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Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1901, p. 1

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Jtrty zs, THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Hackvn, M*rW** a |Mrtl banking tnlnn. Mauj loasrt M a reasonable rale C!I n )*. At VANUUHKN. J F llji k Ml. l>i Court. Oo Oroy Of M.r,ia LlMM**. Fubiio Auctioneer. Moo*? *l ii per cout Cbernui moderate. H.KHHKRTOK P O The Markets. CwcfttHy Crrer Date jeeB ..... ....,....* lurk Week Efg* fra.h Pork 81 ,- 5o JO to 1 U, 10 w oo to 31 02 36 1" 10 50 Bar 1000 U- 12 00 aoJerteie tttu collection crt all kloe " ' account* eol'eeted K S HKSDEKBON. la H ral C. J.. n.l eer COD Jal Bttt" a'l'l Ineurane* **? 1> A ijjljj SSliPfSa^S Who*!, white. Wbnat, rul. Polatoe* Mg . . Hide* Wool 66 to C6 tu 30 to 600 to 13 to 65 66 30 6 00 13 B1mihT Company. A call sollelli. fj W ID e*. n mouth, in Ibelr lode i. Klru<.rUie). T J. B. Sloan & son Prnpri^trr ilauiy. V'^^g^^gfpgi i. o. r. laat Fri<l*> tiK'l \"l H Sub, Doors, rioohog, Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, Hand Railing, Corner Blocks the beat of spnice Lath,No.l ami 2Hbingle8 Vemnda ami Fitting. Sidings, etc. Tonii|if.iUIii.s hie In Order ran of Btooe* for ChopfnnK. Satisfaction In all our lines ^uai lut.-eu FVoni Nebraik* In Waf on Mr. W. H|*rlin^ a brotbeT'in-law . f Mr. Valentine Bauer, of Beolkk, arrived I..-I .. on Thuraday lail, havinv driven all , the wny from Dewitt,Nebraaka,a distance of between 13 and 14 hundred mile*. Hi wax accompanied by hi* wife and seven children. They left on the fir* 1 . day of M .y intending to b*< here by the first of July, but OWIIIK to delay hi A/ichi gsn thuy were a w ek late in arriving with frirndi in Nornanby where he p\ill> ed np a week before hi* arrival here. He * .n nine weeks .11 the road and the hornet ore in exceeding good condition, having loeton'y thirty (touDd* since leav ing home. Hi* wagon waa specially built for i he trip by Mr. Hparling binisclf, and in tilled with bud*, stove, water tnk and allconvemencie*. The tot*! weight of the .'UitU is 9i hundrwl pounds, and rides as uanily a* an ordinary buggy. Mr. and Mr*. Sparling are native* of Nor- inanby, baving left Ayton for their west- ern home seventeen y-rt ago. They marie hiom-y thrre and of Cf>ure like th place well. To meet an emergnjcy the .>m|*iiy waaffittBed with a first cla* dog and revolver capable oi shooting sii teun times without reto*>dii>M, but each wait nnnceM*ry aa no harm befel the trHt-llcr on the whole trip in the courat of a ciiuplo uf mimtbH. Mr. and Mr*. Si*rliii, we undrrstand, are wvll off.aod deau-Mig a mmmer's lemur.- tbry W>pted th's plan which will rvrrmrtly commend itarlf in many ways. In no other way could they xet a betteride* of th country , and in no way of travelling can they enrcisw n-at*r n.deyendoc and have uivat'T frwdum toen)oy (he family circle. Thfy can go when they plt-aa*, rest wlien th. / a..', sleep when they like it. In short i. seonw an idual way to mike an indupitndarit riait. Cfcrwiicle. J. W. FB0.4T. L, U H. Marn.' .. s ,!lclt.-r Cojveyauowt. -Nr^i > i-iMilofl '>. H|'roirle-e ViAcliort'i W II -OW. Pouletl >t * OIBo '-" W H Wi.arr, N H-.|.-I.I-. too wrr tut M. AKPi.r. ilern Couvnyaneera, Hoan.l <> aoJM M. \KIMA UUeaeU'i Photos '-" " > i TfUKKK l ' . lu .....ri. Boltoltota, * ^.jlivn lUnh, Omui Hoand bAKBV '> lii:0 W TAKEN AT THE $ Flesherton Photograph Gallery ar* d* In 6rt-cUa style and at l.>we* rates. Special attention given to copying. Babies' photos. a apecUlty. Picture* franwH. MRS. BULHER I a apec] I "HFUmFfF' re I 1S M H. llarrtars. 4KAV o, i .k Block, N - I l'iti.r....i H.>u. .' . i , Ht'int MCK\V M * . H ' Urojru \tt-i.-in>V 1* <! ]vfew fVoprietoi 4 M ivinn liur -hani'd the trnnorml ii.-vi fr. *i sir LvOard I wish i" iinii thai the bnaiasM will IHJ coutiiiu. ill.. .J.I mmiifi.. We have l.l a l.n -i 'l in l.ugu O IPA PU, i'by Mooeliaw ll*rtn Ur. l In , .'..vsl. Mr linlo* Dl . uf /. r. UOM 'l WMM n.Y. r OITJ wr.,1. JOHN A city ciporieno* aud Iwtieve can isiv per'nct satlnfaetion in oar In.. Have taken oiur the SKOIK')' for I^olston Laiunlry And all order* Irft nh |.r...r>f. sn.l .a Fliskirtn A. XVilson iw will i-< i<- Hll.-i.l. Faiiors Prop. . Mai well. ' ... ' V.lerlnary f.'ll rMbyUri in l I '" > U v Mr* . r s..,. . win I '>.-. ' ' I' ,iuiil> W. '-.' '. l ..... > II Ml I KT*lllB..l I '. II. ...-- I. Max- urlury 'lilvsntlty. V I a in- to S p OU1 1 10 i l> I mm. For Str> Me Count l^usiti* 0IM Tlio uii.l. i >u "''I I|IU t '" Darhitni i.x tfervi'-" f.-l' ! ih II f.,r il mi a|i|iln-..i n .n. May 8- 1 yr. lot 147. 1'ul T S II ALHKT TiMWttMTH BOAR OR SHRVICI; . .. : I'u. M. .rth MoHrfnr (nrvld im 1 * HJ > . '. ........ n r.i.l.n*! \V. Ml Alls l'ro|>rl.itf. Jtos 3i'a,'> Protector.' v lar. ' .Jf, rt f. r*. Hi Oral.* MM 1-1 n. fox* Sale in it. I iw.llil|i il Art .-lit HWA u .. ' !- .-.! i,|.|.lin; . .....iii I f.l uf tins 64, 1 ' MVll ij .1 I : '1 I ' Jill. I IIMHTllft. - in ro gut i l.n tail tint lin''* in fly i ... -n .v.# It. A full Hnv> of sa-oet pttln, diislri>, uliijis, collar*. axU |{r***a. noof oiiitmei.t . curry onmhs, trunk*, raliat-a, etc. He. like Huoltary llrmru for gp|ill.-iiiu'i .>i. i, IT 40o i . i pnir. w. MOORE: ILiai<n*>MA(lk fc FLCHBUTON , -I -III.. Wra. ricCalmon. Imfirtot t4 nil Ueekr In S.EEI'.SE, SUTtl i (moil! (niili ni MaiMi In Jf Tlxn ,. ., ' I. rkshiif Hoar (or aertloe on -'- wM i:i.lNTOM, 1'roj. 01 -1 >i. OF ALL KIND<'ut nil Sh .rfol Mia* M. Nlly. adujit-r ..f Mr Win. McNally, nmr Travvatoii. died last we. k :>ir a fe* days' illnec*. A few Jays IM- i..r n'nr *M* v. ailing rvUliven Ituru nd in g> od UuiUii. Mte w* alH<ut. 19 year* of ago kiid wa* an attractive and amiable )!>.. ' > '; whoae lu* ill be greatly de plr<.a * ^ L-utnide her own family and r.'lt.VH who hav* tk sinreru (yiupathy ..[ il ci.tnii.uinty. Review. '!'.. 'i.-t.-i .tv|wr* ia *IIM Oiitaihi '...*IM. MI- Ubtng as much intcrmt in en- r.r TU; lit regulation* atlvcting. their l.uMiiri^ M any of the ttr-dpurnnc* .pixani- zjitii.nn The C'obourg Post myH that the Ii ..... i inrii of Culmurg have agreed among ili..ii!fclvi. tu strictly obavrvK the roguU- tn.i.1 <>f the I ,i wine Act nvarding the s"llmg of li.guor between (lie hour* <>f srvc-n ..'i I -k Saturday night and Monday nioriiir..^, nrt hist wurk the g nd ru*olu- ti.Hi wiu- put ni fore*. Any hU>! man breaking tin- u|rieenint will havi- t ^tiS '.. .. t i I') 1 iiii><*<l *nd snl.H'rib-d by tl.i- n.'i^r- ikifuiiwlves. At M. rlin th . !i..i- \.. .. s .lanociation havo Tmibr ti^iilitti .:>> r.i f.'n-o Will r.'lu.sun.soii of Mr Henry IVvr MID in u I'.jinUntvillo, on Tuemiaj nmin inrf . I !it' f vk, met with mi m',-'.. that rt'ialtixi (.u.Jly I(u waa cutting h.i) wiili H inn v, r aixl left fh learn in tlir tinM win f he went t tl.tiltomf. Mo HHW llv if.. in O.IIIM- runii'iii; U>wanU hi' t.i.i: . ..ii. 1 nrnxl* an .ilttt>ir>t to stop llifin liy ratvhiiiK I v tb< huM.I Til* guar.1 or knife of the low- er ni.>*.-r eauxlit I. in leg, n.junng it ivv. ..', and lie waa inU-rnally ir.jured t.-ii-l. : 1 he ynui'g fellow lincured until Wi.lii.-iwUv .II.-IIH..II without having re- ,-..vri..l i ,. nni.ii. usncwi. IV-ath resultwl ti.. in r< nf the brain. The div ... ,i < !H yiMranf ago. --Mt Forest 'l'!ii- (; -wtteniareiiot the unly blun- deri'iH i'...! -i u I* ih><i|ile. A toli^rapher tells i.' a runt) 111 which an op.'rstor'e error COUKL.I a (inin iuan n end ot Thu r ..-i . 'Mfe waa tM'.tingst i from In. in.' uli.-n shu .i taken ill, and i Ii IIIH- if. ly rcijiiid . unlit to break the nrwi ... ii'lv I" hrr linl>ixl I y means i.f a tflei'iiiin from the pliy-u i.m A* the liii!.l' recnied the mrMiHL'o il road "NVifo h.tF I..BI. inite ill, bal IA ilotny wril n... S!;e has h.i.l a child, but we In p.- tu i-n-vt'iii her from having any in. K. I'bo hntHaiuU natural nl.ii-in noi nil, .>,"'. 'ill he U'nn.e.l ilint the r.l f!.ii tU. op..r*tr had mii'l.- "i-hilti" in ill. >!..t-<r'ti uiving, "ihill." Toe !i: 'I i .H'li of I'.-iinley ii all excited i.vir t l.o <:i. 't of MaltMl.n Mellon kl.l o>. sii.,|.ici.>ii of Loinn iini'liriti'd in tli |.i ..i.lii'j i fa i .: nf i.ilile t< I 'luill^ to II |ln.|..lpli ^ fo days no. St>\ oral of Uu. I. .J,.!iV i .':!. .li.'il ui'.ier I-IK iimstan ,-.-, (bat ;..! t-. tlie Wlit-i tint thi-y had been |". . i'. .1. ai.d MI invvHt')> iti'.n WHS in .'i-' Q.iai.titii-w of piiiwin have huen f..i.n.l In r<- and llit-vu tn n li.-KI, and M| In i r\ i.|i n e of in tent lonxl poieoiiiu^ lii\nU-n liiocovered. MclX.nald pur- , I.H , I tie' et tor Dakota nud was nliout |.u' l.'iiving his I. ,ines> uncut, l.i n liu was takun into c\ He li.ul n. Ins |..>p*nii>ii H l.wdeil !.v. 1,,-n .1 r.'Vi.lior which he WIVM |.n-piie.l to i.?. , mil ]>i.':wiol he knew uotliixv i'i-i<inii-^ : bv d.mth of the uiittlv. The uUnu thv li.iv.i slroi u i viilenee i Mi l>.>imld. Thu |. in.. ne. wan k.iii iiiti.n mid will nppear b" Mugiitriiti' Mill. n , Nervlllna Cures Rheum- atism. Tin remark >l>li> -.1 -i iK'th snd umivell- OIIM hiu. 'liii.-' ]m-Ai'r if .N.-rv iliu.. rviuleia i; .inite mf.illiMo in ilio.i!..iiit>n l-'iv . ,n .iinr tlutn itnv oHter, its |...ii. '.run-- 11 I'Uli-l IMI si. I., r.'.ieh \i\\v .... i ili.i |iui Hiul drive ut the ,., N.rviliiu' i sivuiigvr, more i. it in..*, inure tui^bly pain-*uliiluiiii( in its a.'tn.n limn nv otln'i nic.lii-n.r hi'ratofori 1 di-vit*Hl for tlio cure of rli*JH'<i- utiirn. Sold m laro Uo cunt I. everywhere. . I'iki'ii '. Filled with the following <:<MHU at Special LOW PRICES Nails, Lock* anl Hin_"-s Ham <foor Hteel track. For houses, rim aiwl inflnti glass and putty. Paints ami oils, Plaster Paafin, Plas- terers' hair. SPECIALTIES In Season. Screen Doors and Wirvl.iw ncrecus; Fence Wire, Black. Galvani/A'l and liarh always on hand. Barrel, dash and rocker (1mrrm; .Sjule8 f SlJc-*'d* r Hoc and Kakos. $5 will buy a sTjlt>ndid set of buguy \VhcoIrt. Handsaws. Squares, J^ijiC'J an<l BitH, Milk (.'-iins, (/reamer tan. J , Paiir"Pai|, tinware of all kinds. Portland cement on hand for \rnble and cel- lar, flooring and cisterns. Ka vet roughing, Galvaniz- ed and Tinwarn, tenie plate Koofing a specialty. We fLiV the agent.H for tin- (lurwy. TiMen, HtW IdCill WIHH! Funiace ; bt^t in tlte in irket. We guarantee these Furnaces to give perfeit satisfaction. Baths,hot and cold water: Boilers,C'i s tem pomps, Sinks and Well pumps. Money So ved is IMone y Made Pail it-s building will find it t<i their advantage to get our prices before buying elsewli/re. Robertson's Ready-mixed Paints always on hand. Hayfork Rope in Stock. Plymouth Binder twine. . HOBLE Opposite Connor House. K & K Nervous .Weak Men. Tboaun.1* olrovaa and v* throwh fvonao' sad ailil<n*-.i?ri1 m.'n ar t axnuillr to a iffnuttre Kv. tbrouh BAItLv III DISC UKT ION, BXCKSfr AMD BL.OOO- BAAKIkV U joakaTeiej o4 t b lollowiuf syatpto* cnoalt mm before It h t too late. Areroonrrrone snd weak, deipanteiit **d floowr. -,ieck brtore tb ere* with dark circles snder them, vrak back, kidacve imubfc. peJpitatkxt ol the heart, bhlul, dreams aud Inaere, ee.llmmt in erlne, pimple* va tb face. Ms*a eree, hollow cheeka,caivwora txpreulou, poor memory, lifelr<->, diitnuifal, hrc% lintfj and itrrngth, tlrrd rooralon, nnrtlru nifhts, chao^ab' mood*, weak man boodjttunie.1 orji*n, premalu* dVay, bone pams, hair loose, son thioat. Me.? Oar New Metfko*! Tr**tU*ot will core jou. MEN'S LIFE BLOOD Nothlnff caabenorsdemonllalairtnTOviicaad mlddlafe<l moil thancvfiaians liffht or >nrt drain* throngh th urine. They unfit a man >r busineiu, rnar* rii*****C*BiB*fft***% Nena-ttrc whethrr cauMd by evil bab.'> in innWi, ijarMew Method Treatment wiU| Kotbl I at n natural weakDeee, or' acaa&l f ireaeee, crar Mew **c(t>otf 'Tri | Uvtlj cure you. CURBS QUAKANTCEO. NO C Lkh. NO PAV . "No Names U*ed Without Written Concent. W. A. Mult, of TJma, O.. tayst "Iwasoneof the coii nttrae victim* of early vice at H year* uf ag. Thedraiiiaou my system were weakening my hrai-i a* welt as my M-xul nrt tKrruaeejv tern. For tea years f tried jcorea uf dvctoi-t, electric belts aad t..ili*nt mediciuea. Some hel|x-d me, none cared. I w giving up In deapalr, ia lact, cuutemplatini'aiiii.ide when a friend ad- vlartl me as a latt rrwrt to give the Mew Method TreatitKitt ul lira. K. * K. a fair trial. Without conSitnu-e 1 conaratad ind ia tarve m.-uitha I vrnaa cuc^J man. I waa B*v*e*TTWtm*ii felluw men. _enn ,ieate a(o- am married and bappv. I heartily recommend Dn. K. A K. to my imlcted After Tmitmmt We treat and ettre Taricocele, Kniivalons. N.TTOU* Debility, Srtntnal Weakaeea, rrr, Strk'lurr, Srplnlii, I'linaturai Hlcharife*, Self Abate, Kilney ual BUddei joaJM*, and U dleeaeee of Men and Women. 0-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT JRITTEX CONSENT. PRIVATE, medkineeant C. O. l>. No namea on S6xr> or cavclopoo. Kver; thing Question list and coat of treatucut, FKEK. No Drs. Kenned) & Kergan, 140 SHKLBV sTiicrr. D IT-JO IT. MICH. Notice T0 Creditors ht the MnlWrol the Itlele uf Soudec Tupiln. late of the Towaskip ei iiupruy In the Cojuxty <>i Qry f nrnur dejceaaed S " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOE." PRINCIPLED MOT MEN." TOL XII, NO 1044 Fleshertoii, Oat., Thursday, August 8, 1OOI WH ** PBOraiBTOR McFarland, Stafford & Co. rURkDALE, ONT. Grey Ps.iniv* Biggest Store * < y Ion. | day evening last when hw ulster, Tillie, m. ^. ~ 7T \ *"* united in marriage to Mr. Thou. Mo- from Our Cm OwrrreawndaU. i Arise of Euphnwia, the Rev. Mr. Wilson Ur. Oo. Tim and Mia* Campbell of , officiating. They will leave in about two Durham vuited the formers Mister, Mr*, i weeks for Klkhorn, Mau., where they J. Dyce, onSabbath. | will reside. Our beat wishes go with Mr. Woodland of Toronto ia visiting ' them to their new home in the prairie at Mr. 11. Tucker's. province. Mum Bull McGee arrive.) Mr. and Mm. A. McAulay lu I'roion on Sunday. visited Mr. aud Mia* Hubert of Toronto called on Mia* Cook oil Saturday, Mr. T. and J. Collinaon from ToMiilo to attend the wedding. This community woe tombly shucked on Friday evening when it became known POINT There come* a tinio in every teax>n when it pays to mil at a log*. You umy wonilvr at it but liaUni! While i you are considering prewnt ni'0.l we lime an eye on the future. Mrrchiui- i in full m almost here; new tfoodn are replncii!'..' Himiinerltock* an fant M nwled room can be securetii then one of ..ur Immnrffl principles is to ell M foods " r *>eir Heaaon anil carry nothinif ov,-r; ami though rlio I.*H on *>uie lii.os i heavy we take our .mil a number of other people from After- 'Irownud. ! Iwu vuuied at Mr. Colliuaon's th past f n "'her place, about a mile away, U that Mrs. Win. Buchanan and her little if Durhjuu niece, Juliaetta, aged 6 years, ware The ro*t of t lie family were at . lace, about a milu A way, '*av- week. ' ing Mn. Buchanan and 'he little uiri to Mr. T. Kells visited their daughter, 'look after the home place. < >u r ft timing Mrs. J. MuMullen. on Fnday. j home about 7 o'clock in the evening, Mr. Mr. T., Mia* Anna and MaaUr Freddie , Buchanan noticed the CIIVMUII; of th* well was onrtly Huninm wfth tta kaalMen ict.prmiial1v goo* 4*nof the pa* nnd w feel we oan n>* iHVwJ t" He llhantl in ragardii t prie -i si'MMKH ;x>D6. A n F F P Pv U T " h " dB - f\ |__x l_. L . I ^^S ^^r I have usfl among prict tin* woelt wa * keen ed s 'u n* and e swu.ig it with a vigor. The eoiixuijiuiace U uiany prioiit we nitndd U' take .- nhip r two off have been .-u clean in two, aainvothun have n.-thinjc but a Hplititur of their price left. Kvery deinrtuwnt in our liA*V'- in MtofflfMhl ralue*. Pew M<nj Set huiif out, a .**" ia fill " . . . 20 uiida Diess Goods, oomjinwii.; f.-inoy lilk *nd fahnc, fucy shut Koodn, fancy Wfave* in plain li.i'.. f'"i"y Uirtnim, eto , regular 30, tt6 and 75o a yurd, wme .< th.-m '.: ~ Li-ngtlw, othen fcw.. or ihrim dreHt to tb piece. Our Midaimnner *!* price u your i-lioic* fur . . :!*; 5 LU'ci-n fancy pnntoJ muslin, vrhito jrrouii.l wiih lywoitml Htripo and floral .luBmna, worth in the reguUr way 7c a yd. Our iii'dsuiiinier sale price ut ........... ....................... ........ "H* J<) | uM-M Mu-lin. light and dark ,-r 11 nd wnh fiuivy flonil .IrHigiw, !HO several shadee in fine SWIM Mud i , Hie reuLir price *a lie ii yard. Our Midauaiiuvr Sali- price in y.Hii .-luiiee fir ............. t*4c Chtalttt are thia treuk vibiting frienda in 'wuii Si unit. Minn Maggiu and Miwter K illmi n Hump- hill of Toronto *r tpuiiding a few daya at tliu parental bumu. Mr. W. Hoiuolnll returned tu Toronto on Monday. Muw Collier of Toronto is the gueet uf MUM J. Htriuphill. Mr. R. Wat tor-, who haa just returned from Toronto, superintended our 8. chool <in SabbaUi in Mr. I no many frienda uf Mn. Runitadtler if |ilcitiiud to see her out oncu more. O.i Friday a train {ran off the track north uf Mark. lain. On Saturday raonn- nu freight train had tire cars thrown oil the track 'his side of Markdale. An x. iii-Moii train from Toronto waa .iutain d here from one till air, with orer five Hi'iiln-.l ,..-u|ili' on It. Mr W ill Umelia of Toronto ia visiting Mr. n.U Mn. J. Omulia. Port Law f : if. -. n >ill ntlii r l.'.i ii..- < ul in tiiim- l'rni>in linn. 20 tiuls Print, dark and liubt uruuiHlii. SM..rtcl sbnd ind patterna, the kind iu.*t stores noil at 7c y u-i. or Midsuiuur Sal- pnun ia ...... '.tye 16 pu-coH print, full 33 inched ..!. liht and dark t<r..iiiiJn, itssortod pattern.., regular value ISJo yard, our Midnunuuer Sale pnc ia. . . b'^c HO to ,'tO per ce*t. discount off til I <ttltr ifnintH >iou< in utock. 10 pioc.ii Fancy Scotch Zephyr, full 30 inchee wide, regular prico IH and 80 CIM. yard, our Miiiaumnur s - lt- price is .................... 12Jc Ladi.'s 50c and 0c Shirt WinU, your choice uow at 38 cts. Ladies "I'MS and K5c shirt wais's, your choice now at 68 ot. ; Ladies $1.00 and $1.25 Inrt wainu, your choice now at ............................. 75c 10 i.iilv Ladio' While Duck Hkirts. niiwlu with flitre deep flian fold and tlin jiii-wta t back, widu hi-nvy maurtiun, double sin.-li-.l wnmH, lenuli-* 30 1- 44 inches, rt-KuUr vulno $2.75 each, our wlu piico will be." ................................................... 75 & Co. Oood VJWXl At Bunt's Grocery ,0ook'o Cotton Boot Compound , Is KUooe.wrolly UMH! monthly by over HojOOLadl**. Safe, effectual. LadT**a*k , yor druKtl (or Coek's Gene* test CM- e***. Take no other, wail Mixture*, pills and Imitations arc dangi-rons. Frlo*, No. 1, II per Tb** wetk Fartn Implements D, hefofev g4va [n;ii,-int to 'Tho u,.\i....i sui.iw* i-i >, ',,. . iv,. ehapt*< thatvll riu.'.it.>i -. ai.'l Gtl<t>i* hHVILK 1.0.1, -t *i.i. i-'rttv <-t o> ' < p %T.o .ii."l ,.n fi ui'. ...t lit.- s v.'iiib >la\ of A. I' ISH'l. r. i,,|iliil ' I... t,.i .i* .if AH,. i -'V r r> i '. -. - I- ' t'l-.'l'it.l ur l.'t.vo;- M M.i.-.r- I U I \ Mi-U'l'*. I>W'I S.-vi.l. Oul I'lurlm Til|>'ll>, tin v . th.- l-l Will an.) Tti.tiiiii...|il wi, Mi-ir rini"iiii i- 'i SNIP*. n . i.l. a> I -. l i... . t'.-u. i ... oUiiu". i*. ; . tin- nature U n .- .' II. .ill hand N..X..II And MsMvy Hunis Hecoml I. .in.l binders, hone rakiM, M'ofl tlrilU ami i. Hera for naK t H . . . \Mi KfMTH* .,..(' HI1. Il ..-I 1: ' \l'll |.. ..II ' i..i.v- Ink i ..yar'l onl} t iVr IsitiiM ,f tii v -h he ilo.ll Knvt. '.it. t iiiO r>i ,i. i not i iur"u tluT. I ' 41 elnii } I.I. I H- --.I'll .llHtll- l'\i Ii -.' . I' Wr.ghl . A!* \i !>*.' M ..- .men' I . itiiiuk, ' wi't nf\ wl. > t'l.iiijwiiy of r.iMt:\. .1 , \i;inwn 1 han. I hjii-nyi-r 5c lc Potato Onions L>utch StA Sugar Beet SEED GARDEN SEEDS BANANA*. "ANUB5 AND LE.1ON- Fi*h hueo mi.t h"..knare now in SMIMII got them hero. Ice grtam this week. (T l-.urs'l.'iy and Saturday.) box: Wo, , 10 denM*s fllronffer.f* per box. No. I or I, mailed on receipt of price an.l two t***nt lamp*. Tk Cook Company Windsor, Oni. a-*T~No. 1 ami 1 mid and reoom mended fay all r**poa*lble Druggist* In Canada. No. l and No. a IR Hold In Plonhoron by W. K. KmllitnlHo.i D.l W H. OhriHtoo. llruix.Hlh To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Lkxativn Tlromo (jninluo Tablutx'. All lBti i-i.fiiii<l Mm nii.iihv If it fail* to oure K. W. drove'! nlguataru IH on oexih box, p * A. BUN FLE5HERTON. Camwortb Boar for Alvin i No. 728 ) Tile undersigned linn .1 t)ior"iittl)hre<l T:iM-.n.rtii Bi.itr for mrvic* >.n 1 .t, M<. ] T, * K R., Artemtms. Turius $1.00. Tuns. LSVBR, PlY>|>. ' Wright's Old Stand* Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Sirvlc*. !>'. ite link* <-Hfb Cord mtnte, ^v r%.i M - t D. riadill, Ceylon, The>iKiM' i ha* a fine aged Diulntin i Kail for wivioo i>ii !ot Ml, T. A 8. It. Tetm* l for i .!.. oown, *3 tor thorouRh (sreda. PedlRr** on applioaM.>. JACOB LIVBH, rustorton r 0~ THUROUUHBRRD 5MOK I'HiiUM BULL'oSERVICE NO. wu 'Q^ncral Bo.'don* HIP imderHign. .1 !nr ,-i tivat olfts* tluir- oiighbrvd Shorhorn hull f< N i' s.'M ico on tot 136. T. mill 8. K , ArtemoNia. This M one of the best animaln in thu country. |Vili.;roc on applicalK.n. TERMS $i. Thoroughbreds, $3. Wm. Dvl, . Prop. Cutting spring grain in pretty general this wvok. 3fr J. Artley han .U-ri.i-atml the schuol preiuiitea with a new rud pump. In with our last liuilgi-t tin- (irintur wa* guilty of a few littlo errors of iniiiuion anil ooniiiiininn. Tlie hlghwayit ,-i hnppy with In- .^enoiiH luinlts of huxtling hurklubi-rry iiiinti'i-^ hit'iilk,' li.ime.VHnl with !i.ini|.,rr-. rll|illlg UU til t"e 111', iilii'". -On Sundiiy, Aut>uat4ih, to Mr. removed. On further examination thu body of Mr*. Uuchanan wa* found tliniini! on thu itarfmie, that uf th* child benc-ath in about 7 ft. of water. It m supposed that thu child by some means fell into the well and thai Mrs. Buchanan, in tier eflort* to reacue her, mut the same fate. Mr* Buclianan was 41 yean of of ngu and v<i beloved by ill who know her. The bereavod family have the sympathy of the entire neigh- borhood. The fuoerul, which waa the l*TR*t evur svun in LhiH oeighhurhood, took place to the Muaf .:.! lUiatl oeme- ury on Sunday .ift.-i IUM.II. Eugrnia From Our i>tr,t Currrttxtndent. The Maintolw fever ban again reach-.'.l thia locality On Tuesday niuriiiuK n l*rije number ,if our young men ihu-ivd for the whi'm tieids of tho W*t. Wu wish them nil 4 pluaiant trip aud safo turn. Miw ICdith Garr want with (arty on i visit ui her brother*, lid. .md Will of*, N. W. T. Kuguiiin, it* UHual, ban hml slan{onu' i- l>er of viuitors .luring the holiday*: Mr. ThouiM Sp.-nce ut the Toronto tin; di'- imitmcnt anil s.m; Mrs. .liiinue l'ur\ -s and fsmily ot Toronto; Mr. Chalk, wilu snd child ; M ssuu Samli nml .Mary Williams; MM. Phillip Tutliu and family, all of T.iront .. Tliu ljv. I'r. b'.inl.-une ul t'lin- i; {iroHulied .t inoct nmtructire and -nin- ting m-rmoii in tlie I'nwbyt. i -ian .-hurtli .MI ^ulibath inoi-niiiK. Ther" .. .-ilxo * solo r'inlor^.| hy Sir. Lar^i'. . inillwl The Beautiful (iutvs rv- thu ___ 'f Par-ulKe.'whui, .in.l Mn. Gen. MrMastr, a daughter. ** nnly appntciat.-). L-S.III niul, -ulli an ! Messr*. IjirK nn.l Mr. David I .l.uiu. u I.IHIII on VVf.lilendHV ..I InMt wc.'k which mi({ht liavo ceriou*. .-u. it i* lir may be olf work for s.mie tune. Wlnle it work on 'In- r.H>f ..f Mr. Jan. Vloiiue's liarn, a sliowur of rain full, making the i- ulippory, he lost his f.iotmn and fell to the uiounii, it ills .o.r ..i i.. ..I, i 20 (per. HIH l.-n u in ivns dinlocatd it the ulboiv. (JthurmiNC hu cscap. il -.nous in inry. Mi** Ida Hill, who luw lun in Toron- to for *ome tun. 1 , .irnv.'d homeUHt wuek. Mr. Wm. McLcainiii, jr.. left on M..II- .Uy for Krniiiplon. Mm. McNally of TorontTi i* visiting with llur ton William P. and .'thur r.-l ittitea arounil h. r fi.iiii.'i- home. Mrs. Wnlkur S|, Mn. A. Sunili n.l two daughter* nnd Mis* Kiiiina Me- if Kugunia called on friuuds on Mon- day. .Wr. and Mrs K. A Baker of FU-sluT ton wore visitor* with friends liuiw lately. Mt*. O. Condle vinited her paiei>M hero for a few ilnya returning to her home in Toronto, on Monday. Vandeleur. From Our Ou-ii Cointinniil The hftrv.xit -H in full awing ul Leader of Wood- are KUewta -it thu Eugenia U.MIMJ. Sir. Noell of Owen Sound w about or cni/.ini |!i inch of : bt> KorubUirs' so- ciuty at Eugi'iu .. Don't misN hearing T*>r. Fontaine lec- ture on Thursday .i-.-nin.. in thu I'reaby- Cvriau church. It will bv intn. stm. The old lady who i<ot wi-t in thu st,,nn thuikH it IIIUHII i.f ilii- daws to |>ock at her [ilumaite, as it wii* very (tcvt-|.(blu undur the circumstance*, lint dawn must . r .ik. Our |Mpular merchant, Mr. Cairiin, hiu ({.me on the uxcui-ttiou to vmit liis friends ill Manor, N. W. T. Thu KiiKi'iim HIMISO i*w> f ill of truest* that Mr. Mun.siiuw coiitemplslu* buii.l- intf an aildition to Inn hoiine. Mr. snd Mi- i.'ole of .N. York are vmiting at Mr. i'l on <. Mr. and Mrs. Howe*, of i'!i v., Ohio, are VIMI-I^ Mr. Thouipton. Mr. i\nd Mr. ({oln-rt H.ui..,- of Paisley were welcome vnut.>r*. at bugeniit re- cently. We extend a herty wulcoini' U> Mi-. Nicholson, who hn* come on n viftit to II.T husband. Mr. Nicholson, of ;lu- veneur factory. We hope Mr. Niulu will oon moVB liis faintly '" Kn/.rin I. . .iiiu a iK'niumni n -uu IK of town. Mis. KUSIH 1! ami .-. .11 of Toronti and our JohiiHii.l l'V.l l.;nd wore t'no | O n a visit to thu i..irnul homu at. .-"I. lirsi to thrush tli.-ir fall wllxst, -\ hi. h d nn aventf,". of thirty bnsliuls to aero. MIHS .Siisii) All-in of Toronto, * ho lia.s vixititiK at II.T aunt'm Mn. John Holluy, for m>mu time, returned liomu on Saturday. WiHsoa Antiii: and Klosoi.. McK.:ii/io from Durham are uniting at. Mr. A. Johnston's. Mr. K|iht'iiin Uiodiu IIIIH piin hnsu.i tin liiiiOMtt'ii.| fri'in IIIH brolh.r ami inov.'i) theruon liwt, wouk. Mr. Klilon Itrcdio itnd .Vi-i 'i'.'.~.i- !. -ft , dtT.iiiH. Tuesday of Iwl wn-Jf to sx-eli tlu:ir for tunu in Itrilixh Culiimbni. Mr Jninex A. Waning ..i I i- viitini( his (Mironts, Mr. HII.I ^tr- John ' Warlint{, for a lew dnys. Mr. Joe Strtllllmrsku- . t 'll..-..:;.i is > IK- ilin.^' t'rii'iuls in luii, neighboili."Ml. ' i I 1 ' .1! . !i.i- ,. Ttr recovered Wr boring watches now, nd clai.n tu have the LARGEST bYOCK. wcu of Toronto, th B1SST STOCK to wlect from, and th CHEAI'KST S1OCK, taking <|oJily and oveiydiing .in." conaidenktioo. We arts netting in new stock every lew day* and *>lliog watches evury dy. ^maptuve huyera ihould remember the ild maxim : "Mak hay while the nan shine* " The inn > xhiniUK new for pureniaan ; all yon have to do ia to come in and buy aod your hav m made. Come in and look at i he stncB whuiher you wiah to buy or not. W. A. Armstrong, / ICWKLKM AND FLESHERTON. Mn. D. O**ron spent laM wo**; with her daughter, Mrs. W H. Ouy. Mr. Geurft* L .ng ^penl a coup]* of daya last weak with hw many friend* in Max well Mix* Jacob* ia visiting her Miner, Mr*. (FUvjSoott'fc Two of our men went huckleberrylng laat Friday afternoon. They -vaikad over 2 mile* to tb marab aud just at their arrival thera cnie a duwnpuar of rain of which the boy* got plenty and no Iwriea. Wu would *dvi* those two ymiug men to riae earlier nazfc time and atart in the forenoon and osOch the good weather. Mis Msb*l Strachan left on Krulay laat ti, visit with friends it Redwing and Clarknburg, tbenoe slie will join her nicter itnd father in Toronto where they intniul viMtiiiK for souu. time before go- nil! t.i CalifornisV M*bel will be ojcntly iiUHHwl in our midst, and we wiah her many frirnd* in her new home. Mr. Luther Pedlar .if New York, visit- ed hi* brother Ed last week. Rov. P. Fleming lost a valuable pony laat week by Kotting it kicked. Owing tn the) fine weather the garden. iMtrty it the M**hodit church wa* fairly well iiii'iidcd on Thursday evening. Thu ulf.t-t of th*) ground* after sunset inOHl m'ctUTMque IH-IIIK lit up by candles which guided thu young penplu to Ji'itisalum and California, and old Dan Tucker wont happy on the way. Jainoa Brownridge anil family havti to Manitoba, where thuy in- ti-Mil to make their home. Our friend Mr. McWhiur.ey i* visiting with frimuls in our village -In* week. Mr. William Guy returned homo from Pan y Sound and apent Sunday and Mon. day with hi* parent* before going Mniiitotm. A number of young men in mi- villagn accompany htm, namely, V. M.Guy. Lvi PalliMer, Frank Kertin.W Fenwick, A. Lung. Wiah you every success, buya. Mr. mul Mra. D. K. Pre*ton *ro vitit- ing with tliu latter* parent*, Mr and Mrn. I'r.-M. .u, at pretient. K..SM .! r.ironUi i* vuitini; witn her brother, Mr. Kd. MoCalluin,th line. MiH Mabel Kinnear and John Kinnoar of Toronto are viaiting their uncle, Mr. >l).-ri KiniieHr. thai week. Tho Mne* Dale* of Heatbcoto f Mr. Ja* Buckingham. Miss Mnud Robin>n h*M returned homo fiom the city. Miss Wulwr left for hw home in But falo this wuek. Miw Hernioe Olaaaford i* ihomu from 11 to 1m able to reiin . to Ini busiiiuss in Now York city. Maxwell From Oiir "ii-i, < '.nrr/xiii/.Tit Archibald MeAnhur die.1 o.j Tlinrnday, July 'Join. H.' Invi been ill for about four montlis. \Vlu-n l;o w.-is takoii sick lie went to the TOMIHO H.M.ncil where lie underwent an ..|>i -rut i.'ii f,.| n; ii..ilnn-i iinild save h in. His ii'iiviiiu. -/.--to '".'.I., lit home I 1 '., ul ly i\nJ nu.irr. I m| tlie Molntyrc coiiiotory, on Smiil.-iy. Tliu fnnuial was altoiiili-.l. Mi V.HH a vory pl'o- young iiiiin ..Tid hi* v.-idowoJ f the entiiu at* Mosul-*, K<1. Holley .in.l K!. Warlinu loft on Tnusday on the hiirvet , \. .it--i.>-. t"l Mrtlll olllt. Mr. Win. of Toronto 14 TO nowing :io<|uaiiitan.'> M with oltl tn.-i..l.- heto. Mr K.I. Hutchujti'ii tool; .1 trip on hin wheel down to Toroiit/i. Brainpton jul other places a short t'nw ago, making m all about 200 miles. A quiet wedding took plaaa at tXe res- idence of Mr. J. J. MoUee on Wednaa mother baa tliu symp .thy iMinnuity. Mr llo!t. i' li|in! \\ is a cJ)uj- in our village last. week. The rocrnt riuijs havo done :nuch to improve the {MSIUIV lands, lilno t,o des- troy the graHho|ipern, wliiuli were de- vaatitting the gram nml n>t cmpa. A number of young peoplo of this villngo attended the i. U. K CMiicert at SinghampLiti last Wodnanday evunim(. 411 report a goixl timu and Will ay it WM inoMt dreadful for driving, of I)* hii4 plenty, Toronto to spend her r^oation. accompani- ed by her cousin. Mi** Qlneaford. Mian Annie Wright and Mis* Alice yield spent Sunday aud Monday with Miaa Scutt at Bedjeros. Leaving Results, The successful cawdidatoa in thu LOHV- iiiK uxHiiiinaiinn* were annonntoil .in Tuoaday. Thoee in thin inspectorate nre a* fiillons : Dimdalk (ft) O. McDowell, A. NIJ..II Durham (5) J. T. Farqiihamon, Ai ll,l<li-ln, M. B. Hunt, F. M. Mnc^regor, D. C. Mii.-U.', Alesander McC.imh. Riti\ Kct'omb, B. McOiir, \V. MeK.i-li nie, U. Runwiok, Mary Shsrpu, Noble 0. Shivrpe, Olive Sharpe, D. M. Wilson. (3) L. G. Hiiit.ui, J.W.M>inro,E Ryan. Kl..sli.'i-i. .n (5) B. Q. Bamhouse, M. K. Hrsniir. N. B. Oner, Kiank Harrow, F. Lever, E N MoMullen, B. Itinton, John Teeter, L. Thistlewaite, K.E. Thur. aion, Myrtle 1'huraton. (3)- Edith Jnie*. MHrk.lalH (5) J. At'.e.i, W. S. Uuug- las, J. ua.\\t\. W. Gibson, J. *. Hunter, P. H.Kijw,J.Moiit H ..ty}ry,M.L.McUod, J K. l<4ihie. O. I Stor ( T. Tuck Klusltmtuu UMd M* u( Mf

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