WTEMHER 26, 1901 THE FLESHETON ADVANCE -**- F, T. HILL & CO. MARKDALE innnnnn* For Fall and Winter Wear See our * Window Display Of \Vi- would like t-i impress you with th goodness and extent of our Ready- to wear Clothing stock. There'* scaively H possible want that vp cannot satisfactorily till. We've spared no efforts in getting together the largest ami must up-to-date class of FINE CLOTH ING hst you or we havj ever seen ; and as lo prica there's i,.. re- tail intrclunt in Ontario in a |Misition to gire you bolter values. Put this statoraout to the test we'll cheer- fully abide by yuur decision. Special Suit Values Men's Suits, all-wool tweed, double breast, drep French facing, Farmers' satin linrd. Linings throughout are first class. Kegul-ir pnce 7.60, special unly .................................. 5.00 Men's Suits, all-wool tweeds, handsome shades in mixed effects, double tirrast costs, deep French facing, thoroughly lined through- out. Regular price S.OO, special only ..................... 5.36 Men'* twred suits in mixed green and brown, iluuble brest coats, French facmi;, absolutely satisfactory in every respect Regular price 8.110, spocial only .................................... (i.40 Men's Suits, heavy naty frieze material, double brrmt coats, deep Kreiu-l, facing, peifectly lined throughout, an excellent fall and winter suit. Regular price 9.00. special only ............... 7.40 Men's Suits, heavy all-wool tweed single breast, sac cat, French facing, latin lnu-d cost and vest back, perfect asnortmont of patterns aud colorings. Ilegular price 8.75,s[>ecial ......... 6.90 Men's lil >. k Venetian Suns, morning coats, fancy womcd trouiern. perfectly tailored and splendidly lined throughout. Two extra special lines, 10.6 and .................................. 12.50 Men's navy and black, heavy English serge suits, double brtast ousts, dorp Frrnch fkning. coat and \et I m-k lined with best farmer*' satin, double thread, absolutely fast dye and thoroughly dependable in every [.articular. Regular I2.AO, special at ____ 10.00 Men's English sortie suits, satin lined co^t and vest back, single V-n ast roat, double breast *est, fancy stri|i|>ei| w 'rated pants, etjnal of a cmt >m >nade suit in cut and hnish. Regular price 15.00, special only ......................................... 12.00 Nobby Overcoats Mt-n'i ltl:n k IJeaver Overcoats, fancy lined, velvet collar, nieiliiini length, i decidedly serviceable itarmout, extn special, only. 5 UO Men's Illn-k Beaver Overrtiats, farmers satin lined. French facing, silk velvet collar, rich bright finish, up-to-daie in cut.ht and finish. regular price 99.00, special only ......................... 7.26 Men's Navy and Black ll.avei Oven-. >.-\t, tly front. Kren Ii facing. ailk vclv collar, twst farmers' satin lininir, ret;.|12.AO s>i-ial u .8Ti, Men's Venetian Overcoats, dark gtny, fashionable length, French facing, f;. 'iners' ratin lined, a hai dmnne garment for early fall wear. Kuu1ar price $12. s|>vcial only ................... 9.00 M.-n's lUxiaii Overcoat, nt-w cuff, new kleevr, new |>tx;kct, made of sof 1 , heavy material of th newest coloring, rich satin lining. fancy stitched. This is one of ihe nvwrst and most fmhional.le gannviits in the market to-day. Reg. price 912 <*i4), special New Fur Garments Our stock is the mott lomprehennive cur pii > the lowest, and our styles the most up-to-datu you'll find anywhere, in (irey County. Our Guarantee does Ulitb every Purchase We have scores of I. .wer | ncr.l lines than appear in this hit -noinattor what the extent of your finances we promise to plea*.- you. Kvery .lep.irtnieiil of our Urge store is now cMwd.d with 'Ii- U-st -*lurs and nhmt anfis- faclory K<HM! we've over handled. Alm..M all our Canadian purchases were made by us Deisonally in the "mill" at discounts of 10 and 20 IMT cent. < >ur importati .us troin Kn..lish, Scotch, lush, and Kuraiwoii houses were all ..rdered thn>uh manufacturers' ageutasj) |.....t spot oah prices. For y.urow n sMisfacnon and profit it's imt>ortaiit that you ee the many new thing, we how thi. season for the tirst tune. You'll be treated courteously intelli- gently and piomp:ly wbelher I nying or merely hiking thiough. j. t. markdak. | Importing Retailers. rCBMMIIKU W1EKLY AT TH OFriCI, X)L- LiMiwoobNTaBer, ri.Kiiir.KTo*, ONT., > . H. Till K-.KO. si per .n,. i u in M r i.-i i> n advavrr Advertiaing Katea : DO Uolumo, I year, f SO ; halt col.. I r, ii quarter ool , on* yssr, S13 Vranslat ulTnrtl!in*iit t-barfed at the rat* cot< per Hue for first lusortlon so i 3 cent acb subsequent Insertion. THE DUKE'B VISIT. The Duke of York in now being fet- ed and feanirii in Canadian cilies, eacli motropolifl vicing to outdo the oilier in giving a right royal wrlcnm to our future kinx and Ilia sjionse. 'I'm - onto lia set Hsulo ten tliotiaand fur a display bat since seeing the magnifi- cent scale adopted by oilier ciiiua, tin- y in I'M City ia likely to dig down a little doepcr into its pocket book. As iu turn ootnea at the rear end of llie 4our it will be obliged to do soniething very haudRorua if it wiBbe* to " ini- preHM" hii royal higuesa, wlio, by that lime, will probably have been nauseat- ed with the fuss aud fume whicli IMH advent baa caused, ll n a widn con- trHl to IIIH lat. vit iu 1 SH:), whoii 4li |H'"|ile sciiruuly know who " tlia little Duke. >f York" was. At tbat lime lie was nndritlie wiug of Princes Louise, IIM ruyul aunt, and the Mar 1'iis of Lonic, who was goverunr- ({HIM nl cf Canada, and tliu ynti man wan totally nvei-Hlmilowod in tin- pilblit) nun 1 liy the two nlilitr purson Tin- writer had tho pleasuro Mto nJiiiK a few feet from A>UH wht n ho vuutad Xoronio, nnd all the cheers were g : veu to the Marquis and I'riiicess, while th little iiiidtiliiuiuan was practically ignored. But the whirligig of time has wrought a change in his alTaim. In hig re-cent j.-iiii'.v arottud the world be has fouiul homage mid adulatio.) of a quantity aud degtee which ought to satisfy any eaaoting proern-olive save reign, and iu Canada, IIM last port of call, the cup is apt to be charged to overflowing. Wo have no oV-siit- in be u piinci- uf the blood and llieri- are no riiiit- yiapcs in this 8unctum. The Toronto World is kicking be- citn.se, iu the) ligt of houora ^iven !} the Duke of York, Toronto Ui'ivi-rsity is tut recognized. It argtieo that some graduate of tlmt iunituto of U lining Hhould ivooi/o a litlo, tliis as a sort of a double-barreled honor one for the university ami two for thu in- dividual. The public will undvi Hinnfl the deep aiguifioanoe of this protest wlau it ii remembered that W. F. McLean, M. P., proprietor of the World, ii a graduate of Toronto Uni- versity. W. F. cauuot be censured for possessing au ovfrauiiudaiMe of modesty. When tin) Jab) Pn-Hident McKiule> was first -ofceted to tho \VlnUi House he was looked upon with suspicion by Canadian* and the opinion was he! J by tin in that h was UK rely a peii f '...'iiii,- politician of a rather higher older than usual ; but the time catue whim they learned the eiror of tins opinion, and we believe we are with- in the mark in naming that no pieai* ti 1. 1 of the United Htateg WIIH ever so -iueeu'ly uiotiriifld bjr the poeplo of Canada as was Mr. Mo lui-1. > No such marked evidenced of mourning were bcfoio vouchsafed to any decease! potou late of a foreign power as has been Ix-stowed in (hit ease. la other iuaUncei there have been expression* of sorrow and yni- piuiiy.btit iu tliig case the rpontaneoui voice of universal mouruiug ha* beeu s .Mti'ilmiu' never before witnessed. Hie latest uews troui 8ouih Africa is somewhat of a disquieting nature. The Dutch resuleuti of Cajtc Colony appear lo he joining the rebels in con- siderable force aud things are In-hit.; rtlier8orious. When we look thor- oughly into the difficulties encjiinUn.l by (iret Hriiiiin the marvel is that she has heeu able to accomplish even what (the has. A thousand miles of country to police and still adut aggressive measures against the foe ; a country five thousand milea away from tli% baso of supplies; au army of thirty thousand months to feed and maintain iu captivity ; a cliuiato unaduptcd to uortheru conitittuions : in these wo have a few of thu difficulties aud a fow ouly. But Britain will surmount li,. in' She will subdue the Doer or auiiilulattf him, aud it looks just now as though the would bo called njMm to do the latter. Mr. Win. Sperliug, proprietor of the only house on wheels that ha* panned through these part* (or snni* time, mid family, started un their return trip to I >,. Witt, Nebraska, ymterday Thero ii a oharin alKiut (he novelty, no doubt, |, u t we imagine that the residents ,,f this iinii|ue li.-im-stend will just be the least | hit weary before they reach their distant Ii n.. Mr. Nperling counts on making ! tho trij> iu eight weeks. -Hanover 1'ost. Boyd, FLESHERTONT Tall millinery ...Opening,., Triday and Saturday. September 27 and 2S, We have the pleasure of inviting the attendance of the l.aiiics of the vicinity at our first Fall Millinery Opening on the <lates above mentioned, when we hhall place on exhil>itiun au i-le^ant col Meet ion ot TKIMMKH MII.I.INKRY READY-TO-WEAR HATS and novelties for the COMIN<; SEASCJN. Miss E. HcDonald of Kingston, who takes t -barge of the Show Room, comes very highly commended as a very capable and artistic milliner and we can confidently assure pleased satisfaction with all orders entrusted to In r execution. When taking stork we found some lines somewhat overstocked and a> we need all the space availalile for the placing and ex- hibition of new fall goods, we have marked down a number of lines in all departments and will sell them at figures which will in- sure a speedy clearance. Boots Reduced M.n's PI.. ugh It, is. all iu>s. Woni'-n'a t;!ove grain lialnn.nl. ail sizex, W" men's pubblo Ka) moral', all si|e. Children'* lace or button grain Ifc'ots, Staples Reduced Wrspiwrettes, big range of good coloi-s Prin's, all colors, just tight for ijuilting KlannetteH. goist rai'gf of heavy cloths Apron KinighauiM. i;-). wide, fast colors Check fthirtiiiK, fast c->l"r, good width Heavy shirting, utru stout cloth, fast colors Heavy crash tuweihne;. "ubes t.isily Flannels Reduced Urey I" i lieu RsMiel, 'JT inches wide tirey I'm o Manuel, full width, good weight Ciey W,N. I Flannel, plain ur twilled I'nahrinkable English Flannel, all-wool 1'nahrinkable English Flannel. i{o.'l patteras Heavy Canton Fla.iiicl, 32 inches wide Hosiery Reduced Women's Wool Cashmere H.e, full sizes Men's Heavy Cotton Hoav, full size Children s Fast BUck Cotton H . Regular !. 25 for Sttc Ke...uiar98 for $1.00 Regular JI.'Jj for fl.OU l.2& for 8&c Regular I'.'f; for 8c Regular Ac for 5c ReKtilar ii and 7 for 5c R.Xtilar IL'Jc for UK- Regular He for Revular lOc for Rexular 7c for Si- Regular He for or Regular ll'Jc for lOc Reuular 25c for 20c Regular Soc for i5c Regnlsr 20c for IX- Regular lUc for 7ic Special 2 f. r 26c Special 3 for 25c Special 6c Fall Undrewear Reduced Men s Union Tuderwear, full weight Regular 1.00 the suit for 76: Hen s Heavy Ribbud I iidetwear, full weight Regular bOc the suit fot 65 Tinware Reduced Holler*, Copin-r tx-'t-mi, full hixe Milk Pans, larre stxe, heavy tin Tin Tea Pots, largo sire, copper bottom T n fails. 10 quart, heavy quality Preserving kettle*, good granite ware Tea Kettles,hea\y tin, full KIZP, copper bottom Crockery and Olassware UeyuUr fl.50 for 91 25 Regular lOc for 90c dot Ketjtilsr 26c for 15c MM l.v 2 for 26c Regular 60c f.-v 40c Hexular fl.OO for 65c au Reduced Cools and Brushes Reduced Hammers, full size, ail/..- eye Pota'o acoops Straw forks, three tine, eitra strong Adjustable Braces, lit any bill Wl.iie Wash Krushea Sample Cot Window Shades All good colors, aoinn plain, somo deoorstid, sorue fnngod. lUuular 36 to 75c. goods complete with rollers. Selling for Regular 40c hue for 30c Regular \i.V f T lOc liegulartl.OOforttOi; Regular i>. v for tiic ReguUr 60c lor :>c Regular 16c for lOc 26c. each Come md du sauiu business with us we can make it to your ad vantage and satisfaction, Boyd t l>ickling & \ . THE FLESHEHfoN ADVANCE SEPTEMBER 26, 1901 mtbodi$t Church* Tfesberton PAarOR-Kev..r.a. Ivlaon WUs>ori MT v i. -I.HHIK IM > 1 1 n m.*t 1 p. m. Hur.J.'CU for uelt.-abbUi : uaplivt rLiUwthropv. KVEN IN(i-- special sermon by Kv.L.W.Tkoin Vicinity Chips f the Pant Carefully 'uild for ib- Curious Coroe to the fair on Friday. Tli inksttiving I> iy it iwt fur No. 28. Go'i-J ro-id oart f'r sale cheap, or trade fur tuy. F Bant, Flenherton. Kr.-sh Inn* .iU-.-.i\ .., hand. J. H. Duckett, Bicycle f-,r sale cheap, H in good con- dition, for particular* en I at Dr. M.irrty -. Take in Boyd, Ektling ft <-'.>.' Fall Millinery Opening when yu are here for the fair. Born At YouugHtown, M T.,on Sept. 5, t.. Mr. and Mm. Wesley Carson, a daughter. Born -At 350 Stella avenue, Winnipeg, Man., "ii Sept. 5, 1901, to Mr. and Mis J:imes H. Stuart, a son. "Mis* Hannah BeUtuny. late of Toronto,' lit "|,.-ne.l ,i drcmm.'ikirn establinhniert iii Ur. Carter'* late office. Strain's lilck. PrvM f'>r wle No. 1 Oshawa (Ji.rclon, in good order, coat 9150. A genuine map at fot) canii Apply at Unit office. A; ['!. nti'-e wanted tu learn iiiilli.iu. Apply to O.-piey Farmers' Milling Co., Keveisliatn. Rev. J. 8. Ivison Wilson B. D., will pieach an anniversary cinion for Uev. L. VV. Thorn at Pc-i-lon Siti..uon Sunday eveiiitux ne.lt. H for itale A thor.'Ujjhnred Berk hire boui two yeaiii old. to null on eaay terini*. Kur full parnculam ap^ly to James Smart, Kumierley P. O. Tho prayer mooting iu Thursday even- ing but in the Methodist church p*i'.."k 01 the nali Ti of a memorial . rvice for the laU- President McKinley. Lovers of the beautiful should not fail to see tlw nliibiikin of siylish and itrtin tic niillmeiy at Uoyd, H-i-ltling A Co'* this week -their Fall Millinery ii an- uouuced for Friday and Saturday. MONKV TO LOAM At 4* 10 4J jier cent. K*pciise low. Alao a number of un- proved and unimproved farm* for sale cheap. Apply to Oeo. Rutherford, Shel- Uirue, or Duudala office Saturday after. uuoo. OWEN SOUND KAIR Special single re turn ticket* for Owen Sound fair next week, good for p. m. train*, and goid to to return until Sal uriiay, i>th. Sutroial retuin train Thursday. Mr. IJeo. Walter of Kiiuberlry ha* recently purchased a maxmnjunt bull f the Polled Angua varioly in ordT toconi- plele his herd which, we believe, Uo pn.- poaeH . xhiliuiuK at the Kant t!rey fair n Fliday. The annual refeired to tip* the scales, when in goud erudition, at one too. JSlayuer muat be a rare place tu lu-ni ; uua f tinily. According to th a Sun "any night aftor dark crowds of email I >>.* ranging from 8 10 twelve yean of aite. can be found playing gaiiiea, occupyiitj; door atepii, pittin tobacc juice and making IK, ice enough for a thouxand wildanunul*, all along main afreet. " I'M, K' 1 . MII have been issued for the aecoud annual convention of the Art fiuvaiii tn.vuship.iSabhalh school Ann >cui- i ii. which will be held in the Meth<>dit church, Vaudeleur, on Monday. OUolui 7, when a piotitable. time is expected. A large number of tn|iio8 dealing wiih Sab- bath M-liool work wilt be dmcujwcd l>y (Mteton . f the district and other*. 'If you want to know the full meaning of the phrase "happy HS a big xuudower" just call >t thin office and see. the l>ix head of ih*t |. MOV lufl-w.t.li iu lust *eek by Mr. .lohu White of the village. The specimen measured 14$ l>y 40 inches. It in on exhibition in thv Advance window. If any person can brat thii npeoiniuii let .them trot along. Mr. Ororge Burritt, lute of Kiuiberlvy, i in moving to town thin week, and will pen a tailor nhop in (.'!> luii'n block. Mr. Burritt IB .t o,irt, luduwtrious young uuui, and having learned culi.ng in To- ronto lam tpuntf will be u,uiie pieparod to uMter aatufactorily lu tbu public, lie has recently ,t*vkeii unto hinmell a most uung rvoinaii M l.olpuieut and we wish ths young couple success and bespeak for them a hearty rocepti..a> Fireman AfcAulay, who was on the engine in tha Proton wreck, is still in a critical cnnditon. tie U suffering yi-t|frc.m severe scalds on the mde and hips, and at tunes is delirious. There was a nice audience at the s..o;l evening guen by the Ladies' Aid of tho Presbyterian church on Friday lant. lie freghments were served and it pleasing program rendered, , r-.miiif.it in win, h was the 8- iginx of the old fur. .rites, Mr. Siie^par.! and the Misaus .J.-y. Rev. Bu- chanan ,,f Dundalk wait also printout i..- Kcther with the l.-cal olenty. Thu even nig a a tn'ist mij-iyable one. Spevial anniversary services will be li-l.i in the Metli. dnt church < Sunday next, murnini; and evening for vrluch .1 pucially prepared prosrura hw hi-en com- pleted. At tho uioiniiiK service the pas- tor wi.l preach .>n "lnnpirfd phiUnthro- [y," .nnl giv a live- iiiin u t Ulk to the lioyn and Kirls. The ev.-nini; nervieo will r largely of a muniual nnture, willi user- inonhyRev.L.W.TIioin,,fthePreslyteriiin church. 8re print**! programi. At both hervicui Hpccial thank. .during contribu- "IH are anked fur. The weather uives a fair promise, of be- ii.K f.tvurable t>n Friday next for the Eaut tiivy Kxhiliift.in, which, it is ipecte<l. will be butter than ever tins year if pres- ent indications are miy iTit-erion. Entri -n arts cowing in freely and the meinbeiHhip it much larm-r this year than ever before, the uuml'i-r lii-in-.' Ou h.-tlr tlian ia^r r. Everything IH in perfect oruer for 11 prune <l;iy of sp, ( rt on Fri lay .mil our readers slimiM mil fail to attend. \\ ,,rd was ri-'OL-i ml in t,m-n last wtek of t ho death of Mr.<. A. II. Fawcett of Toronto .Inn t ,,,ii, which ad event took n-e .it the i -M ,' M. e ,,f hr |iaruntN IU-M- .Stre-utville. \Vo mult rntam'. that Mrs Faw^-ett >ulieic-tl from typhoid fever oine tune, which settled npun tlie lungn antl develi.pud into a quicU conum|iti<>n Mrs. Kawc.tt w.n liujhly esteemed aiii<iui{ those who I, now her. Sli,. left Kle.liei- with her in.sbaii'1 tliirten years a^. Sho leaves a h'-.le family who ill kadly in., urn the 1. as uf a kind aud Kentl- mother. At the last Division Court held here a case of more than ordinary interest wan heard, during the course of which har inu s-.ime twenty-one itni-sro8 gave evi- dence Mr. Mat hew Scutt uf Usprey suod Mr LewutMujre for the price ofsome trues cut un lin;,,:iy opposite hi. pruiniseH and daiuaijet for their ruinuvul. Owing in the fact that Mr. Moore in a pathm-tater of the township of Oipruy the public weru under the iuipreuion iljt by virtue of his office he had power vested in Inm to remove tlu-so trees if he desired to do M-, but lluaop.nioii has beun nexntived by the judgineot handed out by Jtnlgu Mornaon on thu lUth umt . Tho jnd^e decides thst as there was no bylaw or order <n Council to remove ths trees 51r. Moore had no right tu do so, and placvt ihe damage iu favor uf plaintitt for $20 a lid gives relief almost instantly. Not magic" but strength that gives Poison's Nerviline this power, you will thn.k it magio how- t'ver if yuu try it, pain itoes so quickly. So <l by dealers everywhere, in large 25 ' cent bottles. Personals MM. J. W. \ in-. P.II n left last week for Ottawa for a month's visic with her .l.tu-hn-r. M.FS. J. D. Cl.rk. Mr. Kin. A i instrum: returned tu his studies at the Turuu:u dental colleve un Wednesday. Mr. Ben Uiali.p of Thorulmry ualltd on fin-mis in town i.u day la*t oek. .Mr. Ed. Stra.n returned toAun Aibor, Mich'uan, the fore part of this week. Mr. and Mrr> Statin expect to K>ave for 'he same place to spend the winter either 10 day cr ti>-iiiorrow. Mr. and Mia. Jos. Clinton ate ria.tiug tie lasler'it father at itnynwnh, UaitingH county. It Would I'ay, Too The U.-tnover Postsnyn : "Mr. Barlow uf Toronto, wi'.li twv e-isvpnniuiis, *t in Hanover ilus week representing a oom- (Miiy of capifaUMtH wJiu Uavu s uiu nU-a of acquiring the chiller of 'he electric rail- way pioj>c(, formeJ some year* a^o by Mr. 1'ew, and to the fuixfeiW which Home of Hanover 'H i-ititens om'rilmtpU. The imw coinp.uiy has some idea of IniildiiiK a line frum Kleaherton westward to sume l 'ii. t un Lake Huron . " Qot Lam* Back No need of thai now. That surt uf pain can lie knocked uut iu short order, for 1'olsun's Noivilire, wbjoh is live tinira stronger inan any utiiei, penetrates at oiioe through thu tionuea, reached the auurce uf sujeiing, drive* it uut a*d tliua Accounts of dinasters on the lakus dur ini; the receut great storm are coming in all thr time. The IOKH of life has been very uroat, and many vensuls went under. A newopuper correspondent interviews 1 a ooiiunercial travel'.ur who catnu down on ih.' Athal>asca on ln<r recent perilous trip from Fort William to Owun Sound Tin- ve>nel left Fort William ju*l a the big storm was gathering strenytli. t'tpt McDoagull, wrapped in furs, sl.ood at his post day iim nulit. Thecaliles that sup- port the main mam broke) and it> cullapoe wa expected every moment. The lake wan tossed into great pyramids that wash- ed over the docks all day Mon lay. No food could be cooked, even the waters were prostrated. The captain tumed tail to the -norm, and ran tifty miles for shelter. One sailor ascended the mam mast to adjust the halyards when the decks were rolling at an angle uf 45 de- grees, and the mast was in danger of fall- ing. Fall Fairs. South tirey, Durham, Sept. 24-25. Kant (Jrcy, Klenhei'on. S.-pt -Jli J7. Central, Walters FalU, S^pt. J4 25 lilcneU. Markdalr. >,!. A -'.. North lirey. ilw.-n Sound. <>ct 'J 4. Protun, Dundalk, (jet. 1 '. Holland, OiHtsworth, Sept. :iO-Oet. 1. Great Noitheru.Collingwood.Srpt. 24- '.'7. Northern, VValkerton. Sept. 17-18. Ouprey, Koversliam, Oct. 34. Aitemesia, I'nccville, Ucl 10 11. Owen 5ound Fair The 48th Highlander*' hand, includ- .in; 25 I n.ilni' n..'l pipers and * Iwndma*- tur. .ill in kiln , will IH- the leati'ii'4 ultra .-in. :i- the Owen Sound FaT. Tln- o rtsin > pr..vd a great drawing carl at tliel'a Amen -in in Kaff-d'i Tliey are billed i i ' 'we. --iniiiil for ihe after m and f n . i \\iMlnesday and Thurs- day. 'In- .' .1 .mil ii'il Oc'oLer Spi ei il retain twin will run on Thursday, tliu Ird. liy th.i '. P. R. fr-m Oran^uville nd (i. T. R. fiom Harrifton anil all tatioim n i Ii on U.ih rn>ls, airivinu in Owen Sound about 11.30 *. ro , re- ttirnuig mtiiie nixhl aftvr concert. !! turn ticket* for Mngle fair. Tins ia an l-Xl-eili-llt op|HtUi I'y tO VISIl Owi-ll Sound fair, and to t kn in IMIH I the best concerts of thn season, including hivh claas vocal and uistruuiental mujiio, danc- ing A c. Thu excursion tiain will leave Klvsherlon at IO.W a. m., M^trkdale at 10.20 a. m. Farm Jfor sale Wmtllalf Inl I. .-on. .1. i)n|>ri*v. .lvriM eooil ininl, 47 av.<wt>f which trx ol.-arisl an. I limit i rul.irali'*". alito wall fenced, and 3 aorm of hiii.li. Hi<u, baru nj .>ih ...... a I'uii ilmj- *l-oR.>.itl v'jiiiiK 'irrhai 'i JUKI l>ttt,'iuiiini{ t-i bar. for nirthur )iartlcuUr> <|>|>l> to IUUN "AJiar. Hpt JK. till I' 'it Law to Rent. an<t S), iM.ii 3,ArtciM"iiia. euntain- IIIK 1O <!.. wall water- '1,1.^ sen claar-l an. I ilinlel i-ulllMtlon.tl'St iUn> i.in! i.H|; alnl MllO orchard. Kui ttiiuif "ti- , api'lv I'ulUaw. S*|.l. IU, I -.ml. V II McN U.l.V. For Sale Lot 40. oon. I \.l,,ul..i. '-0'iral'ii, 10U ao SS, ,i i lr. ...I. an.l IN ,.-i eiiliivatinn. rnniain-lp- Hardwood, wull watroiij|i>.iJ InuUliin:* anil -ma I oicliani. A nuap for aoujubu.lv. Km tll.llu particulars appfy tu \f.K\ HI'MiV. Maxwell. 1" Stock Farm, fcvssdSajgsjoeM oiuBrlsa i Ml*j>i.-, l.ir' < *. ( 1 ri..iM<MiP l!'ii :! ru i . i'M.a*ita,i an.l un,i irtr.l Ht.antv. *.lli 1..U.1 l.ai an.ler at brt uf honl. Y.innif nin .!>>[ l>.-I'i MIIMIH for aeJe ; alvj one bull \ia. old, Mm-l liy Abardale an,) (ro.n an In.iia . I'lm-t i-ow. Second Band Farm Implements Has on hand Noxon and llarris st-.on.l lian.l Inn. I, is, bwrw r lies, Neisl ili-ill.t andiollurs fur wtle |T J. SHEPPARD^ w I r J Flesberton and Eugenia. u, * * * !./ * We have placed in stock between $3000 and M4000 worth of Goods <luring the past two weeks and will place much more during next two weeks. We bespeak your hearty approval and appre- ciation of our fall and winter importations. We have taken special care in making our sclrctions ami believe we have thf tim-st aggregation of first class up-to-date j^otxls ever shown in Flfsherton and we think we have some very special values to show you. We will be pleased to have you pay us an early visit, further {xirticulars later. that the season for sellin. Light Fab: j 1 1 Wash Goods is well advanced, we have decid- ed to clear out the Iwtlaiu-e of our Prints, Muslins. Blouses and all kinds of summer (ionds at prices which will doubtless eon- vinco you of the wisdom of >rj/ ing the opportunity of >r<-iirin^ some of these lines before they are disposed of. AGENTS FOR BLTTERICK PATTERNS. HIQMBST PRICE3 FOR PRODUCE T J SHEPPARD *9***ft****^ vsv For Good... First Cla.si Bujrie.s, PlruMirr and Farm Wagons. Spring Tooth .nnl Iron Harrows. Flcary. Hick. Mc(jiill ami I )\ incut. Butter- field Company Plows, and nil kinds of shares. Also Sprainotors. nf linos and oth- er kinds of make, Cream separators of .|jf. fbrent kinds, horse Shoeing, 1'aintiiiu and Triinuiing carriages antl all kinds of Black smithini; and wire fences, j;o to J* B. fcard, Tlesherton. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE COPYRIGHT* Ac. AnTnofldon.lIng ki.t* h n.1 (J*crii<n >n mt Ti..im a.i rt (|| .-.mll'tontlsU. li*UHit*i>ok<m I'll. iU Hliil (r*M. OlJiHit nufltii*** fcVMOIirtaCVfttMist, r'alntiia tiUtivn thnmnh Munii A < '>. r,,.vm tfwrtoJ nMic*, without ofaur**, la tha ^j^nJiTic Hni^ric^ii /VivllllllV JllllVa IVU'I* A hMiilximiilT lllastrmlr.l nM-kl^- I ii,-> -~U- cMisii'.n f <ny et-ientino i" .r.k^. \-imt.li a rear: tnur months, f)L Bora by all iMWSSSllSpa MUHNCo."' 8 -^- Hew fork Uraiirh Offlo*. M K Bt, Wssblrmnn V.r Uoar ! for Service. Alvin i No. 728 ) The ini'l' r-.i..rin-,l hao a Taniw,,rt.li Itoai fnr survinj un l-.t 1 I'). I'. & S It.. Ai-ium- .iia. T.-i ins $1 00. \ ani also a^ent for McCunmtek, Cuult.liard and S,-,. t. and Cockahi.tt Company uf Itiantiord ; Anpinwnll hand sprayer ami potato Jigger. Binder inowt-r mictions Bo Drivu links i-acl' . . ,lo D.nadill. Ceylon. House & Lot For Sale. Illook P.. N.<1.1, 1C. Kl.hertnn. nml fmns Uoui-u *nil lrvo Hlehln. liii.xl RIM .1,-n Mid frill* (nxxl wcll.nleo !!< lot, blook S. lot 4. uliiN 4 auree. Appl, to Auilraw Wit-kens or to \V.H. BLOAN i.t 1 1 July it Ktmberler. ,C-ook'a Cotton Boot Compound r I ( 'J. J MDKED 5I1UK I I10HN Hull for iSt-rviee. NO. 35HJ 4 6eneral Gordon* T'I- undoiMi;;ned liar u lin-t claan tln>r- (ini;' > !irrd Sinn inn n null mr t-r ice on lot 136. T. anil S. K., Artineia. Thi, in .me <if the I nut u,,ui ,ls .n Ih. uountry. Ped-Krue ,ni ii|i|ilica:ion. I'c.nw, fl, Thur-.uglil-r, .If f:!. WM. DAVIS, Fall Cerm MONDAY. SKIT. 2nd. ATTH6 OWbN 5OUND ONT. T.,.uin mem ainl woo.en uannot .! better than to lake a <.ourm> -n this i:STlTlTH)Nas a n.art in ,ife. A [x>*t uard will bring you full |>artiv.ulurs. Addruns C A. Fleming, Principal OWKK SOISD, ONT In aoosaroll7 ae<l monthly by over DAOOLadlM. Safe.rlTeotual. LatllMSSk it dramim (or Uek's Codes tw Cs- ssssl'^rake no other, as all Mixtures, pills aad liniiatlunaarc JauKeiiMin. trt9. We, 1, tl psr buz;No.l, iOitiKri-rii Ktrongrr. f.i i>pr box. no. I or 1, mailed en receipt ol prleo anil twns-evnl stamps. The CooM Companv Windsor, Oni. tsjr-Nos. 1 and 3 sold od rci-tiiuiueuiisd by ail nspmiHtln P"isj"*- U Canada* Thrift ttold and reroniinenrtrd by all ,lrf l-.t In Canada. OnlT rell- bl modlotne dtsrvrerod. Mt .ik>v<-< ifuannltnl to ram all lonnaoc sexnal Weaknewi, afl oiTectsof atmst *r exessw. Mental Worry. KXOMWIYK ase of IV ,. Upsum ,r StlmuUnW. Mallnd on r- -- N->. 1 uo No. 4l i.l in Flaehuion K kjehardMU and W. & Cbrietoe, TV |'UIH.|, !,.:, in- .1 itil.l ,i i-'li4bisi..:i bjr W. " "br'-i Mil ^ U U.--.li,i/iwu. Piu.--