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Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1901, p. 7

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/ AUGUSTS, 1001 THE FLE8HERTON ADVANCE Card* M'CUMAH'OH A YOUNO Hanker*. Markdale a fo.Wral hank I aw *****. t<ror) M a reasonable rat* Caff oYf (M. MMW A 8 VANDyHK*. JT < )lrk Mb Dtf C0M, 6f*f Men fowa of M air lane Ueewef. rufl!- AuctlerT. prcWtf. CWerae* FLMtJatftf OH t MKBTg COLbHCTBt V The underar tfadertake the oollevtlon of all lo<* 0* * bought, acoonnta eolletrtod M. H M BKMPKRSOK. Teebrt<7B Con Ceunniaalonor In B.C.J.. Auctioneer ern< ' Aiutralamr tad Money Ml l.^t.Ui i*l Imureiico Aa*"*' orlri*i(*. !* ao-1 will* eavehill. oVw u an T valuation. io*lo on rtiitrwwt oetlee. HToney to loan at Icrweil rt* Of Intern*. Col Mtandil o wKb proopleae low. Aenl tor Ocaan OvOlWUo li' Company. A can aoltcttett. .torictie* In OMVU <ju fa lavrt a1oay month. In tboir lod rowm. inn.k. Klwtirrton t 8 p q). T. *>wftnr>t. r l*fW<J AM tTKINCK AKTHTH U7TXIB. We. .. -. , T A M .ioi. tn UM MMonte lflJ. Mralo'i lock. tall Boyd r 9 W < Mi POUIIT KLKHHEKTON, U* . Hlock til. I. O. T iMt Frtd4J ID T.iilnf . H. Mlo< . *. -. W. A. Ann- Dcntistiu The Markets. Carctally Crrer Hf hrf 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ,,.,. Batter ............ . Kl* frwk Pork,,,,, ffca. ,,,4 Hidet Wool. I Eeirh Wrfk 81 'o 9] to 01 .i'" M 19 to M 10 I" 7 00 to 7 60 10 00 to 12 00 6 Co M 06 to 90 to S 00 to 18 to 06 80 (00 13 J. B. Sloan & son ^ Prnprirtnr i^ am* tin- R -^ Si**, Doon, Flooring Sheeting, Newel Posti, Balmters, Hand Railing, Corner Bkx<k the \*&t of !*(mce Latb,No.l and L> shingles VuraiMati and Fitting, Hidings, etc. Turning of all Rinds Bone to Order r run of Stunen 8*tMfaetion in all our line* . MUHBAV . I.. D. H.. <J Toruuto Unl . uiootb. J. W FBOST. I. I,- H. B*rritn-. Holloltor Coavynef. to potofllce. irlou. erwry Tbd B_U*n Hound otto*, PuatoU Hlruet *t- ffia>^ Next fJeabertou. R K Owi-n i.ii. k T OC** WKIUKT * McAKUI.R L KattUtrn HvlWton CoT>yi t OfflMii "TT" Bound, Out >iKlMrk<telOnt. W U Win-. in. MI-AIIIFI.B I B I.i R H-Fladiortoa offlo*.* B*nk ry Photos WfJHKIt 4 PATTBIWON 1 1*1 i> K K. HoltOtOT, M M..I-.HI link. Owsn Hoand (I TLCKRh OEO W PATTBBrtON A SAIPN. Rarrlitara. *. tiFFC'KS : Owen Hound. Mrch at i 'ik lil.i -k. N .f I'U.irou Hume, tnndklk. Main Htriwt, vvory HturUy ' M.VKVY.MV. H K H \MP80N.UL-D.. Orowu Attoraay for Urey. TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in ftral-cUm itjrle and HI l..wet rates !"i.i- ial atteaAion giTMi to oo(.yin'j liaVnc*' }>hotM. I a apxiahy. FV-taro* f raaieil . :( MRS. BULHER w w w w w w w n *** M ^ i Jsf ew CAV.TP.B \t i r A H Ont, PbyeUlan. Kunieon. eti rt'.ii olUoe Strain', block. lauili.w llnlvt Having iiurjliam-il the Irnaoria' Imsi iietw fr.nii Mr. LeGart) I to announce that the buaineaa will In- continuod in th old ]irfiniHfK. We have had a laige city ex|writ'iic* and IxJiuro wu can n\\e perfect aatiNfactioii in our line. Hare taken over the aiteiicjr fur Laundry - AND - COTT. AM) HOFTtT Membera Collate Pbyelo. * Hnrxeone Jaiiarl" ijra^uato In Medlolne i4 Toronte) llalvei>it\. Fi>llowihl|i Diploma . Poet Gradu ate Mo.tical Kcliool ami lloei.ltal. Chlof -- niaeaenn of eyo. ear, noae aod throat apeel \ of eye, I 'fajprrijT. And all ordera lft with UK will receive prompt and caivful uti.-ntit.ii Fliskirlii Shaninj Parlors A. \Vilson . . Prop JOHN A W-OTT. Maxwell. JP OTTKWKI.L Vetorlnary Hurgeon naduati) nf Ontario Veterinary Baaidauee -- ecood door aouth woet on Mary etreea. Thla sire** ruua eoutli Preebytorlau Choren. ). \V M A "5 C K V-Mrtuary iturRion and DentUt, Mai- aU o Ontario Veterinary College, with Toronto Unlverilty. flelte a \VJn4ay from II a in to S p. ni., t-i iliani Tbnreday from 8 to 5 |>. m. mOROUHHMUUJ l-ot IH tliM A.I HULL Count Lustre 27610 The uixlcrii^nol ha* a hue Durham Dili for K.-IVIO (...l..r red) on lot 147. T.8.R. TKHMS- >1 00 fur the aettx >i>. I' >lew AT THK AI.HMHT STEWART Klshcrtiii. BOAR FOR SERVICE UM fullowiitM PrieeVlllel touh in th* e*c*>nioii to w-n Hound last week Mr*. Cameron, Mr*. Johft McArthtfr and ihf Mi MOB Sa McLean* 9.- MfLeod and Nathalie OrieV. W* rr/HcknUlly learned that one of the yofrng raffM got nearly 'frofai'' 111 (Tfr cmfniy ?wn but really if in no wonder for we always expect to And "front" up north efon in attnmer. We hop* he will vimt tht* bnrg. before the the return uf hot weather. Mrs. Lawrence and children (A !>>r< ncb were 1 callers at Mr W. J. Blkestoir' thts wi-*k . whil* on her way to friend* in Swiiitoft Park. Mrs. W. 3. Blak * actvnipflnierl them to ftolotl, Mr* J. McMnafpr returned to her In-riii- in Karnia last week. (In her wy ha intend* talcing hi the Pun Ati.'t-rfoitn. Minaea Fanny Jameit aixl Maggie Dert>y left fir UuBnk'laat TlioratUy. We wMfr the yun? Indira N pleManf trip. Quarterfy tnwirjx BenrtceK on thtf PrioeTille circuit were held at fhe Kbenrzi-r n|i|i-.iiitiii, in last Sunday. MiM 1-Mnh JattKM left lrt Thimday for a rinit to her c'-usrw. Mr* fh>rtfc*a of of Norwood. Mr. P. Holger in g.-tttug K new roof tint on the Crown M'rtrt. MeMr*. D Campbell and Jotin AfcTloHald here the contract. Mia* Beatrice Ilcherfcarm of Halffn-fsl'ni fs tiiiHing at Mr. fldmry Blakont'ti n Mm Jennie J-r.< left for CaiHtor- rille Imft U'.-iliH-xLiy to fimt ike Hv, Mr. '',.' Nothing Hunts Out Corn* Like tight K.I. '-. Nothing ivmoroa corns with such certainty as Putnam's Pauileas Corn Kxtractor. Beware nf piiisonous Rubatitutoa. Aak for un;l -t Putnam Paiiileas Com Extractor at ilrn^?r>i'. For if yott gvt it- ye*j'e ROI a dead aute thmt;. All drugviaia seB it, or by iaa>l u>t paid on rvct-ipt of 26 cent*. N. C. Poison A Co., Kingston Ont At the advaucod age of 80 yearK and months Mr Jnauph Haw ken, of tbe 1th line, Euphraaia, pafsed away on Thursday, the 25tb July. The old entlenwn bad been in a critical Male f bruit b for several months but other- iw waa able to be abut is usual up tu ir moment of hia demise. He paistJ M-acefuly away while sitting in bin chair. I is wife itntl twu yiar at(o laat (Mnlwr. Mr. Hawki-n kail twvn a rcaideat ui tu- hrasia for thirty Hve-yaniv, waa a m Ktelit member am) much reapected nfi inl . t the Mitlnli--l church for orer alf a Tvntury anil will lie much uint*ed n this i-irvlr, hia Keii'al di|ioaition and ood jaxl^vment being promiiMHit char- rueticti. The funeral t<>k pUue on Miniluy aftfvnoou to Hurkawsy ii-mt-lery ad wa,s litritrly alti-mlrd. AD .i|.|>rnii te Burvicx wta held in the church, UI-T. Viu kiuchanan ortU-inUn, afl-r wliit-h tie r. n, ui - were laid away hi the family lot l.vinli- th"M) of hia late partner m fe. "Kliwaed are they which die in he Lord. " MarkdaVe Standard. t The Pain of Sore Feet .luat about the m<>et tantalising uf all ains cornea from sore feet. To tret re- ef bathe the feet in warm wati-r and hi n nib them with Poison 'a Nerviline. t |ienrtratus throuuh the porm of tlie .kin. taken out the soreness, reduce*, awelling, knvii(orate the tired uiuBclea ones up circulation, and prevents the eet from becoming aore auain. Nemline ja a protection and aafe-guard against the ..i n-i in. I aches of the entire family and nre rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache, &c. 25 cents. John Brown, Ex-Councillor of ISentick, li i.l quite an experience last week. It a.'.-nis he waa driving a load of wheat t . the barn with lighted pipe in his tnnuth the load caught Hre and burned to a*hea, including a brand new wagon. The In !.> wore detached ii, time to save tin-in, but the tire ran al<-i>g tha ground, deatroyetl omimderatile grain and would have dcatroyed inon- had it ;iot been ultimately eitinguiahed by plowing up the ground and cutting off the stubble connection. Mr. Brown had hia hands and face badly scotched in Hying to ex- fire. Chronicle. Filled With the following goods at JSpecial LOW PRICES v Lock* awl HiTi<.'f.H, Kant door Roller*, Hteel track For hotim;*, rim ami morti Locks, glaaH and {Mitt/, r*ift atid ..iU. ['UsM- I'nii-, I'la*- terern' hair. SPECIALTIES In Season. .Screen Door* and Window .-f-rfens; K'iic' Wire, Black, (Jalviini/ed and liarh aiwavs nn hand. KanH<lnKb and rocker Churn*: .S[.;id's,Siinv'cfe/ HOCH and Hakes. $5 will rmv a .^lUjmlid .v,'t of lntfKy \VbeeU. HuiHUawH, S<jU,-uvs, Brar;- md Hits, MilkV;m>, ( Yeanier Can*, Pails, I'ans tinware of all kinds. Portland cement on hand for stali>' and cel- lar, flooring ;;ml ci*turil*. Rivet roughing, (Jalvaniz- ed anI Tinware, tenie plate limiting rt .-pHcialtjr, We are the agents for the (lurney, Til.len, HtW 1dC)l WIMM! Furnace ; best in tlie market. We guarantee these Furnaces to pve perfect satisfaction. and cold water; lioilers.Cistern pumps, Sink* and Well pump*. Money Saved is Money Made Parties building will find it to their advantage to get our prices before buying elsewhere. Robertson's Ready-mixed Paints always on hand. tiayfork Rope in Stock* Plymouth Binder twine. Opposite Connor House, Dundatk. K&K K&K K A f\ DR&KENNEDY&KERGAN Wo other Medical Firm la tbe worM baa tlie eaiablmoed revatati *w alatl , dallata, aaa kreawM Jar. I | aap{>4a.<s aad coBfort ta thcaaaada of homea. With JO years ezpetlaace la the Mataa .1 J Wom*n that Dra. K. * K. tBtoy, ' ml perfactad by tbaec eminent H| nilallsal. has broaval acn<. Their N to .thod 1 rat- 1 har> a K?ltre<1Taiuwnrtli Hour for aervic* otrlotvn N !) U , Aru-m.'.ia. Tttriniial W. MKM.-, l',o|.rletot fox* Sale i. falli l.>r ' in the'l'nwu.liii' >l \rti-ineia fo.italiii; j IU i. . more i>r Icja, 70ac-rc' cluarml JHh fai.l> .i" i luilldlofi, ooai|irlil nf lnU At, <&. W, 07, if 'i Hi" leennd eoneotnlon, North uf TR-rbaui H< I 'I 'i-nna wiay. Apply to UK CBBimoi, Kleaberton " 1K Eioar TboroiiKlil.rud Iierkahlre noar fr.r rnrvlee oo Jeitkepn i. opr<i> Aek tor pedlgraa. TKfMS It Wll. CLINTON, MMWBj) MayK 01-1 >i. nn ire ing the o.ur the in fly leition. Kee it, A full line of iwtmt im.ln, liiLilern, wlu|.-i collara, axle ri-i', nonf <iintinniit, curr ooinbe, trunki, valiaoH, etc. See the Sanitary Urn. . for u. iitiriiu-(i wear - tmly 4()c per pair. wr. MOOFIE: HAllNEtMMAKKH , rLKMUKKTuN , <IMU;I'> Win. HcCalmon, liap.irl,-! nf and De.lcrln i, stone & [muni Cniiti and Mt OF ALL KIND Monuments i AND -- Inaorlptioni Out oa Slioi tot Nutioe. ti. Flahertn Mr .loscph Blackburn, of Fleherton, who, by the way, it our able oorrtn-pon uriii there, hnd been an invalid for about twelve yearn We notice by laat week's Advance that a special telephone is to b nut in eiiniHt-linu hia with tbe Mrtlmdiftt. church, in order that he may enjoy the liutielit of Kunday service* al hii> own home. The idea Derma to hnvo originated in the fertile brain of Mr. R. N. Ht'iultTh..!!. \\ Inlr Mr. Blackburn in n devoted Presbyterian we know him wi-ll i u. i. iuii to believe hecnn feant on aOoapol nn'XHHi.1- frum whatever pource *it u>inox. We ri) glml to know that the f>o<Kl pecplf of the place are bringing the churcli tolmii tinrt- he can't <jotochuroh. Mr.Heiidi-rMon t",i, demjrie.-i i ri^dit for putting the idea, into effect (,'linmicli'. Hay Fever lierms are Now Float- ing About. I I. .'i are in tbe nir c-vt-rywherc. too niiniitH to >mr, l)ul just waiting for a chniiOH to Rf-t inta your IIIIIH Tlu-ii tli. \ nlpUv Inn "i! nitli your bu-Rtb- uiil Hpp-iintn . tnd you'll wonder what in .lo. Tlio il..,-'i>r will HIV you hml lift t IT inli'ili- ('' in I'.'/.-iii- for it kills Hay Kevor K,>VIIII uu.l m i-i-river is I'UJM! n-r litiii t.i icli thuni. OManfMBMM ''Uri- , -\.-rv Mm,-, :iMil ftb.ilutely prcv.n.t, tht- from i. -ininim: Yon inhale C'ntarrbofoiii* with the uir brt-ailied ; it ,.. -, iluuctly tf> tin-, sioim-.,' of the trouble and mi fs it by removing the cause. At drugtiiato or ont with guarantee of euro, tu any addreas for 11.00 forwarded to Polaon A Oo,, KingaUm, Ont, they caa ffaaianle* to Cure or Mo >* Bavtav- al'.iia.. Mer<roiaa> I >l>4lltr, Bypbllla, Vairloocela, Mtrlctara, Glt. aaa-e lit..ii,.. liapotaaay. rfu,,i,,.i Maotal >\ .nuo.u, Itid- | oe y enid Miaddcic- Plaaaaaa Tb*af fis ran teas an tkackad by Bank llnada MEN'S LIFE BLOOD Tew, nayaa*a aecrvt drain threnffnthe aria* tha ''a tbe reaaon yoa faal tired I oat la the momtay. You are not raated. year kldncye acke, yoa feel daapoadant I ad have aoamblttoa. Don't let yoa* Wfe Blood IHJ drajaad away. On. K. 41 K. | r<axaaue to Can or no Pay, ra BLOOD POISON L-J Brphlll* la tka aeovrreof auaktwd. It -T * fca a Crime 'o ka-n it, for It may IB1 t Inherited, bat h In a crime to allow h to fewtatu In the ejratam. Like father 1.1 Ilk* .em. Bewar* of Mercaryaad Potaaft traataaant. On. K. A K. poaitiTaly cue IfJ tha wont caaaa or no faj- VA&ICOCELB & STRICTURE The Newi M.tfcort Tr.alraan* cnrea tbaea d i aeaaaa eafalr aad maty. Ho I paia aoaaCarlnr nodataatloaffa)a(jalaM. DonHrtakotwratloaaadrala yat | aaaaal orfaaa. Tha atrictara Uasaaia Matrbad aad caa oarer ic tat n- Dra. K. * K. Kidneys & Bladder I Itent aatlw* 7<Mar hldaays. Teejraebtaf back tolls tbatal*. Don't !.t Doctor* ip.rlaieaTa yoa. Dr.. B. A K. ean car* yoatf yoa are not bvyoad human aid. They fiaraataa tu Care or Ne Pay. CtTalBSOVAMAMTBBD. MO CCBR MO PAT. Conaultatloai Pr e Book n t Kr.. (aaalad.) Write for U tie allu a B I BO k let Hoe*** Trnin. It .rylhl.,1 Con na.ot I I DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 148 SHELBY BT-1EIT, DlTHOIT, MMM Notice T0 Creditors,^ " 4 Rand Fam Implements la tk* Mattrrof the Getate ol Somlea Tuplln. late of the TowaaMp o' Ctprty In tae County of Urey. Parajeer, dtitrd NOTICF. It. liuroby nloti |>iniiiiant to 'The IknUrd MataUeofObtarlo^IWr. i-baptar 1, that ill cvfaditorR and i'tlu. bavti.^ olalnm uilnnt *.he ce'atp of thn xnl.l Si Tnplin, wlio ciiod oil or boul tht s,-\. .i:ll. ir of Max. A. D. 1801, are required ou or Iwloro the Thir- teenth day of Anguit, A TV 1001. i" mml by i>otl prormi.l or .l"i,vir t l.nca Wrlghl * Mc\nl!,\ <) W *ii s...|.i.l 'itarlo, KolKltora for Gbarlea TtipUn, tin. . \ tutor o' hti laat Will and T'Mum'-iit .1 :'',--. I .loeaaa- ed, their i'hriatlnti aint Sir ' : i. MtlilroMaen and dwerlptlona, 111* fal ..f their cUim*. t*i, etateniftnt .( ' 14 ami tbuuatuie o( llu MK- .rltir-, if nn.. I..-M t> ANDFTUTHKll I'\KT ROTICI -hat, after ini.'li lafft luentloiiitd .IKI.C, . .i<uutor will iirxM-i'f.l to I > f the de- oeaittd aiu.'iifl tlir vii ti* H ni M..hav- lOflMejrd Olily totnuclaluiaol |.i.n he eliall thn have notice. anJ II. LI n ... .ml vxecutorr will uot lie lial.lo fur tbe aald uaaaU or any |>onon thrreot to any Mrtor poraOM al whoae claim! notlr^ 'hall not have l..ii roelT- ad by l.lui at tlio tin.* at anoh diitributloa. 1>ATKI) tin. 1Mb day <.( inly. A. U. 1901, l.iican. Wright A McArcilc, Owen Sound, Bolloliorifor Rieutor HM nil N.ixi'ii and Mamtry H'ii-iiM seo'.nl lutui', liinilern, hnnc rakea, <! .'niU and rulluiH Im mlc at a I am nl<> H^ fi.r iCuulthard nnil S.-ott, I' (^diiipHiiy of Bi:iittftird ; A hiul Mprayur antl i Hinder niower dcti<>iiR ..... Be Drive link* i-.u-l< ......... to D. Hadill, Ceylon.

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