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Flesherton Advance, 6 Mar 1902, p. 4

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I CONFUSION ! OF CASTE. Or Gentility Vs. Nobility of Soul. 5: SYNOPSIS OP I'KKl lililNC household thought him There was CM UTEI'.S Mr. Trelawney in alno day when the doctor said, even recluse. liia houHekeepci 's niece- to himself, "lie will not et over Letty, come* to stay with her. CUAITF.U III. The years go post so quickly when to-day 1 like yesterday, and to- morrow ia like to-day, and we j oath morning to tho renewal of a monotonous life that, except for the VM rim ions of thu seasons, knows no change where thu same faces ulwayt) greet us. anil the aame voices (heard o long that we almost forget bow . a day will come when tbe> will IK: be. ml no more) fall, quiet and un altered. D.I our ear. For three fresh springs the leaves had come out newly on the bcech- tre-- hedge, and Mr. Trelawney still took hli dnily walk beside it. un- changed in look, or garb, or gait H was tlii.-r yr.irs older, but you i.irdly could have told that ho wus idder : the gray bud not lx>gun to . .lino yet into his hair : thn thin, thoughtful face teemed scarcely to have gained an added line. For these three quiet year*, as for many a quiet year before, his life had gone on In its accustomed unbroken, fam- iliar, undisturbed groove. It wa undisturbed still on this pleasant. mild March morning, though the elements of change, un- known to him, had begun ut last to Htir in It. On thin day it happened that he ro it." though there were a good many daya on which he looked grave und doubtful. On the worst of these he tele- graphed to London, and brought down another piiyskian. und this act tho confession. "You wouldn't let me bring you a nice beat^up egg. sir 7" "No I couldn't take anything more just now." And then there was a little pause, till he said suddenly "Is 1-etty in tho house. Mrs. Murk- ham ?" "Yes, sir, she's downstairs." "I think I should like to see her for a moni'-nt " "She'd bo vry happy to see you, sir." ' Well, ask her to come up and apeak to mu It was she who put these flowers here, waa it not '.'" "Yes, sir she did most things about the n..mi She was very I to tet it ready for you." "She is a good, kind girl. I .should like to thank her." her. sir. and she'll it scemud to Mrs. Markham'a mind. I And two or three minute* after- Then I'll tell at once." thai Mr. Gibson's sl'ill was twined and exhausted, and could do no more seemed both to her and to I-etty wards a gentle little knock came to tho door, and in answer to Mr. Tre- lawney's "Como in," Letty appear- like the declaralion of a sentence of o d. with timid eyes, and cheeks from Li. Barnhardt, a prosperous death. The hours between tho des- ^ j patch of the telegram and the ar- ' rival of the great man were passed by Letty, at least, in a state of al- Mr young farmer living near \\.-lI.uid. Ont . olTers proof of the truth of these statements. Mr. Iturnhardt says : "Some years ago while liv- which excitement and agitation hud ing in t he United States. 1 was at- FEVER'S VICTIMS. THE AFTER EFFECTS OFTEN WORSE THAN THE DISEASE ITSELF. A Sufferer From the After Effects of Typhoid Tells of His De- plorable Condition Appear- ed to be in a Rapid De- cline. The after effects of some troubles, such aa fevers, la grippe, etc., are frequently more serious in their re- sults than the original illness, and the puti.tnt is li-ft an almost physi- cal wreck. In xi.rh as tin so what ii needed is a tonic me<licine, to enrich tho Mood, strength. -n tnu '-;lftd till then if she will conic some- nerves, and put the system light. ! times and lend me hers for half a? "I think she and you me both far too good to me. and trouble your- selves far too much about me." Mr. Trelawney answered quickly. I his illness of his seemed bath t have touched his own heart and thi hearts of the people round him ; hit relation to his servants had beconu r on account of these weeks ; the rather cold and formal conneo tion of dinner years had got for thi moment, warmed and strengthened However he mi;hl formerly have fell to them, for the present, at least those women round hiu> had becunu to him like friends. "Lctfy reads so nicely that I shal ask for help again." he sail kindly 'I djresay in a week or s< uiv own eyes will be good for some thing ; but nil Ij-tty I shall be verj chased every drop of blood "Come in," Mr. Trelawney repeat- ed kindly. "How do you do, Letty? most utter despair. He would die. I told your aunt that I should like to see you. IVut why are you so pale V" in a tun* of surprise. "Arc you quite well.' "Oh I yes, sir." Tho low answer cuinc shyly and WHS all Hhe could think be would die. and her heart would break. No words could say what it was to her when tho lirst gleam of hope came back nftrr this Mr. Trelawney was a prisoner in his room for six weeks, and then __ .... that blessed April day arrived when, gone from it came rushing back into with a stick in one hand, and with tho other hand leaning on the nurse's houldcr. the thin worn man at last tacked by typhoid fever, \tha after ((Toots of which pro\cd mor<- disas- trous to my constitution than the fever itself, and for months I wns an almost total wreck. I had no appo- tite, was haggard and emaciated, and apparently bloodless I had violent iind distressing headaches. hour. NO that message wus delivered t< . arid the happiness it gave hM kept her awake through half tin night (To Be Continued). - t - THE LAND OF TIPS. Switzerland Has the Lead, and Ni Other Country is a Good Second. and my whole appearance was sug- nervously, and the no*t moment p.'*ti\e of a rapid decline. t (in ii three id- more than all the color that had recreated the threshold of his Mck- ch.imtx'r. Hnd returned to the little her face. "I I'm so glad to see you belter, sir," she said. In a quivering voice. "Thank you, Letty. I believe you are. I hear it is you who got this world where a few kind people had | room ready for me so nicely. And "As '.o the tip system abroad.' says a gentleman who luts tr.iv.-[].'C I tn.-d "" over Kurope. "it isn't so bod out ut they s '"' e ' Switzerland There every out- failed to benefit ine. At this June- ' d er is expected to come down wills lure a friend of mine mentioned my a l 'P to everybody connected wiU case to anothi-r ph-. M. I.M,. .-mi he suggested that I should take a him, and where his absence ; you put these flowers here too. did I net the pilla helped me. and I had made one poor foolish heart al- most bleed to death. As the slow, little procession come along the passago. the nurse and Mr Tre- able dizzinuss and shivering. He had not been quite himself ihe previous evening, and had gone which was unusual wilh him early to bed, but bis Bleep had been broken and easy, and in the morning he down stair* with a un- you 7 It ia all as nice as possible. But why, LcUy Letty '." he sud- denly exclaimed, in a changed tone, for all at once. to his dismay. I.otty's apron had gone up to IKT laden with shawls and pillows, fol- 1 eyea. and h heard Ihe sound of a lowing. l.etty watched It through a half-closed door with eyes that could hardly look for gladness. Ho se feeling an uncomfort- , awney In front. Mrs Markham, Bothered sob. Ha looked at her in distress tbc sight of a woman crying disturbed Wns not going to die. but to live ! | and embarrassed him inexpressibly. v T . - the after effects of fever, la grippe if you will reniosnber. I reonv.-d you tion of ill- r * Kldd fortnight pnfct this and all the more so when he knew .,,,,| pne'imonia. They make new. with three distinct bows, where only tht- Iiot.-l .iii'l sometimes to the town officials as well. I was passed along course of Dr. Williams' Pink Tills I tne lin.-s us a soft mark, and at rh.i- took this advice and found it most mourn, whrn I got ready to li-uvi- t.h* satisfactory. Almost from the out- territory, a last grab was made at con- "" ' had feed the chambermaid, tinued their use until I had taken the waller, the porl.-r. tho boot- about a dozen boxen. when I fflt black, the cook, the omnibus driver. myself fully restored to my former the mail carrier and all the bell-boys health, and my weight increased in when the landlord approached and in- 165 pound*. I have .-mov.-d the I est timated that he had been loft out in way* give Or. and 1 will al- the cold. Williams' I'ink Fills " 'But I was your tho praise they so richly desorvu." Those pills are a certain euro for guest ' I pro- tested. ' 'That is true.' he n-plied. 'bu. ..v-= that wa new to him for thought hnd beon w 'th her iiight and ua in this case h could not help i rich, ivrt blood anil strengthen the one is r.^mn-d by custom It is two though he was not a robust ma'n. he d .* Vi " ke a * rc * 1 '"""tain of joy knowing-thai he was tho cau-_o of nerves from first dose to lost ; nnd bow extra, monai-ur ' was rarely ailing, and had i.i-ver laiu upon it sick-bed In his life Mrs llarkham was full of anxi.-tv I' .'ing thn next hour or two she came in and out of tho room a doz- on times, uggealing the trying of one remedy after another, till nt lust, when ho would try none and yt grew no belter, she again begged him to send for Mr. Uibuon. and this tiliio ho yielded In half an hour tba (Victor runic ; and in h.tlf an hour more Mr Trelawney found himself back in his bed ordered thore. and to keep there, for the first In his life. It was the middle of March when thi* tllneu began, and it was the last week in April before one morn Ing, looking gaunt and white, with his clothes hanging loose upon him. and bis lluibs shaking like an old man's, he crossed the threshold ( his own room again. The lnter\cn Ing weeks had been a Umo of long and anxious watching. His Illness had been severe enough to require .'. i ruined nurse in addition to Mrs Markham to attend to thr sick-room, and for a month watched by turns these two had over him. night and day sharing between them the labor that. If she had dm.-d. one other In the house would almest have gl\cn her life to have taken part in From the very first day on which Mr. Trelawney borauie ill. Letty (after foolish tho manner of some feel. In women) had sunk into a nut fur removed from despair When her aunt on I bo first morning toW- lur he Was loo poorly to IHJ ablo to eat hi- l.i.-ukf.isi . ti,,- p,, \\.-i to swallow h.-r own breakfast which she had IK-CII taking ut thu m. mini! -loft her, and whrn nh<- w-.-nl "like tho shadow of a rock in a. her tears. I am afraid that, for a I in this way they cure such troubles "I paid in cents apiece for the ox wiry land" the thought with few moment*, ho wns ungrateful en- \ as anaemia, neuralgia, rheumatism, tra bows, and was slopped bv a. lit which sho had gone to bed at night ough to wish that he had lelt Letty i hojirl w-.ikn.'ss. kidney and liver ail- tie old man who fniroihuvd himseli N.A.W. WA8ES MTAUf.KCaUE... te MBI dlnci to 9n b; ik* Ivp H.jli ik ulowm, peacefully in the kitchen. Hut the girl, though overcome for a minute, t "' ini.rh ashanii'd of her emotion not to use all her strength to check it. "Yem must not cry. Letty ; there n ike air i nothing in the world to cry Uutrrh ud H.t Fw Bloww All <!>, M b r . A. W. (k<M MtOcuil Caw i IK 0010 u4 about," Mr. Trelawnoy had just said, in almost an annovcd tone. in. 'in-., partial paralysis. St \itus' as the coroner of the cam on d.uice. etc They also cure functional ailments that make 'i\.' of so many women :t -o..r constant misery, and bring tli.- of health to pule and sallow cheeks h.-ld tho in.|iiest.' he replied. the ' 'Hut where do you come Tn?' 1 the n- i- of -((ad monsieur met with a fata fall on tho mountain. I should havi and risen in the morning that had I--.-H moat and drink and life to h. r They could not take Mr. Trelawney to hm study, for that room was on ih>- ground floor, and he was too weak to go downstairs, but they had converted another bedroom on tho I tuimo landing aa bis uwn into a tem- Other alleged tonic pills are mire ' "I gave him a franc for not liol.i unit -lions of this great in.'.ln-iiii'. inn an inquest on me, and his clerl nml the buyer should see tha'. tho then stepped forward and said: when she dropped her npron iinain. full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 'And had there been an inquest 1 timidly lift.-. I u ilepri-cating pair,' 1 " 1 Pale People." is on every box. should have had the pleasure o Sol. I by all dealers in medicine or writing to monsieur's relatives thai s.-nt postpaid at 5Oc. a box. or six he wus dead ' of blue eyes to hii face. "Oh no, I know there isn't, sir : it'* if* only that I'm glad." he trii-il to say. "Hut you should not cry because you are glad. It would have been enough to do that if I had you know. Nut that I should u to do it even . for $2 50. by addressing the I't Williams' Medicine vllle, Ont. Ilroc K K ' vcn hcp the have expected .I.Mr, with tho open window near him. and with flowers that Letty's loving hands had gathered on a table ut his M.I.- He snt for n long time in a half- drvamy idleness, too weak aa yet alrnoHt to enjoy his return to life, but still glad. In a kind of faint way. to see the outer world again "Oh she exclaimed. "I nsod to hear about you some- Vini.-s when I was ill. You are si ill going on so nicely with Miss on. your aunt tells me ?" "Yes. air, pretty woll " "You must let me hear what you have been doing sume day soon. I am very glad to have seen you UK 'i m Not ns I am rather too contented to fcH that death had tirod to talk, I Won't keep vou any noaatwl In. l.i,.. T* I. .. .j a. . i . i ^ " * by him. It had troubled dim while his woret. to mid leave his book unfinished iiln.-ss had been at its think that he might ilio he had wanted to recover, that he longer." "Thank you, ir." She made a little courtesy, and went towards the ilonr . then till at once she Htop|>ed and turned bark. might rolurn to it. and get at least i "Mir," sho aiil, Hushing .i(,-ain. portion of hit* life's labor cum- ! nn d with a groat effort, 'is tdere pleteil. so that (even if he should die after that) something at least Inindt he given to'tlio world ; but now tha thought of dis book prcxerd very "My aunt little upon dim lie should return might take nothing 1 can do for you ?" "Well. I itni afraid not," ho re- plied. wild I don't know if I the liberty. sir" half i --- . bo boped-but mean- 1 breathless' 'but aunt suiil 1 was to o i.-uli Mi Clh.son Mie d.-liviir.'il lo n hrr me-*..R.- !., the doctor s,, bt.-uth time the hold it had had of him ' ask if 1 uiigbt iv id le*sly I,,, thoiicht she had IMH-,, K ,eme<l to h.ivo K .>t loosened ; tho you." !" Mr Trclawni'v made ititi'iition of taking a chair. " he 8how " <> "I banded him the same amount for his IONS of pleasure," continued the tourist, "and thn askp.1 if th.-r was anybody else In rimmounl wh had 11 claim on im- 'Tli" jioli.'i' have not. arrested you.' suggesti'd tim landlord. So sde sat down and began to " 'All right here's a tip for td-m read Ho had expected her perform- Anyon- els,-''' unce to bo a very poor and bunglitiR " 'My ni^'dtwatchman did not le< one. but to his surprise it was not sho rrad in a low. sweet voice, ac- curately and intelligently "That is very good very good in- deed." he said cordially, whrn she the hotel take lire ' ' 'All right, again.' ' 'And my wife, monsieur ' " 'Well, what of your wife''' 'She has presented n with i had finish. .! tho article he had point- son during your stay ia mv house. ed out. 'You read very nicely in- " 'And what have I got to do wit t deed ; I had no idea you did It so thaf' well I will give you one other! " 'Why monsieur, is it not worth t mining the wlinle, way from id- power bold of thought and of long- 1 hoiisn, and Hint der muster must ing hail IHI-OIII,- w,-.,k to tho lia>* bad a lit Timid and fearful. II. b.i.l l,,-e,i sitting doing not ding he no sooner look In t lie fart Hint for a Rood wdile. w doll Mrs. Mark- Mr mlaWM) W : ,N ill td.ui sd,- msli- dam r.iuai back into tho room. d to the coin-In inn lii.-lv to die. that he was "Aro you tin-d sir V" oho .l.ilioii i. ni, -r dubiously ; he I. ml his hand hesitatingly on tin- p.i - p-r . at his side "Well. I don't know ; 1 did not think of that," ho after a moment's siU'iu-.v At.. I thing to read now, and then 1 dare- say that will bo enough for to- day." .s,. she read for a fuw minutes more, and then rose up. "Thank you very much. l.etty," In, merely aaid. as she laid down the !-..|,,r Hu was tired, and did not euro to listen uny more "1 think when you go downstairs you hud I., tier send Mrs. Uoss to me." he sai. I. and ho laid his head wearily buck on bis pillow , and she went gently away, feeling luat she bad been very happy, but yet feeling. t.<o. a little chilled at the last. If ho had but said thai sho might come before the,-d bun V,.,,'.., , ; ,,t N-OII ...,lo , i, c ,V be glanced "lip'at 'ihe '/Virrs fare.' ,H . 1 1 ,,''"; '" "', " ,"!'."'' "' """ lvaili "K- ' <">< t^ro WUB MMtklsl m its vvisU fill, pleading look turli<'d him Nuppose you do read to u>o for a .-i.'d niiybi.ily rise's mind, she had .1111 ufriiid.' Hon.' on |,er kners by 1,,-r bedside. "Well, no not much My eves are MM .iii.l crying to Uod lo spare too weak. I lii,,|." be answered. "Ah ! you mustn't try them. sir. Mo wa In reality dUfWMNly ill. And wo miisln't have you stay up M wns peih.ipH never i|iiit<> so | too long oilhcr." "No, no I won't utay too long." to d.-alh us the won.,-1 of hi-, quarter of an hour," ho said sud- denly. "Look hero, you may try this article ; but sit down, Letty, it down," he exclaim. . I ,|m,kly . for in her humility, after he had Apply This Test to the Nerves If You Have Tho. Symptoms Your Nerves Are Weak and Exhausted You Can Got Well by Using Or, Chase's Nerve Food. ,'dipT, 4 <1 , is ' a>< " "' >tl,. understood. They have long boon enshrouded in more or less mvsterv by the - ??!, ,".' ,'T n M " ny 7 h ar '*" lttlUl " 1 Vil ' tlnui of '" rvou " Prostration, paralysis or loromoior atax- thoy aro lal crely not very well, and will soon be around again-o insidious is the approach of diseases and nervous collapse V"ii may not have them all, but if vou have any .. K " "" Intere^ I," u i Study i b.-,,' svinptotiis They are for your guidanc of them your nervous system is of motion noise and light; twitching of the muscles of the faio and eyelids; fatiguing- sleep, " K j l' 1 " 1 ^ dlztiness nnd flanhwi of light before tho eyes; Irritability and rcst- >dy; headache. Indigestion, f.-imgs ot wcarincas and depression, and loss of Ho long . the daily expenditure of nerve force i. greater than the dally income, physical bakruptcy U f"n iT" N< ij 0nCr J ^. t6 L rV * f01 ** musl ^ l " cr * w| . thi. can best be accomplish..* by the hMe , Nerve hood, because it contains in concentrate! form the Tery .leinents of nature which tly to form nervous energy Nervous diseases rto not right thommlve*. They coine on grodually as nerve fono becomes exhausted, and can only bo cured when Ue nerve force U restored. disease* has e*w received a.uch universal endorsement by both physicians and a* has l)r Chase Nerve Food will nnd hundreds of earnest letters telling of tho womWful N<*eOts derived Food. SOc a b. B boxes for-$2 50. at all dealer* or Kdnwiuou. Bates * Co.. Tt> . if he had but told her that he her read to him again an- 1 But ho luul been too tired to say anything it Iho future, and she went with a certain sense of disappoint- ment. V.a this half hour had been to her one of inexpressible swcetues* a, lil- t ! half hour to stand out from all her previous life. "Lett.v. iliild. why aro you so flushed ''" ^;ls. Marklumi nskctt her woruleringly. when sho cnmc down- little fee that she did not present m with two sons at the sam' tim-' 1 ' "I thought it was and left a fram for her. and then, as they could think of not ding else-. I went down and lipned all tdw railway officials an'l finally got out of the count rv " Married constables of thi London polire fon-e r.-<-et\.' In pounds of coal a week ajl the year roui,d. THt MOST POPULAR DIMTirillOC. theteeih. *weeUn* the kreath. .rngtheie tk* um and tho girl could onlv an swer ni'i-vously "I was reading tho paper to Mr Trolawnoy, and I suppose I got a little frightened" a reply at which Lho two other women looked .unus- 1,1 1'id you think he'd bite you, Lotty ?" Mrs. Itosx'd. laughing, and tho other put her bund un the girl's han I didn't think you'd have bon such a littlo goose. or I wouldn't hu\t! told you to say a word about it to him. I'm sura he's always 3 kind to you, Letty, as he can be. ' "Oh, yes. I know," said Letty. earnestly. "And I was so glad to read to him, .I'nit ; it wasn't that it was only that I waB so afraid of not doing it right." "And indeed, sir, you made her very j.iniid and happy." uaid the houst'ktv|>i-r presently to Mr. Tre- lawney 'And .sho feels it was a great honor, though she's too timid v so. Sbi-'s very timid, sir. is Ix-ttv, nml rnn't I'xprc-Hs her fivlings l>iit thrre s nobody in the world would be rcuiliur to serve you. sir, than sh.- would." Brass Band !*. rutnont*. Drum*), Un!f*>rm Et< EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND price* ever auotod. Kn - i .g.. * Iwi*, mailed fre. Wr t*<i for an; alr r Matte*! l*lrBtBiC** SOOtllmt r thingj in WHILET R07CK ft CO., Limited Toronto. Out., aad VTUalpec. Man TH MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GRATEFUL COMrORTiNG COCOA BRtAK-AST 8UPFBR. Oamlnlon Line SteamsTilpi Moalieal lo U>ic*ML Bottoe ! U. o i Ur t . a fcxalf l ol PMUaad ta Utateeoi. "1 Irinai a. nl>e. vwtal >tat>aa Aalm 4 nd in.. M in Inc ai^ all arllMlaia, > M a>f a>M BX T*n%Me k Hwilnal keX arda. MUle Ok, ?!;. S.. .*. Two washings entail less cost for the same result than one washing with impure soap. REDUCES EXPEN.SZ SSiOCO LZTZ * BBOT Toronto, to any person wiio esa prove tint thi* wan contains uy form of daitaratlon, or urj iajurioai TUB CTTAr-ON BAH Mr. Homebird (in glee) "Shout with joy, Wary ! ITooray !" Mrs. Homebird "i Uuiik you re go- ing crazy, aren't you ? We've had new cooks before, you know." "Yes 1 . of course ; but this one hud her pocket picked in the tram coming here, and lost both ker pur . and return ticket." WHAT IS A MILE ? It's Length Varies in Countries. Different English-speaking countries have four iliflerent miles the ordinary mile of 5.UHO feet, and the gcogra- ! I or nautical mile of > ' . :ig a di..erence of about one- ... two . the Scotch mile of 5,'JJ feet, and the Irish mile of 6,720 feet, four various miles every one of winch is said to l>c still in use. -man mile of to-di'y is 24,- :ilS f.-i-t in length, more than four and a half limes aa long as our Tin- liutch have a mile' of iy.^.-> s one of 1M.875 feet, and "in' of lit >."><! feet; and the Swise get more exercise in . nit one of their miles than we g.-t in walking live of ours, for theirs' is 'J7. l.V.i f.-.-i long, and ours is but' The Italian mile is only a few than ours, the Kouian mil" is -hoi tiT. and the Tuscan and the Turkish mil.'S are ' long- er. The Swedish mile is Ji!."^:< f t ,.t lonir, and tin' Vienna post mile is t in length this list of twelve dilTrr.-nt niili-s, ih. -ii- an- other measures of not counting the 1 kilometer, which is rather less than "You are a dead man !" said the pert apprentice. "But I ha\<- an antidote. Quick ! take as much of it as you can swallow." And hu tilled a tumbler full of salt and water. The poor fellow eagerly drank off the abominable s-tull to suve his life, swble He then rushed out in ml antidote from the : . -5 puinp. n known to pilfer sugar .iii ice that day. 1 ,!:th "I hear old Mr Richman deceived Edith dreadfully about his age." Gladys "Yes, poor girl ! they were married he confessed that ho was only sixty insu-ud of seventy-live." . In OLD of the large Irish towns, a few ,;. -ious lire broku out in a tenement house, and threatened to destroy the ntiro building KlVorts to get out the fur- nitur. were only n sin i-ossful, and somo of the tenants m a frniit : young nirl rushed up to the . i:i ..f tli" I in- Hrin.iui-. who was working hard with his in- nt the lire spreading, and cri"d : -; .ran save my piano ; it's on the ground Moor '" The ground floor being oini gutted. the captain knew nothing coul'l ! < '! " ' : l>ut to console the lanisel he 'd : I nn't you fear, missy, 'he piano is all right . sure the hose is playin' 011 it !" SHJU Caylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces* and Is sold only In lead packets. Slack, Mixed and Green. 'ipin tea drinker* try "SalaJV Green tea. Office Boy (to his employer) "I've ] got u complaint to make. Mr: tho : iiie. I ilon't want any ' r ID go kicking uie. -ir." Km- j ; . -I \ mi ' ( if . "iirse thu i cashier kicked you. JSurely you can- i me to attend to every triilinu' detail of the business like that myself, can you ?" J4it> sixA* Wns fiAu/jMns IP YOU WANT GOOD MICKS POM YOUR Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Apples ^ Produce I'OS-SKJV TH M TO Till: DAWSON COMMISSION CO.. Limited TORONTO y-H-H-H-i i i t i 1 1 i i i i i ni i i TH-I nun i m t i 1 1 1 I rrmi/Jn TELEGRAPH: P \J^9 EDDY'S PARLOR - Every Stick A Match Every Match A "Lighter 1 MATCHES OSHAWA MIRACLE IS EXPLAINED How a Remarkable Case of Paralysis Was Curei, THE MOST INTERESTING MAN IN CANADA. Joseph Brown Attracts mention a' Fhysisians, Scientists and Sick People. from the Uail and Minpue. Ushan-j, Out , Feb. 17 J. .-cfh Brown, u .- wus fully rcj-ort- >d in The Mail and Kuipire some .IK... M-V:I.S to IM- the : tulkcil-of and writtcn-al-.- a in - ;.. lie i> in re. i-ipt daily of niuiiy letters from all o\er ihe Do- uniiion. i'li;. sii-i.-. us and hcic-nlists, AS well aa sick people, write him, uid many and often amusing ques- tions are asked. To all Mr. Drown answers : 1 hu\o given my sworn laUmcnt, and it toll- my slory 1'oiiii'-. KidiR-v I'll Is cured me, and tint after 1 hail N-en parii.illy para- t mid unul.le to m<i\'' for o\er four iiionth.-. and given un by u.nn.v ll.K-tOl'S." Uany people havu been puzzled as to how a ki.ln.-y IH.-.IH me can euro p.ira.l>sis This is easily umierstuod when it is reineinl.i'fe.l that the kiii- n. v poison, which is the .Ii' of kidney weakness. i< most di'slruc- tixe to all healthy tissues and Bj Sc-venty-five per cent. of all ner- vous diseases. p.iral;>s:s and bruin troubles is din-clly caused by iwoak kidneys, allowing violent poisons to escape through the system t . de- range and destroy I'.,, Id's Kuli-i-y Tills, by correcting the ai-tion of the kidneys, encourage thest natural iilters of the blood to , 'Mi-act and expel the poisons, thus removing the cause of many of these dnncerous ailments, which are not rally spoken of as kidney di- l-asi... nd work, mm (k> I.!. LI-IT Urnmu-yu DIP.,' rblrt . r a gold IB one dj. No . r. No i'ar- Price aeei*. A curious pi-- of the I'anish M IV is the ripht to n fri- I .rki>h bith anywhere in tin- kiixdoui of Denmark. MANY \!'\ \VTA( ;!< ' >\ I'll OTHEH LINES. That tin- N.-w York (' possewe* great u - lines cannot be gainsaid, and they ar numerous tn .nun.. -rat,- but a tew of the prin. arc tin- Kivat 1 1 .. it\M>i\e o\ u ItuiTalo a York i. four trucks* nn<l Ihe tirand Central Station 'i = !.ioii in the city . York. 'Ihis is til.- rout.- of the famous luipir>- - I Kx- pr.- s MM u mi i n M i--,-M-t-f n mini 1 1- tWv-thirds of a mile. The Hr.i/.ilians h.i\e a uiilui that is one and one- fourth times as long as our mile ; ill.- Neapolitan tniKli" is about the ame length, tho Japanese ri is about two and one-half tim.-s as long as our mile: the Itussian \.-rst ighths as long The 1'i-rsuui Kt.uidard is a farsakh. about four miles IOHK. which is not far from Ihe supposed length of the o familiar to every schoolboy who ha. read Xenophon's "Anabi, 1'he distance indli-ate.l by the league 4 iso \aiivs in dilTerent countries. The Publisher of the Best Farmer's r in the Maritime Provinces in writing to us state*: 1 would sil y that I do not know of n in. <lifine that has stood the test of iin.e like MIVMUVS I.IMMI- NT. It I, evil an unfailing remedy in our household ever si nre [ run remeint<or. ;ind has outlived do?,oiis of woulil he competitors and Imitations CI HI h UK I'll KKIUNC A m.ui stepped into a grocer's shop lo m;ik.' a few pin cluis, -^ \V!iilst the apprentice was weighinn ' the customer could not insist the t,'iii|.l:ilion ol treating himself I I of sugar which was lying on the conn' The apprentice observed tb> lion. and soon afterwards. with stortl'''! mien, called aloud into thr shop : "What has |..s-oine of that lump of arsenic that. w.-is lying ?" Thr poor {.-How f.'lt hot and C..1.I in his terror confessed tho ill ed. A certain I'aris photographer never says to a lady customer. Now look pleasant, madam, if vou please." He knows a formula infinitely better than that In tho most natural man- ner in the world he remarks. "It is unmt-osMiry to ask madam to look .int ; sho could not look other- wise." Then click goes the camera, and the result is never in doubt Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury u inr.-iiry will .-urvlr de-troy the <-nie of nill iuiil , ump!etclydrne the wholeiy-tetn whrn anterlOR 't through Lhcnni, OIIH -<nr'c. fuch urni-lwaoiild nevr be ui> oicopt OB prescrlpiloo* from reputable j is ihe d muuta thfj will Jo w ton f >1U lo > :i (ood rou ,-iin pomibly det Ivc from th,n. Hl-Ctrrh Can. mn-jfrtur*d b>- r.J. I'hei.e.i ft Co.. To- ledo. O.. contain* no mercury, und w ti\en in- ternnllj -Mnu dliectijp upon tho hluwl and muoom i.u:-fKc 5f the jrtein. la buying Hll r t'm-u-rh ttir* be ure you *> tho (jonn Ino 1' in ukoint*rnnliy,n,l m.Kle in roMo Ohio, by /. J. Cheney & t'o. Tavtimooiale 8oid by Drnggiit*. priw 7 io per bollle. Hall' Kmmily 1'ilbi ate Uie beeU I UK. WAYS OK SDMK Stubbn "Scripps tells me he gave you an elegant edition .'f Shako*- IH-.H-.' as a birtl-da.v pn-srut S, i-ipps "Yen, he did ; then he borrowed it and kept it six months." I'AHFOnSIA - UIU-X'.ON EXCUR- SIONS v .lay ill the year. Th- (.'hicago, 1 nu-n 1'aciiic oi. N ti>rn Line runs through lirst-class i'lillinaii and 'omisf si.i-i'in-; cms to points in Cal- ,, in. i ,.nd i'i'.-noii daily 1'ersonally us from Chicago to San Kraiicisco. l.os Angeles and r,u -ti.imi .'avs and 'Hu;: Lowest ratss. Shortest time on the road Finest t enery Inquire of your ne r write H !! Heniiett '2 King street east, Toronm. out. TO rmr. I-OLI* i- \K BIT. T&ke IxXaiiT* Brooio Qu .IUIIK Ti'...-i:. A i dniKKi-lH r-nind ".o money If 1C fail* to cure. V vv; Urore'i *lnaiure ie on *a- u bom. Ue. Tln-re pass through tho London - in six weeks cl.- more id. in e,| in amount lo all in in tlio world. .! nard's Liniment Cures Distemper A man l.|w.-.-n i 1 , , .,- j .:,, lo^^ .- only 5J d.ivs a year from illness Hut between :.O ., he loses SO days yearly. :inafd's Liniment Cures Diphtf.eiia The Standard Oil Trust owns 6,- nii.i mid.-s of pipe for oil-riirrying Through thi'se pipes a million (tl- IOIIB of oil pass every day of the year. LOW SJ. HAT IS During March and April. 11)02 the ieru I'ucnic will sell ONK WAY M' C'LA-> si. II 1.1 l:s Uck- ^ -n term.nal points St. i .ml. Mum, a]'", is. Ashland, 1'ululh. und ihe Su|'riors at greatly reduced rates to nfarly all poin's on its main line, tn am h.-s and connecting lines, oi North Pakota These tick- its to Northern 1'ucilic points will be good for slopovcr west of IIo|ie. For example the rale to Portland anil Not th I'acilic common points will bo $:!.*>. I-'or further de- 1,11 .-d information about these rates call upon or write to \Vm t; >!ason. P I' \ . Ji:> l-:il Sipiare. HuiTalo. NY. or address I k' A K ent. Nor. Pac. ll'y. St Paul. Mm l-'or those who have not yet ar- rnng'-d to buy homes in the North- we-t this is a rare opportunity to i{<' out n.i. Idaho. Waslnngtoi. and Oi.'tiin and look o\,-r Uie coun- try The good lands are being ra- pidly sold and the country ami towns me pi -os|u -rous and growing Kaiicl; lauds, farm lauds, fruit lauds limber lands are all to be found vou wan' to no where irrigation d. is you indepeiiilent oi rainfall 01 drouth come along and w.: can li> NOII out. i'ii> of the important vallex r, aeh, .1 by the Northern I'lii-ilic nr- ihe Yello-Asion.-. (Tullatin. Madison P. .T I '-* I'-r IM !;,'.'. .i.i.l Clai Fork, n Montana, the PuloiiRP. Ill; Itiml. fohille. Cl.-a'Wali-r. Walh vald-vs in Idaht Mill W:ish-t--loii. the Pu^.-- s, n-l I'.ri:. -li (\.lunibia regions nn> he iinx.'Ti ,-.,iint rj ' . a va-' eliiuntp soil ii'id nitnf^s make of it a favored Und. THE FROST STEEL GATE ^TS 1 : f t n 1 ,f h c t. Bandlc a large numbci of them rearly. If we are not represented in your disinc^ write us about the .i^em-y. One ager-.i ,n each lecaliiy. Wrtf. fmr Cmtal.g. THE FROST WIRE FENCE CO. LTD.. WELLAND, OUT. i tho wheeluia'i ' \\.-ll. now." .! thi- f..: - - t.-n iles as the crow ili.'s " "Hut ,! crow rides a bii\de how far IH it ''" \\li.-n wu>!niii; -ri'usy dishes or ; .mil pan- ;-o\v- Jer). will n-niovo the wilh il..- I'Ht < The use of the Cerniun decreu.sinK in ^ :l In ' 71 J out, ,,f ..\,-|-\ I ''I'"' S-.v (i.'i-uian. to-day only 6U7 per 1 M.iiiky Iliaiid cleans and briirt e\i'r\ilrnj{, but won't wash .-ioihes. The i, -11 of Kiii{l.i-iil and Wales is now .MJ. !>(>. Inn At tU present rate of IIU-I.M.-* : h,- census, in 1!>11. will show a popula- tion of :ti Brass Band ina rumonta. Drums, Uniforms Kta. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND !.wot price* ever qunied. Fiie rntAloffne. i ira.'lon*. m..i.< .1 'f-o. Wr ta- for any I nu .11 Mutlr r M.'rnl (irawf-DI . WfiiLEY EOYOS & CO., Limited, Toronto. Ont.. and Winnipeg. Maa Dominion Line Steamships Jar e i Jan Mooir*< p*ol. l.iwrpooi. UoMon For Over 5<ty Wmsi.ow SOUTHIN.I -TKI r hw Nwn i*l h --o< mothrn lur ihmr ihil.lim hilo i.,h.n,- Mlli(u>>i- . S>U bf draMMU ihrouthout Ut. world. H* Hire ud Mkfer"Mlu. WliisbowiSouTBlsu >>(' Lanccwood is the strongi-st in the world Its teimilo strength is :>:!,- OOO pounds. That is to say. a i of lancewood an inch square will stand that strain before breaking. 's Lioim?ni Cures Colos, eir FEATHER DYEINQ a*Mlni and Curtlas and KM Qlefet olfaned Tbaie e. Mai b/ POM. Ie per a*, la* L.i |4K Ie BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. KONTKKAIt CHAPPED HANDS. Rub with Cllea ' -is before rotir. Ing. Two or tii, ae applioationi will oure the worst case. Large Goxau 750 Druggists, or CILEAOINE CO., Toronto. Horso-tliestnuts contain n.- than L'7 parta in KM) of 'iling matter I'nluckily. the |i> INT cent, of bitter rosin whirh they also contain r.-nil.-is tlii'i'i unlit for food. ?!nor(i'8 linimen! cures Goroei in Middl.'sex lui.t the siiuil!.-st pio|ioi- tion of |'iiu| >-i -ism of any Nritish county only 1 ."> |><-r 1 .OOO P.-i shire has -ill per l.<H-H, nnd sh.u--- with Hercfonlshire tin larifi'st num- ber. W P. C. II IH 150 Kinds for 20c. It 1* a nvt that teller's TieMiljH and sower _, I and mi i In mure i inweetaiTMihananyoih _ In Amtrlre. Tbeie Ie mm lu ttua. Wown ami opilernr loo ar-n lor UwprodiKiioooC oer ibdraimla. In , erotr to Indui-e j. lo it-r i iwm -'.'*iDf uuimo Oai aWlranat aadilgtlu. mien t*r4 u tee. a pound, no., all for too. In Canadian uamea, JOHN . SALttR SEED CO. U Cfe Wli TMB M^ST POPULAR DENTIFRICB. the teelh. twetene the ni rath. Strengthen* <he Kume pRiaai \i THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GRATEFUL COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPtR. 5fAM E T 8 E M D E " ro "AUTOSPBAY " Beat comprewed-air sprftvcr nin.lp. Snmpl mnchlno fr-<- CAVIM DUOS., Celt, tnt. KM Nl M. I ^ n \\ "i kf i r/ A'iviuitagaona fncilitie* for (he ac" rumulnt on of tpure eumn of 11 in and upward!., w-th lh regular addition nf ap:oH piotiuoing interact r nff ea by the Saviugi i>ep*riiin.-nt of THE CANADA PERMANENT snd WESTERN CANADA MORTGAGE CORPORATION Toronto Street, TORONTO

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