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Flesherton Advance, 17 Jan 1901, p. 1

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2Utirattte. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." PBINCIPLKb NOT MEN. VOL. XX, M 1019 Flesh.ertoii, Ont., Thursday, January 17, 1OO1 W. H THUBSTOR, PBOPBIKTOB 'Please Ring The Belle" The big sjvle at the big store grows in interest each day sees lii^'i- crouds and greater enthusiasm. Saturday a record breaker in this store's remarkable history. Our '25 sales- people 'voro kept on the jump from early morning till late at night. (Some having come 20 miles to attend.) Every department in this store participates in the big sale a sale of much magnitude and importance as to out-rival any stile you or we n^.^ ? V(J T seen. This week will test urn- ability to serve you. We expect bigger crowds than ever and u.. salespeople so that all will be serve* I promptly. Come early in the morning. -iirj ri-.cs in store for you. rnpip-d extra U t- .',./ many Dress Goods, Blouse Silks and Fancy Goods... This store gives Markdale the lead in fash- ion over any other town of its size places Markdale on an even footing with the liig Cirit-s Everything that is new is here, new Broadcloths, new ^ CJold Medal Black, new Plaids, new suit- 'ing. This silt- vou an to re- your at the minimum of Clothing GENTS' FURNISHINGS OVERCOATS K ?v (**; ^ '* \ it-' . V;. 'A >j? affords you L. V\ ' ijj ]* 'I opportunity rVi- [ii / plenish youi *" \~f i i wardrobe very cost, tor instance old IDedal Wttalasst, color and guaranteed to neither slunk. V T ery pretty designs. fast spot or Regular price Ivf.Milar price l{ e^ii lax price Ke;ul.r price Keuular prico 175, 1.50, 1.25, 100, ,75, sale price sale pnce sale price aJe price n*l price 1.26 100 .88 .75 .50 40 pi,vi< (.lack and colored dress all wool, regular , price 50, 75nd 90, all on sale at one piice, per yd. 25 10 Pieces Heavy Suitings, new coloriu, regular price We, salo price ................ ..................... 26c :M) yunls Black Lustre*, fancy fiurcs, reg price up to 36c, ale price ................................. I9c B p ; eif>s Pretty Plaid, Dreis, regular pnce 25 and 30, sale price ...................... ........... Ijjc Uloune Silks, in strips, etc., regular 40 and 50c, sale price ........................ .......... '.'.- (c 2110 yards Blo use Velvets, in plain and corduroy, all colors, re*, price up to 38c, sale price ................. 19c Press SteeN, per set ........................ . , , jg Bent Skirt Linitin, per yard, regular 10 .............. 7c Hem v Wnist Lininit, per yard, regular 15 ............. He Kkirt Oanvin, per yurd ............................. 6c 25 Men's Fruize Oven-oats, lined throughout with wind prxil freize, regular price 98 00, sale price 6 96 25 Men's Freire Oveicoaf. twee I hiied, first clafs in every way, regular pi-.r "> .<> 11 I 'i >< ^ile price 3.7.1 25 Men's Pea Jockem. umde of good heavy freize, regular price 4. .10, sale price 2 99 to Boys' Overcoat*, not this -.e^son's tyle, but made up of good sulmUnunl, regular pi iocs up to .VlX), sale price 1.00 Men's Suits 54 Men's Fine Tweed Serve Suit*, single or double breaat style, best lining". ib'irnUghly tailored, nx-iiUr price $10, sale price 5 75 27 Men's Suits, satisfactory make and well lined, all sizes, regular price $8. sale price 4 50 .'13 Men's All Wool Tweed Suit*, omgle breast slylf, well niiule. ret', i nee li mi. > i . pru-e 11.50 25 only Men' Canadian Tweed Suits, gi od rinyo-.f pat- terns, regular price 4 00 and .~>.00. sale price ... - W Ladies' Jackets Just half price is what wt.- :in' ::ini: to sell Jackets for. All told we have t>> .lackft- ofthis season's newest styles and IKT<> air the prices : 11 LADIES' JACKETS m nisck. NVy or Fawn Beaver Cloih, sntm lined, trimmed with self strapnit;, regular price f 10, ale pnc .i 00 14 JACKETS onlv. in M.i, k or fawn, satin lined. | erl bui ton, regular pries 57 50. ale price. 10 LADIES' JACKETS ma.le of beavr and boiiclo cloth, tnnimed with velvet strapping and pearl buttons, regular price $8.50. sale price 3 ."5 33 LADIES' J M'KKTS iHii-mg in price from 3.75 to 5 :>n. sale pric - . H -STAPLES- Cotton, fabrics of whatever sort have advanced fully 'JO (ere. nt., A i id are higher to-day than for yean prit--but read this Iwt . 40 pieces hvavy giey I'ottou, uvular price 4\ find .">. ali) price ". L'ic 40 pieces hesvy shirting, reg. II, sale lOjc 10 piecen heavy coltmmdti and moleskin, regular pm-e Ji'. sale prioo l.'lc 25 dor.en rot ton butter loweli*, 'I pr. for ,V- 10 pieces heavy f'.vhiM- ticltii.g, regular price 25, salo pn.e " Ill 25 pioces L"ch Lmnonil Flannelette, sale piioe 1".- 1'*' yard.* heavv seining, red or black 12c 00 pteos* btwacbvd cottons, sals price. Ik' 5*HI yards only VI wool tliiiinels, regular price 30, salo !* Canadian yarn, nil color*, per Ib 28c GROCERIES !! Hcn-'s a list of (iroi-tM-ies that is worthy of than passing notice -read care- fully keep for reference. Christie's or McLsughU.i S*da BIHCUII, 3 pound bi>xe, rig. pric 25, sle price ]gc Bent i|iiality Canned Tomatoes, pes, corn, reg lOc per tin, sale price per tin 8c I'.e-t quality Baiting Soda, reg. price 5 cent per Ib , ssle price, 2 for 5<. Rent br.nd Bla.-k or Mixed Ton. "({old Medal," Monsoon, Glei'don, etc., rej;. price 25c per Ib., snle price '.'lc per Ib . or 5 Ihs. for $1.00 Cnniliod Lemon, Orsn^p, etc., b-st gomls, rt>. price 20c a Ib., >ale price, per pouud I2c K|*om faults, 2 Ibs, for ....'.... '. Be Hird Seed, per package i; Hest Sulphur, 10 pounds for 28c Laundry Starch, ICMISB. r. 8c Ib., -ale price . 44 d'wfot J. s,,ap. reg. price 5c bar, --ale price 6 for. . . . 25c 2000 Ibs. best Japan Tea, extra value at 26 and 30c Ib. salo price per pound 21c Etracts, all Havers, per bottle, belt goodi ^ 9 Currants, reclasued, best brands, 5Jc Ibs for 2.V Knsins, HUM ottstoek. beautiful goods, 3^ Ibfl, for 2:V Suuar 26 Iba. l>.'st yelinw lor 1.00 20 ISs best grnnulatod for 1.00 Prunes pur pound ... . .... .', Clothes pi i IN, 4 do/, for 5o Pates per Ib 6c Not more than ?2 w 'rtb of Migar to nnv otie customer. ""CROCKERY !! 10 only 10 pieee T.Vet Swts in blirc, pii.k or pe:icil, upecial value at $2, sale price 1 50 5 only 97 ;:cee Dinner Sols, in hello, pink, blue an/I bn wn decoration, prel'.ily stripped oith uold, r-^ular price 8 75. sale price 5 90 3 only J>7-piee Dinner Set* in blue, green and coruted with proti.y floral deHigns, an:l henvy uold strip, rey. price, $10, ssle price 7 .50 100 dozen \Viute Ir. -nstoiii Clun a Cups and Sam-ers, wheiit pattern, rey. price ?t .1 do/.etl, le price (itte lOfldoxen White Pates, plain whitu IronstHiiu China, (5, 7. H inch, reg. price 7.V. salo price 39c 25 only pretty jArdiniMf* in conibinatuuu of blue, fawn, creHin, hr.iwn ui)i| gold. etc.. regular price "!>c each, sale price , , , , , 40o Best American Coal Oil 18 cents a Gallon. From Our Own Corretpondmt La grippe or something akin to it a taking hold of a good many people in id around Eugenia. Evangelists Desn and McAaslan are holding special meetings at Salem. We trust they may be the means of blessing So every belle say*, in her heart, to th a great many ; absent beau, on looking on our siatcUess i David. Robert and Alex. McMullen collection of beautiful of the 10th line had a disagreeable ad- ! DI- ~. on Friday last by getting lost in Rin * s ' Diamond*. Rubies, Pearls, A search party set ut with ' Sapphires, Emerald*. lanterns and found them about 2 a.m. I _,i .11 . And all manner of precious ai.d semi- mgof .gun ,., , t< , neli m ^ , huwn |n were here the pa,t week with an eye""to l'"'^ "" nc P l ""- .. Th beauty of the purchasing the falls property and making , : w:;]c^,^,p, i -r rx-arr ' the falls, and we understand ti* *k" the fabulous sum of $40.000 for it. We hopt " yo " mn '" k '" * *lln tb. BIU. - i.u the old gentleman will be prepared tof* ou . r ' tor " r 7w P " ' pay taxes on that amount as it is bis own j \ ' _ valuation. He surely cannot go back on that. He was ottered five th. usaod for it. Freddie Munshaw baa gone to Tornnto to take a couiae in a business college. (From a special corespondent.) Messrs. J. Lyons and T. Roberta, fur buyers, from Credit Fork*. re regmtered at i lie Em;. n:.i House, this week. A large number from this vicinity at- tended thu funeral of the late Robert Rutledge ..n Sunday lat. We understand that a Miss McGregor .f H.- for th Mr. Latimcr. the veteran hunter of Vrtemeria. Ii.m with the assmtance of iai song, killed iwo tine cross foxes, this sea- W. A. Armstrong, JCWcLER AND OPTiC'AN. FLESHERTON. t>ur Own CurrrtpmJail Mr- Sparling and son Samm 1 of Mich- are the guests of Mrs. .1 Boyd thu week. Mrs. Sparling was one of our ha. been engiged an teacher | ,-Bieeiiiea neinhbon before their removal, junior department of our schiil. ;- \! K Inuan ten yearn a^o. Hr fm-ndb are highly pleaard to receive a visit from her. Mr. W. McConnell ha8.-ri-cti.-J Rrant- son. They have also biufged a number of red foxes, coona, minks, etc. A very suc.esMful disirict meeting of the Omiiuumeii wan held here last Tuev- lay .tit -riioon. Neatly all the nurround- inu' lodgM were well represenNd. K r some i (me j^nt Mr Walker Sloan lias I e. n ^iihy improving the watar p.wer at his p'aning null. Uj has noted a new flump and bulkhead aud placed in position two new water wheels. Ho hnH also improved the tail-race by bhistu-o out :i channel in the solid rock", h > i y'h.nj IH now about rvmly and the wheels will be "et spinning this week. V iMiml'er around the village have been siiffeii"u from severe colds. Mr. Mel- drum and Messrs. R and G. Park have U-eu on the "miserable" list and now Mr c.e,. Pedlar has to call a halt for a few .lays. Mr. John Williams has got down y feet in his well, but now that the Chinumen have warned him not to tres- pai-s iijH.ii their territory ho has serious notions of recognizing I heir claims. M.-<ri ( 'lam, Nicolwn A Co.. former- ly of the (jilinor- Lumber C' Trenton. ha\e purchiuxxl the veneer mill and will go extensively into the manufacture of M ne. r, s'aven. sliingles, etc. Before op- .-ri'ioiis can be commenced considerble 'epairing hss to iloiiH, but strong f< ree of workers aro nip'dly cha.'gmg the faee of thiiiL's. The dim which l.iirsl in 'he spring of 'W is being oiidly rebuilt, 'he Ilinne is being strengthened and relined, and the sti MII va's an- in derg- inj repair. New machinery will immediately be placed in the mill. We believe the firm t i be strong mi'i piishinj.'. and there is 'hu sneL-es will aitend their elfoif. A hearty weloomo is eX- teiiu'nl lo Messrs. Clark, Nieol.on A Co. and ihcir employees. foril windmill for the purpose of supply- lug his stables with water. Miss Josie Ball of Toronto in the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Msthews< n. Mrs. E. Feigan tpwnt a few days with her mother this weuk. i 'tie of our popular young men is b- oiniiii; >n expert with the Hall. Mr Kira Loughead of I'or' ige la I'ra rie, is visiting friends in th.n v ., inity. Ezra is well pleased with Manitoba and I says -'There are yet unparalleled induce- ments there for diligent young men ' MIHS Mallei dark paid Eppmg a Hying < visit lust Monday. Mrs. \Vetwick and dnughtrr Sadit* ! were the guests of Mrs. S. Hakins last Sundajr. The young man who was left nothing but the heavy team and >leii:h '- i". ml a fashionable wedding of the 20th een- lury lixrt iho sympathy of his Christian friends. Mesrs. McKmght are busy -iming their sijuare timber to Thornhury. kimbrrloy Xaxwcll From Oir (>c Corrftp- ... Mm. D. K. Preston nnd Mixn Mary Heron have returned homo from their visit in Ethel. Mrs. Tonvnoe of Hamilton it th. .ru.'st ..f her daughter. Mr. iRov ) I)"ii^l:ui Mr. Wm. Bamlin of EmwUlo MHi'ed his n. ot her and Other friends !,n' A"ek. W.. are sorry to learn of the ;ul ac- ciilent which befel Mr. Prt-sK ^ ir'V girl of thi* place and hope fo hear ni li.-r re- t' The annual meeting of District L.O.L. was held in :;e nxiin on Tuesday lant. ^""o iiuiul>er of the brethern were d n from \I.\'ell. They deeided to Mold diHtnct celebration in Maxwell . the Tne entert:nmenf. given by the Meth- ...listi-hurch w quite n sneeess. Al- coming Twelfth of July. No doul,t U though mny of th speakers were nimble. Maxwell brethren will do a I .11 ilu-ir* ' be present a very good programme wii.s p,,er lo make it a success. A.'t. r di - rendered co,m,,nng of ,,H.eehe^ r-eit.v f ^ rout-ne ,,f usiuesf tions and music by the cho'r. Thu pro- ' , ,I., A re about $45. the followiug officers were elei-iol and U grippe is quite provident bore :4 t . f^'y msulld by the past distn. n .a-t.-r ;T."-en:. rbern are some \ury amnzuig'Tpro. W. H. Guy: Bro. Irwiu M, st'.n.s told by the [)lien's an to Jiw W M ; Bro. Nelw-n Sn'olt, T > .' Pro they got it from somebody eNe Hri M , lpjs , Chap.; Br,,. M. we Inve not heard of any v. i v s-.-nous (.gjo, r<. A. Couri.n, Mr. J II. M.ueeisable '.. I'oiiu after a Ion ; sn.< severe i Mr Snmuel Csrr'jthors in vi 1 , 8o.,tt, ; (!> Bro. Marshul! Moi Ri-c. . A oil lUcFarland ^ o IHarkdale* friends in tha neighborhood. Mimy teams nr>' on the road this hauling lumber to Markdale for W. S. Bishop. Mrs. Uilison of Kilnionton is visiting her brother*, Messrs. John an I U liliam Kawcett. Mr. John Plowes and he- < n, Alfred- made a >hort call on fn. u.ln eaily tl.n week. Mrs. C. Knoti Ins retum.'.l from vint- ing frmii.'s ut Holland Ceni'.e. Mr. D. Wal'acn is havn.; his hou-e paintt-ii. Mr. Cl'eny 'f Maikdu'e is do- ing the work. M^Jirr. Trea.: !>.,.{ C. \ very cnj.iyable evening was -pent at Mr .Jim Radley's last Tiutulay n^Iit. It r lined ami raint'4 ood nuiultlu- .-.lioweis ;'ie erowd gatheivd nnd Jsi >'i'd and d.inccd to excellent miiMO ;.n \ d-d by .Mi. \V. Clarke. The tveiimi; -is \ ery i i i s*iini. and all re| orl Imving -i *( '.> ndi I IHIIi'. Miss-s Sjirsh Fe 'if Co!iii.j(,l Town- hip viciieil Mis. Dr Scott l-ist ei-k. Miss .luli.i and Li? <Iuy sjifiii last week with friends at Melutyte Mrs. Anderson a nd KutiM-U <.;' \v .ire- li."iu vii-ited uur Snblalh ti-li, ., hut

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