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Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1902, p. 1

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9 M UtCH 20, 1102 THE JLtSHERTOK ADVANC IT-JULiI, JUHH A YOUNO U*, Marsdale D j * K '"""' banking baalaM9. Money lo at 4 ru*ja'ild rate Cll Oil On A 8 VANDUHKN. J P ri.Tk :.ili Div Court, Co Orey (MUST o( MklilLrf.i 1. iceman. Conveyance Kj'.ary 1'ubllc Auctioneer. Mouay to loaa I It i>r caul. Cliarse* moderate. FlfKeUKKTON P O RJ SI'lllULK Pottuait -r, Fleihertoo > o-ii iii**loaer In H. 0. J.. Auctioneer Con . i . A|>;>r*i*er au>l Money Li-u.l.-r Heal Kit*t* au.l Insuraooo ARnnt. Deed* i-jo t;it, loans! aut wlllo carefully <lrawn a ail I valuation* ail vborten actlne in a iy to lota at l.>we*t rate* of lnturut. Col l"ti.>n tton I < 1 to witU promptnou Citr^M low. Ajunt for Ocean Domjuloo H inhip Cotnrwuy. A call tolielted. O U M meot* OK the last Monday O in moii month, in tbolr Irnne room ( r-tjo block. Flciiiinrtou. at 8pm. T H ak..|y. W. U. ; AM Oio.on, Recorder; W B< , uy.Kiaaudjr. Vlalting brethren luvlted PKINCK AltrUTB LODUE, No. S83, A. A M. meete In tb* alaeoule ball. Strain . bio k. Kiuilurtoa, every Friday ua or beturu the full iuoc.1. J A ItoyJ W M W J Udllauiy, He^ntry. /lOUhr KI.KSIIKKTON. I. O. r. meet* to *' Cbrnitoe'ii Klook tb lait Krl'lat evrnini, 1.1 each uiontli. Vi-ilti'iif Koreeler* heartily S-eloo.nj. O. K . II. Wall >r , K.s.W. ,\ Arm- tron DB CAIiTKK M C I' A H Out. Physician. Surgeon, etc O.fl j aa 1 reildeooe Peter it , Pleihertou K T. HI t>t>y, I'liyilciau, etc. Kletlierton, Out O H jo and IU'M*nc, Toronto atreet. en-unite ta ' c.-iiiiir. may Iw foil ml tUere day anil Corouer for Couuty of (irey. SCOTT. AND HOPTLT ilumhiTK College I'hyilo. & BurKr Uo'.ari'i (Ira'liiata la Ifvllm'io uf Toronto Uol.'ermty. K. lluwhi|i Diploma , 1'oet Orailu i-t .: i.'tl S t -!i i l aud llo|'ital. Chicago dliraxtu of eye. ear, uoee ami throat apeelall; - )KPLY, JOHN A. SCOTT. Feverahani. Uaiwell J P OITKWKU, * Vetoriuary Burgeon Ural latn of Ontailo Veterinary reaMence araoud door .outh weal on Marv *tret Thl* street rum .with Preabyterlaa Charch. a w. MAS c v Vateriusiy rtdrKMin and Deotlit, Mai- wall, Kraxluaco ol Ontario Vetorlaary Cnlliue cflllia led with ToroDU University. B.ux'11 la wcdaesda* fiuui II a in to :i p i '** Keveriham Tlinrn.lay from 1 to t p. sa. J. W. rROST, L 1.. li. Ilarrl.ter, Hnlieitor Cooveyanoor. ete <>n Ni-t tu iKMtoffloe, Hpronln'* block PliMU <rt m, uvarjr Tlinmla an>l court day* ?il-Uw*a Hjiiirl olHce, l''ro*t' blotk uliitt itrent uaat. LUCAS, WBKillT A M-Alllll,l: llarrintar* Hullcitor* Conveyancpr*. it i>1lce*-Uwju Houn I.Ont and Uarkilale Out W H Wiii'iur, Mi \Hi>i.r. I II 1. 1, A N M -Mimhortun ofUee, Mltobull'* Hank svery S.iiur'lay TL-':KKK * PATTERSON Harriiter*. Hollultor*, it* .Million ' Bank, Owen Round hAKUV (i TL'cKCIi OKO W PATTKKS'IN MAKAV*AMP30N .llan-|ater..aollcitors*c iiKKiri.K :-Own Hrunit, Men-lot m h Ra-ik Hlook, N >f Tattenoa HOOM. l.un.uu. Valu t rinr.. every Hfctnrday . Money to lot.n at 4) |>r cnt. (i. M . -u\V \| A . II': KVMI^ON, L.L. KIribeiton au.l Alwav. In attendance u'iUlk Division Ooert*. at f ) n C. MI'itRAV, L, D. H. .I.-I.IK, *nr K ,, .,n 1 " ' i- I. ile of Toronto I nl.,ril . ai.d I ival >!olle(e of Dental Hji-nnn. <>f dutailn Uin -r-Op|iiM|t Anii4lioiii( H Jewellery Store. Will Maxwell thi, i.r-t Wed need ay Of HKI in.iiitt-.. and iiiniiliUk 1 au.l J Thurhday i. earn monili. YORKSHIRE BO A R K ,r .-u.-.. nn I,,- ' .m. ,, | ranue tV T. & H It. Art -in. T.I i. a tuoi-.i i (.'kli n-.l \ k-l,i Wult* bin; Perm. t. | (AII;N |-> , t , Eugenia Planing Mills . . . Cft your Sash, Doors, "II I'osts. K-llll!>tiTs, (',-. ncr l'!ocks, Kailin-', Ihe best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. _' Shin^hw, \ an<l !''itlinr,Si(l- iiiX's, etc. Timmiir of all kinds done to order. NY\\ run of stoni's for chop- ping. Sittisfacfion in all our lines guanuitei d t. S. Walker Sloan . IfOJ'UIETOIt. SSSsZ^), FLESH ERTON IONSOIAL V PARLOR i who wanted to llnrow inonoy died In our cellar. took piMilam au.l iuiurancH at', uu Will ha kill... I with. nit notion. IV, aontaakl UK for credit will b |K>|>- cuoil. Dead hea It will bo luiiu. ill ately aiihyiietu<1, Loafer* wlian Honuiit |rlon<tu hrnu written rxcuie. Local politic aim and reform aglta- tori will tin *hot at >lKUl. Till, card i. good for Haircut, Shave or Shampoo Or any tliniK In our line when acconi 1'anio.l with proper change. A. Wilson. - Pleshcrton I'.ring your laundry before Tuexday noon, each wuek. Photos -* TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery j are done in first clim.i styiu and at Kiwest rates. Special attention 1,'ivrii tn copying. Babies' photos. |j a specialty. Picture* framed. MRS lit I'! I k- House & Lot For Sale. llloca P., No 15. 18, Kleeberton, ROO'l fr.n, hou>e and larira italilr. good K ardn and fruit trwa. (food wcll.atto 1'ark lot, blok S lot 4 contaiuliiK 4 acree. Apply to Andrew \Virk ni or to W. II Hi. tf Kltuberlev tiki Bill" Sttck Fan. Our bree.lliiHoowa comprliie : Miaalen.l.ii.troa, (tare**, Crlimwu* Auttereni.*, Canadian llcauty au.l [oported Heaiitr, wltli lart l.av- aoiWir ftt llo.| of herd. Y.i.inii am.nal-. i.l botb isase tor sale ;alke*MS*jll 4 year* oM, aired by Aberdale aad from an Inalap Cblefoow. I3oar for Service. Alvin ( No. 738 ) The nn l-TKiijiii'il has a thoroughbred THIIIW-.|||I Un.-ir for Ki-rvice on lot 140, T. A 8. It., ArtcMiiesia. Terms f 1 IH). TIIOH. LETER, Prop. Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord minto, 2906$. Thr nndorili;np'l haa a Ann ued Durham nil for wtrvlre on lot III, T. A H. II. Tormi (I for i|ide cows, f n for tliorounh rud. IVdltfree on applluati >n JMOI1 J,KVKK neabenon P.O. Shorthorn 111 I I FOR NBRVK'E NO. JJn2 General Gordon TnetiTnUrlqne<l lia* a ftr-t clan, . >rud him tliurn Inill for tr>ioe on lot I.Vi. T.B. I., Arti'inonia. Tin* la one nf the bnatunluial. n tli'i eoui.try. I'fli^ii-d oo appU*atloe, 1. 1 m . $i. ThorotiKhbrcd* .i M. DAVIS I iini'iit ,,MII- i |. m -i hi i I For Service Count Lustre 27510 __e undfi-Ki.,"itsl |I:M a Jinn Durham Itnl or L'l-rvuv (color i-eil)on lot 147. T.S K 'I%S\I> J<1 .00 for the- PtHlign-i- m a.|>|i!iciition. \i i.i i: i STKWAKT My 8 1 jr. Boar for Service rou Thorougli bred Hwrkahtra Boar tst Kirvlo on ''" 1 Al WM.'MXTOX,rro|i. UasweM, Mat U 01 I \i. FARM FOR SALE Only $1800, $600, liahnce eny trrm* il. r-.t n". 1(H) ncre., 75 cloireJ ami 'ill r (ulti\Riion, ImhincH luilf o.iMiir A .HIM. it"tl IriU o i\. .1 Com- T'Hlilo futuii- ilwi HIIIK, frame jx l btirn half mil* fi'Mii U ..H,,I KflxHil MII| 3 in Im from illa- of Kiij|*nia Apply to U. J. The Cow That Pays Best Tin- question n* to which ix m >l piof- i.n'. ! i in e that cannot be decided in any nrbiiary manner. There arc no many cir- cuindtKiic.-s iiii.1 confingencie* to be t.ikcli into c-.iuiderstion, that, after all in -;.i'l and written on the sul.j .1, ni< : h man iiiunt decide tin- iiueution liujfly n Ins own judguinuni He will timl it uuuvwuiry to contidur the nature of IIIH faun, tho suitability of his buildings and implements, thu coal of hired help if such in required, thu i.r.iximity of a good market f..r bin liniahed pr.iductH and. many olliei details. Tliu comparitlive advantMgis of bei-l growing snd dairyinu would he tin- first point considered l.y a )>. WSB just abiul to iiiiike i-t,irt in CHI lie racing. Men who have li i.l long lence in cither of thene line, sre not likely to chnngu to the other line, involv- in-; as it does, chnngei in farm r..utine, in variety and management o r CIO|H<, in buildings and equi[.ni"nift,witbut g</u<d deal of duliberstioii I.e. f |irodactH.n can l> carried on with a n.all.-i fX|njnd- uuru for Ub;.r ai.d uti-n-ili i* |>erha|.ii true, and it certainly douo not require the constant attention to business that dairy- ing entails. Next conius the qurstion of breed It will, I think be gciie'ally c. by fair nniidvil men that thete is no best breed. Everything depends on rinum- HtaniL-K. A breed thaJ prm.* h glilj- sat factory in on.- ( |i,ir.l. may In f.iund entirely uimuitv.) to .life:, i r ineniA Only fmir I fi. <K i.f S t -,-f oiiile. viz: SI. 01 tin. nii, Hi.vf. iU, nnil AtH-r.l. v;. ", .i;i.. h>r ml* ularily in Citnailn...n(l .. i) 'i liiiiinl can l.ct-iid t.. I... ., ncr*,l> ilix Th o lieis M:IJ eijual tlie shortlioiim for In/rf pi. tin < i n, an . . >i-i suipam tin-in under cut in conditioi.H, bat tlie auperii r uiilkinu <|uuluieof iht H!I .itli..riiH, and particularly of tbogradrs have xiven them *n um-ijua It d popularity amoittt our farmers. Win-re leed is plrnti fill, and the n.untry not *<> In-jb or l.roki n they are lik.-ly to prove iwtisfaclory beelers, and in addition will pr.iducu . fin amount of milk. The case wiih which g.iod hulls .f ilu* breed oan he tor gradin.' |.urisw. K, isala.i an aigutnent in ii* favor. lii.-v.U-rn i.f tl,,. other >tt are coinpnrtivrly f,-w, snd the op|>oriun- ity for chincn m small, whx-n ..-.. .1 to select a bull. In the r..lli-r |rU ol Canada, and on the bare (Matures of the mouiiiainou* district*, the (>all<rtva)n m i] ^ >' Highlanders should prove aetvice- able on account nf tlieir hardiness and |-p Among the dairy breeds. the Ayrshire*, Holatein*, .). rsry,(iu. limeys and Krrnca I '.-ii adians are all held in conHiderahli esteem. The latter have t-i-.-n almost un known outside of Ihe pr, vn.m . f giuls-i until :heUnt year or two, I'm they are LOW attracting omaideratflu attention. Under adverse circuinstancrM, such a scanty |M*tuicH. lack of .proper ninler fiHhl and caie, -tc., tlwy wilt pn>- bably yield a greater percrnta^e nf pr.ifn than ih'.fte lin-rds which lnv' for gnera IMIIS UTII arcumonifd to good f,.i| H.I. I care. Tho (iuernftcya althouKh iht.ugl.r i,f in (J. 8., lmv never gninod aulficu-nl fiKitbold in CaiMila. to tma'iK) our farmers to judi;e their suitnlnluv for this iiiuntry. they, and the close the Jerney*,arv eHpncislly __ ,.. ril for the production of fancy butter or cream f..r a high price 1 city trade, and i hi- majority of Canadian herds of them t.. breed*, an-, I think, u*ed for this pur|xe The Ayishires and II- IM. m ^ ti-eni to lie gaining in popularity am .ng tin- pmieral dairy firmer* who supp.rt he din-..- factories and creamerii-n, and cith tho dairy Hhoithorna, are I kely lo divide tbe greater |>art i.f th dairy fietdf '.. twi-cn tilt-in. The Hnliteiimi vi> likely tu do butter on the level lanJn, with flush pastures and plenty of winter f- -...I. while tin- Ayrshire*, should. I think, litul more tavi.r on rolling or hilly UiHa, tn-c.iase ol their (.real activity. Itnt, while certain well definod diffor- rncrsniny clinractcrize the various breU, )i-t it mnylw well to n-n.eninvr t >ml there i _ iiuch grenicr difTurt-nen l>erween in- !i\ i.lml HI, im, IK of the Rnme breed thin lieMVlM-n lllffltroilt I.l, . -.Is A glKMl COW i.S i go.*! cow no matin- what her breed may '*. ThiTrf..rn li t t'luli man *e.lect Ihe rn-.l that ho ci.nnl t -rs livst auitud to In o-niditi.>iis,and Flock t-n it. Let him buy, >r broi-d to, the I-M available bulls of hat I'H-r.l, and c .nln uo lo tirade up IIIH lierd to s l.inln-r -ligrt'e- ef i-xcellenie year t.y yi-ar. The pincttre followed by gome r*nneiK of uirg bull* (irs* nf oin> liu-ivl ih. n of iiiiotlu-r, i* fa'al lo all plans .( buildJM up it hnmUome uniform and iinlilftl.lo herd of grade cows,>ind that i* n U mot Iu m, TS rniuire. The iveiavo nun does not need pure bred .-males, in fnct will do bi.iier with (food i.i.l s. Tin. breeders of pure bred 8t4>ck iro liku tbo p n-t, born, not innde. He nnst ii.hrrii a love i, r animal* and nn put nil- f.-r liai.dlii'u th- i.i, i.thurwisi' his nv.Ht mrnt will |,n,v unpr. lihil,!.-, and ill bis efforts a il . F. W iluiisns, Livo stock coiiui-Uiuiier. Tl.c Wntfonl Ouide-Adrocate n-lali-H In. foll..w ii',' Mt.'i-y : H.-c.-ntlv Mr.CUrke \ .u, \nk.-ii hi.) a ili-.'iim ilnit left a vivi.l m I in on liii inin. I (lo drrNinctl I. lit IIIH only brother, whom he had nut beard ..f or im-n for over fifty years, waa lo, Mini III a town in l,.-i. II.- could not i-'i-ik.- .ill tho im|.r(-Hsinii, ,n,| Hnnlly .Ir riil.-d I. . writ.. I., the |i,Mtni.-isliir of Ilia t.iw-n. Mount Sti-rlin^. ni-.r,. to satisfy cnii,.siiy t'nin any i-a|ctallon of rtwulls. ' Jiiiigo of hi Nurpr ; ao Helight when a ; fi-w davs afterwards ho reonivod n l.-ii.-i . from hi* long lost brother, Myers P. Vaii- Auken. Kirh *upptuKMl the nther dead, and they wen* greatly rej()ic>d t<i get tid- infs from each other. The Iowa brother in crik-afred in tlie rniscMn^ bunines, and Im-. inv iu-d Clarke to come out and visit him. Itcv. J uner LivingHton, prt-Hident of LswdoB Metliod:t Conf'-rencv, intcndn to Ugin a iiMVeineut to have thr cliurcb adopt a Koman CatlioLc c'.iircb ruU, Inch provides lint no man at li: death hnll ru.;ive n Cliristia.i bu.iitl, if he hti not boell K iiit-mUr of thu chinch. It is time, uid Mr. Liviu'voii, that tlo- church slop|K)d pandering to the ureh^ lous element, which encourages t to remain outride of the choixli. HM wid, furtl.rr, it wan not r.nlit that a man who had led a bad life and given no .upport to the church should bo given a ri.n-Uu, burial. Mr. JanioR Day, o f V'rn'-y, has quite a slier p ftory to toll: On Satnrday 1 inform <l us ihat sev-n of h H ewes have seventeen litaibs, n.l thr>' thn-e . f t! e n had ten. Thin is quite a prolifi.; yield, ai.d we i.ii.d like t<i hear of fometliiti^ better, but tlidsonietlun.' lieirer inu-t I true also. Mr. Hny i. a reliable gentle man and then V nothing hs'.y about thf story. Chronicle. Ooldwiu Smith in 'lie Toronto Sun *ys: That a ni.idd of lexi>lntii,'i not r, < .'in/. >l by the c..iitituti->n, l.tmev^-r ! Mrable, is unc..HHtituti.i|.*l, seems about a* ui tr'iverlible a propoxin n n* rrt'i be well framed Nor d.-cs l HI -bi -h is s; b^-d a referFndaiii renlly iin*er to tlie nam . The rei! refereodu'ii u not o:ily c. .iisti tutioiial but final. It is u l.-gis!ative act of th people as Ihe MI;H-. tin* |>..wer. no: afterar.ij ri V.-KM !, "i ahvi il>' any ntlier an- .i-ritv. Ilut 'lie n mil . f this >o cn'li il i -f.-n ndiini H ill I e i of being at H'.y tl . i iltereil or re by vote of the 1 As..-iub!y. As a device for rrl.evmit tlie (iover..n.v.t of .n f'libarrasNu.i; re>ponvil<ility fir plin may well lie doviscJ ; Imt let it xt will mi it. owu meri's, not on a fale i.lcntiBca tioii, either with tlie, which i. inforiiiJtl, or with the n-ft ri-du;u ia supreme and tinal BE ON YOUR 8UARD against unscrupulous taJUton who may claim lo be iblc to furafeh you a medicine as food, or the Mm* as OUR NATIVE HERBS. The Formula is lown to but one parson, ILOIZOO. i ISS.I iwder Imitation* of either Tahtrti r are not only worthlne. bat may I .tiger- on* to tbc health of your cuatomr r> in being empounJcd by inexperienced person* with- out correct knowledge of the formula for making the medicine There U only one genuine Herb compound, Of* NATIVE HERBS, manufactured only by THE ILONZO 0. BLISS CO. 232 St. Paul St., Montreal, Can. ALBERT SILAS JOHNSON, LOCAL AST, CEYLON P, 0,: 0* T >IO, CANADA, K f I. i-t n,.,-k Mr J.*v-|.S Hilt .n uf U..1- .ti>ji,, rf.-ljn-riil tu Mr. Jiih-i BIOA.I fire hrml i if cftttl. i.f wh : ch tinned the 1 ' l:O) lit f>ch id lie: t -il the little uni of f->15 5<) Who mjs that farming <!nwti't | .iy ?- Chronicle. Tin- three-year cilil i n i I ('. W. Me" F.irlin. N*'irm,in'>y n>wi>tiii|>. wand, red < 1 1 -tii. i Sin : - -.., ( e || through the ice mid was dniwnrtl. The if a newly Imrii infant wa in nn oi;l lii> i-i- nn the exhibifurl d. Accunling to the NotUwatw;*. Auditors' n.'|H.rt, the dcii;'x recuijjta for 1901 ere fUH4 : ""' *' ' (t. rll lua lie establi.brd i.--.atii uUes or* lin *il 07 Kaak Ilieill ! Siejr uat MEN'S LIFE BLOOD 1 To i it- -. *c;ret i"rla f-roovhrbe [onlin tc.rn .)r.-ie. Yoe, a:* rot reetcd. v---r I ad Uaic n v ambttien. li.,n t Iti jeer Lit Can ot BO Par. j t>* teaaea yoej tt*\ tired ac > n feat dneonde t be drj.lal awaj. Dr*. K. A K. LOOD POISON Srohiii- Utbesennrtnf sanfc!e4. Tt mar eat te a crhave to erre it, ferH w>a* belnlitrlie-l. but It I* :. rrlmsi all'.w li -,>rmaio U ihe eT;.-n. l.iif iaiarr WMa, Bcwa.-iof Mercur/ 1.3d PotaaA t.-catsatiit. Dtt. E. A at. pcaiUvelw taro I UM went caaaa or ca l*v I&EICOCELE St STRICTURE TbeHew alethod Treattosnt <^ir^ tbrca 4lssa*ss u?*tr and enretr. Ifo pale roaaffsriiir Roileitntlnnfreeaboaifcsa. Uun'trialinperatii a and rain rour aenti O rcana. Tlia itiictsre Uaeuaij abiorbsdaadcasiasTciretaicv D:a. K. & K. vuarantea Cuiac. Kidneys & Bladder De't T-f>^t TMor V' !-.fTi TorrrrMaf back tells the tala. Pon't let Doctor* ipr intent en . o Dr*. X. A K. can o.-o >oalf 70* ars sot beyoaJ t-3ij aiJ. uav f aaiantc* la Cur* or IJo Pnj. CCDBS GCABA^Trcn. WOC1-RR NO PAT. Cooeultatlou Free. Oooko ont !'<, !aeale1 i Wrlit lor {Juaail- 11 r; v jali ii Uocuv Trcasmcut. t r/i lienj Co ..'i-j.- J^. KENNEDY & KERGAN, K&K FLBSHBKTON Om Jfand For Mn>Tt HafrU, Xoxuu. Fleury and Wilkinm faiui iiuptviiientK, Flmry und Verity plow 1 * m hauJ iijl th,. time, aliioall ki:nN nf rc|>tiM f"r tlic MIIIC. We tnamifiu luro \Varav* t HllK'.'it*, Cllltt-rs, Sleight, it,v Iliil-titaliorill^ pr-Ulpll.V -itl.-luli-i I" S|iooil a'tunlion tu ton !! o-:i'r,i 'ool feet. LojJU'.im and 1'luv Cliains coniitsnily on liauil. 1 are out for business ...BOUND TO PLEASE YOU... K\;iinine our slri<,'lis ami ( 'utters bot'iuv Imyinjr. It is our ainl>ition to 'cad in the CeUTfuige trade and want you t< lit-lp us out. We make a sjuTialty ot'horso shoeing and ct-ji-irring of all kinds, jturtirulurly, Fine C'arria^rs ot all kinds. J. H. Heard & 5on We are aceota (nr Cream U|.aralr*. htrw oriter* anil drain O.iu.ler*. jfksfortmi JUftante. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. 1X1, NO 1076 Flestierton, Ont., Thursday, March 27 190:2 W. H THUBoTUn, PBOPKIETOK An overflowing st.k which we sre de- sirous of rotlui ing this in. nth. Cmne in, examine and g.'t p'ices. You wi I U; nrpnaed at tliu birtfuma. ?? An er.dlew variety, from 25 centa to f2S, and nil low in price fur the quality. Chains Charms Mr. Fretl klunshaw ha* gone to the city to take a position The young people are aony %t his departure, bat wish him succeea. M is* Daisy Smith (rave a birthday party to a larue number of her friends on Holi- day. She received inauy nice presents and the little men mjoyvd a uoixl time. Mr. Carr very accepjbly tilled Mr. Wil- son's appointment at ilie Meaford Koad un Sunday afu-mi'oa. Mu*e Tillie Hoy spot the past week v Ultinig iriiMuU iu Meaford. Dr. Doodel* has goua to Uaprey to practice. He may aaaiat Dr. Softly. A splendid line of Silverware, at the lowest living priced. W. A. Armstrong - Hcsherton DundMlk. Mr. Andrew Hoed departed this life on Thursday of last week after a very long and painful >lnwau Mr. Uoud w>ts retired farmer having purchased a home in this town tome year* ag<i, and was a highly lespected citiaen. HIS remains were interred m Maple Grove cemetery, Dund.ik, and wrre fallowed tin th. r by a concourse of sorrowing and *ym- izii-u fnendi. W.Kutlvdge i.l The Standard. Mark- dale, ;,v us a friendly call on Saturday. Mi.ii Alma Richards it in the employ of her uncle, S. t. Kicliard, merchant of this place. Miss Tanker, ono "f ..ur staff ot teach CTS, lias returned and HMVM at a*ter. \ anili ! ur From Our Old* : the early birds have com pliillV-lllllg Mr aud Mias Marshall of Kin* are visiting at Mr. Win. Buchanan's. Messrs. U. Beard and Thus. Irwiu each had a w-.od bee last week, the loiiuer ou Tuesday art! the latter mi Friday, aud each gave the young people un opportun- ity to enjoy themselves at mitht. Auout eiity quests aseeuibled at the Lome i f Mrs. McCallum ou A edoeedsy 1 1 emu* last t*> witness the marriage ol \>'Uiiner dau^h'rr, Urtie, to Mr. i :uii. T-.-ler of the ease Bock Lane Rev. ' Mr. Thorn of Kl. shertou performed the .i.ony. Mr. Ale*. McCalluin and .Viiss Manre Teeter supported tliem'.igh the Their nmiy pre*- cr:a testified to tlio twteein in which the IriU- a* held. They will taku up their ns.iiv -ice on Mrs. McCJee's larui on town- ' line A rteuienia aud Kuphraam. M iy tlioy have many years uf prosperity. Frvm Our then L'orretputuarn*. Born lo Mr. aud Mrs. J. Sullivan, a daughter. Spring has apparently arrived and farmers are Lotduuiux to look around them to ascertain what portion of tbmr farm will be first ready fur the plow. At one time a g"d augar making season was anticipated, but there has been very little made in tins will -n at jet and future prokpectt are doubtful. MISB Jane Lyuuee ia spending to or three woeks with iriftida iu faialuy. Mr. B. n Stone, wbo has been r imaged in the Muakoka dmuict taking out ship timber, baa been taking a recess) lately, tatinu a temporary stoppage in the work. Mr. E. Uawk of Mornii.gton, while on a busiues* trip tarough this section laet week, viiued his nttr, Mrs. U. Harrow. MIIM Kane Fletcher has for several days past been very ill with erysipelas. The diseaae has, however, been uuecsud and we are glad to state that she is uw OB the mend. We are pleased to announce th*t A f red, youngest son of Mr. Henry Stone, who bas tor the ptat tire or sit uiouths been under treatment t .r hipdiavaae in the Orthopedic Hiwpital, Toronto, is now on a fair way to recovery, and hopes to be able tn return ln.ui> i-hortly. Alfred his had a hard SI-K> , naming undergone iwo operations wlncli have conliiied him to his bed all that time ; he reports having received the best truaiiui-ut both medic- ally aud dietary, and to (be latter cause he attributes Lively his present si-ndy mi provemunt. We undeiDtaiid that two morv violins have been added to the list of musical in iruments on this line. A c. 11.. and harp are yet needed for tbe equipment of a string Iwit.'. Mr C. Bellamy visited thin secfiou la->t week in his official capacity is as*ee>r. Mr. B has lost none of his aflal.iil.ty in the discharge of his onerous duties which he [lerforms in his every-day courteous and gentlemanly manner. Come again, Charles, you aro thrice more welcome than the Kol-lekt-er. consisting of 21 head export cattle from ' here on Monday last. The heaviest weighed 1610 punda and the lightest 1U3O pounds, averagiuu 1393, price paid waa 15.35 per cwt. These ca'.tle were, purchased frni McUill and were fed by i Mr. Win. Lawreuce. This is tbe first! carload nf export cat:le shipped from this ' station and are certainly a credit to Mr. Lawrence, "The man behind the nun. "I Fanners would do well to take, a note of this. There wms also purchased three nood spring lam I*, one from Mr. M. Phillips' and one from Mr. M. Stewart, avuruginu |5 each. Who says it does not pay to have early lambs t taekvatle. From 0r Ov* Corrtipondrnt The Rockvale nulls atarted Hummer 1 operation* last week, the thistle blowing! ' for the tint time Tuend.y " ' i, CuHtmn w.>rk baa the timi call, I believe. Wo are nlea#ed tu e thmiji moving brink Iy. Mr. < near Plnlipa Htartod for Xewdalo. ' Man , <>n Monday mciruiiig. Hut 'later. < Eliie, accompanied him ** far an Toronto, ' where ahe will remaiu fur a U*me. Mr. Peter SherW"l ! I'.iroato has | Itwn vimtinu relative* in thiM vicinity. Severti ol our farmei* are thin yuar ! tractinK ihe aoh.nne fluid from the maple trees. Tbe run baa hi<ii _.!. We am PXpvctuiK invitafioiiH nli rv tu tarty pulls. We have au .ugar bush thieve* Mr McColman'.i family of Mitrkdale have moved to town. Mr. Me. is engineer at tliv mill. i i. . i. i Fnm 0*r Oui/i C \\ int. i IjtH taken his retreat very gunt p y i!m \ear, for which we extend him manna. Tnc aged aud intiriii -ire alroady f'.-ul,ii^ t,.u briiolit of ill in dulicii.ut spring wvnlu>-r. 1 t:,mk Kugenia ought to be u fr i*taDii.iinng one of those . i aimtoriu ni, ae hare KO many tn- j j. >} in- ^ vigor >u.i o;U a^. Mis. Uath, at ti^hly-*etn, wan bom about the date i tlio lii'lle of Waterloo. Her fiither was I'lit. i f those who fought and te.l in th.-it ^ioriu.i ti^lit, where- Union if snn oo niueied !lie proud de-p.,i and gained ; pe-wf if, .stead ot war for Kar pe. Mr. Willi.iin 1'urvis, at ii(h:y tivu, is as *mart its many a man is at siity. Mr. McKee, Aged e:j,;lity.four, bii^Lt and in the 01.- joymvi't 01 all her i tcultios. On Salb t'l ! looming her wut n. church is uevur empty. Tbrou^h torui or -innshine the, dear >.M l;niy i-- i va faithful to her du'y to attend tbo h'.useot (jo.l. Mr. Pints, at eighty-two, u* . m: t ;unl Kmks like a man of sixty-livo. Mr. Wndburn at tugkt^', i.i .ini;ii t ,'in I m ginnl h- al',h,l,xiks like u man of seventy or so. 1'licu iliorv ui a number amongst us who have paamxl the aiiolud mark ot ihe 3 score y./ain and ton. During Hie past waiter we loat by <l,eatb Mr belts, aged eigh'y tix ; Mr. Carr, eighty and hvu in. i>, ills ; Mis. Me ^vor, aged ninety- 'our. So wbo citn say nur t.'*n U ut beal'liy Tbe many fneiKlsot Mr. O..rr are all 1-JeuoxM lit- has again yt i'o>uivs>ion of the old home farm, rle is i.ow gutting in a good MI; i Iy of limber, and ttio old lleavur it axain turning ihe uiitclnn^ry of bat saw null to good account. tXery one bopv* soon to see Mr. Wil- ' eon xt.-iit u. rebuild his factory. lie is 1 10 good a citiax-n toUiw. What we want i SOUIK more like him. from Our CHc.i Cri>aHtlmt Mr*. G. CoUins'-n and Jauahter Lib. left on Thursday morning for a tv o m. 'iitha' viait with her daughter, Mrs. Balfour, in New York. Mrs. Wilson McMullen leavt-a this week for Toionto in oonnult a specialiHt Mesis. Millie and Clara CiH.k, and Mr Chan. McMullen visited friends in Alark- tU'e on M. inlay evening Mr. Go-'. Cairns left on Saturday to accept a position *s operas >r at llrxnip- t.'ii. Mr. Will Hutlvdve in Ukini; Im place here. We wish the hoys uvrry suc- OfKO. Mr. and Mrs. McI-.i-JuhUu spent Sunday with 'he latter'* [wren's, Mr. .yj<l Ms. Jos. Cairns. Mr. Batvman, wh has b>en s|HMiilipig the winter monthn wi'h his ntrp-s >n. Mr. Ja* (Janliner, left for Musk'-kalas' wo-k. Mrs. W. Smith of Toronto Jiincii..n spent fow days of last week with her " Ir and Vr-i.Jas Ashdown, '. tin- Hotel in Mount Forest have been raised from 920U to $860. Mr.. Isabella Myleti, wife of James Mylee, died at her husband', residence. rJui'lintnia Valley, near Kimberley. it about 9 a. in.. March litli. She luul been uuite uiiwi-11 :.>r sonic time ith cancer of ' the at.nii.ii.-h Deceaaed was about 53 yearn uf ai(. She had previoua to her marriage t-> Mr. Mylee been a huhly ru- ipected reiMi.ii 1 i Meaford for a number jf yean. Monitor. -.e- A Few Star Rays The Toronto Daily Star has -a hnirhi writi-r wlio :s fre<|Ueillly ijuilty of uettmg : off some pretty 4 *<A joke. AM .1 naiuple nf hia natural In-ill in that direction we cull tho following from lat Thursday', irnue : The tiluor of the Montreal Herald waa called before the bai of the (Quebec Li g illative Assembly yesterday. Being a newspaper man, he refused to take any- thing. The extreme t^uietness of Mr. De v>1 the Uat few d>ty ru.ikus us supt>ct that he must -o get alm<t caught again h..rtly. Tee, ibis U un open winter. If one would kimily hut the door it miuhi , be warmer. Si. Pairick drove all tne makes nut ' Iri'liiiin.bul he overlooked thnpnliii.-i.ui-. who hi'. e -ii'.ivd Ireland more ifu' ^i than tbe anakes ever would hare. \V eak Back and Spinal Pains Pains in th l> ck number^heir victim.- in th'Hi-'nruis. Only very powerful .iml pen. tiiitinx rtnK-.ii''* w-.l reach ilienedia- treeaing cnmplnin's, but I'" -o-i's N r vilnu- is .is surd t.. i:i:iv them as i-iiything in the world can bj sure. Hub Nor\i!ine over tlio :ore partt ui|(ht and morning, and se.- how ijtiickly it drives , out t!i<3 pain fr'ive tint s sito-iu'er ilun any i-ther. (iood for int. riial ui 1 exter- nal use. Lirg boitle* 25c Mr a-.d Mrs. J Whit taker ..f Durham spent Sunday with the for. tier's |a>nls Thf m.on train i>n Monday s>.ine hours late, owinn l>> Condu'-tor Sheppar;! jiiiM|,in,' his joS hvcauHe two of tin- Iti i ,-iln wire on and markud H!| tick- t^, Mr*. Thiirs'.m of Fleeherton canie..rer arH gave a very ploaaii y addrtSM to our little Mission Ban.i in th hall "ii Sunday, the sixteenth of March. Kt thn tioae of the Sabbath oh ..! All enjoyed the address vrry much and tniHt Mrs. T. will come again in the n<Mr fu-ur. TheC.P.R. has dispensed with night man h>-n till n^vi'.atioll .,pi>u u >, ihor>'- fore Mr Marshall ha.n i/''iit> t.. (>ri-n,;e- ville for a tim. Mrs.! an.l Mins Hazel arc visiting iu the .TV W* trust they will u.jn r. turn a.'ain an they are g'x d Ot't>K'fis M I are VH-V mnc'i iiiiv*. i), especially Mr*. M , liy her cln-s of liitle liov-i. W' ar. |ileaae<l to seu Mr. A. \. *> t' aker.r.,able to bu aiound ome more att^r a few wwks' fu.'knosa. Mr, Robert Cq!i t-ttipptd one Defective Glasses. Glasses exactly right two years ago may be far from right to-day. The eyes change. We will examine your eyes free, and will only recommend a change if absolutely beneficial. W. A. Armstrong. JEWELER AND OPTICi* FLESHERTON, McFarland, Stafford & Co. HARKDALE, ONT. Chursday aud Saturday march 27tt> and :oth. Friday, March 2th, being < itmu FRIDAY store will be " close* 1 ;ill day. iStore Open Thursday Evening .] You are cordially invited EASTER MILLINERY This is the avs'n of tbe year wnen the miUin-r puts f<<rth 'he xreatest i-ffort of the year for hanOitoine ham. WE LKAD THE l'\l:\l'K i millinery display*, as usual, and you can't be Huie of icettn>^ what 'till suit you l'i st unlfHH you come here. Mian Perdue hna f our Millinery SliowrooniM again this season. You are cordially invitL-d. -TEE DRY lit "ill- Are you i ady 'o come out in yeur *|>nni; Hurry I This bit; M ! m help- ing hundp-l ol w.nneii t.. solve the problem of hwuiuinc aiti.-e.l without extravagant expendi'ur". This <ea*u < |'r<xiuctioua of iu<vnhies for sprimc rar are the pr>-ttiesr, most fHscinattni; ind most seoaible thtt have vvur bwn h' n. CHOOSE YnCR EASI'KKSHOB From<iar tuperbitock, where you have unlimited range of style*, material-, shapes and \ rices. Ii't new stock . mighty few shoes carried over from last seaton. You osnt to be up to the t.iy;>'me here and we'll tit you. ^TEK XECKWEAIl The 111. in who i. arvfiii about his apfi arauce is inxious to havn neck- wear whicu will be beounung and elegant. \V e have novelli s which are just out in the fashion > mires, plenty of nasortiuent, roally alt net it .- goods.well made ^ind .irvict > able. 1 in I t h- ;uicve are easy 12J.J6, 36, and ,>J NEW KELT HATS Dur hats for Banter are ill ready Every man t>iould be interestud if lie has the whurewithal .i.\ est, for then.- art- the '..tea! an<l best .-no!*ho* >ou jjt what u well ilr. ^.sod in .n should have on hm head. No trouble to show them. Prices run from 6Jc. to .' , ;I.IVKS KI-I: i-: VSTEK Exery *ell, most every lady wnti -. n.. now 'prni^ Gurry for Easter, and kid gloves usually r iti fie^i: dfin.n. i. We bare in atork the ',.. r.SMiruifiit uf ki.l -^'.A, t f>.r lady or igeiit ever sli"Wti here, and we i.l cons.der it .1 pleasure to sh. w thtm -o y..u. Our imp iried Pauline kul . - I IT psir nre uuarantoud. W'e luive them in IM..WIIH.UIIH, modrs, ci cauiH, gray. on. I blacks S. n,. (ilain, s< ...... with fancy [mints and st-.tchinx We th.i.k the be<t dollar kul i(lovos in ihe market. A REAL PLEA5WRE \V ( have EiMter plea*u-H here for yu in abundance that which ,.! give yu satixfaction in iW ue ami ownership. Wo want you to choose tliat which suits you I* st and see 'i Iy rho price uit, Putting : in : Stock Thi>. wt-t. k\vi- air extrvmt'ly luisy inarkini: i}Vaiiil|iittii,^ii;i our shelws an iniuuMisr >ti-k of BOOTS and SHOES TrnlKil'ly the lur^i'.-t > '>nsi^nin.Mit t-vrr slu-wn in K1fsln-rti.ii Th'.'so we an- [)r-'<l to sell at prices that ik-ty c<iiu[n til it n. This stofk 1'fii'u so lai'Ljr piircha^crs have an iininciisf >:n-U to choose from an<l (.aiiiiot luit IK- |il<'asi--l. Cmiif in ami U-t IU show you \vhat we can <lo in the liiif of boots ami sh. All we want is the opportunely. y\ t Full t Cine s Of Srccen'es Haw bof^n sccuriMl, and spot tush for our purchases guarantee cheap s^ooils to customi -rs. l>rinjt alon<; your Farm Froduce hntti-r. r^'s. etc. \vhirh we a iv jjlad tt> take same as rash. P>y hon- nral'l. 1 dealiii^ aud supplying ^oo<|s at ri^ht price* we hope to gron in tin > <^ of our business, as \\ 1! .m into the ct>nhdeiKr of our pat PIUS. Let us j;et arijuainted. F. Q. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON. 1

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