27 ,1901 THE FLESH ETON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTOX ADVANCE JUNE 27, 1001 P. T. HILL & CO ! PRICE REDUCTIONS ! This weok w ti.'L'iii our IW-M.-S .( HyHinnttic priro itHluotioli*. All IJIICH f UIMH|H that liavu nut ln^en n-lliri; :ii freely u- * 'iilil lmvi> lilul h*e Iwfii re-nmrkeii rf(irdUn nf i-oM. Tin IH> iriluctions H!M' Hi>ply to all lii.c* where the im*'itnienr u broken. We (where ili.ii tliii ii the BEST WAV of keeping ittork RIGHT <-nul wlnlr we II.M- money uccmnionally w kn<>w tint cuntomers who |Mrtici|Mto in value* like the f< llwiiiv are huri- in cotue again, 5c. MKNS- BICYCLE IIOSK 74 AND l<>.-. SWISS EMKKOlDEItlKS AT FIVE (T8.PKK V.\KD. 25 pieces or :i.lO yinKlienir.if.ii'x embroidery none of it worth less than 74, while several pieces are actual 10 cent lines. If you .iix* i:k<-ly to rroiiire any embroidery during the next twelve m.milii (hat in unquestionable your opportunity. Iti-..<i.l n !,i; . .it ,.J_ .. ynj-J^ SttCKNTC.V-UMri.l HoSE 1'' Those we bought afcw .1 1\ - . . t>..t IH-CHUKI pure 1I-W(K>I Bicycle IWM, footless, in >UH >rt- . .r- 1'iit -ire absolutely fust. tli, s.nic ,-!i\s<of nood thnt sro retailird insmiic stores at X. , p<-r uiir, and while we admi 1 that vur.i'1'.idy lone* in. .n, -v "ii th.-iii at our preseut price it niit'.ri not so \ u are the gaiuer. These '*' ct. lin-ji-lt- liosc on sale now 2 puir fi-r These nre precil.v ; 25 12i CENT SOILED LIMNtiS \T :,ls t.ue lininR* in cruam anil culi-ivil. ..l. i ui n ne the .>rn! for wer. If you nanin anything , ill linings you li find thew; clwap ami v -a'rt h.-tt.T buy ' il' iT.'i yanU fine lining per cilll. IHIKSS 1 LINEN HATS : t'TS KV. II l.iMi.!.-' I.HKMI Hutu, i4H.r...l - ihit Imve beeu I.K t IS nntl 20 cwnUi. We ph-- . ;i,. . - . 1.1 cauiw wu reqiun: tlio f|., occupy 16 nd VHrenl lini-n l.mi t-d them liut becaus> 'i ;.- u-ru 1 .\\ ,.iy Imv. One hundred and ciijlit , p.m ! ,.li> . !iiu VI ., i (.'. .:n Cashmere Hose in < tnr i e;>ut , .|.,n ; ,r li.-iiiiilui.: tho vei-y best hosiery ralue.s has ii"vc.r been disputed, and when wu s ly this i.s a good u line .11 we've heretofore - il<l at25c'.s. the Having should prompt >ou to liuy a supi.Iy. 25 cunt Cashmere hose pei pir . . 19 10 CKNT I'ERCALK AT 7J < I One cane or near ly 1.000 yards extra fine fast-colored pi-re:dc at tins ronurksbly low price. If you 'm used n.li. ui.. u price for other i.odn Aii.al.i r Remarkable Sbo* Snap. M- ShueafoT MS. I line II'M you HI- uwareiU thu ln't low the market. On sit!c now 10 tU percale in p.i*>t prictd cotton per yard |wreido at 7 2JT05UIMSKCKST KKlJi'CTloNS ON DRESS OOOM. We've placed oil Uhles in thu ct-nter of our iture fur r .in. nici.t inujK'cti'.n ln:ii Ift-dH of ynnls of choice fitlirics in summer l)rtns < ;...! at reductions in price up to 'M per cunt. Tlii nHsoitinent embrace* almost 11 kind* there's sure to U: something you'll require. I I'.iki- a look through them i*. SIHIH M yuu can. 200 DOZ. FRXJIT JARS AT RIGHT PRICES F. T.HIi.L&CO, riarkdale. OO ^wwwwwwww ed a*ay. Mnw Wells w -i- .1 very popular yoiinj; lady mid will be greatly miswd in aocisl mid ruli^ious cirel<>. A talented iiin-'.Mtn.iili i-xe.'llent and intelliifeiit con. vorsatiotiist, >hu was .xeelleiit cuiiipaiiy i while the i hurch in her found a zealous ^nil i ikei. \VI- n .m Friday morniiiK the i.e . of In i .luath t-pread, Kl.ioiii was depicated on every face. Afii-r * iihort nervice, conductod in the house by the Iti v K. A. S.-arlett, the body wait taken to the n'atioii to bo con \i y.-il to Nairn cemetery, Out. The remain, wen- a.eompiinii'd by her rrow ing father In tli.-ir sJ berravi-nient the a^ed parent* have the nii.i erist nytnpilby Purely Personals. , June i.'7.--Hev. Mr. McKay ot I'm. .ii Irritatuiii <>f course every iMsly knows C'niarrhoxoiiv cured him, and Mi . McKay ys ('stiiiilni/.. in- is an ex- cellent icnirdy K..r Minister's Si, re Throat, 1'roiielntii, K.III,' Trouble and Cntarili, thi'iv is nothing in thu world to- , tint ,-,, r ,.s .s.niuickly and perniaueiit- ly an CitUrihiiZ'Hic. It cures hy inhala- tion, without danuei or risk, and ii most .i^i'i' .'tlilc lo uie. Two m.'iiil.s tu i.t incut, |< I IN) ; siintll si/.i-, i!5c. <>r Poison A C'o , Kingstmi. Out. \ Advance WKRKI.V ATTHB OFrlCI, <-<>L- UNOWOOU HTREKT, M.ES||*TO, OT., f . B. Tllt'KHTOH. 1 I..T aoniiiH Hlrlrlly ! advanrr Advertising Rate*: Jo Oolomo. I yr. SO . bslf col., 1 . *< quarter col., on* rtar, !. Troint arertlmuent ehr^ slths rt eat pr llo* for flrn iunrtlon so 1 1 ut Mb sub*<|UDt lu>rtlon. That kimbcrley Smallpox T.I Oir E-Mur u) The Adtanct : DBAH SIR, Flea-ie allow me space in your pajMir to o ,ti.-it s.iine fslse stat > n , r ,.,.,,vi-M d frmn a vtry .severe attack m -i. is uiadn in connection witii the Ninallpox cae which we have in our vil- la* , which came tu our imtici 1 Saturday, .Inn.' Kth, in the i'v. mi.; 1 "ent n<>ti.-. to Mr l>,ni'.i, medical health oflicer.and Ui to Msrkdnlt- for vaccine and did not get any. Allorwards I sent to Meafonl and iMK-ured enouifh for about 80, which Dr. HiMiy UMM! on Juno Vih. June (Wh Dr. Daiiaril cnlled a mcetinv of the hoard for June 10th at 5 p.m. and left t U-lo- iirain for me to send to l)r. flrice, P. M H O.I. attend the board meeting on June lOih. Dr. Uric* failed to attend. Tke t>oard authorized thii ro.-vo to iwut proclamation C.IIII|M'||III e\ery person in the township to be vaccinated and nlnr> uthonwd roe to have lh* mnllpo* |- tient i!|:ted. He wss remorod to a ...tux. built for the purpi>m> on Junu I'Jlh. Other* wlm came in close contact with the patu-nt were ordered nut to leave ilivir house. The house whore the patient left waa diaiLfectod. Mr. Tho. Sniiih was appointed police rthci-r to carry out the wu.hus of tho Inwrd. There are no new canes to report. Don't be afrsid if a man or woman goes up from Kniiberlev to do liusiueaa in your town nor yet be itfraid 'o do buinn si at any of thn buii I.OM placca in Kimbei -ley. Tlies* are the f., is nf tin- caa*. . JA8.H.K\WCKTT, M.H. of U. Obituary Notice. The Holland (Man ) Observei given the follown...' obituary notice of the lat* Alice W, Us : Tho people f this vicinity have I., en c!h-l uji-ni, during the past four ni.MitlH. lo p ly thir last Bad tribute of . ,;; to a number of citizens. On Thiiif-d-. i. .-.inn, May 2nd Miss Alice \\.-lls, t!. . !) dn^htfr of Hev. John V. , Us, d. s. d I'l.'ilnrk bordiu- land, and i, I , I . it.inal real in the land x.iuru p.uii 1" fin got tun and whi-lx miiroW r.iniiot .n r. I 1 . 'i liad been n iu- i i!i,l in : | ^i.tei n m.iiith:!, hut Ui ilhili ('"in "' -n'lisif hn di-i..ue, Ntronx liopu* nl bar r.V'Hi'i v en- held out. Th'' dlM''.e, c nsiinipiioii, bad neoomu fin illj "'"d and aj is n-.nal with Its in.iny -io'nu who iiurvno tint severe wnilar waiili'-r whe.i tin- graacvaidMV- ni^ iiretn i!kd thu I'li-.s burai.ng, thepaaa- Brown - Davidson The home of Mr. HoV.t. llmwn, Fever- ham, was the scene of a very pleasant event on Wednesday, June I'.i. hen his daughter. Kiiims, was nnitetl in marriage to Mr. Tli"iii.-is l>!i\i.i-. n df Toronto. The liinli- WMS axsinted l.y Mi-s (iertie 1'aul of h'eM islinin slid the groom by his brother, Mr. Will Davidson i.f Colling- wood. The luide wss dressed m a lovely gown i.f wliite muslin and carried a beau- tiful buui|iiet of l,i c i i ri si.d cnrna IIOIK The liiidiMiiaul wore white inns lin and carried a bouquet of |imk roues it-id carnal lens. After congratulations the company sat down to a sumptuous re|msl, .ift,-i which tho biido and groom took iht-ir depart lire for their home in T.roiito. The hrido ws the recipient . I many , .u-.fnl |.:.-.uts, smi>n:> which was an i.ri>an from her mother. Tho ordinary business m.iti has alx>ut as hard a row ro hoe aa any body on earth, says mi exchange, and hts K.,I to Wk pltssftrt and hanij on t- ih, doe handle no matter what happens. If a paator's salary ia a little abort the business man must fix it. If John .Tonne lose a hoi> he muHt help get another. If *. m. U..l> meets with an accident yr is burned out, the husineai man must chip in. It a new church is being built he is expected to kjue a handsome ubacriptiuii. If a cele- bration isnoiiiK on he inunt dig up some more. If a baggar curaeK -dung be is the Cn-t one tackled. If he rcuj.. nds to every call be KOCS broke. If he refuse* he is fOlintod hotj Still konie will siud away nun homo for good* occi<ii:ally. A K<M.d sii.ry iiuoiug the rounds against the nifin hem of the logal profession. In a certain community a lawyer died who wan a most popular und wotthy man; aud among other virtue* inscribed on hi." tombstone was this : "A lawyer and un lonest man." Some tima afterwards an agricultural eihibition waa held in the own, and one of the delegates, boin^ of senliinontil turn, visitml the silent city," and, in rambling aiming Ihotoni'is, was struck with the- inn -nption, "A law- ,er and an honest man." He wan lost in thought, and when found hy a frl'ow- 'armer, who, noticing his abi rm.-t ion, asked if he had found the grave of a dear Friend or relative said : " No ; but I'm louden lu' why they came to l.ury these two fnllowa in the Mime grave " "It is ini^lity ipjeer," sajsthu Scntnlon iazutto, "how suin.' people will rear n| un tin n hind f. ' and paw I ho air win i H'.IIIK ite'ii of news hapiiens t > \>o a little off f.ctH , yet those sanid people wouldnot t.ll j'.-i thn item haforo the K.WI piinleil Thini there are Home PC <; i" ;ioin ivhoiii y.iu coul I not draw Inc.. I i'li .- ...ikv-rew they sbs<i!utely Hon'l know IM n. -vvs. Hut after Ue paper romcs uiit they will nay you are un- .i,f.i:mi-U 'al.iiut si, inn local happui ill); and wonder why Noil can't iit things t-li i.i'lii ' Sciuiiliin 1-1 not t lie only plan- whore this class nf individual is to lie found Ala rii'iistur^ Is Mi i >t ry l>oa of the laxative Hromo-Qiiinine ho rvuvdy eluU e*rt eM ta Hlacksmlth 5hop to Rent o r Sell For Hole or rent, in lOitaheiton, \ery heap and on ra-j lernis, one blackmnitli Imp with w..od shop nn 1 tiniahing room attached, in very centre and main busi nuss part f village : n\ttn good comfort- nlilii and well Hnisbed .1 .>. Im. ' . Apply n> II. J BPROULK Hst.,1,. Agi-tit Ciinveyanccrand auction eur, Klethertou. FLESUEBTOK WAREOOOIVIS ! Weari-i-Hiiy-.il.' iiiMst\li of SEASONABLE GOODS In .ill line- of FURNITURE tParlor and 9 ad room \.ounye3, <Sidc-3loa>ds, lion and Centre tablet, Window <5/iados and Curtain 'J*ols, SPicturty, iSaao/s. etc Which f offer at Lowest Prices, i Hctuie Framing and General Repairing ) Undertaking in all its liranchea -.'.. i. in ii Guarante.d W H. BUNT, M. Richardson& Co . Jlesherton - *Dunctalk at Sieducod Prices The (( including month of a most satisfactory and highly siu-.-.-sful Millinery season will s-c our laivc stuck of Suinnicr Millinery trimmed and un- triiiiincd ^oods cleared out at reduced prices in cv.-rv line I \\"t- don't wait until tlit- season is over but. com- nn-iicf this ui'ck, while the goods are in every <lay ilcinand. Sec (tin- \N"iinlow Display of Pretty Hew Shirt Waists. Shirt Waist Special - 39 cts. I.adie< Shirt Wai.-ts, in pretty colors, nicely made, good t|iialhy washing cambric, llcgnij'r .").">c. line, Special Special Values for JUNE BUYERS Straight K.-.-nt Summer C< nets, nicely made. KIMK) wrarerx, sizes 19 23. 25 eta. Straight Front Corseta, strongly nude, well finished all aisefl SI'KCIAL 60 ct Lsxlies' White Suitor IIstK, a hire IT colored bandit, perfectly new ('" "1- 25 cu. Ladies' Ready -to er Skirts, cnwh or pique -new cut, well made, from 90 ct. Shirting Kliiniiclettos. neat dark |*tterns. soft finish, good weight, 27 inches wide. Regular l<Jc. line 7 cents Gngliiih Dress Prints, clone even cloth, Ut colors, pretty, neat |Mttt-ins, 34 inches wide. Good value at I'-J 10 eta. Apron Oini(ham, n-\ s'out cloth, nice patterns, fast colon. full y nd -,M.'. K.-u'.ir 13-. line 10 ctf. Check Shirtii ;:. dur.il.le cloth, f.ia' colon, good pattern*. I. n-ir< \- for 6| ct. I>adu-s' Snmm. i I nde-rweir, Prici , from 10 cents up. Now P.iraso's, i'i-ii-,.s from 80 cents up. New Shirt Wi.^, S|x>cial vnlue at 50 cents Ladies' New Neck near. Prices from 25 cent*. f%% U Shoe Specials for THE LADIES Ladies (ieimine I )ongolu and I'ol- MktedOstlf] .aectllioots-clearingtviirs from a iminlier >f ivgular lines where the range of sizes is incom- plete, r.sual price from $1..">0 to fca.28, Si/es L'j, :?, ;\, and 4. Special for 0s cts. HARDWARE DEPART. Seasonable Requisite I N S TOCK SCYTHES 8NA1THS HAY HAKES HAY FORK U()iES HAY FOUR PULLEYS MACHINE OIL. Churns I kilter Crocks Creamer Cans Milk Pans Butter Bowls Milk Pails. Ikw China w a Hew tilasswa* $ Preserving Kettles $K!1 OlindOws Screen Doors Duality is rtmtmlHrtd long after the price is forgotten OJc sell the I \OPhll.lOK FU'SrthKTVN . RICHARDSON & COMPANY L . I I * Vicinity Chips f 'rir.i.'.<':-lsiir* of the Past V i-rU r.irrrnlly Culled for (he 4'nr!on* ftrcycle Ft to. s .-it Dun.hlk, July Irt. I>in|'l;iy your ;hi<s and (milting on MniHiay next. Hurr/ up, ht.ys fjr tho u ut< ut Dun- iilk. July Nt. Froih !i..j ! .tivMys on li.i:vl. .1. H. Diiekett'-i, Kutfenia. Crow li -.p ..I'D. n ; fi-nm r,w.-;iiy riniii.l ti> an- t!i._- fun in Fleiliertoii on MomUy I'-i*. Mr. .inii Mr-*. T. .I. Slic-pp-ir \ <\r > VIT to LII<:IIOW ou Sunday, rvtiirnii>K . , ,1, .llso llUtltT :i . 'M.I ;mcc pant ;ii . Karstr.! nil *!;. i .:- are nftiT i l> x (ime >n .lnl\ 1 : iuiuls an. t tin' Iliirli- l.ind r'i[>t'is an; i i:^ii<oil for the Uay. New w!n ,,.('. -i, I in 1. Br.-vt.t- f *U, <i, t,.l..,n, WelUnilvale fr..i:i f'.V) '|) it He:;; lloni : - i 9oad ... ' i:i" Irt, I-, M: ., .1 ',!,-,. Will N. K: e U, a <i.'t _\. Tuly 1st nt A. Mc- s> u f LYTci ! h of the Hi... Galloon'*, ; ir I'.ui i.ilk, .1 iiy 1st. l-VTrbritiu. ..- , I tost, and Cl'iiC. I IV .nt* .. .,n' V . for haying s.:i . : Or.!,-r \ .-s .it mice fioni H.ir. i -. 1-1 ulu.rt 4nd tir-'. n .'' !' Ii ".' -ti >'k. Kwo an.l ' I.ur. ; hurt tail I inf..nri lion t i \. - i ton. I'riv.ttc i 'inpi'iY Minds >< loan it from 4V '.> I p.-r -i* 1'i.M-nsi' l.w. Apply'f.. - . Iliunii'. .-. , fur . ' rned the railway .s!nl>, : H " that it wait last ivtflc, *uli no nn-'i working. Maikd.i:.. l'..i-il and Shelburnc 'M Id uiiiiiMit Hand j.'o t Dutid.-ilk on July Int. to take \MT' i 'V . \fiisicnl K.-stil. The entrance i-xnm ' i' nv taking pUl'l- here tlllH Week Will. !VillCI|-ill S| ei-rs ..t DiiniUik \ .n-aidin^. There are >HBe 3o [Hi|i ; !:t wu \\'e were shown .1 bond of timothy this week grown it Kiinhtrley. wlii"h n Ml 104 inches. Can any un-; of our ;.niit:s di-,^. -. r .. ! Koail job to U>fc at i/airni U'llly, nonr Kupcni i, r.- in 'iTow (Kridiiy) e veiling .it 'i M'clotk. i'u:'ii ; down hill .-ni.1 Hlunsj rfiilly. D Mc'l'svish, lloeve. The volnn'eors returned horn.' on Sut- urdny and -n- siivt-n a tea .-it tlio drill ht-d by our eitizen*. The boys say they h.-til a pltMwtut i.iititii;. T>00 i-onU ; n.b.-irk wanted, delivered it any of the stuti.iiis mi the I' I'.K ln-- tvreen Owen Sound an I < >r u-^Aville in cliMiv.'. for which the highfnc price will be paid. John K. UxnieH, MriikdiK'. Yi'U are invited to call and f>cc our full line of lii.-ycl'-H. A^enU for over 100 ilitft-rent n.i'>' H. Secmid hand liicyele" frum $10 up. Bicycle nhop opni all day July lat. .1 .In. U. ll.anl r .MiTavitth waited ..n tho county i last wfck aud i;ot llu'in to t!,e over some litiHjjes mi tho t>.wn lino !. tween I'lotJii anil Arteniesi.. Tli:< will eflei-t a cnns'il'TMbli; Hitvint{ t-j the two townshipa Wariiuii; In future all itiiimals thai I linil in my ;ireiniHe.H,lh Kleaher prop-rty, I rill put in pound. The feuccs are d - libemtely ttrti down and I do not ii;U-ml to either herd n-n- i)iiKt..ir.- th \il;ime ra::l.-. It ii the du'y of every owiinr of took to l'>k after tl.Mii and il they w.-i it to :ive troulilx and i-x primes they h;td better do Hi'v. J. Little of Chatiworth will con- duct anniverwtry i-ciu -i" in tin- I'rewliy- trin churc'.i on the ii-t S;ililiatl. "i July. xertK-1 N> i. 'nil .1: !l i. in, 'iii'l 7 \> in. The in.i!iiii[iii4 bi'rirl -i.i-.'o J.'-iJed t<i dss pnih- witli : -v.i! m M. -inlay oveniim n.-l AI-I! fiT n contn 1 > at not 'e.-.- - i!i'..ii'h. Th: i Mini;. I.- iv ' d and it is to liberitl rcsponso f.-o'.n the o< Mr. A'l.in I'ki I. liii'il.id UH thn week .1 cuiitity HI tin- x!i:i|i. " f .-i pieee of stoiu- carving, 'vlvi-h b,- }', .\vpil upon 1-is farm nar }'i..-' n S it: ill. It U of h:rd irre.'M stone .-ill I wac. intnidtd fur n ili-H ainl ;us 11 i .'. ri'.i i. .H! as n elnriii Iiy tho ;ib ixiniil A ! iin.U' ir. It i alc.it tail. Thetc i' t it |*'i-;iii.-it . IM under H.lc for .1 . :. ti.. n ; t. haii^ aroiiui' l!.i- ni'tfk 'lis.i_i.eil Elltlathiug in Ind'sTi relic-' T'I ' e ' rttrioua can s-i' n t th The daily pijv i- .UK -I.iy 'MS! > i k t- iiortud -i iMtwof ^nuci'.'X from Kler.i. In mibtitipK ft i-. . i < tl.is wii8 i>:-rc.-ted The miNt:ik 'I un ro porting the KI:II!'. '-.i 1 i-AHi) hiviti ; wnt t' I'r l'r_. .-. ilu.riuli th' o|h'oi>. There certainly w.is n.jhhtid'iw of couiul, with tin- "\.-f[iti . "f llu 1 -k- "f. |.ir sui h a atalti'iieiit 'l.'hi'rc t, H ..f.iny kind In KUsliert,.M Nei'.li r have any more ta^e* developed at Kimb. rt>'_v, tmr AT* thvro likely (o be any in ire. Tin. ii'x)V,- ii an i xce!!. I s< of the energetic president of ou: I ' .minion Day Cel. brati. n committee. Mr. lleii- ,1, i^.-i: ):a;' already eariii"! i . ;.iitalioti forahnviiig thingi which Ii ; umlertakua. Felt I.; i-i inui itiaiiuii. full of expedients end 0'icr^et'c, he wan just the mnn ro p'.ii-n .it tho liead of ; linn, n-iiarioii ot t i i !, .vnd Mondiiy next will provo the wi-.l 01 i selecting him. M> H, Uuiuudo h:iH h.,'d !,n stave inart.iiicry here to Clark, Nteo'soii t Co. of K.r.'ivn.'i. Mi.>.;.ili-. Slielhurnu and Uundalk junior;- jil.-iy lacroww} at Dun<lalk i.n July I at. f r silver cup. and cl.ildren's HIIIII iiri Aear in Tull.y and Ox fold .shuen and slippers, cool ami cuiuf'iriAltW, g .in^ t l.iwrugf, prices. alH.i Men's ,in,i !,. ys' lacrowie J.IHH-S .it Clayton'*. Great program of nporti, and ({rand Mi:.iie;i' Festival l>y :>th Re-t. Hand. Markdale Ci'ien' linnd.Dundalk Silver Band, ami H<<{hLiiid Piper>, at L'tmdalk, J uly 1 -.' Men'>, Iidii;s' and I'liildren's |:.,i,ts mid Shoes Claytons have ,i i;u, .1 >tock on hand ,-ind are constantly making addi- tions , and wu try to suit all culler*. Come and see UK and we will give you s '4".Kl huruitiiiH in boots IK ever y-m had. .Mr. I: insUdllur purchased til, May butter Itoin the FleHllerton factory Ih.sl week, tliv! price p,nd heui^ a ijtnrrerof K run lii^h'T than the Durlnim or II iHkki-9 sol. i for There were 7'.'*i ILa in the lot. The h i.ipailil vuliuur null at K.i.Tiiia hiu been responaible for a iiuinl)vi- vf .leriileiiis thin spring, thu latest leinn a young man named Freil (ioaley, who hnd '.! end of a fore tinner taken off one day Imtt week. Dr. Carter dressed -lie wound. -In- iiiii-"i:-! i: i. ' i 1 I I I Irwin, teacher of the wcond tor<n in Kli.-iliei-t.in public achoul, h,-w han.led in her r. >i_n.uion, to take etfect inimedi itely. Tlii.s will necessitnte the of two more teachers an J/Us ftft-reditli . t i he Junior form intends attending nonn.-ii after hululayo. Mr. Fled Ryder's broncho created smi e .-icitcnieiit on S-iturd.iy. The aniirml could not hold hack a load i;oiii_' dun a rsde and ){.it mad. His |ie,:ls (lew in .11 direction and In- plunged ui.t I thon .uglily exhausted, when h f.-l! over "-i his yule .-mil lay tin-re until calmed d-r.vn. Thu hum. ss aud nh.-ifu< were liadly b-i.kcn and the wa<"ii (kinoru'i/.id generally. The Flcsliertoti t'.iti i-s'.ers turned out in a IxKiy mi Sunday nion.ini; and mnrcnxt to th Metliodisl church, heade.l hy tlia Uiint, wliere nil excellent sermon ns pru.icln.-d bv the Rev. .loi-. Ward from is it : "A MI, in tin- !i:i''i a iiulKt show liiiiiNelf friendly ; ami is a irujiid lh;t sticke'h closer than brother." Rev Jos. Wsrd preached his f:ire 11 sermon in tho MuihodiNt church mi Sun- dny ev.jnini!. taking for I is t, xt see.'iid t'orint' Mil-*, l.'Ml : " Fitially hrcthre i, farewell. He oerfuc'. K,' ..I L'ond comfuit. bo of "tie ;ii nd, live in pence ; and the Hod ot low 'ind peace ii.i.i lie with you. ' There was .1 l:iri;e audie:ii.' present, iirl thn discouiHi- wiitj iirouo'iiioed one of the best ever d. liveied r>y the rev. Kent.!vii'an stnci; coinini; to Flehilei t'.n. What m.'^ht easily haveii^cli a fatal runawiiy .-n'cidfiit occurred at the ti< n,i hour on Tuesday. As Trimble's bus. which was occupied nv I'en-y Trimblo andaiiothir Ud, w p.'i.s^in^ the corner at Ht.ird's b'acks-nir.h kho;i .1 hnrsj nii.l bn^fty httloii^intf to Mr. \\'ill AruiHtroiiit came d;lnli:n-,; down Hie M.le Kti-ft-t wi'l. out a drivi r. and Hmlinj; the bus in its way t!ic iinii-, il sj MM.; i-lc-in over tin- I . 11 i-.l. -vhi.-h i' ivirne.1 a*ay. Tin- vh. .,]., ..f tJU 'in^i,'y then .Mruclc the bus, and t'l" 1-f n Mirned eoinpli-:.' -, in i 1 '. strei-i wii'i the b .ys unJer it I'cr.-y. v. hi -. n dimrii', h i.i not i-.'.-n th'i uiiiiii il UOniiilR and l.!i" wlio'o tlnni; was .loiM-.i ipi'.-'Jy ti:.i* ;h- !:ri.t l.u kilo* : o.ul Wltll tllC liii- -i:. ci'il "'IT him. Neither of the l.uN r.: hurl :l ptrtu-li-, !>ut the IMM canno' be said of the t vo V\HH whicii e me ill tvntsct nor .if ill-.' horsi', Th>' hitter hud H"i'ri I'iraaiiiiiM and but and bugy W.TI i. -.i t" i eolisiilei-ib'e ,'\tinl. >'r Ai-'iitroin{ hud jiwt ^ot o;n ot his bttgL'V -o pui. ; he. animal in t '- -.Uili!-' when ii took a notion to run awn,' wtii the a'. i>ve o'vcitiim, but ion.p Mivoly liannli'B*reHult^ Every pi-nton lu. HW the nccident thought it a miracl- tiiat the two la.ls, who mt in front, were not killed outnylit or lia.lly injuired when the animal jumped over them. ('aliliH'je plants for ntle. Ala>> all arden veijet il.les in sensoni Order your i-tulf, frenh and ^"od, from Samuel Turn- er, Flesllr. Buy your I'.iris tleen nt the Mi-di.-al H ill. It is put up in full weight ptck- s and Htnds i{overnnint test. Price J."> cts. per il>. Personals Mr. .) lin Yhisilewaite, who has hecn vur in Mainu far a year or so, returned liomo la-st week. M SIIH. J. i 'urns and W. McMnllen u.-.ited the Creeiiiore races lat week. .Mrs. R. T. \Vhitieti left, on Saturday to visit friend-' at Kpuiiitf, Allinton and >ih*r points. M'-s Annie K.eii ir.lscm aruved home f i mil Toronto ;..|>t week, and will remain here for a inon'h or s... Sir Heit K -'.I f Toronto culled mi friends here for a couple days thin wek. " \ aim - of Shradridgp has taken I p isitl II III '!le [>">(. iffiori. .Vi-. W. J Doiii;! is iii.l little win are jjuedtn of the firmer s parents here, Mr. and Mrs. A S. VandlUM. Uv. Jos \\arl and f innly left for their new home at Curtis. Buy ljuiute diiitrict, on Monday. Mrs. John Martin, accoinpnnn>l by her three children and nephew. Master Fred Vaiilancoiirt. all of Ijuehee, were i. -sis tins wuek of Mr. and Mir. Samuel Kii>i;nton. Mr J. F. Sproulu, travelling pnst- mast.-r on thn C. P. R. htween 1'ort Arthur and '.Vinnipeg, is at present visit- in}.' hiH brother, I'.iHtinaiter R.J. Sptimle. Acute and Chronic Rheumatism are equally inrluvncetl hy thu most mag- ical pain suhduin-.' power of Poison Ser- viline, equal in ni<ilicinal raluu to live timea t.lte (juantity ot any other rheumatic remedy. Nt-rviline CUHM because it n-achrs the soiircu of tho diseiute and Inves it out of rhi- system Nerv.hne is an unusually i;ood ihuuniatic cure, ami mains in my unusual cures. Junt ruh it in the next I lino you have any attack. The immediate rc"ti't will snrpriao you. Vood's Fhoqihodlai, Gnat Bnqtith Sold and wc(inimfndKt hy all tniKgtHt* in Canxl* Onlr rll- sblc medlclno dlnnoTRrad. Ma i/uamntmt to cure all rmao sina MM, all -ff*c o shos* r ozoeMi, Mental Worry. Kxrlv ox of Ti baaoo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt ot prlo. one package l. six. M. Om ifUl ptais*, MA u^Uv -K^* PamplUets free '.o anr addredfl. TIM Wowt Vmnpaaf, WUtdnor, Out, firma W.io i 's I'liospbo lino Is sol.l 'i Flnsliertoii l.y W 8 CH'istou and \V. E. RlalMMW*, DM> 1 it Look in your mirror today. Take a last look at your gray hair. It sure- ly may be the last if you want it so ; you nceJiftkeep your gray longer than There's no about this; s sure every time. r re ~' **\/j*^iJ m/\ 5 t o r e color to Cray hair use After using ii for two or three weeks notice how much younger you ap- pear, ten years younger at least. Ayer's Hair Vigor also cures dandruff, prevents falling of the hair, makes hair grow, and is a splen- did hair dressing. It cannot help but do these things, for it's a hair-food. When the hair n well fed, it cannot help but grow. It makes the scalp healthy and this cures tf:c disease that causes dandruff. ll.COsbottlr. All ilroES'Sts. " My flir vena fouling oat but Ayer's Hriit v i. ,,r IUn>p*d tt> f.Tll!,iK ml KM DM04 my Imlr T*rjr thi. It i ! iii;ii II .l.u > ' tfkii !ii<fru I tb-Tik thuj* is tx. thing Mi;e It f.>r t!n> hulr." CUHA if I. April 'Am*- Yamiw. 1 T If r,i I.. n..t r-l>lTli >'l Iho you ........ fi i.i '), UNA ot ih* Vigor, wrAI" 'h doct,,r .thont ll. A^lrwl, Um. t. 0. AVKU, UnMll. Mut. 01 Oil Oil Of * tfc * Mi U, il. I* * Ifc Of Ui V*. * X Sbeppard 'Hay flonth Activity At T. J. Sheppard's store. Flesheron ami Eugenia every d;iy adds to the readiness for Spring and Summer business and the enthusiasm of new goods. At every point of comparison this business is bigger and batter tiMB it WM and our attitude to- wards the new May month of 1 no 1 is that of coo- stant improvement. Every department has a hi -arty welcome for all coiners and pnces suc-h as w, ask won't be apt to frighten you away This beautiful May month will he devoted to special departments, suggesting many things thai you will want to purchase. flay Month |lLLINERf Every store gets something new and some things that are really stylish hut there's every possible dif- t'erenee in the range of novelties that find favor here. Every reader should come and enjoy the magnificent display in our millinery department. '^ llst now evei T one ' s figuring " * new spring outfit and naturally enough look to this store to get it. At no ^ Ilie ' iave we be 611 so W(I H prepared to satisfy your demands Men's Suits range from !Jt4.<M) to $100. Wonderful selection in boys and youths' suits from $1.50 up to $<..")(). \Vt-re we so inclined we might write columns about our clothing and our unifornlv low prices, hut we [H to have you come and make investigation for yourself. MOD H stiflr'and soft felt hats, braces, collar*, ties, socks, will bo found in this department. We are making a special run in tailor- mu'le suits just DOW aud our stock is choice . BOOTS / Men's, women's, boa', girlx' aud children s shoes AM > SHOES J 111 great varitjr. Our sboe Jtparlinont ia conn>U.te Carpeta. curtains, oil cloths, linoleums, China mattings ic., are very aacful things just now. Don't fail to see our stock before bujing. \Ve havo some special suiting in oar dress guods department which we are selling at a big bargain. GROCERIES - Our grocery department is full of choice fiosh groceries aud our prices the low. -si,. ad D PLJ L .4( vj. . vt4r i*' ^" r Maiwuy Harris, N'oxon, Klciiry nnd \Vilkinon fat m implements. Floury and Verity plows n hand all tho PH.'. also ill kinds of rc|nii-s for the saiiie. We manufacture BuguieH, t'utt<-rs. Sleighs, etc. Horsiwhoeing pr-mptly attended tu. Spoci.il :tt.tuiition 'o tender coin-acted feet. Ixv^ini; and 1'low constantly mi !..iinl. FOR First la$$ Buggies Pleasure and ami (U|ggOn$ : '^|iriiip;-tor>th ami Iron RaiTOWS : Klt'ury, Dirk, McGiTl, and K Dyna-nt, HuttorHi-lil Coinpjiny PlOWS i"icl all kin< is of shares- Also Spramotors, nriirass .un! other kinda of make . Cream Separators of different kinds ; fiorse Shoeing, Painting ami Crimnting Carnages and mil kinds of JUlclfri ; an* I wire for fences ; (JO TO J. H. HEARD, FLESH ERTON. 1 T > 1 Can you spare fl few months ~ This itttei- in which t/> impiovo > "ir i-l-j.-atien. Those few 111 .11' hi spent Kt til.! BO YEARS* OWKN SOUND OM. . U'LiM DK(I|S) you to do buainwi in a' v niTinncr. Tim kiiowlcdgi" ] \'nild ^ni of ii'-t.-K, che^iinis and all j .if I'oian-fiei.d |iap.-r w ti'.d, |KT- h..|.s, >.. )ou l.,i:nin.'l , of dollars in t. futnn'. \V'ni/l]t fur oal.'.lixue, wh.chcon- | i.i us fnll i:i-'ornilton, u> . A.FIerr ng, Principal OWKN SOUND, OST. I qnlrktr Tnoe WARKS DtriSNS COf'VRIGnTS AC. li iui.\ '~-r'i'llon mn 4 ...- ;nn" M fr* ir,iln>r nr - ... HiTonUon u pn.lialilf V..IIHII. .nnim- UnasstnoUrmcScMntlal. rtiuhis.!!!*..:! r !.'i,r< lont frM. I'litMl aaoticr for I.I'.-M.IIIK ,'tli'<. Pitoiiii tfltoo toronirb MUM. ,t Co. tin.-, in- fCkOA mXirA, wltliout ctmrvtf, !a thj Scientific jfln.(.rkati. . l.u-uMt * Tern,*. at il no^Mlenlc, ai u jjew York . . . i>f auMnuac K>n>sk Tern,*. at* ; fotr iMintbs, {L KoMl/ail B*A ^ ^