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Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1902, p. 3

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M AliCH 13, THE F L E S H E T ON ADVANCE FL ES II Ell TON ADVANCE MARCH 13, 1S08 MARKDA1.I: MARKDALE | F. T. HILL & CO. I Hew Sprino Goods. Almost every day briny* in UN wake, ils <|Uotaof New Bpring Goods. Tlie store is fan beint; rilled up auain .ind values are in most cases the vury best we've ever given. Weir ... i;nly buyers to coino and inspect the iii.-my nttractivu lines lhat are now placed on salu feeliun confident tlint '}. nnd Values will upoikk ulo<|iiently for themselves. These anionx msny that HI, deserving of mention : \f\\ 1'jlttlTIl IVilltM. A' out 100 piece* of tho rery newest prints that nre to he had of the !! Englixh and Canadian man- iifsctmeiN. Tin-Hi' trc in built and dark ground*. ft.ipt-H, figures, fancirs, floral effects, spot*, etc., in fnct tlu-re it almost every conceivable pattern HIK) coloring They r- nil extr.i fine heavy floods, :i'J In :t; incho* wide, and we guarantee the colnm of every yard hanlutvly faM. (Uvular llijc. goods every where. >ur price | yard only 10 2."i pieces handsome, now colored dreu latuonx, full width nnd perfectly font. Koi<ulir 16c. per yard, oar pi ice Vi\ Fast color, black saleun at 121. 14, 16, 17. 18, 20, 22, 23 and 30 cent*. Unequalled rallies at these prices. Hninlsnmi Spring Suitings. Oreronu hundred uuit h-n^ihs, (no two al i lit;,) consist inu of black and fancy worsteds, black and navy ergo, Knglish, Irish, Scotch and Canadian tweeds. black, clay, wormed, etc. We believe our showing of medium and bigh olaai suitings is the most complete that lias ever buen placed on sale in Markdale. 1'rices fi .in tt.5<) up. I'leaso boar in mind that the lit and workman- ship of our ordered clothing in scarcely ever equalled arm never suriMUuwd, while trimmiiiKS are the very beat obtainable. Them: are important considerations nnd should not be liwt night of. 26 doz.nuw spring capH.for boys.itirls and mm. These are largely manufacturers samples at 25 per cent, below retiular price*. Very handsome capo, aatorted nines at af), 25, 35 and 40 Gentlemen's Newest Style Fur Felt Hats. Gent's* Huts in brown, fawn, grey, rvlso black. These are finest English Fur Felt goods in the very newest sha|>es with fancy shaded silk liands and binding. In the cities high-claw dealers charge $3.00 for this very ttamo line. We have all sixes, and all fashionable colon at each 2 25 Omt's Stiff Hats and Fedoras (black) finest fur felt with silk bands and binding iu up-to-date shapes. We arc showing an immense assortment of th regular $2 26 and all are marked to sell at each 1 86 Hundred- of other nice lines at each 48c, W, 60, 76. 86, 00, 1.00, 1.25, 1.36, 1.40, 1.50 and fl 75 jCactiot SiuftoneJ and jCaeo <Shocjat $/. 50 At this price wi 're showing one of the very befit shoe bargains we're ever located. A beautiful, tine soft, dongola shoe, lace or button, newest shapes, that would be good ralue st $2, all sixes 3 to 7 at 1.50. 9ty*n'a Sea, n /ess Plough Eoota $ Thin is an exceptionally strong, heavy, solid-leather shoe, extension sole, |x>gged, just the correct line for "i ' spring wear. At a moderate price this shoe is un- surpassed anywhere, only 1.35 We have a complete stuck on hand o( boys', girls', and women's hand made shoes, of the Sterling Bros, make- no better wearing goods made anywhere. Men's Colored Shirts The very newest in tlie trade. Nowhere outside the cities will you find such another excellent collection, soft or Isundried |N>HOIII, plain and pleated, mtlf and detachable cuffs and all in absolutely fant and dependable colorings. Prices We, fl 01), fl.10, 91 25. New Dress floods. New Linens, New Laoeo, New 1.11.1111, etc., are placed in stock thitt week. |W'hi-n everything tint has liecn bought has been placed in stock, which will b<t the o*e in a few weeks, you'll rind the IIUMI (.'oiniilete AK- and Best Value* that have evir been within your reach. T. C. Co. lUarkdal*. I Importinq Retailer rrill.ISHEIl WEEKLY ATTHK orrirl, rot- .wonii xTKir.r, rirKnr.uTiN, ONT. fT W. H. THl'MTOX. <l per nitiium slrlrlly In lulvnnrr Advertising Rates: CDColuiun,l yar.*30; IIB!! . 1 yuar. t!< col., 1 year, !* the BDcrs could mutter 1500 men in one body and in consequence discipline may have been slack, bat the ptualty mar brng its reward in more caution and fewer catnialties daring tlie re- maining hours of tlimiiufoi tuna to but necessary war. Tho Shelburne Flee ppcak- ing of the cane of Has ton, tho Torontu niikii who thought be was cured by faith, and who has xono to join Dowie, When the despatch telling of Lord UOU'H disaster i.) Africa wa read ii tin- British parliniinnt tho Irish ui iiiSf'ig chec'ifl ! IB tlierw another coti'itry under the aim where any- thing like thit) could be done witl.jnt blinking down reti ibuuou apnii t.p gin.ty perpotralors? There a a grcw- iiig luiprCHgiou that I ingbtnd ia all . tug jtmt a little ton much of t!m fuc- eatii's business. In the past it haa jurist il and enlivened tlie dull routine of parliamentary dim. s iu Kngland s)itt ovei on tins Ride of the water, when; atnunciiicnt aud ( iilivciniig in dm noes are IB becoming a hit, tneeninc. The man who can cln < r and gloat over disaster to his country's anna is a traitor who ongl-t liiini,' iiiK>n the Hiuuti tree with ordinal-)' iiiiiitlrii is. A t'iriotis diaautei bcful tne Mriiish anus in Africa ou tm- 7ih ui^t., wlicn Ul" I'oCI'H Illttlle liillel.ll .MetlllKII ,1 I :I<T and cj|ilim <l 'itiO nun and i ^iiiis. NCWM hku this caiiht-M Bonu-iliiiig like the 'inv elToct that wou:e reault if one WKiolornn agaiiiHt a i . .i.lit;s line in tin d-nk. U |erkl JOI, lip. Wt' llUll III , -li Illl In lleileVf thiit tbo war was nt-mly o\vr .HHI llmi, it wi3 now all yue nl.i \\ml., when ulii i . i- iinoB thi.i nun 1>. lai \ ,nne ni i.n rest ^enorulrt u mnig llio Jlni't:, nil'i I .Ml I 1:1111, iiiM .|e|,-,i;s in in ly an (.'<! uuaibcrof i > Ku.jiisli by bl'uvr in. 1 dflei iniiii 'I aUuck in the. gr<) hours of Him in>i .-. liin..s lui-ii O I lllg sillCI' tllf lit 1 111 I I hi 1 ,' t : lll'e, ( ll anything like a HVIIU . . d, t. u i li.i I ihought sudi s IT, m ir ofhiHioi), i tt '-iiritj wan in I. Al Wl i^l ll'lt Vl( i says "it is evident that all the fools do Ho Roll* Reix.rt of R.ickvale school for the mmith of February. Clam 4- EUood Genoe. Victor Phil- lipA, Betwic Russell. Class 3 KeU Tlioinpwn, George Enz- li-h, Ida Fisher. Joseph Sinj|mon, Ethel Kwher, Vorn. I'billip-t, Ti.tiiiny Fmher, Class 2 Nellie Fodlar, Freddie Rns*.ll, Maggie Fi.her, D..ra IVdlur, Walter Aki't. S.-iin Simpson. Part L', i-r. U'iU fl.-irk. 1'artZ, jr.-Lewis IVdKr, Kdni Psrk, K- ' Fisher, ILizul Hiooks, Ella Ann strong. P..rt I. class 3 Ernie Russell, Mary 'Aline, Kielne ('Ink, .limniie Armstnini;. not live in Chicago." Quite true.quiU; true ; but it in filling up fast. speaking of Dowic and his ilk, is not the credulity of utnniui nature toruc- tlmitf to be marvelled at f Wliat is there about this man to attract that which is best iu humanity ? Abrolute- jr nothing except that through him many cures are said lo have been mady and with a certain class this is accept ed a evidence of Ins divine misaiou. Hut then tin- Christian Scientists also claim miraculous cures and attract their followers. In the Catholic church mimculoiiH cures are of fi-e<j'ii-iu occurrence and theieforu to its own people this idcvidenci of divine pniiec tion, and thousands of people aniiimll) viit St. Amu- de l'i mini- t in (juui>. . aud I.oimlrH in Franco 10 be healed Dowie Inn N his anathemas at these two bodies. A3 for the protestani chin chog he gays they are lining the work of the devil; thciiiiiii.isieiR am! II niotlical men are, accoidin; to him, in league with natun . Language MM aa I hiii used by this impostor was) nrv r iiv heard in the name of religion, mil sliii thousands, of pooplo such as ... 1'ire I'n-ss refers to Hlill slmx, whole worldly pOMWtJOM into HIS poi-kt-t nil liliinlljr listen to hisim- pious ntiilingM in the miaUkon idea i at ihry iiie K"' I1L > to ''( l.'.l into s iiiu-iliinx better in the way of reli- gion lliitn they I, live heretofore expi ii It is ii hiudable atubiiion. and alniie shouKI be eiitcrliiiued for iiirpinn .Iriiuled creatuiis who will bud, (mi) Un BCOII, that iiiHti 'l of com they have In en fc clin^ on All... MeKowell. Part 1. clam 2 Oeitie Phillips, Nellie But" I*l"lli[m, Nellie Fuller, Walter Fisher. Part 1, class 1 -Edwin Smith, Annie Wool's Willie lirooka, Sammie Fuher, K I. lie White. Average a'tend.tnce for the month 44. II. \V. STArniHn, Teacher. Farm to Kent or Tin- niiilni-slKHKil rlmtren t,, f,|| or trade almiit K :Kcri> furiil olo' to Ktraraham, KOOI! farm null, n mil \IHIMI; idir,l. Winil.t v\ fora larRu fm in >nil i>v dlffvri<n Anyone lntrstil id *!' , ,.i I.-IK.II.| with H. MK 1. 1 1 II I'M. Prverihsni <'<MUll ld > I ii- Off Hit- 4'ulil ' - ii nil cold is no friend It's an insidious enemy knock it out of your system in the quickest, safest and surest way an hour's de- lay may mean months of suffering. Uwanta G R I P P E Capsule treatment is the arch enemy of Colds and Grippe, lung troubles and nervous pros- tration, and when it takes hold it never kts go until the last vestige of a disease germ i.s eradicated. Try It " -t lim.- von npect n foM coin.., I i,n.l"f lrtimoouls If ynn nk to writr afconl lhm. Al sll DruirglsU JJ cctt a bo 3t by mall from \; WAN 1 A M ' T. CO.. New Prints For the New Season This week we are showing the first deliveries of our New Prints and Wash (ioods. Kadi season die nianufacturors make some distinct improvements on the former season's designs and pat terns and this season is no exception. Our selections have been made with ^irat care and you can rely upon ^ettin^ the newest, the prettiest and most serviceable patterns yet produced, and whether you choose the cheaper or better qualities yon are equally sure of getting the best possible value for yor money. Prints at 5 cents. Fancy Canadian Prints nice small neat ;iat terns, in spots, stripes and fancy designs, fast colors. '24 inches wide, per yard 5C Prints at 8 cents. Fancy English aud Canadian Prints-light, medium and dark colors new designs in spots, stripes. fancies and floral designs all good dress patterns- fast colors. L'7 inches wide, per yard Prints at 10 cents. Fancy English I 'rints light, medium and dark (Kitterns including some of the latest designs from one of the best color printers all nice dress or blouse |witterns, in spots, stripes and fancies.... The cloth is extra strong, free from dressing, beautifully finished, close and even ami the colors are absolutely fast. :!i' inches wide, per van! SC IOC New Muslins in Black and Colors. New Fancy Sateens. New Fancy Foulards. New J,nwiis. New Ginghams. New Chambrays. Special in Waist Silks. A range of New Waist Silks in all colors, stripe and check patterns specially suitable for blouse purposes, good durable quality "21 inches wide, regular !?7ic for Special: in Children's Boots. Children's Heavy (Jrain l.oots, either lace or button, stout riveted sole, solid leather insole, toe cap, si/es H to 10. Regular .$1.'2.~>, tor 30C S5C Hardware Dep't New Spring Wall Papers New Curtain Poles New Window Shades New China Churns Sap Buckets and Spiles Horse Clippers Horse Singers Boyd, fiickling & Co. \ Vicinity Chips of the Past Wr-k 'r-rmiy Culled for the the limn alvray.i on hand. J. II. i-tt, Kil^eliu. The Cbrkfcbnrg wood rim iDRnaftctur- Mig c. inpiin/ will h wnui.d ep. Lilies' ruhbuis selling i-lf, all nines, at Ciaj r<.ii's from 31) cents per pnir. I!- member F. Dafnu's auction sale of hoUHcbold fiirnitui*. i:i S.ituniay next. Lit- -On Weil lay, Feb 2B, on the ^nvel rotd, a fur c"lbar. Fiuder | lesie leave Hi tins office. C. unty Coinnuwfoncr McArthnr ned our sunct inn with liis genial pri on Thursday last. n. -s nre tin- >v.-t-k piittiii -ill carrmr nynteiu iuto H)d, \\m .nid ('i)'i n- Misses M.uii'e MrL. * itd .V Inlyre <f Price\ H'e wiled oo iriutidn :u own on Monrl ,y If this thsw keeps on much !" if :' will lie forced to the conclusion tlru oir winter has enued. Tb" young people whom we mennonvd last *eek n* b-iii^ ill with inflammation are all on lite bixhwiy to recovery. F.i in for sale 1<0 actts, near the villa-.'!-, ttO cleared, oi-chanl. . Apply tn John Wnjjlit, jr., Ftesherton. Two coirs for rale, calving in April. ,<ln.i br-<.-i ->w in p>g. L- t 4, em. rt, Arte- nmia. Janes Ks>h, Irish Luke, P O. Full lino* nf all kinds of boots nnd hipet for spring wi-r, iu all tke latent stylf>. Call st Clayton's and are them. Mr. Dougal Mr I 'hail, Pncevdle, wss in ton n on Friday last. Mr McPhnil luxs opened up a barbVr shop i* oar sister vil- lage. In the ordinary course of events Mun- day sbouM hare be<v> town.- hip o-.uDcil imH.-inK, but thw March meeting was ithdn*i. of nlnin: two ypMrn dnnttmn. Particulars of tin hfv r.mld n,.r 1, tf hvl in time f-.r thin wtri-k's wo--. t n,k |j'ao tn r'lc>lurton c-Miielery on Wedres.lny -- Mi*. E. White, who ha* hevn aMinting hersisNr. Mr. O. McTuriah, witli the Mck for the pa*t wei-k retumetl tn In-r home in Murkdalo. Mr. Rohurt Jm(Ue* a;nl Lena, i-f Sin^han pton. called on friei.di here Monday Mr. J.|U ha dmpoied "f Irs fann and depAr'K this week fur ihe Nor tii wear. Aii riuctinn dale f frm stuck and imp- lrnii.'iil will h held on lot 1, con. 5, iKprey, on Wednesday, March 19, the property of Mr. .d hn Ciaiuey. See liilU. R. J. Sproule, Mictioauer. An .morion le of farm 'ock and imp lomnti will !> held on Int IJ9, 13th con.. \it !! -.!. .n Friilay.Mnrch 21. tho prop t-rty ( Koli-rt Alexander. 8^e liilN. J. J. Kni'tirig, tuctionrcr. Jatiim Colville of Durham was instant ly kille.1 last week by tho hun>tin3 of a n chop;jor in McOowan's grfirmill. An imjiioat was he'd, when the jury decided that rr> hlama was attachable t.i anyone. Farm to R.'nt Lt 10, N.D.R . in the townxhip f Artemesin, m the coun'y of (rey. Also a hou an. I two large gar- den*. known a" the Scott property. Apply 'o MRS. C. SOITT, Arthur, On'. G*d i-lfHn i-lnv-T sce<l ; common rut, i), Al.sike. mid Alfalfa tud Tim- ^eed. very choice, for sale at the H.ll, Fleitherron. All otlur garden and lii'M seotis n their aea*on. 15 May. MONEY TO IxiAS--At 4J lo 4j per cent. Excuses low. Al<o a niimlier of mi- prcnei! nnd miiiii|'rovvil farms for sal* cheap. Apply to Geo. Rutherford, Shl- hurne, or DunrlaU office Saturday after 11 on. The meeting in tho Mcth ili*t church on Tliurst!ay evening of this e?k will be for m-n only. Rev. M. N. Bethune will ]irr.i'.-h find ihe singing will bo leii by a null 1 i-lio-us. Kvery man in Fleshertuii nnd vie nity is wi.ntrd jt ilii meeting. Tl:e triMtrm of school sec'ion No. IV, ar* dvertnina m tliis i-ous for tenders, for the erect'on of a new trii'k K!IOO| on Ic.t :V>, con. (i. Thoy witth to h-\ve tho Kch'Mil in reailinnss f -i tho fall term. Tho.-o interoAted should look up the ad- vi'itisement. Th sptvial union revival s*rice nre being continued this week in the Meth- odist church and arc meeting with con- nidfrl>le uccc'8-. Rev. Mr. White left un S'-mi-diiy for Shell'iirni'. Rev. Mr. 1't 11 une and resident minuter* are con- ducting th'i inottingM. Mrs. \*'. A. Armstrong o{ Markdale died on Wwlncsday of Ut.t week after a brief tll"OM "f ui-arl) two weeki. a^-d :U . j inniitbH. l)8ce*ed :i8 a d;ui;liUr of the l.te RattliuUiniew Wiih if t'u- 1' \- S. rojd Sli.. Iciives :\ hn-.t ;i'i'l :tnd thr o rfMsW children, the y..nii"f-' of whom WH* oiily two wcels eld. Tl-f funciiil t(K)k pUce ou KnidAV. MI. IV L"ck i f the I 111.- .ni,l Ins hud :i ritli. r liu-il tiui this iiik>r. S week's ;.> In- >U |i|t.d raekwiird off a f.inuci's i-lei-ib "lid "trained 'he cords uf lii.-< left |.g very nevQrely. A' 'hu time of tlie scoi- di-nr ' was r.aitiiuil to ihe li< use foj; tM) days and Mill fli-ds much difficulty in walking, while thn limb remains I adiy nwoil. u. M - irp. nn o!4 nioneer of Ar >, i . -in t' wnihip, ili"l or Miui-'ny mnrn- init in his H4th yinr, Mf Ins li u the villago, nftv-r HU illness Mr. ny Illa^uley hold an auction salo oil l''i-t. '^M lli<:n win f;iirly KuocuMsful. It lias l,e-ii lirought to nur m.ti-;e tlmt the sale not mlirrtimid in our local*. Tliiawman unf rtnrint.; oversight. The item wa^ written out Imt in some mvaler- iuUH way it f .tiled to gi-t ( ut into type. R. J. Sproule was ihe an tn/nci-r and did tin- work very xatisfac-orily. Mr. Blake- h-y pnr|,o,es C"in< to the NorthweHt thii spring, nod tlie Advai.ce wmheH him Mr. Sannii-l Otris Holden, piwtmaater at tile v.iUueof NotUwa, died suddenly mi Moi:i|y, heint failure Mr. Holden iiint his breaktaxr in the morning, after wlikh he was txken ill *nd DMMd away at twlvu o'clock. The deceased w::s in Ills l>~lh yenr, an.l was a re*ii-'ent nt th towi.ship tor many ye^ra. Tho fm eral took place ynstenliy fterniM.i!, ,-ind WIM largely attended. C..llin<>->d Enterpi The A-'eruice is pleased tn note the ii-.c*swiHi yrlnch lluw Annie Richarl- *.n, rtau^!itcrnf Mr. M. K. Richard*. n of ill's place, is meeting HH ins'ructor at the Sickville, N.U , 1*1 I C H college. Mix* Hirlianis n ncceptcd tins )> tion lant fall. Tlie faulty of the Ml AlKston Music 1 1 OiiisejYiit.Ty recently gave a conceit at which MIKB Annie recited, and of her work the !St. John, N. B., Daily Sun hi* this to say : "Mitm A. Richanl- * n, who api-etrril fur the Srst tune !> fore ,L Sackv He unilienrr. nonred a hriM- int triumph. All tlut the pr*"i of KIIL;- 1-ind ' i! ' ' 11. i'l.t have s-iid aniiut her is true.inil n, D, e Slie a tine voice, a cl.-ar a cent. |" ite.:t enuiicuti -n, and a dramatic |twr bich nnkuM II-T Hud- en.-i Hunk xu I fe4 aa ke willn. In re- -ponse to IIISIM. m upplauw Mins Rioli- ardxon gave a hi.ti,Di-ustlection from The Mill on tho K o-v which gave evidence of U'eit vernal I .-. In her nocond nnm'x-r " i eijuiilly happy, and when fie tinwhtd the rnthiini i-iu was unbounded." Wedneuiay nftorn. on of latit week the residei cu of Mr. J<ihn Boyd, Proton, was the Bceoe of a happy event, when his \< ung'-t ilaii^hter, Mis* Maud, was i.iirrii.l to \\ill C'hallnt;erjH>n of Jonliua I'liillenjer of the sauij towiiHhip. The cereiniiny was perfonneil at 4 p tn. liy U^r. \\ . \V. Sptrlmv in the ce of ijnite large number of inter- stwd fii.-iiiU. Misa Canuti, of Hatrist"ii, playing ihe wedding march. The bride was lutnds/iuiely Downed in cream silk trimmed with clntfon, snd carried a U|uel of lii-uliil rotes. She was attended only by a flower irl in the person of her niece, little Mis Boyd, ut Flesheiton The supper which was served was numptuou.s, and the pre*ei.t.s were |>nriicularly tine. After n wedding trip to Stratford, Mit clie'l, >-te., the happy young couple will start houHvkeeping ou the Challenger homestead. They arc both (xipulnr young people in their neighborhood, and have the beat wishes of a I tor much happiness. Mt. Forest Rep. A Farmer's Suicide. Samuel Miller, a farmer living juht this side of Markdale mi theT. A S. nuif for mai.y yeais, and a cousin nf Jailer Miller of Owen Sum I. c nimittfl suicide in Toronto bay on Sunday morning. The Mail and K'ii,.tre .'ives the following ac- count if ti. S.unucl M'li.-r, .. M fanner, de- liberately ended his lite t 5 minutes to 10 o'clock ywtt. txl> morning by junipmg in- to the water* of the buy from the lie it ram shipyard d<.>ck* at, tbe foot of Bath- urs' H'I Neither the inn'.s reUli'-es nor the people in the ' where ho boarded, .'t,'!'J \ilel.uile Sir .t west, can aosign any reason tm Ins nolf di -struction. He left a lettct Ian i: d.-i not ahed miy lulu on that po'?it DfceaMcxI. lin was a pros|ierous funi er living near Mai kd.ile, came to Toronto me three months ajio.dis|io.siii:; of li>* tarni ut the time, and took rooms \r :;.._' Ail. -Uiile Street west, with bin wile ami daughter. Tuuu of b'mrding, he d-eideil to rent a house of Inn own. anU with this id. a he left home yesterday nf null, at !> o clock for the unnouuced purpose "f trying to find a suila le rcsi deuce. It was only a few minutes before len o'clock that Thini; IN Thompson, wa'< li man on the Ki<:!iehtu aud Ontaii-i Ktcuu er Kings-oil, and John Wriitht, walch- man for : In- Hertram Company, not ced a mnn walking l . .ng ihe H. r run docks. S"iUf mi'iu*ea later they >w a tigum dart ,-icr Nn tlie i'iK'k and take a flying leap in- to ilie water, which was open just tliere, t>etw*vu the stt-amur Kingston ituJ Mon'- T!ii- b'"ly -lid not Mse t.i surface, and it s-.ini- tiiil" Lefore it. was recovered l.y J U UtchaidHiHi, ni.ite ol th.j Chip; - wa, :t-li a piki- imle On to' nhnrf, i|Uite close t the sp< t from uhu-'i .lir. !-.! jninped. WRH found hi cult, ami "ii 'oji of ii a note wiittt n in lead |> -n il, and woiglited down by stone. It HAH nn rely a request tlmt cc - lain frieiul-> i Markdul* would tako caru of lie wife and daughter. Nothing can bi> Kiijefsled to the ca.e "f Milloi'* -n ei le, Init a tit of temp- orary :fs- Hef-we he left home h" too . , it a large roll of bills, wli t on a table m his rovm. MiPer u Tj 1 * ye-'ra of age, and is urvi v.d | i 'ow and one daughter. ('. i \ 1 s- m invetigt'd the ca o, li'it it i- n. t likely t'i an ini|ueKt will ' n-.i Th b. ily il', f ' ii.le, 1>J t*1;ei! ' M-nkdali; t'.i for hu Mrs. Mclver, the old lady wh > wss mentioned laat week so favorably by a Eugimiii correspondent, took ill of in- rlainiiiation on Kriday and died Tuesday afternoon. The body was |U|I|H-I| \Veil- nenday uturiiing to Stayner, where deceas- ed has a daughti* residing. The Advance haft received from the author, Rev. T. Watnoii of Col home, a i eat little volume of [xietiiH. Mr Wat- son waa hnptmt mii.inwier in Flesherton a f= years ai;o, removing frnm here to Colborne. While here, and subsequent to his removal, many ,,f hit pieces found place in our columns and were always wel- come. The book is published by William linags, Toronto N doubt many of Mr. Wstson's friends in this vtrinity would like to secure copitn which may be had from the author, Colbornu Out Clubbing List. *T'ie Advancu and Globe, witli pr-miums $ 1.80 Mail.witli premiuuM 1.80 Ihidy News 2.30 Morinnu W,,rld :J.UO MI.IIT. al Slur and preiuius. . . 1.80 Youth's CiHiipanii n 2.36 T.r. n-o Daily Star 2.30 *Fsrmer Sun... 1.80 liuaniuui 1.90 TO CD RE A COt-D IN ONE DAT Take Laxative i'.iomj (Juiriinu Tablet! AH JniKSKU reriinrl Hi* money if It Uili to ear*. W K (irovu'ii liiiuaturMi on (Mb kex Ma The Markets. < ;ir. full v t'orrer ed Barfc Week Oat* Pea* Barley Butter Kvgs fresh . . . Pork Hay Potatoes hat'. M .i 38 77 o 77 45 to 48 1C t., U 16 ,- 16 7 26 to 7 25 10 00 to 10 00 46 -o 50 Tenders Wanted Twowrs will br r*clvd bv the un.lar*ign<*i truttMS of Khool Motion No IT. Artemmia. up to Satwday. April 5th. at noon (or tli* furnUti- Ina of material, building sin! finishing tbr^ngh- oat of a solid brick school hoos on lot '(4. eoa. 8, ATteuemia. Tb lowent or an; under not nessarily aacspUd Plaasaad sp*siflealoiis tuay b* *MD at the midence of Robe. Akitt and t the AdTanc* office, Plmbartou. I B. D AKITT Sw-TrMS .Klnharton Trustees KUST.CLABX. Flocberton. I MABT PaiLLm, Maxwell Farm for Sale. Ths Toronto Qsneral Trusts Corporation IB inntructeit to receive tenders for the purchase (if tots numbers twenty-six and twrntv *vn in tu llth C"oncem.inn of the towi>slil|i nf Art.- tunftla in the county of Grey, which said Icti t'.i-ther am naiil to . oiititin one hundred an I uinety nevuti cr*M. snd are tho pr iperty of Willism Hooey. formerly of tile township a/Hun- biilalc in the county of hiuicoo. school teacher. Teiulcrv to h xMreesad to the umlur- ^iniinMl at the ntflce of The Toronto Uinnral Trusts Corp irs-tion not later thn tlio i'> ut U... Ii. \. P., I9UL an I U. Htatecssh offer or ouo-lhir.l rash snil the bsj tuice In 5 \eani. to be sciii*i by s Ant in-nf- uatie beajuic tore t st tli j rste of Br per oy'. pur *n M u m half -t ear 'v. The yuix-liaer -hll -f cli the titli at bi< . iwu c^i'i'iiK aurl tbe Teinlo r s shall not be calle'l upon to fnrnish n slutrsft of title or tltlu ileeils other than those tn tbeir possession or ooutruL Iu case a mortgage in ijivun tl>< samo Is to bu prepare I by thtj vainlor's solicibor on their uttusl foruM, the purchaser pa.) iog Ave .lollaa* Teii-lm will i-ilf be accepted subject to the approval of the Htoiiiev General snd the high- est .n- mi v tender not iect**s%i ily aoeeuted. Datd at Toronto this 9(th dae at Kebm irv A. 1> l'.IM. .) VV l.AN(JMfIH. J. K. Kilgat. ManiKiuiK Diiector, The Hu'iviiorfur Toronro il.-iMrnil TIHKIH the Vendors. Corporation. 59 Yongu St.. Toronto. iROTON'S CASH STORE. -w NOCKLEY- Great BaigHins for the next 15 days. In all lim H of winter good such :ts ready- iii.-uli- L-lolliinu. and hcnvy winter Ovvr- cuMts, Pen .lacket-s Jr. >,s DvcrcuMts, men's hen-y Sox, Min'o henvy Pants. A nice astmrduviit i.f M. n's heaty Wooll- en UROCERIE5 A SPECIALITY "> llw. Clenn Currants for ........ 25c 5 His Clean Raisins for ......... _'.">. 6lbs t'ncii!ored Jspan Tea ....... 91 7 llw. Kresh Fii .............. 2ftc Canned Corn and Peas per m ..... 7c H cn gi<l Snlmon ............. 26c 5 barn Toilet soap ................ (ic 3 pka-es FhWd Pea, Wlu-n , Kice for ............. 2Cc Clondyke scwp :j burs fur ......... !5c 1,. u ions | .1-1- dozi-ll ............... loo DRY GOODS SPECIAL 3 pHin. ToweN ................. 25o 6 uairs Flantuvetie BlHiikess ...... <',<*, Men's Uolnn-d Laundrieil IShirts... 68c 5pcial in Genets D A A Corbet ................. 78 J. wul Cureet ................... 4Dc Grain Bg< 11.75, ?- 75 perdoxcn. Men's Fhuinelelte Sliirts .......... :Wc Bargain ill Ties 23 .n d : Oc Ties for 13c A full Assortment nf Spiinii Prints mill >i nice >i sortineijLt of Figure*! Sitli ens. U Men's SjH-ing Suiting just srrive<l in S*srges and \Vor>V '. Firni class Tuilor in i lisp'. IT; Hts gunmnleod. Highest price"! ''iroi r Proton * Proton W. KOCKI.5.V * Flesherton - I T. J. i * Oil * * 01 * * * * Keeps Everything a man Reeds . . The most, the newest, the best, the cheapest. We have just received our spring stock of ready-to- wear clothing, which is the finest and best .i-sortment we have ever shown, ami when you see the prices you will be pleased. We have some lines left o\tT that we will 'close out very cheap. Cbis means You [f you are the wide awake buyer who is on the lookout tor snaps, we have a lot of odd lines of winter iroods that we will close out regardless of cost. These comprise Men's wool and Heecc lined guernsey s.ihree Astrachan jackets for Lauies' one Man's overcoat, ei^ht frieze coats, four pea jackets, some odd lines nf lrt>s goods. We have received our first shipment of spring print, and they are without doubt the finest value ever shown and good patterns. Wall Paper! Olall Paper! Olall Papr! We have just placed in stock 3000 rolls of wall paper, all new {.Kitterns and designs and will be plea>l ed to show you our books of samples, so you wil- know what "you can get when you need them. Boots and Shoes. . . This is the time of year, above all others,that men, women and children require good shoes. We have just placed in st.>, k some of the best hand-made goods for girls, buys, women and men that will keep the feet dry and wear as well. It will pay you to see these goods before buying. jflmaya * fro** **<* of yroorio* on Mamtl. _^^^^ price for all kinds of produce. 9* THOS. J. SHEPPARD - ^feegfe.****-************ LESHRTON r > Hfll-iNESS ? EMPORIUM. ? ? 3&.H,! Mear llio Ami te Of tli. - The greatest arity of bells ever shown in Flesherton open itrinir, chinw, collar, etc. Ch..He your Iffl be IN enrly while stock is linje. N yixidt m S-iskalchewin Huff- lo r"l>e, rubbw and *ii>l runs, blankets of all sizes snd descnp- ri.iiiH. Cui ry coin IIH. lirii-hon, col- ',;ir snd sweat pa<li, lesther initin, in!'*. unnps, *lilp^ mid Ijwbes, trunk'. valisi-H. circii-glt'S '"l evtrythinu 'onnd in sn up-to-<lt harness shop. %.% *<* %^. % % % % Second Rand Farm ImpUments Fltshtrton Furniture aiarcroom$ ^ We are carrying the newest styles t M'-utoii.-ible goods in all Inn Furniture, const*' inn "f : Parlor ami i Lilromn suits, lounges, tidelHutril*. exteni.ii n ai.d Centre I abler, chains indow shswles snd curtain |Ki'en, picture", easels, etc , Which we offer .-it LOWfcST RICES Pictiiru Fr:i'iin u ard Oenernl Ke iwiiriiig. l"ndert;ikin^ in M its branche^. S.itixfac'ion W, H. Uunt, rrp. (I (I I * (I I (I (I (I (I (I 1 t YOUNG MAN 1 MM WOMEN ! Prepare I" mnke .'i 'irce of V"Ur fut lure undertaking by taking ci'tnse a IU on hand Nm^n snd M nosey Harris second-hand hinders. hore rikoH, seed drill* snd iollfr f"i n-ile at a bnrgnin. I in lsn agent for MeVinaek, Cnult bard and S.-oi t, and Co,-kliutt <"i,uA(,aijy yf Brsnlford; Aspinwall hiiiul -ijirsyer nnd (xitatn jiguer. H ler mower octioi.s ;V l>i ive links each 'c D. nadill, Ceylon. O\V'EX 8OUXU ill eiihrr Short 1 1 and "r Busine-s subjeeta. A L-our-K t this ins'itulii'n will ri* yi'H ,-iimve the iu iny wh" .-ire endeav- nag to umke a In in.- by common o'eail'. You rs'ini't -"rt'iu-l ' > yo ele*liere. fi r our ineih-idH i- .I <i|'i piiu-nt ,11 e unexcel- led \Vintei term t:nw p n. Students admitted ->t 'my 'line. Catali'giie free. C. A. H.KM1NO Princi t >al . n v uei-mn i* >omu>s<iinn of an r>relis>nl llv- illll witliln thfowil"hil> of Arti nn-.-i i. n~|.ri.,, C<-llin(iw<><>'l. Kn|ihrala or Hollaml uinlar> de- utroii^ of haviiiKit prisueil or MI tifti.-i .-*i hsve i linl t" i" .i|irly by ^pmliiK * p.*tnl cant i.h \V. !!. l-'.n<Mii, V. p, Onf. I will aibumi niiuK Ittmedlavply on receipt of caril. ft.vl Tour urvtiiiu <*oniiiliiiiii In twi-<-u th lt .>f \prilnii.l th mil of Way. When wrli infl ytii 1 or-lert for tiraftintf plpfl^e tMi- tlu nnniVHM if trcon roll hsvo to I-HL-J -itt nn.l the Ion.' ,if m ; nn-i vim want put in them. I insure. , Ui:t f'ir ll-riM- i-ents uai-li I'l iei- nf IM-nMini; i^ l)v the o-cll*r<l, from cue iliiM.u ii|> accoiiline to the orcna>nl. Toors rvsparvfully .I.m. ,.,. .<ov ilk.. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE F" jxrm to Ftents S V -: ' 'tal' i. .

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