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Flesherton Advance, 26 Sep 1901, p. 5

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PRESENT AND FUTURE . Rev. Dr. Talmage Speaks of Now and Hereafter. ous bridle p.-iihi and iitnld wolf's howl nud the sn-eai:i , i tin- vulture, but I In- was still uii, (Is upward till HI. gel:. Ulllllii It ;inil overarch it and thron. a, id allnm fountain.: loan on jt. mill t I e pathWM . enils at e pearl st |-. i a. Ill temples liiat air .IAV.H.S i ITU anil lulls that i|iiiil.e with pi-i potiial nn<l il city min^lim; ii'tovi: anil and uunnpli anil corona- I timi. j Cotiraue. my her ' Tlio f. it her A despatch from Washington says: ' ore Him for morning light and even- d. not . it t school :,ed from Uwlini shadow. I'r.use Him for fresh, em uu.h money t" last him following texi Matthew vi, 84. lOOOl water, bubbling from the rn<:k. /oars, hut, aa Iho bills fur tuition leaping in'" the ran ado. soaring ill and hoard ami clothing ami bonks fulling in tho shower, da: li- come In pays UK-HI. So Cml will i:. ue'itiurt the ruck and olapp'iig r"t Rive .mi irt.ic,- a '.I a- 1.1.1-0 for its hands in i> t. I.ovo lliiu 1 1"- .i.l vour (or t! i '.ill cushions tin- earth exigencies as they con-o Through ilm l . that curtain the sky >: ut untti tho day la the c\il thereof ' ' Tlx life of i-vi-ry innn. wnman and child is as closely under the di vim- care as though Buch person were tin- only man. woman m- child. There are no i-i-idei.ts As tl.e.-e is a law of storms) m tin- n. it ura', world, so tin re is ;i !..v. of trouble, a law of di-.a.'ter. n l.ivv of misfortune: but the majority of troubles of life ure imaginary, anil the most of thos.e antiiipnti-d never come. Al any ra'e, tin re is no cause of r.unp'.aiut against Cod See how much he has dorva tn mako you happy, his sun- shine filling the earth with glory. making rainhuw for the storm and halo for the mountain, greenness for the niiiHs. Billion fur tho cloud, and J for the billow and pri-ces-mn of bannered flume t hrouuh the open- duiu book to Ing (rates of the in,, ruing, rhamni-hes .if. rivers to glitter -.-as to chant and springs to blossom. OYcrpowf ring all other sounds with it* soiifT and overarching all other splendor with it; triumph, covering up all other beauty with lands and out^astiing all thrones with its dominion -ileiiver.mce for a lost world through the Creat 1:,- I di-ceursu of tho din of a:id the foliage that waxes in Hie k 11. m fi;r a Uibiu to nail ai.d .t Saviour to deliver. Again, the habit of hi.iTowjnjj trouble is wrong because the pi is siitlu -ie:itly taxed with trial '."'I we all r.eeii a ci-r!.u:i amount of troubh-. .ind so he ap- portions it for all tho days ami . of our life. Alas, for the pol- -f gathering it all up for one i- year ! Cruel Ihing to put upon the back of one camel all the cargo intended for the entire cara- 1 never look at my niemorun- what 'eng tribe the 111-1 of st.-.un-rs to bnsii-i ' and know not tin- f.u-t that when line of .steaii.. ! tl.e wife i.f the prnpi "d the wli,.!e of :u li ilav when a iteai ,| in pi-.. vi r to Ood I0r nd the M of the line. Tut everything in Coil's hands and leave it t i ,-n-'M t money to puy will i eat up a'ii. it 1 .1: d t In- irtriT t on lion : iles Will sw;:ii:p a Suf- flcient unto tlio day i.s tl.o i*\'il (." THE S. S. LESSON. 'i Kslnn and yichleilness (Tod If ed. not by a.-. selling oiir.-.olvea und our rights. Lesson \ .l.irob at Net he! (Cen. iNTFRNATTrnjAr TFciqnN - Jtvi !! 1 "'---> tioidun TIKI. <;,-,,. AW 1 -LKw Al IUN Al* 1-ii.rtoUrJ \\viii 1 (i ' SurelV the lord is in Sept. 09. 'this plm s the gi _ . Ci.d to this penitent but unworthy Text of the lesson Comrrehen- , |KU1 ,,,, llt .. ivt . n , hml ,,,,,1 K i v . sive Quarterly Eevi.'W Gold- lng ,, ,,. m()st ,.,,. assur.m.vs en Text, Ps. e ,-nes.-, aiwi cons '.ml ,-a.i e and or oi all futui _ All the premises ol things fCe.ii. Te\<. Ceii i. (;<id i-'eatod i'arth " To o! 1, 1; ii. :l). Coldcn <id shall Ml 1. "In the bee, lining formed (II Cor I. tho heaven nnd the '<>r He is faithful, mv urn.: one of the lie kept ami lid: .ler .\xi, JH). lie cannm denj for He is Himself ,d most precious truths in ' ' si.u XI. witb Ml ill the r.lble in "'"I (Cell, \.\\ll. '. :V- Culdf that of Cod Wi.iL.iig unhindered; Cod L'lki- xviii. I. "Men ought always 10 the Creator of all things in heaven prav and taint." Our h.-.i- and on ear'h, to whom nothing IB venly I-'.. :,g to do too w ii-iful (.ler x\\u, 17i. When things for His peop'e that His He who commanded the liuht to power may lo s'n. that He may h d. but \vo are not tn he su ourselves tbet we hinder Him rt and si riving and do- n<>UH<i\Y!N<; TBOUBMG. First, such a hahlt of mind and I.earl is wronif, beratise it pi. is one .L ilesponil'-iiey that ill fits him fur duty I |!. i, toil two rosehushes 111 l:.V garde:!. Ihe one DiriVed tlfuliy, the other i eri. hed I found the dead one on -. snie of bouse Our <lis| , : .it H,HH. like our plants, need sunshine I-' is t he i-.ui-e of many secular und religioiui failures. i . .f bankruptcy upturn many a line business and s<-iit the man dodg- ing luiuing th' .iv, TV of slander ninl has IOIIL; I - ., e arc far ahead let ivery week bear its own burdens This . \vs of to-day are therk enough. Why implore the presence of other shadows ? Tho cup IS already dis- tii I Why halloo to far distant to come and vvrtt:g out nail in the b \ such champions that, having won the belt in former encounter*. we can go forth to cluilli-'uge all Iho future ? HKKK AKK I.I IM-'SS MI-'.N just able to manage allairs as they now arc. They can pay their rent and meet their notes and manage af- fairs us they now are. but Imw if a panic should come ai. I my invest- ments should fail ? <jo tu-murrow -.vrite on your daybook or on your ledger, on yeur money safe. 'Suiricu-nt unto tho day i.-t thu evil thereof " I'o not worry iibout : thai ure far from dee Do nut pile. up on your counting desk ths fin- ancial anxiet., next twenty :s The Cod, who has cartj vult, "' Wlirldl - v occupation. SO AN \KM S TO MI- !.i HIM A .' -w inu:utis 1','Sn.- tin- .iltrinoon tr.nn pot iliUi the station 'he other .1 be.-.utiful yoiiiii; cre.ifirr I -I r ,ii I.VIT to tho man statione-l at i i;.ilu and jM-ui-ei-di-il to liypmit:.-" him W .! you ple.u'e b-t me through ' she -n.d appeiiJiiiRly. 1 n t do it. im:s It's against tho rules, said the in. .n at the Kate Nut I do so want to m. ,-t him a olT. said tho beauteous nit of d.irkness shines in our glorun ive thu light of the know- full of of Cmi in the face bv our of .1- it (II Cor iv. tii. we n g are limn that tune on earth for and i XII !V;nper.mrc lesson in pai 'i e; -hip vvnh Him that Ood Ul 'I'i'iv xun. lj'.'- 5) Colden Text, all thin-s may be glorilied tlnough 1'rov x.\. 1. W.n- is a mocker, I I i',.| iv. 11 ng dm. I. ml whoso- ". II IVi;inmng of sir-, anil r.- eve.- i- deceive' I " >' deaiptlon (Ucil. III. 1 LI Cohlen Thel .ill the sin of l; m v. JO. \Vheie sin strong dunk <ir iiny other sin xiept abounded grncu did much more in Him who was made sin for Ufl, abound." Here is the eiitr.n-. of the who t .u ir M.I i iffl and enemy, the devil, the adv. r-.ny our griefs, who for us WSJ a i' .it Cod and man. I "id ai-ipmin'ed witli i- such all through the r to Hev \v. when- h- his own place forever In VSTSS I " vve have 'he promise of a Deliverer who. though llu shall sulTi-r at the hands of the .idversarv. shall luially con- il'ier him In vor-e Jl we have tin- niest simple illustration o< the w.iv of redeni|ition. and in versa li I tho THEATING SOLDIEHS. Fortunes Spent in Tobacco Liquor by His Admirers. glory of the redeemed in par.ui n- is taught by the cherubim I -s,,,, in Noah saved in the ark . v in. 1-J'J). Coldeji 1 vi. M. 'Noah found (-race in the thniR. looking into th, man's "' "'" '" r<l ' ''hapter iv tells of gly with her imploring l1 "' -<'^'"" among t violet eves Ami ho will In, KO dis- shipped Cod as set forth in t am an, f I ,11,1 not at the rani <vt '' 1 tllc ne <?''"'" ( '<' li s w meet h:m when the tram tllj " tllcr '"' iM'tnig it. A nt the (jnte looked and of scorn and backbiting Many of tl.- mi- f i i HUM ' i life, like hv lire it y.oi ci.!ira'-" in- "t them. Hi w poorly prepared fur religion* duty is a man who sits down under ihe gloom of e\i'.i!ed misfortune! 1 1 he prays, lie sov - 1 do not think I shall te niu.wrie.| " If he gives. he ays. "I , \| ' tiny will steal Ihe money" Helen rh...m, rs told me that her father. Thomas- ' 'larki'st hour of the hin- tory if tl.e I 1 : , e I'hurcii of Scotland and when the i-es ,.f il.e ' ed to vveie.h upon bis heart said to Ids children. "Come, let us go out and I- lay bull or ilv kite," and tin- only difficulty in the piny nan that the rhilili en roii.d m,' keep up with their father The \lcChe\nes ami t he Sinuun-rfields of tho CljurcJi who did the most (Ti'i'd ii-i.e I In the sun- light Away with the horrors ! They distill poison :ln-v dig graves and if they rim Id climb so high they would drown the rejoicings of hea- ven with SOUS AM' W \!l ISC Again. the Inilut of borrowing trouble is wrong because it has a tendency to ninke us overlook pre- sent lil-!*in(,' To slake man's thirst the rock is cleft, and cool vv li-np into his binnijii 1 ;,' cup. To fi-i-d his hunger the leMs how down with bending whcut. and the rattle conn- down from the clover pnstui- give him milk, uml the oichanls vel low ami ripen, casting their juicy fruits into /his lap Alas. that .mud such exnl eraiiix- of blessing man should growl as thou^hotio w a soldii-r on half rations or a sailor on short ailmv anc,.- that n man Khoiilil stand neck deep in ha. looking fiuw.iid In famine, that one sl,,ubl fi-el I lie strong of health marching with regular tread through all the avenues of life and ye! tlflllhle .,1 the e-^'ei'led assault i.f sickness, that u man should sit m his ple.isiiiit home, fearful that ruthless wimt will some duy rattle the broken \\nulovv sasli with tetn- I est and sweep Ihe coaU from the hearth ami pour hunger Into Ihe ti,. i, I tra\. that n man fed by Him Who owns nil tin- harvests should ing vour More fr"in the torch of the ilinry nni. the key of thu bur- lar. will 'be as faithful in UHO as in I'.u'l Co.|' hand is miRhtier tl an tho machinations of KHtnblers or Lhu plots of political . or thi- red i ;i;hi nnn ition. and the it u i. ness will lly and the st, no f.i'l'ilead at His So there aro persons In feeble n ami they ant woi ru-d about the future They make out very woll m w, but they ure buihcring tliem- s about future ; and rheuinntisii-s and nuuralgias arid f--v 1 -l^llt IS fei h!e. rtlul in- w,>rrii-d ie-t they entirely lose it Their healing is indistinct end ' alarmed lest t Lev be- ,,iiiie entirely deaf. Tlmy felt rhilly t-i-ila.v al tpcctlne; an attuck . f t -, phonl They lluv" been troubled for weeks with some peiplexing mill- | adv and ib -ml bi-coniing lifelong in- valids Take cure of your health now uml trust Hod for the future. 1'e not utility of the blasphemy of ,; him to take . i of you while you >hep with your windows tight down or <>at chicken valad at I I o'clock nt night or sit down on a cake of ice to cuol oil. Hi- prudent, and then be confident \ .uti. the habit of borrowini; foi tunu tn wrong l-i-.a-.-,- it mint:. us fur it when it actually does come. ..niiot always havo SMtiMTII SAII.INi: Life's path will SOIIH-I lines tumblo iiniong ile -livii n-s and mount a steep and be thorn pierced Judas will Hw-s our cjttvk and then sell us for .'in pitves of silver Human :<orn will try to crucify us between two lluevi >\. -vill hear the iron jrati- oi tin sepuliher en-ilk and grind aj* il shuts in our I. imbed Hut we can- not get ready for these things bv forebodings They who light imagin- ary Woes Will Clime out of brent 11 into eonl'ii t with th- armed , ters of the future Ti.eir aninmni- appointed ago to gets 111 The mull ited 1'lruse. said Ihe lovely young t UN- i -i- i :mg -Ilk skirts m-i Iv and Keeniing to lianj{ on the gatv- inan s noil Hell, maybe I can take a rhanro, :an nnd he pulleii ^'ate open anil ail- -',-d her S', - mil-.- been nu.rriecl a while, n :!i . 'i ! "inn. a nl her huvbnnd's Connie; baci. ter I .i.v for the first time they wen ed and d on tho men 1 . isc w:is o of those against Coil till all Ilis'i hiT.iniii so corinpt that Cod ite- stror-eil all with a deiugi-. -t Noah and Ins family, through whom to people t ith Thu piiictual ipie-lion is. \in I in .,rk. tho true uik. Christ Jl in whom alone is ivdempto IV - Cod calls Abi MI. 1 '.i Cobfe-i I'"\. '-'en I 1 will bless thee and make thy name gn-nt. and thoii .halt be a Hatred of Cod is agnin.spi- v manifest at the tower of Habel. ""** i i i .. : t i. ,.i I! have it that had once in our an.lnnv. luid ho looked thoughtfully I, -AH the -iiiing whern the radiant voiim: tTMttUTt ^t.ind. mi; .-.Ui-nt ly tapiyng her foot. The train pulled in .1 minu'i-s itftifi Tin- young woman ran nlongsidc the !uug:ige van. nnd the hiipgagf-inan hnnded her out a mi-.i'iiible litre -pecunrn nf a stuck uj. hlileiuiK. imi/.'l'il pu>. dog. which she took ill her arms and loaded down with , ,1 out. of Ihe exit gale with 'he |iug in h'-r urins she be- st owed a. bewitching Minle upon ' he fill email THK I.AKC1 ST I'KISoV In l-'rni.e.e. at the new pi Winch is .ibuiit eight miles from Pans the a II uw tluir bi^ lief in frev)i an- nut! sunshine. and the pi '-on is a model sanatorium T!ie is the largest ill the wot Id an. I lak'-s ihi- juace of three obi ones It is built in a sni. pie style, hut covers, with IU ; floral<U-n8 and resnli-nces of ollu i.ils. inure than half a sipiare iniie There ure M in.inv as 1 M^'.l hut as there is accommoila- lion ,-n the i'.SMici.ltioll system for about -lilli in, ue pi ISIMIII -. the total it will eonlain is ronsiderably ovi-r 1.000 + : ri.ct'KS (!- sin i r idola- i '',i,| calls Abr.un to be tt man wholly for Himself and tho fa- ther of a people whom He i.m ate from ail oilier people and lib --s 'hrmigli them lie ma- bli-s others . Kx \i\. . r ). ti. xxxm. 16) I e- '.on V ii.'l 1 ' ' Cen xnl. 1 1MV Cidilcn T- ' " ' vii. 1^'. ' vi' would that men should do to you do ve even Idem " 1:1 ei .Line necessiirv t" of the Wealth of these two men III Hocks and herds that t hev slum parale Their men who kept the Murks worn striving among t heniFi I van in tho presence of tho heathen. and tins was a dishonor to ;, Ahrum. to whom Cod had civen all this land, magnanimously gives Lot his d VI Cod's i i i Ab- ram itJen. xv. 1 -1*> Colde-i T--x(. Cen \v I. "I am thy sliirlil and thy exroedin.: great re--. Tin* is the cha| ler m which --o nitttiy words are use-! for the lirM time, such as 'fear not," believe." rmht isi etc.. nnd here is tho first promi the seed as the stars of heaven Ahriini is becoming iinrea-.ugly sep- arati-d iiiil-i Cod. and Cod II hemm- ing iiu - ea-iMi-'y real t" him. The advet : i: lollbls and feiirs nnd seeking to turn his \,s 1 , t , , ilTlllllstl 'S, bill "lulll thv shielil" should dispel all fear I .---ou VII \!-i abam's int- lion will liave been vv fore they come lilldel n-.ii misfonuin' to jump a wall til long bo- iinilci the guns of llovs in nttemptiiifr sometimes go No fur back in order to get u,i| el.iis that when I hey come up they are exhaust- ed, and these long races in order to 1 rollhlo dreadful reality with our st rengt h gone. expect to starve that on- whom Cod loves and sin rounds wilh benedir k ,et s p> ing f-nough to vault lion and attends with anuelic i-s |, M i,i;s in: up nt last to t he cort und hovers over with 11101- than motherly fondness should be ; I inally. tho habit oi borrowing looking for a heritage of' Has trouble is wrong because it is nnbi.- Ci.d In en hiiril with thee that, thoii |i,.f i;,,,| l,as priiinised to take ran: Hhoublst be fon-liixling "* "as lie ,,f , 1S 'riie Hible bhnuiis with as- Minli-il thv him id ? Has He coven-d thee with rugs ? Has lie s| read traps for thy feet, nud galled thy tup and rasped thy soul, ai.d \\n-ck- cd thco with storm, nnd thuinlei ed upon tho- with a life full of eulam. ity ? If your father or brother into v.i,m bsak whi-ie mdil and silver nrg King iibout. you do not watch them, fur you know they are honest, but if mi entire stranger come by the sofi- you keep >otir eye on him. f,,, vnii do not know Ills designs S,, sniiiii men treo' ' ^"il : N' >T \S \ ] \ I'llKK. but a straliKi'r. and ad siispn ioiisly toward him It is high tiim- you to tlniiik (lod for present (lod 'I'hunk Him for your child- ren, b.ippv buoyant and bounding Him for your home, with it* df sung and laughter. \,i suranies Your hunger will be fed : vi in- MI Uness will be alleviated, your iWS Will bo healed Cod Will aiulal vour feet and smooth your path, and along by frowning and opitiing giuve sound the voices of M lory nnd good chi ei Ihe suni- ni-r clouds that -ii-ni thunder charg- ed really carry in their bosom har- vests of win-nt and shocks of corn and vineyards purpling for the wine- s Tho wrathful wave will kiss the feel of the great Storm Wnltie, Our un-at .loslnia will command ami |,,,\o vour soul the sun of prosper- ity will stand still Ulewk and wave struck I'ntmos shall have apocalyp- tic vision, and you shall hear Iho cry of elders and the sweep of wings and ti unipets of salvation and tho of halleluiah 1 Vlii ecu VOKKVKU \ -in w.iy may wind along dniiger- xviii. 1ii-:<:i- Col.len Australia is the wool centre of the T ,. N , ,j. !S v 1( i_ | ,.,i. fi-,-- i-tit pravi-i of n rii;hte.,us man avail- el h nun h " Ile who had iline-l with ham and now talked with him was none other than lie whom we know as our llnrh I'm-vt who e\ir liM-th to make intercession for us. and the ministry of intei,,- ion. .1 forth in l\ov Audi- w Mm boo;, wiili that title, is one of our Kli'.iiesl. privileges I o-soii \lll Abraham atul [saaC (C.-i, x\il. II!) Colilei. Test, lleh \i, 17. Ity faith Abraham, when h, Wits ttii-d. i-iieiod up I ic " This is the most remarkable I v \tt- of I he ,,- of I'lnisl in the Sci ipture- Abi.ili.ini and his only son a. .stive of Cod and His only be- miiien Son Is.nic siilums-ively hear- ing the vvoi.d on which he was to he in-led, and ihe father, with the 'ire and the knife, making the pnluiv coiiiplel.! in e\erv detail. Tin- ram sillier, n;; in Isaac's stead, taking his on the altar. reminds us of 1 In ist as our substitute. dying in ,-ar p, 1 .- oil 1 \ Is. I., I ||t ' , |l e;-!.|l;er (Cen \\vi. l^-^.l). Ooldi-u T, \i Math, v '.'. "Itlessed are the pi makers for they shall be culled the world for it possesses inonv than lull illHI.IHIO sin ep. mill It i II' . enough wool fioiii Ihi-ir bucks to hi in.; ill $lti" (HMi.dOti a year It has -ome of the largest thicks of sheep ever gatl-eieil together. ,-ind Job's i at I le up. ii .mil hills cannot i-iinipare w il li th hiproof of tins we may menliiui that 1 hen- are a hundred men in New South alone who ,-ach own ."iii.niH) head there ;ire hundred* inoie who ,.,-,,- L'li.i'tM) head . four hundred who em I, li.ive H'oi'ii. and many who own Hooks of 1 lit'n and upwards. I ' , ..,- are t '.venty-one mei. who each OVVII '.'Ml. I MIC sheep. Tin; KOYAI, KI'IVHKN AT I'KTKIISIU i;c ST. The v\al!s and ceilings are of black marble, covered with vain. ible orna- ments, Tim lilt, hen utensils are of solid gold. und date bar 1 ,- to tho tune of the Ivmpi ess Catherine Their value is Sfiti.iM u ' and I hei - among tiu-in several saucepans worth $li. r >O. while a l:sh-kettle is wnrth $6.tHKV The kitchen stafT consists of J(i.' pel von.s. and the head cook iee-i\es .1 -...i.iry of $5l>. OOO a year. Six other cooks ea. n each from $5,- IHMI ty 37 .-,im A mill of a Yorl.:,l,irf farmer si wavs had a "hani.i -riiig" after thi army, but his pnn:.ts wen- obdui> mil his miiit.iiy ardimr Unallj found v-'it in a inodiiu-d form oi diet ing in tie- i v. which i( ,,-d as a kind . '. \\ ,i ' i" | ,.ke The father of the vnung fellow il ipn".iion d ed. nnd '.ef i.niH busille: s. which Was .1 ijood line IB I his cas--. to hi:. son Tho latter the application to thi work which it rei|un-u lie was con- stantly driving in to tiie nearest gari ison town , lej.-unenl ol .nu, 'ic, t. and hs s|H-nt most of lus i the serge, ml s lies- ,n with mili- tary companions in the lnwn He Would not allow the s,,|iliers tO pay for iinvthit',; ,f he could pn-v-nt n and ne -pi-tii i much r rate than he could make id. He hioi iiu.ilaiv :i.i!,|s at tbe farm for wiei, nils and tn-ati'd them handsoin-ly in tin- inattei of d, :nkj and , 'ild onlv be one end la this sort if tiling and it came 114 hail 'o u i his fainting m- tele- ollt of it with hut (i few pounds in his ' Wit h the ml ,,( fi u-nds h went out to Ametiia und IH-XIIII lifsi mi .1 inch. II., i, dd I'M, man. .1 v.uiiig ' How of thirty. eaino imexpi" tediy m' sum of <J ."iiMi He We.s i nuiihi'iist at a s.iw inn) with a wag S7 a Week lie threw up his mil allll M't ii to enioy He went to . l.ondi'ii. and ,tt-r a fortnight ' vviit "ii ' u Aldeishot to s,->- a friend' who wus a corporal in a line merit UK I 1KII> THK Si'l lilI'US. and he pent all h.s ' in,- and his linn:, , :,,t and Lon- don with lus soluier d lends At the end of Ihiee mo,,ll<s he had not a peimv in the world and wu -...king a job al his -ml ei.ip.ov men i \s lio wus a 1400,1 band nt las work, ho v -.tied in git in, i! a 'ob at Hull, but he lould not shake ,,ll his pro- pensity tor t renting si.idii-is - evei airosh i.'iein when his funds ni.ouod. The iliik.vard town-i of riyinoiith. I'- iisinonth. and Chatham an- ot without their instances of the kind. Apart from the men who cume oil n foieniM s|. limn and on beiiiK paid olT. "blew tin) lot." tlii'te are ,,v- ilians who beggar t heinsel vos in an BJMBSJ .'I 10 miration for tlii hniiily- inan \ lew years ago two i from \\"i\.-i h.iiiii'ion. vvl ,, , .1,1,11 ilov\ n to Southsea with an I-MIIISIOII ami had imui-.eiv hroiigbt a I they had will, them, spent aboul JLHO in tvvn da;, s ill "signifying tho same in t he usual manner " w it h bli. i ami marines. When ti.ey had paid for u vv i a friend lor the amount ;,ei\ tu take them home, t hev were [icili ' l-'ortunai -ly they wen- .I'.i^le men. and had merely to return to t ho s of "saving up ." 11 II Svers. who had 1 1 lidll left | him a few veais ne.,,. w,-T,t through ev 1-1 penny at Chatham, treating sailors and marines It w .is not all "bit-wed" in t, -fating to drink ami music halls, for he ho.ighl all -.,'!'< of things allowablu and forbidden to men in hospital, including stores of pounds of tidiacio for con v .1 'ies,--ni s. while ; e -fill money to i.i-ody reia- M\es of Ins naval ft lends \\hen last if. i i d of lie vv as a pal I "II of a house" in London. but Chatham knew him no nuu- It inns', not be in-'erieil for 01,9, moment. that soldiers ami l,lu- laek.t are nei.eia'ly guilty of, "sponeing" on ijeniiinis , ivilmiis. for there is nobody mole i'|ion hand- ed and "enernus than our -.oldit r- and sailors u lien I In- y have tho wherewithal. bul oi asiomi ! Iv null-, viiluals of the ..bove , h. .1.11 lit , i op i-'.M \i.i ru-:s AMONI; SAILCU^ lii nii-ekN of men IUH. t slups last in like manner >u hli-d to the 1'hillii- year sonu- 1 .04(> sailors perished ( M tines property that was rightfully men employed in sailing ships one children of Cod " Abraham would up. and they lusisl upon doing the no! stiiv- for thnt, which was right- thing well t ( > the -,ol.-il tli-pletlon of fully his. bul rather yielded (,, 1 ,,| their ,w n funds. ', that C.ul might be g'm i.n-d 1 (H I ondon's "1 ' .ire inhabit in liKhty .me woa drowned, while of those empluM'd in steamships tho was only ono in tines his. and Cod was glorilied In him. and l!m 1'hilisl ines said. "\Ve certainly thai tho Lord was \vilh itluc" ,xx\i. US). Uy ptauknesa nnd rest <f>r t >\vua. K; o;in iwmsos. :,:,:>,, Th ,i'e -.' iii,. justfres of Mm iiind a^i'l W ales, of win : > >" 'or Clingfilm*. t.lif

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