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Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1901, p. 3

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APRIL 11, 1901 THE FLESHE TON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE APRIL 11, 1901 . I j^^^wvwuMMywwMv^ F. T. HILL & CO - F. T. HILL & CO. Itlarkdak's Bargain Rouse : The La<lies of Fleshertun and Vicinity will he ploased to learn that our SPRING MILLINERY ...OPENING. Cakes Place*.* THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, \PRIL nth, lath and 1901. euro Heaw remember the dU-Thandj. Friday and S.turday- liVMITE GOOOS SALE yss? 1 on Int.- '. New iniinliiia. 3 tweeds New cotton. .hirt All at 14 piHCi-s, tn-auiiful new patL. rn T*fod<, suitnlile for ini-u anil ln>y*' ear. They w.-re dough t by u* pcrxtnally 111 Oi mill *hre they > r.i iiMtlc. sin! ilit-cnunt all tweed her,-tn?i>re triven. (i.'i,.l 40 c. n. s, 45 ueiiti and 50 centH, y'"i OHII now hava at, \ r y sr ,> 33 Cl'lltS BIO SPECIALS Wrappers 10 dozen Ladiea' Print Wrapper*, ahiuiluirly fart colors, nicely mad* aud trimmed, *ies 32 to 42 inche* bu-.t IPV.IMIP-. Not a garmDt in tint lot l.ut i* wi'll worth $1.15. Your choice and cmne n* aoon aa jou can 78 cents T. HIX-L S6 Co IMl'OKTIXG Prints 15 pieces lilfht ground prints, per- fectly fast in cijlom. Them! g'Mid* are 30 to 32 inches wid free from dresiinif excellent wearer*. ReuuUrly they are worth 10 cunts per yard, Imt to deniointrnto more fully our leadership iu low price* we Hell thee it per yard only . .3Jc ( Ten yards to a customer ) MARK SALE. ^.fflsffltj^^ Ad eninsula. too, will share in the beni- ! Saturday to take charge of f. K UanCe ik,. ...! t!,, S.alt a...l the North*.-. ' will be bronchi a linudnd milts near- Misnes M;ry and Sundsy with E nma k UNOWOODBTBBr.T . H. rLKf.HEBToM.OM , Till r- I. 'N. rr nna In adva%rr Advertising Bates: U~. Column. 1 yar, M; half oil.. 1 a*r.9H quartur col ,UD 7*ar, 119. Transient ai'r*rtiwmnt charged at thf rat. i -it i>.-i Iin.f > Orat Insertion ac 1 J rut eacb ul>. iuint IUMM The American litvi another be a somewhat colossal one, iiu in a', tlie hi ad uf it and his uainc will go a long way towards rendering it a success. WKBKLY TTHEorricr, i'i- 1 er to us. The uudvlakiiig seern to ', ^ 1 ' e y-. . Making syrup is the order of the day. 1 J There has been no taffy yet Wedding hells arc still ringing. Ring on sweet bell* for there is a U'ga mrn- and old maids on the li.-i > in tin 1 person of General Fun- . wlio the other day captured A .1 ihl> IIT n clevpr raw. 'Ihe \ ririlij.ino ImH at U><t f.i'lt n into tli.- :.aiT i f A'. i iir:m duplicity, lie is ml ain'ir>. Others li.ivi- htm tlicre !! will in all probability i if> as \\'<: "rioni long Poor 1 ' . II !. J). ., \ : . nn 1 with that ,'i>tt<*i ln'i ), bo all') vi l;fv if nbtic n'i'y. Poor A,vy Kir -':)'! ! I'"'"' I' 1 'ry ! 'i : i n.' ! i in of weights and in.- i-s'iii-H i< o i'nn.4, and we may as well l>"ui'i lof.niii'iikrizH oiirwlvcrt with If there is ouo tiling more than another that makes a township couu- cil'.or'd hi-.l one of thorns it il this eternal tinkoriinj with schoal sections. lie ie, as the old saying goes, in near- ly every case " between the devil and the deep sea," with a good chance that the former will come out ahead. Evil is bound to coino out of it for somebody. Take the case under con- sideration at last meeting of council A large number of ratepayers have been laboring under great disadvaut ages for many years on account ol their distance away from the public school. They want a new section formed, and if they do not get it iln-ir I $COtld f)dtld l.iTnf bachelor* south line yet. Hia fiearls. little poarls, iVarls of evry kind. Oh, how nice it is to have Pearl* that lit hehmd. When a depositor in the Po*tal depart- ment wished to wilhdrnw any of bis money from tho bank it usually cost him a delay of fie days fur tin- return advice. This prevented a ({rent many from invest- ing in that institution But now the !- psrtmnt l>a nnlrri'd that all post limit urn can py up to f JO to any dsMMkitof thai i known to him without uniting fur tho advice. fblt ._ ' <>' Laxative ?'. . nine the remctly t . . . it. It i* tlie prevailing system in I .n l-' ; tl<' > 1'iitish governrnent IR r i' : iiin.' i'.i adoption, the United '-i.r H Si n. ite has a bill before il iiiiil.nm the sjstein compulsory, and C u.i'l i will Imvo to fall into line il f n Billing elao but to prevent confu (ion. ticbool Inapticlur Campbell of I ' iiliain ia MI rtitlitmiartt on tliv inc. trio system, believing it to be tin: only complete system uf measures and wfights yet iiiUodiiccd. It is very simple and eaHy to ca'ctilate wliou oue once yetH the key to it. According to all aitfii* it IH in . that we familiar ued ourn IvrH uiilj tin- mtricacira o ceti'imetrr. im trc, litre and tlienBt. 1 lie profnctd Manitoulin and North Mi . c railway is dtatimd to make a l.i 1 .' rhaii^i in tl.r pdcpihililica of this poition ofOiituiio ifpr.Ahed through In completion. 1'urtR of tliu road will bo difficult to Inn', ! and a f- i rv will conuon'. I'm Uruc peiiinauh with the Miinii-niliii, winter mid Hiitntuor. In (im n railway 'M'! itmi 1^1- the Mnni- lonliti fium tud to cud beiiuli- cliildren sre at n disadvauU^e in securing an education. Un tlie oilier baud the principal section to wliich they have been attached * i" mser u tiung one financially an 1 a m w school building is ne <1 .1. If tin Decoders, who think tli? present an opportune time to n]i|'l> f >f removal before any building niiligauouii aro entered iato, are allowed to go, il will practically destroy llio main section of which they now form a part. \Vii u is a township councillor to do under such circumstances ? We do not wonder that tho ooiinuil took a month to cousidur a matter nf such mi"n- tnde. It is onongh to mako a munici- pal Napoleon hesitate. Wlmtrvcr llir outcome tho loser bhould u jl be too Farm Implements M. Richardson & Co. Everyone admired our Opening Display of Sprini,' Millinery last week as a very comprehensive exhibition of llie season's newest styles in high class ariistie Millinery. Every few days throughout the sea.son will ee the addition of some novelties not procurable earlier. New Arrivals tHis week. Shirt \\ aists in Silk, Lawn and Cambric and Keady-to-wear Skirts. hard on the coiucil. A'rom Our Own Coirt*i*nulrnt. Mr 1, litor, after *uoh an enormous feed nf .-:i> we hail on Sunday, you i. i tipcct ua to sy >mothing. A vi-ry fad eicnt occurred ut on SVi;<lrn'hdny of last wi-rU, whon Dan and Arclno McQunrris (two hrotlieis) Imili li.M v. i-li a interval . f iilmnt MIX hourn Hiul Inlf Wtweun them. They hud Ii M niling for " nr' lime Imt up to week U'fore. thxir ilt<aih, *uiohlolo |( annind, when they (<-V mnoniOy ill with I a severe attack of iinmimonm. M wan summoned lnt with no HUi-cea. In- to WD*M thi-y fill and favored ayricnltural spot will JTh.- d.,uM funcrsl w,i Icenietry mi lutslay, sccc us to outaido warkulH ,, , Hl ,,, W4 j, ,| u , r ,, Nl , rrM ti i, morn. HHH on In (i NOXOII llir.'ii second-hand liindirs, hore r.ikc ., K i"l ilnlh anil i"llers fm- sale nt i\ Imrpnin. I ivm also s^e'it for ^MoCor mack, ('iillltll.ini l"l S<-<i't. in. 1 I'I>'-|H| l'i>ni}iiiiiy "f llrnnlfo'd ; AspivWall Ii mil s.,..,^|.r , .1 p .| iln jl^<t-r. !' nili'i innwiT "cti'ii-, .' lnve links ench Ic D. Hadill, Ceylon. SEASONABIJE" Groceries Snaps for Present Buyers. lUking 1'owdor ruid Muslnrd -chiuaware presents wiih it. (iood Baking Powder 15 cents a pound can. Mixed Pickles in bottles only tO cents. CATSUP PER BOTTLE iccts. Potted Meats, two for 15 cents. 1 barn 'nuiro *onp MS rents ouaio waruH | Ri( , ,,, n , Hl ,,, W4 j, ,| ,ui 1 will conieijnently beeoino onu of ;Th* fum-ral w well iittou.lml, i inn tin' condition of th" r>*d*. th most val.ial.lH ^nculttiral ansots Tim f the provinco. Its area is frcr from ^ 00||1 , n(Illily . H in t hiirul hour 4 r..uhi-. frosts and a - hi its door SO soon US tlftiisportftlion o s prnvidcd. Kifiy sujltfi of the Biuce Sull , Uy . paniculaiH unknown. Mi.* Cimatiar ol arrived OD FRE5M OR COOKED OYSTERS ALL SEA5ON. F.LIIIT - -TfimtQ lUrinbt's Old Stand. Excellence We have secured an assortment uf Hoy's Clothing for spring selling that will more than hold its own against any materials, workman ship, tit. st vie and pnee cannot be I..- t-xeelled". Black and Hlue Serges. Liuht. un diiim and ihtrk efi'eet^ Tweeds aud Worsteds. Range t >i/--s in i wo and three price .suits. full and conijih !'. 1'riees IVom $|.SO tO $6*75 Men's New Felt Hats Just j; \vrd aJi.iut our N \\ Spnii^ Import Si'Uvtitms lliry'rf all I'u-in tlu- oelebft*xl lioust-s f ChnstH-aiJ.l WaketWd wbu-h i.-iK-lusively Kuaran- tf-> i-orrert .-tvlf ami ^''tl \vcarini,' i[iialities. All tin- IH-\V f"li>rs ia stiti'atnl Ft.lura >hapcs. OurT)ollar Special 131acK, Broirvn. Peix*l ctxid s Worth ^ f our Notice. New House Furnshings \; ( . w ('; M j, Ni'\\ Linoleums \.\v .1 Miiiiv-sf MattiiiLr Nf" Lur Curtains N. \ \i-t Muslin-^ NYw Civtnmn-s N<-\v Damasks New Spring Footwear for Men Women and Children II !-lial)li' kind ;if HrasonaMo prii-i-s. We are Pushing Paint The painting season is at hand and we are ready to supply your needs with THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS Let us figure on the paint for your house. S. W. P. will prove the best and most economical paint you can buy. Full color cards for the asking. .SOLD BY. Curtain Poles H. RICHARDSON & COMPANY Ulindow Shades furniture Uarnisb t , i Vicinity Chips CtaaracterUtio of tn- Paat Carrfully < ullrd fr the Buy your li.4.1 Hall. at the< a! I . your onion se:u at the Medics' J. H. Frwh h.iw- always on hand. IJuctctt 1 *, Kugvma. Get your hu-ycle* repaired by A. Shai-klefor.l, r'!w!ierton. Buy your garden *e*4* at the Medical Hall. Black Minorca* eg.-s for setting, f'tr y F. D*f., If in want nf new or arcond hand farm machinery resd D. Madill > aJertin- nei.t in another column. Clovers kept at the Medical Hall, common rail, mammoth, alfalfa and U:lu-, also timothy. Thre were 78 birth*. 27 marriage* and 36 death* registered in Artatnr sia during the y.-ar 1900. Private or company funds t.i 1. ,tn at from 4J to 5 p-r cMit. EXJMM:*' I '. Apply t Geo. Kuthcrf.ird, SheJbunu-. Mr. Neil Mc<' hs hit rrw.irl f. .r throwing ovr (In- <>id party last. el. n Me it cea.-ns < in Thmu 1 nrv. Tl>" Indie* are invited to cali mod ee the Display f millinery ueit week at Sin. Tiuirl le'n millinery r-xiius. Purse butt -A pockdtbo-k Uvt on AfonJajr availing. April lt, containing Uo .-..Marn. TU- finder will He uiul>l> rwwsnltxl by leaving at this office. V fajcy straw shape*. al< la*est tylen in sailor* juv j i at Mm Trimbe'a luillinviy im.nj. Call and > (lie ..u- >f aaiinni which will tell at eivepth i:Jlj low price*. The Advance ho to thank Mr. VV T Pdlar {or a sealer of very fine maple yrui , the fine f the Bra*ou So far there has been not been much KIXH! sap wwather. A large number uf our vilUirvn t ma drantatre of the cheap Eartcr tri|i* (<> iait friends in the outside world, the majority malting Turonto their obj- jmiur. Master Charley, son of Clerk BelUmy. tuinl'uvl off Richardson's nail house- on Fndsy. Kuitunttrly he $t off with a pr*md arm, but it wight ha bii worse. Mary, an invalid daughter of Mr. U. Hoy, gravel road vast, died un Sunday last, ad 20 yran. The funenl t. place t.i Fle*hcrt"ii cemrtry -n M n iUy afternoon. Deuea*d had b> n an sluio.1 helpleee invalid for five yean past. After a pleaaant week f " eth-rral rnildi>f<w" Boreas g"t in a retiring blow on Monday, but the warm spring sun ap- pear* to be- too much for him and with a .few Diure e>pi-mg ku-k* th unwelcome guest will depart. Our mail earner* aud utayednvera have earnud their money during ihe winter just put A young Armenian stuiUut of Albert college occupied tin- pulpit f ihe Metho- dist church Hi;J> evening and told his experience in the recent Turkish inansa owe in his native land. The exptrienc* ae intenrsiinu to many, other* find no plcamiro in the recilation of hcrr. r i.f which they had read at the tiuie of occur- rence When the in liter of forming a new school section win up before the council on Saturday one <-f the delegates favor- ing the new section wa ankml how MKI iy children he had Thi- delw*te replied lhat h*> hail two, nnd it all depended on the Action of the Council wheth.-r ..r not he would luve any more. Thw urelv wni laying a heavy load of rcHpon- sibility upon our to*nnhip fathers. In honor of the 75th birthday of the Youth's Companion the publisher" have issued a handsome '75th Birthday Souvenir." It contains a series nf strik- ing map* and suggestive facts, showing tlie vast gnmth <>f the nation and of the nation's foremont family weekly since the day in Apri', !>'_':. which saw the first viiluniii of The Yuih'* Companion come from the press. Au editor of a comtcuiporiiry nays: "Send your items of news when tby are huh We dou't like to publish births after th child is tiuil, a inarugu after the honeyiuoou m over, a death after the widow .1 Dianied IL; un. nor the. notice of an tnteitainment when the job ia done !**wh*rs aud the editor is charged for Obituary. The late Mn. Alfrod Down, whoae death w ann-iuiicwl in lut week'* Advance, waa burn in SomeneUlnre. Kn^ laud. At the w of 22 *he m-irn-d the 1 ' Alfred Down, who prece<M ber to the jjrave aouie fifteen yean ago. In hey canie tn Cauada, settling first in Oxford cnunty, aad 35 ^ears a^o pur- cliOHe<ta farm on the 4tn line, this town- ship, where they remained until death br ike up a happy family. Five chiMren rt-rnain m fruit of the union, anmolv -W: T. Oiislett, Cey!..n; Mr*. ..I \\ ll,,,Ij njM Mills; Alfred and Hnry D.mrn of t'iuvolaad and Mr*. F. t;. K^rstedt Flenhertou, The funeral on h r-Uay last was largely atuoded, the remains being first taken to the Mothndist church, where an eloquent tribute waa p.ii I ceaaed by the [*-t >r, Hev. J. V\' .!<!. Away back in IM'.I she had joined the tho Methodist church ami hutl rrmained CIUK steii* and f.i.thtul member ever IssMaV Personals Principal SUughtct in this week in T<>- ttending thx Ontario Education il Mr. Hrn.-y lirctz cif Shelimme apent Ea-ter with Ins nephow Mr (i. W. Dr. R. Hendrr.o, Torouto, wa an Boater guest at the reani~nce if Mr. Jo. Mr. R. T. W bitten will leave for Montana on Tueutay int. Ainoog tbe Earti'r ' : we n 'iae.1 in town were Mri.J. \V H":i- de*M>n, Toronu>i N. Lhinmn. r and wife, ' 'eii S..uud, at C. \\ . IMUmy's; Alex. Hiir-l. Toronto; May KOMS and Mi Siuilh, of Woetos, t W. p. Crooley's. Tliu Col. r. m c<>rrv*.p*nuVnt uf the Ii<iltou Enterpiiae nay* : Mr. and Mr*. I :im i t of Fleher!un visilej Mrs. Paul, 'he Utters mother. Miw Mann* M Uan . f Priceville xpent Easier holidays with MUs Fl>.aeie l*hur*ton. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gibson, Dundalk, were m town on Fnday. Mr JkfcAully of T.>ront> spent Sun- day and Monday with Mr Fr>-d Tucker. Mia* Meredith of the public schi>vl i* *r.eutiinn Easter li.'h.iays si her li.-:ne in Durham. M. Richardson. M. 1' , -.-.t .tad Monday at hw hum* here. Mr. Henry Ricuard*on oi auid httle dau^htoc sp <nt a few da last wet-* with liis pai-ent,Mr.and Mi 3. Bonry RichanUon. Master Hubert Wanl, hu haa hot n attending Allwrt Collate, in at h. i.n- somewhat under tlie weather. Orugginc will N^t Cure Catarrh. Doctor* say so V.ctiuis of nnufia, ointmenUi and tablpti t*" the Mine - Catarrh u a ^vrm uiewue. Tl'o genus i ici'e Jiariue in t'i<* !;I:H;H, throat, pkaiuiges and rr.;ichial tube*. Gen** are hard to get at. t>.u Joctroy them and you cure the iliii'sns How cnn it be done' By carry ILK p.>weiful UK--:.. with tliu *r )". ii-.i'h.- ilirrc! to the diseased paru. Y. u must be. sure . thai the medication wi 1 ki.i i^e d germs. Cat*nhoc<>ue i* guaranteed l" dn this, that's why it h n crtaud mich a n aation in tin m. dical world. You s>m;-ly brvalhe Catarrln z n.- . it destroys the germ* it heals in a w..rJ it cures. Now you know eerythn.K about Catarrh ozone, except wlmt roil can loam by using it. Caiarrhnzont' never dis- appoints and is guaiiuitnad to tiun Catarrh. 1'n-e 1 UO; Small s ze L>5 cents, at driiKuists, or Puliua A Co., Kingston, Out. Artemcsin Council. Saturday was a warm day for the towa- nhip council, there IK-IIU no lea* than three delegations before that body. The most importtnt ut those wai a delegation with a long petition a-dtiug for the forma tiou of a new iv. ho'rl section nut of parts of actions 6, U, nrnl 13. snd a counter i:*le)(ttion which rneruetically oppooed the scheme AiyMineiiM pro aud coii were liatened t" and tbe matter held over for next meeting Coiumuuiratiou* were read from Clarke, Niooi* m A Co. a>kmg privilege to build a pint form on road allow- ance, and from ihc iee\ of Euphntaia re appointment of couin.iiteo to iiivett- iltate complaint of John Fadilen. A petition wax read from Donald Mc- Mnlau and oihrr-. aakinn council to open a portion o( town line between Glenelg aud Arteni- KIH Muir Oibeou -That Tho*, Lauder be l*iJ fM 4i> for reituteriug deed and by- Uw &82. Carried. Muir B"yd That tbe clerk be paid $2d.tN)for regiatui ing 1 - birth*, uuuriagvs aud deaths. OarrieU. Thomi>*.n--Muir That upon Win. Msad* and Joaoph (.>hver waking a good title and giving poet>uaiou u( duuiMHi for road iu heu of 90 i-le road m oou. 1, ^. D. R., they be pid an Ml w w : W. Mead, f75, and Jaw. Oliver, 9109, they to give Doe*e*siun at once snd the money to be paid when tide ia completed, they to agree ro remove fence off centre of said ie road by May 1st, 1901, aid com- pensation bemit for lnd and alluwance inr extra fencini;. Carried. Boyd Moravian That the Reeve close coi. tract with W. H. Thuraton in accordance w th hia offer, 971, for print- ing auditon' -i-p'.rts 11KJO, voierV lists fur 19U1, ami 1200 tax reuoipta Adver- isii.ic to be 8 and 2 cents a line. Car- ied. Boyd Thiiiiipaon That the following names b sulutitured for persons appoint- ed patlnruuieri, who declined tu act : Alfred l'hi*ilwait ii .stead nf Cbaa.Irwm, Arch. NciUon mstpHil of John Wright, Thoe. Irwin instead of S. Boyd. Carneil Thompwin Boyd That the bill uf VV. H Thuraton for furnishing one thousand eeani'-ut notes at 50c per 10<), $j>, be p&id. Carried Boyd lhat Meau-H. Clark, Nicolson A Co. be granted the privilege f placinu a pUtfurui on r>ad allowance between their mill and the bridge at Eugenia in order to better enable them l" ge: th.-ir manufactured uoua out of their mill, so 1,-ng aa the same -l-tea nor interfere with any public ur private in- terests in riiHiiK >, and that the said partiea hold themavlvee responaible for any damage* which may occur during their occupancy of taid ri*d. Carried. B-iyd Tliompon That W. J. Bell- amy be paid the. nuin of 17. ^7. being smoaut due f r poctage fur 19UQ and up iLi-. Carried. t<ib<>n- Mui. That the .jucstioii of hnwa\){ a 34W scho-il aecti ;>nru f aectiuiu S, 9 and 13, having bt-n diacua*ed,ih mutter lie on tlie tablu un il the next regular Hietini{ of iljui : unc'l. to be then finally dipoid uf. rtivd Th .iup,-.u -Fh*t % tne p. [ 1>. M.;Mil .n and J") othrti, askir^ th<t t.'wu 1 lotn 1, 2, 3, 4 m 3rd 4* mil D. R., !> opened up for winter travtl, be entertained, and lhat Lho reeve arrange s uic<-tuu wi-li the rf. Proton with a view uf having ruad opeu- ed. Carritil Council idj'-ur: -- > - Putnam'a Cora Extractor. Doesn't lay * man dp for a week but quietly au<l -i.: ly .;.<. un doii'i( its Wurk, and nothing n L > lie operati the coru is thnk-d. Plenty ot sulxititu^eo do till*, b-.'iio "f them are daBg no d.n^< J the corn. Mina Jtesi* Alexander, the Toronto reader, U runriirj; fp-m | -ubiic l:'e wax n-M-ri locution an.l will reside in New York Mr. John Juiian, who reiudee near Union, lias If-en very unf<Ttun AiHjut a week or ten li\- i bis horaew t>M<k nek ana t -! sr..l one dny this w.k hi IIUM! man a. I when lh l.or or! tb . . was flooded with water ,.nd was drowned A your; .isitiug I of our stores nud said : "! is my duair* to l>lain * prir of . u. i: .ir a^ipendaie* oapabi* of bem|{cnir>i.-tfl 41. a expanded by meanaof uecillatiii^ I'uri'iahrd s'eel . . ,i Unit ipai klo lik ]Mr'ici< >.f ^o\A leal sut with Alaska diKinoiida and which are ' s:tinii th>' which i..n.iti' Jeiicacy iorbidn uie to men- The clerk haU just timo r hand ou' a pair of gnrters aud then fan t^l Spring Cradt Thy -priiK ti-i.!.' is now in full swing tnd n f aio hero to make a bid for it. Latrnt New York fashion plat^ j'ni to iiaud Our Speciality Is tine black suits aad ire profeas) to give satisfaction e\ i-ry time. Call aud see us. H. ALEXANDER. Tailor, > - riesherton. Farm, fox* Srt 1 o A farm tor ! in thTownhip of A '"iitaiti'iiM 1.13 .. TILTH or tr. TO stores rioarert with flil ool buiKllDK. roiupril of I"M M, 00, as, of, w, ou tb necoDd c"in-r-ioii. North ..f Purhaui K.-a.!. TprinK o#*v Vpi'ly to UK. CUKISTOt;, Kljb*rtoav Mar I 3m. Thoroughbrcii Durham Bull . - Cord minto, 2^06$. Ta unil.rilKtioJ haa a Auo *ed Durliatu Bull for Mrrieo on lot 141, T A S. R. Trms tl for i^rnd* cows, for thormcb- brxla. HpJUire* on JACUU LKVKB, ri<whrto* F U. Phoijihodliu, * * * * * uv ^ itv T. J. Sheppard, - Flesherton. Hew mall Paper i Spend a few minutes in our Wall Paper section, jm Let us show you some of the new designs we have jm selected for our spring trade. It will give you a bet- ter idea what to buy when you are ready. These m are new papers you ought to see and the wonderfully m low prices we are offering them at are astonishing * m Of v*v * nV v*y ItV i&V yki il; We have just received our Spring Stock of Ready -to- Wear Clothing and we have the finest lot for you to pick from that we have ever shown in Men';} and Boys' Suits, Pants, Overalls and Shirts. Our Staple Department is complete with all lines of Shirtings, Cottonades, Factory Cotton, White Cot ton. Table Linens. Oil Cloths. Prints and Ginghams. an.1 all at very close prices. TO THE LADIES: Our Spring Millinery, which our first opening of take*; place this Wednesday, Thursday, and Satur- day, will be worth any Lady's time to call and in- spect. Mrs. Sheppard has taken special care in her rions and has at present a very select stock to pick from and she will be pleased to have all the Lidiei? call and look through her stock as the open- ing. We have a4ded a branch to our business at Eugenia this week where will be found an up-todate k of everything pertaining to a good p'tn-rul iton and we will be pleased to have you all call and us a through. Oi ^ i.tV m for Butterick Patterns, which we will for you ;>D >ho;t notice without any extra expense. Prices Paid for ail kinds of Produce. TUsberten. C. .1. Sheppard V*V N. R Mrs. Sheppurd invites her lady friends ^ \it tn call mi ertlier Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday ^ \to ar ! iiu^teet her di.-:play of Spring Millinery ^ >'uioo, Fleur Wilkinson farm implements. Floury anil Verity plows <u hand til the ti'iie, al^oall kind* f repaint the same. W e ui.uiuu.'ture \\a|('>ii, I'., u.i.-. Cutters, Slaigha, etc. Honeshocing pr niptly atteuJuU to. i! attention to tender coatracted (wt. L>giiig aud Pluw Cliaius eooatanily on hand. First Class Buflgies Pleasure and anil (UaggOnS ; and Iron RaiTOWS ; Fleury, Dirk. >lc(Jill, an.l Dyinort, Butterfield C\)iii|>.iny P10WS and all ki'iiia of shares- \-Spramotors, of I'm.., and orhiT kinds cf niaki. 1 . Cream Separators of ditteront kinds Rorsc Shoeing* Painting and Crimming Carriages and all kind* ot Black* Smithing : a-iid \vi/e tor fences ; GO TO J. H. HEARD, FLE5MERTON. Can you spare H few months ~ Ii ^winter in which to iruprov ji-ur edu.'atiun. Thoe few month* npn at the BO YEARS' CXPCNieNCB Bold and raoomni'B<l"l br art dmMl*M In Oanadav Onl; reli- able BMdlalao discovered. Sa aninMif to oar* all fornaoTSsnal We******, " enVwto of abase r IBS***. ManaU Worry. b<M*i-* as* of To- teeeo. Opnai or SttmaaaaM. Mailed en rawl** ol prtee. eae t sss a* C. l. . O % I**** OWEN SOUND ONT. WouM enabl* you to d<> busineH* in Woo<" W. H. ri Pbopbu4ln< iimiov aud W. In **1*.brton by ' K. Hiohajtlnou, Uru*)- mtinfactory nianntr. The ynii would i{>iin of ntrs. che<juo* and all kinds of commercial i>a(i?r would, per- fcano. save you hundrwls f dollars in tho future. Wright fur cntalogae, which con- tains fnll in formation, to C. A. Fteif n;. PrlnclpsU OWKN SOUND, ONT. Winter term bonlnson Jan. 2. 190L ATENTS CopYRiaH ' Ac. TQIM ^n Jln a ierO and ilwt.T- "i I. .p mar *o*riin o.r opinioii fr%. *hotnr an la n irict iy ^wifld. iui.ltMxtkon Pnl>>nu ant frwa. <M4a*l SMatrv d-r e*.-ritn i'l^i.r*. P*!iiUl takrn tbrooMtl Munn a To. rvITn *jnlal initial, c*nr tn ;n. SckHtifK KiM of : fo <lAv Jouriuii. TitruisV W ft IL Son r .Ul **-mt*m)*n.

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