THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Intcrc.-tln;; Items About Our Own Country, Great Britain, the United SUtec, and All Parts of the UloUe. Condensed and Aorte<1 for L"aa> keadh g. , CANADA. Cm Yti's rate U 21 V4 mill*. Halifax ncxv I** an anli-|>rohtbition flurglars at Anaromls. .Montana stole * SCO-pound nafe containing i, OOtl in t;ol.l. The Illinois Ix-giMaiure hn4 pas ed a bill pr.'hibiiing 1 1" relies in the Slate. A discovery of ore near ShaibyvUle, [1| A ;'!.,., a- -ayH tSUUatuo. causes much excitement there. _ Adelbert Hay, hon of the \ ie ,ary of Htate. ins n-gn.-d aat rieraT nt I'rrl \, ,gotiali:rtn buvt: been complete . for the fr.rimalion ol In. I aifc- , ,, , nccrn m tin- wwld. ,;,..., ,- K INibbius. blind for DOMINION PARLIAMENT Notes of the Proceedlngrs n the Canadian House of Commons. . . Brut-kville ii to have a i>oik-i>a< king . Hull City O has cut off itnee liquor licensea. The Kingston Kcbool of Mtotag** 1 reel two new buddings. Loniiou lias i<dd $ll&."00 worib of debenturea at from S 1-i to < I"'' rent. llauult in I'l.iinw that th? ren-su-. returns will givi- il population of MjMk Win. J. A-rchfr, BV Uiunsxvuk mTc- nw. was fatally burned in hit h-m<- '-':ilurlay luuht. An American ^yndicate is vvilling U tdtabluib nmrlteis at Ottawa if it is (riven a tig bonus and n free ML . Hull. Que., will pay in corporation labourers 15 cents an hour for twelve boun a day. It ia now tan at U cents. Louis G. Kv-im at the I'Oih Ilattal- iao as fiofd t ' Winnip.- Pidire Cimrt for m-glectiug to tend drill-. Over 400 tons of binder Iwinc have belli manufactured ut the |" > tiury ui Kingston for the coining e*- Tk 1 I'ols.-iry Hoard of Ttadc is mov- ing to have nil member" uf Ihe IJinuin- loii lloum vUil tue vest when the i .-i.i.-tor Jamie.son, of Montn nl, vv II buil.l a iJWO.OOO grain aUvatM ,u l'..rl Arthur tor the CtaMMI Noxllirrn Hailw.i}. 'Hie Muallpox fpideinic al M-.< I '"' Ulliuridge, Al-'pl-- ' -'k ..nd other p|l ,-s m ihe Nortk-Waal i.intor- .fs in under conlrol. Tbe Ottawa Klectric Ligbl Company thieali-ne lo iuue the la'es if new ou:ip.itiie are (iin-n u framln-e i i lie in the cily. Veterans of 'CO ore applying fur land giants tin- lloiinni' n uieu'. liaxn'l in. lei. -d Out. mo'" I?' 1 "' 18 tn Ibe. iioulh Af.i an loy l\a JJJisled them. Tue uplion i>u the null welk' of On- tario, to lb- .-yndi, He which are seeking ini-uiporalmn from I'ar- II.IIIK nt. h.s ban .x'.nded Iruui Ap- nl rfJ.h until M iy 31sl. Ai \\biiciiiiutli Malion Mun ,('. W. Illank, a I. .1111:111 fuimei, hlnH and k T..I 'licr l. rm n uuineil A. It, ll... I li.v bid a io.v ovrr >.iltle. III. u, k K-ave h, m -.elf up at Winnipeg, 'I I. rim- Hi own is sump ll.iim llmi ( - 4ty fn- 81U.OIIII l"i t be l.k,- ..i ..n.v., llu- result i't un injury from fn' 1 - 4s utrd in the l.auiier di-n.'-n- liali' n ili-'ie la^t NovcmlMT. "I'p to Ihe present lime census echedulefl have been rueived at Ot- tawa .from Koine 317 enumei at, whereas for the whole month of April in the list i.'ik-.. only 5- weie ic- ceived l bcadiiuai li-rs. Tho Militia Ilcp.ii liiienl at Ottawa desur* every man who Ins foubl in boull; Afn..i mid w bo has changed bin adlress since .-oiiiuif lioiu" to - tify tbe Dcpaitmenl nl bis precnt addlKSft so Ihat be liny iv.ecive till Imperial gratuity 'f I-J t;i(LAT HKIIAIN The Hriti. h War Office will Vuy Hai t..n .s n i .al machine. I v.. thl.and |K,uilds IIAVC Iwen raised for the Cork Industrial Kx- Ir.liit in At lx>nd..n. Hoberl Cunier and \V)iiilhaiu f- Portal have lu-cn > burnnets. A joulh aged .sixt.s-n died ;il Ar- daKh, near l,oiifoid, who w.ih 7 feet 1 inrl. in l.ri, ! Louis (.iodanl will in.ike an attempt in .1 shorl tim- l" enns Iho Atlaiiln m a balloon, Blurting from Ix.udci At London "li" .'iiuu.-il return of n-- etuiling fm I'-"" shows a total UN. lli.iu.b coal exports during 1HW were 44,'*9.IU7 t.tis, un incrense. o i,9(*,t"J7 tons, us compared witb tM preceding year. The London d unity Council pro- pose* to put forty slKiiuera on ih Thames for lrffu between Hammer. m, lib and Wnolvvicli I'he fcimu* returns so far publiMi- nl (if Ihe British Isles show tkatthe luo.-emeat of population from thi umnlry to thf cities continuea uu- i heckerl. The liiiiinb patent office IIBB grant- ed resident of (ii rminv > patent f.n making glticone by heating saw- dust with mnpiiii nc . id, compressing fbrn foiling it. Although no official snnoucemfnl I: i.s yet been m*de, II Sfcms probable Ihat h* portion of the, Imprrial wr (...MI offered to Ihe public, bati been ccrterod shout srvm t HMTI-IU STATKH. . N,. w Yuik hiil nine, new casas of unallpox Kvery house f locked in Pit Isbuig will be <tiinfccted in prevent .ha-aw ar ha i , 'he fh.ClgO cal College. \V. J. Hryan has uu- ---- has no intention of wekmg a "" ri nrim! nation for tb' Presidency c.I the I'niied Htati-. I eut. \\illiim Patterson, of 1:11.1 Artillery, formerly a Philad- -1- phii. lawyer, ,'s t .. I- died 'X "' url .....tial ,l MmiU for mitappropn- ing funds. llesdes the heavy lo*S by flood in the manufacturing and vvlu.l trtetl of Dhi.i many laborers md .ilK.ut 1.000 p.-opl- tiiive been n .1- M d bi me less. A r.^ue's gallery of card sharp- is to be hung in Ib- raid room ,,f tin- b,R nan-Atlantic liners ninniuK "U' of New York. New York w ill provide it. Cov.-rnor Odcll h:>> signed the b.ll fixing foicinn corporations which not -inploy 4 ( > P<T cent, of tb"ir til in l.usin.-s in New York Slate on their capital sio.'k so cniploycd. Kni'k Kullrr and Thomas Smith. A,,...,,, .in-, h.ive iK-en bsentenccd to six niomths each nt Kmpston. .lain- aica, for makiuR false contracts witb Jamaican labourers lo work in ( uba I. mi-. n.l jwell'iy wi.ith $liiiMI was Klolen from the home of II P. Croupe al Ulica, N.Y.. by tv-o'woik- n. -n" who had. of course, been M nt by an eleoiric lighl r.uiipaiiy lo i> a def.x-t in the wiring. .... M,-IV, k. > fort broker, ha.s enured ^u t against Randolph Sin bi <lge, a Il.ntoti lawyer, and i i i i Tiiinin*; cp-iator, of - . . ,1., for $:'5,000 for m. v over tbi- "HViituni " Hiine in c 'ifo nia in which akaraboMarl are s.,-,1 tffj II.VP .sunk fli.lMHI.OOO. iJKNKltAL. The if is a slrik- of doctors in U-ipriK- Al M.idnd th Ktri-ct railway em- p!'>.v. i.e UUt On Ml -ke. All th- metal vv, k, n South Ku- M;:I .1! e f. l mi:v a 1 1 list A viident storm has just visit- ed M:llnl ,1.1V . li'U II. ,l,i|Mii .la, ms iiidi-mnities fn.m China mi. .iii'.iu^ to it.7ju.000 lag. l-':ii hurlr<'<l f i- tones in in- i |..-.d ou uccouol ul commercial d.-jil . -Mill. AiiK'ifl" :'''. i" a ineinlier of Ibe I'r.inlian Chamlier of Ih-pulu-s, has invent <d a (.leer. able balloon. A de-pitch I IL in Anislrrdiim an- nounccs that Ml. Krucer will leave foi th" I nile.l -talcs cully in June. ll<: I md and Oim.iny will n.n-iiui i ,i (system f.f cables lo the I'ar I', tendering them independenl of tho lliiu-b lines. Tbe ('<:> t'.-nn il I Aiiisleidam his I IJ. 412,000 for an el. .trie pUant whi.h i- to furni-h power for lrct-l cms. 1 (ibiiiiK, etc. lb. r/i' undCz:.rina w ill privately visit aud duiniK Ibe ,,,,,!, -.,.1 and will utleud Ihe ,\\ I \hiliii in Ch ni's average annual revenue bas been W.tKHI.fHlO lad-, while (he av.i iiinnil exp- n.l. tun- has >"> 101,000,000 la.-K l.ialde en ili'llieut exists the poiiiilalinii "f I i bei in lie- ,4 the heavy taxes recent Iv impore.-d upon meal and other food- stuffs. At llioiuberg. Piassian Poland, nine (ni-ons have J.IM been f inwl by the local court for MiiK'i'K Polish Ming without having previously in- formed the iK.lice. of their intention IlLLLK JSI.K ' Mr Turtc, Ui answer to Mr. C.anong said the telegraph line to Belle Isl. would be rompleted by Isl August next. EMPLOY I:-- i.l^MISSEU. Dr. Sptoule emiuired about the dis- missal of 170 employes of the depart- ment Mr. Tarte replied thai some men had been dismissed. There must lismissals when there is no work I be done. Dropping into a reminis< mood, the Minister continued: "When I took office 1 found t here was a secret stair leading from the department, had il closed up, but 1 am sorry f' now. I cannol KO oul of Ihe office wilhoiu being followed by an army o men looking for work. I repeiu for having got rid of Ibe slair." (Liugh- ter.) PKKSKNTEU IMPERIAL MESSA-Mv Sir Wilfrid Launer presented the message received by hia Excellency from Ihe Colonial Office in au-wer lo t'.ie resolution passed by Parliament on the occasion of ihe leatb ot Queen Victoria. MECHANICAL MANAIIEH. Mr. Borden was informed by Mr. Blair that K. U. Russell was engaged on Feb. 15th last to take charge i the mechanical department on the tcrcolonial railway for a period of five vears, t 7,000 a year. He has been abeenl since March 15lh, from serious illness, and is not drawing his salary while away, but his engagemeni con- tinues. r BATTERY PAY. Mr. Clarke asked whether th- !ov eminent had ascertained wh.tliTthe pay of the nvn of "C" Hattery. Royal Canadian Anillery. during the time that they berv.-d as part of ihe Rhode- Mian l-'ie'ld force, came oul of the Im- pel ial or th- treasury. l>r. llorden iepl..-d that the OoV- ernuient had no doubt tint the money came from the Imperial treasury. \bout fifty of the men received p .y from the C mad an Covernineni prior to the turn- the Imperial pay com- menced. The rest have thus far re- ceived Imperial pay only. W ' p.riinent is avvaitinn M-turns vlut the men drew- from the Imper- ial Ciiv.-inmeiil. and as soon as this is known th ir pay will be issu.-.l to tb.-m. liHUMi COI.i'.'.nil \ FI8BBUX& Mi Mi rison was told by Sir Louis 1 1 . k , , i|. ,t i b - loiv.-innient is not I that Ibe Pr.ivincial Uovern- mrut of Hritish Columbia coulem- j. I. itcs ex.u.MiiK jui ti' n over the f -li us in ill n pi.'vince. The Dfiiiinton lioveriimenl has not re- linqiii-lied any of that jurisdiction, mil.-- ,i miy b^ with respect u. oys- l.i beds and other fisheries below low-water mark. C. P It. TAXATION. >Ii. Hi. Ii 11 , of Lug;"", was told by Mr. Siflou lhal in submit I ing u case regarding luxation of C- P. R lands in the North-Went, tbe Uov- would endeavour lo es- tablish (he view rnosl favourable lo the inlereHl of the s.-t tiers in the Noitb-Wcst, and would be guided by its legal advisers in muining ihul OKIENIAL IMMIGRATION. S.r \Vilfrud Umrier. u-plying to Mr. Miirrusxii, said the OoversVMOt did not cipe< l Ibal Ihe re|x.rt of the ci.inin --ion now taking t- vide nee in Iliiiish Columbia touching Orient. il n in n." lie -n would be leeeived be 'oie the elate of this s -ssion of p irh >- mcnt. A.s .-i>n as ib>- r.-|H>i t is ic :ived il will be pi inied and distr b it- Hrock with W. W. Leach <is assistant, will be in the Boundary distiid. Mr. James McEvoy, and Mr. T. Uenin, as, in lh Crow's Nest Pass c<ul fields. Mir. Lawren I a.nbe will collect cretaceous fossiU m ths ed Deer country. N.W.T. In Ontario Dr. A i: Hirlow will make litholi'-al invealigaliom in Ibe Sudbury distiict. Prof. John Macoum will collect specimens along Ibe north shore of I.ake Erie anxt thu east Bhore of Laku llurou lu - Hurd; he will aLso explore Texr-agami lake park Dr. Kills, with two assist- .mt.s, will fini-h the Kingston district. Mr. Robert Chalmers will go to the St. Lawrence valley, and westward to Luke Huron, to investigate wells and borings, for water gas, and pal leum. It is also intended lo explore the region between Lake Ne.pigon and Lake St. Joe, tbe north shore uf Lake Superior, north of Jnckfish B_iy, .in.l Muskoki district. Mr. W. J. Wil- son will go lo the Valley of Abittibb river, and Mr Krank Johnson, wil go round Like Abittibbi and norlb- whrd and eastward in conjunction with Mr. Wilson. lr Ami in th val ey of Ih2 St. I.awrencei west of Lake ^l" Pranrift, and the Ottiw.i valley vest of Mat taw a. WILL VIS-IT HUDSON'S BAY. Mr. D. B. Dowling and Mr James Mac. un. v.:ll the district of K-s- w itii:, in the region south-west Cape Henrietta Marie, and will make a track survey of the, Opaiolika riv- er. Mr. A P Ix>vv will visit ih east coast of Hudson's bnjr. and the out- xide chain of islands in the caste part of the bay Prof. Bailey wil continue bis work in Ihe soulh west iK.rtion of New Brunswick. L Hugh Fletcher, with Mr. HcLatx and Mr. A. Mc-Kinnon, will engaged in Annapolis. King's, and Cumberland counties. N f>-, Dr. Matthew* w.ll .-olle.-t fo-sils at Bras d'Or. wh : |e Mr. E. R Kairtmult will survey in Halifax., and King's rounties. f 1,000.000 FOR KIFLK-J. In the debate on Ihe militia esti- mate*. I>r. llorden stated that a mil- lion dollars had already been spent m purchasing 40.000 rifles for iniliua, and as much more would stil have to be upent for the same pur- pose. Under such circumstances he thought that care should be taken in distributing the rifles. The inten- t un of the Government was that when rifle associations were form-d. ten rifles should tM- distributed to each --m. It was thouitht that this would be enough to im-et .ill n . d-. bean* re quoted ar 91.06 to 91-70. Haled hay- Cho.ce timothy, on track here, |10.75; two-ton lots, de- livered, 911.50. .Straw Oar lots of etrw. a* t- ack here, 5.SO to $0. I>Ilr>SI-:i) HOiS AND PROVISIONS. Dressed Imtfs on the street arc firm at $8.^5 to f.-U.S. Car lots are quoted ii..m,iially at S lo 98--S. <> tra k here. I'KIV .siun- are firm and in good demand. Dry Balled shoulders are firmer. Ixird i.* also firmer. The quo! .iiiun-t re us follow s: Dry s:ltcd .-hi. ui. tecs. H :-:.:; loni? cl-ar I... ciin. lixise, in car lots, lOc; and in lols, 101-4 to 101-2c; short n >ork, $2 to IJO.fid; heavy mesa pork, |19 to 919.50. Smoked meals Ilann, heavy, 12e. medium. 13c, Injht. IS l-'-c. I^ird Pails. 10S-4c; '.ubs, 10 l-'Jc, n tierc.--.. 101-4.-. l 1\ K -HK'K MARKKTS. Toronlo. April 30. At the w.xitern cattle yards Iocs morniag only 3"> car- loads of live BtiK-k cauie. in, compris- ing ;IO <-;it tie. COO bu-s, 100 .sbetp nnA Iambi. 7U calves, an/1 a few nidch cows. A Lght run a oil a brisk demand kepi pn<-e Hteady. The market w a K ' * * I * ' lie - KxiM.rt cattle sold well at unchang- ed pr.cea. Good to choice fetched from 4 3-4 to l-4c per lb;s irul Litht stuff frinn 4 1-4 to 4 5-8c per Ib. All here sold. In butcher cattle prices weru firm, especially for the Ihe best stuff, which sold quickly at from 33-4 to 4 l-4e per lb; medium to good sold at. from 3 l-'J to 3 S-4c per lb; and ihe re- mainder al from 'I 1-2 to 3 l-4c pei MARKETS OMBE WORLD Prices of Cattle, Chee ;o. Grill. &c in tbe Leading: Markets. Toronto. April 30.-\Vbeat-There was A good market here to-day. Ki- P irlers bought nd and white On- i i i.m readily al 68.-, low freights to New York. Quotations are as follow* Red tiSo; whiti- wheat, W*c, No. 1 g.nae wheat, liTc. low freights to Vew York; Manitobi. No. 1 hard, old, g.i.t., !j<-. No. 'i. Ulc; No. 1 hard, North Bay, 94c; and No. J hard. We. Millfecd-Tone easy. Ton lots, at the milldiM.i. Western Untaiio |iiuts sell as follow- Hum. fit. and shorls. SLAVE-TRADERS DEFEATED Successful Termination of Campaign In Northern Nlerla A despatch from London bays: Uri- gadier-lieneral Sir Frederick I.ugnrt and Col. U. V. Kembull. wilb u force of West African frontier troops Invo of Wcsl African froutier tr^ips.huv^ completed a successful cam|ai(,-u nguiuAl the powerful, slave-raiding l-'mirs of *ii<U and Konlagora, in Northern Nigeria. The Brilish defeat- ed Ibe Kmir of Kontagor after heavy fighting, 5,000 nalives frequeutly charging the Ilritinh squad- The Hritish ruptured the capitals of both llida und Kontagora, and released lliousands of slaves. The Emirs, who buve been the terror of the coun- try for years, killed thousands of na- tives during the past year. They arc now entirety |.owerles*, and thin was hroughl about without the assistance of white troops. C7>R 'I OVISI1 ENGLAND. With Czarina Will be In London During the Summer. A despatch to the London Oaily Mail trirni St. Petersburg suy ihat ih* l'ir uiul fiarina will privately vifcil KngUnd nnd Umdon during hie r season. They will attend the ,vv Ki hi bit n-ii. d. ui uoNic ri.At.i r Mr. Morrinoo wa.% lold by Mr. Fiib- cr thai the liov. 1 runic ill has not re- i-eived uny official lep.irl uf ih-- . \- *li-i-e of linb.-nic i-l.i^u. in Auslralia, but hud heard oi it ihrough v , . .i|ii.i.|iH. lly way of precaulion against Its coining to Canada all Hi uiLst its rouuiiK lo Ciuiada all A^iali:-s a.i living bre are disinfect- i.l as are also t lie, i cffeis Aiticles 1 able tn carry contagion an- di.-in- foted unlvas acoimip'iiiivd by a satis- factory certificale from Ihe pori of (.liiiniii'iit. In addiiion u bacleriolo- i Inbmralory has been establiih- c.l, with H train".! bactei 'lologist in charge. All quarantine officers on the Pacific const have liven instruct- ed to kce|i in view the ixwsibility ot llu.s dise.iHe if.cchinir Canada, aud lo take nwM-s-Miry prccautioni. Cl.KRlil'K IX)NTKACT. In Supply Mr. Ulair's estimate* weie taken up, and uonic further di*- ( iL-sion ensue*! with reference lo Ihe Clerguc nitract. The item of *MH),- 000 [or steel rails tor tho lulercolo- n, 1 1 railway I his yenr was finally al- lowed to pass wilh tbe understand- ing thai the whole subject u*iy be re-opened if de.siied when the other railway estimates coin.- up for con- sideration. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY In Coinmitlee of Supply Mr. Sifton told Mr. LaRiviere that the program- mo ot Ibc gcologk'iil aujrvey Ihis sea- son would be as followi- In the Yukon, territory. Mr. R. CJ McConnell, wilb Mr. Joseph Kcele will survey the gold district ot inilfs, 'I hi, "tie creek, and Sith Forks of Ilig Salmoe fiver, also possibly iho ciwsl weel of White Pau railway, and loulb of \\bite II. -is. In Iliiiisb v>)uji*l)U Mr. H. W. .Strong. American No. - yellow, on track hen-. 50c; No. 3. 49c Peas In gcwxl demand, and higher No. 2 middle freights, at 63 1-2-; and east at tii 1--V. Hurley A boom to-day. Cargoes of No. L', at lake Ontario |K>rls, would be '.iki-n al '> I li s is! lo 46 to 40 1-L'c, east. Rye Steady. Onr lots, 49c, west, and CiOc east. Kii ui and scarce. Car lols, wesl, are quoli-d al J-e. and cast at 54c. Outs !l:t:h-r. No. 1 white oats, on the Midland, 31c, No. 1 white, west, arc quoted ut 30 l-2c. Flour Firm. ilolders of 90 pei cent, patents, buyers' bags, middle freights, ask -'' per bbl. Kipoit- ers w.-ie b.d.liuig $-. 60. Oatmeal Firm. Car !ola of rolled t,*us. in bags, on track, are quot.-d at 93.3J per bbl; und In wood al3.lo. PRODl'Ci:. Toronlo, April 00. Eggs. Situation unchanged. Demand is active, sup- plier large, and yi.vcs easy t'n-sh cun- inucs to sell at He. Poullry Receipts light. Urigbt slock s quoted as follows .Turkeys, 11 to J2c, geese at 8 to 8 1-Sc; chickens, at 40 to We ; and ducks, at tiO lo KOc. Potatoes Easy ul 'J7c for car lots, on track. Sales out of store are made at 85c. Field produce, etc. Turnips, out ot store, j.v per bag; onions, 91 to 91-10 per bug; Carrots, 8Sc per bag; pars- nips, per bag, 9Sc; apples, per bbl ; fl to f-2; aweet potaloes, per bbl. 92.50. Dried apples Pull. Dried apples are easy al l-2c.; evaporated at jc. Maple syrup New run maple syrup firm. Receipts light. Five-gal- lon tins are quoted at $1 per imper- ial gallon; and gallon tins at 91-10 to 91.15. Honey Stocks lighl. Dealers quote from 10 to 10 l-2c for 5. 10, or tJO-lb. tins, according to size of order; comb honey veils at I- to $2.25 for dark, and at |2.50 to 92.75 for choice clover, per dozen sections. Hops Quiet. Choice 1'l.nj growth are quoted at 14 to 16c; and yearlings at 8 to lOe. Mean* Quiet. Tone of prices , isv Ordinary white beans bting 1 1.55 to |1 CO; choice hand-picked There was a fair demand for stack- ers, at from i 7-8 to 3 3-8 per lb. Export bulls were a slow ale. to- day at fruin 3 l-'J to 4 l-4c par lb. A few good calves are in demand. Very few cows cam* >n, and they were of poor quulily. A f>w good milch cows will srll. Small stuffs being in unusually BID ill aupply. prics were steady and sales brisk. Kxport ewes are worth trom l- to 4c per lb. Spring lambs are worth from 9- t'j 95 each. Butcher nhep are worth from $. tu 94 .5" each. "Barnyardrs" are worth from 4 to to 4 1-Jc per lb. Good grain-fed lambs fetch from 4 1-J to 61-2c per Ib. Bucks are worlu from 3 to 31--* per lb. There wis no change in hogs. "Singers" sell at 6S-4c IM pound* hick tut ond light hogi, al U !-! pe Hogs to ffteh the top price must b of prime quality, in I s il. noi below ; nor above '.lOO pounds. Following is the range of nuta- tions : Cattle. Shipp-rs, \>.T cwt. . . 9 * -5 $5: I u eh r. cho co, do ... Hutcher, ord. lo gfod 3.)> Hulch-r. inferior 'J.75 3i.5 Stoi'k'-is. |ier evvl ... i.t*7 1-J 3.S7 l- Export bull*, p -r i-vvt. 8.75 4.i!3 >h.-ep and Luinbs. K\IH.I t ewes, per cwt 350 400 liutcher slu-ep. e.cb . iOO 450 I uiii.s. g.f.. per cwt. 450 Do., b.y., per cwt .400 450 l)o.. spring, each 200 llucks. per cwt 300 Milkers aud Cows. Cows, each 2000 4500 Calves, each 100 800 Hogs. Choice bog", per cwt . HOo" 075 Light hogs, per cwt... ti T> Heavy hogs, per cwt i Sows, per cwt 375 Stags, per cwl 000 -00 v 'ha-ago, April SO. May corn scored in..: her record advance to-day, clos- ing 1 r>-8c Jiinher. Wheat closed S-4c, and outs. 6-8c liigher. Provisions at the close were 2 1-2 to 7 1-L'o improv- ed. Uuff.lo, April JO.-Klour Quiet but fiim Whciit- -Spring, nothing donej spot in Miiall lots held higher; No 1 Northern, old, varloads, e>4 S-4e; do., c.i.f., Ln store, t*J 5-8c. Winter wheat- Offerings light, belter enquiry; spot mixed wheat. We a.sked. on track ; No. J led liuotcd at 7(K-. Corn Dull ; No. !, v.-lloiw. 48 to 48 l-4c; No. 3 do., 47 3-4 to 48c ; No. 2 corn, 47 3-4 to 48c ; No. 3 do., 47 8-4e. Ihrough billed OatS oSlrong; No. It while clipped, 3ic ; No. 3 white. 31 3 4 lo 32c; No. 2, mix- ed, 3>H-. asked; No. 3 do., 2c. through billed. Barley Dull ; car good West- eiii. on truck, Bold at 580 ; io arriv* lake, quoted al f* lo Ij3c. Rye- N". L'. on track, null at S8u; No. 1 t OtV. ? PRIEST'S BODY FOUND. Mystery of Father Joly's Disappear- ance Cleared Up. A dcxputch from Montn-,.1 ^ay^. I'he mystery sui roumlJug Iho disap pearunt-e of Kaihu-r Joly has bcensolv- <l l.y the fin.lin.f of I I.e's body <>n Saturday ia the Lake of Two Mountains. The mining priest stationed at SI. Kmt'lie. a small r in .loliette county. Ue t!Ls:i|>penred last November, and after bis disap- pc.i i.-i.nve it w ii.i found that he had large stums cf in.niey in ibv MMII- li r;il ba.nks. and thai t-hinlly I" f hii< disappearance he had withdrawn 9'; 000. The Archbwhop oif Montreal pUcl the c.vio < the haiuH of I'etec- Uv McX'askill. of tlx 1 Quebec 1'rovitt- cial pwlioe. and as Ibc result ot a, diligent search b> Uett-ctive Mcllaa- kill's men, th<- bdy of t b* pu-i-st vva found 011 Saturday in tbe Luce i-f Tw Mountains. It in geiM>rally believed tbtit tb* pi .-tst c-oinmittiMl suicide. . \ ' SIGNALS OF^ DISTRESS. Rev. Dr. Talmage 5peaks to Profes- sors of Religion. A despiteh from Washington says: Rev. Dr. Talmage preached from the following lext : "So the carpenter enconraged tbe goldsmith, and lu- that smoothi'th with the hammer him that smote the anvil," Isaiah xli. 7. There had been war made upon idolatry, and it friend-" K:nhernd to the scene. The carpenler wenl to work nnd cut oul idols to take the p!*oe of those that had been destroy- ed, lad the blacksmith fashioned parts of tho Idol on the anvil and the gold- smith adorned what the other two mechanics had made. "The carpen- ter encouraged the goldsmith and he tht smoothcth wilh the hammer him that smote iho anvil." When I read that passage I wondered why it was that in the kingdom of trod we could not be just a well banded togelher why. since there U work for every Christian man to do, we could not rll bo encouraging each other I ncour- intr you by the way I do my work, and you me by the vv jy in which, you d. your work, and so, in spiritual and Christ i iu sense, "tho iMrpcn't-r cnrouriging the gold-nmh, and he that smoothuth with tbe buiiiiuer him thu smote the anvil." J propose in the first place to i 1- drts myself to thus,, who profess the faitb of Christ, and in th next place to iddrest myself to those, who pro- fess not to be Christians, for ray dear {rienjs, you all profess one thing or tho other in regard to the religion of Jesus Christ. I want, before I get through, to point all these Christian UI.MI nnd woman tosouv style of work 1 don't believe that a man can be a child of Hod and hav- no anxiety about the redemption of the pe.iple. Miny of you liave sworn before he iv i that Jrou will ba the Lord's; md fore 1 get through > peaking tu- nisrht. It,.- H..IV spirit will tall you soui -thing you ought to do, :>nci it be at the infinite peril of your oiumortsl soul ,f you refuse to doit in the t-i-ti |<J iec here are the KI.DKU.S OK |'1I|.; ruriU'll - very pl;,in what their work is i-s four ivork lo help me inwitcti- Itin thia great fl.H-lt Su-kness will come to one of these churrh mcnilie, v there and pray for him. Deitu .-i.iue into aome of th- bouieliolds tlii.i congregnliou; before they' live time to put crspo on the door I boll. I want you (,. be there to talk' Jesus, W ho is "the resuri ed i.n, ,,,.( 11 is i VOUIIK man who ii * tn become ,i Christian, hut ho N?S not know how 1,1 .si m jj.., f ,. Ihcr cannot tell him. Take him tuu arm, walk with him down the street. , n | ,.. foro you laave him hu sure his feut are ' on tM roa.l to heaven. You are not called to be a kin* over a nation; you six- not c,lle,l to be general in an irmy; but C.o<l has given you the h K'lies' honour I,., h-,, ,,.. j nlo you ,. ^h" /'",', kej " " r the ki "ff<l<"n U thou faithful unto death and Christ, will give thee n crown. ll-re -i i,. the deacons ,,f t l ip church.' Th-v ought to be fiimliar with th irk lanes and rolton stairs and tho " ''liars .,f l in-ie cities. There , , ,. hundreds of huffe, , u stretching on I th.'.r hands for bre.l i.,,,. ,, U , "hem 1>> you liear the c.ry of that freezinir ian f Go give upeed to your feet while you buy her coal and her im- and tell her of that land wbi h.-y never fiveac nnd never st,n,. what a beautiful work t hut is Oh tM reward of those who are faithful' to the outcast and the suffering and th poor I Then, here are Ihe trustees of the C u UlrC u'. Lct them look llf(Br tu hurch finm, es ,< ^eii as they look nfier their wvn business. L et them know that Uod backs them up in tin-,, work, and 1hat what they do for the Dhuroh they Uo for tiod. In the name erf him h/ho will jujjri, , be (|lli( . k ,,, Ih.: .lesid 1 bid you rous- up to Ihat 1 work, the importance of which you will not appreciate until the last dav comes, AND THK HOOKS AHE OPEN. Then, there, fa the IS QD iiiiinel. Oh, the wi until lost in God, or plunge down in to endless nighl. You are deciding whether it shall go upward or down vv i rd. Then, the iv is the pr.iying circle Kvery Kriday nighl you can K then and plurk clusters of life for your awn soul and the souls of others. 11. i. any one ever heard you prayf Is i because you are asham-d of vour poor grain mar or ashaiued of Jesu thin you have not been heard i ben- Is il because illiterate men .sometime i >ke pnrt aud yuur taste is offended Oh, wh.-n the long roll of Jud^men thunders shall wake the dead am empires of the departed shall rise from Ihe dust, and "Come, ye bless- ed, " ,md "Depart ye cursed" shal rend Ihe air, do you think such .in excuse as tint will standf Oh, have you been living all these years in this world of trouble, a i I has no one ever heard you pray.' [ hear cominf up through all the streets of thi city n cry of bereavement uncom furled; of drunkenness unpiti.-d; o uncle inncns (hat knows no way of re formation. liehold, the gambling hells! l!Kiioi.i>. TIIK i;noi:snoi's: Behold Ihe brothels I O Lord Jesus md'st: thou weep over the city, un shall wo stand stolidly looking at al this wreck uf broken families am broken forl unes and broken hearts work of the Lord that so man of these people are coming up to the work of the Lord that HO man re enlisted, hundreds more thi year than hist year, and yet I shnl not be satisfied unlil 1 see every man and woman belonging to tin church thoroughly enlisted for i h Lord. Come, my frienda. do w ha you can. In the n.iuie of the I.on Jesui Christ, and knowing that in judgment you and I must give an ac e 'imt before l!od, 1 chafge you to KU her up till your energies of body ni, I in nd and soul and unite them in ,n.- d.rer.tion in behalf of Christ's kingdom. Oh. it is a great servic I want you to understand, you t'hris- tian-. who are drones in the hive, do- ing nothing, that you are missing your chief satisfaction. Look at i In life of a man who serves i.ud and ol one who serves Ihe world. -.mi of you will b.- de id before this year is ended. "What thy hand findelh to do, do it wilh all thy might, for lln-r. is no knowledge nor wisdom nor de- vice in the grave whither vvu aro all h istening." But no-w the rest of my remarks ir,- to those who profess not to be I hnstians. I do not want to sw.-.-i the i>sp t -l net through this audience to-night und oatcb, two or three souls but tu catch a thousand. 1 want to ask you why it is that you have not become Christianst* Them is a man who .says; "llecause I am waiting for a revival before I come le ilii'-i. What do you call i bisi "ui ing Hi- past fcvv years we have bad A PfcaU'CTUAf, RKVIVAU 'The constant cry among the people has been; "Which is ihe \v ,y t. heaven'" Why is it ihai ill"- sil- ence in our assemblages makes it seom as if the. audieooo were listen- ing for the fool step of Christ, on the church aislef Oh, if you have been waiting for a revival, it has come not by earthquake, or storm, but by a still small voice, and a deep surg ing In and fro of heart-felt emotion. The tide sets in toward the beach, and all you have to do is to let yoursrlve float in on thu billow. Cod, to- nighi, shakes at the door of your soul. Whether you listen to ine or uot, wli never may have been tho mo- iv.- thit brought you here lo-night whether you like my preaching 01 not-the lx>rd l!ad Almighty this moment rattles at th>; doar oi your soul. HKTO are .some of you who say you arc kept bark by your worldly en- mgeinents. Yuusuy: "I have so muedi to do." O my doar bret.hren. will you let your store, your office, your -thop, .stand between y.m ,,,d heaven? 1) my (Jod: sJinvv. Ihat man the folly of 1-tiinir anything .-t ,n,| li,-i ,r,-n him and ho.iven: There is Aomehmly in t.he audience who says; "I aril afraid some one will laugh at m -i if I becora n Christian." Would you want to let anybody know you wept aver inf Wouldn't it be infinite f anybody &dinnl<| find allow a t bin . i ,.,., - , i"i<ift ..l IIKJ.4I tic feel the marching of coming gen- eral ion.s, and in ' ho ho.sann.i lhal (his afternoon rang in the temple / hear suothe. ,...., , , i,e h al- lujans of heaven. Oh. when you close your eyes m the- I .LSI sleep do you not want your mflii-nee felt' in Ihe church and stale. The I;,,,,!,* on the cold mountains aro vvailinjr for you to shepherd Hi, m. l>o V0 u say they nre nothing but little chil- dren and of no great account/ Does >ee m stooping for you ( o go then Ih., i eh, id has covered up in m the ashes of hij body a spark of Immortality which will Ida/,. ,, wilh untold splendor long after the .,,, has died of old age and all thef count- less worlds that glitter at night hall be swept off by Ibo Almighty's breath as the small dut of the threshing floor. soul at death will .speed i|iii.-ker than the angle avriflei lightning, swifter tha.i Uuught tanner and faf*v t -r upward sure you for the future* Can they j bridgo lh, chasm between lhn world ml trn- next, uid ..pen f,,, you | be gate int.. tho skins? If no, '|,.t ihi.s religion of C.hriat. go down under i TOlley of ine,rrimont. Hut they can't h.d|i you, and 101 KNOW T1IKV CAN I When ihe earth crackles in tho Inst fire, and the mountains crush i M |,, ruin, and tho throne- of judgment shall he set, white. QaniajC, omnipo- tenl, whrtt will bo all (hi, laughina and jeering of your'n-intcs.' I hear .InaiiA saying (o that ymintf "Son, givo. mn thy h.-irl,'" ;,tid I h-ear him call to *om i young WR- man as Lo Ihe maiden in the Script ur, "Itamoal, I say unto thee, a rim-." On, t might be like the crowning of n May qunen, its the gurlnnds . f God creine df.wn upon the brow* of these dear young people. I hear .sume uy, "I nm loo old." AliW. how old rt Ihoul Sevenlyt KightyT Thai U not too old. If .in i not do any nvare limn ir.-uible towards the cross, if thou in too weak t(i-nighfc to hold thy .st .if t ill thy soul seems to be. bouud down with .sorrow, just stumble thy vvu mil put tliy withered arnw around lhal croon, and lif and joy und par- Ion and pence and salvation will oouie to you. Though your sins are as scarle.1 Lhcy xliall be as .snow; tlunagh lJiy b.- red like crimson, they shall bo as wool. No. you ara noi too old. I hear .some on< .say: "Give mw more lime to thiuk of this!" What is limef We wrote compositions upon it in school, but what is time? It is a wry .swift wheel, and it goes around sixty times in a minute and every lime il turns it hurls souls into eter- nity. Oh. what an uncertain thing life isf vv who are voyaging on in life, dreaming of heaven, of the fruits of the tree of life, of heavenly dupplii-s will you ever gel themf Or will any of you wake up at lost as from i dream to find nothing but darkn.-jis and hungvr und thirst and woef I wish I could hatter down to-night ihe last obstacle iu the way ot your emning to tiod. "As I live,' saith Ihe Lard; "1 have no pleasure in th death of him that dieth.'' Turn ye why will ye die* You read in this Bible that the Israelites were all surrounded; there was the Red Sea before t ln-.m and mountains on either side, and I'haraoh'.s host right after them. You are as thorough!) surrounded eternity before, you eternity behind you, eternity on (he rignl bund nnd eternity on the Ir-fl liiuid. eternity abovi yiiu, eternity beaiealh you. Oh, elur- nity! What glory and d. What biillidujahs and wailing. What glittering of crew a* aud rattling ol chains! Eternity! Where will w< -spend itf Who will be our compan- ions! What will be <rur occupation Eternity! Eternity:' Oh, shoreless sea, oil, interminable procession: oh unending years! Eternity, who em count thy joys! win. can tell thy t.-ir.s SPREAD OF DISEASE BY ANIMALS r i .,,,. 'In i .in.l .. i The subji-ct of the relationship l ween the diseases to which man is liable and those from which ani- mals suffer is very interesting and important, und will well repay the Jtudy now being given to it by physi- cians and veterinary surgeon.*. These >sea may be divided into three classes I h.ise equally affecting Itoili man and animals, those special to man, but \ may also ! hy annuals, and those belonging to animals, bul vvhioh may atlark mun if he i nue, iu clone com id wilh the sick animals, Of those equally affecting but b man and inunals the best known is tul.ei cuiusis. .Some physicians iu.sist that the tubiTciilnsis of cons is not thu same as that uf human beings, but most ar<- of the opinion that i he dif- fcrcnocx between the two diseases ue .inly such as mindi be expected lo exist in view of the vital differ .-iices b.-t ive.-ti the two clussen of be- ings. Annili-M ili.cisi- eiiiiiinon lo men and some mmi.ils ia smallpox. In Ibis case Ihere 3<-enn to be more difference between Ibe disense in man smallpox, and that in animals eowpox and lioriM-pox. Yet ihat the two affections ara closely relat- ed is shown b) l be protection against smallpox that is afforded us bv m oculat ion with eowpox, ur vaccina- tion. I'ipli: In-i j.i and scarlet fever are sh.ned with us by various animals. md it has been asserted l>y em lam Knglish physicians that ill se dis ' in. iv be (-uiivcyed to e.liildrnn in tin- milk from sick oows. llowevei tins may lie. ihere is III t le doubt t bat cats, r:i Lints and perhaps uitier do- mestic ininiiila, can acquire diphthe- ria from sick, ml ,- m in turn transmit il t) healthy children. The plagur is a disease eiiiiiinon to mun, monk' \ . md rodents, and is so equally shared by l heui that nu one knows whether it was piimailly a human disease or a rat pest. Among the .IIM-.-ISCS pcoialljr to nniinal.s, but vvhi.-h may also lie contracted by ni. n, are hyd- rophobia, anthrax or in , den i n pu-. tule, gl.-indi-M au.l fool-ant l-inoillh disease. .Some of Ihe parasitic skin .1 in- also transmissible fiom men to iininals, and Ihe reverse. A v.-iv common exaniple of this i-. ringwoii-i. lieh i; not infrequently int i oduce.l imong tin- children of a family bv tbe cat. VALI'K OK LONDON I \\D. As an iustanc.e of the great un i M iilln 1 value of land in London, it is n. iitioned Unit Ihe trround-rcni of Ihe Vi hemieum Club, in i 'ie appi omhing \p. rat in u of the will be rai-e.l i i.m Jt.iiKI i Mat ''i f I. son iinl that the liefornt '!til>. if'--i l!-:j:. may har topuy tl.lKMl a ^ii.uiiil- rent in of ATi-HI, as il presi-nt. Engl.-mtl's priHi.n population is nine v per HH),0MI of her inhabitants, >'f Ireland .\!y sis per IIHI.OOO ,if Scotland only fifty-two in the samp numbei . In IKMI l.'n^lind h.i.l -'i'W people l.i adl lOfl h .ii.cs. in IS'.ll. TilJ. It is >xpeeti'd that the pre.ieni ri-u-ui fill show n fill I her fcdiiciion. 411 per oon'. nt last yeni's senii<nces on Hntisli criminals were 7,1 ess, ->~t if I Ilime III in l.'i da.vs ..iilv half uf one per o.-nt. over a yiar. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. INTERNATIONAL LESSON. MA* 6. Jn.ui, :mil I'.-ii-r Jehu ->l. IV .-.'. l.i.ldi M Text, i loi II. IT. PRACTICAL NOTKS. Verse 15. When they had dined. When their breakfast ivas over. Jesus saith to Simon 1'ete:. Simon, son of . lonas, luv-st i hou me, more than these? Are you nidi confident that you love me. more than the other dis- ciples love ue f The question was not asked to :n Tci.-r's in. ml, or in thu mind* of hia fellows any compar- ison or jealousy, liul Peter himself had aroused these by his confident professions. Matt. L'6.33; Murk, U. JO and, so far as we know, these gentle words are the only spoken rebuke- Pet- e.r ever received from our Lord for bis three denials. In reply Peter no longer compares .him-ell' with others, but, as Dr. Churl on lieaut ifully says, 'peaks as one that knows he ought tO loVC most, bee ill -in to llltll most has been forgiven." It is>!. that the evangelist refers to his friend as "Simon Pot'.-r." but makes J.-sus call him, "Simon, on of Jonas." This becomes pat la-lie when -,>, m- uiember that "Peter" vv i.< :\ surname conferred by our Lord on t;i..s en- thusiastic mun of the nx-k- like .si he foresaw in him; but Simon bad forfeited i be surname, and had acted in a 1111:111-1. to quote Dr. Wat kins, "true to his miuial name, but not true to hia apostolic nuini-." Yos, Lord; thou kmnv.-st that I love thee. Profound fiel.n,' .s in inife.sled in these words Knihar- :IR as the question was, I'eter must have Cull S..HI.I comfort in hav- ing it asked, for if Jesu.s had quite losi faith in him he never would hiv.- asked it. Ue at one- makes Ins rela- iions wilh tho Lord a confident ial mat ter Thou know pit" li Un- to him. Feed my lambs. \Vlnle our Lord caret for .ill Ins flock, he eially cares for i he weak and the lit- tle helps niosl 1 IICHC who nee, I must. All who are to-d.iv fMig.-iK.-.l u bring- nn little e hi Id re n to i 'i>- I. i I by holy ritos, by "providing ililitr "ii 1 v for their instruction m tin- doctrine .ml discipline, of holmes*." all iiriinuy class teachers, junior teachers, inter- mediate teai-her.-t. w,,rkei - i-non^ I he "juniors," of tlie Kpn-orlh League and s.milar societies, all faithful pa rents, all people who at on-. 1 - love e'.i I -i ami love Cud, and -ire seekers to bring l|.-~e two lov.'i s logi-thcr. aie fulfill- ing this holy iniunclion. .-see Aels k ; 1 Cor. T. 14; Kpli. 0. 4 ; I IN-.. 5. H. The end of thi.ii verse m iy be a pro- per place to II-HISI to eon-.idcr how what we call mental as'oci.-i , n,n. ihe grouping ef ineiuorie'. 11.11 . ii r. thrilled Peter's aoul at thi.s moment Oil Lord' 1)11. || :,.!! . ..:i- "I 11:11 love, und our Lord's comnn-Miin to woirk, each uttered I lire. tunes a" . 11 presently li.-e, in nUl well re- mind him of inoiher 1 1 m '.us own three denials *>( I lie l.ui d ; and eu-ii of these denials had been made close to a fire of coals. It was by the side f this very lake, annd almost iden- tical surroundings, that Je:uis had first called dim to be i fish -i .if ,n -n. Peter's inevil ible in> iniiry of t lie e things will id-mint for the de- p emo- tion he manifest -d. Hi. ill N ni nu. -i ion -imply con- cerns the apostle's love, imni'iiiK all mp . i ! i. ii .. P.-I.-I . Bswer u aa before. I he second vir- iat i lilt le f r 'ii i Iii 1 first . " I!, 1 i sh'-pherd of my sheep" would b i in.. i" liberal t i ' nsl.u am, with onii strong reasons to read, "my little sh'-ep-" Tims f.u ,-ur Lord's word for "love" is different fiom the word used by I'eter. wilh a diffi renee c ui not be repr.-si tiled by any two wonls in Knglish. It i .-pi csculs a higher, more intellectual love -a love iioice. of si toiij; delei initiation. 1'eti-i's reply hi.s an aim si self-de- p n-c a I inn effect , a < if ii - -i.u.l. ' I dan- Hi I bo. i-i is ..lie- 1 I did; Inn l lion km. we I." 17. The third lime, llcrr- t h" i .anges t > I 'el i ' 's wind, and i his. per- haps, is pan of ih 1 c-nne ol' I' grief; for the eb.ui.t.- may liav pressed him as alm,,i an expr.-s- i.m .f doubt. i!ld ll i-xelai'll-, l.oril. ' III. I kn vve-l ill thillRs; i him knowesl licit 1 love (nee. The ' 'ci rellliiManl ial vidence" is all atf.'iinsl Peter, bin I" eilllli.l doubt the i," nil, lien. of us i/'.v n love, though Ii cinnot piove t; and -up-ly .l.-Mis hmi-ielf. vv li i lins epealedlx sli.wu -| p ipln-l's povv-r ,. read Ihe bum. in heaii. inn-. I know I. Keeil my '.beep. "Mv litllf h.-ep." l>r. W.ilkins well .-\pies-e-. he KI ida'i -ii of 111.- ihreefold mi'sii.n thus; "1. l-'eed my linn'-; _'. He i shepherd to ihe vvrmk one -i of : ll,- t i'eed these vv.ik ones. 1 Ih- fundamenial is'-l.iv- I have I: veil fi>l ol her*." I'ele' In.! stiiinhlcd. but our Lord hud I li m. n -w he is in -pend I,,- il, n efforts to save olli-r men. lie Ilielllb.-l illll tills r'-l.iMIIHM.m !> gl> en to iis as truly i< ' w is to t h ipiv.l le. I 1 *, 1<I. Verily, veiil.v. I s iy u.n ih.e. A phrase of einplmsis us -d 'e peaiedly by .1 -bn, ami by no other evangelist. The rest i.f the \ needs little cxpl.ina i i -:i. I' i. tn... 1 lip <>f pllil'4 of Sclllclll'i -. \\ lie. I I'eter vv a \ -.tintf h helped h in '>hen he bec.uii' "Id lie. would In 1 d. pendent up n u h i . \Vheri h w is i'i't his will povvr hid fie- iii \ when b,' li.e >mes ol-l h" is to lie ' bjr other, iKisn.t his will. There in an ancient "rr'.'t**' :on oj Ihf plirasi 1 , ! b ,n si;-, lob furtk thy hands, and tuioth** kball gird th'e, wh.rh refer, it i ,> p .<i0, r u | R n Petei b. bound lu u ,lo^.s by Huns. 1 hn i, >u doubtlrsa \va. cans -d by the fiisi word* of verse 19: This spake he. siRnifyini? bv whit u.'.iih h. 1 .should gloufy Coil. IVter refer, to ib.s. J 1',-t.l.H. It i-i l>et- ti-r '.. f.-ri-ivt- the word n a general pt .(ill . . of martyntoiu as a del iiKd dr-MMipiion nfib- method o| death. \\lnn be Irid sp ,ken tlui, .id untrt him. l-ollow me. Tin-re aro three po-sible me. tilings of this phras... 'III.. oiiv fiMt to .suggest itself ii, minds is the- sum ihat it had \\-ln-n .l<",us- utlei.-d it to those .selected as apoMlegt i^ if ha now s ud. "Jt.M ninmit your fortunes to me. Si ill again as ;i di-iiple." - '.in- "lament, tors have held Ihat simply withdrew from the rent of tliB group a. id invited Peter lo go with him. Uui the nue ineumng im evident when we recall th* Words ol Jeaus as recorded by John in the thir- teenth and fiMrteenih chapters '>f his giospel. AVhen l>efore his <l.-.iih Jesus repented whiit ho kad said to the Jewa, "Whither I go, ye cannot eom* ," and added toili- ipi>,ilei. So now I say unlo you." Pelor i ,kc-d. 'hin.l, wluther go.->i thour" and Jesu* replied. "Whither I ^o, i hou c.-inxt i: t follow in new; lial thou .-hilt follow jim a I. ei ward." In view of t !i ' i -eut de.uii of i.ur I. H t. mil ol the pio|ihery just -pukf n of I'.-t.-r'* de ah. the,-- woidi e-itn.ily havo a >-liMe bearing on thi, jrissnge. -ii. Jl. Then 1',-ter. iui:ung il>-ut. \V ir 1 i oi think of him is, at onca f.>llow;n,;. iiul i K-ibly walking -iido tiv s le with the Ma, tor. but. Munin(f around, be see* John alsn <-i -n:ug. I'h,' irf vers- Jli s^nply idmiifies John as the <li- i| le .v h > fi.-ili w.-d. I n I. a u-.l what .shall i h.s mm dot ' li >i>. I'-- -i. , :i .1 -king iU.-> iiur -tii.n "..:- IK u , -i ( t li" Inn. I. i .>f i . .(in of in 1 , steiy uid mid m.t but > Me deeply loved !>>,'. li-..l- and John, lilt HUestion -hall tint man ..iiff-i '" Hi- in ,y merely me in I mir Lonl's I'li-ntiiMi ' > .lohn'.i f.!lnwing Illllifldi*!!. but the lone of the n ii.-iu i h.- -J. If t WHI ' .rry nil I ' follow ihnii me. I'll ! u- i-uiiiieni HOTS thai . xpli n that ..' I... . MOM uiibddeti. and th-n I'.-i - r . d.-.-iiinir him : > n 1 I, liv ! : n .- : .1 . ! hll -i,--- M ..aid In 1 ui .111 1 ii ion. e iiU e 1 our Lord in tui t hat iij-ly ! il .l"':n lo si iy \\licrr be li UI ' I'' 1 ' u; n i he iri mi)). Su :i in e\| :il:i"ly Mie -|.|i i i;i'l fe.-lni^ .f t h >lory. ITi "idl- .: M '.--light . of - \ i u i ttilfilhii .n. in i he ! I. - i , ill-,' .pies, i nd I hough we are in-.-lined lo lt I here '\ i- at this I im.' i follow inn if ,lesti I }| it Pi I- t .elUMlly iri H ilki'd t II h t h- uid that John al.-o in ay have loin- , .. it a lit tie. di, tun. e. mil ii'ilpid'li n I here in . very eiupha . siifiil- f, ini--., n.. |CM emi.liitir. -, hojgh w may not b.- nble lo explain ev.iv phrasn of it. T!i;il John him-clf did not feel f|.-- In explain ' h - WC .*. UK I possibly did no. nuilt-i -.1 an.l 'hi'rn fuily. is .s|n>vv u in tin- next verse, ui xvhich ll" p.'iiu- nut that they -vet" i .s iin.le; '-.I ixxl by some of the bieib- M-II. The gist of tin- .spirit ual U-SSHIO i! HI- ai-n In I'-arn that our on- urosii duly is uiuiueationiiii-'ly tu to-low .Ie-.U. BITS OF INFORMATION. > ruragrnpli. Mklrh ni.l lt< Worm ttriiidns. bpr arn the most I'euer people than in any other M iv and MI v i n in -irrying muni b- . m i ' led in Mai eh Illoljt ll. Hu.ssiui railvv - lie most dan- gerous in the wnrld. Thirty jiersons n \eiy million p. ue 'ithiir killed or hut t . A chip fn.iii in elm which Mr. st.ine cut ill uti ii llawaiden in 1889 sold in London a 1 auction for fi>'e shil- ling*. A euricu.s criminal law exists in \ Illlll WllO IS Iliei'e M'lll'-Iie.- , d to h iv aits I ivn veai , hei'or.- t hn exeiui'ion of lilt' -inlence. I'he d-.:i\ i iien i,, ..n .ii new M'.ip*rs in the T'niled Km/ioi-i i use fiu; ()00 c,.pies in IHOI, TiM.iilK) in 18jO, and now reaches H.jOU.IMH). ii- S. IV Lang'ey. is able to IlieiMlie .1 ilil'f.-l e.nce <,f telllpcrilurO of one-milliiint h of a degree by me ins of an instrument invented by him. The in;:^. ' -lived people have gen* i rally bee a 'no in nle breakfast tho principal me a of the d:iv. I'he stomach has- more v s 'uni in the moi n- ing than at any lime. \:t enterprising w ine and .-pii it firm 'I.I- el,(;i...i III :. ,11.1111 to g>Ve A , o( balloon is u, ion i in Ceylon, mil vv hile ii>eending io dm" ni.ll bot- i les of wli^Uv ill .u l:r I to mini it ni n paraehule-. It has been ascertained by expt-ri- iiienls that persons who use the tele- phone h.ibilutiMy lieu better .vithllu; f e ' ! : ! A I ll I lie I 'CM The moil pi et e of the telephone com- panies is to ()laee the telephone >w ha! il will I"; applied to the left ear. M L,ing,li-n ' enginopr of the M (Hand Kailway. says that by the use of elect r rity K,UOII.(XX) tolls .f inil would be '.aved yei-ly Hid on the Midland vyslmn ili.n.- ^IVil.'MIH j r uiniirn would bi 1 i 'ie aving by ( ,\* of steam.