* AKPTEMBER M, 1901 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE If -CUIJXnJOH A YOCNO ' lianki.f. Uarkdala a faaaral banking b.slnaas. Money I at a reasonable raio Call oo as. At VAKDUBBN. J I' .- CUVk Sth I)i t^url Co Gray lMDr of , Mota,rr Publlo Auctioneer. M"i>* to '" * Ch " M P O - OOLLHOTBL Tin unrterttgnea' I* piepared *e aVUrtaketh*Mletlonot all kin.ln of debti bought, arrounts col'^ctnl etc K ! HSNPKBBO*. riasb.rMn Ri SPROUT.* Poatmtat r, FlMhartoo Oo'ii-nlasloner tn H.T.J., Auctioneer Con nya'ioor. Appraiser and Money Lander Veal Ktti> ami Inmrance Agent. t>erlt eorttrsvea. leM an I will" carefully drawl p an I valistiona ipvlaoii r-liortesi nfttice. Bouey to lotn t lowest rsta nf interest Col action atteii1*4 to with promptoeis Cnarita' lojr. Aeant for Uraan Doaainlon lu-nnkip Compeny. A call aollolted. > U W inent nu tha l*t B in each uioiith. to tbalr lodK* room. Ob stoe' blo-k. Fleherton. at p m. T HI. !}; W. U. : AM Cllbapn. or . d " ;* Hal. are* Pln*nct-r. Vi.ltlna; brethren InTttert a _ _______ ARTHTH UJDUE. So MS. A AM m-et" In tha Wanonlc ball Strain !wk. *-lah.rt<n. Tery Friday on or *ton W Mr . fo J * W J /mT FbKBHKKTOM. I. O. P. nie'H In V OIH -t >-' Hlork lha let Krliiat eTeuiti D e*h niiith. Vl^ltinu Kor*et>re haartllr walEro.. C K . R Waller ; K. 8., W. A Arm- rut. E C MVUtt *Y, U D, .. . U hinor r.lut of Toronto Unlar.ity and oral Colloin- of l>antl HjrKautii of Onlno. )) a Oiin-xlta Aru>ntron p J*ell*r7 Btora ruilltli Kavanhaiu tba lt W-lua.. T emili nnntl.. aa<t liumUU 1 and 3 Tbirxi*; ! a*b month. / J. W FU08T. L L. It ' BarrU'ar, *>icitor Cooreyaiioanr. On K*t to poatofllca. Sproule's ble Saab rtoii *') Tlmrsda and.^eoortdi rj TTImrJ orhc.. araat M blo oar daya LUCKS, WRIGHT * llrARKI.K h%rri<tr< Solicitor* Conaneari. *t Omoa-0win Soonrt.Ont u-l UarkdaUOol. W M W min i. MI-ARUUI M II .Klcl'*rto olBca, litb>ra Iai or H*l'iriU)t r-'l VT1 ,t PATTKfCSO^ iurrl-iur. Holklton. rto Mn|..,n . liink. Owan Snvnd MAHUV O Tl.VKKfc WKO W PATTHRdOU I*>\V <k Hrrlar. * . :- Hrund. Mrchnt > . N jl Ftl<rou Ilouw. Landalk. forOrr. M C I 1 * 8 Out I'byili ia'i, Siirfn aM jn.tirt.jti nfllv-i taiir Monk. Baaiilena. Mu.iclisw BCOTT. AXD Bi'PTLY Mi-niHem dill**,* l'li>*.i: A Bnrfaona Ontario UrnlieW ill Me-llciii of Toronto 1,'oiviiriit,. Fi'li.wnliip biplnjia , Poat lira.lu- ata M-li.-al s h. nil an I llu-inaJ. Chicago r>laes f ave, ear. no su<l throat specially ttoapM. H. Hi)Fn.Y, JOHN A. SCOTT. Kuvenbam. Maxwell. JP OrTKW3I.li Veterinary Knrt;roii JV I late of Outitrlo Vvtarloarjr Coll***. i;e|.la'.ea *eo.i<l door south wast o. Marv strast rin >tret raus sa Pr.M>rt*rln Clnireli. UW M \ ~ < K V..t."ii.rr rl i<q > i M I DeiltUI. Maj- |i KI> luati o OitkH" \tiinary C<>llec, i.ffl''"l with r >i nit i (Jnivi-ralty Vlilt* KIK -uia Wwlnoo'luv fr.nn II * la to I p. im . an t /. , p nr'iaiu T.iursdsy from H to p. ak rHoaouuiiaueo o nn BUUL I or | i rlc Count 27510 Tli * ti'i 1 *r-ii'! ted li!i^ a tino Onrlia.m Bnl far itjrvico (color re'l) on lot 147. T.8.K. TawflM -91 UO for tlie , :i .n 1'eiligrea on *iipliuatii>ii. AI.KKHT STCWAMT My ft 1 yr. Tiiiuworlh i IITO a rufiUturo'iTaiiiirortli n-iar for S VI ). S), N. U. It., Arl.-in.uia. Taruia t \\ . MKA.IS. 1'ru: for i Urni for ss> In h.Townhlj> ,-if Artxmaal*, riM*Miiiiiu I *. . more nr leal. TO erM rlearr<i *Ui. firK (no'il.iiflillnij. t.iinpri**.! of hits M 664 M 07, oM, on thu sacniirt rouiM* lou, NorUl ul .Uawbsni K'i*.l. T-rni* '"> Ai'iulr I* UK I IIMIHTuft. slaw. > -I .n nr*!(lil'ra>1 Hei k.bi.- Koar tor >4f o..i> . <wpra> Aak lor tVM OLIXTO**,! The Markets. Carefallr r<.rr. < P*a Barley Butter gi freah r<l Enrh H'rek 32 .. n Hay Wheat, white Wheat, red Potati.e* bag Hide* Wool.. 6 Vo JO to 14 U. 12 7 00 to ..'Mil., 02 to ' '-' to 60 -.o 6 00 to 13 U, 66 :i5 15 12 7 60 6 00 68 113 60 6 00 13 Eugenia Planing Mills. Get your Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Hallusters, C/or- ner Blocks, Hand 1 tailing, the Id'st of Spmce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting.Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds dune toordT. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S. Walker Sloan PROPRIETORS. Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesberton Ptiotograph Gallery are done in firtt-cla** style and M l..w-st ratea. Special attention given to CRfiying. Babies' photos, a apecialty Pictore* framed. MRS BULHER FLESHERTON lONSORIAL PARLOR Nlnatv-*l|!h* |ir*r>ns who want<1 to llorow money ii.- ' in our rr'Ur. hnok iialUr. n I Iniitirsnei urrnta will hf> ki'l -A Billion* notlrn. I'IT i. ins anVlni; for C'r-Mt will Iw pol. .nad. Dtfiktl ti^ ' w 11 i' ini'iM-.h staly a-i'li v xn:. '. l^mfart whan ol>t |>l-*a In in; written rirnw. I(ioal i"ini'' nn and i , -form agita- tors will Ii >>. at nielit. Ttiin rard In K'Mxl fur Haircut, 5have or Shampoo Or anythinK In our linn wlmn sooom- IMUitad with proper cbance. A. Wilson, Flesherton Ilrlng your linmlrv before Tuesday noun, ocli wMik. Harness Emporium ! ! A i'uU line of sweat pads, (lustcis, col- lurs, axle jn-;isf, wliifas, hoof <.\int- IIHMrt, CUrrVOOatal trunks, \alis(>H, otc. SANITARY BRACE For tlenv only KJ I W M ILr=73; W Moor, m=^}~ .if.t-^.i.^xn. riestierton Thoroughbred Durham Bull for ervlcc Cord IDinto, 2^06$. 1w nnilanlgnad lisa a fine MM Durham Hill for sarvlc* ou lot 141, T A S. M t eraia-fl for (rd. cows, a.i f r , r thornucb- F*<ll||ra.on application JACOB LHTBaV. Fl.l.rloa P.O. The buiines* of newspa|>er "penonaU" is K.-IIIIIK on One in the Markdale Si.m dsrd thil week reada : - "Miaa Minnte Howard, a neat nml lily bloado, < tlie gueat f Mm. Horlix> at prvitunt " Slay- nrr Sun. An oditur in a nearby tmni AMkH for l/ropoaalft friiiii tlin th inerchanta of Die town im furnifth him a pair <>f nock', a I.UKliel nf jmtatiiDs and hyeyarda of cali- ru. ciMitmcr to IN- awardcil to tlie Invest tiidddr. He anya that is tlu< way tl,. y do hunint-HH with him whtsn they want $2 worth of jul) work. Acvordinir to the news|w|>e H vry few ITMIIIN iimrcly " tlie. " Tlie banker merely " panseii in hi* chrckn," the oiisli iur " oca tn IIM la>>t HCC'.un'," tha mug- wump "joitu the ureat majority." th* cobl.ler "breath.* In-, last," the aflixm nian" aoek-i the Hjiirit land," t'ie (jamlilHr " shuffles nfl," tlie atabli' nvtn "kick' the bucket," the Bpiritualiatic medium " gire up tli- j{ii, mt," 1 1,,. accotiftUht "g.iu< to hm la.it revkunifh:." A tine calf which is intended lopriride meat ff tlt Duko of CnrnwrtH and York during portion of im nay in lf>ront, was |.m li.i.. .1 At tb>i Tnront.1 cattle mark, t a few day* ago, by Mr. Fr.uik Hm niM-it jr. It ia weeks old, weight abnut 2IJO | inin.U, and in prunouncwl hy cattle Imyrr* an K!III.MI |ieifect aniin.il. It wu i.nniLilii to Toronto by Mr. Henry H<-al, nf Mi dn-'l, and ae evidenoe tif having l*>-n well cared fur during it* b jt (.tar in thu country. The catpful handling will ci.ntmin- fora:int.hei iimnth when the aniuml will be tiiru.'.l 'n a city butcher It will probably U- -i-m-1 up on lli" Uble of hU Royal II _ tine**, at Government U..ii . in (<' b,-r. An trditnr wiio i* a deep thinker. ha tixnj a table of rate* f.ir [Hibliahinir thinga "not ax they ax-em," M f.illowa ; "For calling a inati a nucretaful citizen when everyone kn>iw* h" i* lasicr tlian a goVi>rn- nit-lit mule, |2 72 ; referring to a rle>a<u od citizen si ne who i* aincerely niourn- ed'by the rntir r .tin. .unity, wlirn we know In- will only U- iniaaed hy llie |Mikur cin-li >, $106; referring to mime |i*lli- vantin^ f.-nali- * *n oatiinai.le lady w'.i. n it is a plra*ur to meet, when trcry In >! i man in town hi I rather .-< tlie drvil coining, ho .f. hum* and all, 93 10 ; calling an ordinary pulpit rounder an emiinMit dirim-.W oenio; nendiiiK n loujh <iiiiu-r to In. i n with |n'iiy, fu." Aconniing to the Toronto Telegram thu the prubln ..... f extracting . fnun paat hu Uu-n ii far solved that an e:ii(iii ha* brrn working cx|><-rimontaliy in ihu fac- tory at Toron'o Jnct'on n gan protluccd fmtn |- 1 1 at IM i-itiiuit.-d on*t of t''rt>i< ci-Nfs per lli..iM.ui.| fe,-t An inuxliaunt- able lUjip'y of p.at in far U|i IMI the lint of (M.irii.'n un l.-v.-|..|l reaoureo*, and uny "orkii'jj roininerrial prucesa i>f extracting f i. I and illuminating $+1 fr>m thit peat will b-t wititli inilliuiiH ti llns ountry. Gaa which C iuld h< in UHI'.I -tnr. .1 and diatribtitod at a nut cuat of twenty nr twenty five cent* JKT ihouaand feot would viitn.-illy nboli^h tli use of coal for gener- still.; hi-.tt, liNi and powor, MM I change the whi!o face of mduhtri il iiHturo of On- irio. Thu Cliatiwnrth New* utya: A hor*" thiuf liy the nunu of Tin. in Grittnton o| Ti i, .iiiiM-1 hero lait Ka'ii'day in .rning with a yoin<g home and biuiry and npont until Monday IKXHI driving an.un-1 the riiUge and tryinij to all the horao. At Mn- I inn- it win k nut ii lint t'lo hi.iN. *.is *tolen and ax Grigaton waH in *hort tmit*. 1) HI in til' II M 'hl.'irll | Of -"> ) -Al . llf *gi\ howevur, and did not attempt to con . IM! tho homt-,|H>.i[ile werethn.wn offthir guard. Mr. Jmn* McAvoy wits well ioi]uainted with him for tome y.iri an I thiltt hro lie top|Kwl t Mr. McAvoy'* IHIUBO, where li- wa kindly truatn^ and ri^hl h.-m i" wb-r.. you'ig Orignt m *howrd hin thorough I tck of prinoi|.le hy poraint -titly trying to mill lli" It'irno In Mr. McAvoy, win. finally bought lli" hors for 910. end ' Iriijs'.ni took the IKHHI train nnrth. Oil 1'aoaday Cunntnb'e 1) .nl'.n r.'ceivod n card duacrihinu th tolrn hoi NO nud Mr MoAvoy nt once gave it up on Iwiug apprm-d of the fact*. C irutahle Hriggf. cainu over yesterday snd to ik the home, which had bon*to'en from QuroUtny'ii tiel.l on Friday nulit Grigtton luu nince been itrreited >vt Owen Warts, Versus doles Are riiliPt a nitik nf beauty t Tliia would be a *nui/e-il ive topic fordabatinv aociutir*. K..I the information of micb, let it be known rbnt Putnam'* PainlaM O.irn Ri- tr-rtor n-ronve* painleaaly warts in a ery al'ort time. Drugi.r w'm aell the b*t alwayi rll Tutnajn't, fvjfflasa Crn Ri- tractor. C. B NOBLE & CO Dundalk Ontario. Central* . , Jrfardware Store Balance of Harvest Goods Cl.K.MJKD <)IT AT (iKKAT KK. IN I'RirF. TO MAKK KOOM FOR FALL GOODS. To Theshers : N i- carry * full line i>f iDp|ilie, Rubber and Leather H.-l i. . \MK LcKtber. liahl.it Metal, LuhrdCHting ind i Minder OiU and Fuck i '.an ; Rainbow, Hui>l-r, S |ton<, Asbfst',, Hemp, Spunl snd \Vick Pack- ing*. Ever) tiling ued alxMH marhin-. To Builders : - Wo hare a largo tock of Rim n-l Mortice Locks. - Hfi'l I><ii.lu Diituiim'i ( !Li<-, Paint Oil* and Furirict-M. Plumbing nixi Rilh worlr reccrvt-n our Sjxxjtal Atffiiiioii. A otrlrmcl of 8tvea b..aglif at a *|>eciHl tw price. If you are in need <>f a atovt- it will pay yi>u to ve our price*. \V.- will u>.t b underfuiM. A full line nf Hilver- TP. Wanhing machine*, Ki^-k> r and lUrTt>U'hurnii.l(KIOiiii.Axlet)il ?4 will buy a g(Mxl sett of Buggy Wheels. $5.00 "ill buy a 1000-yard Snider Riflt. fr or shot. A great bargain, only a few left Cvoristtuny you nfftrrf im Jfartl- ivart or "Cinivaro Wo Jfava St. C.E.NOBLE&CO &KK&KK&K K/^K KAK K&K BLOOD POISON M yo*rar eoatractcd any Bleed Pliau yog ara aaw aaf nnlaa tb Tir or polu>a haa baa aradic^ud tram tap system. At tines 70* M* aUrmisr /mrnonn. bstlira la ho|.r no srrions nanlts will follow. HT jro ni o( tha lot,. .wmg symptonsi? Soro throat, uK ers on tha toaffve cr ! the mouth, hair falling oat, ach- Inf PIIIK luhiiiris of tha akin, aorcsor blotchea on the body, cyaa red and smart, dyspeptic stomach, sexual weaJineas Indications of tha secondary ataye. Don't trust to luck. I > if t rum yoar system with tba old togj treat ment-^mamry an4 oUMk-wUlchosly snppnsrs tbs symptoms for a tiasa only to break ovtanin whaa hapny in Jomaatic life, l>on't let qaatka riperiment oa yon. Oar N CW M KTBOD TREATMENT Is gujraatred to car* y. Uur caar*inta*>s> rvbavaiaal by bitak bonds) that tb* dlsexse will never return.. Thouaad* of oatienta i hare been already cnrr.| by oar NEW METHOD TKKATMENT lor orr fc ji-ara, and ao return of tha aistasa. No ezparUaaat, no tiak not a "patch ap," bai a uo*V , 1 1.. core. Tli* wocat caaa* ooliouJ. NERVOUS DEBILITY OUB 1VBW MBTHOD TBF ATM R WT wtU cera mm. ad mam a maa of T"TI. Uader It* iadneare the brain becomes actlva, tk* blood parified so that allpimpli!*, blotchp* and alcars Osappaar; the nerve* become strong aa atert. ao i thai nrrmisness bashf Bines* and tfcapondenry disappear: the rye* becom* blight. tin fac. fall sad clear, .*er|-y rrtnrns to the bodr, and tba moral, pkyslcaland aea- nal systems are iBTicormted; all drains caaaeaomor* Tiul waste from tuaaystem. Tka rno orfius become nataial and manlr. Y. o feel yoararlf a maa anil know marriar* cannot b a failure. W tavit* all la* .ttlkcted toc.mtgit coafiilentiallT I n f,,r f :*V'it e mK-ci;^Y 1 o t ? B c^ k !iS d ?AY. k ' r ' wb y " " yo " h ^" W* trr.it and cur* NKRVOUS DEBILITY, SErDAL'WEAKMESS. TMI- SIONS. SYPHILIS, GLEET, STRICTURE, V A K1COCELE, KIDNEY and 11LADDEK UlbtAbCS, aa4 aU diMuua peculiar to mca and wm*v Caras gnaraav- ted. An Ten a vietlmT BaT. roa lost hope? Arw yoe. eaartamplatlaar samaanT Ila* ycmr blood been dlaeaard/ Uara Ton any weak- / Oar New Kletbod Tr>meat will c*ro yon. CoamrUtiaw. Ho matter who has treated Ton. write for an uoneet opinion Free ul I hir. tharraa reasonable. Jailnftae. "The Uolds* Monitor" |lilB*trataalloarisrj-ol me* T 'Uls*aaasof Woma" "Tim W*nBO( 81m." -Varicocsle, Sttictnn. anJ All unt *r*. (salad. No aicdiclns sent C. 0. D. No nimtt an koxtt Or atlralopOS. Ery'.hir.a I OOaflOMtlaL QwMllon III! iad CM! of Traatnfnt. FREE, lor Home. Curt. U8 SHELBY ST. DETROIT MICH. l Farm for Hale. j, . 13, Artmla lOOarrv*. no biilkl- lnK, no clearing . Vajiialila cudar on sauui, Dcvr tie n culli-l. all I.IIVII.IIIIK and ea-y to taV- out. i-li.-ap ant) uy to ako out. Move quick. W. A. \n \HIII. .MI Map of Orey County Wanted a few UTS affenta to sell tho map ot thp ('"'nit v of (irwy. in tha towufthii>HM \rteni wla. |.i]irev ami Protou Ahu. t!u> towuahlp maps ReparaWI v In air vo placuvi : IU>f*ranoaa rtM|iiireC a Kmid ooniiikisiu>u atliwe<l Kor particulars uuquiru of W.I. HflUinv .Hoh* ton or W. Tulford ricpt. :ir I 1901 Durham. D- PL.ESHERTON On Jfand For Muiisey Hums, Noxon, Kli-ury and W ilkms.in i)iii!Miii|.| t 'nu-nts, Kluury and Verity pluwa >n hand all the time, alaoajl kiixln of repairs for the aarne. We manufacture Wagona, liiiKilitiH. Cutter*, 8l><igha, etc. Hor*ealning pr 'inptly attendwl to. Sueoial HrtHiitmn to tender coiitntcted feet. LogxinK and Plow i "tmms . ..ii'lAinly on ha/id. ^ I r t i