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Flesherton Advance, 7 Feb 1901, p. 3

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FEBRUARY 7, 1901 THE FLESHE TON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE FEBRUARY 7, 1901 F. T. HILL & CO. - F.T. HILL&CO. t *. ttlarkda.e's Bargain House In Ordered Clothing I'pwards uf 500 piece* of the tinest and inost beautiful cloths have been i in s',.ck during the past ten days. They consint of what IN known a '.Vlill tvi.ts" or parts of webs reuiHining after wholesale houses have 'i'ii supplied. We bought those direct from the, manufacturers at a good de ,1 lost* money than wan formerly charged tin wholeRalera, by reason of wbi'-b ...|r ruMtoinem will be -avt-.i two protitN. YOU can make a Krlection frmn almost every kind of fashionable Kiiiting that is in the market in li.'lil, in" limn T dark shule.s ; heavy, ,>iediuin or light weight* of Fin* VV-TBteil, Fine Series, Fancy Tweeda, etc. Compared with other season's piicos or with g<H>dH bought fioni Wlioleralc HOII~H, this i tll saving we inakti you ; Suits worth 10.20, made to your measure for 8.75. Sunn worth 12.TX), made to your measure for. . . . 9.50. Suits *oitb 15 00, made to your mea.suru for 11.50. Suits worth 17.00, made to your meacure for 12.50. Trouscis worth 2.90, made to your measure for. ... 1 98 Trousers "forth 3 60, made to your meaxure for. . . . 2.48. Trousers worth 4.75, made to your measure for. . . . 3.68. Trousers worth 6.60, made to your measure for. . . . 3.75. ' iiir Mr. KALI,. Mil) (until recently employed by Hobberlin Brim., King Srteet, Toronto,) has charge of mir Tailoring Department and in one of the imwt efficient artUU in his line we know of. We use best trimm- ings make up all goods exactly as you order it and guarantee absolute satisfaction. Tins if how wo sell dozens of thcui : Suit* worth 3.75, clearing at 1 98. Siiit* worth 6.50, dealing at. ... 3.H5. SUIIA worth 6.00. clearing at 4.85. Men's Fulled Cl -th Pants worth 1.76, now 1.19. 1 >* Knee Pants worth 50, now. ... - JV. V ISlT THIS STOIIK bofoM you make your purchases you'll hj treat- ed courtcoii-'y, s.-rvod intelligfiitly and will receive more aolid worth for your money than elsewhere. F. T. HILL & Co MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNI TIES ON ALL LINES OF WINTER GOODS MARKDALE. IMPORTING RETAILERS Obituary Thuititon for many years and had beein intimati-ly c< miro'ed with him in church work. His HIM a disintei-i'sti-il,('hrist-like It IH our extremely painful duty this life. Tribute* like these sank deep into weik ti. chronicle the death of a dear thcheiittt of the n.emlK'n of tlio family fitlu-r, which sad event took place at his present and we Witthto tbniik tins,* gi n- hoiiM at Kiinl.erley on Thursday at l.'jn leinen i/nl.licly for lh unspeHkable c.m- H in. Although ailing morn or lew* for a solution that their nurds gave. The re couple uf years, yot he wan able to wink mtins viere brought to Flchlii'itnn for in- ks u-iual until TuosJiiy morning when tin- t-tinent, whtrc Uev, Vard load >i 'ii'ich refus.-d to contain food and for the t.urml service of thu church, and the vo days hu suffered from thil but wnh Orangemen of Kinili.-rb y, Eugenia and ablu ti> walk around up to thu inoineiit CVylon 1 -dg... paid their last impreskhv t | loro of hisdiath. At 1.10 a.m. Thuris.lay he tributes to a deceased brother. walktd fiom thu sitting m .m, vvbeie he T1|e| , ,,., , he dltwn it hiul li. n utiiig by the fire, to the bed came, but faint, down on lliB bod, and dropped : AM from beyond the limit of the world Ideal Treatment for Catarrh. Mr. Hobert F. Oray, of 25<) Clarence street, I.c r.don, Ont;sa)a: " I l)clieve Catarrhozone |will produce a positive cure for Catnirh. After using it a few times relief was unsure. I fact. The d:s- ..e,iec dropiiini; in the throat. in KIII loHHoned and tho natal paKHng. s he- e-iliie fl'oo Wild til'' bre.ilh I"'- came I. > disagreeable. Catarrho?one i 1 * an ideal treatment that I hope it will find its :iy intol'.e hni'dsof muny jtf.-ct- eil ones. teed cure Catarrh -n-Mme \n for Cilufrh and guaran- Asihama. Sold eM-ry where. Tiial outfit sent for in stiini|iH t,y N.C . Htun, Ont,., Froptetors. & Co., King} Within ton minutes over nncoiiHcious. I lie pnl-e i . .1 tines Monrou 'i hurstuii waa born at Mount Albert, in the County of Ontario, in l:tf About the year 1854 lit; c.iin.- up to Grey County and sullied on a (arm In., miles ii-.rth of Kimderley, and was oil.- i.f i In- tii Ml f.<-tllra in tho \aln-y I niiwn as u.ii Queen's Valley. Some. I )e-is .1,0 he rente I lii.s farm MI I ."k up Ins lesidcnce in Kimbciley. In lH.",i d.;..-ca*flil married Adeline Punly of M..if..i-.l, lio iuri ive him.aud l.y I lir !eav<-s five children, in order of age as follows : W. II. ThurMon, Fl* .she.i'on ; Mrs. (i. Walter, Kimberley ; Dr. F. A. : I - ike ''"' Ilu<t Sounds, as if soiii.' VOIC" * M ' <>f ll . rt ' nt faT city were one Around a king returning from his wars. Ten nv* n. fhii signature ir. nn every ..01 o( th* (OI>LI Laxative Bro;no-0iiinine T.hi e u the rc.nedy that t'im n eol<l ! on*) day Tlie ll.irti-toii Uevii-w I.. -is ft Kioto r lilu-r in Mr. Wm llcyii"hlR, of 1'inc Luku. On th day after Christmas, for tho paM live years, this n.nn eiitired the l{e\ii-w i-Mi.-e ii nd plunked I'oivn three to p.-iy for ihrvn HiibscriptioiiH in 1:1 i T4NWURTH BOAR FOR SERVICE I Imrn n-fflntereilTamworth Boar for sorvics oil lot B, N. 1). K , Arteiiiema. Tiiruni (M. W. MKAUH, 1'rojirlotor. ThuiKton, Chicago ; Mins M. Tburston a ho,,,,-, n.l Alfred D. Tlium-.,,. To- , '" lv inr - Yl ' s ' I' 1 "" 111 " 1 ""' 1 " u ' 1 " down, mark yel Hu di'ln't nsk the i .lit -.nt.. 1>. .,:Lsed w is a member i.f ihu M..ii d.nt church frmn In.) h' ml, ami in tlu.iarlydsys of ,! Uine'rancy, ,,.,1 , -f^" '^K l-ut th. lu-igbl, .-.,, cord .voo.l, nr tamarack, nor I i i.'iil , nruotiablu i i li W ^.. fact ulHJH, Ins liome \\iis o|.in to Hll.l :i i i ('' ili" 'mis lieienbiiut full iiaini welcoini! arcordeu, procliiiineis of like to if I. II of thu (inpcl. \\ e i(u not care to say more , Hi praintt of Ids vioikand aims. Thoso i i. 11 who knew him bent c m i.- iiiV ,\1 a wi'i, hov.evei . we can Ky nil b.'lter Mr. Keyn .|.ls iih-r^l notions. is u hot yiirn told by the country correnpo'ident of the Clinton Krs: " A farm T lured a very inexpcritnoed buy a or truor |tarein e\er lived. He, was " "h -it lime ago to lielp about ili. | luce ! 1 wo;kmn man in i-very HUH,', but ''>"' innriiintf he told the lad to i>n and .M.I Ids goods, luul noattrn.-tion for i.dt lh calf in tho piuiture. The |M, V notice to Creditors. In i In- matter of tho Estate of Alexand- er Haigeon, lute of the Township of ()s prey, in the County of (Jrey, Farmer, deceased . Notice Is hereby given puraant to " 1 he Ke- vin...! Statutes of Outni io ' 1HB7, Ch*p I'.-.i, tbst all Crtnlltora and othura having ola!ua ^ainnt ths enlatt) of tho >ai.l Alexander Halgoon, who died on or about the 1 -tli itav i.f October, A. U. I'-'n, mi- ri'.juirr.l un or before the Ittnd day ol Fvbrnary, A. D 1'.H>1, to --i,,l bv pinpai. ..i a. l.ver In Mui.' WliKhtA Mi-Xi.di of tin. town of Owxn Soiin.l in thu Count) of torn t'.r It. I. .... M siii K .-on. ad- inini- 1 1 ! 1 1 \ of Ilio atat of til* said ileci-u their rhriHtian and -11 IIKI.H-^. addrettacx SIK detcvlptionii. ami full ] .irtlc-ulurs of theii fUinis. a Htatulllent of tbtiii armiunt* an I tin : ii,. *.-. n: ilii.K, If anv, held I' And further take notice that after auch Us< iiii'iiU.iiii-il .lixt.' th - MI.. I a.tiinnifttratrix wil t>rocre>1 to iliftrlli'H' t lit. AAneta of tlie i!er.-n-r i amontf the partius untitUI thi-i.-to. liann i.'^ir.l i nli to tl'- ' -inn* i.f wliirii ..lio filial then liam iioi.i i k. t'ia' 'i M I .lnoniitra ;i\ will not I ii-i- or any thereof to ant | ' - . -on* of M limns notn " : li .H i.-n ion. i- mil received b her at, tno.. .( ..urii .ii-ti il.Mii ,n. I'Kti'.l January limt, I... I. L.UCAK, \\llKilll ,t MrAKIH.r. him 't K, is for . 'inetlilllg bettor ili- lie . nked, a-.d tile rewkH has now been tinned. I'uacd and nittmii - it Lot (r, 01 i< n n fnnn 1 1 y and |..uu .ui.l trouble took nboiit a quart of salt, nibbed it all over the i-iilf, working it into the I. air A uiing of coll* in thu p.iatuin scented the s.klt utid ^ot after the culf. *par sonsi , Solicitors for adnmoHtmtiiv c>w. n d X-M- A-S Groceries Thoy lick I.,- Mrtfltor IISH taken our father to Him ! the haik off tl' calf's Su-k und trn d lo ,,lf Mi of his .Inldren attended t'.ie i lick ibe hub- II loo. Toe f.-u-inei tried I fnneril, which Ux,k pUo on Sunday, to nUel, thi, c,ilf and wash it ,.|T, but ,|, e , A full line of the bent u-ods j,,st r.-.-eiv \\hcii the rum mis wuro t..:.en to tin ' cienluie thinking he wanttd to lick too, -ihwch at Kiiiibfi-biy, wh-r f..r so in my kept out of thu way. l-.i.g ye;m ileceikSfd had been i f.iithful 1 Mrs. Labur.u lady wull known in church worker, und where be had conducted the ork m (Iranunville.js d.-ad. She d. s.-ly service upon tho pr.'codi.u Smnliiy even- ing, und Hi v T. H. White |i. olml touching KCI-III ni fnnn FlcvoUti -n 14th i San win tho i. '.led Queen Victoria in |MnuMU :i|ipearnnc.e, and occ-*<i..nsreprcnt- cd Her Majuoty in ln-d thruitii ':i's. li,.il duplicate I' In- Flue I HIM* of 4 untlivM lii Tn>vn. ('nil niul src ilicin. lon'i pass us by J, i,, t -i i, I l!Mi v.-r: I ;l ' 8 Victotiun KIM and txnipla of Fmno ei left liniiitiits, and I'let'Tiii Day rudt did thu-. -I... Hi lb.l.T.1 from Inn, ; r ,, y ,, HtH , , llt) |,,.d of ,1, , ,,, ,-., forth: jea, Milb tlie s;, fit, ill .1 tli.-y m-y 1|)U a(1 tn9 g,| 0ell ' 4 ri ,,,,, .,. ,(,, t , ,, thut lost friini tin ir laliora; and ihi ir wi rk * do vio'orioni o-c.-isi,.n l,'urioii-ly t<noiigli, follow iheiii.' .Mr. \\liite snid llmt ihe MrH. I,abor died on tlio name day an tho ,11.. .u Quwen, mid nlniost at the *Hiii8 agn. Hho f.nnily would IUISM him, but he would mn..s ( ^ ( ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ (( ^^ ^ cr-ppe liiintoi. Ho hud rB.:oive,l counsel and whji . h ^,^,.1,,,,,^ into piu-innonia, and in.,-- fi .in him. Mr. Thus. Gilray ro- I dath e.nn.- at \.'M on (hit morning of .1 lint Hi.i-iog ileoeasei HID ting in ptiv.te house 1 i ,... Thu opinion ho had linn fonui-u Rfti( , U) hHVB ,,, c ,, n ,,,|, r,),],, ni<)l , c y to Uo luid unvor li.ul c tuse to change. Mr. the foreign missions ->f tho Prcby*riikn \A/ P I (] H Tft OLD \. C t'r r of K'l^u.ii* hj(d known Mr. chuich. cJ, including oningeH, lemons, candiei*, fancy biscuits, bonbons, i -ii 1 1. -ints, MI mins, peels, era n- herrim, t-to. I'Ll'51 I'ndilings, ready C .like. I. In addition we keep n full line of ordinary IruMfsMt such as Miig.ii--, tea", nosps (common and fancy), Spanish onion-., CAtinod woods, and pickels, -.l i' a prayer j the tjnme dsy upon which the Qnen puss- ' in thu year "'' ftwa y *' '^ '" t * le ft(nll "' 1 - ''" , Lalnir was a widow, und wealthy, ai.d IH ' fli..ti fftnii<l . . M. Richardson & Co. Stock Reductions ,.* Staple Dry Goods VERY SPECIAL Heavy Flax Crash Towelling 18 in wide, Regular price "cent*. Selling for 4i cents. Heavy Bordered Crash Toweilim.'. 18 inches wido Regular price 8 cents; Selling for 6 centa. Hunvy Grey Factory Cotton, 34 inches wide, clo^o even thread ; les* thjn null pike 4 c.-nt. Fine Heavy Table l>ain.->k, 54 inches wide, handsome ll.ral iiatteins.Kegular price 30 cts. for 20c. Oxford Shirtings, hs' c.d.irs, popuLir pst'erns, 3D in. wido, U. tfii'ar 12J cen' cloth for 7$ crn!. Plaid and Check Dni','g> t FUnnels, heavy weight, 27 iiichei! wide, Reiiiilar 2") cts. St-I-ing for lo cents. (>rey Flannel, -7 incl es wi'e, nudiiim and light c-dors, Ke; 8 cents, for 6 cents. Art MuaUn, 27 inc'ics wiclf. yood rin;'H of pretty new | n tenii, Roftutr 6 centu, for 31 cents. Art Cretonnes, 27 inchea wido. hiii-Noum piittoriiH niclitf rn: e. i',, ^rouniU Ue^ula- 1-H . i n: t;oo<U at OB. *o. *n<l 7 cenu. Stri|>ed Flanneletts, 29 inches wi ie, v>-i I fast ciders, Uvular <i ain! 7 c-irU. f. r 4J cents. Honey Comb Towels, fiinue. I an 1 bordered i-i/.i: lo X 3"J. -t :. em-h, 7''.pi'r. EXTRAS IN FOOTWEAR. Men's Sn i I' ..... f RuhtierH. Hr;-it ipiali'), nil i.. . !' >ii,r f-_.;i5 for ............... *250. I: ."lUrli -J.". for ............ > ...... $l.'.i.V Uvular 1 .7n for ................ $1.60. MEN'S MOCCASINS'.ir $1 25. for ................. !>5 cents. WOMEN'S OVKKSHOKS Allsizoi. R-gular $2 00, for ...... ........... 11.75. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Special 40 cents* Me.,', Heavy All Wool, Ribbed Underwear. Flesh or blue (riey color. Shins or dravcis I'urfcct guilds. Regular 56 cents, Selling at GROCERY Special 20 Ibs. Standard UranulaSd Sugar Fil.e Ked Salmon full sized 'ni. (Juanintood, Pras, Corn, and Tonmtops, first Duality, 3 cans 26-lb. Can Fino, Clear M-irae's Best Soap or Cameo Soap 7 Bars $1.00 10 cents. 25 cents $1 25 cents. Extras in Wall Paper Handsome i taper*, comprising new gilt and glininier etfeeta--xniall i|iiantitif.i sintal.lo for sin.ill loom-, lrdl aixi t ediooniH. Regular price from 10 cents to 26 ce:,'- p . roll. Selling for per double mil .......... 3 Handsomo j>npcri, rompriHinir new i/ilt .->ril dimmer rffex'ts b .rders to match really to inaliw loom for spring stovk. Ufgnltir p:ue from 12J to ^5 cents |ii r roll. Selling at ................... 5 CtS. Extras in Fancy Camps. Fancy Titblo Lump. Largt size, handsomely dt-contted opal Kh;ulo and bol, 1-trgo burner and chimney. Kegularfl 25. s ''Hingui ................. ^O CtS* Fanoy Libruiy Lamp. 'W inches high. Fancy brass base, dec- orated pillar ami gloiio - never,-il difTorent colore to select from. Ue^nlar piiou $3 00 Dinner and Cea Setts Special. Dinner Sett. 97 piecex, hand- some floral pattern in new blue design. Reg- ular price t7.?5. Selling at $6*00 Tea Sett 4-i pieces, prettily decorated new shapes, pretty design. Kcgular price 13.60. Selling itt $2*45 Specials in ro$$ tut Saws* All kinds in stock to pick from. Our Spucialsaw, guaranteed complete with handles and tile C ft AA Our Rubablc Saw 5J ft complete with handles and 61e . Axes. Ruliablo br.kinl-i for all kin. IN i.f work in Hwamp or hardwood. Our Special Axe i* worth buying all weight.*. H. RICHARDSON & COMPANY Vicinity Chips CJiitrartrrtstlrs f tl>.- Past cflt t'arcfiiliy Cnll<\ for the Curious Heavy tuaiii for s.ilo. ApP'y to J. Rui >tadtlrr, fr'le.shert. . Kn-.h ! ; mc H!VS on .1. H. Due. ' I'M, Kugenia. A few ton* f h:iy for snle. L,t 38, e.n., S, Art*mii .T. HICKI.INC. (io .id woik lii rso for sale iliep, also second-hai il cuil*r. Apply 10 T. J. Shcpi c.rd, Flerhfrtun. F'nv.ite or company fui.tls ii> loan ,-.t fn m 4J to 5 per e*i t. Kx|ict>st lo*. Apply tn CJeo. Rutlu rford, Siieiburn -. For Sale Fresh pressed liny. A snmll ijiiantity uf cheap hy, also Silver Chatf buckwheat and beardb-ss liar!'-y. Apply to A. IkMttia, Markdtle P.U. W iuted t once A )"Uii< man sliont 18 year* of ge to loam Uack.iinithinij. Mu.-; lio htroii;.', healthy and nut afraid of work. Apply to J. D. Watson, Markdale. We learn th;tt Mr. Frank VunDuscn purposes moving Ins jewellery stock to Dun li!k n-ir week. Frnk will be umoH in social circles, but then we will see him occasionally, n doubt. TeiiJers Wanted IV uders for 50 cord* of green ranplo hi dy, will ! re cein/d by ibe uinle.iii:nod up ti Fob. 10, 1901, w<>il to be delivered at :!M * h.M,l house .it Fl^herton. W. J rVlamr.Sec Mr. Carnahan, *!i > conic* n \t \\Vd- MVKilay under tlio aurpict-s of the Lit., Will sing a n<-w patriotic WTI-J, ' 'Jreft- in-jN io tho King," !;i.a in Mid to b a rou'-.-'-. D >:i't tui hcu'ni; it. T 1 ; regular monthly ru*etin<; of Arto- ni' "in Counci 1 , which was to hare bren he' ' mi Saturday last, WHS po ; ] Mined ou-.ii',' t-> the nation*! in mrniiig. Tin; councillor* will mee', on Saturday I:HXI A Suiylay school aorial was held in the Baptist chnpul on Fii'luy evening l-ist, win N a Kid 1 program w:n supplied 1-y the Bch ml find an enjoyable evening wai pent hj those present. A collection was taken Lip to the seh' nl. Tin dors Wan'wl. Tenders -fill be re- l for the building i.f a woodshed at No. 3 9choolhouie, ArUMiii'sia, up to Saturday, Feb. 23, 1901 For plans ,md speu;ic:itions apply to the umlersignod. JOHN CHARI>, Sec., Flesherton To. An auction Hale of farm stock ami ini plvmentM will be held on lot 157, ,-,.M _', W. T. and S. II., Artemrsin, oil Friday Ktb. 15, at 1 p.m , tho property uf Mr. Andrew Cullcn, who will lemove to New York Kti.te. See bills. R. J. Spnmle. An especially inheres' ing n:eetit the Lit. was held l th,- riWUii.'. . :f Mr. John I'" yd <>n \\Vdn .'nd.iy evanintj nf l.itt wek, when b mt thirty IIIHIII'MTI were [in-pent io hear limpf. ; r I'.impbfM nf Durham, who tnk up Tennyson's " In Moinoriiiiii " and csvo a mo<t intcr- i><tiiiL; Hiid instructire analysis of the piwrn. The genial Iii'jMTt ., wa ten- derm! a hearty ote i.f thiiulu f..r bin y and Rev. (Jeo. Urown, of Top.iito.who i nt prcHi-nt e <i;:ii;ed in |>ecial m-rvicen in Shelbiirno, will ,.;>en revivd s>-r\ ices in the VfthoJist church <MI Sunday n<>xt. Tiie I 11:1-1 t i L;S will, however, be with- drawn on Monday evening, when Mark. l-'e (in. 1 Eugenia Lca<ju-.s v.ill ti the Flesherti.n League, and UVdiu-'l.v etenini;. the occasion o? the Public Lib- rary concert, as thcue Uiintrs bad already been arran^iti for. The Carnalmn concert n*\t Wednes- day will ( tl;e best thing we have hud here in a long time. Anioi'g other things on tho program it is loped 1'nvate Rorke of Thonhury will j;ive a slmrt upcoch on IIIH ex[>eiii I'f.'H in Africa. Cimialmn will ing Tennyson's "Erigliith War Son,:," "My Little FriiuUin," "The.'olly Friars," "Tho Quaker," "Young Richard," "The Hundred Pipers." etc. You will regret It if you fail to attend. 1 here are probably four hundred nub- M'rilieis on our liiU who have as yet failed to renew their subscription)) thin year, and among tliesu a number have not eveD paid for Mm past year. On March 1, we haven lar^ paitueiit due and n >-d this money to niet't it. We appeal to thoe in arrears to a*ftist us out by pitying up and renewing their subscriptions, and from pat experiences foel that we will not npp'-al in vain 1'lnase do not wait fora piTKonal and individual request. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take I.ntin Hromo QiitnliK Tablet*. All ^i*t4 r^fnnit the niont y If II ftilfl to cur> K. W. (>:ov8'<il(natnrii Is nn each box, Tho Tront'in Advocate of Jan. 24, pub- lishers a lengthy eulog'Htic article draling witli Measrs. Clark, Nieolson A Co., who hava purchased the Eugenia hoop and venorr faclory, and copion several addres- 08 roottivml by ilien fj-ntlomen from their fellow eniployeon before leaving Trenton. The Advocate snys : ' We only voice the sentiment of all the citi- /.ens of Trenton when we express our deep rcgnt at their depaiture. Mr. Nu-olsoii has been a resident of Trenton and connected with tho Oilmour Com- papy'a o[MT:ition hore for nearly 30 years, having for many years occupied the position of Head Shipper and Salesman. Mr. CliirUe has altui been in the employ of the same company for yeais an Chief Engineer n.i Sujn. of work." Each of the gentle- ui":i w | resented with a I andsnme gold lir g The eulogies heapid upon these gentlemen would indicate that Eugenia liau n ceiveil valuah'u acquisition from both social and businesH poinlK of view. MONTRKAI-, Dec. 1000. To thi public : Your druggist is hereby autho.izi-d to refund the. purc'.aae price on it twonty-h'i-e or lifty c. nt bttl r (Jie.-n't WurrnnUxl Symp of Tur, if it fails to cure your cmixh or cold. > s 'iie<]) The Lestur H (Jruene C.. 'n TueM'.ay nul.t f week the Epw<Tth League of Fle.-her'on M.vho.lisi eiiun-h viiiied 'h- M:iikdl<; Epworth . i*, n rLipi!'!:>o to an invitation by liter to come up and spend a social '1 i. pn ,;raiii, which was pro- vid. 1 hy the F!i-Hiierion I.'-ajrue, w* it but sweet, " "iid ai f illuwcd by a l.iii.-h and ci.tfoe .'iven by the Markdule League. Thin soci vble ;,Hrt of tlie even- ing won veiy nine*! enjo.ed ly th"Se pre- sent. The MarkiUIr League are to be coii(j-tnla^d upon tln-ii- nucceiw i-i MO thoughtfully i r.-j a: iiiu for : In ir neigl-bor 10. MarkrLilu I. <^-> .v;.^ incited to favor Klcsherti n wtb <\ utitrn visit, which will t:ike pl.icij on MI nil iy, Feb. 1 1. Lord Roberts. SIIVH i:i speaking of > ho part taken by madias at the uitlle. c't Kaardcbei .'. t.,.it is was thrir forward position winch was the t-tial move that c<jiii|>elled I '' m- nrint Crutijo to lav d ''n his ann on tho anniversary of M.ijudi Day. Tin Week- ly (ilobe is enabling tho yearly subscribes to hand down to their children an excell- ent memento if that import. un event by I rcifiiting them w th a cleverly execut- . d picture which conveys a very correct i lea uf the Boer laager and pooition of t'li- i 'anadian tronps at that time. Air Frerick Hamilton, The (ilolni's cor- respoiident, and others, who were r\. witoi-sies, express the greatest satisfact- ion with tli picture, and it certainly i.i '.vi rtliy of that journals' enterprise in making it I.OHSI! le to keep the event ever in menioiy. 'I he picture can be secured liv l coinii'4 a sub erilter of The Weekly , i tlie regnhti puce. The picture can In- seen at th s nlhco. Personals Mr I. i; "'rftlson, M. P., left Mon lay to attei.d the opuni.ig 1'arlianieiit in Ottawa. Misn Ua Crt ne i.f Owen Sound is the gucHt of hergra .dm , Mrs. R. Trimble. Mm. J. \V. Hcndcroii, Toionto, is the guest of her son, R. N. Heii.h isoii. Mr. Will Han lioiHe, wh 1. arn-il the blacksmithii.y wnh .V H. Henri Jk Son, left Widnmday for Edaiontoii, where ive behove ho lias secured a .situation. Mr WoUeley, who ha bueii the guest other sister, Mrs. J. Runsud'lcr, fi i tlie p-M couple of w><.*ks, retu r.ed to her hi me in Uundalls on Satin. hy. Farmers' Institute Meeting. Very impcrtant farmorn' meotint'S wil he held nl Walters 1'Vilis, Kiinber ; ey, Kevershain and I'r ton Station. Soead- vertisein- nt. The spoakuia advort'^'il are all practical and Kiicjecs-1'nl farm, i - and stock niisopi. The Farmers' li s i lutes are doing uoo.l work in te'tin^ to netbiT the tiio-,t piini.iiiL'iit, !a-inets of each ii "ii;liboihi od to d-sciiss amoii'; tliemse'.ves ina'ter* ]ier':iniiiii; to own busini'Hs. TO lie ucovstfal ui taun- ;ng, as in all oilier lnr s of induntiy, it is -'y to liave co-opei'i.:ii :u,d mutual i icl,.-ii)gu of ideai. Mi-tin ds of farming have entirely changed wi'hin a few years. The nctlve b:ain must now lie associate I with the Btrung arm if genuine suuvuss is to be achiiveil. The farmer ' f ! read, tnu-t, apply Hctontilic principles to bin work, must keep iin account of a'l ho buys and sells, must weed out th iinpriintl>li' airm.iU of his lierd, muwt reuigiize , -ni.l il":<noy the peitildit weeds before they lake possession of h's lields, must in fact keep wide awake and on the alert or In- will get, left in theracu. Lit every fa 1 mer attend tno Institute ineot- itigM ii'-an-st his hom, and while tin- -. look sharply after ev. -iy bit of infoimi tion tliat may help him in his v"ik . Mr. (S. C. Cast on of Crwghiirat nei-iU no it - trodiiction to ihe faiim-is of tins commui - ity. He has been fin-many yeiirj director of the Onttiio Fruit i;r.iw t rs' Afiooiatk.n an I no* il II-T pn si.l.-i;f, and by choice of thi- as oei-i'ioi, rcpies.'iiis i hat organiz- ation in the anuual 'telegaiion Jr<;ted to address Farmers' Inatitutes. Ha has been sinca 1894 Director of the Simcoe Fruit Experiment Station and has been paying special attention to hardy apple* and hardy cherries. Iin has now many hundred varieties of fruit planted. Mr. Caston is much in demanid in the fall season as an expert fruit judge at our ex bihiliofia. He is also a good farmer aud IIIH talks on "Cultivation and rotation of crops," "Corn ai.d Ensilage" and the "Export Bacon Trade," in addition to his fruit talks, are thoroughly practical and pleasantly prtantd. Mr. Myron A. Goe, of H it. li man. t County, appears be- fore the farmers of this county for the tint time. He is a thoroughly practical and farmer at h. nut and, has mad# an enviable reputation in his own county and liefore tht Farmers' Institute. He talks on "Sheep Management," " Raising and Marketing of Hogs ' and "Poultry Keeping. " These am subjects that every fanner in thia county should be interested in, and we trust there will be Urge numbers nut to hear both these gentlemen load the discussion on the lines indicated. Nature Has Provided. A remedy fur every auhe and pain, and .- through ceaseless activity and ex penmen t u constantly wrestling the sec- rets of her domain. A new and Wonder- ful discovery has recently been made by means of which tens of thousands will he freed f r.iin pain. Nerviline, or uervu pain jure represents in very concentrated form the ni'iHi potent pain relieving subntitues known to medical science,, and strange to say, it is composed of medical science and strange to, in composed of sub- stances solely vegetable in origin. Pol- son's Nervline is the prompt, certain, and pleasant pain remedy in the world. Sold in 10 aud 25 cent bottles by all dealers in medicines. Talmago says a newspaper whose col IIDJIIS Hi w with ads. of business men has more influence in attracting attention to and build up the city or town than any other agency that call be employed. People go where there is business. Cap itnl and lab. i will locate where there is an enterprising community N.) pow- er un eat til is sojslroi.g to build up* town ss a newspaper well patronized, audits power should be apprcemteil. N'ow let mil .inly stand in the way of the onward march of thu wheels of progress. Supplementary *^ MbETINOS OF EAST 11HEY Farmers Institute Huppleinentary m.-etiiitfH will bu held a. followH : Walter's Falls, Oddfellows Hall, February !th, 1901 PROGRAMME: ICO p.m., 1. lv..i.i,.iit i Addrhia. I. Myron A (...-, Ksq, HolM'iiI'lvallon." .1 ' ', . \: . CaAton, F.a<|., "iii-rh,o,| Kruit an. I bow to Kriiw ttn-iii, IneliiiliiiK I'Untinii, l''ii"inK, s|'iK, Cultivation, l f urtllir.iiiK, Itt a.ftiiifcf. Hu ding. *tc, 7..10 p in. I. M. A. fine, "Farm Prr.blems." 9 <;.<' <'--"n. -I'niiltry mi tlio Kami. ' Kimberley L'nion Hall, Feb. n, i'r 'ir.u:i 4 V/aUer'n Palln. Feversham, Orange Hall, Feb. 12 r."Krin < u as Walt.r'M P&lls. Proton Station Orange Hall, February 13. 1 80 p.m. M. A. Oi'i , "Sliu-i> Maiiasmnant." O. T. I'uMun. "rnliivatioii nf tho Hoi', anil !lo- tation of Crops-" T SO P.m. M. V line, "Ponltl'V Keapinif. " t.ft (Vuton. "Horlicult '.irnou tho Fnnn ' Locul gi-nrlcnien invited tn take |>rt. Suitable nririu will be provi.led nt oac!i placo f ini't-toi^. ALL WELCOME. JOHN HOI AM'. J. I. GRAHAM, 1'nr.s SKCBKTAIIT. Notice to Creditors In thi TII I'ter of the Kstate of William Mnliiti, l-te of ilio Village of Kever- sl-.nni in the Tmvnxhip oi Usprey in flu- Coiiti'y of Cn-y, (Jei.tloman, de- ceased. NOTICKi-i hi-i-i bv -ivi-n i>iiri:.t to "Tli Bovin-.l M\-ut.-s ,,f Ontni-io, ' \HUl. I'hap. I'-V Unit all croillrora ati'l . thr* liaviuM claims tfnlswt Mia wMts) of said WllUnm NaliiB, win. I iv of l>i '-i inlii-r. A.I)., l.efo--o the t h day of Mi.oh A 1>. l';l. to HUH. I Iiv pl , [in-pAl.l, or luiivi.r to He! rv llnitliinn. f |O., Uin.. Mnllin. u.,1) lioy, P. O. , or John 8p win nan. I' "., all in (.!.< naiil TiiwDalllp of ('afiov in tluj iilt-i.'-ifcid County o ' i;vi"i:.n .: IL ru, tlnir chrlMan nn I Sni-iMiui' ' : eripti HIM i\ti.l f-ill j.m tioulii, .* of lliuir oln-ins, a nfat*inouts of Unit i , I the lmttir of tlio Keen n lies ( if .in v h.'l I 1; ,- rh-Mii AM!'.'i- tilio notice that after the last H.1-.I ,\nlf Ihusalil Kxecutors will pro ,'.i.| to -I 1 -; . .-t tin* ;1o- uftMnl among tUi- jiRi-ti. s <! it!."t tli..' i-'o Inyin^ i-'^ar I on y to the f:|-iitilH tif whii-h they shnllhavi- nol !.-. fMd >hsA said Ki. minis wi'l not bo liable fur the *-.>- IT i ;.rt to any po ban i" pe 8 't*s . f wli-iM' .-liiiuis noticH Rpa'l not have IKWII r*o- ;ved at time of aunh ilmrib itiun. Dated J-iniinr\ ->tli, I 1 ' I. ICY h' I I'M AN, I .1 \Mi-:> MTU. IN. J >HN srrilJHS, I Phoiphodiiw, Tlu Orrat EnglM Semaly. Sold nnd reoommended by all driiKHlsM In Canada. OnlT reli- able medicine discovered. Ate __ pachiffff guarnntifil to onr all forms ol Sexual Weakness, all efls of abas* rexcetui. Mental Worry, Kxeesulve one of To- bacco. Opium or StlmnlanM. Mallnl on IWMP* of price, one paokftoe't. six. M. Ont w( ;>>n, r*. Pamphleta free to any add nnM. Th* Wort Coio|Mn7. Windsor, Ont. Woo I'bo'p'-nrlip Is nol'l in Kl. i.hii toi liy W. > Olirtato.1 .nl W, K iUchsoi*.u, I>riiu- * * * * All Canadians Rejoice in ii. T. J. Sheppard's husy store is among those who keep with it. Iu<l<'cil in sonic modest terms, notabfy tho retailing of dry goods, clothing, shoes and grocer- ies. People say we net the pace. We're getting reatly for st >ck. We're almost reckless now in clearing the way for new goods, over confidence in tho future makes us more than ever determined to reduce stocks on hand and fairly plunge into the enthusiasm of spring. We mean to do a larger business this year than we did last and that will not come by idly wait- ing for trade but by using these early days for plan and preparation such as this store has ever known. Century to-day, Commences * * * iiv w * !/ A </ * iiv * * ifc >*, iiv iiv I.V vfc "Dress Soads 'Department. In our DresGood department the new century knife cut deeply. Colt of many lines of goods not taken into consideration a* thu following pricrs will show : .Ifi pieces Dress goods niuuhir price <J5 to 75, new century price ><. 30 pieces Dress xoodH regular price 30 to 45. new century pricit _'... 15 pieces Dress uoods regular price 50 to 60, new century priett .'!74c. 20 pieces gootls regular price 25 to 36, new century price 20\s. There comes a tune every season when it pays to sell at a loss rather than carry the goods into .mother season hence the slaughter of a lot, of good lines. Our Ciotking 'Department. It is without doubt one of the Iwst appointed and moat commodious this aide of Toronto and its stock n not eaily equalled much lens ex. .'{o rondy maile sun former price 7 50 9.25, our inuck salt* pric" . gti.OO 17 suits, old 1'JOO price, t.5> to 7 50, Feb. sale price ?: ml Mi. than iiOO Men's and Youths' suits to choose from at prices ruling from $1.50 to $12 00. A. Snap in IVlens' and Boys' Ove rcoo, t s. iS/ioo department. We are offering somo very apeoial cuts. One line of gills button overshoes, were 91.25, now 75 (JIKH'ERY DEPARTMENT 20 Ibs. bust granulated sugar 91.00 f2 Ibs. best yellow sugar f 1.00 This store n> n, v.-r nil.-, there is n.i such thing as standing still .-uid we provide auninat iM contingencies Iiv constantly forcing abend. Iv cry department has a hearty welcome for .ill comers and prices such as the ab-ive won't be apt to frighten you away. AH the sale just last* two weeks wu would you to csll early. Thanking you for pant favors. Respectfully Yours. T. J. SHEPPARD For Massey Harm, Noxon, FU-nry and \Vilkinsniriinm iini'lemonts, Fleury and Verity plows >n hand -ill ihe litii", nil kind-i of repairs for tin.' i.ikme. \ V '-J -naniifaoture \\ 'ngonx, led, 1'nitiVK. Sl-i^hs, etc. llorvahoeing prunpfly nlti-mied to. il aituntion to tender coir racial feet. Logging and I'lnw t'h .ins uiily on linn. I. MELOTTIi - CREAM - SEPARATORS Which have -10 i (|iml. It Ukea \ less p. wer than anv other. Does more wink in less time. Sepaiates inorii i-lticiunt!y. All g-nriny protected. Toiffct lubrication No tin tops Milk and crem puss ovrr thickly enano lied surfaces No tm but aluminum, which never rimts :ina i.i easily eluined. Also ngen; for tho Alexander Cream Separators you spare ^ H few mtntbs Tlvs winter in which to improve \.i'ir edujatitm. Thoso few t:ii>n'hs sp^nt at tho SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE OWEN SOUND ONT. Woiibl enable you to do business in a satisfnot-TV manner. Tlie knowledge you would gain of i|ots, clie.|in's and all kinds of pnper W"tlM, ]>er- haps, nave you hundreds of dollars in the future. Wnghl for catalogue, wh'ch con- fnll information, to C. A. Fleming, Principal OWEN SOl'NP, ONT. term be,insi n .Jan. 2, 19<U. TRACC MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. tf 'rial tu(ic, wiihuut cbargo. m the 'rial tuic, wiihuut cargo. m the Scientific Jlmerkan. i n.p-*".i ntr- tmliilipi* "I IIIT MleiitlOo ftiurnnl. T.-I nu. M ft f*r ; four month*, $L 8ol4byrill nown<* Otto*, m 9 , Wiua.m I-. , W. . m

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