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Flesherton Advance, 18 Apr 1901, p. 2

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HE IS A WALL OF DEFENCE. Rev, Dr. Talmage Time of Tells of a Friend in Trouble. A despatch from Washimttori s.-iys : Rev. Dr. Talmage preached from the following text : "The lliy God God will end the hoi net." IVut .i It In iuy lex! tit* hornet flies out on it miitiijn. It ia a speeim of wnp. swift in it nwxtion aiul vidi-nt in HH Mirkg. Its touch in torture, tn man or beoot. \Ve hnvi- all ."ci-ii tin- rattle rau l/rlli. in uoder the cut of its lancet. In boyhood we u<<ed cautiously looking at the globular nest hung frutu th t'ee branch, and hil>- "' \vi-rc looking at thr wtmder- ;'ul board covering, we .i \\.\\\ KomcthiDg that cent ui king away. The liornrl goes in It ha> captains, OMT huu- . and twenty of them alighting on one mini Hill produce cert.iin death. The. 1'er.iJatit utteraptud to tonquet a Chriiluin eity, but the elc- phuta aud the beasts on which the Persians rode were aasaultcd by the fci.inct ao that the whole army was broken up, nd the beftieged city was rescued. O'his burning and noiious iuwct ktung out the Hittilcs and Ibc I'aii.ian.tei from their country. What glvanung award and chariot of war could not accou>plb was clone by the puncture of an insect. The Jxnil f-.-iLt (he bornot. My frieiidi. when we are assaulted t> K' Keheinolhi of trouble, ue Become cliivalric, and we assault them; w get <.u the bigh-iui-tt ied tved of our courage, and we make cavalry charge at them, and, if li.- u Mi un we couie out .>>t ruiiK' 1 ' uJ better than \\ln-u we went in. jiut alis! for tbe inxectile annoy- .f 1 ff these foes too auiall to these things without any avoir- Height the gnats, and the awdjrea, -nd the flies, und tin- w isps. and th.- luirnett. lu other Hord-<, it k> the noiull siin^iniK :>uiu>yanees of UUr life "li. h ill ik.. us ii.! ili-l u-i ux up In tin- b'-t < I life. for om grand and puiynite Gud hak M n: I.- ij'imi. 1 nil. .iik in (be firxt pi i- e that tbuoi* .stuiill and -i III;.MI: umn>y a tire* may ':i the nhape of a senailm- nervoUM orgun zation. I'euple \v ho ur pfoAtraled uinli-1 lyplinil f>\ers or vtilji broken IMHH- gel plenty of sym- pathy, but wh. (ill.-. .iii>ln,dy tliit r. in- in iil 'III- i|iliii ay. ,i,i| ill*. family nay, and i.\i-iy bmly niy, "Oh, he's i.ll|> .1 I. l|. IIITMIIIH, I till - all." lir M>:iinl of i In .n j fnoi. the bar.-h clearing of ,-iilnuii. .1 iliscnnl in i.'.- an inh.n nuniy between ilie *haHl ullil the tili>.i- IMI III" .-.mi |H l- H.ll U 'lilt IlllUrl. C|.l--,llir Hligllt, In u.n.l from ili" east. :m\ ..i r ten I IK.U--.I id uiiii-v i n i--. npi-ns the dixir for Die hornei. I lie f.n t hi lint till- \ isl In.-i |l \ uf I lie people in tlin <-(njnlry are overuurked. nnd tjieir nerves are I he first tn ^ivei.ul A (ii. -ii mult J u. le in- under the nil. i. II of I.eyilell win., uheii lie i . told by Ins i i Ii il if lie .In I not J-loJJ \ II/ \\llile lie \\US ill KIK I. piHil pllV-11 I I Ill-ill 11 In- \\OI|I,| dli , " UK lor. lielln-r I live i>l ill" Hi v liei | inu' keep (.'omit round, and I In i^ll I II, i\ I." ,t.~. i|i| united III n. if Ii foi e I die I ilnn I MII|..ISM Sir \\.li mi .loii'.s in piufiiund literature, n.iy no le:ir of n> "I ("r me r\er profane a burden-i " Theiie ensitivc perKon.i of \\lum I speak bleedmg M-FISI i u ems,. | |,,. flies Inve to I. glit on inyiliuiK raw, nnd tli'.se people nil- l-ku tin- t'ariaaiute* poki^n of in tin- liM. or in tin . .11 text -they huve a very linn cover- ing unl air- v .line i .1 lit" i all poinlA. "And the l.-jnl oen: tlie bornut. ' Again. Hi.-" -mill inirrt niuioy- :i Ili-is may e. in In n < in I lie H||.-||H- of fi. ml- anil .M ipi unl ini-i- . v. in. u.- ulw.iy.t Haying dinngrueublc thingH. There nre aouu> people ihut ym <m4- ttot b \\ith fur ha If an hour but M.I: feel cheered .-IIK! com fui I ed. Ilnn 111' re an- other people ymi cannoi IMI Will. fiV" IlilUlltes bellMe y.,l| fe, | nilS- ii.ible. T'ley d 110 1 ili'liiili you bin liny i~iin-4 you to < lir bone. They 4;. 11 In r up ill Ib" y.tin I.. Ii i Ii.. i i |.in .unl p. .lill" it 'I liey n till- | J- up al< the nhi i-. i in li-niH .iboiii | your per-on. about your bu^ i. - mi.', t Ii. y in ike yum ear ill" liinnil 1. 1. -it Milll lioiin-. alxinl MIIII .1,1111 I, | into wbi'-h they II.MII It. Tli-v l.-iuxh | hi.ii' i> v I. -n liny I. II y. .u, jn though ' kt Mem a |M"d joke, uinl yon laugh I 1oo- inil '! 'Ihe^e people ne I' III I'. I'll! .II I. 111. i, 11 Hi | || . Itlllle ill th Hook of Iliith ; Na .mi ,. n: foi III bi.-iulifnl and u.lli the f,ni -t uf win Idly piohperii and inlo unoih- 1 I land, bill afii-i n while >tie . .M. liai k lib weil. nnd Hick, and |l( ,,. Wha; il .1 hi friends ilo wl.ell >he i h" Bit) ' I hey ill 1,1 mil and, ;ini.'.ul i>f t-'i*i"K It"' fo'inii >n "n ' ' . nsi'l H on \s h-it ili. I I he\ ili. f H< i'l ill- H' k of Itnih. and find out I .'. . IkJ ' up then Ii mil* ami aaid, *' Is I lus S.I'.IIH * as inn. h MS I . nay, "How awful buil you do look I" When 1 cnitriod the ry 1 looked very p.ili fur yi Hi. and eteiv y.-:.r. for I 01 I \" y.-.i- i hundieil limes a j-rar, I wa* risked ,f I hi. I nut the' ri'ii-ninpt ,i'ii ! Anil pi MHI; thioligh the room. 1 wmild oniuelimrs I...H LH-ofdn Mgh and miy. " A- In '. not long for lh/. world!' 1 I resolved in llm-. >lwt I nrver in any oooTersa- tk>n, would say anything deprostiing, and by the help uf l>od I havn kept the re.volul iou. Those p-oplo of whom 1 ,spv-ik, reap and bind in I ho great luii M-M-fieM of di*cimiagcii:cnt. Smnc .1 iyb yo-.i gruet them with u hil.u- imu " good-niDrnin;,'." aud they come buzzing at ym wilti MIIII. depresav ing informution. "The Lord ent the Ill'l II i ." r.-ihapa Ihesn! insect annoy- .1111 "S will cii'iM in the .sbnpe of <li>- ii rilatimn. The pallor nnd the do n i alwj,y.s hannunizr. To j,'!-; K< 'I s>i\|.' und to keep it is if tli^ Rrnit i| ue.s t ii i-n i of the rouJitry. SI/UWM !tne.s il nriy bo thear- ru^ancy and iticousidei ateness of cn.jilny ITS, Imt wli^U.-ver be. the fact. VM- will aiiuiit tbfxu are I insect aiunuyanci-.s winging Ibeir way out from the culinary department. If the grace of (iud b} not in the heart of tbe hn>u,*i* keeper, .she cannot maintain her equilibrium.. The men come home at night and bear the story of ihe^p U|ifiH iwiifx-M u|td .viy ; "Oh ! thrae boon..' tTirublt'.s are very litt le things." I h.-y urn (.mall, binall as watips, but Uiey Ktvng. I have n"iil-<Mj In the history of f-tr.w of my cc/nfrregalion that their annoyances nr rnultipplying and that annoyance* arn multiplying, and that they have a hundred where they u-i-.| to have ten. The naturali-st tells ui that a w.ip noriit-t MIII' has n family of twenty thousand wasps, and it seem as if every annoyance of v.iur I'.'e. brooded a million. Hy t tie help of Cod In-il.iy. I want to net in n counter curient. Th" horn-t i.s of no U.HC f Oh yes! The naturalist telU UH th-y nr.- very important in th i \M>I lil'.s <-eon.niiy; th'-y kill .spiders, and lh-y clear t h at ui.xsph -re; and 1 I.-ally b'l eve C-xl ieinH th' unnoy- nni-e.s of our lit- upoo U4 to kill the ' of th- soul and to clear tbo .ilnwrspl: re into III skies. These an- ii-.y.iii. i\ are bent on us. I think, to \\.iki' us from our Mhariry. There is nothing that m.ik--i a in in >ta lively in -t nf "y 11-iTA jacket.s," nnd I think Unit th-M" annuyaii'.s an- 111- t.-nd'-il In p.".su.iili- u- .if llii- fact that thui it not a uuill fir us to Htop in. If wo bud a U-d of everything that wat altraei v an. I .'i undrany, nhvit \\niill w.- want of ii -.n-.-n' \\ e think ih> holl iv in .. M.IH the think th" le\ : .- n-! , I \\.int to nirrect your The Lord nent tbr- hor- THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. INTEBNATIONAL LESSON, APRIL 21. "The Walk ,., i ,,,,.- i ,,i., tl. 13-33 ...i.l. n I . \r. :. .It. PRACTICAL NOTKS. Vi-rw 13. Ifeteld. A wonderful n. UK IM alnut to I)' tolj. T7WO of iK-iii. Verse 18 gives the nam- of one of tbe two Cleoins wlu:-h name is an u1>brrviation at t'l.-. j-u r<m. Who tli- oth-r u-u-t w il ) n ->l know. Some ttf tho faOw-am tailored thai _; was the Hun of OI.-oi*r-<. Sitav-on, who I* - caTnrj UK- rircaaid "l>nho|>" o .In-usa- l-iii. That game day. "That very il.ij." i' . iwd Version. A vil- lage called Kmnuiw. ThO nam* mnana "Warm-water." or "P,ilh/." Kuloiiieh, Moulh-usl erf Jerun.-il.-m; Kl^imasa, aT}-Ut eight rail is south- \vat of J<'ru-K-in. wb-Tf th-re are fivv good KpTings.; Atuu-f ;<m\:i, a vil- l:iffo to, uh-r- a iuin- -d Cl.Ti.stLan church no-w stands; El -m; tnil?s oorthi.v'it of Urtas. a little south of And other places, have bc*-n mentioned by different uutLuri- tica a i nl-i, i ic-il tvith iviiunaus. Hut it gito still re.nviiai i-j uncertainty. 14. They talked together of all things which had happened. who bad l !'.. l in Jc^ua could not now talk of anything !*. 15. While tb.'y communed together. The word i-s th- sain' as that Irans- lated "talked" in versa It. In both plarr.i the Revised Version uses "com- mujiod." JIMUJ h'insvlf dTow near. ixsc Mutt. 18. 20. For a traveler on a ti'Khway to Join their cJmpany woul.l not b etrang\ Spiritual lesaoaa spring up thickly through all this lory. rhrifstiuns &htuld always be ri-ndy to 'lulk to pother" nbr/ut Jeau*: nnd .ilu.iy* \vl>ii th*-y so "ooramuno" J-mi hvmself dnrw-s near. Iti. Th.- r <-y,- re hiljen. M.irk. 10. 12. ruy.< I rwit hi ii|p'.ire.t to tin in in "another form." There was *" ii'-tMii h ' in hia npp-iranc whirb ui-..irul ,U"ly prevented them from -uiiing him. tv :-n by the dence of (iad our "eyea" are i'fl" bat always for cur goutl. frirful mnt,. fresh e.urage The chudx yc so mu.-.h dread An- Ijig with uvrry, .nn I nhall break In I |. 17. on yirur heiad." said null thi-rrv Th-ir ears BlU't Kivv b.-en "luildi-r." . v.cil ni lllliink tn-sc annoy,,,-,-, , o,,,e i tbr>il ! ' y "* W1 "' minn-r of com- to culture ,,ur 1,,.,,-n, - I,, the mun ' ra "<"" rn '^ '"' ' '" o-i. t.i anoth-r? As we. in our more direct idium. w..ul(i nay, "Wi .it .ir.- you talking nloutr A.s ye \ialk. n. I arc. mitl. I. i. rally, "Of cad countenance." Dm I h" jtcv ried V. i .-i n |>UM live, quest inn nflcr tho !s, ".ii y- walk." and throws t h l.nrii.-t. UK- h:>rn-t. llvpfllogy. ne4V Thi I tliink th til US r.vinti.-i.-iuui, you find upright p.ti il'cl liu - ti|riK>.t liai* lull -.s i.n, inch <tlrcr fir t h |>-.?< I < ! put in. lh,-n tbe irymni.i iik'-i a |>'K n . .n li band and h I- *.M. l.i cliiuli. nnc inch al a tim", l.v nnnnr. <ir I .> i>r thrc4- inclic.s. .uid pelting bi-< Mrength rull urrd. readies after .iu I li- (lie reilin;;. And u M-CIIIS In me that these annoyan'-i'-f in life are :i mural fiynm-is uni each \\ on mi, nt " \''% with which we are to climb l/Klier anil liitfhc,- in Christian attain- iii-iit. \Vc all luw In i, i' pal .cnce, I nt it < .inrml I) ciiinm d in fair Hi-allnT. Jt in n c-luld <if st.iriu If M.II I. id 4>\i i \ i ding dcsiral'l" and lb-r.-' \\-as nsilh n ( ni'ir" to get. what wnuld JMU \\.ini with |nliciic' The only t me to eultur.- il is .h*n you .11 l.-il aluii: and di-alcd, and /sick, ..iid 1'ilf dc.-id. It j-i,i i.iii<'-i.ii much nst "' :l1 " n(l IlilK-al ruler* 1 as well tr.ul,l- i. . f.t ii for u.cfu!ni'S* and ' ,' p '' i. Th-' only i|in>l on i*, \\lie. ' <'iu-ein:ni: J, MIS of Nax-irpth. THE COMING PRINCE OF CANADA. 1 Good bye Father ; Give my Love to Canada." The little Prince Edwarj of X'ork U already a keen linpriialist, and would dearly have loved to accompany bis his parents to the colonies. n..t the word which Cbrint forbide in LADY ROBERTS AND HER TRUNKS. Matt. 5, KS, but a general phrase. MMV wf h art to Itel'er.! all tbat the prophets have npokeu. Our Lord was not here teaching metaphysics ; nev- ertheless it is notable that be does not >.!) "alow of mind." It is with the heart man be'ieeth unto nght- i ousness V.dai is called "the sin of ii'.l..-. .-f " is of the he.irt, and not of tbe tiead. .-e- John 7. 17. 26. not to have .suf- r- ! .inn .ui ' t r erifeii.-o. ' And they . ... .-.,, I si II I ,., k ,,,|.- Th'ir ut'- ' ter d'-j-etinn coiil I not ful ti) ar- ' -I tM .ittoiitloii <r( a .stranger. I* 1 . Art thou only n .stranger in fered these things, and to enter Into his glory f "OUR lit not the pnaui-sd ihf Sb jld you not have ei- pcfted tlx'.se ,ad events of the promis- ed Messiah? Was it not pi.ipl Inn;/ Have y.i i nut a spiritual rui-.ippi vheiuiiun of all the facts :ib')Ut h>Jl/ 27. .Beginning nt MPC.-N and nil the profihetN. ll.-(f :imn-/ with the early Ii. -Ic* ..f the -acred Scriptures, anil IIK'I t" 'he latest, net, of expounding the texts in n ."ili i i rdr-r. Imt in i ki. it? a running explanit : on of the Me^siank- |in-nus<-.s u h I. u rae -i- -.1 in. every bix^k. In all the Scriptures tin- things i . .ic.-rn- .1' -in, and l-.-ist ii,t, etc. I Here hK-i. there is, a n->i il l >iuul<- by trk- He\> change I h.m n I ine isoj^urn in ,l< i u-a li<.u and not knim," Are j\m. th-n, th- only man in all I h' met i- ipilu i hit i< nut aware of ihf lite h i|pcninifs, which haw ji'il .01. v .. -:i 1(1- i,, MI i ;l lk foi dura, lu I !>. Mirr-d th- nu.o-i'i c.-i-'csi- the npirit <>I prophecy. we dwell UIKXI the t h.-ng t esi imuny n( .li HUM The more concerning i>ii.r Hed'-i'iiior iin.l tbe lioxpel tbe ninre we shall .-ice how all tli:na in I lie Old Tentament type and hiatory and prcpIitM-y point to him. -H. :.>. Ho in id'- n tbnugh he would hav.' pone further, lie moved < n to i-l.i-it the c\pri'.H.iia of tbeir t-> iletain hiiuiL He was will- ii.-lv cifliHtrnineJ hy their earnest otrealf. Abide with us. Thi. in- mUrl. fr Ike Alek HMIr. Th-re U a story going round about lioberts and her trunks, for the truth of which a man returning from South Africa Touches. At the height of tbe transport dif- ficulties, Lady Roberts carried eight trur.k.j from C.-p? Town, to B'.oom- fnnte : n, in th'- very teeth of tbe offi- Kcrybody rrunihlcd. wondered, everybody Imt I. niy Huberts) could have take^the things through Tho transport i*f stores had bee .- I'l'-d f T the tline, tbe airk lacked, every comfort, and tho.;e v. ho were not ! \ir-i- h-lf-starveil. :m-i only h.-i'.f-rl-. I. Uln-rpfora, when a fa- tijfu" pa: IV \\.is tolj off to fi-trb eig' t I i links from l!'..?iufon- trin otatinn, norue rather un<-uu:pli- nvere said alu-ut wo- in /rein ral and t!ii lat- mentary men traveller est transgr-astir in particular. Next dy 'eve-i of the eijrfct funka w-eri- unp.uke I, an-1 their contents) distrihuted .rM-rp ihe noMufrs. Th clever lady ri-i-l snapped h.>r f ngers) at red t.ipe, anil had smuggled tbrcugh comforts for Ihe men. One MnJl trunk contained her personal belong- ings. B (b. fook. Tier* Is soiuethlng that a woman who knows rnya Is a aar* dla<;uosla n:. nt In Ipful nrnl |Hvtio hymn-< ( ( iiitHiern il iys. It is toward evening t twsj uf the of the status or the cook. If you have lu.m.l |||.' limy qill'M on . WnP- _, _. ,! i _ ,, f^, -.__.,i II. ,r.. .r.. " r " i> " UI Ih-i M .,l,,ll t.,k- .1 in .I,.- tmlk. or n "' '''" "" H>0 m my to icll ot and ' ^ e " ' queotlv pulr.-i,/.'d and granulated. II- e ... ' ' \ I"'- I'I'Pl unghty in deed and 7' M 'f?^aS? "'"' '" ^ . ' It la an 'men,.,,, Intake., ,, mil,,, hulk H. v - ori1 Sl "' h " """ " M. s ., ,,| f,. rf . I'l '<'e t li - ->> ;- '"" " " K ^L,! luck Ubn*.n.o, hi, .,v., iK M pur ''"' - -, Acts 7. 8 7 : It ,w.. .U.I el M , ^".^ < " '' - ."'"'.. i" ? .^ '" """ ">**'* ""'"'I 'hnl Jesus had '""'" n prfH'het approved of Go,!, nnd th Bcte. H rc,,,,,,ed i miill'i of troiil.l.', I ','"' '"'havinur and teaching, cf thn lie ilnscx small i,,.|. ''a'' 1 ' 1 - 1 " rabbi us pMiiive proof He out, ii r Mum" other awful calm, i \ l . falls li in; \\lnl th' v.ixi nri>i:iiyof \Vl.i.-h \\.iy mid y.iu ralh-r have ilf Of iiui-i- in |> llettcr luivc f,\c :i --IriiK I'-elli III. in <mc brok- en jtw. In I bi.s like I iiiioenpal hie .!... -mi II pel-. let of annoy., nc riUhcr thin Hinall i would ' " f ''Ouriip, Otnow that it knock-don rloK-.s of calamity. [ n f rl|l "> J' - w he v\ is talking to. \l\ friends. I -h.ill no i b n . JM ;l i h- ! . < ^ lr *hit-f priests. The heirarehy, I'd thi.s iniirninK in -ain if I liavr "< !uding the. Sanhedrin. t)ur rulers ih .11.11. iyaiir..'s nf I'fe, '' 'V refer to the Romans. A "pro- I h umiill aiiimvani-cs of life, may l>c phi-t," should have be.-n J,< nored. but .Mil. ivii-iil I i \.iiir pr.'S'-ni ..u. I jour lll - s <'Oe w is riuiificd eternal advaiiiaR.-. I'olycnrp MB.S condi- nined lo l>. limn i| ui i hi- htuke. I be .slake planted. H- was fast- eiiod to il tin. u.ind w.i.s i>l int.-il around I lu- .-luk . it was kindled, l-ui, by ^OIll. ^1 r IIIK i a. rent of I h.- at rao- |>l> re. I i,t ,r> tell i <M tl|. n.iiilivs lent - outward like th- .-nils' of a ship under !"" Tivday i.s Ihe third day since good cook, vou may be more or loss sure thnt she will look too fre- upcn tbe wine when It Is red. unfortnante fact bat If the less than a $-40 cook as from tho cxty in th.> dark, in t be little annoyance ns possible may be- second place, the diy is nvnr ilsclise Kirocted from this weakneaa. Possl- ilajliK"'. l>ut the Hebrew bly It will never rouke Itself manifest ^ 9 'I >jwi\i i *Ja' lit *ll -" nl .1 <ittle of ii,:iiir-.<iit| ,,t tir unpopu- day, no t tint t wot e enough to be known above stnlrs. But lar crisis to s.iy .,. l, u t Cleopis threw now to keep any entfaKement thllt ho jf himself back on the deed an-l word, ! nnwrht have mruH for thn^t iil. JJ We trusted. "We hop-.r| "_ I hat i.s, until vie naw him crucified. II" which I I. n ill I h.- ( ve rtvlei-nie.l I i i> I. If they had known tho nature of Ihe promised redenipl inn they i>uld iiinlersinod tbnt it was i'< r.'inplished by thone very suffrr- n iitrong breexc. and Ih-n far ntmve these things were drne. Here would 'I \ e-ime topplher, making u canopy; seem to !i i\ timid recolleet ion of our M tl il instead of ln-inir dent rnyed by I Lord's prophp-y that be would rise 1 1"- flainc.s, theii- he si. mil in a flam Imyant boM-'-r pljntpd by b..s perse- rutors. Th.-y kid lo l.-ik.- his life in nnniber \\ay.arl ly lh' |i-nt of I he ixniiiiil. An.l I have lo t.-ll you llii.s nifirniiifr tl il i.o.l can maku all thn II noes of your trial* n wall of defence uinl ll caiioi y for tlv Mini). Cod it JUMI IK will UK to fulfil tin you as be .(as In I'fi'yc.irp III' promise, "When I hfni iKissent Ihrouxh the fire, thou Atmll n.ii !> Iniii,. ,|." In heaven you will aeknnwledtt.' 1 1. fuel that you never had one annoyance too many, and through all ete.rnity you will b ni.ilcfai! that in tins wiirld thr Ix>rd did fiend Hi.- hornet. "Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy comrth in th- morning." "All things work to- pel her for good to them that love i. ."I. ' II, l ..H, i ant i), "The Lord sent tho hornet.' The wri.hngn of tbe wise are the only richai our posterity cannot squan- der. >n the third day. But even this hupp now deems to have fail, il Nevertheless, if it were not incnnreiv- nlile we would be tempted to hclicvn Ihat his words had actually ronie In pass, for certain women nlso of our company made u* astonished. One cannot follow this conversation with- out profound respect for Cleapaa. Here is a solid, square man, who with mode*! boldness identifies himself with the li-oine I follower* of .le.-uis. Ho marvelous a story told In " wo- men," would expose its believers to ridicule; and to openly champion the cause i-f J.sus just now. might im to endanger life. Cl. Certain of them. -Luke, has prev- iously mentioned only Peter. John includna himself, nnil I.uke her* speak* in the plural nini4"-r. Found it even so HH the. women had Raid. Not the viNion of the nngeln necessarily, imt tbe ab- sence of the liod.v. B5. O fools. "6 foolish ones." F n , wise, unreflectiug .m s Thu word is higher lu tbe so- 30. H, took bread, and ble.seu it. ^''e of cooks than JW. then look ami brake, nn I HI.MH. Ibis ut - A c > k w o ' ted at over $W n is n,.t a renxmL-r .-f the institution maj ' "* Pcted to luiaab tbluga. of the ]**rd'riSuppT. fr so far a wi- : t oo chances to make a mornlna; know neJthr>r uf ihpne nien hud Iwrn tnll at tbe house of a friend and dla- pre.sent tn thnt <>:-c:isi<ni. Imt n he uili- rovera the servants crowded ap stairs, ful token of the m.-xruipr in which frightened nnd trembling, wbllc from erry pnrt of h.s life was Hvrd in below coma the sounds of Irouwar* lka ti,,g across the kitchen nnd pottery I '"* -"' ," and J twc * n tlm voice of the masculine 1WlU f tlle **"' *"' * the ,,nm,.<li>,( presence of Cod. ,ht" of th.-.r Hiffht. Two n.ii i les. :t!. 3.1. Iid n,.l oar heart Imrn w it hin u>.. Their K ladnrsH was shown "" or coratnnndluj; lu would be stera by then inn ..... hue i, -turn, for the, ", then It may be known that that rtKc up the .same hour and returned household lias reached the dlgnltv of a I . .1. ins., l.-in. ll bud .seemed too Inte f50 Or $00 cook. In let a .stranger travel in. but this news wa ton cheerfully took journey bnek. to keep, and they all the toilsome A rash clergytuan once, without fur- ther equipment In natural blatory than S4. Th-n U>rd i.s usen indeed, and iK)nle desultory readlnf. attacked the natk appeared i., MH.-II. Ih.sis a Darwinian theory In some sundry mag- Ntrango tutement. and seems to n- ' ., . "y , suine tha. Si,....,* IV. er had ,lreadv,"" C artlC ' M "j WUlcb " lu ^ " ' arrnoui,--.! ilia. ,le,us had appeared uncommonly merry at Huxley'a to him, and that IVterV. jttn-y bid ^xpcnse. This wna Intended to draw been di.shi-lieve I. Tbi< may >. w hat the great man'a flre, ami as the batter- is ^ea reiimliicd silent the author proceed- to write to Huxley, culling his at- in iillml a to In verso 24. There Ixinl'.s it is UN-IK ioncd n > n.ii r, 1 1 ivi' of inir anre In Peter, but it is mriitioiifd (cntlOQ to tbe article! Bud at the Bam* aim. by IVnul in I for. 16. 4, 5. Uu)e> ^ tb mock Blo ,, wt y f a8k | ng a(J . 35. cnrrobnraii.m of Simon's ntary they told -what things were d.'iie in tbe. way. It In said that posta plnoted tn the earth upper end down will mat longer than those which nre set In the natural position In which the tree crew. U la sometimes enMor to atep Into another mail's ihocs than II la to \\alk U them vice aa to the further study of these lei p questions. Huxley'* answer was brief and to the point. 'Take a cockroach and dia- lect It" Argonaut N amount- of atttfotion make* up f.>* the lack of npprtcialion. We * to be understood as well as lik-.i. He loving an<l yim will never w ml for love ; lie humble and you will nv r want for guiding. L LID 'ELLA er*. kecn<a r.f it> hlrb qnalltf-a qu;ity that norer rartca. Try II n-1 w Know thaijou *!lllhou . ocommeod It toll >o^r rrloadf. cM 18, 30, 49, M ami 10 wta STRAIGHT CORSET. NO PRESSURE PERFECT FREEDOM LONQ WAIST ERECT FORM Made in Drab, White &. Tan Jean. ai.OO. If your dealer cannot supply you, send us ins NAME, your M/.F. and amount to cover co*l of corset and we will *end PREPAID to any poinc Address Uepartineni T., BRTJSSI &c OO. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, If You Want The Dawson Commission Co. UTTf H. 'tCC**, POt'LTHT. Pf H5 Dthtr rUIT8 and PROOUCI, tl l-'INAM 1 VI. MI'UDLE. Judy and I got into a terrible .angle abofipiivg to-day. Howt I o\v.d her 10 cents, and borrowed i cents and then SO cent ,. Well! Then I paid 30 cents for something the bought Yea. And sho paid furty cents for some- bin.? I bought, and then we- treated jach otber to ice cream soda. Well. She says I still uwc her tive cents. Great HritaLn ?.t>-n.l ^ year on tlie MiiM'um, Tha salary of tbe l.b:arian i: All, ',00. C. C. BICUARDS & CO.. Dear Sirs, For uome years I hare bad only partial use of my arm. caus- ed by a sud<l> I hive used every remedy without effect, until I got a sample bottle of M IN' AH IKS LIMMKXT. The benefit I receired from it mused me to continu* its use, and nr>w I am nappy to say my arm is completely restored Glamis, Ont. H \\ HAHKISOS. Tbe will of Captain Lord Kensing- ton, who d>d in South Africa, is en- I at Minard't Lininpnt L'jmbermin'i Fritnd ^ _ ^ Leicestershire U ihc greatest gran- ite producing county -n tli. 1 United K-ngdom. BMA1.I. SAVlMia. Pound co.'fe? tinn m ikf g n.l re- cepl.-icles for co-ip grease. When the can ia full, claiify and put un the tight tin cover, then the grease can be put in th; rellir safe from mice until five or six poundi are ready to make into soap. \V i,h tbe paper labels from the tins, dry and with a child's paint brush and a s.z-cent lube .>f black paint, mark tbe caus for ooda, tapi- oca, raisins, currants an 1 many groceriaa often put upon tbe shelves in paper bags it' on h i.s not glass cam to t-pire Tbvse tin cans art- dust prooi" and tbe contents can be told at a glan-j while- tbe row of shining cans \\iili lettered sides is orderly. k ng powder cans in "ke excellent nioul.ii for brown bre id unl pud- dings. If tbe divers of these cans are p.-rforited. th-y make good flour or meil dredger i. Drive a small wire nil tcrough the < >V,T from the upp' r aide in regular row. baking powder r.ns thn half pound size, are rigbi to mark tor spics. Wbeu i be double windows arey tak- en ufl. pu the screws in arm and in i k it, then and thirn will be less searching nxl fall for one or two more screws. A window screen is often nf-eded long before it is time to have th" screen doors put up. Kspecinlly in I'f.liooras to keep i Ii inu-nin curtain* from blowing o-it lo >rs in npriLg gales to sweep the window led|t and out- side w ill, in I it is a satisfaction to hive screen in ifsj.l i-ni.-r 10 put in ea.-h room wh-tu it U cleaned. POSTPONED. You and MX. Smith were out rery late. Mildred, aaid Mrs. Uickctta, ererely, to her daughter. Well, mamma, we wiabd to TC the tar -bower. Why, tbe shower of stars was last week. I know that, but Mr. Smith had to wurk that night and couldn't come. THE HUIUHT e Mrtrcy! implored the farmer, falling upon !i.i kn >. Tho man lowered is to his brows. Mercy! exclainu>d he. austere!. thankful thnt 1 am ui'-rely selliog \ i i lightning rod and not taking your wife's order for portraits, of all the family enUrt -d in crayon! At this juyt reli.ik- H..- fini;.-i dried bid U-irs and ch>etUUly iguoil the note and Tbo war in South Africa is estimat- ed to coat U5<MUO m week. TlK K ng .md gii--n !: going to add a new wjig to Siindringiiam. CEYLON AND INDIA TEA, GREEN OR BLACK. Trade is Confederating the Empire. Britain is Canada's best customer. Britain cannot buy if she does not sell, Use TEA Grown in a British Colony by British Capital. Ceylon Teas ara sold In sealed lead patckota only, never In bulk. Black, Mixed or uncol- ored Ceylon Qroen. Samples on application. Address " SALAD* Toronto. "SALADA" Ttc brth rat* ia fatlln.? all over Knghind, ha v tig gon.- down from 3"> to H9 p.>r 1,000 in London, where it is lower than for fifty years. Isk for Hioard's and take no other. More than a million people arc treated n tbe bospitalj of London tach kv a* ova*, nmr wnrau>w-a aoorHiMo hM4r<. . t >.. iwr tb. .. It kwU*. $+.4 B.M.Ml4t Thore are 1.000 VIM .<! v, r^ch rros.n tho AtUint c ucvau rnnilurlv cverv Tbo lawn at rwk'ngh i n 1'iln-e us I 1 1 . vjiough to allotv .niipl- room for over 2,000 men to manoeuvre. K<vp Nioard's Lioiment in the Houe The Br tish Kmpirc lv< increased dur iiff tho ci'iitury at tbe rate of two acres p.-r ac^on 1. aiaacTov. ' MOHTKIAL AVtMUi WOiU'H Mrs. Wylkyn.s Ami you say you can recommend this book? Library Attendant. Y-s. h-irtily. I have brvn told that laorv itu't u is- gle rii i .im in it. . I.NVA.I.I1J UlSlli A pleasant and nourUbing for a nick person with a weak stom-u-b, an egg well baiten wiih 3 table- spoons rich, awft-t milk, a very lit- tle .sugar, and a little gr.itfl nu:- megr, <ir oLhcr fUvor, if preferred. Set thti bowl or cup into a basin of liM water, stirring the egg continu- ally, until it ii warm, i>ur into a dainty glaas, and le! tha, patient -ai it al-nvly with a spoon. This makes an agreeable change from i-oupa, broths, etc., and ia very strengthen- ing. lire ilc a freah egg into a m ill cup, r, beat ih<jroughly, J table^puoos iml i tiny picco of butter, with sill and pepper to tane. Bake qukkly in a hot oven in'l acrv !mtnt"!i:it"!y. Thia is much more easily digeated thin poached or l)i)il-ii eggs. Bruile I vggs in paper ras.-s U an attractive dish. Take cnnfei tioner'a paper about ix in-h-u square, mik a small box by turning up an inch and a half all round and twistiutt the corners to make them Htay, place the little paper pin on a modiTiitely warm stovn, over a slow fire, bn-ak ui >'i{g into IDA pan. and let it s , :..i until the white c-uok.s through. .Slip p-in an.l all im to a warm plate, sprinkle eligbtly with silt and pep- per, add littl*- melted but; IT, acrvo w.ih a dainty erarlci-r nr a small bit >1 list 'n.,s mil tempt a capricious appetite often wb.-n an egg prepared in t h.' urdiairy way would be rejerted. London tus 1,800 acre* at park.s; Dublin about 40 acres lou. LAID OP. A Strong Man on His Cack Through Kid n 07 Trouble. l Pal for Vrr. .o.l win smu Ma>r rim . la Qall \Trk-Da4d' mi er PIU. ii.i - biBi w:t. Toronto, Ont., April 15. Spi-c; il. A N.> st; L ppincott street, in tbU city, resides Mr. W. J. Ceane. Mr. Keane Is a contractor and is onn of tbu best known men in bia line of business in Toronto. many other su<-i-essfu! men. Mr. Ke.iue has suffered during bis busy lifo a g. from Kidney Disorders. For years he suffered gre-U pain. II; wai forced at times tu quit his kvork altogether and go to bed. II use I DuM's K,,lney Pills, an.l is well. This is be says uh,.ut it : "Ilgiresme great pleasure to writ" in praiso of Dodd'.s Kidney Pill.s. .unl th" good they have done me. I am - without them. " I h.iv been a great sufferer with pains in niy bacte in tho regiiMi of my kidney's. I was ery sick, in'l al tunes could not attend to my work at all " I used s .\.. : --r :i:".l cinc.s. bin noth- ing 1 ever tried Menied '> In-lp me in the least, until a friend of mine advis- ed me to try IJod.l'.-i Iv.iney T'uls. 1 immediately found relief and "was abl.- to resume niy work. "I used allogei hiT wren tioxes Ijc- for.- being completely cured. >inct- them I have never I c>-n ~irk u iliy I haro never cad t h" nl.ghti'st indica- tion of a return of tbe trouble." It ia liird to understand bow 'any- one will tontinuo tn -uff>. frtini l.ani" K v nr any other ^yiuptuui of Knlney Troublo afti-r Kn frank in.l full at iten-eiits 1> men well Un..wii ;n all walks of life, that Uod'lN Kidney P.lls bare curt-J them l>od'l's Kidney Pills always cur*. They never fnl. Thy cannot fail s of trial have .ib.snluteljr proren thai there i-i no case of Ki.ln ?y Com- plaint, I. mi H i<-t. Kheum it ism. Lum- bago, Sciatica, liout, Neuralgu. H a I- di-r or Urinary Troubles, thai l>odd's Kidney Kills will not cuie. Dod-l's K : .dJi"V 1'iiN an- the i n! dtcine evor cured Bright'- His ease. Diabetes or Dropsy- Thousands "f C' in i'l .ns have tried. and prored and testified. AN The Professor Yes. a caterpillar Is the moat voracious liring thing. In a month it will u U abuut DUU tiui-d i t.i iwn weight. Dear Mrs. Krnol W'Jjo^e boy did you say h^- HI-.' fOMPOSINt; PIKCK-s. M.r*. Uocorn Young Kzr-i H ink- ing- is gettin' to b.- right literurry. 1U- three piv^'s in the county IXII*T thi* week. M - \i -s Ho comvs .>f a 1-ti-ruriy f ainily His ma put over a thousand vrt'oe* in a cra/y quilt uooet. Thousand* of men, women and children in Canada, era taking advantage of Dr. Slocum'a generoua offer of a free) sample box of Oxojll Cure for Catirrh. Catarrh is an inaidious enemy, and in whaterar condition, should not neglected. A slight cold in the head is frequently the begin- ning of a serious case of Catarrh, and in many instances leade to Asthma, Bronchitis), Quinsy, and Catarrh. Catarrh ia alway dangerous, but ia curable if taken in time. It is a constant menace to life and health, but science hftt done oiucii to enable gufierers to resist and defeat the disease. Dr. Slocum's OxojeN Catarrh Cur* ia tho bast offering of advanced medical science for the prompt aiiu permanent cure) of Catarrh of the Head, Throat, and Nasal organd. Oxojell is a dainty, soothing jelly for the immediate relief ana cure cf Catarrh. The irritated and mri&mcd membrane* of your nosa and throat are relieved and soothed with the first application of Dr. Slocum's Oxujeil Catarrh Cure. Oxojell has valuable properties aa an antiseptic, aa well as being a powerful healing arait. You breathe it throturh th noettril, li 1 tie bit at a t^ras. No Instrument ! No Powder ! No Liquid ! Oxojsll Catarrh Cure ia sold at all drug stores at Fifty cents a box, bat in order that every sufferer from this prevalent ailment may have an o; portunity to test the remedy, a fro* ample box will ba sent on request to any place in Canada. All you have to ilo is to drop a postal, giving your name and address plainly, to theT. A. Slocum Chomical Co., Limited, 17.) Kiug St. West, Toronto, and a fra> ampla will be sent you. PAIIMT IT * WELL. w I A I NT. Pay a trirte more and get it. It doesn't i cent more to put it on. Cheap p-i'iit make* a sorry job. i .oo.l paint keeps its color, covers more, last* longer, gives a si \ le and tone to everything it touches. Ramsay's Paints are the best and purest paint* made, and the price at all dealer* is V.-M reasonable for sin h good paint. We will send vou samples, ol house* painted, telling vou all about the paint, if you ask for BOOKLET "K ' free. A. RAMSAY Si SO ] PAINT MAKKMS MONTREAL. tfd IS42 I j tli rvny-int.H, |>ilm,'.;rt3 and fortun.'- ..irk ag overtim'- ID the west end of l/ml-n. Soc-ty I id.'-j Live gout' "gyle" over them. Miqard't Linimant ia '.sad by Physicia-t Th*> va!u of the prtur-M in the N.i: -in I Gallery, Ixindun. L< p c ior Music Teachers Wanted WHALEY, OYCEAIt. II ROOFING aooruiu si ATS, . SIM*. Plbll. w4 Hif h Srrienli. Toronlol Ko.C^ T*l . '^ TV. c Ronruld TILE i* N. our CAL\f ER I O M. tWlo. ^on. h, o.r trwl I Sflt^25S - " l " *H ' CARBOLIC i"&rsmxas$*i OINTMENT. For a\JI ikin 'Imantt. a. 0. talvtrt A Co., Hauioliaatar, ingiana dominion Line Steamships Iluil4- , OM>- SHEETIRON TEA CHESTS". la Lmrfool. M ^ol. Pwtluil Ui U'arvool. V.yu- at p* >i(W*. S'l IH llUOU unl br. 0|I' inm. ino l !> * l IMTIH.U . mint' I > " p*7. of H01 Co, D. Tortet C*. 3o.blo for F.rnproof Cover. r, for rr nd Stnbl or for pckiuf pur- P0~ Sll> hrfl OkMIIKl Iil I !1 inrhOL Puf Ml* I Sc <K h >kll> i her IK. A JJr>. M ulc * .... k Pot ... 77 Ketiliie SKYLIGHTS 7-- . XT*, Om Gents' Suits Cleaned or I>)1 . Mia l,v!ir Wu of nl klrxta, n 1 K.IJMI H*A|tnn of orry 4orlMtoa. G'1.U lUHtifMt HViR.H BRITISH AMBRICAN DTBINO COT. Muntr<^, Toronto, UlUv* Tha Blua Ribbon Toa Co., Toronto, Ont. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS- EPPS'S QRATf FUL OOMFOftTINO. COCOA ..THE.. Canada Permanent And WESTERN CANADA Mortgagt Corporation. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, > I rul upon ils reroived on dcpoil. 91 Intcnxit paid Of i-omv-ouod Ol / 1 half-ywu-lj al inn ai " 1 njwrrl rooiT>,l for 9IUU which debcniurm are nsnrd w th hl( retriyooupon'.lched M/ for iaMre.tat ^ o Toronto Street, - TORONTO

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