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Flesherton Advance, 25 Apr 1901, p. 8

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MAY 2, 1901 THE FLESHETON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTOX ADVANCE MAY 2, 1901 fwwwwwywwwwwww^^ duiuiuiuiuikduik^uikjfc IT TT Hill JC r*C\ 1k in if X Vt Mft iH <fr jjujufc 5" WWWW IP Wl* WW W W r. 1*1 I I Ll^ CV wv/ ^JF-wvwww'wwwiir ^ Extraordinary stock of clothing The Ut h.pment of New Spring Clothing i now placed in stock truly a remarkable collection that < mbriciH al- moat t-vertliiiig that could pooaimy be desired Wo have HUI'B to tit all sites of people it price* that will camly tit all puraM. We have over four hundred eleqant Hpring suits now in stock ranging in price from 92.25 to $12.50 If you are critical an to Value and Style you'll not regret the aatinfactory way in which we can serve you. This,- few are iudea valuea : Men'i Pine all-wool Tweed Suits, aack coat, in new brown and miied grey |iatteriis, deep French feeing with line farmer'* aatin lining, a regular 7 60 tuit, special at 5.90 Man'* Fine Blue 8uiu,dep French facing.ltaliau lined, medium weight, a perfuvt fitting auit, regular at 9.60, *|iecial at 7.36 Men'* Fin* all-wool mixed (wood tun, *%ck coat, beat farmer*' aatin lining, dui*p French fac- ingan excellent b-ismess MIII, regular price 9.50, apecial at 7.25 Men'* D. 13 BUck serge auita, with D. B. veit, made of fine of nil-wool English cloth, French facing and beat lining throughout, regular 10.00 auit. special at 7.90 Men' finest all-wool tweed suits, nack coat, aix of the IH-WHIU patterna, all madu with deep French facing, thoroughly shrunken, and are absolutely dejwndable in colon, nothing to ri| thmn elsewhere at 12.00, Hprcial at 9.75 Men'* Fine English serge suits, black and navy, single or double hrraM i-<l coats with 1 > R. vest*. Thuae are the Heine of perfection iu fit, stylo and finiah--xurpa<ing in every par- ticular the ordinary tailor-made nulls, Abso- lutely de|>cndsl>le in every respect and are guaranteed aa auch, reg. 13 tmit.apocial at 10.00 Men a Finest clay worsted and Enimh aergt-cukt* and vU only, D. B., coat and vest back lined with beat l>lack satin, double thread materials, thoroughly vhrunkun and pvrf.-i -< fitting. The 11 quality we M-ll at 8.70 ; the l.'i ijuality special at 10.00 Youths* Suits -Special up to S.Vinch breast measure. Tooths' auita, made of small, neat pattern tweeds, medium and light fthadea,)>enutifully finished and well-lined, Rome nobby goods at thin re- markably low price, only 3 75 Youths' fine all-wool tweed auita, litrht and dark Rhadea, half a dozen different line*) in thia spring's newest patterns, all are thoroughly dependable wearers, apecial at 6.25 Youths' tine Kn:;!i*h serge luila.wiih deep French facinx and iinoat Italian lining. Furdieaiy wear there's nothing to eijual it, apccial at ii 7"> Vouth*' extra fine all-wool twetxl nitM, nearly a dozen different line-, all ar? mule of thin prints newcHt pntierns and coloriniri are without doubt tl.e In-at va'iii'H we've i-er given in youtim' i-Uilhinif. Some remaikable qualities t i.7."), 7.M>, 7 76, 7.5K) F. T. HILL & CO., Harkdale. *W*WW^ Advance r. B1.IHIIKI) WIBKLV IT THE OFFICE, COL- UHOWOOD STB.BBT, ri.BSMEHToN, ONT., v . B. THCUTON. tl per anaan strictly In advaurr Advertising Ratei : Oo* Colamn 1 year. SM ; halt col.. 1 tear, > quarter eol., one year, !>. Tranileat adrertlaeuient charged at the rat* eeoie per line for Bret Insertion aa 1 1 cent each lubaequeot loaertiuu. EpplBC From Our Oirn 8. J. McNlght returned from the city RilunUy looking quite refrrnhed .ift.i hi* trip, but what ia all thia about the Pan American ? Chat. A. Daley, whom we reported on the aick lint laat week, I* steadily improv- ing. Seeding haa commenced in earneat now. Mr. Robert Hhaw waa taken luddenly wone last week and for a few iU> hu life waa deapaired of but he i* in.w a little better, although still quite low. Our mail carrier u haring rather hard luck. Firat he waa laid op *iok fr two week*, hi ip rained hi* ankle and was l'i:t lame for a week, and to night (Mon- day) he U limping around almost aa liail < e*er,his horae* having run away, throw in*; him nut, one wheel passing over his li-v. He tells ua that Uiere is nothing left of his democrat but the apriiiK*- He had quit a load of goods on, among which were two bh*. of tugar. One roll od out among the buahe* and was quite afe, but (ho other fell to the hard road, bursting as it fell, making an awful spill , hut the little boy* don't mind, I gue* they are smacking their lips iu their idei-p. It was irranulaUtd sugar and wouldn't IM- bad at all miied up with the gravel r .ad. The horses ran from the hill at the back of the Eugenia Orange Hall aioond by Mr. Khfppard'i (tore and up to tin ir old itHiiil at Mr. Park'*, wlmre they alack t-d a little and were caught by Mr. A. Simili, who m nt them back to the scene of the wreck, where poor Kani was gathered together by kind friends, placed in a buggy and sent on hi* way, but not rrjoicins. License* Uranted. The Licenaa Comiuioner* met at Rucklyn ou Tuesday, April 3rd. The following licenses were granted : Peter Muimhaw, Kugenia , Aaion Muimbaw, KU ahcrton ; Joseph Cairns, Ceylon; Arch. r.iUtni.Pricevilli- ; Patrick Itolgcri Pricevillu ; Mrs. Sarah Allan, Berkeley ; Paul \\ ml, II, Holland Centre ; Allan McDougall, Williamaford ; Mr*. Joan ('mii.ln'll, Chatuworth , Eliha Hanbury, Walter'H Fall., Afr>. K Blackat.k. Singhanipum ;(]. R. Olaasford, Maxwell; Jacob Shumacher, Markdale ; Jaux-s Kelly, Markdaln ; Andrew Fogarty, Markdale ; Tlioma* Lnwe, Thornbury ; \AMC\\ laaacs Thornbury ; '\V. 'II Mc- I.i. in, riarkihurg ; J. N. Boyd.Rocklyn ; A. F. Shumacher, DcKbom ; The ap- plication of J. H. Hamilton fir liconie in the village ol (/batiwoiih waa laid over for further comideration at next meeting of tho board. Mr. Pye wa* appointed chairman and Mr. MoCullough aecretaty of thu Hoard for the ensuing year. Reflector. A deapatch to the pn-na from Chicago IIJ-M : "John Alexander Dowie in prepar- ing to njii'inl at loa*t $50.000 in fnrniKh- ing hi* reaidonce, which will be erected at /urn City. The general oveneer, [aa In othVally is designatc-d, intend* to lurround himsulf with nil il>. luxuries anil iii.i.'ioli'-rn, r which in his opinion aliould lii'long to thVspintual head nf a religious organisation. He has placed an order for tittmgH with one of the big wholt-Halo furniture hoimes of Chicago. He (elect- ed n in u but the highwt and nust ex- pensive articles, ordering in one case a table coating {11,000, which will be the c .untcrpart of one owned by King Ed- ward." A young girl residing in thin neighbor hood lent half a dollar to a Denver [firm who I'loniiH. .1 for that sum Io >end a ic. .:ipi for getting fat. A fw days afterward* ahe received a postal card en which was written : "Buy it of the butchers." NOTICE Public m.tir.i la gitxn that the Council of the lowuahip of Art*m*ua i.l aftor four wiik publicatlop hrof In tliu KiUr- loii Advauo* ni.w>|i t|.iu ilh.. flrlt iaiiertloo b- Io8 onthntiSlli .layof April rjui)proeltopau a l>y-law I j oluM up aud Dually ilUpuM of Ilia unilerumntioaail rol allowaocx to til* aaid Townnhlp: 1 Al,l. AND 81.NdUI.AK thai certain parcel or tract ut lau.l ami pruiiiinwi aituata, l.lnf aud l.flimn tin. town<lll|i .if AtlniLuma, iu llir cnuuty of Gray. ID tti proviti<*a of - intariu.coii taonnn hi felniM*uiuiiiit 001 and i>o ball acr. In, the N*IU UHII* or laa, Lulna ooiapott- d of that part of the r.ia.| allowauc* on tlie outh wenlerl) limit of lot number IM, la tb 3nl ranui- weatol tbo Taruuto aad Bydxabain road la uld towaihlp, llo bntwnnu the lake euil apolnt onoebaln uiilh a*ter.y froui Ilie no: tli i.t).rl, augle of lot Ml in the lecouil couconaiuu aortb of tbe liurham mad ia anl towntblp. 8 A1J. ANU H1NUUI.AK 111. I certain parcel or traot of Itu'l ami | ..... aba* stMaatS, I jlafl and being in tbe towuhip of Arttiiueeia. iu the county of (rey ami pruviuoe uf Ontario, cou- taiulUK liv ulweuureiui'nt four acre*, be tliu the tame more or lean, boing cumpoeetl of that |.i i of tbe road alluwauce between lote leu au.l 161 in tbe 3t<1 raLgii vrt of tbe Toronto and hvdrohain mail In laid t>iwimhi;i, lylnf be- b lake aud the. eaatarljr limit of aaid lut> Kan*aa grow* prizo corn aud liars. A ipi*cimen production of the latter .is aa followa : ID Kansas a bojr n >t long aince i limlied a oorn stnok to sue how the corn wa* gnttinif along, an I now thu stock is .(rowing up faatur than the boy m cliaib down. Th bojr is plum out .of \n\il. Tliruo mun have undurlakuu to cut down tho stock with ate* and save the boy from starvation, I nl it grow* *o faab that they can't hack twice in the tarn* place. The hoy is liriug on nothing but raw euro and has already thrown down nvi-t /our busi'tds of cob*. Aiiiianka, gire up 4)10 rwnrd. The bint and freaheet to be had at any priut-, from the bent grower*. Dutch SU and Potato Onions. In field *euds wo have Carpota, SUGAR BRETS. Oil ake for When making ynur garden DON'T KOKUBT F, A, BUNT - - THE llilCEl . il 1*1. liw that portion of the (aid roe>d aUewaae* norupled by the Ti routo, Qrey and Hru.-o hallway < njiiiian . . 8 All aud iURular tliat certain parcel or tract uf laud aud preutlaei iltuate, lying aud kolng In tbe towuauip of Arteuila iu the i. of Grey and I'ruTluce of Untario, contaiulijg by adiueaaurement one and Iwu fifth acres, be the eauie luore or leee, being compoeed of part of tbe road almwauce between lota 30 and JI, In tbe flrat coucwaion uurih of tin- Uurbaui road In aajd lowueulu and which ma> be uioro particularly denurlbeJ ae fullowk, that Ii '. aay , Cuinineuciuff at a pulut iu the eaeterly Inn. I of eald lot 3D. dlelaut north.B defreeeweet, ichalui from tbe eoutb eaeterly angle of MI.I lot 31) , tlu'iice noi tb 8 degreee, weel along tbe earterly limit of laid lot W) 16 cliama, theuuv outh 31 aat li chalue 60 liuka to the wonlerl) Hunt uf I .1 .u. U .iioeeoutti 8 degree* eaet along eaid limit . .r Kk. i lot 31, IJ chalin, tbeucenoulh Id II.'KKHH wool, Johaini :<J liuke, more r leee, to the plaue of begiuumg 4 All and aiugular mat certain parcel or tract of laml nituali', l>ing and beliiK Iu the lowoabiii of Artiui*eia, auu being comnoaod uf uart of loU ^ an-l J In Ibeeigbtb ooncenii-iu uf eaid towimblp aud l>etli)( part ol what I* known ar II. i. Valley Uoad lloutiuh eaid lote eeUulleh- od by by-law No. S03, ol the aaid towunhiii, bmiig au much of aaid road ae In not Includutl Iu by-law No atMof tbe eald towneLii A All aud ilugular that certain parcel or tract of lanilKiiuatii.lui K aud being Iu tlielowu- ehi |iof Aiivuivaiaauu bniugoompoeedof parteof lote iiuiiiln.ii, ii In oou.Vand 10 of eaid townehip and being part of what in toowu an ike \ alley liua.l iln .uxh raid loti eetabliebed by by-law So. :1O3, of the aaid towimhlp, belnx po in.u h t.l eald road eel* not Included Iu by-law No. MU. of I In- Kit in townehip. 6 All and elngnlar that certain parcel or travt of laud miuaio.i 1 1 I>K aud being In tue town- ehip uf AI tiiuiueiajanii being ooulpoeed of paft of nuuibi-r 1 in COIICWMCIOH 11 ol eaid townehip lul and In. inn iiartof what K known M the Valley road through eald lot nKtukllahed by by law Mo. 903 of the eaiil towuetitp being eo much of arid 1 1. a. I aa in uot included iu by-law 6nluf the eaid townahip. All pereou* iuterected are hereby required to take uotlca ami govern thmnielTee accordingly. Dated at rieeherton thil nd day of April, 1801 W. J. UKl.l.AllV, Twp. Lleik. Second Rand Farm Implements Ha* on ham! Nnoii and Maaaey Harris aocotid hitml binders, horae rake*, seed drill* and rollers for sale at a liargain. I am alto agent for 'MeOormauk, Ooulthard and Si'oit, aud Company i.f Orantfurd i A*pinwall hand itprayur and pouu. Jiggr. I'nii.ler mower aoctiuus .'. Drive linka each Io D. nadHI, Ceylon. M. Richardson & Co. IMJ1 Men's Business Suits ( Mrn':i new (ircy Tw- il Jit i Suits, gBatfeUttOed all \\.ini, well cut, well $4.50 and triinnu'd, 3 to 40. f Mon'snev.- (Irey Clit-ck Twcoil Suits, all v\otl, perfect fitting, well cut, wi 11 tailored and- !i iin ed. Si/es :!} t.. VI. Our si-1 -etiun <jf lie idv-to- wear suils^es fntin $4 .."><) to ^1.">(), and iiij miller \\li:-ther you pick a low or highrr pri'- I suit, y;ur e!i i(!C will ivji:- -s->nt til-- !>>' v.iluu pro' -siralil lor the liiimev. millinery Department skills TLis Week :: LadiiY N-w Whit, w.-ar I-a!i ' Suirmer I'nd^ New Luwu Slnrt Wm>!< - - N-w l'.ra'!'<. Specials in Dress Goods Jit ( St )li > h Dr- i-.i (io i.l>, :.l Hi. : ! m rxn<{H of new colorin^a ' in faHhioiiab'o tw.-o.l efii-otn bilaiu-u of a apecial imixirt 20C \ orc ' er ~ v '" r y "ui'able wear for preacnl a,-aii..n. Jfff i AH wool Ca^linn rt>H- 40 in wide in a full ranje if popular ' cn'om. blink, uirdinal, inarooi,,n.>vy,r. yal blue and hrown 2& f a special purch.uw and a api-cial Duality. Cacc Curtains We ulTrryou a Sjilmil.-' selection nf Nottingham Lace Curtains, pecially imi'i'i u-.l, mcluilii g tlie neweat and piettn-; de'-i.'im in ibis arooon'n xoodn. They coiuo in taiinuit width* ainl iin> 'Ji,.'l,:U,4 yds.lmm. I'm .- Ir.nn : .- 1,1 . ,M Frilled muslin Draperies Somi- nuw paiterini in wlnU aud cnlon-d Fiilled MuxIniR jn.-t n-.-.-iv. ed, ."i; iiu-lii* wide, | ei \.inl. 30 and :i6 ceiita. HARDWARE DEPART. Seasonable for IHay Ukatbcr. Screen Doors* ^> 11 >' with spring hinges $| and $1.25 Screen Olindows* a*ijustai>k>, tit any window, troin 25Ce Screen Ulirc, ;i" wiiiths from IS to 'M iiK-ht's from New Window Shades New colors plain, decorated, tiiiiminl fringe or laco from New Curtain Poles Klumy, Oak, Walnut, Maln)j, r any, com- plete with New and handsome brackets ami ends from 30Ce is easy when you use the "Daisy" or -favorite' Barrel Churn with the New Century improvements. AH si/es in stock. Douse Cleaning Requisites* New Wall Papers, all prices Akbastine, all colors Prepared Paints, all colors \ arnishes, for all purposes Brushes, for all kinds of work. Good J1dvice WHEN YOU PAINT If you desire the very best results at the least expense you will use ... SHERWIH-WlLUAMS PAINT. SOLD DY H. RICHARDSON & COMPANY Vicinity Chips CVi tract*rltttfr r the <>!!! for tar l':j h litn always on hand. J. H. I"' III kef!*!*, E N> w rntter s.n.1 lni}fy f..r snle. Ap- | 'y to Mn Js*. Jiiliiitn, Flrl.t>rtnn. fVMM iM>ue to rent in Fleshrrton. F r key *ur|iarti< ulri apply to T)IIH I'JJiMejr. 1'nv.tta or cnsapaiiy fund* li loan at fr in 4J to 5 prr cm t. K\puipno !'. Atvi.'y t.. Gi-o. ltutherf..ul, Slu-!b:un TJVO war*"*) for alo --Clyde mnr.i fr y-nnv, w^-jhn 1500 lh., nlao r:ul-tr inn" .4 yesnold. Apply to W J..\/'><'re, Fl.^'ieit. in, l..t I7'. T. & S. 11, Pii'ican Marslri'l of Thrnbury diiinun tlmt lie it ^oiDg to J.v,: in T,,I.,II!.I. A froah lot of "Matt'c" nxlegrcnitc y.M in at tho hrnraa K .p. W. M">.r,-. The trout tisbin^ reamn poas to-d.iy (ThMrwUy ) Tilf inasonH IK' ;:i:i > [> ntlo' s ml Mr. ' new re ill -ncv on Mnu.iiy. *, lemon., IMUIIU*. i.i I |>i ix- =>|'I>I H juu t" homl t liarnlHiiia.-'ii Tl:i> riMiHWi c-iiiim ; .hi"n !< I:-.-.- r-un. |,!i -pi tlioir <irk. M H< Prook, ruturm-d uiimiuiinry fr> in 'li in. i l.spenk in t!iu Me'iiodint cliiircli >.,'-ml ineinWrn <-f tlio I O(>. P. i'- ttiii'ted a fl;.'ocul ervico in tlio r*rcl)y- ti-iitn cliuruli at M:ukilnlc <>n Sunday. u^J Hf oii'-e.a it-Mid inrelli.'eiit u <1 -nrn.-ric l;ny to !--vn lnmine>a. F. T. Ji A < > . Maikdao. I _V (or rtliK iUacV Mmort-a and Plymouth Ilick Apply J. H. H.wr.l. I -Itort >n. 1 ).e Lmicnnhire Iimurancu Co. linn -"M . ut UK entire hu.iinewi tn tho Roy il "f M..iit el. W. J. Bellamy I an ti.-eu p- ji i|-ile<l .i^imt for the lloyal in I)IIN K- nity. I: tins party who took a cytho ind finaiih, whip aud * pair of haiuea fivm I he prvmiiHM of A. Heron will return I|)I-IH i-mnrdiatfly 'liey will save thnn- >u>K ui coimitlr*U<! trouble. K.-v T. White "f Kugen'a i>eoupiil ilie pulpit of tho Methodist church morning and evening on Sunday. Mr. in au uarnext younn until and i ilc.Tviiily |'pular anu'iig h^ pi|>lf. Mr Thompon| \Vila<in of Kuu nin hn I un-Jufli-il tin- Duntlnlk pl.iiiini; null and will run both it. and the Eugenia >'Ht.,|, Iwlinii ut. \Vnan ){!i:d 1" m te tliia uvi- lirncc of Mr. Wilm'a j^mpority. Mr. 8. Mawkira, the Kp|>iK mail car- tier, had a iierioua acciiiunt H< KII-III:I m Monday, and h'l pmpiT'y d.i to tho extent of at leiwi thirty live d<>llai See Epping ''or for full particular*. The Shclbnrne Kreo Preiw *.-is L'ti yean ild laat wuck. The Free 1'rexii ia nnu ; <>ur iiioNt intereMDS? local fxchnn^^n an. I i-fi-iiiH to I-)1 nonn of it* exuclleiict; untile yeara jio by. It IWH t'ffii decided by ilie M^iiiazm'j Comnlutce of South (5roy Toaclicm' AiWiK-iaJ.iou that the Contention thin year will I* lii-ld in Kept, or nr!y in Oc'. It luis been decided to hold the null tmy canip* at the aiual time thin v<-r. in June. The 31st can now huniisli up thvir liiinof .ind put on their fighting ex- MOMTBAL, Dec., 100. To the public : Your drugx'** n '''" by auUmr>z<-d tu refund tho pnrcluiM> price on n twenty-fivo or fifty cent In tile ff Green 1 * Watranted Syrup of Tar, if it Lult to euro your eolith or d>ld. (Signed) The Leatvr U. Urecuu Co. Mr. Will Sinclair lift week coni|ilrt<Ml hi* fiiml torm at Victoria Univeraity HIII! returned to his h. me hereafter a mccuiu- ful examination. His ordination ttt the inininfry will take place at the Toronto Conference iu June. Clearing wile uf the following property: 24 thirty-diien eqg canes with racks, cheap; '2 democrat wagons, cheap ; 1 lumber agoiu, cheap : 1 top buggy, cheap , 1 net light double harness, cheap; 1 *et light bobsleighs with 3 moveabln neat* , 1 *ut tingle harnwia ; 1 woll bred mare with colt. Jaa. Strachan, Maxwell, Pioprietor. Mr. Will Armstrong was called to Tor- . onto upon a aad errand on Monday, tu attend the funeral of Mr. John Aiken head, ho wa<i known to m my villager*, having vinited frienda ht>re OD eeri! ojcaiiioiit. The Glob* nivm thn follow- ing account of Mr. Aikenhead'd death ; A aid accident occurred on SatunUy asorniug, by which Mr. John J. Aiken- head, ROD of Mr. .Tamea Aikenhead of 179 M.-eiaiil it.rrt, lout his life. Tli unfortun- Mt man fell tram an upper window of I. i fiithei's h'Hiae, alighting on hia head. Thu result waa coiicu'sinn of tbe brain. Mr. Aikunliiied axivrr fjmru regained mniM-tiiuiiiuw!!. Dr. Powell hail him re tin veil lo 'he Emeigonoy H B|>i'al where he died at 3 o'clock yestt-iday nflerwoo'i Deceased was in his 36th Ha .tje.welliT.uiii had fi.r two year* conducting biiHines* in Salainiinca, N. V.. whence, he <-HIII laat .rwk to \it his father fur a few duys. At one lime h cturiied mi a buaineaa on S|. idma avenue, ui.l Int. -r in ReveUtioke, R. C He leaves n widow anj one chi'd. Ilx wifu arrik-d front Salawanon on SuMrriay u/temiHiii, frr tlieaccuivnt occurred. Cleveland bicycle, pntLtic-ally n<w, for aale cheap. T. J. gheppard. The bent aprnycr in tho m.irkut ie sold by J. H. Hi-tid, Kletl eitun. On'y luftjwi haml. lie quick or they will >. gone. Mr Krad Tucker ilie tailor recently received a r> iiiunrrative oU'ur of a it- uatlon m L'ol.ii.KWool .11. <1 hud deviileil to leave n A eilnewiay, but at the luxt ni-iincnt regretted the decision mul will I'l'ld on to bis IIIINII. ess tvru. Frod baa aUayi uivon the IKK( if satinfactmn and we die -Ud to know that ho will *tay with UN. Mr. M. K IMMIOII. i.f Fle-shertuii. wa u. town laat week to ttriiuivo for the shipping of about t*en'y tliouniml fort of m)Ure tnntrr. Having a lrg uu uiji.t io nlnp by theC'. P. R , he let 'lio it nice of loniiinK what he ha lieru to Mr. E .J. Hartford, wliu in al-o loading .me for In. n -i It. Sir Beaton li:ui bought extcm-iely and, we underMtitinl. luut aoM well. Duriiam Ohrouicle. Kugrnia full" is jti-tl now in itspnint- of beaiiM, thu slu-i-t of water ^"""K over I.e.- ini{ simply grxu.l, and through the HOI^O brio* the falls, where few or no viai- tors UTer gn, tho mud nwirl .nnl plunge of waters m a |;r.tnd sight inJcoU. Ye A I vance on Saturday obtained seven. very fine photographic view* of the torrent from ditferrnt point", and ilmne who dn nut care to un<tar|*o tbe 'atiuu of vi'ituiK thm charming but ditlicult Hpot may <H:U what it look* like by calling in iinl looking al the. juctiiri s. Wanted -A man to live tin a new land farm on a oil lending roivd to make iinprovemonta,clvsniiig up lanil, fenenm. etc.. aUo to cut miwlnga, posts, wood, etc., A good chance will be itiven to a good man. I'ae of a team will i> sllnwi-d from time to timo an reijtnred. Al sinnc chopping privileges will be al'owi-.i .111 new cli arini{. K. T. Carr, Euuei.n. P. O. Cemetery Notice Thu animal nii-uting of the Kleslierti u Cemetery Trust will lie held in the Town Hull at 8 I'. M. on Kndiy.the 10th M A full att'-iiilanri; of plolholdi-rs rquet i-.l. Win. Clayton. Sect, . f Ti UDf. Livery Business For Sale The King 4 Corn Cure* ! Putnam's Painlrss Corn Extract- ir. crowned by yean of auoceas, regal be- I ilf I-.MIM- uii.-ipproaelied and unapproachablu, holding awn,)- in thin contiiieut oiau Lo ' (iiperioiity, Putnam's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor. Sold by all drug- , or nent by mail by N. C. Pnhum \ Co , Kingston, Onl , on roceipl of 25 conte. 14V T. J. Sheppard, - Flesherton. Ii the Oiqb Court of Justice SO XfKRS VS. SOME1W Sale OfFanai Property in tho townsblti of \ii- oHia, IMH . nmit to tit- Jntl>,'iuii>i mtfl iinVir of tt in BMs aestob BOBda .m tin -r>ili Jay of Kiihiuan-. 1*11. unl <rltti the appi iltallun of Ji.hll I'ILWUII. Kitquiro, Mwilnr at Ovnn Monlnl. tnc-r.. will IM- oflurutl for -!' In Public Auction at Mmmhawii Hotel in th villaiiv ' > : le*hrrton in tbn county of Grev, "ti Thut-Miay thn Iftth day at May. i>i. at two o'olurk la tlm after- innill, the Inlluwiug faun laniU III one. parcel, Hint in to HV, the iitirth u&iit part uf: -. IxiU iiiliiil>i-r 1TI and IT-' North Kant of Ilie I'oronlci nii.t SyiURham road in thn Townihlp irt Arteatr*U in tb county uf (iroy iM'iiminti^ liv Mlini.KMtr.Miii.nt <HII- hniiilit-.J ucri-v ! tlui Kiim ninir or lew. On tin 411 lanil there are -md tu h,. Dftv >cro< eli*ii-il.fnrt v urmi if nuoil Imi.twiH ,t bimh and ten acrt'tt partiallv tiiui.,-1 il rim noil i> "niil to bc'clay iimin A gotxt spriiu i'rll iia ou and rnnw ihi"in;!i part nf SHU! lainli I !>ei ara aim -i i to lie tliti followin( fiii'Ju-r iiupriivvluiioti*. nu nxct-llutit woll, ft filial! bnarlin; irehnnl i wi liter fruit I, uoixi unt- KHl fuc. barn part fiaine iii.l |iit UK nit, t>yMt. aud a Ina lUblu utachiil, ahuiiM) 1H ft. by M ft Tliwn Un.U Hre aliout 4 nnl> dUtaut from ilia villago at Kl*lipii<in and lljo saiuu fruia 1'rotun HUktiou mi the r. > it Th*ttini of Hale an- M follow* . TO par out of the piin-hai*t. ii:i>iii-v to in- paitl tu each at tho time of nai to thu relidore or tin llcitor. anil Dm lialaucn to Im paiil within onn 'Month thoiHaftar without iiili'rit. icto ilm I'oiirt to the troillt of tlim u-tioM. Lot No 1W hnv nanxi.l will In. nolil fin- from i*ncnin uruo**ti ami lot No. 171 will h mild mihjm't to i ni'ouiagB fur tM) ia lavor of tho Sort of Smt- land I'au Mm tKa^e Company lillllttMl, b,iai my ^ paroiiit inter. -st pur annum Snnl niortMatiu IINM about av0u year* to run. The VfMKIms will not yroJnce am- altntract of title ilamla 01 other i-vnkMice of tilii- ntliei than Uioa iu thvir Thin pro|Mty will he wtld luhject to a rtavrvn bid f!..l by lh Mutvr ithar onnditluni of hale ara thu HUudiun nondltlona nf Court. For fin thr particular* apnlv to J. W. Froat, ijw.ui ~ii>iiini. \i-inkn N nnlieitor. Hilbourn A Killiuurn, aollcitora, Owau Mound. Aatita for iMtieni Guanllan. or to the undoiaigued. owen Siniuil. 1Mb April, I'.ni 1'illN rlll-ASOH. Local Muter, Owea Hound Judicial Notice TO LIEN NOLOGRS va. thu lood livi'i-y Imsiiii'ss at Flvshorti.n Station. KIMI vim il hoisuii. Hu^u a and ciittent all new. Apcly to, A. W TRI.MHLE. Honey in Stock. Mr. Arthur Johii'toii of the. Weafonl ond i* a tirm believer in the Talue of ml Htock. and hi* faith Imn re -.- v connrnied in a most euiplmtiu manner. Hf h,-is for aiune time \wen the iwner of a line lutrd of Dnrham.s. List month be got an oppottunity to make a ><ale *t ulrnntuueous prices to a buyer in Mi'-higan, .tiul i< .1 the uovornnicnt tu make a thorough tort of tho herd which were found to be without a flaw or blem- ish, and Mr. Johnston disposed of eight lirii.! for tho hundsuiiie nun of Ji(|.">. Mr. Johixtou 1-1 ill ha* two fine young bulls lo dispoae of. Personals Mr. J. McCointack left on Tuesday for Novar, Muskuka, where he will remain for some time. Mitts Clinton met with a pleasant sur- prise on Friday craning laat when her .Sunday school clas* waited upon her and presented her with two handiome t'ruit dishe* and a nice little address, wishing her many happy return* of the day, it being the occasion of her birth- day. The addreas waa signed by Vera Oaudin, Kranca Bellamy, Annie John- son, Allie Wilson, Lisxi* Wilson and Mil by Sharue. Mr and for*. Oeo. Mitchell offtrv cheter are viattiagnld friends here this week. Purnuant tu a judgment of Court uf .luaticu mail*- ia Smnen Smiii-rn, all |iei -IIIIM imvmn any ae >r specific lien or encnnibrnnro on the whole or any part of the eHtute or inter ' l'i-l-r Suinep, laU) of I lie Towiihhlp nl \ii in the ri'imty of Uri'y.fiirmur, do .iiMeiljiiiiort eistpart of lo lunnlii rs 171 .nul 172. north-emit of Trn'g .ind Syil eiih.-iin row I, in the Towmhip of Artrnie nia, in tliD county of (jrey, conlaimii).' by .nlineaiiurenii nt one liuiuliud acroa, in ir lean, togrtlier with all tho appuM.. nances thereto, ure, on or lief ore Friday, In- lillli day of .May, l',M)l, to mid by piMtt prepaid ordelner to thu i rbuir chriitian mil suriKiints, li-!-en|iiiini. ilh full |MI llcuUrs of their i-luiin, linn or clleuuihi n, e. sinienieni of 'In ir account and the nature of the -e rn rity (if any) held by them . or in del HIM lln-y will in- |wrumptorily exclud- ed from th<* benefit ol sn.-li jiul^ineii'. I app nit Moiidiiy, l.'itii M.iv, 1'NII, at '2 [MIL ;it n. v chamlier in thel'oiirt II ui- ' >weii Soinul, to adjudicate u[Hin cNims. tint. IHth ilny of April, A.I). 1'JOl. .loHXCKKAsnil. Local M.iHtir, On en Si und. .1. \V KlvOST, I'lamtitTx Solicitor, Owen Sound. Blacksmith Shop to Rent or Sell Kur ali' or tent, in Kli-shc'rton, v>-ry i-liirip .mil mi -any ii-rnii, oiii. l)l.-iokini! Ii iim|i vi rh wooil slioji .ui.l li'nnliiii<; ryoni attacliixl, in wiy ct'htri) and in.-iin liusi noaa part nf village: almi goud comfort- iiblo and well tininlii-il din-liim. 1 A>ip ! y 'o R. .1 SI'K'U l.K. ' Sbeppard Agpnt Coiuuy.mcer anil aucti"ii our, FlctUorton. fox* Sivlo A farm for Hals la thoTnwniiliip it \rtt<in>-m i-ontniiiiiin LIU a*'., iiu. in <ir l*w; TOaorns clearuU with faiity KiMXlhiiililni|i, i-oiuiirH,^ nf liils 04, 55, Oft, fi7. flw, on thn >.. I..M.I n 1 1, -i. i. i.. 1 1 Sin ih ..I Unrhain Uua.l. Tonnx MMy. Aiiply to int. CHUIHTOK, Klmherton. Mar. 1-3 ui. Thoroughbred Durham Bull fur Service. Cord minto. Thu iinilniHJKiiwil ban a Urn- aj<"l Uiirliain Bull tor MM vim) on lot 141, T. . H. R. T<inu- *1 for urailo rowi, .s for thorouKh- brotln. PtnligrAo on nn|>| JAC01) LKVKti, FlMberton P.O. TV Orrot m*utu/i Bold *IK| ntoommnndtid by all ' droKglita in'Oanada. Only reli mcdtelne lUsoorend. Ma _ _^_ ___ tn f am. tout to cam all forma of .Sexual Weaknna*, all effect* of ahwi ar floe**. Menial Worry. BxoaaelTe tka* of To- baaoo, Opiom or Stimulant*. M aUe4 on raeelpt of prtea,OD**. . Ot* toiM Jrieo**, *s>aril<aiir. Pamphlet* fme eo anr addr***. rn* W*Md Osmfsaiy. wfiMtoor, OB*. Woo- 1 . I'h |ihodlne le lolil in Pleeherton by W IM oti'utoe aud W. B. ILUhardson. l>ru. * Oil * * * and Wish to announce that their stocks in both places are now complete and are up to date with a ftill stock ..fall staple lines of Dry (broods, < in.r.-ries, Roots and Shoes, Heady Made Clothing ; and at Eugenia Staple Hardware. We will be pleased to see all our old customers, and invite as many new ones as will, to will and inspect our stock. We might mention a few of our specials. OFR STOCK OF lUall Papers We hu\e a gntH\ assortment and at riff lit prices. Our millinery W defy competition in cither quality or price. This department is under the can? of Mrs. Sheppanl, whose motto is to please her customers. Ready=to=wear * * * * Clothing We have an extra tine stock of men's and boys' to choose from. OUR STOCK OF and IS SECOND TO NONE. Boots and Shoes * vw WE ARE PREPARED TO PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR $ ALL KINDS OF ' PRODUCE 2 Hqcnt for Butterick Patterns. ^ FLESH EKTON On For M:iHey Harris, Xuxoii, Kli my nd \Vilkins-.n tin in iniplfiiiuiitH, KluuryanJ Verity plow*, m hand nil i|,u time, als... ill kimlK of repairH f., r tlio .a,i,e. We munufactm-,- \V ,,. BuniH.CiittfM, SUigh-, eu.-. rJwn^,^, ,,r u,,,Hy aU,nd.d t,,\ 9p<Miai aueution to tuiidur con 1 rauted fet. Loarinii and I'Io ri, i.'oiiiUinly on haml. %^*&#^^ ^^^^^^^?^^rn ><,^Cs^^^^G^^sa^X^iQ First Class Buggies - - ,. - Plearore and ami Waggons : Sprin- t ( .,,fh and Iron narfOWS : Klcurv, Mick, McGill and X Dyincnt. Butterfield Company Plows and -ill kinds ,,r shares- Also Spramotors, -nirass and other of make : Cream Separators ofditferenj kinds Rorse Shoeing, Painting and Crimmlng (ama-rs.-ux! all kinds ,,fBl ac ij, Smithing : and wire tor fences ; (JO TO 1. H. HEARD, I HLESMERTON. >: ^^S^^^^^ WA<^ ^c^c^ K2LC an you spare H few months ~ This ini.|- in which Vi improve your edujatinn. Those few! Il* spent t the BO YEARS' EXPEAIENCK OWEN SOUND ONT. Would enable jjou to doboHinoas in a st mfiict- iry iniiimer The knowledge you would nm of notes, chii|Ufs and all kinds of commercial paper would, p*r- UnpH. WVQ you hundreds of dollar* in tho future. Wright for catalogue, which con- tains fnll information, to C. A. Fler- ng, Principal OWKN SOUND, ONT. Winter tonn beguja on Jan. 2, 1UUJ. TRAPC MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anrnneeendbii itnketrli nn<l rtpuclptlon ma? qnlrklf wuvrKSm our npinmi 're<- Mi4l-..r n n ie probablf MUgtabl*. > .iimiiinm. ii'iiumiiMlrneilldeiiUal. llaiulbnnknn l>irnu aent fr**. i.MUfMt aimnoy for rwonrinu " I'nlwile tajinn llirouuh Munn A Lo. luoelre lewlol noMee, wlllmut charge. In tint Scieminc flmcricait. A fmn.|..mi.|T llrnetmcd WfHiklf 1. unreal Mr> Mtlauen .if aur eoteeliae tfiuriuU. Twin*. II a : four monlbe, IL Sold by aB newedMli M1a>*a*wai. MW IVWfT r m, w ' I i

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