n.l the Imhl.wt l^'M ; total weight, W260 lb. ; puce |6.35 per 100 iljs. ; tuiil v.iluu 81.~rfi3.41. Tli -se animals w.-re pun-hamd last fall by Mr. Mot Jill ami fed on Ins farm ovt-r winter. ROT. Mr. Kethum, who har, ben con- duutirii! iininii fian^elistio services in the cliurctn * heiv ;.ir ilio past three weeks, lir-m.lii IIIH labor* to a close un Friday t !. ing .i.,.l left fur Baruu on Satur- dsy His work here was nf a substantial nature ami a large amount of KiHi h.-iM been dn, but the psstotit of ihe va.ious churchon think the w..rk was far frum hiug compleip-d ,i:nl decided to c. ntiii-ie 'ho .ien irei this week in the Meth.'dmt chuaoh. I Leila, tin- S yonr-old daugh'er nf Mr. Andrew Uvattin .-f the gravel road north, has been a sufferer for the Ust four weeks with erysipt-ln.1 in her 1.-^. The disraiw had aifocUiil i liu bone t,. such a ilegrer that it waa found i.ecessaiy tn ampu'.ate tha limb almve thu knre. This was KUfcessfully accomplished . -i Satur- day Uut by Drs Middlehro, Ow.-n S. .nnd; EKO of Markdale, and Carter of Fleihpr- t n It is hoped that the little sufferer will recover, liut_the case ia a sad one and much sympathy '" "pressed for the child .nd parents. A despatch from Sault ste. Mane on Moiiita, conveyed an interesting bit uf in- format on to people of this section. Thu deapa'ih reads us follows : " James R. Medaugh of rYu'on, Ont., arrived in the city yostarday and told the otticvr* an- other story of man * duplicity and woman's Wurte than weakness. Medauuh has for '.he past three yean been in search of his daughter, Mabel, who left her hme with a man named Robt. Clark. Thu mrl waa employed in Clark's iieneral stx-re at Proton, and the two duped from that place. The father recently learned through friends in ihis vicinity of tin- fact that Clark aud the girl wero living in i hia county, and he came here yesti-rdny in search of her. He enliMed the SITVICI-S ppf Deputy Sheriff Jacob Kninbn.lgp.. .m.i the two left foi Eckeruian yvs-erdnv morning Medaugh luiving learned t!ii Clark .m.i thu girl were living near one of the I'eiiiiisuUr li*rk ami Luinl.ii- l'..m pany'a camps, near tint pi.i.-i-. Tli.-v found the pan ~H) miles from E -kiT.intii. living HH man and wifo. Clark interpoaod o objection to the fathers ttking his daughter away, and no criiiiiiiin .1 coiii plaint was lodged auainxt h:m. M. . ai.d hit duughtar returned to tlio with the i.ttii.'.T, and they itpoi.t, lust iii^h; here. They lefi for IV. t n thin in n ing." Easter Millinery Oprninc V T. Hill & Co.. Markdali-, desire to announce to the ladies of l.'lesherlon .m.i vi.-iuity that ourSi'RINt: MILLINKKY UPKNINU will take pl-ico, Thurwiay ami Siimniay of this week to hich we cordially invite yourself and f- lends. ( )n tin-*' dit.-s tho pretiiest and most superb cri.-ntions in ladiea ht-ad will Ii.- .Its plnyed by u* that have ev.-r h.-eii pl.u-.-.l on wile in Mpirkdale P.. ' fm--eithe dates Thursday itml Satnnliiy this week sure open both evening^. Miss Stein in charge. The S'-ed fair held it K'niherley on March 12 was not s Mioivsaful ss was Imp. <1 for owing to the stormy woHther |ii-..vr\ilin. but utill ther.i ss n goodly i-xh'lnt, and for tint of it^ kii.d there inny l'<- i-onsiil.Ti- 1 a good beginning W'h->n farmers fully awnken to the bene- fit M of seed fairs they will no donl.t i>.- . 'iin- as pnpul-tr liore s ill the old i-"iintry Fnllnwit<K IK a 1'St "f 'he priw winners : Sirierin .'sts. J.I. Grihain; BHnnor oats, J. T. Gralmm. A. Hall ; auy otli-r kiml, .J-ini.-i Sliuiri; b.-n-l' rim -I. .In Kilon. Jos. K. ri'i.s; |I.-H, loii-. .!.. Ferris, J. I. Cnih.-ini . peas, small, Robt. Geno. Jo. Ferns, Ja.v M*<..e. Jas K-iott, W. O. Shannon ; i-.n-n, Coinpton's early, J. T. ahnm; pots'oo*, White Kl--i>, Jas Stuar'; I'eir! Savoy. J. 1. (; my :>ther kind, .Ino. K.iton. .I.-is Siu:r>. The Conductor Struck Tho morning trail, fi-.-in Toronto was an hour an .1 half late and ei-i/. n< won- ilt-red at the dclnv. It w-is an intcreoting delay S"d the cuisc nrose in thin wny : After leaving Ors.r.cvill.>a couple of'sud- itors" hoanled the trsin ami invited con- ductor Hen ShepparJ to hand over his tickets These it seems, did not correa- number of pnmentter* on iiJL"0 "f tbe spotters informed that - pfcl | h :. j ob after reaching Owun Sound. This was after the train had left Mhelburno. Con- ductor Shuppard sniil thn spotters could <z<> mid dwnli in a wuriner clime but he would may t Dundalk. He mi^li' as well quit now un to <]uit at Owrn > m .1 iind refused to run the train further. The agent u Dundalk telegraphed < )raiiguvilli* and another conductor came up on a special engine and ran the train cu through, after a delay of only an hour and .t half. The pmmengorr took the matter kindly us all their sympathies .ip- puarod to lie with the man who struck. Tw Weddinff* On Wednesday the 19th inst, at 6 o'clock, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorxe Biuuie, Tyrone, their second oldest daughter, MIM Kate Lousia Binnie, wait married to Mr Samuel Talhot of In istioKK, Rev. L. W.Thoui orHciaiing. Thu irrooinsiiiaii WJIH Mr. Willian Talbot, bro- ther of (he bridMgroom, and the brides maid was Ids> Binnie, sisier t-> the bride. After the ceremony supper was served. At the residence of Mrs. Simon Me Ctlluni, on Wednesday, the 18th inst., at 7 o'clock p.m. her younuest daughter, Miss Eugene Uerirude McCalluiu, wan inarneil NI Edward Thornton Teemr. The Kr.iiiiiisiimii and Imdi'Niuuid were Mr. A. McCallutii and HIM Mary E. Teeter. Almost the whole neighborhood was pres- ent at the ceremony. The bride wan tlm rwopienl of a Urge nnmhi-r of in<wt beautiful and useful Their fi..-11'ln were entertained to n sumptuous supper. Kev. L. \V. Tli- -HI wiii the official inn clergyman. A True Nerve Tunic Acts not so much ii|ion tint nervs themselves, as upon 'In .1 : suv.. func- tin.,s.nnd the abundant formation of r oh r.-.l liliniil. Tile nei ves l> I mi-dicine. They can be fed anditreiiLth- ened by digested and af*si:ni!a'>'<i (' . il. Fern zone's marvelous action arisen from ita power over the dii;>-tive ami smmiil alive functions ot the body You take it, th hi od growi richer, redder. You fuel strength and vgor, d litest M in nansn t<> IB- MI it n ec|, for it hits become good. Work is easier for you have th.i s'rength itt do ir. Inj^Khmt time you have health. Use Ferromnu. Price f<4) cents. - lop- the < tiuith and wurk.t off the Cold LaxattTS nrouo-Qoinina TabluU cure a oold io ono iay. No Cure. So Pay. I'rio* ^5 ueats. IN THE MATTBK OK THK KSTATE of WILLIAM liKTTS, lata of the towinliip of Aruinuma in tbu oountjr of Ury, faruiar d- CB^lMci. Niitiua m lieraby glvuu uunnant to tbu "R- viMMi swtuo* of Ontario lt*J7. chapter 10. that oil creditors and uthani tiavmn claium attain I theeitatoof thu mud Williain lltu. wli" un o/ klxuit thu twenty ninth .Inv of .imiuarv. l'J09,arf* rK{tiirti. on or before thaJBtli J i.v <if A|M .1. I'AIH. to MJDil liy puss in patil . r itolivxr to ii. ,is. Liniw, WrlKhtiiil . M.'M'lln. Mm K-lnln. Solicitor* for Leonir I llettx. th iKlnii'nxti ato r >t thu miit.' of tha Old JuciMMJ. llieir CliriHt - inu mud MUI naunui. addrii-stiri ail'l dt<i:riptiou. tlio full particular* of tduii^. tho tto- l tn>Mr nccouuUi ftiMl rb nliirH of tllu w. if auy. lltl 1 by tin ill. An I u.ii'-r takn iiiunx that afUr nucli 1at nitiii' i"n. 1 Into thtt nid itJmi:ifstriitor will pro 1'i'inl to .n-ii lOinVu iha HOt of th* dc<M>il &inuii|r tha i-artla* ntitlml thnroto. ha>ii'R r- i In- 1 laiini of whn-b thai khall then nv* notice, aud thst the **ifl t I:M; ii-rr:ar hall uot bH liable for Mia nl auats or any I<tit4thuraof t< any panon or ponton* of who claim* notion shall not >i*v. . .. n rnouivu I by tbani at tha time of *ncn ui-tnautiuii. DATKU thin tweiity-nucoU'! .lay ol Marcli. A U. 1UW Ll'i'AS. Wiiiolir ck Me \ani.i Kooci'orifiir Looimrd Do tti, \ 'lininirtrator of a*tateo( Willimu ISettn, dc- TO CL'HE A COLD INONEOAV t'liliii Laxative Kroiuo ijnininu Tabluta All nukKi*t ruiund th.i money if it fail* to cure. W. E. Grova's ai^uaturai* on wub box 'JSo PROTON'S CASH STORE. W MOCKLbV Great lUrgains for the neit 15 dayx. In a>l linen of winter ^IMH|N such .u i-emly made clothing, and huiivy winter Ovcr- I'l.-a -Inckt'tH, dreiwl K'ereiia>N,iiii'ii's heavy .Sox, Men't heavy 1'ants. A nice assortment of Mill's ho>y Wooll- en Shuts. GROCERIES A SPECIALITY !'! un Currant* for 2V; ."> I H l'!i'an It iisii'K fir 25c ."i IIM l'nr..!ored Jspan Tea tl 7 Ibi. Kivsh Fins _'.> I'annril I'liro ami Peas per can 7c oan -"OIM! Siilni.iii 2,',,. 3 burs Toilet soap 5c 3 pnck'iues Flaked PeaH, Wh.-a . Kh-o for 25i- ,-HM|I :t har for 25c I."inons per dozen lEc DRY UOODS SPECIAL 3 pirs TnweN 'Joe Ii intirM Kianneletid Hlwnketx 69c \l n M (,'oloreil Lnii ml ni'il Shirts... 68c Specal in Corsets I) \ A Corset 7'2c Ji-wel C..rset 49c drain Bag tl.75, 92 75 per doxcn. Men's Flannelette Shirts 33u Bargain in Ties-- 26 ai d :M)c Ties f.-r 15o A full nswirtinent of SpriiiK l'i inli ,-ind a nice a-Horlmcnt of Figured Ssteens. 112 Mei; H Spring Suiting just ai-iived in ! Serges and Worsteds. First class Tailor in employ; Kts guaranlce.l. 1 Highest, prices pnid for Farm Produce. Proton Proton W. HOCKLEV , J J SHEPPARD * * i* * Oil ill + 1*1 * 01 nv IsV * * ttv Keeps Everything a man Heeds . . The most, the newest, the best, the cheapest We have just received our spring stock of realy-to- wear clothing, which is the finest and best asHortment we have ever shown, and when you see the prices you will be pleased. We have some lines left over that we will close out very cheap. Cbis means You If you are the wide awake buyer who is on the lookout tor snaps, we have a lot of odd lines of winter goods that we will close out regardless of cost. These comprise Men's wool and tfeece lined ^niernseys.ihnM- A.-t radian jackets for Louies' one Mans overcoat, eight frieze coats, four pea jackets, some odd line-; nf dress goods. We have received our first shipment of spring print, ami they arc without doubt the finest value ever shown and got.d patterns. ULJall Paper! Olall Paper! Olall Paper! rolls * s s Or wV \4V A isV iaV Oil We liavt- just pliiff<l in stuck :!0<M) rolls of wall paper, all' n-\v patterns ,in.l <lesi^nsainl will le plea.-l ed to ahowjoaow books ol -amjile-. .-u you wil- know what you can j-et when you nee.l them. Boots and Sboe$. . . This is the time of year, above all others, I liar men. woiiMMi ami rhil<lreii rei|iiire -'><>(! shoes. We have just placeil in stock -oi if the lie>i hand made i^ooils for u'irls. lovs, women anl nicn that will b The feet .Iry ami wear as well. It will pay you to thi->e -join Is Itefore buyin-;. jflutaya a frosh stock of yrocertos on hand. ~~-^^FHij'li<'st price for all kinds of produce. ^ ~""THOS.J. SHEPPARD -' * $ i s LESHGRTON > HARNESS 9 EMPORIUM. ? ? * Flesherton Furniture | { ttlarerooms. *; I I ir tlv wru Ai>U tin- < )1 111.- Tlie ureatfst vnriely of bells .-v-r sln*n in Kli!-li.-nn --"( 11 "'rni-.-. clinin-. cellar, .-tc. Ch..w y.nir l)lls early is lare. N w HO. li>, 111 S.lHklltl-llrW ill Io rubeK, rulilusr mid wool ruu. hlunkets of all !/.< nil .li".mp IIOIIH. Cuiry coinlis. l.r>i>lirH, II lar snd sweat |HidK. lent ln-r nuns, lilts, .-nnp, whips sml la-h.-s. irunkx. vulisi-s, i-ir.:ii.i{l. ', ;n"l eviTythmu :. mud- MI an up-to-date harness shop. Second Rand Farm Implements * ii ii ii ^ f |i $ * il \ (i ii Wo are cnrrj'in^ the in'. it tyl>"< of HuniMiiinlilf i;."i.H in all Inn l-'iiinitni-.., O'ILKINIIII!; of : Parlor :uui I .win ...... Hints, MtWboSMtl*, >*\ti-iiM> II i>!nl frlill'ir Uliltc, , Imirs, Kintl.iw M|I.I.!IS and ourts.ii ]>;. -N, |n.-rur<!, uosulr, ulo , Which wi: ^IFi-i .it LOVVbST RICES IVirtun; Fiiiinini! Hi .1 (J.ii-r.l Ku jmirii"^ l'n.1. : .Aln^ in .ill its Maeksm .. \>', t!. Dunr, S PR I N II n on lun.l N..X.HI anil M Hnrri.s<l -Ilitllil liiinli-rs, II...--.- r.ik.-s, s.oil drills an.l mlUirs f->r H-I'. at a l>.u-'jiini. also ^coiit for MeCornwuk, mlthnrd "d S.-0't, nnd ('.p. lishiitt iin|u>iiy of Itrnntfiir.l ; Aspinwall lainl sprayer and potato JijJX'T. Binder mower Hectiors i"., I'nvu links t-iich 'o D.nadill, Ceylon. iiuti Sound. Ont, Will irivt) v.'ii an nin'i|nnlli .1 . p . r unity ur n ' s tli..r..iiijh SlinnhHii.l or Hun n.-s K.III H' i.-n. A trmi i j{ ' cj l:or i-f uiir ilc|'rinirnts will plnoi' yn\\l T- \ :.-, in .'i-iiuin-l. Full pnrticulni-H oin !). ha<! fin-, l>y lulilif-fsin^ n p. is' i-'ir<l to C A. FLEHINQ Principal Spring term begins April ist. . ny |Hiron in'im w ..i.'ii 'ifwi orehsrrt H- inawitMn b nmimlni"" ul \.!.-n,i--iii, n- !..- CI.|!IIII;<.M>, . :ii|'hrata "i It.illsii'l nnrt sif il*v tlrons of bfcrlDfh pnuMd or KT*A*U cnu ha i- ntirii'li-.l l-i iir.iiuii-l\ Iiv en. line )M>Miil .'iinl to.I...o|.h \V,.l.r, Rin-i-iiiii. V iVOllt. 1 will attuii'M i youf pvttlling iiKDMdlssel) .MI r< . - >i'i i. a. id viuir KM 1 1 TII; -oniwl.m.i bct<v-,.|i ihiilil.if April anil tlm l.'th of May. V% ln-n wn-, inn vmir onluM ("i Krs>rtlnn plea *tte >!> iiuiulx-r .>( trooi yon liaro :<> i'n.-*tt aud thu kin-i "I m-inini ,-ni WMII put iu tliiMii. I iiiMiro llvini! K.ivt'-N 'or throw com* aoli t'n, u <>f pruoira U > M* orstwit, f rcsa i:o .l.rfu>r up aocoi ilinu to Ihu orcliar.l. Your* ret.pu-trully Jo*. \YSBU, dot 21. to Rent Qood farm to rent, one ami ahal' mile* from , r Imberton, 100 acrra, OOcli-p iml ; (sir or For parioularn apply to the iinrtorl*:nrl. HlX. A, B. SYS*., Ulybuk P.o, 50 YEARS- EXPERIENCE -n.-ty illutrntMl w-klT. I arwAtt nr PI niiv noiriitinv loiiriml. Tarm*. tT, * most ri

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