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Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1902, p. 1

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JANUARY 2, it02 Card* JTCULLiOUUU * TOUNQ 11 Hankers. Mtrk.Ule o a |earal btiikiug boeineee. Mone at a reasonable rate C'll on u A 8 VANDUBBM. J P Clark Mb Dlr Hour*. Co Oray Issuer of Matrix* Licenses. Comeyancer fubtic Auctioneer. Mom; to ' RJ bMiOL'LB Postmaster, flosherttfn . ouiinU.loner ID H.C.J.. AcMOber Con rayaao-r. Appraiser and Money Lender u i H.tkte ami Insurance Agnot. Deeds ^rtg.KM. leaeee an1 wlllt carefully drawn " anf valuation! made on shortest nolloe. on.t to lon al loweet ratee of lotereit. Col attended te wtljj promptmees low. A.nt lor O*"*** iip Company. A oall solicited. jkrifti* U W Mrt ou the lae Monday a ,p eaoa month, in tbelr loae room. CbrUloe' block. Pleeberwu. at p ni T. W II ; AM tHOeon. Beeorder:Vr. ".l.aoij.Flnaaoi.r. VUltiog t>rhrB lovlted puiscK AKTHTB" LODOK. o. .MS *, f A U. meete io th Manoulo ball. Strata mock, TT u friJ w oa |I 0r tUi full looco. J A Boyd W X - -. rctiury. ^___^___ C'flUhf n.KSHBBTOX. I. O. r. meet* In ' n , Klock the la.t Krtda ""' la eaoii wonlh. VHitiog rpro.l*r. lirarti raleoiix. I' U.. K. Waller ; B, H.W. A. Arm- tn>a(. Dd. E C. MURRAY. U D. B. *ntai nurg- m. I, .ui gr.duate ol Toronto CaJvaraUj and li.v.l r.,!l.^..f Hntal Bjron. "' "*"'" Otllc ,-Otipoite Aruilroei-e Jewellery will f,.il Uaiwell tl>e lejrt Wedn-.Uy J. :. M. ',,,.. iu.l U,;.,.UI1. I au,l 3 Th U r~l.y ii each month. veyaucer. etc 'i block J. W. f ' to foulett .lr*e. e*t. M l.~ri..l-rton oflloe. Mltcbell's ak vary Saturday. Tl-.-KtH 4 I'ATTEKRON Jisji UUrs, Solicitors, etc llolson's Uank. Owen Soond ItAHBV O TUCKKh QUO W PATTKRiWN . llarrleter*. *e OTIIOZ Bonn,,, M.rc haot.i fjnk Hlo.-k. S ( l' Hou.e. tondmlk. Valiiltreet, every Hkturday Crown Altoroi-y tor Qrey. D U t i- * S Out. PhyelcUn. Born'"'", etc rieahertJii om^.-Strato't block. Reua.mce Muoinaw'i H K X Hll>Uy.-PUy.lcian, Surgeon- , i. Kl.i>)irtoD. Out Offlcn and IUnidenc.Toronto etreet.oiipoeitr tlto cemetiiry. iu> b* found there day and illit I oroner for County of Grey. SCOTT. ASI> hiiKTI.V Uruilr> College Phyele A 8iirgoont> Dntarlu (ir1ute In MeHlciue of T.>...nto t'oirorttv. Kellowhip Diploma, Pott Uradl- tj M, ti,i s. U....I ml llniiiital. Cbleafp. iwMes of eye, oar. uoee and throat BjatjWq l*-1 H HDFn.Y, JOHN A. B!'('TT. t P orTKWEI,L Veterinary MnrRaoo ra<tutte nf UvUrlo Veterinary Collece. i. . ..i ice ecoiid door .outli wait on Hti> mtreet Tliii .troet rjni .outli front. vi.-nau Churcli. U- W. M A 3 C K Voter) uat y Hjrg^on and Dentint. afax- w -tier* tuto o O'ltkri.i Veterinary Colin!*. cTtlht. I with r. >. .inti Unlrerdly. Vl.lti ... \Vo Inon-Uy froui II a in t .1 l> tn . flT l'oorlii:l from 1 to S )' in TrOKOUartBltr.D IHIKHAH Hl.'l.t.. For Sevrlce Count JLuBti*e nut Til 11:1 I'TiigMtxl lias a tine Durham linl J*r Ki-rvu-i- d "Li' nd) Ml awl IT. TS.Il TaHMS 81 00 f. r the *,**. .n. I'wli^ro, im appliciUiin. ALMRIIT STEWART MVM -lyi. Krcixtrri-tl TitiUMorlll Boar for Service I IM^.- . rrjt^r*ITiu*rlh H->v for (orvlce M l.i ti. N It , .Irteianeia. TBMUI l. W. MKADH. 1'iuprletor. House d Lot For Sale. Jllock P.. Ne 13. r-. Kloehnrl.xi. ( 101! frxinit |.i>u-f MM larie stable, 1004 aartleu an.l fmli ri.'. ."I i ."' > I'urk lot, I hick N lit 4. i.uiUlnliiK 4 auree. l'J'lr l< An.liew Wiokem . i t., W. II . NMIAN sath July If KHOI..-I irv ,uul ' -non In 'poeie>lBii of an orslmrd llv- (in- M. inn lae Wiwnshliu o( Ar..njei,i. Uii:-v. Ool'in(wo*rl, Kniitireala or llollan I nn.l ar> ft, M,- .IK i.f Inviunit prnn.,1 or (.'.-afte'l ca l.e l . attended tu i'iiip.-ri> l.y irmllnu *imlal cr.t MJovaph Weber, Kofenti. V. o unt I will Httoinl M yil' (Jin mil lit n.e.lll,| r on r.-p.-i|.t i;f i ni.l. i I '-'in (,'rll|uc iniiintlmii l;,-t.-,-u the lei nf Auril mil III" IHh <>t M%) Wken wmmf your orders lor rtlln u |il M tet the nuuiNiruf tr < < HIM lit to i-iiu' i ih %ln<l nf setons vnn wsnt put lu tiimu. l l,ni,- living KlaR> for n.rue eeole Mh. Triee of s<ruuTii| it by ib<> oreharil, freiu .... dollar up sVge.,i-drn I'J 'i 'iteliaraT. Tcnr renpee'lullj Jot. "* msie, THE FLESHKRTON A 1) V A K C ^^ ^^~.^^ ^__^^__^^^__^^^_____^_^^^_^^^_^^_ The Markets. run-full C.rrer ed Each Week Oat 4.1 -,, 43 Peas 80 .o 80 Barley 46 to 4 Butter. , , , 1 to 16 Kifjr* fresh 18 ;o 18 Pork 7 7ft to 7 76 Hay 7 00 to 7 2t Wheat, whit* 03 to 68 Wheat, red ,. 63 to 063 Potatoes bttf 40 -,o 40 Hides 6 00 to 6 00 Wed IS to 13 Turkeys per Ib 9 to 9 Geese per Ib to 6 Chickens per pair 26 to 40 Ducks per pair . , . , . , 40 to 60 Eugenia Planing Mills Get your Sash, Doom, Flooring, Meeting, Now- ell Pouts, liallustera, Cor- ner Blocks, Hand Hailing, the best of Spruce Ixith, No 1 and No. '2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting.Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. . fc * S. Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR. Photos TAKEN AT THE I Flesherton Photograph Gallery re done in first -class stylo and at Unrest rateo. Special attention given to copy inc. Babies' photoi. a specialty. Pit-hires ftamed. MRS. BULflER Xuvruuuvri/vixriAruui/uuvruvruui/xnj rrt Frum Our Ovni Corrtspondent Last wevVn item.. L. O. L., No. 1132, (4th Ime,) held tlieir annual meeting on Friday night last, and elected the following officers for tin ensuing ymr :-- Master, W. T. McKee ; Deputy Master, Wm. Little ; Recording Secretary, Jos ph McKee;OhapUin,Alex. Knylisli } Vinaqcial Becre'ary, W. J. White ; Director of ceremonies, John English ; Trtonurer James Fither ; Lect urer, .loKit McLennan ; Committee. Hold. Fisher, sr, George Fixher, Thw. Boyco, Fred Pedlar and Robt Ftalier, jr. The lodge IMS good membership and is in a a proN|>-roM condition nnmicially, baring sutMtantial balano in the tieasury. Mrs. l*alls,we regret to say n kerio ill. There sn> a few cases of measles in the neigh Itorhood at present. Miss Annie Jamieson has been very sick the |>ast few days. After two months' pleasantly itpent with relatives in Toronto, Mint M. Gamey has returned to her sitter's, Mrs. F. W. Nicholson M IKS Mary McLennan gladdened her fricndx by arriving home from Toronto on Tuesday Our popular U-ach-r, Mr. J. A. Hut- chinaon, left to spend hix Xmas. holidays st his ln>inc in Breehin. Mr. JohiiHton McGee of Parry Sound, vi-neil hu iih-i-e, Mts. .'niiiit-i .11 and othi r friends lien- Mr K. W. NirhdNon's horse broke loose at Proton Station on Siturdsy and ran away breaking the cutter and in- juring itself. .Mr. Guy Blakcly, who went to Dakota with the l.;ii n i-t excursion, has arrived homo coining by Manitoba, where he [H-nt a month. He thinks of going west again in the near future to make it hit home. Mr. and Mr.-. H. T. White and two children. :ire jH-ndinx Xiiuin. at Mrs. White's parental lionie in Kkcreinmit. The pnpilnof our public schi>ol render- ed a well iirep;ied iTogram on Friday aft.-rtioon lust, Mr (!.W lilakely ovcupy- iii,' t'ie chair. A goodly nuinber of par- ents and others wure | reHent, wlm thor- oughly enj'iyed tlic fnteitarnineiit put up by t'n> jiivi-xilcv Tli.. tenrhcr distnlmt- i ed a lil-era: supply of candies to young and old as i fitting tinale to tin; pros-ed- ings. FLESHERTON lONSORIAL PARLOR Ninet* i i^li* |ier*on who wnntr I to HOIMW money dl*'t in onr rrller. llook |i.'IUi-s a 1 1 I itiirsni'" .Rnte will Ixi killo I will. iMif notlcn. IVr eon. a^kltiff for c irlit will be |K>U- .n.- i lii- 1 1 hea^* will be Iminntli. l.-lv (i -i'li\ ni.-ti. Uoafem wli^n nBeotit pl'M*e brinu wntton rxciue. Local politic an aud reform aRlta- tor will bo .hot at l((lit. Thin card i< good l((lit. for Haircut, Shave or Shampoo Or anything In oar line when accom- panlfii *itii |n<i|ir obangu. I Ifshcrton A. Wilson. filing your I mini, v before Tueedey Bonn, tuck week. Thoroughbred Durham I'.tiM for S.-r vice Cord mint*, 2906$. Tin- iimli'Mlniinil li a fine acetl Durham nil (or n-ivirp ou lot Ul, T. A H. II. Term* l for iiriule e<iw, 93 fur thorouli - rt-'l IVdl^mo <MI ft|iplieati u II \H( rip.l.erton P.O. illl" Stock Farm, DIM breolliuruwscoinurlse i M inltn. CUifltn. ('ilmsonf II ,tt.,, n|', llnauty anil InijMirtfil l^-Mit .. Wllll l.nnl l.nv . Ciun.linn .l.T **t h-Mi of liord. Ynnnp aolmaks sl liiti >i -K for sl; mlo one hull t wa- 1. nM, tnnl ly Al.ei.ll. Mill fiiini ill In .'Inn I'lilMf row. AUTHl'lt lOHNSTdN, Vauileliiiir. Ont Marble - Works ! mm. mcCalmor, Iniporliir of and Dnalur in Bweed- ish. Si-i'teh and Canadian Granite an. I Marble otk of all kinds. rionumentf Repaired ud insert pti. inn cut on shorten! nut ic. SYDBNHAH 5T. Will Not Cure Catarrh Thm loathsome disease ia caused by germs that invade the air jiaiiaages of the, tliront and lungs, and can b cured o ly l.y ml, il, n n ,,f iin<lickltd air. M MI ic Ii me, I u 1 1,. is, atomizers, snuffs are ineffectual, because they fail to rmch the cauaM of tli.- tioublu. 4'aUriliozono issuc- reimful becaune it is inhaled to every part of th l.ruithing organs-, and ha power to 'ill < be germ, beaU the inflamed titwues and prevents droppings in the throat Catirrlioz >ue treats more linn one thou- amid square feet of the mucous surface "i'h en ry breath Uken;throu^h the in '.a i-r, and afford* n.-t mi relief. It per- f t > cures Catarrh, Astlniia and Bron- chitis. S>i|il,by Druggixd. Twoinon'tm' t eatnieiu. i'n c $1 00 Sm ill hiz 25c., or by uuil from polwiii & Co., Ont. I. ni Bunk ProtnOiir thru On Tin Hdny morning, the 24th, inst., >lt- Kobt. C'lemis |u>siil rway after a lout and p.-ini'nl Hickurss, heroicly borne. A short and spproprmte sermon was preached at the houm- !> Hev. Mr. Se .tt from I'Nalin 73: W, "My Hosh and my he.-nt failelh : but GIM! 11 the. strcnuth of my henri, and my portion forever." The dcemie<l|e>preiiNfd tho desire to have this a* i ho text of lu i funeral trillion. A loving wife, an nffoctiotmtc mother ami n kind ntiitlihor has ptaied to that realm where her works do follow her. A s< n rowing liuslmiid. five MJIM and one ilitigliler MirvivH. Tliey hate the tym- p .tin. s of the community in their great nud irrepur ' U< IUHM Th World' Needs Nerve Ne.ed* i' in I usines., in tho study, in hon-u-holt) Iiriialiility, wuaknuas, lack o' strength the blue feeling why they j MI te'l y<ui that you lack t.erve. You u-* Ki-riozonn ( My ! \> hat an apatite you'll get. How quickly the color dl re tmn in your cheeks, Imw liunyant you'll f ' ! Work ? of course you'll work. f r \ -M i.l e ij \ it That is if you will me Ferr.iZ'De. It gtves norv.i strengtli, mu^cuUr oiKiurancti mnl n.i ii;orates the bi-.iin rpltiiulidly. Sold by Kiclmrdwn, price 50o. le Tl n \ v, HI f'r. in < r Otm Curi-mpoi.d tit ' . list mas passed off very quietly. Tho o.i > excittm. nt tliero was in our \ilUge wns the sleigh riding |rly the youi g f. Iks had in iliu vxening ou the lull and they M-.-ini-dt., enjoy themselves when the merry Uii^bs of the giilH could heatd donii n, tin- village. Messrs KimU r anil V\ m.N .1- R are spcndinj; thuir h 'lidays at the p.n home. Mis* Afyrtle of Duk .U U visiting I sister, Mrs. Dr. Scott, at present Oursohoo' to.ioh.-r, Mr. Arvlrews, spending his holidays at W lioi^a in ^ i. i ill . :m.l he LIN been cvtagud V (" out Kcluml for uMotkcf year, which, will open ii MIU OQ the 3rd ul January. We wish Mr. Andrewa ovory SMeeew wit t> his KQ'i(Jara tor the New Ytar. The many friends of Mr, MoWkiuney H |.!r.ihcd iii HM him om-e sinl as h i - 1'i.Mng his last viaii loOu>ru fi r tome tune e dope he will hs good succeoa. lie intend* to go and with th) ndians. j by Rev. P. Klefnmmg at the borne of the 1 MISM Minnie Henry of Markdale is Mile's parent* >ti Tuesday of last week. spending her Christmas holidays with her; We eitend congratulations and elom* aunt, Mi-. George Glassford. M I-H Lyndia Schenitnitn has returned to Buffalo after spending a week with her parents Mr. Allwrt Oamey and his wife of New- lie WM visiting at the former's home. A sleuth load of young people dr. vo t i Mr.M< i '-il'iim's on tllH 4'li line, Thurs- day night and enjoyed thentnelves till the wee hiii:ill hours of the innrning. Mr. Georye Ituckingha n,whu has been attending onlleg* in B-lle' ille, i.-i spend- ing his Christmas holidays with his pafents. Mr. Joseph Ailiston has his two bisters and mother of Alliston visiting bun at present. Vandrlenr Mrs. Thompson to our Mr ami Mm. U. McMaati-r have re turned from a visit with friends in Thorn- bury snd Me-aforu', having enjoyed a pleasant rime. A sleigliload of happy young people drove from tho South liuc on Xruai and spent a pleasant evening with the Misse* Catherine ami Mavu"' f>hnsl in. Mr. and Mr^ spent Xmao with the latter's parents in Sotlawasaga. Honor KolN the 8tan<I?n</ of No. 6., Artem.-sia, for month of December. Class V --Richie Sfone.Sadie Fletther. Cl*iw IV., sr. Mabel McAithur, Ethel Hnrr >r, Kaiiw Fletcher, Nellie Butler, At nie Butler Claim IV., jr. Ned Wbittaker, Wm. Fletcher, Hui.iur Harrow, L*o Butler. Cl.i-s III. John Cain. a, John Mc- Arthnr, Ijavina Ha/jwrl, Robbie Spiccr, Ge'-rg- McArtbur, Spuigoon Wl.i.-taker ClasM II Jrnnette Fletcher. Bell Me Lcod, Ruby Si one. Alien .Soell, Veronica Hui'er, McLeod. 1't II. -Bert Wlnttaker, N m. Mo- Arthur, Tuni McArthur, Aggii Harrow, Kali.- McL<Ml, Maggie Boycv, Pearl Cainu. j Pt. I. ST. -Tommy Spicer, Stella Itut- l'ir, Willie Spi.-rr. Pt. I ji Frosty Purdy, Edna Retch- en, Kiiniiii Whittrker, Harry Hazard, From Our Own Cvrretpotulrnt Mr. Wess Kelts had a very successful auction sale on Friday last. Mitts Annie Gilray of Epping is visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Wright. JI IMS Bull is spending her holidays with her friends at Bramptori. Mr. and Miss Michael of Owen Sound visited nt Mr. A. Johnston's a shoit time ago. Mira T. n i Henri, who have been ill lor e itnu time with appendicitis, IIJIH gone to the hospital at Tori>nt<i for tie.Mment. Some of the boyx has discovered a receipt for In-nth nut taffy. Take an or- dinary milk pan; till half full of co!d tea ; Htirr in a handful of shelled heichnu'tt John Draiicr Hazard, net nut to freeze. This is at i Average attendance 36. sdinirablo imtutum t ough not M gno<l J. L. Wood, T. acher. an the real thing. .-- This week's iteu.s. Las* Friday Mr. Jaa. Ritchie.of Sunui Xmas passed away quietly with t!,e W*.. lrU to town .hog which weigh usual leathering together of friends toper take of \ i i cherr Mr. and Mrs. M C.i'lum nf Stratfo d R|M nt the holidays with friends in this' vicinity. The boys are Ht.ll coining hn:o sft.-r Kp.-i.diii'.' the Miminei in thu n! I H.-ttl. ' MI- tits. Amoiig who luve returned lat.-ly are Mt-s.s S. Dou|iU-. 1'r-nn Scar borough. Walter Verity from Hiuhju'e Alt Diinlop from & itnipton Mr ThiK.Gilny of Epptnu spent Xmaa with his sister, Mrs. Oeo. Wright. Mr. and Mrs Fred Boland are visiting friends in Caledon. Mm. Jos. is viaiting her friends at Lindsay. Miss Ktta Douglas lias beuu i-n^a-."-d to v-acb tlm Rucklyn school for ensuing ye-r, Mrs. Devins of Emery ijient Xniss week with her pnrei.ts, Mr. and Mrs. Will. lIlltclllllHnll. This week's items. Mr. J. Albert Tliom|-,.i, and Rti-s Flora Molntyre were united in marriage when dretsed 680 llj*. He sold it l Butcher for 9-T4 80 The h c wi.-i^bed be.'ore it was killed -vboiJt 700 This g ant porker was fel on low Ijr.idn tiour chopped barley. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCe . - '. . " ( . . - 5 - w**.-n;* U>urt...l. T . * - t r-*- 'fi . "Vlkiiicoe^LE & STRICTURE .' 'other di<aso i' ~- . .\ft am- -j rocele. As it Interferes with tlie "I the t*ro . - -j.i ta^f -n l.,i.s. lim t j.m*u ibrouirhtae nrlc^.dr..'. >.(ih-.'(f.' ..-.( ii iir b '. h, nrrvouaee, des- poNi>ni T, t> ifu;i*.. p-l; ' - -'^, and a ccH&fe njlinn < . theev re inlt-, i l.urtt *f tflutiH*...- 1. 1 h<>u*aiids erf yny n nwliVlC' liwl itseu r iroat.l.-'l wi'i Jti.liuc. I 1 > --J i-^ve n-aniia to bliev .. jrc sal i-tetl with It. ilnfi't nrttf t .:. It n:l rum let .'.retort *ip ri .lent I oa yoa br cattlnv. treicln'if r uaili-s; it. f;r \w Method 'I'reoiiiieot i diurlT,-* the strict J- >tUw i^-c n 'ii.i:v- r Anil r>n uvrr return TT .me Varicocrl-' ^nd Sir-xt'i.'e w*(heflt .-u*i atioo ..i l -. . i time. The treatmen mA be taken M home fri .-i. ' "<i !- otr > rrc liluetra'.eu I^x>k >m X', I ttlrlcture tvail wtest. V/o guarantee) t^ Cura or No ~~ Kidneys & Bladder . I nrinx>r frrr. I the eem|il.i"pt-- i-' Hare ;< arhla? .- .. -itp. Hare ;< arhla?a* waha* crerrt^e M:I of tut back, 't^d-ntf >r frrr.aemlv, d<|- .tit ;.i urine. co1rtn<-.i . f hand* or d-i-t. aalowwj (esHaf aimi-i;. Ii,.n't h/ t l*ct \nn- Vidne-.v oar New Motliod Trtntive ri:.Uxd toc-aro i-i ^..uLu . { tnue or|fi:n<jr no pay. e Maimi-i;. ,.nt h/ t *c li C"ri:.Uxd toc-aro i-iy ^.. T.'ccscn tJscc.1 Vl'UUcut Written Consent. O. T/. Howe, of JacHirti. Mich., sjys: - 1 nil Tiri.'n-eis ;r tho setwr/aT stave and tfo irlc<ure.>f 8 vearssuuiiVinp. I :> <';-rrte<l i>-itUt> I'Oiterifnin? frst ni'lt^iiflK. '-"t orty iri'. l-.nptirarr r>>liet. twos finally ad vi>ril to i / i -,- New Method TrBSttment nl Drr. K K. Thf> MiUrirril reins ,li>p'-rj rr,v m x wi*k>. thr etrictarp ti ^ue was rm(.rt<t In e'^hr welts >"<1 m? eexnM enercr a J Titmhtr retsrntilrol wa> a man m tverr ic-sirot. I roc MI i.;r.,1 ju doctors with my whole heart." C ; J:;ES GUARANTEED. NO CURE NO PAY. _TrT*ltr*1rt. After Treatment. Wf tra m-i! ,-rr-> Kfrn-in tV-MntT. T,--it VaKhood, Vsricoccle. Stricturr. Ills, (iletit. V/cak I'uru. tien.'rrhira and I i tursi DIN. :>. -. Coasaltallos Tree. i ;';.r. V.' 1 1 tor ^ucsliun List tor i:o: :e Trcalt.: -tit. 5 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MICH. Drs. tmtti & KorpR, K&K tor Sale. l.-.t V., In^M, mi llr-V,-l bV Con. 19, Artemotla, lOUacriw, no Uul 0. t-learing. Valual>l.i -..,): r u :i eaui M i-iillnil, all HtiunliiiK Mid \V of Orey County. "TRUTH BEFORE FA VOB." " PRINCIPLED NOT MEN." VOL. XXI, NO 1067 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, January 0, 1OO2 W. H TtiUKSTON, pBophiKToii 5 "' ' ' Cur bain. On JHfanct fo( Miy llnriis, J^o^mi, Kleury and. Wi^inii.n fariaTi^wents, Fleury and Verity ,.U, ., hand sll th time, alaoajl ktt.| of repairs for tbe same. \V,, n^iiufacturp WaM? , C\*ttor, Blvighs, ttc. HorsMnhoi-iBg pr-mptly attcutlort to. .1 attention io tender contracted fea>. L.-J^MIK i d V?'>w (1 eoiMtmitly on hand. &W8SW$WBX^0C8>0<H:* c Sil veirwa re Ftings Special values in I ..t<lu-> Gold Watches. An excellent stock of the very best Clocks on the market to chose from. Finest display of Silverware ever shown in Flwiherton. Very suitable for Xma* gifts or Wedding pro -tents. Kings, Chains, Broaches and Guards of every descriptioa, f 'i select from. Special Xmas Goods to hand. W. A. Armstrong - Flesherton Kliiittrrlrt- Front Our Own Corretpotuient A very pleasant event took place at the home of J. B. Soul of Duncan, on the evening of Dec 31, when her third dnu^h tt-r. Mini Jer.tiio K. ul, win united in marriago to Mr. R. D. Carruthera of this place. The bride wax attended by her cein. Miss Sh, while Mr. J. H. Carrulhent perforrnerl the duties of beat man. Rev. Mr. Beynon of Heathcote asMtatcd by Rev. Mr. White of Eugenia Work of Past Year Satisfactory to Ratepayer. -Other Elections Tliat the rnte|yrs of Artemenia were ot ready for a change waa emphatically detnonHtrated on Monday when the old council w returned by large majorUiaa. Mr. Muir t.-ek tint place, Mr. Boyd second ami Mr ( third. The com- plete vote anl fa*nilin^ of candidates will In* found in the annexed table : Mr. and Mrs. John Howell of Dundalk, pent Sunday with friends here. Mr. J. Btitson auu wife are vuiting at bar parental home at Mr A. A. McCon' nell's. They have been tiring in Dakota for a number of years. MIM Maggie Fawcett of Heathcote ia the guest of Mm R J Stewart. Mini Jessie Gilbert haa gote to Mea- ford high school to resume her itudia. Mr. Ueurge Knott haa gone to Mark- dale to take a positum in an implement hop A very plaaaant time waa spent at the free tea-meet m held in the Muthodutt church, Jan. Lnt A good program * ils given, constating of anthemr recitation* and addresses. Rev. Buchanan of Mark- dale waa prenent and delivered an address that waa much appreciated. n jc ko i S 2 tt S3 38 e },i 3B OSPUKY ELECTION Fur K,', v, - Mouaghan 3&'S, Clark 280. Cuunoillurs \\.CIintuu 263. W. Guy 266, Nurtimn 263, Taylor 339, Uudsun 220. The latter i* nut elected. PROTON COUNCIL Reevo t'cinet'. C-iuiteillon 0. , D. Wil*,.i, D. Pride, P. Shaw. X ax well Frum Ovr Otr?i Carreifxtndent The old year went out vety itoniiy and rough but tin- new year came in very calm. Mr, Will Moncton of Tonmtnupent hi* ChriKtmitH holi-Uyi with Miss Kernicu rd . Mr. T. M. Guy of Maxwell and Miu Roy of Eatrenia were united in Ki-v. Mr Whitu, at the homo of the bridu'a parent* on Wedeilay of Ilutt week. We eirend conj^atuUti ons ad welcome Mrtt. Guy to our mi'Ut. Mr. John M i.lill and his sisti-j, Mra. Ward, of Dundalk, were in our village on Monday. Mr. George Bu:kinli-\m has returned to Belleville after upendinic hU Clin.itniM holidays with his parents. The great cxcitcmvnt "f the election i over and those successful for councilman are : Taylor, Guy, Norman, Clinton. Mr. Mon.i^hn wtis guccewful in getting the retveship for another year. Mr. Sh.-nl FiuM in laid off work with a very ore eye, which hejtot injured m the shop. At the annual meeting, 8. 8. No. 5, , S.Colquet was elected trustee V>r clairmtion for the fourth U-rtn in SHOCKS- ion. Miss IE. M. H iii-oii, teacher, from Brooklin commenced her dutiea in school No 5, Osprey, on Monday ttth.inst. KUPHKASIA COUNCIL RHV Datia (tnaj 02). Cuunoillura There i.s H Ue among theoe and reu!t IK not known. FARM FOR SALE Only $IMU>. t.')CO, bl..r.ce esuy ttrnis interest &':(,. 100 acre*, 75 cleared and under culnvu'ioM, balance half iwanip and half mixed hardwood. Com- f irtable frame dwelling, frame IM.SI barn half mile fiai ^ '<K! school and 3 iniles from rillago of Ku^enia Apply to R. J. e,T: H ilm<, a veteran of the Cri- war, <lir<l i.i Orangeville jail on December W, a^eU * yani. The coro- ner 'a jury fiuiivl tlv\t il-ath was duo to natural c*unc. from Our Own <Jorr*poHrfi<. At the residence of K>-> Dr. Parker, Broadview avenue, Toronto, on Oct. 28, 1901, Mr. Isaac P.x.ley to Miss Mary Williams, younest daughter of Mr. John Williams, Eugenia. As Mrs. Pooley was formerly one of our most highly esteemed young ladies, her many friends here tender her and her husband congratula- tions, wishing them prosperity and hap- piness for many years to eotne. Eugenia people are plessed to extend a cordial welcome to Miss Badgorow nf Mi-if'u.l :uid Miss Robinson of Mark ham, who are engaged as teachers for the EugenU school for the present year, hop- it. g their ti-rm here will be profitable und ploasaut for them. -elves and others. I al> Bank FromOa.r iJioii Coi ret/xnuleitt Married t)i. New Years day, Charles Findlay, of Lady Bank, to Lillian Mary, diiught-.'r of A Itaynor, F,si| , of Tor-intw. Vbe newly uia r ried couple arrived at their future borne in Lady Bsuk late on the same evening. Quite a few neigh- bors an I frienils n-ceived them in a most ordial fashion. After a mtuptuoos re- lit had been served and received triple justice, a large array of presents were unpacked, which showed the esteem in which the bride is bald by her numerous friends. Songs and stories kept up the intercut until tho small hours We wish the young couple bon voyage over the matrimonial MB. i IKji I l /Vom Our Oicti Corrapo*dent, The holidays are uow over, visitors are returning to their schools, pupils to their studies, clerks to their deekn, editors to their sanctum and idlers to their uual avocation of doing nothing in panicular, and many of tl.ein grumbling because they have DO one to help them. Ere this item appears in print the mu- nicipal election will also be over, and the gratifying ripresstons heard from all <|uart*n regarding the efficient work done by the municipal council in the past year, indicate that the right men were in tne right place. Mr. Banks and staff are bimy taking out the timber for Mr. LyrnW new barn. If Mr. Lyneas carries out his contem- plated plans ho will have a barn which for capacity and Bolero conveniences will b second to none in tho township, or very prolmbly in the county, and we tbind J. J. will .-trry >ut his phtns. Miss Laura Whittaker returns to the Owen Sound buninMSB college this week to resume hm studies. A young man, who is ->f a waggish dis- position, and who resides within forty miles of Durham, was recently rut{ueated by a Chicago linn to furnish them with the ramea of a few strictly honmt, reli- able hiwtWi who would be likely to set as lively agents for eaul firm. The young humorist complied by forwwdiiuc the unmet* of Rome, of the oldest men. invalids and cripples, he could think of. In due tine these " bui-tlers" received from said lirni circulais showing forth in slowing terms the advantages to be gained and the money to 1m made by being their agents, anil telling them they were pref- erable to anybody else as agents. We understand that at least one uf I ho recip- ients of said circular) wrote to the Hnn declining their very generous snd soul- stirring offer in a very humorous but ap- iprinte manner. We have not heard what tho firm suid. Explosion at Owen Sound The acetyline g*> generator in the C. P. R. roundhouse at Owen Sound ex- ploded about 7 o'clock Friday night. The cause is unknown. Tho driver of engine No. 599 had just come in, and Alex. Bennet, a wiper in the roundhouse, tried to turn off the gt, but it was nnmiccess- ful. Thou. Gordon. tJe turner, went to assist him. Bonnet had juit left the building when the explosion occurred, which alui'Mt wrecked the roundhouse. \\lirn Gordon was taken from the wreck he waa burned almost beyond recognition. He was attended by Drt. Cameron, Long, Dow, Howey and Creator, who were hastily summoned, but could not save the injured, who died the same night. The concussion was felt in all parts of the town, and wrecked most of the windows in the Pacific hotel. At the sittings of the County Court be fore His li....... Judge CrcaS"r. the case of Julian v. Township of Kuphrania, was heard, judgment being reserved. The action was hi ought to recover damages for the loss of a II.HK.-, by drowning on a roadway in the township. The circum- stances were that tho roadway was nar row and that there was a ditch three and a half feet deep alongside. The horse while Ix-ing driven along the highway, bolted across the into the ditch and was drowned. On Monday Judge Cron- sor handed out judgment duun'saiii;; the action with cHts, holding that the CHIIKC WIIM r.ot, a defect in ilie roadway but the running away or lx>lting of tha homes. T U. Dyre for plaintiff ; l.ui-ns, Wright et McArdle for defendant. ^-Tiroas. . OKI: A COLD IN ii M DAY Tke Laxative Hroum Quinine Tablets Al drtiKRi-its refunit the money It It falls to euro. W. Si Clioe iynaturtie ou eaeU but IM McFarland, Stafford & Co. /TARKDALE, ONT. Grey County's Biggest Store January ^^^^a^. (Ubite Goods Sale* To-day, Thursday morning, we atart our annual January White Goods Sale. Thm auaiion we put in itock an unuaually large aiwirtoient of Ladiea' White Wear and have laid our [ilaiiH fur tlic biggeiit movement of White Goods ever doni- by thin store. There'a no reaaonable reB<>n why w can't aell white ^ooda aa cheap an any store in the Dominion. Baying in large quantities, direct from the Manufactures, for spot cash, puts us on the ground-floor for price*. You could not in the ordinary Way, we honeatly believe, buy the maturialu and make up white garment* at home at the cot to you of the finished articlea at thia xtore during Janunry ; and we think you could not inake them better. You are cordially invited to come and initpect whether you wish to buy or not. These pncea aro DUggeative of others equally as good : lilies' brut laists, Corset covers, heavy white cotton, felled seams, perfect fitting, all sues, January xule price Corset cover, heavy white cotton, neck trimmed with embroidery, felleil seams, assorted Mien, January sale price _ 25 Corset cover, fine quality cotton, felled seams, nquare neck, trimmed with tine lace, January sale pricu Corset cover, extra fine i|ualiry cotton, felled seams, low square cut neck with double row of embioidery, January sale pricu 39 Ladies' Petticoats Lftdiea' skirts heavy cotton,nvill tucks.yoke l>and, January sale price 48 Ladies' kirta.line heavy cotton, cluster of tine tucks and five inch UOUIICK, January sale pricu <W Lulii.-H' tkir'u. tine KnHsh cambric, cluster of tucks, deep flounce, lace ti-iiiinictl, January sale price 89 Ladies' skirts, tine Enalish cambric, eight inch flounce, cluster of luckimr. fill* ic; and inwrtuin ttimnung, January sale pnce 05 Ladiufl akirttt, tine English cainbrie. thiee clusters of tucking, ten inch flounce of lino embroidery, January sale price 1.19 Ladies' Drawers Ladies' drawers, heavy cnlton, huniKtitchod, hew embroidery trinimuJ, closed only .January sale price 1!> L<4> lies' drawers, heavy white cotton, umbrella style, cluster of tucks.fine laee trimming, open or closed. Janu-wy sale pnce 29 L'ldii-s' drawers, fine cambric, unbrells style, duster of tucks, fine em- bn.ulery frill, open or clf<e<i, Jnnuaty sale price 46 Ladies' light Luiies' gowi.a, Mother Hubbard style, heavy ctton. frills <if emfmiidery around neck, cutfs *nd down front, ten rows cf fine tucks, January sale price 4o Liuliva' gokiin. Mother Hubbanl style, heavy cotton, fnlU of lace around nock, cuffs anil down front, four pleats down front and yoke back, January ale price 88 Ladies' gowim, tine cotton, solid insertion yok, frills of embroidery nround yoke, collar and curtW, pleatetl front, Jauuary sale price !>5 EXAMINATION FREE Defects scarcely noticeable In children assume dangerous proportions with advancing years. A proper correction now will prevent serious complica- tions later. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND CPTiCiP FLESHERTON. Tarn worth Boar for iServicc. Alvin ( No. 728 ) iROTON'S CASH STORE. The undersigned has a thoroughlif-il Tarn worth Bmr for service on l..t 1 to, T. AS. H., ArUMiieaia. Turm.s $1 IA). Tuoa. LBVIB, Pro;i -. HOCKLBY- Special reductioui in Mens' heavy Ovor- coa's snd Dreiw Ci-ats, reg price >W. 5(1 for *ri.:>0. reg. $7.50 for $6.00, reg. $4.5'J for 5J.25. LADIES' COATS Reg price, 99.76, for $4.25, reg pricu. $6. CO for 94.20, reg. price 98.00 for fG.uO. LADIES' FUH COATS Regular price, 935 00 to 940.00, reduced price 92U.60 to 35 00 A full assortment 'if Lvdies' cspc:in(*H, ringing fioin, 92 00, 92 90, 93 50, 94 00, in prices. A full assortment nf heavy wool blankets, Reg. prices 93 00, 93 50, 94 00, 94 75, reduced to 92 60, 93 00, 93 <i", 94 26. Flannelette nlanke'M reg. prices 86c 91.15, 91 25. ledticid to 65c. 96c, 91 U). si'Kfl \L I\(}R(X;KR1KS 5 Ib. rni-ina, 25eents, 6 pound prutn-., 25 ct<. 5 pound linest, uiicnlori.d Japan ten, 91.00, 4 plug*, Virgin Gold smoking tobacco, 25 cts. ii plugs chawing tobacco, 25 cents. SPECIAL IN CAPS MM: .u d hoys' cups, regular price, 40 to iii >. H'duevil to 25 ce'itot. A lull iissortm ni o( Meim' hea\ y under- car, pi ices from 00 cent per suit, to *i n. A '-in I 'nd of sslt jitHt arrived at lowi st rush price P/ ctons* asl> Store l'. S Highest [irice pai<l for farmers' pnxliuv.

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