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Flesherton Advance, 29 Aug 1901, p. 1

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AtGtTST Jfl, 1001 THE F L E S H K R T N ADVANCE I The Markets. fnrr 'ulf < orr.-< . d r a< h W r.-k uL,u>uaH * YOUNO tUnkxri. U.ikil.l. g.o.r.1 banking biulMM. Is. r.iuuukbl. r i Ctll cm u. S VANUl'nKN. J f i"WiW Mb Ulv Court, Co Or.y of Hr>la# MC.IM*., OoiiTr)Ftirf Publi. Aui-ttou. Mooy to losn p caut I u.rg mod.rat. FLEHHCRTUR T Q 1\ V :HT!l COLLECTKl, Tho uii<l.riDod U pri>.r M lake th. o.)llctioool all kind, of debts bought, account, collect..! etc It ! HKNUKBBOM. RJ KPROL'LE Po.lniMt.-r. OonimiMloaor In H.C.J., Auctioneer Con tfcy.i-r. A|>i't*l.T aud Moner Lend.r toll KU 'i 1 Iinur.oo. Aent. I).l ortt:ti. I. " '' I will* car.'fitllT i"wu CD an I v.ltinllom ma.i on .borWM nctice Bl^>oo-. to lota at I *>'l ru ' lu.n-.t. Cel '.t! to with proniptn... low Aint for Ocean Dominion II n| i'...i'u>. A call solicited. U W nlet it. the lat | U each m.intli, in their Io4n roouj. t,if hlock. Kle.hertou. at 8 p ni. T. j W. M : A M (llb-..o. Bcordr.W. ..:,,y F.uaacier. Vuitiog b'turo lnvled bKINV:: AUrilTK LOP11K. NO. S3 r \ M niuet. la the a>uc ball. ...-- took Kihertou. im-rv Fri.lay on or Mfor. . f.ui UD.VI. J A Itoyl W M; W J enauiy, hecrelHiy. POUHT Kl.KSHF.irDN. I. O. F. meals ! (j Chr.u>, . ni.'.-K tii li't KrMaj *venln r .. Ii m-itli Vulliux Koro.tri hrartlly ItSssae.^ R " Wallu," U.8.W. A. Arm- itroof. no K C. WDHKAY. L. D. 8.. i>ntl unrgeon. If 'ti.>ur Kra.tuale ot Turoiu . L'nlruniivy and aV>Ttl Collr-.- -.1 Kviital HJOIOOU. of Ontario Oelc* Ouixnlw ^i;ii.ii"i.^ p - Jewelwrj * w; il . Mb Hi. >* WNltt. of each inoiiti., i I liundalk 1 and T i uj.'ii'.i . W. KHOST, I. I- B. . holiciiur t.ouY.yaiicor. *to to i*.Mitoni<-. hproule's bloca KlMbrtou. omrv Tlmrwla auJ. Mirt day. B OWKII tvmii.l oAee, Fro*l * Lluck strmt oast. LUCAH. WKIliHT A McAUKl.K buiilr< Solicitor! c;uuv)ner, et Olfle<M~<>*ii s.iun.l. itnt Mid Uark'lalu Unt. W H Waioai. StVAiuM.H I U I,' cu H H-PlMhertoD oOee. UUctwIl'. H..k Batunlay. TUTKhB A I-ATTKH^ON Hurntora, 8<>llclion. te MiiUou'n Kank. Owen Houud HAKHY O TUCKKK OEO W FATTKUiiOM UAKAV * SAMPSON. Harrlrter.. Ac M OFFICBH i-OWM Sound. Morcbul' flank Xlook, N ->f 1'ittt >r*oii House. LauJalk. Mun rttriMt.etMy Hktoi'Uv MACKAV. M A . H i \ Ml'--r*. 1. 1. Ii Crown AttoniHv torlirey. \\U CailTKK U v r * H in. i l-hinii-lan, Srgoi. et. flMtKirtiiii ol!t.- -Hiram'* 1 lock. ' aa.haw > Huti *OOTT, ASU SiiK'll.V M.iulwr. College IMiysfo. A Hnrumjo. tMt.rln '|I-IIIL.. In Mellein* .< CfolTr>it>. I ,-il<iwiii|i l)i|.l'Hii. 1'o.t < <! Mcllrsl H, i|.| M..*|.|l.l. I'lncMK. Dl * of >e, var. IIOH.I au<l t-o oat speciaTly tTMttfd. H. BOfTI.Y. JOHN A HOOTT, K.ver.liKtn llaiwalL JP QCTBWBUi Vrtrriuary Kiir|;eon MByl-iktn .if Ontario V.trinar; U.MI l.ti'C. ooond door .outli wrl ou Maty .trMt. Till. >lrt rain mratli rrewrtcttea Gkiureh, **)' 0* W. . A 2 < K V..w>.n.r > ' Surgeon and IK-ntM. Mi )'. gra iui.- n u. iiitrio Veterinary OefUejs, * *jr4iri n air y i/vum**, dOloi~l with i L'niveraltr. Vide) Hu :-ni Wl,,.Uv I,.,,,, u ni. to 1 p. u., O.1 K,iih..i TliUI l> IriMll i to 5 |i. ID. rHOKOUOHHUHD IU'KHA.1 Wl i I l : r Servk. Oats Peas Barley ...,. Butter Ktfgi fresh Fork Wheat, white. rtd . . Potatoes ba({. . Hides ........ Wool ......... 31 >o 2 -A> dO lo HI to 10 -... 7 00 to 5 00 to 60 ti> 6 to 30 ',o 6 00 to 13 to 31 62 36 10 10 7 50 o 00 05 Ii6 30 6 00 13 J. B. Sloan & Son PROPRIETORS. GET YOUR Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters. Hand Hailing, < 'orner Blocks the I Hist <f .spruce Lath, No. 1 ami I'.shinules Veranda and Kitting. Sidings, etc. Count TtM un I. rsi^ H-. 1 has n line Oiirliain Iliil fcx ferv,.\.( -i,|,,r veil) on lot 147. T.H.R. TK8MS .- I ... f,,r the wa .n. l>lir,-,, 1*1 a|i|iii. .1 ion. AutKHT STKWAHT Mi, - Kl, -I,, riot, Tamwwrth I3t>ar for Service. 1 b.v. . ri^hUvr., i I-.UI1W irtli ll.xtl for OATTIM rtos *J. i U. It . vn-,i.,.i T,,i in. 1 w. MI:AIIH, ifoi* Sale I urning of all Hinds Done to Drier i run of Stones for Chopping. Salinfitutioti iu all our line-. guHraulicil Photos TAKEN ^ -AT THE I Flesherton | Photograph I Gallery | J are done in lirsl-clasi ityli and at f f lowest rateH. Special attention | jj uiv< to copying. Babies' photo., jk a;ierialty. Picture* framed. MRS. BULHER Tlcshcrton -- Consonal Parlors. A. Wilson . . Prop, Flcsherton Harness Kinporium ! ! A full liniMif. sweat pads, dusters, rol- lars, axle grease, whip*, hoof oint- ment, currycombs, trunks, valises, etc. SMS1TARY BRACE , rnn lor Mir In H.-Ti wnl,!i. <f ArtruiMla Haliiln 1 11 a, . m..r>. i't I .- i'i.-reoiiiuriw1 Btti fai I. N...I.I IMU. him roiii|irl..l i>( Inu A4, C. Sfl, W. ii". mi till- . r,,i,r,." I-.M Sotlli ,,f UMbaea tlowi Trim* > A|.|II> t.> lib. l MlllUTur., H MSV- I '. Ill e.1 Herknbiri, line.' lir nervluu ou 'I 1 '.*) Ak lor initflui .., I* M . :,l . i Uk fmiv >ll, Maj u| I ,.. For (t<Mitleiu, only 40e yrr pair. The Cause of Hay Paver [t'i> a microbe that Hoata in tht ajr, gets " flu- throat and lungs, develorta lapid- ly, eivitos infiamination, Ac. Theoauiv M as liuiple M n thistle in the finger. Kxtriict the thistle, away gon the pain Destroy the Hsy Fever uerni- -you ill. Tlmt's why C'tar ilm/xnic M0t w marvel lounly iii Hay Kt-ri-r lUi tr^i;i i,i TitHr to you lirii^* cure, I. lit to the mic- ro rxi death. Catarrhi'tone ii as i|diek to act on thvae niicriMcepic orxanisnis as lightning Prbvnt aa well ss cun-n, and 11 alwuys lucctinnful. Dru|;uiNt>,26c. ndfl.OO, or PoUoa A Co., Kingston, Ont. Tovn tillers may be claused HH follows: First, thone who ^" nut of town to do their shopping; second, thoHe who are opposed lo improvement.; third, tln-s.- h > irii/..Mtii- (hey own the tuwii, fourth, those wh-i prefer H quiet town to one of jituh, life and enemy; fifth, those who uvery inovuiiieiit that does not oiigmatc wuh theinselveti. "UiM- four lawn panned dnrine tho pant century by which the Kn^lnh people se- cured liburtitM not previoUHly enj"ye.i( This wa. "n.- of the <|>icK'i<m on the en- trance rvtmiiiMiion |i.t|ii-m in hiKtiiry.'iiul one of the candidate* who wrote mibniii- ted the following, (l).\ny IIIHII under '21 culd not drink with -ui |u>ying a flue. i Ji'l'li.- Kin_' r- mill not billt-t hut Kildirrs U|uui privnu- hoimeM. (3) Oue nun ooiild not murder itnother man. (4) If a man married n woman and then did ii-.i lik.- hui. he could n leave her till she .Hanover Pimt. Wednesday mm nin-j of last wr. k a .li- lreniii|( aceidt-nt ti.ok place at the real dencv of Mr Alex 1'nylor. 15th ct>ncen- v.i.n, |U-iitiiirk, by which Inn itged uinth- er !oi>t her lile anil In-, It ft hind was very bndly I'liin.'i Mrs. Taylor U HO year, of aye, am) h-..i l>.-.-u in |Hmr ht-nlth for two or three ye>n< Ktween 12 and o.n 1 o'clock tin* old lady struck a |*rli>r nmti-li to light a lump. Tin- head of the malcli fell on her iiijlit-gown mid set fire to it H'-r shriekn brou||ht her H.-II and he suc- ceeded in put lint; out thr lire, which hail euvuloped his mother, and ill the effort hi. luind W.IM vory badly buniod. In her fe.-lile condition Mrs. Taylor could in--. Hiir\nr the shock, to which ihu rucciinib ed 12 hour- l-iici . W. Moore, Flebherton. ThorouKhbred Durham hull tor Service. Cord Itlinto, 29068. TJi.*.l ).< a An. a*.l hnll lot MrTlr. on lor HI. T. it t), H. I' >)) l J\(OI LNVKII, flMBMtoll I'.O. William I'hilbpe. an old man on tin- Krm .^ide of tin- townline, ubout nnr null' from (Irtmi, in thin county nutted nmriile in hiK lirn Monday ni'-in inu He t>. .1 ,-i rope to H ln-itro and jumped from n huv) of hay, which wan >tandmi> on the Door. Ids m-i k wan liic'kou. Hi- waa found di'ml Mispvndcd by a rr>[M> from a Iwiiii alit tht! ivntrv of the Hour. Hia foet Were touchinx the ground. I'liiluiis arose from breakfant at .-if(ht o'clock and npiieared in his niuiil health tin! N|iirilit. No mn ,,f ii.iun\ had ever bvc-n noticed <m him Ho W.H 74 yeitra o'd .t well-to-do family our viv.-s him. One 4on lives a lnxt dis- tance from Fergus. Representative. Three new CASTS of i-nalljiox Imvu broktnoutat .Vlh-'on. They were all infected by Vlie burN-r, who wa ill IHD viouhly. Thin makuH live cam* in all in that town. They HIV all in <|utwatine, and as the pariasl i<f inc-iibation is now over, no othor I-H.VK nro v>pvWd l< ilu- vi'lop. Two nw U.IM-H have ako broken out l.i 1'ri uiii.-h tnu i.-,hip, in Ihe maim- honwj where (ho Allirlon iMtett oricinstcd. A. no c.mi oiitrtide the lint house hiv.- ilt vulupiil, it i. thoiit-ht ila-i will end the oiitbrask. 'll.t- MiM|..-rts are being well looked after, and every precaution ss lo is.. 1. 11 1.1, i .in, t vaccination ha* been ttkcn. Th- south-bound Hteamhout Expreu ye t. I.'HV in- i inn; came mt.i the Ktatiou y. i'l with a lutilly .siiuiil,, il |nl-.t and a lil't-ral splaohinu of the ronteuM of wi-.-.k..l diiinrr paila. Tin. dirt.>rdrl> ooudiiion u :< cnunii-il fnr hi a uiwuiulir it Hiding .f '.he K-. Itoii lions. Win. \Vlnteis, who. uppwl the i-itires had I us, i ihi..iii'h in the uixht. He i-t-iit.-.i o it at 7 a. m. with h (rantf and, a thick fog hanging low over the trck, did not see the appuwclniig train until t.-o late to xnve li-s li.ui.l car. The men imrrowly encaptxl by jumpiiiK, their car, imils and dinner pitili famii to>m>,i higii in the air ai.d utterly wruckod. Th eiigun-.T li-ft tho wreck of lint pil->t by the truck al tins .tatiou. iSbelburne Krru rhi. Icn.turc in on crnry ho\ of th* gencr. Laxative BronioQuinioe Tabi.i< the remedy that . iir<- re>M tm eiew dny An exchan^o remarks : When we me the boys on the streets and public plit-ri we tiflrn wonder if they know bu*int*n iin-n are walchini; them In every bunk itre and office thorn will aoon bo n pUci for aoinebody to till. Thoac who have the mai.atietneiit of atf.tir of biiHinen. hoiiseH will select one of thexo b-iyn; the; will nut M-li-rt liini for his ability b> swear MS xlat.g, cmoke'ili'n unl t.iii ln-i i kei;. Thoio men may hive a fu of thi HO hal'its tlii'ini'elvi'i", hut tlu-v ar lookiltf] for boy* who are iu< nem c.-n'l.- iin-ii in every sense of the Wurtl a ihu OMII tin. I ..n-1 they are ahlu to |{ivo th character of every buy in the city. They do not want rowilicN, and when a ho |.|ili<- for one of the no plans anil is ru fuxod, thy nny tall him they did win him, but the boy cn upon it tlm he haH been rated according to his IK havior. lioys cannot afford U< ntlopt th lialiitn .unl conversation of loafers tm rtiwdiu* if they ever want to be called t reapoumble poaition:*. Filled with the following goods at Special LOW PRICES Nails, Locks and Hinges, Muni door Hollers, Steel track. For houses, rim and mortis Locks, glass and putty, Paints and oils, Piaster Paris, Plas- terers' hair. SPECIALTIES In Season. Sen "(Mi I)oi)fs and Window .sen MS: Keuce. NVtre. Black, ( ialvanixed and Ha fb always mi hand. liarrel. dash and roc-kur Churns; Sj)ades,.S}njvels, Hues and Hakes. *' will Imy ;i splenditl sc; <if hnggy Wheels. HandsjiWh, Squai-fs. I'.r.K-i- and Hits, Milk Can>. CreitnHT Cans, Pails, Pans, tinware of all kinds. Portland eminent on hand forstalile and eel- lar, Hoofing and eistero*. Kavt-troiiu'liinj.'. < Jalvanix- ed and Tinware, term; plute Hoofing a specialty. Wt- are the agents for the (Jurney, Tilden, |)CW IdCdl Wuud I'uriiace ; liest in the market. \Vi> guaranlee tlu.-i 1 Kurnaet-s t> ::i\e pi'i-f. -i r >.tt i-f.n-tii>ii. P.ath>.li()t and cold water: liuiU'rs.Cisi'-ni |'iiini)s, Sinks and Well pumps. Money Saved is Money Made Parlies liuilding will find it to their advain.i-e tn got our prices hefore buying i-Ise\v1ien . Robertson's Ready-mixed Paints always on hand. ftayfork Rope in Stock. Plymouth Hinder twine. i \. , go. Opposite Connor House. ]> ..... i.tlk. KK&K K^K K&K K&K BLOOD POISON H yoa sr*r contractfd any BI<4 Diisaii yon ara wrt safe an\* the vlrs. or polsoo has been .radicated from tha sVftieni. at times yoa rea!arml,r .jmptomn, bitli'. Id ho|~- no serio mull, will follow.' 11 aT. you nr ol tli.- fullmint; symptom.? S.u thrnat, alc.non the tuociMor ia the mouth, hiir l.tlhuy onl.lch- tn(pa|.it itcbinn. ol tlie skin, lore. or oa the bodj, PT" rr.i and .mart, drtpeptle .tomn.h, Mznal wrakneea ladlcation. of ike secondary tac-. Uon't trn.t to Inclf. IVin't ruin yoor .y.tem with th. old logj trcttmrnt ^mrrcorr and poUsb-whlcb only .appreaw. tb. .ymptgau for a time only to break cut again -Then happy In domratic lile. Don't Ut qiacka czptrimeat on TOO. i:t N t vv Mt.THLtD TREATMENT l.g.arantri-d to cure yoa. Our aueirantc. >-.- Ln.Ued by bntiU bond* that the di.iM will ntter rrturn. Tboaaanda of paiicnte bars been already .orr.l by oar M-.W MKTUoD TKEATMtNT for oTrii).ars, and no return of th. JitraM. No cipvtiuuni, ao nak not a "patch up," l>t a i-o*4- tlye care. Tlie worn caea soliciied. NERVOUS DEBILITY OOsl MBW MRTHOD TBRATMPMT will cor= yo, and main a man of yoo* Uodrr it. inf lurtire the brala become, active, the blood purified to that all pimple., blotch*, and alceu disappear; the nrrrea bccjm. .trorf as strrl, so that nrrToveae.. t>.iihf uln.-iui and depondecy d.aappeai : th. pve become briifht, th. face toll and clear, enrr^y rriurni to the body, ana the moral, and *- aal .rfttem. are Inviroratrd; all draio. ceaee no more Tit. tl wvitc from thetT^tcm. The various organ, oetotne nat.ral and manly. You fevl TnurKlf a mas and know mamairs caanot be a failure. We InTite all the alHictrU to i. :</. >. conftdeathUtT and free . ( charfe. Don't let q.aclce and fakirs rob v^u o.' >or haid-eained dollart. Wl WI1.L, CL'i'K \,ii; UK NO PAY. W. treat and care NKRVUU9 UEBIL1TY, SEXUAL WfAXF ESS, EV1S- SIONS. SYPUIMH. G1.KK1, STRICTDRE, VA K ICOOiLE, KIDNEY and HI.AUDEK DlstAsts, aa4 aU essafjaa pacauar to men and women. Cnreeguaiao- tr.-d. Are TOO a Tiriim? Hare voa lost hope? Ar* yoo otinu?tl'fl/ marrijtcr? IIUTOnr blood been *iMar,l? Hare you an T mt\f e.7 Oar New Metbn<l Treatamt will ________ . re*. No mailer wtio ba. treatftdyou. writ* an b,met >pinioa Free l Kslr**. "The (ioldcn M.xnior" harce. men " I mes,- ct Women All Mat free sealed. bB Wa of Slo. . ulustrtteili oo "Taricc^cle, Sinciure j UK-el. N mf diclna inl C. 0. t. No naam M bvxn cr -R,rc?M. Cvarrikiag ooniidtninl. Question list ind CoU si Trsatauat. Frit t. lr HOTS Cur*. DR&KENNEDY&KERGAN US SHELBY ST. K&K K&K DETROIT MICH. .U,fi:ll-ii.;li A VOIHIK Imr a tin.- 00 ac-n- lieKi of fail whoat mi thrir ranch, llili lin.', KuvsnajH*, which will \i-ll ib nit '.Ti hushrl* p*r acre - Standard. For > n- tl .in a year the fu.'ii'U of Al-ixlr MfLiichlan hv n>nrvrapNUMl tho ert-rtt.'ii of a inoinmiviit to his Bein- ..i> '.. l.f |.|u--il in the ccniftury <t *Or- Hiii;trvil) \.lii-if h wni hurit.l HIM wl- nun r inToroiiiM hav.? nlicatly n.n'tihut- cd MM r illy fur this purport- nnd the' )>i-ii(il.. nf i;ni-l|ih and other towns are giving tl'i-ii ind. A in. it hi- r sent her niall \>y info fhe ! country, urn) nftrr a wrek of muirty r j rri\rd tln loiter . - " I L'i't lieip alright, but f>ri;t>' ' write bcfi'tt 1 . A fi-llt'r am) I wi MI nut in a bonl and Ihe ln>:it ti|>i>i< I n\ . i ivixl i wan gi t HIM out. I i> -" full of it.-i llit I didn't know anythmu f >r ) LIU ii-il after t'-t-y f uii.1 linn A horeo j k: ki-.l inr ai..l I hM- go' to IIAVM S-.IM.' niiint.y for rixiiiK my head . W .' nr i>oiiu> ii. Hf> n ham tin fire to-niuht, Hiui I nln-nil Mimlr if w ilon't have wine Iml'y fun. I 'bill hrini{ hi .me a tanir wotHMiurlc if I .--in t liini m my trunk," Second h..nd Farm Has on In;-.', N..V.II and Hitrris nec<>n<l-hitn.! binrlrrs, hr r.k.-', wwl drilU and inllers fi>r m\i- nt a tMrgaio. ' " ' ' ""'' BimlT HK>W.T .*rtioi,K ..... "K- Drivt- lii.ks eacl: ......... Ic f j-y |J. TEUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. 1 VOL. XXI, NO 1046 Fleshertcm, Ont., Thursday, August 29, 19O1 W. H THTRSTON, BD S PROPBCETOK I'eylon. We are shoving watches now, and, t., hav- tl.H f,AK.K-T STOCK \r.- of Tom..*-., the BUTT ntxyc to; - -.! from. and the CtU'-ArEST ^I'lK'K. tiking cju.t!ity aud iverythmg: lu-o considrrat.on. We are pelting in ifW st .ck every few days nnd aelling ] vatches every ri-iy. Pros|.teti>e bny^rs j <-h m .1 re-iion-ti. r the old ni.ixim : "Mak i h-y nhde rhe> sua shines" The. H'ui m , xhinin.- imw for puich-wer* ; \' y u h.-i-i- t-. <!. is to c me in and buy ai.d ym h.iv I* made. C'ome in and l.ik t tLe stool t Whether you wi-l. t . liny or not. from Our C'tni Curr'jpotu/rnf Mr. JKII.UH Coliinsnn of Guelph .pnt II few i lays nf th- j>;ii week at the parru' .'. h -ill. . Mr. Williams of the Sault wu a guest of Mi C.-n. Cairi.s the past w.ek Miss Mary Knott has goue to Mark- dale where she will remain during the c'ltnin* fall. The CHID ping pMty of Flaherton people .pent only a ihort time in the vll. -y this year, they havirn returned 'irly lait week. The Misses Stewart of Powaiwan are Th.- .\/.-t.8n Orant aud Arthur Whit- visiting with their relatives around the . iLtnrn.-d tuiin harvesting in village. MM Mr Ornubyof Rock lyu has been spend - Eildie Kniliury. who has spent ing * few days with hi. Ulster, Mr*. G. ihe pt two months at Mr. Root. Cook's, ; Curry. returned on Monday to his home in Tor- * out ... Mo n-, s. til, -iu ni. The Rev. Mr. and Afrs. Marshal of n. .r Stratford visited their son, Mr. J. ^rom <Mr Own Carrttdimpent. M.:-!-. ill of thin pUwe, the past week. Intended for lutwcck. Mr Farr and Mr. Ellis "f Ouelph have < The public nchi>ol hoh.lays are over, round f >r a few days buying stock ', but "Ur bell was not heard to-day. We Min B lla McKenzie haw returned i pr-nine that the holiday a in this section h ;M aft-r a few week.' vinf with her will lie extended a few days longer, as we n ti.c V.i!ley. u ' v * * -' - Mr. (loo. Cairua, who hai been sick, we tr pleased to sty is able to bo nn>uod McFarland, Stafford & Co. HARK DALE, ONT. * Grey County's Biggest Store Plain Facts. AND OPTtC'A. FLESHTRTON. Kadjrro have ont heard aa yet of the engagement of a teacher. It will require at least another week of fine weather to complete the harvest in W.. that Mr. W. Wright, who i.s; tln vicinity. The tall wheat, which kt the lin,"-t f r *.ue very Inw with heart irouljle. ill soon ] the time nf cutting wai one of be reitror-d to health. Mr. Alex, crops jjrown in this section There s no reasonable reason why we can't sell as cheap as anyone gen- uly cheaper We handle all classes of merchandiie, buy in larae nuan- ;ities, ee r aa near us we can to th. actual cost of production, take advan- >f all ch discoanta and provide facilities f. r Having timeand money at every turn. The bi(fi?r the organization the imaller its av*ra<:e ex- penses and average prolifi. We ditnhute more goods than iiny other store in Grev C-unty, and use every advantage in your service. Baying t from the makers tn-un-s uniform good qualities, and places us in a position where we can gturari'ie the goods we sell. Our fina qualities IMV ha.-, our L-O. d qualit es are g- od. Things are exactly is represented. and ur cu.tnmeri are protected againit imposition in any fnr. These values ara good .in 'I there ire hundreds of jthers like them: From Our Oir.i Corrttpondent. (Int-ii.lbd for last week ) Mil* S.ncl iir, -.ur tncher, relurued <>u S.i unlay t-> her nthiK)] which opened Monday with a very n-.-l at > endance. Miss Chreai>ton has returned as clerk at Mr V. X"Ue' utore, fter .pending her holidays nt her home in Port Elgin. Mr. John Sproat has hi. windmill up, ' whu-h improves his place. Mr. Will Fer- j gun.n, of tne centre line, is also putting up a new windmill. Mr. Atchenon, of the Soo, was the gueit of MiM McKee. N McKiunon .if Creemorw, islanding hi* holidayi around hore. M I'h. TM.II is also very low ind very little h..[-e is ei.t.-rr.ii-u-.l for his recovery. Mrs Hnlfiiur and MIHH New t'. i".inl..| iliH exhil'ilioii thin week. We are p!eaed lo nee Mr. J. C'hinlett arouiid again after u few days i linens. Mr. Edwin Lawrence is al> rery low V'i tu aiiiiuiher here vaccinavd <n. Sat 'ii day. Mr Iinoc year, wan unfortunately considerably iLini i.-i-. I while in the ah.N-k by ram, hut we hope that when the itrain is threshed the damage will be found to be less en- The addi inn t-> Mr. J.,bn McLend s j barn is completed. The masonry built l.y Mr. Jaineo Dyce and sutf ia an artis- 89c *|>n.<!ing a few iUys i'h his pareuts.Mr. and J/ . E Sargent Mr. D Sinclair la having his new fur nace put in to day (Tuesday) by Mr Noble of Dundilk and Ja. (Janlner of this ; ric piece f workmansbip, and would f Parry Sound n i;r< e a :ity ntoidenoe. The frame work LpplUK Frvm Ovr Oten Corretpondenl Messrs. Welih and Hawkins dr-jte to Tlmriibilry on Sunday where they vwiteJ the fanner's s:ter, Mrs. Jus. Stewart. MIOT Marion K.n<t f M.irk lile is the of her sister, Mrs. Thus. McAfee. Mri. MeAuliy and baby boy of Owen S und visited with her suter, Mrs. \V. Whore, for a few dtys last week. Mr. Wm. Curry, who r^iiidrs at F,i.-- mount, a few miles north of here, had an operation performed on hi.s eyv Mundiy. The old s-nitle 'lan hts btv.i totally blin.l "for twelve yean nd if li.e operation proves a Riiccea.* this will b. a mir.ic'e. Mr*. We.ftwick auddauiht. r S k ,li.' .,f the seventh line spent Sunday with Mrs. S R. Hawkirs. Mrs. Leg.tte and ubildnn leturned to Owen Sound Monday Port Law PrtrerUlc /' m OH>- Oiru CorretpoitJent Oue of the wont storms th'a pavied over the burg on Monday last. TYli'i'hone and telegraph pole, were shattered in large numbers and the oper- ators of both inMtrumcnts were tuddenly n'artl.'.l by |.<u.l explosions in theirofficcs Ur J.'hn M.-Millau, South Line, had a cow killed, but we have n it hoard of any other damxge .o far. D.ui Cauipbell and A. McPhil was done hy Mr Donald McLeod and is e.|unlly nuli.stantial. Mr. J. J. Patter- soii's barn ii als completed. Mr. (>eo. R.yce is ro-.hinghng t''e barn on the McPhatter farm, of which he m tenant. We understand that fur- ther improvements are under considera- tion. In reference t<> "Fhat stone-throwing," it only remains for me -. a<id that all the statements made by me in the item still remain confirmed by my author. If fur- ther fatt.s, nut of which capital is to be made, whether significant or insignificant, they must be gathered hy the principals in the di.puie, and any further alliiMoni ! ' to the subject will be unheeded by me until my statements are refuted by my informant, and if I am in accept "An On advice and always hear both came uxaie from uoar Brampton on Tuns- ! gides of a itory, etc., ' An On!- day. We believe Dan west in a short tiu.e. intends going Miss Sara A. AfcLean, returned to her may in ill fairness accept my advice mid never (tab from behind, ur in plain , words n-ver under the guiDe of a false j home ia Tivertun on Wednesday. 8h nante seek to denounce a respectable will be much missed as she oiauy f woman's word an unreliable, for, to me friends while here. We expect to hear of > rtam ing tr.p m" taking a pr..pect county soon. hwm I \trrrrtw Mrs. U. Mc.Maxter, whoav hen! h Veen iu an unmtisfnctory .^l.ite for some *ime. iiuderwont a critical operation on Kri'iay las>. l>rx. Sco t aud Softly per- form-d the op.-ra ion very ci*r<:fi:lly aud their jxtiifnt m now Uniiiij HJ well aa inli-ht he .>.\|>i- -t.-.|. Mr. Thomas Shrrdi>wn little girl has been >ulfi-iiii^ fr< ui a vory ptiinful :ilfoc- ton of the ryi- Alvin iMcKfiixie, vrho has liocn sutf r ing fr the past two weoks with an I l* hiseir, ii iinprovmi; under Dr. Scott's trca'inent. !IN* KIske Inliiter.wlio has Wen tea<-(. ii^ wU.'olal Iut I'ortag*, and a firm r j teacher m our T. S., is viailii g hi-t j limtlier. Mr. Wm Inksl.-r. Mr. Ahram McMaater aid t I', uc Miii' * in MS' IIM; frieixls here The latter will r- turn in a fw davi-. vkilf '.lu- fvlii.i-i .till 1\ lii.lHl aiU'ini; (In- ' -s of his t. stkHxi for atn extndet1 -itay Mr. John Wii. ten had. the niiafortuno t<i lose one of Ui horses wilh inriamnia- i 'ii Mrs. O UK! lei children win return to heir umnJfUher. Mr. Win. McLennan. Mis< Ma^ji>) Wilson juid a bnrt visit o her paronla recently. Mm Ulauk was home from Maxwell :ast wuck ith a very ore baud, '.'ya broken ueedk-. Mr. A. Wright returned to hor in Hiitfi! . on Woiluewiay Mha KalkaHa Oriar w speoding a few .lays with in I) irvt.ilk We aro sorry to r.-| Mi Dow is serioUHly ill it pr.-seat with rt tiinn.itioii of tho lung. M MI Alice Oliver left on TuUy to 0. MlSN his own wnnis that c.-rt.nnlv was the dm- truction (ni.'diti.d) |>Uct-d by the r. ajor- i of the people on bn reference to Mm. Spi.-tr. To th- EJttor : SIR -For the pjtst ihree and a half years t Ijave, at tho luggeatinn, <<r I miy aiy, at th<> ri' jucr > f *mic "f the [ -.. .['! of till, neiubborhood, represented tnii locality in your papi s corre.po'i.leut. Ahhou-Ji I fuel that the tfcjk h.-* noon m- a'l.-'l-.Mti-ly and imperfectly p^rforinod. Ii .1, ' . . -11 i'1-i formed l > 'ho litist of my iljility. I:i I oC my . N i h ivc carefully awided utTi-n ' ... Pains Cure4 *y Her- vilioe '.". in* ttiuM.ny iH Mr. Bcnjaniia visit friends in A)u<"ii.-i and 1! O liec.-ii siifforn g fr-'in fur H. me tnuo aiid wu lmp,i s'no :!! l>o iK'oefitod by her trip. Mr. (' K \V.- ..-i of IhiHitm ipnt . SumUy with his parei.tM. dive porn,., win ies or renWioM of .viv Mi .-, Martin \\' ....I came hoiut- from deacttntion that would cause JMHI or an- H<i|'.-v:ll-- ..i, S, n,-d.-iy n .y.u.ce t.. .iny of your readi-rn. 1 luve ! ,nd >lr-. I- ft on Kil.l.y ' nevor knowingly sent any il.-nn for Mk- f., r s:i .'nil,,.-, *!,- thu Dr wil.I --nvi-r catii wuhoM aouamUriag ihu MUkaa , ticity of the htfonnattoit, and if t ny | .1 tTellM Irvnii .;''">' ' hvi! inadvertantly .ent, to press , IK n UIK-I-.-. Hi. i "y UC! " which was " c c " ir> -" ;t - " n * covering tbe Mataka I have either writ- ten to the etht.n .o C..IKI! its [iiiI'luMlion, I the error in a following issue. If ;<! any inn- sion to will on .my m. i'.. or nf a cnntro niiiiii-, it li.n licen written and { pul-i-shod nv'T my --i^ii .Mir. 1 . In the. u ipleosaut cont;i>vcry my only ] .11111 h u t^> prove tlui iho Mate-: ui^i.'-i containeU iu !lie ium wore not im.i. intry, but ba-^e.1 upon inl'ornmtion received fnuu and c-liti--.l r- by my autb'ir. ln'-e u.imi! appeared in n ply to "An l>n!iH>kor." It, is nut f r in.- . to say whether the stones were thrown at ; the Knio or the tl.'ij. a I was n.-t pn-s 10 picaii mole srnrtii us, aaorte.l navy aod white and black stripe and tpot patterns, also fancy tweed patterns in grey, browns, etc., suit- able either for buvs' clothina. shirts or drvnaes, regular ralua 18e per yard, our price 20 only bed spres U. plain white or fancy colon, si/* 74 by 86 mchefl.iYgular vslue f 1 26 each, our tpecial price only 10 pieces Flannelette, 28 inches wide, in assorted stripe patterns, usually sold t 7 cU. yard, our special price B 6 only Tf ustry Table Covers, assorted patterns in garn<*t and gold, nary and (f"ld. 9t o. Full 84 siae, good weight and revermble. fringed all round with heavy knott frine, good value in the regular way at 13 each. Y..U can buy me this week at 1.39 20 d< zens cent's ties, assorted shades and patterns in court, pnff and four in-hand styles, regular 25-ct qualitiea, on sale this week.your choice as 101 400 boxes fine French Toilet soap, put up in fancy boxes 3 cakes to bo*, each cuke wrapped in fancy paper wrapper. Your choice .'f the following perfumes : hyacinthe, voilet. roae, crabapple bloMnms, etc. Reg- ular value 25c pr box. This week just half former price Uj 00 cloth Brushes, lanre size, suitable either for clothes or boot brush, regular value 26c. each, our price unly 18 600 packages envelopes, either business or square shape, just half former price, per package 4 Tiger stove poli.h, large size tin, regular 10 cent kind, just half price, pt-r tin B Hair piiiH, plain or cnmped, half price, per package 1 Nail brushes, full size, half price, only 3 36 coffee potg. i:ood heavy tin, copper bottom, regular price 30cls. each, now half price 16 600 dozen pearl buttons, either 2 or 4 hole, aborted lize*, regular values 10 to 20 eta, per dezen, on sale this week at per dozen 6 Trimmed Millinery at half price. Men's and Soys' straw hats at half price. Ladies' Shirt Waists at half price. One caae Mole cott nade half paice. Another lot. 5 dozen hammers, reg. 30c. , just half price 15 30 fancy Photo Frames, regular 25c., just half price 12-J StkffoM M M * Co, Seasonable Goods At Dunt'5 Grocery I'o Cure a Cold in Une Day Tak I.a\ > Quiulne Tablet*. All duiuKi- ifiuoil ibe ujon.v i/ it fails to care I S&c. K. W.U oveMiiatuiion each boi. \\ In- c j .*o lUMsiH Ki - kn .>* f If Mac. T'.. - nc '. - f runt Our OICH f vt rci)fi.'i-l-ii I'j, M no* well ill (f!'>,n.fv Mr V, ni Trult.-i and Mr. A\'i ^ ' i.noll tiro d i"-' l he w..rli in -.;-.. valliy. Tho Litter h.i.i ju-t Utely puicli .?--J hii >u i wi;U 1'ctsto Onions Dutch 3.-- i>ert SERD N SFEDS BANANA5, N'Jr'^ AND Lr.lONS. < | Fksberton Furniture !; * Ularerooms. J PUm 1'"; hna ^. who have a sii]>|.ly Tlic citizens are at lutt ljlii..{ i-ncr ;c-'ic - >]' to have new ule:<)k; Already out 1 pii-co liaa lioeii laid which rellectM credit, on the workman. Mr. l?i-rio;i. Mora iu ipoy is IHUH{ i.n^f.l t. j continue tne gnod work through the village. L.ii- weik tho r.-iiiHim of Mr. Jus Wallaoe wrn- l.u I io n- n r. Th.i deceased ! 'i liiK-s .in.! now in season : 'iem here. Ice Cream ibis (Thursday and Snurday.) ent on tho "cc.-iiii'ii, but it is to l>c re- 1 I|M! the to n .m wore thrown at either. A< this . tho first altercation .-f . .f 'I;.- kind that I ever became inixitl n(i _, g - witlu nd : safi-KU.-ir.l .-utii'i'st ;t futiir,- f. Jf. tfUnty rieSl7ri&n. I muii re^uent "f y u, Mr. Kiii- tuix-iip, l muii re^ueKt m yu, U>r. with many th.-inks for vour ouirteHV . was avery estimable youn_v{ m.tii of twu.ity )u ih<( ^ t / Wright's O!J Stand. - ' ,vaUu- if Polwm'a Nerviline as au i'if ... ible cure for rhuuioaiic ntins ; it ou . .them every time. Nothing 1 know of e<iuaJait*H a htmaehold Imin.t.n, autl mothers sbuukl feel it ae iiwusaaiy a* i>reaJ itwlf NerviUae haa cured rlu-u , jiatiara of 30 years standing, and can ,are yow. Iastnt relief, abeolute cure, |k|ts>yMlaa4 waa u!r>>niix troiii (Tlikns f T soiui years. On Saturday Au^. 17, h piisaod peocufully away, surround- ed by the oiriuben ..f th- family. On Sutidty taut a m.-nional survicu w.ut hold in tin- Methodist church of which h wai a devoted moniber The sympathy of the community is extiiiil.j c; ni .heir I <.!-. ..ment. Kim l< erley ptv.|i' i w. t ' havu a visit fr-'ii' th. ir former Leigh- - - i. Mm. .1 M. 'fhu'-<io'. WA .1, u -jlt.l to know Mr. Walter Smith i.i nliu-'ttt reo.orrud from au attack uf typhoid fever, lie ia now in the provinca, accept my n of the Stone lM"ll Bit ! Si'ttU'ineut. K. C.KE. Mr. Ororge Wilitahire, who was pro- ! uably the oldeet man in Protun, passed j away last week. The deceased was born in KtigUnd in 1810 and .lettlnd in Prolon ' ->ut fifty yr ago. He hd been ill | u>. c-'O^iurraMe time The funeral took i ;.'..t.--i n '' d.iv > tlie Veotry Cemetery. , Tho Hrv Mi-. 1'n Imnan conduct*! the ; Olm. lin{H>rti'r ofaiul d.'uler i i-c: 'iiony ./.uu and Mr. was V\ i tuuhty * wan a Rood cit- rv*i- ctej in hi < Scottish anl C'anudian (Jr.uiite of allj kinds. rionumon-s Repai~ed and Inscriptions cut on shortest notice. SYDENHAPl ST. Wo are rarryitiy the newest s of aawionuble ;;<>t<ds 'ii all lim.-s . r Fuiiiiturv, coiminiinK of : Parlor and bedroom suits, lounge*, si.l.-lxvirdii, extennii'ii anl ct'iitn- tables, chnir, window shs<I(i an.: curtain [-olH. jiictun, c:i*els, etc Which we olfor at LOWEST PRICES. Pit- 1 ure Framing and Genera! Ro <f. UiulertUin|{ in all its Satisfaction guarant.c" W, H. Bunt. Prop. /

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