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Flesherton Advance, 7 Feb 1901, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PKINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. XX, NO Flealierton, Ont., Thursday, February 7, 1QO1 W. H THDRSTON, KDITOR ft I'Kl'l'UIKTCH In the Queen's flemory Mcfarland & Ricbi MJarland, Grey 4 Southgate I I NDALX GREY COUNTY' j BKK1EST STORE TORONTO 8|6 >Kfjii' MARKDALE. The. memorial service, held in the Pros- hyteritin church u Saturday aft -mm m I III Ml ou- from "in- I .,- '.,, . ,,.,.,. [ Stormy weather and la gripp.- arc the WHH bir-ely attended, tho church being chief itmm , if interest now. well tilled. The opening services were Mr w Stephen of T.>romo ban f pi-nt conducted by tho three paM.irs of the C"uplo of weekti L!I fru-i d. town. Huva. Ward, Thmii and Lamoiit ; Mi*.s Ida RutUdge f AuU8, * ho was '.he choir *an,' "Ko k ..f Aijes," after bridesmaid fur her cousin, Mins Stewart, which Matthew Richardson, 51. P., wa on Jan. 2.'rd, spent a few days visiting called upon to puak. Mr. Richardson "ther relUivts. We cnngr .itniato Mr. .uldri's wan not by any moans a repeti- and Mrs. \V. Uwidick and wish them a tion pf what he bad mid '.n t..nner .K-- very p ewant journey through life to caMions. Ha begun by rufemng to the Aether. wonderful pagwant bumg witness in Eng- As the ipiarterly nn-ntin^ wan held in land that day pro.vs.sion extending the Dwididk church lant Sunday, them two or three mile*, ID which .sixty prince* "> *>rvice in thiH church. of the blood followed on f>of, and there Mrs. J. White of Dtindalk viiiUd over were representative* from every court in Sunday at Mr. H. Gallagher '. Europe. He had only once had a paaii- number from here attended lin- \^ ;i result of the Hiir Selling of the (wist month, we timl >n piiiiL: through our itoi U-. a lot of odd lines and broken ;i>.-ortments. We wish to eli-ar these be fore stock-taking and have cut prices to less than half in man} fS. OO fackits for S2. IS only Woinen'H J.ickvts in blnck, bine or fa*!t, nrid.- "f KOI nl Bt'aver i lii'h.-U wmil fr ; .!. ..iir r.'^ul.u li t" S8 Juukot*. to i-U'iir ...... '_' < l S-cf. factory Cotton. 2\e. 10<) yiitiU K.-irlnry C.'tton, : inclu-i !<!, even weavo. t.i olcar ................... JJ 3*i/*, J/. | i, lu.ulo ,if twe.d .iii. I hnr.t I h' ruiiKlily. Bizcs 'Jviln I'S, rei;iil,ir[irire?.'i "<). t i clear ............... l.liO 9ffon 'f 50 cant shirts and etraufts 25 cents. 89-ily Men's . slur's . n 1 draw- i i. . -lit ftliiri*. mid 1'i.ivn. wm-'h ."^1 t i (IK c'>.i-ai:li. t i;!.'iir<'ii.- 60, SO. 40 ct. ! ^r3t Soods, 2 5 cjats. '' of Dro.-Htini ii in v>"<l lu-w r,.loi-, and 40 eents, t" i 50 ct. Jd.tmsf Silks, 25. 47"i riisiri|M' .md tiornl Blouse Sdk-i. jir"tiy . iii.rini;s ami Land HIMIIM patterns, rei$. |'fice J<> cts. to clear ............. jfandsorno !rlaid Skirt Patterns $2.25. H ,.iily H.iinN,.in.- Skirt I'uiterns ill pretty check ai-.. I |ihiid<|..Mi!iH. Th.'se nr' Khiunk ami ; iriiiii! ir ly .'iilnptc.l for rouj{li nnd ready wear, n>e. pricn .'t BO, fo rleur per length ............... 2.'J6 flfan 's I. 60 ftoois /. /9 I'Hirs only ..leu's ItulT i ii.'iit mal-. |.uce, 1.60, t . c'uw ....... 1 1H a/,*r/i 's\ . ."( SSoots for^M- r>n ; 1 1 - \\ . . imff, cn'f iin.'d to -is, n.nde ':/ bosr ninkrra, o-ld s-/.e<, ng. pr.i'.- l.. r ><i, to e'.-,r ^W ;;_'. ,,,iy Men's Tweed Snjt, bn.k- IM of our bwt la-linn; i ' ,.i .'i <H) !i:iis. to rlear . . 2.!t'.t GROCERY SPECIAL. I'l I'-ixes Mi-in-v l*e S.-ap "H-. siz.-, t ... clear, 10 cakes for '.if> cunts. Hrown \Vnnlsor, l'J..ii-s;^ 1't.:. Cameo, 5-cL. s ze, 8 oakes for - McFARLAND & CO'Y. kiraurrley The funeral, which w.,.s well atteiiil .1, took |>!aei: on Sunday under the HUitpices of the Orange order. The remains vi H- tiiken to tho church, where a funonil ad- Fiam (hir Oirn Corrtffxnulfnt With regret we hiivo to ieporl the sud- 0n and UIH-XI cctcd denth of Mr. J. SI. ThurH,on,who pa^-d a^y at an ''",, .a., given by the Rev. T U. Whi.e hour on Thursday n,n..ii K fi hort fr ..... Wia also uiven " = " Opportunity f..r a few worn from mg glimpse of the O_uei-n HOIIIH forty Jubilee concert in Dundalk on Jan. 26th yeara ago. Looking at thu cause of the >nd report a ploasatit tune, sincere regret at our Queen s dckth ho FeV'r'-'hnui Said It was not because of her beautiful person or personality ; it was from w;th- F/mnOiir dim (',,1 r f /u mi, u/. in ; it was the noble spun of 'he woman. (Too InU- for last week.) When shecanie to thetlir"no monarchy was We had a Ing full of snow on Monday in disrepute, bul it had pleated God to last which made things a bn'e dull m our give her a good mother who guided and town for u few day*. directed her ynuug mind SI. c. hud come U.-v Mr. Fleming pr. idled a very to a court not noted for purity, but she instructive sermon l.i-i Sir day .--.-i-nio^ had Nought from in high the strength fnuii the words, "\\ln.i mUHt I do to which M!IC needed to com twit , evil. Tho have eternal life." 'speaker then refer rod to the great ad- Mrs. Wilson of Pick- ring hits rei miit-d vi;i.-i-s made dn. .ug the Victorian era, houie after a month's visit with IU.T sinter, ving the dincovi ry ol ' m.i:ch. <, de- Mrs. F. C. Bruce velopnient of steam, uloctricd ,-ippliniices, Tl.i-'i- has been K few cas-s of chicken- |.ii"lo,'niphy, aggregation of territory and pox around here, hut we un> _-l-id to see wcaltli of commerce. Tilt! (Juri-n's ill- t In- palic.nls nil .iroiiml i i.n t. >in hud uvi ry court Mr. T. Julian ha* len under the in t bo land. ll.-r'n wiw the eon Weal hoi a few djiyn i .ii : he ;i -|'P". ittitu'iiuial L.OVI i-nineiii of the world. The Dr. and Mrs. I'uk. >'io been late Ciar of Uu^ia had said that the (.inlm:; their hoinyin in ' v iin-i M oi Knglaiid w.m the greatest ,i ll > d. i ml mir burg a short VMI Sunday 'man liiu world had lo-djy. Hi r op ninn-- I-MIHII;. were ..-c-.-pt.'d, in r- ; u Mr. Davo Hrown of Manilnbi.f.ii .1 rlv .rly of liile yi-iir. Ilt-r n f: nil liny, is -pi.-ndoi . swil'i ice. Had V..o lur will thriv wn dd : nem! i d lore \\ o-.- ;> id to see liavu been in/ Crimean wiir, and !i;il her. bun look o well. ' i.piiiiniiH b. un i-i-pi'i-tcd '.'.rr.iin would M !' i lor ol Marlid.ile is uMUiig bi-i have gained thereby. Nothing Imd been sister. Mi-. A. T. H'it<-h:r,s..n. gaiin.-d by that war, but thousands of MIM.IK. K. l!iiekinghani and F. Tuplm i lives hud b.-fii l.,st. Th-i tjui-cti held B|K-nt taut .->iiinl.iy ill Slayner. that wui was oiilj to i c sain-lniiled i le Tlu-O.F.M. ''< claim to do a 1 grun<l -lli'i piiitociMii of justice, li' . 1"> miles inch sido of llnun. and truth. Hut she In ;;nnii, aud homage Mr. IV Slniitenl-ui-; '. IN In cm; paid through. .111 the distant tin- . i null iin! putting in ., in w tl..:n.- minims of the sea. Tim was not hmiuigu t'oi the purpo^- m" giving more power, to her nif'H i-r her persn, but to the, A ghost appeared !o to.if..ur younu 4!oiulni'..s uf the woman. It was only j men the .iln-r ni^ht while returning troin when we looked into li- r private life tl..ii u ple.isiinl walk with sonic of the fairer ills \\.is main- eb u . ll was to the ({ood-jsu*. ness nl the uuinuti, ihu tin. del ii:otin'r. A loud of our young peoplo went to the synipatliilii: miul. Mr. Hi, -haidsoii ' /ion the other night to hnr Mr. Golf said much nmro ef ii.tcrci*, and ended lecture on the use of tobacco, by i.| noting Tuiinymm's liiiev which we pr.itud two uuuks ago, which he said was a grand tribute by a umnd man to the no'nleal i|tiet-n that ever sat upon a throne. The choir lendured very fWlingly TeiiiiyHim's buautiful lines, "CroHMiig tho Uar" 'Please Ring The Belle" So every belle Kay*, in het lic\rt, to the absent beau, n looking mi ..iir matclileM collection of beautiful Rings, Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls. Sapphires, Emeralds, And all manner of precious ai d semi- piveioiiK Ntincs are here hon in ex- ipiiHItv conceptions. The i.i.i-ity ul the si-Mini/H is very sinking, i d ilie priors in.-ikc tho lovely pieces ;i.l the in. TO at- tractive- -for we have niaikidtho ' iids ai only a very reasonable, pi .lit. K vuu are thinking ol Winning the Belle, vlilt our ton lor your profit. anJ her*. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND Ol'TtC'AN, FLESHERTOrJ. <i T . i llliu-ss of :v'i"iit two dayN. Oil Tue^d IV _. .11 fri> nds ur acquaiiitaiicoii, find name who lust Mr. Tburttan, apparently in IHH . , . ,j .. had known tho duceaied HMIM^ uavu uaual health, went up 'ho valley to hm] sliurt addresses. After the ervic<? the , IUBWM prooMda torifWitrtonomMMry. ()n Ins re' urn home, ho- where tho boily wa^ laid way tn await bush to make prepara'ion for taking out Home evi-r, he became very sick as if his stom:ich was deranged. Mwlical aid vas summoned, but boc-atuc One " of anxiety until Wudi.esday evening when ho rested eatder. Shortly af'or midnight he called for HOHH, light nourishment and . . 1^ u on Thursdny. While stMndma on while thm was beniK brought a sudden ,. , u . . ,.* , change came over him , and hurrying In his bedside tus wile found him > la- 1 DMcumcd was one of the parly pioneers of JCuphrasia, and in his early days lived IOB a farm about two miles north of this |>!aco, but later united into the tillage here he kept a boarding house. He wan an active mcmlwr of the Methodist chutch, and for over forty years h.w been nvt-r ready to do his part whether iu preaching, exhorting, or admonishing. Aa a strong advocate of tbe cause of temperance he has fuuht manfully gainst the liquor traffic, while in> act* of kindness and sympathy he has shown h.mslf equally thv resurrect ion morn. extended t-i thu bereaved ours. A \ery unfortunate accident befel the litlle boy of Mr. J. K. Stafford his high ch iir trying 'o get HOIUU littlo pixy- things, he foil lim-k on the floor in such a manner as to brt-ik his arm above the elbow and also itisloca'e it. Since it won net ho is doing as wt-ll as could bu u\ peeled. Mr. .1. CarruthorH and Ili-nry \\allac An Owen Sound Boy Killed. News has been received that Sergt.- MajiT Dayton Krown Hammond of Ownn Suiiiid as killo.l in i --kinniNli last week Scrg Hiiiiiiuond WIIH n inenibt r <>f No 1 Co .'INt Uoiiiinenl, and w.-iH a ^tad uate of the London TnfHiitry Si-bo 1 >\ '! .en tho si-.jotid contingunt was ormiiiz Lr. Chiistoo was tho next HpeaWi:r. lie e.l be eniinid at Toronto in C Battery, ,,ted the Queen of Sheba's w,,rd s who,, > * "" H' Canadiaan who took ,,..,( . in the relief of Mafeking. I bough been- she paid her visit to. Solomon and thought they were a|)|>lictibl in this case. Al- have Arrived home after spending Snrne f ^ t ,j ^ MouJ fhu it g. i Hough h< listed as driver his abibtes wero nn-n rr- cogm/.-d, and at his death IIH held though so much ha been written on tho i the po.sinon of Si-rgt. -Major. He wss a H ,,b,.-ut yet the balMisd not been told IU.H!,M re.irmg young nn.n ,, ml , ,r,ler n ,-iviid a public faicwi-ll slippad quietly i;, h.ln-ed.hi- bad been raised up by nway ^ ^ ^^ <>{ , (m olllil(t ,, ll ., M Almighty God to till tho position, and H . w annul twenky-tlir.-e yrnrs of ai(e mentioned hergood works in visiting I. o<pi- : and among his coinpunions 'and mess- talh pro- -iding for tho sick, and sympathy nutc* of tho 31si. Ueg-mt-nt wns K cncr i ally popular. In a n ,-.!nl lutu-r to Ul with MflHriag. Bh w.-s a -vit-i.vicli lm f t ,|7 r ,, a!a j Jk ,. <)llt tnu ti|lll) ,, f | 11() ,, . among her (wople. To convey an ide- of pm-ture for home- of t'.ie .second contingent tho oiuiinojMili an naturu of (he mourning ! htf .-ninnunciHl his nn'i.stin -i.t in "Gat" he m.-n i.nied th.U four Irish linhwivis HowanUs Scon's, w.tli the r, mark !!.:-.! f . . I "ho lind not yi t Imd enough Ruldlorlng, had in the form o. a harp, i ^ ^^ (ll . 1(jri , li , 1 ,, a t , sco e ,,, i,,,,,,,^ s woman in s poo- house had sent another, , l( , tiuih. Th- youti't man wa.s a mi-in- and the preidi;nt of the 1'ii-twl Sto'es ! her of Cnurt Pride of Grey, A U.K. and hail sent the i;,*nd.'Nt wreath of nil. Af- j w*" in that !o Ige for Jl.DUO. . , ., i. ., i i , . Siiieu his departure ler ail had bi-cn wild tlio half bM not , __ ^ ,' ._ n vii bridge athreshe i ut in i tin- nut er finally left m thu iiandN of iho . un- i noliuitor fur ettlnineiu. The Coiinuil dio-liled ti u-t ,u i.niiunc- tion with tint Couniyof Bruce in InnldniK a bridge on the county line ..n-r the Sau- (tt-en river near lianovur. nt .t . ..->i oi abut 9&INNI. The Owen Sound '- d li-^; nli InMitute ,-tiid Men ford hii;h seho. 1 i ho i-l,i d to furnish "ta'i ini-nis i lal n -tunes thrir rei(Uirriin-nl-i for mainit'iutuce. A n ijiiesl from Mr. ' ' for i In- Tice was granted. It H.I-. also r. s..|v ( ' i t tmt a IIHW floor be laid in the jml kit. boilj .hot K'pairn be maile t<i llu- eii-..-Niioiii'bin.' mi Hi the court h.iiiHe in I .1 n*-n mm put on ! !ii- back vrrandab. n--w Hour. nu ill balls and corridors; that Howenui! ; in- . not >-i'il :n not ST. li-- ' . .i.n t InniH^ grounds: t liat imi. lidm \nni-ironi.'. t! Law AanocMti in. asl.ini: '..i . ...m --.m tic law chum* ITS. in- hndoM-r 'in. .1.1 mie. All inlen-iiliiiudiHc : . -in- .mi -ell by Mr ll.irtnsHof Derby ui the iiii.-iint; uii Saturday. Mr llurn. >. A ,1,1 , tin- i 'unity Oou.K-il At anii-n- 1 - the emlHii-H of the Council will be con , "isl of the ri-evei of the iniinn i i he ".round of economy .in. I -'iei;i.' tlmt the i el'er i.- jimmied WHO munici- pal affairs than nv "t-e . Mr. n apimiviil ui ;ii- but (loillted out lllli! till) toWl s Wi'llld hnve mi repreetitatn- '. .e- ''n ' ' no rei-vct". After Home further dixriiHsioii Ai- 'lar- ,vu notice of nioi ion. \ dikcusBiiin *'a> took plaen "n the ipii'stion of ho'dmg the .Imn- si-sn M nkdiile, and it was titi.illy de- nb d to meet tin-re ' n June 17. A vo^e of thanks to town conned for thu UKO of 'he chamber a. id a ni.uii ui $- to the caretaker closed the iin nt I. s in Al.">ina. Mr R. D. Cur int horn is to he appoint- ed census counninaioiier for Kant (iu-jr. Clubbinf List for bis ft llow-inouibetH . nBar ., UC(S |mil , , Th< , (,, hm i ., p,,|i,. y ,,f $i t (XX) on his life and only iaitt Monday night renewed >' The Advance nd Mail and Empire Wwkly Globe Daily New. Daily 8tr Suu tl.80 180 1.8Q had stood at the foot of thu binr after all but the undertaker ifrp.-ut ,-d, and after gaxing at t.liii featuies of his moiher for some lime ho Kind : "There : close it I down forever, i.uv.-i t IM openud until jiidgnii-n 1 inoin. ' Rev. Mr. Thorn thanked the speaker* ty conned Uat week a resolution of con- and added a few worda, after which the dolrnue <>f the (Ju^n w*s prune n ltd and iiiipr-.-im meeting oauie to a clom> by pnxixl. 'ii,,ii save the King " the Tb claim of Arnold Uros. for (Unistus n>logy. i to a horw> from tailing through defi-c- County Council At the concluding scmion* of tbo Coun- Honor Ki|K Tho monthly report for .lanonrv "f S. S. No. 7, Osprey, is fulli.-.i s, the tianies biii){ of those win hi>vi- taken m rr 7 J per cent, of i In- IRgregata m.irl:s nnd are placed in the order of m First cUss, purl I -Mary Saycr, Art- well, riudnun, Ella Heitnmn, !',.i^y Thon.pHon, (Ilynnie (Jrillin. First chw, |>nrt II \V Ibain Huilman, ChiUtophnr Ud wards, M..,'y A!,-.;drum, TlnniiiiN, Miirtin O.n. 1 . Second class jr. Arthur MI-I.:--.III', Kth.-l Conn. Joseph Huron. Second class sr. - -Juno Gi-.h:un, !l<-r liei i Buckingham. Third clans Cecil Meiilrmn, 1'a >y, Kernahan, Willimn Conu, Charles I'crigo, Shelley Utsu-n. Kour'h claatt Fia.HXH Paul, ( 'n nrnn, IV-stni c Iteiln-nn J. W. by ^-i- of tnv She Was SnveJ days of ii^ony '!ic.i nfoit, not. iiilerpositions, liu' *y th.i Use ly aiire-pop corn i-in-. I'nl.nom's Corn Kxt..ictor Tundi r, imiu- ful corim are ixino'od bv it* IISK iu few iUj, wiihout iho alightusl dittc<in< ort. ! Mauy Stilmtnutra in the u-aiket n-nkw it ' neaeaMr> r that vmly " Fuiman s h> -iil<l anlcwi foe ami tak>i\. Sure, safe, hiu iniMsi I

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