THE FLESIIKRTON A D V A N (' K U'CUU^JLMil * VOUNli llankeri, Markriale U j a K.'.JWI ,1 banking bimitiot*. Hooey loaueo . a luaauoaOle late (Jll on on. * S VANIKJSKN. J P 1 lln * ith Dlr Coart. Co Orey leen'ir nf Haulage l.lcou.ui, Conveyancer Natai/. 1'ublio Auctioneer. Uouey to loan at I) ,ir cent. Charge* moderate. KUE8HKHTON P DtJiirV D >LLBUTBL fuj un li>rig:ied ) |>tepared to .'idurlkke lue aollectlou at all kiodn of debt! BJli'4 bviOit, uocoiiiiti collected to. li N UKNUKKKON. KleehertOD MealieTtou Station foatiuaater , ro.iiiuit.iotmr iu H ( J. Coa*ny i.- L>e.U. mortgagee, leasts mt willi U'wu. Huue) to Ian. I ( &i per cent ami u|j- wji., l).)ul collected. Charge* aioderato. ''I K ram IIK.I >nxi In H C J.. Auctioneer Con Toy i i -!-. \|iprali-r an. I Money LeudM }. ,:.ii- atul Insurance Agent. Deedti 1-1 .1 :.-...- an I will* carefully drawn an <il veluallout made on fuortent uttlee. M.i-i > t > M in at loweot raten of interoit. Col i< *tiiiili>.l to with proiii|)tni-H I'.iii^-. low. Aiii-iit for Ocean Dominion Bteiiubip Company. A call solicited. AU U W moeti every ttut and tliird klondaj In each uiontli. In .nilr lo.lije room, ruri-t .1- ' block. Flcsnertoii. at 8pm. W. Bin p \V W . AM OIDKTO, Recorder; W. Hull i iiy.Kiuanctsr. Vltltiug breibrva Infiied PRISOK AUTHTlt LODUK, No. MB, A. A U. meet! In tb Uavonlo ball. Straln'i blocl:. Klunherton. ererr Friday on or before tbe dill moon. J Itoyd W M , W J H nOL'KT KI.KSHRRTON. I. O. F. meeU Iq V> Clirito' Block ttie laat rridaj mllU i-i each iii'int'ii. Vlfitlnu Poreeteri haariUg -!..,, i c.K.,11. K. DyMD ; B, 8, P. Van- DOMU. r\K b C. MURRAY, L. D. ,dtiUl rMa: U .nor (raduate of Toronto Unlrertlty aud I. .. , i-.ill.-.-.- -.f Dvutal Hunceoni of Outarlo. 'itl Oppo-lta Arnitioiii; Jewellery Ktore. \\ II .nit rVriiriliam the Iwt Wedneada)r Of en.-h iii'intl.. an 1 Uuudalk 1 and J Tburiday In eauu tuunth .;. \v ritonT. L L. B. I. . conreyauoer. ete Sxt to poatoflli-o, Hproulu'< block \ Thuula and. court (la> . :i oOlce, Frut block 1'oulef. truot eaet. LWKKiHT . M.-AKI)I,K Karri-.' r hiilu-itore Conyi-)ati<jer. tt Oltlri < -'HUll So'iiKl. Out ami Mmk.lali'dt.t. \V ll in. .11 I. t) A H1..N I It N I. ., n odiue, illtcui-irt llak very Haturday. Tii | I \TTEKSON I, in i--.. i . riiiiii-il.>r. ete Million ' llauk, (>en Hounl hllllU 'i Tl'CKKJt OHO W PATTi M\KAV * SAMPSON. Harrlnt.'m. Ac iiKKH'KS : Oweo Bcund, Uerebant I Bank itl.i.-U. V .f I'i-t .. Home. Landalk. Main < i-.'t. every AH M.<-K\V.M\, II K SAMPSON, I..1.D Cr.i i vti..>rii.-y for Orey. iflctUrnt DH l-MCTKIl M C I 1 A K Ot,t. Hliynlrlan, Hurgeon, etc Fleili irt in nil1.i Slraiu'i block, lloililence tlun-'rit* < Motel Pliyilc. A TOllX A 800TT. M II Motnbor Culluij !lnt*it" (li.|ui- In I'm*, i" -\. KtilliiwMhip Diploma , Pont (tradn- i il Si-liniil an.l llolliltal. (lil.,i t n III ii -iisii . if >>. ear, noao ami tnront ipi lull; tieato'l. lluliloi.c, Maxwell, Ulti KeTenbam I i '. < i rinary Surxeon >rAlit. of Ontario Veterinary Collrctt, ileil'lence eooii.l door louth weit on Uarv ntroet. Thla atreet raui loitli PrxHl.i ' nan Churob. GVV. M A T f 1-: V.a<ii li.nry -luic-on and Dentlit. Mai- wt-ll. ni .UiAtrt o Ontario Vntnrlnary Celluce, om>lat.l with i fioveraltT. Vi.lti. I.US-. ii.i \Vi>,ln4.l4V from 11 a in to 3 p in., an I t . \ .-rilium Tliurmlaf from H to 5 p. m. BOAR for SERVICE The Registered Tamworth Boar I'DItT LAW DAN t .r aorrloe el I'urt Law Cartlflcate can be luen by applying to owner. 'O. THOMPSON Farmers' Scales THE HKST AVAILABLE The mi ierli;i.Mil la selHnf the best Farm M.-al.'i tli.u can be prtxlnrM on the luaili. i known a* the Trnek icale. I alsn k.irri WllkhiBou an. i Heiir? raalis nil K*a4, aim Kiar4i an I - - ii..ii for alffernnt maesinery. nree >lio*luii 4oae ou tbe aioet arnt*rf CrtaelpU-a. as I have worked aader tbe veUrl i> *r|*eos la tbe "I J (<>> r lr,M J. B. Sloan Prnprirtnr GET YOUR Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, Hand Railing, Cornel' lilocks the best of Spruce Uth.No. I and L' Shiners \'fi'iiiidii and Fitting, Sidings, etc. Turning of all Kinds Done to Order Vw run of StoneH for Chopping. Satisfaction in all our Inn * guaranti ed V Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery s are done In first-class style and at 5J( lowest rates. Special attention given to copying. Babies' photos. V< 2 a specialty. Picture* flamed. MRS. BULHER ' jvf ew llnvinj; uur;liiiK<-<l ihc tcnaorial liui fn-io Mr l.r< l.inl I wixli to ni)'iiiiK-e that the liniiiu-ss will he cotitmuvil in i !ii- oM pri-miM s. WH have lm>l a IAI^U city t-\|M.'rii'in-i> niiJ liliTo we can (jivu > istiufnctiou in our 1m Hnvi- tiiUi-ii the ajtency for I^olntDii I.utnulry - AN I) - Parker'* - 2>y<r - Worka \n.l ..'1 .!. t Irfl wild un will n-vvive |'li. n|. t u I,. I >. infill .TtillU'.li FleslnrtoB A. \V r i Parlsrs 1 'roj >. AT THK J& 'aft/lows' 4 Jtfoso Z7a/V ftein Protector/ in fly M, iii, n . A full liiii- of swfit |,.i,U, clusli-rs, nhi|m, collars, Hxln nn-Hsc, Imof ointintMit, curry cointm, trunkn, ralincn, etc. See thu Sanitary Itrat-i- for C'-ntk-iiirn'i wear- only 40c |>!r pur. W. MOORE KLKKUBRTON ONTKRIO $900 YKAULY ^ Ch""'' 1 "' . manor woman to look after our (jrowini! UUKIMONS in thi.t ami adjoining d, unties ; to act us Mai);er and C'orii sjiOMili-nt; work can IM ilonn nt your hoinu. Encliwo rlf aililmnmxl, Htanipetl oi,velo|io fur imrticrilur* to H A. Sliutmtn, ( Miinni.-iT, ('on-ornii Build- in/, o|i|>oMtu Unitud States Ttras- nry, Wa.Hhii-gloii, U. C. Wrn. HcCalmon, I. ii I- .Mr r of and Dealer In mm. sciiti & Mi ni Matbls Ink OF ALL KIND Monuments -- AJID - Iiucripdoni Cut on 8hort*al M*tlM. Maxwell Prum OUT Own Our Fi-lnu iry ptorni.H have coiuiuei.ced and iUculd wimlaarogrippcinxevfryli^ly Dr. Soitt wai very ill with gri(i|j) U*t we-k, but we are rory ^-latl to ace that he i alile tu attend l.m patientn again. Mrs. Win. Guy, who liaobwu very ill, in recovering aluwly. Mr*. Kol>ert Kinm-ai i vurjr ill with bronchitis. Mr. iMn McDonald in also ill willi mil iniiiiiition of the liiiii,i>. Dr. Oliver, V.8.. of Markdale, wa cull, rin town on Monday. Mr. nnd Mr>. Hardy </f Owen Sound vJMted fr a couple- of dii)n at Dr. .Scon's lllst WlC. Mr. Ueoige Preston i* visiting tbe JK.I ontal home. Mr. Win Klrminit of J' rt rrj Sound and Juhn Fkining of Toronto are riaiting tht*ir purc-nu at thu manse. A very pleitaant event ucctirreJ nt the ruMiK IHV <.f Mr. K. Mc(';illuin. 4th line, on Wednestlajr, Jan. 30, when hit si-' 1 -i I danghU-r, Mag^iu May, wat united in the holy lioiiils i>f matrimony to J/r. .lames lukxter, Kih line. The bride aa a'Umd- t-.| tiy li.-r !.iH tr , Mn* Nellie, and Mr. J. Stephens of Dcub'ito asai.s'ed the gnu m. < >nly the immediate rclativefc of thu bride and groom were prewnt. After the wed dtn^j 1 retkfa^t Mr. and Mrs. Ir.kati-r left for Toronto, followed by the good iiln-^ of all present. Mini- Hura Mi-Kee has cone to viait friends in Mi-af'.rd a"d lliornbury. Mr. I!. McCdlluDi wa* homo attend ii.R liis siHler'a wedding. Tli revival lueuunga will be continued all thin week in the M.-ihodist church and we hop.- that nm:ii good will be clcri.od from them. Weddmn bvlU are utill riii|(ini{ in our bury. Kull jmniculani U cr. A y.jnt; caple left our village Sunday evening in aearch of the north polo. A t-t'-rm lilew up and up In time <if writing th.-y hate not r>-turned, hut wt- h--i,e to see the gay teai.i Uck before MIIM Henry ( ,f Markdale is v. her aunt, Mn>. (iU>funl. Mr. Tliarli* S,oH ,.f Mclntyre \ at tliu Dr'a on Sunday, Irt- cream i now il..- .,I,|,T of the day and > think a ri-xtHitrant will KIM-II 1 1- turttd by two i f our moil popu'nr y. ni ^ lad lex. >. I IM>:I- ; /'. /,. Ihtr (>ii-. ,,,/, N ( I'll IllV of \ lai,-y lift Sind.iy f. , .M , foul heie hi- intei.dt t.i >;: ml a weok H--I'.: I'll. II l.t. \\.-iioti-.-dS.U ||awki.,sall 1 f.iiniiy vjoiuj il.inn thu hill Sunday. \\ pi,- .f HIM to Vl.,11 |,|, . \\ ,,, Saii;.-,..! i,n tin- 'IVii' h oi ivilmoi. '"I Th* nun. is I K| p.njf an- ctivrtil ti-n- ..ii . ii.- young man aa ih.- .u,lt p : -...ii c<nn|irii-iit iu m-nil iti-uu t,, t!,, p.ip.-r, liul tlit-ii-iui- Timre of us, jil, ,-m- Mr A. Knott, vo learn, i< to loe tine of his ir o>t alimbl u hor-M-H, 1 1,, ii-Miilt c f h.ttitiji a lump cut out ot |i,r lioiililir. NN r lio|i,> r.he i.iy ret-, vrr, a, .Mr. Knott is iid-ed for hi* bt-autiful PrlrrvilU- OKI Him At a lokt-ii of their o<tet-m ai,tl nppie- ciatimi for |>ast scrvioet the mtMiib.-rs of tin- . V.O.l'.W. of tin* villnue at Ihoir meeting lust week preaenttd Mr. Jo.'j.h Anv<eiii with a hnd.-oiiu- j>i.M chin n and fli.tiin, the latter cn^utM-l with ihe ,-inlli'M.M of the oidt-r. Mi. AUHWIII has been tie.muier of the order for n\cr twoniy yoant and hi nci> is wt 11 wot-lliy of the preNiitation. It ia IHHS!- Mr. Aunsem wa boih SUIpllKOll 'III' I Li .It i fill to i,H llfo'lllT \\Orkmen for th.-ir Wauiiful gift and Hindu a wry Huiiablo reply. Mr. .lolm Canioion left lust week f. I Durham, where ho has secured a positi n with Dr. Hutu. n. We wi*>h John auct-UKa in thnt enu-ipiisini; and uo-uht-ad town. Wo ro p .I'v-d to lonrn tint MiH Lot lie Try.. n IMS been admitted to thu Central high school ol Dolroit v. !i.-r-- she in'emU taking ii full coiinw. Mixa Tiyoii w* one of our brivhtutt pupiN at the I*. 8. and wo thetofore predict for hora iiur- coaafu! ,- ii-,',.,' as a tudent in tike higl Hr Lraucliea of learniiig. Laot Sunday i.ight a bright fire WM noticed stiuthof (h? village. On Monday morn ng it w.n li-arnud that tin- rvnidunce of Mr. ,li.N4-| h Campbell of Balaam Valley was the scune of the crmlkgrntion. Al tune of wilting no particulars were to hand reUtini; lo the cause, etc. Mestn. Ot-orge Tryon and Itert Taltun who are tiinbering near Oran^tville.' pent Saturday and Sunday at home. Mr. N. W. Camib.u. I.P.8., ,un our P.8. last. Fri'Uy. We premiin .-, I. fouiid uverytlin g i j-niing; snnK i niy. Died- -On ThiirV.ty, Jan. 31, Jwhn Mlhi-ra, g. d 5',i year*. In tho ceM.'i of Mr. .M:ii. :.s thi c- uiinunity loos one uf it Iryhly r'.'H[-ctod rexidentrt nl -St. C'oliuuba cliuri h ' no of i*4 uioft t and fait) ful el-li-in. He WMft huxl-and, a kii d f.i'her and a o-Kl bor. He leaver to>, Imf in h' pc, Hiirtoiv!i ! wi.l '.r. . r and tw.) (Kim. The fill'. ', ' ; ;ttur- day afWrnoon ..'-i i v-ry lrc--i- i ; y i. i. -ii Is I, ,fh f.*r ::> 1 Tht r.-mnins v> taken to the ' n:'., hn-.- I).-- p . It--.. ! .'>'.. l;.D., pr.-.Tclieft a n-ry i i . -. . ,; - .iii-se. At il: mi. m Mr. 'I . wit.'i : -y i, n refrrnil t-i tl i;rts' I-.B* ti r i.oiiiiiiuniiy and <-h:ncii !i.n s" in : -.! '! i- deiith f.f .\fr. ' er at .vic'i .1 c..:npna;n i i'. Hi- i in u WHS also mtdfj to tin: Isllnl henr^-i'iifUs ..i;d ^m.-ioniui *i.d itirl- iii,; CliriMti in C!M richer. After thi in tl.c thurcli t!io elden who wero th p-i:l l.-firtTs l.i. 1 'He r lepir^rf br.'lli- . ! . t r - P i Uco in Pri'- ceuieteiv. T.n- i-i'ii ncd family Ii iv<: thn !i.-.i'tf,-,i'hy of U ciiiinunity m ihe.r I'r il:i S(ntlo:i The Markets. Crre-ie4l Enrli '. . *Vl,cat. white. Wl,.-,i, n.d.,. Oats .......... Barley ........ IiEltUT. ..... Kux fresh . . r'.irk ........ ' W., I ........ ' tokens ...... 1 -.:!; ........ Turkeys pt-r Jb. ;.cr !b. . . r ........ C0 to 27 l o 00 to 30 lo 18 to 7 00. in )'. , 2."> to 1 to T to I if 27 6O 20 I'.' 50 M rut . . Do this illus- trate your e x p c r i - e nee? And arc you wor- ried for fear you ; We '..r.- an.-ry to hmr tli'H Mr. r'i. in. in is ill witli i..rt .tnntiatioii oi I',* I L.I j;rpp.i h i vi-i'ftl nt-irly every family in t'u, v...miiy. Mr. Mcl^-an ia the jir. ml U'her of a d>- n lit'le l.y. MM. Tilly Wriijht 1-ft hwt wesk for Durli.. ii. Wo brlieve the Good Templars are getting up an oyster ituppt-r. Miss Allt-u had a dance at lie hotel on Wednesday night Mm* Hep. Wu^hthan returned from Duiham. Mr. K. C Howell ho* ,ld out hix I'l.i. Vsi'iith eslablmlini.-ul '.. Mr Ilonney of Siirlburne, who h: c >m '. r. s,du in town. \V,- Mr. D i;m-y efery sue- i lilt ne* li.'iin- Ceylon. [Th i-iiis] Tin- M;-- II i ..f Kin. unliiK- ;ire \M'iiiH at Mr. H. ( ,K>k's Our S,'Mth school [. llr ir :iiuiiviTt.iiy service next Sun ' .Mock. Mr. J - I. : u fovv Jays in 'k. Mr. \V S uit'i l.-ft to i,ikt a T ' .' I i r - ! ,y U H-. nun} f v to I..KI him. Mr. Manli.ill, our IK> ni ! nr.uil on Kiilty. "A . ,.. >!r. M. to inir Mll)^'.-. [I'lio f il!.iwiii-4 item.* - .ITU !;i J uv..r f. ..Ill 1.1K' Mr II, Wi;\i-ion roturiK-d to I Mines on Mon<U. . ! . Mi. M.lls is s^oiiiliii^ n fen :n II i:i'lll."i. Mi. i)iili- i.f ClK-nIny i .t Air. K. S^ j. i Mr. \\iUon, Mr. !!<JIH;.' in i 'Viim.u ..f Tr .in ic .\TU vUiluu Mr. \V. Mt-M.iH \V<- are ulnil to Mr. H \\ill>ir- on u iinpim in^r The many fru-mls .if Mr. l-'i-.uik R.'!) John, ni-c Mis Kh/tU-th l'hili ; .,f ..rmxr- ly if thin plam )>ut now of Ti-ront.., will li-itm with de> |< n grvt of hvr nutMrii (U'nth it her Koine in Toronto, on 17ili, in-t. MIM Ka 1 '} -l.n *;w w.-!l a'ld fni-or rtl.ljr ki.">n l>y many fiiriuN, wl;u join in fxtciuiiiu oympitihy with the be- itMvt-1 f uinly. Tlio rrinains *i-re li<l to ii Xiturxl.'.y. J..ii. 19 h, .u St.Jauiea 10 npt. r> . Toronto. - - , . . _ ;:i to be bald? i 7 .V.i cease worry- fcf help is at You R c e d ir.j that will -.: ncv/ life into the - Ltilbs. You need a h^ir food, u u c h a s visor 'a Cotton Boot Compound In Ducconfullj a*M monthly bjorer o.lxiOI*dleH. ttfe.eReotul. Ladlecask r %_7"r (IrttEflit for Coek'i Cono* leet Ctm- naai. Takn no other, ai all Uliturrn, pllliaud Imitation* are danKerooa. Prloe, No. l.llprr box; Mow , 10 degreen stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or I, mailed on receipt of price an<1 twot-*rnt Itampa. The Cook Company Wlndcot.Ont. I V~)lt . 1 and 9 told and reoommeudeU bj ail fMpoa*ibl Dru^KUUi iu Uaaada. v.i. I and So. Jli nol.l In fl>i*'nu by W K Ui.-hartlnon an. I W. H. Christ - ' ri !. brings health to the hair, tnd the fall- cetses. i t always restores color to gray hair. You need not look at ty ss if you v/crc , for your gray L-iir may have again - Jark, rich color of youth. M.OOabettle. AH ' I urn i tiarbrr b-r tniie and bar* r "I a great deal iu do with your . . r. I h n t. and ttut II v i.l i.i c..-iTtt.ii tbjt y. a clsilra f r it. U hi Ktren m0 tf .' -to ntlinciioa In my but- ltcr J. t.rnai.K, 'h 13, ISM. Kanaa* I Ity, Xo. lfr"i.laot ,-r. rl'.. lh I- frum the v.Ml It. Ka. J. IV ATKH. Luwoil. I FLESHE9I9I F1BI1TI1E \Ve are carry in,' t-owist style of SEASONABLE GOODS In all line* of FURNITURE ('. n-iixtiiig of {Parlor and ttadrocm <Suitt \ioanyes. ida-3&oaids, tion and Ctnlro uabici, Windoiv Shades and Curtain SPolts, ff'tctvrfo, Gaaols, ftc Which wu offer at Lowest Prices. Picture Framing and General Repairing 1'iidertakinK in all its Kranchtrn Satisfaction Uuarantecd W H. BUNT, I I I sill k I Co latch tbe Eye and tbe ftlind at tbe Same Cime is the art in advertising Thm Ad. itlon rat. how true this aaj-niR i, especially to thoae winhnnt pleasant and nrofitable employment. "Can- da's Son* on Kopje and Voldt," the only book dealing exclusively with the Canadian Contingents, is the book to handle. Official, Authei.tic, Cheap, svIU <>n sight t.. everyU>dy, and unyl>o<ly can mil it. Capital or ulperiunoe not iiecaisary. Send fr Free Outfit and make money. THE BRADLEY -OARRETSON CO., Limited Mention this> paper. BK 1NTI*KI>. O>T.