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Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1901, p. 3

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SEPTEMBER 5, 1901 t tt E F L E 8 H E T O N A D V A N (! ft MARKDALB I F, T. HILL & CO. | MARKDALB New Fall Dress=Goods. The following comprise a few linen of < m Nt-w F;ill Drt-ss i,.od ilmt have already lieen plm-nl in sfo.-k. They nr.- absolute |.i-rft-i-tion in wean-, chiriuif HIU! >|iiality, ihe roi ris-i fabric* for fall and winter wr and the \*H value* that have ever c >ine our way t youra. l.-itt-r on M-u'll him- more to show you, yet if you requiru a new full hint iiimu'iii.iti-ly, we have sufficient \nrifty to give you u<*.\ i-hmce. Those amonK other*, plvaHe notu the price-si III 111 H in \< a- Itlue. Grey, blue rey, *t-l xroy, fawn, purple, alto black This ii a magnili- cent tins of poOH for ladies' tailored euito and one that will give entire satisfaction. Full 60 inches wide, |x>r yd only 56c l.<ntitn' Clothtfor Tailored Suit. Lovely new ^-.-iU in nary, bright navy, new blue, myrtle, Nile, ganut, fawn, brown, .-r.-y. etc. These are rich, 6uo all-wool goods, warranted nut 10 spot 01 nlirink, art- 42 inches wide and are sure to be fast M-ll. IH. anl 06c per yi trench llo-jr Cloth. Fine, heavy fabrics, equally suited for separate jack eU or tailored suits, in navy and black colon*. These goods are full 50 inches wide and for richness ami dm .ib.lity Hurpaa* anything wu hnve heretofore seen. Per on.. 66 yard French Itox Cloth (Klack) Two Line* in very line lioi Cloths, full 4C inch goodn thst will nuke a> exceptionally nice, modentUf priced suit, pr yaid t&c and 85c /../,,,' ClOth, ./.'/.I.'/.. Eitra fin* ladies' cloth, full 50 inches wide. This material U non-slirmlt- able, and will not spot or gloss, and is unexcelled as a d'irable wearei, per yard 1 25 Black Venetian Suitings, 56 inches wide per yd 1 40 Importing Retailers. i WBKKLV AT THE omUK, '>L- UNOWOobliTBIBT, FLaaDBBTuN, OKT., H . II. THVKHTOH. I per a ii. i ii in Ktrirtly in advance Advertising Kates: 3s. Column. 1 year, MO . limit col.. 1 er. ti" quart.r eol., on* year, l.v TrautlMit kdT.rtlMiuvnt ebarowl ' the rat* t uu par Hu. for Brit Inwrtioii an I *<>( aeb lubmqueut lunertlon Fur TA Admnff Away to the Wneatficld*. ly of their reading of the Sierra Nevadas of I, .at. .in- interest Here such proinon- ton.-s seem to bar the way. Ho* can we ever t!M beyond thoe cliffs? asks the wondurihg crowd cliffs of forhiding iirnn ite towering upwards, mountains high, hanging out clear over onto the waters of the lake, and thu engine hesding straight, as if for a mad charge, when lo, with s grsccful ounru our train pannes through n eye'et an a thread through the eye of a nee. 1U-. The engineer with steam drill snd dynamite has conquered the granite mass and a continent's mxhway in assured. Here comes *tretches for miles aud miles ..f hair-raiding pronpects, as tho slight, si accident, it ii obviotw, would burl the train into thb waters of lake Su|MTir from a di/./.y height. Yet tho forward terly falls short of conveying an adequate idea of the immeiuity of the golden.gk.w- iiiK prospects of Osuada'a mighty fields of wheat, waving in the gentle breeze, col- ored by the mid day nun, stretching out beyond the reach of the eye, and the end not yet in sight. As the train foruos on- ward, onward, wolwari, westward, still the fields continue like one unbroken chain. The. eager eye tiron ; raise thu powerful bin*culan, and draw to your feet the distant view, dill it is golden wheat, cut, cutting, thrmhiiiK, men, teiins, machinery tussling with the migh- ty crop. Harvesters from the train melt away, dispersing into the hustling throng on the broad, undulating plains, thu fortun- ate owner* of the ticl.l- ready at every forgn of tho cur, the clickety clack of the. point along the way where the train stops Ins-Is, I .nt a diapason to lhe_hrill eagerly offering &tO, f40, $50 per month Concluded from last week Leaving again westward, our train curves by numerous lakes, over ridges and acrona platenus, on, on, with ever chitritiing scenery, bucoming more and moru grand and entrancing. At the way water lank the. engine stop* t<> take on a freah supply. This gives opportun- ity to those on tho tram to make a d.i-li to the -I'le of the r .ail for huckle- berries, which here- nlxmnd. Koine of the boys seem to lake sloug hnlf an acre or KO of Algoma real estate, ju. Icing from tin- wild Ner.iiiibl.i for the bushtm, ln-rries and all. As fol nn- lot mu loll in the fol iagu and pick the humei from the bimh In these water stretches are to ho in;, n the stately duck, bobbing like a cork on the choppy wave Here and there chi-er will raise on the train a* thu boy spy out and get their lirwt night of an In- dian .. (.-, t4iwards which they call out sumo iiir.Mt.'lliji-nt, which they want to make th-m.srlves lielicvu m In- dian for "Hood d.-iy to yu," which I am sun- IH l.iit.n I., il..' Indian, hut which the gooduatuie.l red people greet, and smile an answer by friendly waving a hat f< T goiHl -p. -i. I i xpren/iiM) guHture. AH onwunl wu go, ever northwestward, One i more nnd inoro resigi.ud to Iho for- tune '!i ii sent u* by mil rculo instead of the I". -i- route wo ttr<>vt< Imrd In ohtitin pasivik"' by. for here we sre evr bewi.le beam ful wnter Htrtitrlu-x on mi bur side ' t tli ti-:t:n, lakes of all sires, streams ol aniall and la:gu eoim.-i|ueiice, over mUi of rolliii','n..iiid, through hsllways of gntn iteof every line, in oi|-o..l,al wsyaentratK in view, ever changing, ne\er nionotonoitx, oftvn graii'l ni'l even snblimo, and as we near thu fnr famed inland ne.a, what ma jestic mountain VIM* itnd far reaching vistas in". 'i tb i'fsl gsKu! As one i- ii'ler-, tli- '."ii in forced u|., in the mind, whs' bol i. u l,.tl dnrinif iirviiic, ibis Hpii'it nn. i bi'. l..-en the one who ,.!.., .1 iliu csrryiiiK oiu of |.Uim for ihi i . i'l ><> th" 1 fare of ouch obstinate, tirii'int "j'ponition as which con- fion'.'.l loin from start to linmh One i* c, ,11V i .11,. 'I to IKIW, in scknowlwlgonibllt, to ihe ^IHII.I genius of the inaater mind, In., 1. 10 king into tho then near future. ye u . i.ow fully come, saw with far nee in.. MSI,, n the tuomiiiK wheatlielda of the west, and the. I'M i -in reasing indiistrii-H of ib" .-oast and thu I'neitic ocoan ; saw .hat thu truth. 1 of nil this illimitiblu west must seek thu oas>, niiisl pass over thu IrackleHH wimtes, and had the courage, anr executi\o ability to carry out loa success ful i.-.ili/jilioii .s.. gigantic an underinking To him of old, wu doll' our hat, now, sm 'y. genius nev.-i . \ il--.l ! The gram Kut the rlmmx of grandeur o scream of the unuine's whiMle.and Thurs- day morning, o'clock, sees our train at Foil Arthur, and all well. Yet we have a suspicion that some of the party are holm-nick, for in a most pathetic minor they are dinging, "My Old Kentucky Home." Leaving 1'ort Arthur after brunkfast, we commence our run for the Prairie City, 400 miles, westward still. I'll.- town of Fort William is a busy, stir- n, g town, beautifully nextling IH.-IOW the louudod cliffs on the north snd west, with tho lovely Thunder liny stretching the east and south. Here art) lan-i' valors and storehouses for the cargoes of wheat from the western prairies, on itj way for transhipment to all points o ihe eant, by lake and rail road routes It.ipully our train rises from nue table- land to another, ovur rounding ridges, through rocky d.-li|ea, past towering cliffs, alongside of ininaturo hikes and run-, iieross ravines stretching into the fnr <ii- tance nnd verdure clad, all coutrilmtiiiK lo the ei er ' Intuiting picture with its gloming t-oloiiiiy, us liKhti nnd shndui, innkinu oi.r ei 'r.n.'i'in whole. At l.'iu'li .. lITlVe :ll I'll! r..rt'll;e nil. I' Mill", t,. 'lll-l halt for n frt shin. 'ills ;UM| . \.-lnm .< 111- HOD h..i-u for a fresh on-i Hue we liurn t tint wine .') miles -ilien 1 w shall pail thu urine of tint wrih-k of thu. ill fitiod ruin, the Kecoiul nluHil of us. A brok- n rnd let 'In- en L' in.- .!! tl..'ti:iek and two i "line cars f'.llowed il into diKanter, 'he me in;iUin^ H diish il, .111 it 40 foot .:ink. So'iiu iiinipoJ nud esmpud, others ot injured. '1'lin wonder of wonders in . !i.,ut injury, their cnrs r<<iii:iiriiii> on rith board, to go<xl exporiunced harvest- ers, to gather in the shesvis. Yen, laiiguitgu fall* of realistic descrip- tion, becomes insipid,! stnle ; you are amidst thu Hcvne of a lifetime. It must be seen to be comprehended. It needs to be seen to be appreciated. Language, fails. At last our destination is reached, after pwiMitg tin. ugh the voay heartlof the senae-bewildeiiug, yet heart- gladdening |.r..H[Kvt, and son Slid daughter with lov- ing kiss greet us to their comfortable home ou the rolling prtiriu, dome 200 miles east of the majestic Kockies, and like a boy in our enthusiaam we jump on the binder and Htart tho prancing honten and take a hand in clipping the golden grain. F. T. CAUH. Eugruia from (>i4r Own Corrnpi Horn August 13, to Mr. and Mrs. and Mm. lio track. It was n marvelous i y "' Tiionrts 1'i'tiH. n son. lioin August 24, t<i Mr. \\i,i .111 \\ ulkt-r, jr. , a mm, Mr. and Mrn. .1. H. Duckett wont on a VIM' i.. ili.-ir ilituyhter, Mrs. Kobi.Haney, vst WOi'k. M'<H H.M'IICI' \\alkor nf Jackmni'M I'oint in vinituiij her |iri'iitN Inn- at prc- HI III. Mr. and Mrx. I'hog.McKcu of Nottawa village were vi.siting with friends tit-io the p.tat week. Mr. .11. d Mrs. Shepimnl spent the k in Tor int.. and Itullitlo Miaa pant week ntlendeit lo the store loin nil iiiipen.ling, Hwfnl dii.w'.-r. The I ' 'h"r almuneo. I tho wreck w.m at mice patheiu , D-eD-On Aug. 28, at her homu in iho ,n.l HAtnl to behold as our Irnin ulnwly Vulloy, Mary, ilie i.elove.l wife of Mr uissed -a. .mill il on nn ini|.i.. vised trj'.ek. H.chitid l.eii'.e. Hired forty year*. l>e- 1'ho nmrvel i> that tli.i who), train loud of ocaseil W.M an aHrctioimie mother and (.II nun mill women *eieii,,t lu.rl.-d to loving wife; a kind neighlmr and reauect- he I oil.. 111 o| tli;it eiiib.inkn.eni, I he re- by all who know liur. h. ( u mourned mltn of which would b.i wful to c-on- ! by her family and a Un/o circle of friends, template. At bat. ;it d.iylihl on Friday slthough they aro ossured that their lo.-,.-, niorniii,our guard calls out "Winniptig. i was hor g.iin, yet it is hard to pivit with and th nnglity Rod river of former <>nr loved " * death t all times iiinkts ocnl history is croHHod nnd tho train st p< ! *J hearts. Tho buruavcd family has the it the, dopot, uhirt- fond long-pined sincere Hympnt by ol nil the community in friends ineetagsin with mny a glad ex- hrir hours of sorrow. The romsins were eUiii.ition iinil joyful t,.,.r Itut liuKinuss ( inU<rredin Orange Viilley burying ground, is business, nml iho harvester* for the where there the llov. Thoni, her pastor, miiHt be pii.lie.l forwnrd, and iignin, iitei n very brief Imlt, the whistle si realm, the eoiiiliirtor olls "\ll alxiard," llie car l.i bus forw.trd.anil on wu to.for- otlioatod. The many friunds of Mr. Rogers nf Hamilton were pleased to meet with him Mgain on Sabbath in. .riing at the Pres- byterian loo ( h, where a large congrega- tion assembled, it heinx a nu-nn rial ser- vice tor tho late Mrs. (ienoe. Mr. I; ,;lll lll.tli Ihm 'rip is reached, wo think, when we snd joy.eis bitwililurmeiit ruach tbe ear as strike tho cl i flit of rooks >>n the north | men ml worn, n try to exprens Iheir ec- ,:,, r . of l,.ik Hii|'ii..r Tho semi-gran- staey at lliu apparently boundlesp, en deur and forbidding nsin-i t of the I are ward. '), i".i ward ho! mid now the i \|.i .-. of i!m prairie linen the. diaiant hoii/.tin; now thu whoatHelilH come, into viw, and as tho miles pam behind and "* preacheil a beautiful sermon to cheer the heart of the glowing, golden wheat |'h ne*'t of the mourners, also to belt is readied, exclamations of delight i awaken thu oareleos and indifferent to brown, groy grunito rocks, and far and P ,r mouii'aiiis of them, with their trancing Ki'.-lil of the woilil'n broad plant I 1 1.- 1 1 M ste. Mr. and Mrs. Kodgera called m a number of his Kugouia friends ou Mon- in tins country of magnitiotmt distances. | acquaintance of Bars. But all language fails, and i -Iforta at word husband has always day, who were plened to make the Hodgers M her Iwen a general , i, I ai.d terraced faces, remind one vivid | description roust be abandoned, for it ut- favorite with the Eu n euia people. M. Richardson & Co 3lesherton - 'Dundalk August Reductions. In Print*. Muslins, and Regular l.V Patterns for. . lu'unilnr i-JA Patterns for. . KV_riilar 10e Patterns for. . Regular Oc Patterns for. . NN'ash Our Prints in particular cover an immense Range of pretty patterns in popular shades fast colors and wide width cloths. Remnants & Short Lengths. At liarguin Prices : Dress Goods Rem- nants.l'arpet Remnants, Oilcloth Remnants, Tweed Remnants, Shirting Remnants,Tick- ing Remnants, Cottonade Remnants, Silk Remnants, Sateen Remnants, etc., etc., etc. Cadits* mashing Skirts Reduced. Crash Skirls, Linen Skirts, Pique Skirts, Regiilur $1 .IX) and $1 .L>f>, for ...... 75c All our Ready to Wear Skirts are cut in the newest style, well made and finished throughout. Two Specials. A Special purchase affords an opportunity to oner two exceptional values in Men's Tweed Suits, quite out of th common. Double Pue.isu-tl Tweed Suits, nobby pat- terns, new colorings, all wool pwecd, splen- did wearers, well i-i.-.tle, thoroughly well- lined and finished, full rangr ot'{Kittenis Regular $7.5o for $5. Single S >ek Suits, nice patterns, light, medium and dark colorings, good, durable tweed, all well-made and finished, bea\y linings, l-'ull range of si /cos. Regular $6, for $4.25. HARDWARE. HARVESTING SUPPUES. Right Prices. Binder Twine, Machine Oil, Harvest Mitts, Cradles, Cradle blades, Cradle Fingers, Lace Leather, Forks, Rakes. Grindstones, Ulbetstotus. H. RICHARDSON & COMPANY THE FLESHERTOX ADVANCE SEPTEMBER .3, 1&01 Big Slaughter Sale. Running only for the next thirty days, when we have to take stock, and rath rr than taking .stock of so much, we would give the people the benefit by re- ducing Mir stork two tliiiu.sand the hundred dollars in 1 month. We are making an unheard of .slash. Dry Goods. \\ ,- have a large stock of Ready-made clothing, and Suits wort** ten ami twelve dollars are i;uiux at * 6 76 All lui" of Twe<-l Suit rorth |6.76 and 1750, ir"- i"-'-*' 475 Other l.aes worth from f4.75 to $6.75, going at per nit 3 90 Groceries. 10 Bars Soap 23 / Black Tra, extra value, at per Ib 25 \ \ 5 Ibe. for I 00 / Fig* per Ib Prunes per Ib All lines canned goods at per tin 8 lOc bar* laundry soap 84 Mm. light brown sugar for 1 21 I'M. beat granulated tu^nr 1 10 cent Wiles of Extract*, all line* 1 7 23 00 00 7* person having due bills out are requested to have them brought in by the 20ih of September and also all collections have to be made by the same date. Dry Goods. Dry 6ood$e Four dozen Menu Tweed panto worth t\ 25 and fl.50f..r 1 06 Also a number of Men*' blick and worth up to 92.50 per pair, price. . r'Unnulettt-s at per yd blue serge pants, 1 05 9 llu Flannelette* at per yd lOc Flannelettes at per yd 64c Flannelettes at per yd Tow lings worth 5c, 6c, and 7c per yd. . MODS' Top shirts, r.-xulur 50c line for.. Mens' overalls, regular 50c, 60c goods. All must be sold as we are going to the West. J. E. DOWDLE, PROTON STATION, JT J. 5HEPPARD itV C^ '** Fksbcrton and Eugenia* ^ 3 . == * ,L itV *T We have placed in stock between $3000 and a; t ' $4000 worth of iiv * U, * * ^ * Vicinity Chips . i -i r;irt eristics of the Past Wr-k Carefully Called far the Curt* MM Timothy Seed for rail sowing at tbe .tlwsys U bsml. J. H. Frvnh hn, Ducketi, Bicycle fur sale cheap, is in good con- dition, for particulari caJl at Dr. Murray's. Apprentice wanted to learn milling. Apply to Oprey Farmen' Milling Co., Fsoersham. Wautt--O')d irtrong, smart, eneiyvtic boy to learn nulling *t Joho McGuwan s roller mill, Kioiberl D- FLBSHEKTON On For Mnnsey Harris, Noxon, Fleury snd Wilkinson farm implements, Fleury and Verity plows >n hand all the time, also nil kind* of repairs for the same. We manufacture Wagons, Bugined, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horv>sheing prmiptly attended to. Special attention to tender contracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. Private or cumpauy funds to loan at from 44 to "i per cent- Expeiine low. Aj.ply to t.le. .. Rutherford, Shulburne. Spectaclea found owner can have same by applying at this otbce aud paying for advertisement. gable fur ruff lost, between Markdale And Eugenia, via Fleaherton. Kinder i leave at this ottice. Coat lost, between Flesherton and Portia*. Finder Ju&dlj Wve st this office. Mrs. Trimble re<|ueU that all parties indebted to her for luillinerv will kindly call at her n.iJeiiou and settle their bills. For the six months ending June JO there were registered with the Artomeaia township clerk 43 births, 1'J niarriagett and 27 deaths. Hug for sale A thoroughbred Berk- shire boar two years old. to sell on easy tenut K.i full particulars apply to Jaoiox Stuart, Kimberley 1*. O The caw againal McDonald who was chars. 1 a' I'linloy with poiuiug his neighbor 'seat tie was uot jir.u . The evidence was i<t strung ouougli. The evenin.; trieght from Owen Sound Monday ran off tho trick at Corb, Three Care were >toatrt>yod but n- the h in Is were injured. Mr. .1 Hoyd has purcha,sod trro lou on Toroiifo Stieet, jut north paiNniM.'c. belonging i<> the CHI, estate, aud will use them for bailing purposes next spring. Serct. J. il. Weber of ll." valley hai eariu'ii a long Hervice nie<Ul fimu i'ti Militia P. parlii'i-nt, \\ ' iv years ot SITVIOO lu thu 31 years as private, 80 as serge. and S aa staff sergeant. Mr. Joseph Smith ot ilii* place Ins old his resilience and lot to Mr. Cornfield, and will remove with his itm- ily to /ion City, siti-.tleil on Lake Mid i gan 42 miU-N north of Chicago,aj)d found- ed by Joh' A'.oxiinder Dowie. Brer. Irwiu of the Durham Chronl-lu says a village newspaper is like a woman "bwoauHe every man should havo ctn- : his own and not be running after nis neighbor < " Now what exciting experi- ence has tnught Brer. Irwin this truism/ Monday .- Labor Day was uot observed at a holiday I. v our citizens. Dundalk proclaimed it auoliJay and Markdale. ,-tlso observed tho day. The Markdalo'I O.K. pioknicked at Ku^enii ai>d had ideal weather for the outing. An auction sale of farm stock and implements and household furniture will be Held at tho rooideuoe of Mr. Joseph Smith, Ki. si;.- on, on Saturday, Sept. 14, 1WH. Sal. at 9 p. n. See bills for ist. U. J Sproule, auctioneer. i Will join US. .. , r aiii.t. e\.u-tly as if sho luid not n rd t i i-tinet v. I sli.ill not, iiiileeil." ret'irni'il thi- rl, coldly ' I dislike ' - :-. Mil ' lie touch ' HI ill tl:e lll.i'ter I iibl.-et to the ...ri-.ii.-al way in which ll>- nii--iou i-oiulllcleil. I'll.- blue lll'i.rn I- 1:1 .' opinion, u mistake I'arad.. 1 is .I'll to un.vthinjf that should be Hi-lived " "He. ir' hoar!" cried Mr II.', TV. "' A grand excursion will be given from Orangeville lo Owen Sound and Balmy Beach under the auspices of the Daunt- less Lacroaw Club and A. O. U. W. of Sliellturne on Thursday, Sept. t'Jth. Duiidalk and Shelourne civic holiday. Train leaves Flesherton at 8.40 a.m. Fare from Flesherton to Owen Sound ami re- turu Hoc., children 45c. The 3(ith Keiti- ment Band of Shelburnu and Dundalk will supply excellent lausic. Soe large poetera. Rev. Ivison Wilnou ijave his congreg- ation ailiitht touching up on the collection {uestion Sunday evenniif. Ir is fvst rhrtt t; .11 plati* is bt-ing :iunlect- evl more mi<l and we know there am members of die . hurch who are not known lo ^iv in this wi\y from year'i end to year's en;l and yet who tako car.i that their mtiiiea .shall h |.iir>:ished in the lints kept of other brunches of church work. Due clerical writer sccordini; t.. S^rurday NiKht.han said that now-uUy* "Thore are more wid'W!i than mites. ' Meiwrit. Krcd Ki.-.tislt ami H. Down, while driving !.T< tlie foortK luvs-h.-it time ago, ; a swarm of bocs hanginv ou a fen -e A hive wag i 'i tho sw.inn, whicii r is a very Urif ono, w* hou:c.l and brought 1 They are now imlusti i.ui'y Liyint, 11 * 'vinter rore of sweets. Mr. J H.II 1 1. to fiinn.l i sm i'! 4* si 111 in < !O pni k, with- in thu suburbs, '.vhit-Ii lie -. .- .1, hut which liave ni'ice Jusl. We n thst Mr. Sun Irviin of tho suburbs alio has a swarm wh, eh he i:i his .-r- c-lmrd. Our villagers own alsr^u number j of cows, so thui with thtfae Buds, etc.. wu j may be said t be living in a land literally "dowing with ni'lk nnd" Fall i .... - S.)uth (Jroy. Durham, S,-pt. -^4-25. East Qruy, Kluahertoii, Sept 26-27. 'eutrnl, W.'tltora K.-i!ls, Sept. 24-25 (itenelg. Markdalu, <>er. 8 9. North Urey, Owen S"iind. Itet 2 4. Proton, Dundslk, del. 1-S. Holland, Chateworth, Sept 80-Oct. 1. Great Northetu.Collingwood.Sept. 24-27. Northern, Wsllcerton, Sept. 17-18. Osprey, Kevenhiun, Oct. 3-4. Arteinesia, Priceville, Get 10 U. Personals Mr. Oeo. Malcolm, nigh school teacher of Stratford, called on Mr. Carr one day last week. Mr U. W. Slaughter left on Monday to enter upon his new position an prin cipsl of thu Listowel public school. Mr. <:... Holinan and bride of Grant! Rapid*, Michigan, are spending a fe days with relations here. Mrs. Qo. KeefVr, who has been in BloomSeld, N. J., for some tine, is at prraent the nuest of relatives here. Mrs. Ks Qaudin left on Monday to viit her daughter, Mrs. R. J. Brown ol i 'wen Hound. Miseee Maud and Rita Irwin of Dur ham were guests of younx friends hen for a few days during the pant week. A party consisting of Mrs. Jaa. Stia sou and son and daughter, Mn. Jas Beit and daughter, Ella, lift on Tuesday to uMt friends in Toronto and Si reels ville. Mr. T. A. Rogers and biide of Toronto in-lit a few days last week with Kv. L \v. Th.ini and family. While here- thi ' 'Vo urer to .we friends in Ai i.hai' on Saturday. *r C. XL Mitchell is at the * M is week. You Prevent May Fever, or Cure tt r.t i prompt, plwuiant and ftfective way hy inhaliiiK the gi>rui-kil!ini(, throat and lung Iv ilinn Catarrhozone. Dolightfu i > '!, simple in its o|>orvion, free fr"i stomac'.i iviitsrat-ag and destroying *ub jf. It is .- innrv-l .'f s.-i, i y. CatarrhozoiiH kills the "rt<i: tht exci'-; the : !'c inlrainei .smtnct-f !i>id preventa absolutely a n- ourrenot) of tho malady. trrhor-ne eunnot fail to euro H;-.y V*\et bt^uae - s cauiie. l>nigists'jrK;.,|l."ii, or mailed to your a<l<)re if price is r w udd to Poison it . Out. strre.1 to tho i<r*oiiiM "t tho t;n j.<nlgoe.1. Lot '.T, eon. T, about Aim IS, I four year old helfar. Owner will pluaxu prove property. pc> xptasss, aud tko natun away. WM. Pmr>t.jtn. Peirm tor Sale. . 13. Artoinmiia, 100 aoree, no bnlld- clearing. Vklimble oedar on neine. never bat-n culled, all standing aod eanr to take out. Cbeap aud oaey to take out. Move quick. W. A. AJUnTRONO. fiall Qoods til during the past tWo weeks and will place T* much more during next two weeks. We bespeak your hearty approval and appro- tljf ciation of our fall and winter importation- ilf We have taken special care in making our ,^ selections and believe we have the tinest ^ aggregation of first class up-to-date gou.U ^ ever shown in Flesherton and we think we ^ have some very special values to show you. We will be pleased to have you pay us early visit, further particulars later. an * ii* * Now that the season for i Light Fabrics and Wash Goods is well advanced, we have divid- ed to clear out the balance of our Prints, Muslins, Blouso and all kinds of summer (r<xn|- r prices which will tloubtles.^ con- vince you of the wisdom of >i-i/- ing the opportunity of securing some of these lines before they are disposed of. AGENTS FOR BLTTETICK PATTERNS. MIQMEST PRICE5 FOR PRODUCE ItV * K * 4 I.V T. J. SHEPPARD. For Good... First Class Bugies, Pleiusure and Farm Waggons, Spring Tooth and Iron Harrows, Fleary, Dick, McCJill and Dyment, Butter- field Company Plows, aud" all kinds of shares. Also Spnimotors, of brass and oth- er kinds of make, ( 'ream separators of dif- ferent kinds, horse Shoeing, Painting and Trimming carriages and all kinds of Black smithing and wire fences, go to 1. R. Beard, f Icshcrton. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE i*r ii It P 1 " 1 hftblT pnUllit:vMft. < ' ' .'I'll r t- CtlfOsJlOUlUjtleU. lleUllllMlOk. I r*MMt r-'ir. INN*. OI<t*Mt 4**tH"r ft* erunnti ,-+tvi>>\. I'ltetiu taktm tarouk/h Mttnn \ i . * ,f< m* noMtHV with.rtit chanr*. (n the Scientinc AmericaHe .r.iiomelT Uluitraux] ertlj. l.rMt efe> f itny -l.ntlflo V.urnaJ. T-rii.a, SI a nr munllm, IL SolJ 1)> .! nawwltmlen. ^Ni Co. 36 ' 9 -*"' New Tort '- . .HI worth for Alvio i No. i h.s > t'i.<roiii{hbred Tnniworth Boiir for serv 14). 1. & S. R., Artcniesis. TII :: n $1 00. Tin'--. I i \ KB. Prop. House (& Lot For Sale. Map of Qrey County Wanted a few live agent* to Mil the map of th. County "I Qni. ID the townnblpsof A item eeia. Ospry snd Proton Alsc tbe feownnhip maps HeparatelT la b-ve plAco : Hf.ron -r-n required, a Kooil oommmnioii Allowed For nrtion)'vr.Duiilruf W.J. IMIsinv,KI)iaiton or W. Tnlford Sept. Six! 1901 Du.bam Hlock P.. No. 15, 10, VI.-iheiU.-ii. Rood lioune ami larce t*ble, ':ood Rsr.lnn anil fruit ur. nood well. also I'n.-li lot, block H. lot 4. couiaiuluii 4 aom. Apply ta An.liow Wlokens or to W. H.SLOAM 88to Joly U KlmberlST. cck'i Cotton Soot Componad Ii meesenfollj nsed monthly by over 1,000 Ladled. San, etfsatna) Ladles ask mrdraarglst for Geek's CoMea tee* Cesv ke no other, iui all Mlitares, pills snd Imitations are danifrroaa. Pr.e. H. 1, II ( r box; Rev.*, 10 degreed stronger. t3 per bo. No. I or I, mailed** receipt of price and two Men! stamps. *a* OsiWfc Oompoeiy Windsor, Oni. B/'Nus. 1 snd t sold tad reoommeadsd BT ail raspuBSlbls UrugglH w U Canada. No. 1 an.i N'o. i is sold in K!eJeioa bv W | .: Uioliar< an I W s. Cbrletoe, Uiusi4 Tt1UROtJUHBEU 5HOKTHORN Bull for Service. NO. 35112 4 Genera! Qordoti* The under-;, -n.'d bar a first class thor- oughbred Shurliorn bull f,.r service on lot 136. T. and S. R., Arenn-sia. Thia is une i'.f tho best mmnuls n the country. 1'udiKree on applirH'.ioii. TL-rma, fl, Thoroughbreds, S3. WM. DAYIS, Pn.p. Fall Certn Begins MONDAY. SKIT. ivi. ATTMB ^^ OWEN 5v)t'ND ONT. Tonng mem and women cannot do better than to uke a course at this INSTlTL'TIoXas a start in life. ^ (iost canl will bring you f-iil particulan. Addreos C. A. Fleming Principal OWEN SOUND, ONT The Orsst BngUth RmtO*. Sold snd reconim-ndt^l 67 si] dmsxlsts In Canada. On 17 reli- able mmllel.iK dlscorered. 8lM Hiswiiii(nd (o onr* all ss, sfl effeets of abas* , Mental Worry, steessslve one of To- 0(1 I Woo.l's Pho*plu>.liiui III nnl.1 ii n.herun hji W. 8 Ck*is*M *Qj W. B. Kiobtrdsoo, Uru -

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