THE WHITE ROSE. "is called "Dolores," a name as 111- miited to her bright blonde lovellneaa u* any tiling oould wll be. .Whatever the romance or tragedy of the .Squire'a life had been, It was n-. .-i diHoaverod. If a wild, deep, un- happy love, It did with him and wn n>rer told; nor did he ever betray h ; mslf in any way respecting it, ex- opt when his voice took a more mufli- cai tune in the utterance of the name " Dolores." Th- gentle wife died and was bur- ied. Then the Squire devoted himself to the tajtlc of making a fortune for Dolorm. But fate was not kind to him. Tie liked to speculate, but no speculation ever turned out well for lion in it ( but lung before the pre- \ him ; be lost more than he madu ; and cent Squire waj) burn. C'liefden Park now, whn he wa<s old, when rnerfry, waa wild, ita nume ohtinged, and all rtpirit and hope were all gone, the CHAPTER 1 In the pretty quaint drawing-room f White Cliffe, Squire Cliefdnn sat lone an uld mun whoMi hair waa gray and whone face was furrowed wiuh o^re, whuiw figore wa bent and uho*e hand* trembled with weakness an old man who had not (men pleas- d to KTOW old, whoao thoughts, oares, intexeatu bad beun luud up in tbia world, and who knew no other, lla sat in an easy odtaix, hia head thrown back, bia eyea olosnd, hia handa fold- exl. hia faoe bopel on. Tbe Clietdens had once in ita expre- I" "u the In.i<tiug famUy in th county, and 'liet'.l.-n Hall the mot hospitable m iii- remained of tUo once vast es- tastes waa a low rambling, picturesque place called White Cliffe. Ills an awk- .i.l tar tu be born with the ivi uf a (ir.iiid Duke, a luve of luiuiy, and a ilwiru for position, when ne posHesaes very Limited means, This .i-. wuat had bap{mu<l to Squire VS .: .mi Cliefden. liis fuUier'a ne newB liarl coTnn to him that he was utterly ruinefl. He had KHtbeired together every available shilling 1 h had even mortgaged White Cliffe, flo aure was he of ii. . s n I h li-ul invested the m<mey in nnniiiK shares which be had l>n amured would bring him in at Leiust thirty \r rent, and aell at any pi iver, one sincere deaire, had been , time fur thrlee their value. Ue was that he should win th old lands back j ^tain to mako a Urge fortune-eo the .1,1.1111. lie had died with auth words i wn U of the new company told him. ..u Ins lips; and they had itet bis sou's ADd thu Squire never very keen I. ut ou fire, llut it waa much eaa- *>r for him to *peoul than to save. 11.- wnt aUroad, hoping always that 'tie wonderful would i-nil>le tu reUuwe ins l alien fortunes, Ibuugb it never came. At thai tiuin he waa a handsome, gaLlant young n. in, with no more idea of the value ef money than a child. some yi-aj-s qulcksilvt-r- "There la not even a oha>r in thi Iroutie that brloiiKM to us," he replied "The boiHM, piotures, furniture, plate are no longer oura. We are alMoluti- [uupera. IX>lores and that ia a bard thing tu say." " Very hard, papa ; but 1 am quite .sure I can work. I oan make money enough to keep you and biyself. I will ITJ anything tench, paint, ing ; I wmiUI go on the atnge I would do nnytbino^ to helt> you." A aoftend look oame over hia worn face, " J know it, Doloreo ; but you have never been used to work. The Clief- dena hav until now knift dome of their old state>. If I oould only have lived at White Cliffe until it was time to dial If I oould only have Alept where all the Che films sleep I But I shall die in an almnhouae and be buried like a pauper. How could you work for me, child f" he continued. "I have lived in luxury ill my life; I must have dainty food and choice wine ; I nuLHt have comforts, ood fires, good clothes, my bookit my papers. Uow "ii Id you earn money for all these things P' Before ahe had time to answer there oame a great peal at the door-bell. To be Continued. iii'mey wa.1 loncerned. never vwry Hound of judgment. In making investments was only too delighted. Ue staked every farthiug be had in the world, and for on > u be enjoyed a wonderful increase of income. But that morning h hud received a letter which 1 told him of but uyttr ruin. Th comiwny was u complete Kwin-ll.-; the Ue pa Mad some yesirs quicksilver- manager hud absconded with all that mining in Spain, and then returned lo remained of 1 )i , ipit il, and lherea.t Knglaiwl. ii'inu i h-- richer for but wan- ' n<iihin,r but ruin for uH t lx< deluded during* in nraioh of wealth. Soon shareholders. afterward he mvirried a fair placid I Thff ^uire had received tint letter girl who had a Urge fortune, and with ; j,, , lie ninrning. and h had hardly whom he lived ii. M .pily enough. Cat h- ' B tirr,vl him*, l-or many hours be r.- anne Sviners luved bur haudwine r- m ainivl Jimt a> h- .-. ir>m^ bj ratio >i.nii l,n.-,lmnd. in I .,-. qi.iie li,.. ,|,.. m i, r iibj.-,-.t iai.sery inlowli.rli ontent. Khe never wondered wheiii- ,, | i:i< | ful^n. ||:. i.m.N f.ildr.l. tus ar be had had uiher loves or other eye.s ( ls.l, hi* lir,< i --ke-l and luui- Inleraata. hn was placidly, quietly n<|, no more |.it -ou . >iirli' m-.iid !> ri,n- bajipy. I c^irtvl than tu old iu.m in but oorrow. i In- day a teriibU aocident ha|>ptm- Tbe <lvor o| lied lowly, and into *d lo id.- Squire, ll.i wa^ struck by the darkened mom. mm.- * IM-.HI! iful a falliu0 br.inoh of a tree, and carried irrareful K''l. hos fin- w-is full of li'im.. ..'n ..-I.--IH. Kv.-n now lie suffer- anxious solicitude. She went uptothe exl fruin tha effeoU-i of tbe injury <li<'i|nna{ litfiiie and liid hei loving which Inul uwirly pruvvd fatal at Ihe arum r.miid tlie iM|iiir<<'N n. . k Mysterious Crime on the S.S. Neptune. They w*>nt to Mrs.Verachoyle'a room ami hunted everywhere for the paper xo inui-.h required, but in vain. Ran- .1.1. k. I tir di -k, looked through her trunk*, but without any aatiafactory remiH. " Perha.|>a f lie's left it about grruter afely," aaud Foster, refer- ring to !'> V queer etory of the "I'urloinexl letter." The ln<ll.idy wja called up and questioned, l>ut denied erer seeing tbe 10 net him, bat wrote a letter and up- braided him for the falsehood he had ilrl, recrarding hi aiitter's guilt to ,.i in her hand. VaaBalla did not answw tbe letter, but sing there wa no hope for him u*nt off to America., n<i found nn 'iiK the pasBengeirii (be Binhop of l':rt i,:oniu, and hia wife, aofompanied by Mrs. Pollypop, who hud inniiiled on coming. The Buihop yielded, in the secret h-vpe that xome benevolent | m nibal iiiixM eut th old ldy, but &he evixlwiftly did n<( look inviting rn uh, as ahe is still alive and hearty. Mrs. Vernchoyl*, whose unhappy fate nj one pHrticularly deplored, was buriod in Km;il Oreen C'enetery, and li^ tlT at rest, with all her loves. hen- hat*!* and aiiibrtions. Curmela oould not honently pretend to mourn, but *he regrettwi that the Uat in- trviw .-he. bad with her was Much a tormv on. RunaUl w -<nt down again to Hurley, PAINS IN THE BACK. FREQUENTLY DDK TO SLUGGISH LIVER OR KIDNEY TROUBLIS ir. rr*ah i i t. r KsrUr. TIU f f- rerla-i d H.w nr Wllllesa** fi.h .ir.j Him trur *>k*r a MM From the Advocate, Exeter. Ifr. Frank Walters is a young ma* personally known to moit of the re- sidents of Exeter, where be baa lived nearly all hi* lift. Talking with the editor of tbe Advocate recently Ifr. Walters aaid : "la justice to Dr. William*' Pink PilU I think it my duty, in view if what they have done for me, to arid my testimonial to the thousand* of other' that have beea printed. Fur me montha I Buffered moat severely from pains courting up and do-Mi my hick. It was thought that theae pains were due to liver and spent ih Htinuner inontha oa tbe rivef in the delightful company of C-irnielu, who, now that the cloud, so lon^f overnhadowing her life, had pomed away, was perfectly happy. They ware wrapped up in one snot tier, and paid no attention to the other gueata at BUfield. Thi-i waa de id- dly aelfisb, and would h-ive been reaented, ooly U so hap- pened that two other oouplAs under Sir M-irk Trevor's hospitable roof were doing precisely tbe same thing In the first plaoe, Mr. Patrick Ryan had |*rauuik-it Kate Later to agree to change her name for bia OWD. to trv A fair en LIIIIX-- is no robbery,"]]^ observed Pat wiieb he pioposed. "I give ym my name aud you give me kidney trouble, but whatever tha cause they frequently left me in ter- rible agoay. tin- pains were no il- w.iy.i confined to the back, but would shift to other parts of the body. Aa a result 1 got littlo rest, my appetite mu.iira.1, and I fell off graat- i wei^at. I tried different reme- su^foalud by frienda, which hav- ing no effect almost diaguated me with medicine. Then a personal fr-je-n-i urged uv: to try Dr. Williama* Pink PilU. I was not easily [-r- bwcaua* I had abuut eduina would not insisted and finally I de I purr based one box at it wa,a finished I was greatly r-liev. f or "And you call that a fair exchange." ed. Then I got a coaple more boxefl and these restored me to my former guol health. i dj not he^utate re- . retortvd liU Udy-love. I think you're ooiumendinf th.1.-* medicine that others, getting the beat of the bargain I'm may profit by my experience, and not p Hptti - Bn ,, H.II<|. upf lt m , (: |, t ,, h ia wort*." Wors<) | k . lol( . sr . ^ ^ , ,,,,,, pan yt.u nof b-en worse fa< . t. in- b received it. During bw delir- iuin hiH one try was "Dolores, Dol- oj-nul" In a voioe so lull of aouln |win and .,,, ,,y i|,.,t ,t br.^ht tears to tb.-ye of those who heard him. "DoU or<,. lK,|uril waa reitoruled b, the .-k man all thn-ugb the ,lrk hoiin. of Uir nigM . and tJ M earl, boar., of nm , hB nmrn, while the a .ml.. unau.peot,n r! ^ Kiwl-ili wife kneR hy his side, and .,,,.lred who Dolores waa. A.I he KTW better, the Squire ceas- i , i n) . n are ed In i|n-at thn name; and his wife "'*. dear, what will IN- I lie w.nit for Iwllevnl the ny to li ivo arUen from us f " WIUM wandring of his fevered brain. I " The worst for me will t the work- When bin little dau*rhtr WB s born.' hi or an HlnvthoiifM* in my old ne; cf .. ThBr(| mu( . h ,. rly !1I| , ruin . , ,, h a Mnilp . bu , , ,...,.,,., an<| ,. <lea(n , ^ fgrmM ^ you , n(|l rour f . l|llt tnat oth . and owmdlcra. Tell but /taid that she. must bn called "1K>I- araM," .n.-i bi fuir wife amilnd as she H.<I, "That was the name you iu peatnd ao often when you wure ill." n Uie bruutiful, golden-haired child for you there will l- hard work, Hi. I Ml" "Is it MO bad MH Ih.itf" wile, nxked wonderingly. "Must we leave While It's Not Like Dr. Chase To Disappoint People. HI* Grmt Rocoipt Book Did Net Disappoint, and Dr. Ohace's Kidnay-Llv*r Pill* Have Astonished Physicians and People Alike by their Wonder- ful Cures. Derangement* of the kidneys ,- ut* Mi- molt painful m<1 the moit dread- j ful filial diAoiiM.M In whirl man i* sub- < jeol. The symptoms a.rn unaaiatik.thle nd < Im evidence K<ins to prove I hat no treatiiMut has evor baeu mi su*ssful an a < ure far diMAaaeauf (lie kiuneys a* Dr. Chaae'a Kidney-I.ivnr HiUa. Pains, schiM or weskuMM of the I.-, k. deps- iit l'ki> brick Hunl, in the urine, srsnly painful or soaiding uriosiion, paffi- eas uader the eyea and emanation ara tbe in<Iication of kidnny disease. Mrs. Purnley, I8J Lippmoott street, Toronto, bayn "I may aay that Dr. rh."M's lU.-eij.t lluuk has been theciin- u It 1 114 |.li)irian in our house for jreara, > 1 have always been able te .-..ntml ny aiekneai amnngut ourr.hil- rtrsn t uaias; the receipts given in Its) page*. Far tbe past tow years I have suffered muob with any kidaeya, >i .xrmpantad with severe pins in t he lurk, almost unbnurubla at tinea. Af- ter uaios; Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills >'er a time I am entirely rnstar- ed to kafclth, the pains in nT barJl nave Uft ad I feel be-ttar ia every raapcL U U a Blaasura tor ate ta add onn mure testimony to the re|>atjuin uf Dr. (Vtuion'a reenedie*. Mr. JauiKs Ciirk, CwnaNxm, I'l.n.-r Kdwird (V. On!.. *utM; "E>ven years aa>> I was luke.ii. wic.h paiiM in IB.T btu-k. elAlii.niK in my .lupa find ex- up ui> .spine. I'hn pain wns vwiy asvere. mind at t.imtts alntunt nn- pndiiraibbn, /! nianv days I was not IbU l do ma 'hunir'n work. ThwuKli I bad nismiilled muny firsl -<-lii-s phi- C.UIIIH a-nal tried mveral advertised nwwii- U.M, I .<u!>l gnt u<i relief. "At tlhiM i MU< HIT falhr-in-law ti-l.l mil i" try Or Clhaae's Kidney- 1. i'vn PilU ami aald h kur-w they wvuld i-iii- me. !.-< ii t.-d one IHIX miMl gren 1 waa> my aurpriaa wh. -^ 1 i>X i<> <<"" better .-utter iwina; only <vae box. 1 ensktintunal I heir ui- until I had titkrn aliuui fnur boins, wbloh mude me sound ' Ur. (thaaa's Kidaay-I.lTvr Pills will not diflappeimlt you. Tkay ot dirert- ly nd epei,fuM>lly ink t1i liver, kld- MUJ* and toewets, re^nla-tiag tkeiu. nn I Lrif vng iln-in to perfect aotien Oax pull a di r*e. 2ft r-Bf .1 a bnt, at nil daatara, <ir K*ni*iiaoa Bates A (V, To* mi to. " 1'erhapa sb I. ul it with her," ahe HU/Kwtetl as the three pentleiurn looked blankly at one another. No. the body hart been wearrhei' no they left I be hotel in de(iir. " 1/mks Im.l for Va*iirilla," said Ron- ald. V"' :i Ut !" reloited th atout- Jirirl.-.l \\':nk<, "th- >l ill I to ef i.lenee will g.'t linn off; bu' Mrs. Var.tchoyle evi.lently intended he ahould swing. aixl Im.-i iwrh.ipn <l'Ht i oyeil the pa- i... " Hi went off, o KonaJd invited KOH- tnr tn dine with him at the "I'avia- t<K-k," in invitation which tint ren- lleui.ui i, ... ( ,tel All the new>l.ys lontf tlie Strand were, milling out Meiixalinual .vnletiers abuut tbe case, and Himald buii^ht some paper* to r^.i.l WlH-B fln-y entered th hotel the. clerk han.i.-l ItonalJ a letter tint bad Ux-n waiting for him all day. It WM.N addrwtnnd in a woman's handwrit- . nnd Mont eith opened it carelessly, l>ul ou glancing at the content* h gav* a Hhout whu-h startled Foster. Wii.ifs ill., inaltor, old r.hiipf" " Tb nu^Min^ |.i|..i I 1 gasped H<m- al<l, boldinat it >ui ; ind AO it was. Fos- M look it an<t read it. " My dear Monteith I'm .-.irk of life. nvd o.^ I'vr no one to coONult about ayinir in it. I'm going into tb neit world, straight off. Lionel Ventin." " This puts Vajiaall.i's inm>cenc be- yond sll il.iui.i ." said Foater, "liut th.- natum will have to bx proved aa you .In U f" " No," ie|.li.-.l Mini te it h, "but there'a Mr.. Tsunton." " Yea I we'll have to see her," said ' ii barriHter, initting the letter in his cket ; "but how tbe deuce did it ooiu to you f" " I <lon't know," said Ronald, blnnk- ly, " unlenn nh never intended Vss- . ill.i xlmul'l .siiffnr. but -..-ill in thiK lo-<ljiy and Ih* oaae would h;ive bevn aili.Ml lo-ruorrow. 1 believe sbn wan " l'o-<te.i DxiuKhl no, alao. es|wrially when they went baok to the hotel. ind found how the letter had hren l..Ml4x|. Mrt. Vrrachoyln had placed it in an envelope ,md directed it to Unn- ald, bu( evidently rhan^ing her mind w. n1 nut l>.-ivinir it on the table. A waiter e.uiniiK in hid **n it, HO post- I it at MM,-... thinking it was anover- suclil on Mra. Verschoyle's part. There was no difficulty in provinir the. dociitn -nl ti> U- authentic, as MTH Taunton dffimiml at mi,., thut U>||. 'lie writing in I the. .tifinnturit were in her brnltwi'a handwriting, and u\>- (Kirtwl her asflortion by producing hi l^tltrn tg her, which put the whole qumtion beyon<l a doubt. Thifl ouriMim etidintf to a curious ntwe made a great sensation, but Vn inlla tvk hin a<-o,ii(t',il w.i T coolly lie. was m-ire unnoyen .. l'-u iii.-l.iS rr i in. 'i I to marry him thun any I king lv oh tllmi )vuu|r lady not only suffer tortures as I did." Ur. \V l.-nnV I'ick I'ilU cure by go- ing to ti- nt of th-j disaase. The/ I'.-uew aoJ bu I.I up lii- blood, and t reu^iheu ill- ni-rvri, ttios driving UI.-W.IM from tar system. If your .le.l-vr does not keep them, they will or .ent p'n.l at 50 centa a box. tii- Dr. W.I. :.> ui.4 iledicinn Oo., Brovk- :ile. Oat. LOSD KUaSF.l.L'S GOOD-BY. getting the beat of the bargain ui.ii i v.ntr a poor iu ,u. ' "And j-ou call that a fair exchange,' " that's whore my aelf-aacrifu-e t-omea in. 1 can't t>upprt uiyseif. no I'm go- ing to Mil>port you we can liv on bread-and-chueat and." -Wail I* " If you've no objuotion we'll have an acting chuTade on the last word." They did I ,^ir Mark wus resigned to tU in- fliction uf two lovinjf cou-plna staying with him, but he did f*>el rather ci U.-.D- e.l Hb4>n lier.ild Fimtar at-ked him to, beotow Dell's baud upon biin. AAerlUa r luif nnt' Ur4 rhlef JactMe . .0111 !" ejarulutel the as-i '' " * **" baronet, "it's a catching dis-' S nc the d.ath f'. L rd Ruse 11 m > uy aaae-l'm glad Mrs. Pallypop isn't here pl-aain*; m., t.-s have b-ea told or I'd fall a victim to matrimony uiy- o- >' > -*" 11 m "* lhl ' m unp b>ch e.lf." in- k ! '.J .iu a Hi" 1 ' loxich of fauiiiy Ue liked Foster, however, nnd more- atfeotion. |'P >. -nwly huuiu. ov*reaw he was a man likely to uinke J1 - J""'*'* 1 > " aboul lo " a his mark in th world, so agreed to 'or South Africa * lieutenant ,naa th* engagement, and reigned h,m- ni'lery regiment. As the transport ,g i * i i it f i uii ti i 01 AH i ix* 1 ' ^ r !>>rd Mil, in a LnriwTiAji apirtt to the aw- " hil fa,* f l.vuig in tbe same hou.e - -h " f Jlult "' t''"W * tb ' "'< eagerly tile faces h:cb lined unit taWM youuj; uii.n engaged to the t ,' number vf yuung umen. "I fel like an eiMerly 'u -.1. ' he said. pUintivaly, "tbe only remedy for thia e|n.l. ruic of Ivve-making is to get tbenn UIMIII...I aa soon as posaible." >So as noon as possible, the marriages took place all at tbe name time iu the church at Marlow, aad tb vn itein.-in waa great over the. treble event, aa such a thing had not occurred in tbe neighborhood within the memory of man. thy fMsjefa halamrfea, waa unable ti> discover lhai of b.a son. l)4>ap>|fcUi.-U, ' ""' yi'ain 11^ for a partinar luck, be r. ined his imter tu his lipe, nk tbe iu.iuu>-r e<> i .mui.ii ta !>) au>l < m ti- d t hln i.l \> in -ii. . I'ne evidently call uiwnmln >uu.^[ lather and "O. ytziug v.ittuily into .-.iv. i oilhera t.n-.-, \\aved what proveA tu be a lant farewell. The i. t .u cu^raclenittie at the man, and a hearty cheer from those It will be interesting newt to all HU h-uid and saw testified to the matruiwnial prawiniiata tout none of fulneas i>C liuniau oympaUjr waen a the*, marria,,. have a. yet turned ' t " uob " f ntllule ' '' out failures, nor doea there seeui tbe leaat chanoe of any such possibility. Foster, with the aaauttance of his father-in-law, aooa got plenty briefs, and ia now a brilliant (j FOR JACK. At the trial of a s. .1111,1 u for ahoot- o f i iug- a cuuimdo ci"iiiei for the CrowM asked ome of the witncsees, alao u ea- chnritthing dreams of tbe Bench and Woolsack. Lester's uncle dying, left her all In-, money, which Pat devoted to restoring tbe home of his ancestors. where he livea now with his pretty wife, and ia not uiuuli troubled, except by bis tenants, who won't pay any rent. And Ronald! tth. Ronald la in far-off Australia, .in. l by bia aide standa Carmela. The Knd. WHY UK K KPT ON I'IMYINO H had been p' yintr before the Ii u- > of a very iranribln old K'-ntleman, who fuitouM}, and with wild gestH-ulationo, ordered him to rlear off. Tbe i . m * under, hownver, con- tinued to irriod away, till finally the >ld gentleman bad him arrested for liaturbaiKw. > \t the police-court the magistrate asked him why he did no>t i.-ave vsli.-n requested > do so. Me no underatan' mooch Ingleeae, A aa the reply. Well, Rtud tbe magistrate, but you must have uuderstood what he meant \benht. kept stumping hia feet and \aving his arms. No iu not know, replied the Italian; in" tink he .-..1:1 to danoe to mv muaia. Toe orgaa-gnader was) discharged. mm, wuoin Iu wad for plaintiff or defendant. , I'll u i lit ur defandant I saya Jack, giving h s a hitch, xbiver me, if 1 Itimw what ye- mean. 1 come to aay suinmal fox tbal there pointing to the [Miauner. You'ie a pretty felVuw fora witneaa, ..! Hit- omii^el, u 't lo know what plaintiff or defendant means I BOBM t.uif aflei, l>eLUg i.iked by the saiue xiini*i hnt puit of the nbiphs in at the lime, he replied, Abaft the binnacle. ( Abaft i In- lunn !!<, i>-pi-ated counsel; what part i>f iue -li p 11 thalf 11 '. h.i I vlnn-klfd .'nek, you're a nice feller fir H ,, not lo know alait b l.iunaele ia I NICK FOH 1IIK Viw. M LI v. Mud a mUtreas to her iH'wly-iiiij>i>r!(vd uiaid, in tbe kit- iiho ihere. ia a pet tortoise, a'od I you will be very kind U it. Do yvui know a lortowie when you sen uuef N , ni-uiu; hure amd waa\t koike. lal ill Atter havimar, tiplsiiojud it tn her. tba girl wttot aod bn>ua;ht it forth. la tba* it. ovum? Yes. jilwre, UUt is wkat 01 wag su Oa ars* bba oaaki BRITAIN'S Lord Roberts Was Received by Royalty. MARKETS OF THE WOULD' Prices o Cav.ii. Chain. Grili. *e in tha Leaaia? A de^pntch from T/>ndon says: Cro'W<Ls of p>-op|.' on Thurs<iiv flo -Ic- ed t) p.ints of vanuge niong the roirte u> 1> folloireA'fcyHjn^ Hoi, .-r froux I'.ii.l npt. Station t" I!u-k- inKh'iii 1'il.iro. hwr h- nutnl>ers in nil way rompured -*ith thm.- pi on the, orcjinon of th^ demou.str u on in h-mor of th- return of I IK Ini|-r^il V'olujiteers fn-m South \f- rV.a. P'ars of a r'-p"titi<m of th'- riotou- on that o-casiou deterred many persons fr--m joininiir in tb.> paU lic welconv. W.irned by th>' orcur- ren-"- u th" time of the Volun'p'-rv return, the authorities furnished barriers to prevejit rroshiJiK. and 15,- 000 tro..p, in addition to thouuinda of police, linnd the route, biiickeil the eide streets, and ere eoncentratcd in the wide epaces to guard itfiin-t dang>To(U rush- a. RECKIVKD BY ROTALfY. Lord Roberta reached Paddington station only -ll minutes behind the schedule time. As he descended fron sue saloon carriage to the platfoV'i of tbe elaborately decorated rallroa station he was greeted by the Pr o- < of W.ileia. the Princess of Walea, th. Duke and th Duuhe&i of Y..rk, th Duke of Coon.iught, and the Duke of Cambridge. I b-- members of the Royal f.imiv ahuok hands heartily with th" Held Marshal. wh.l-- the baoda played the National Anthem, The Princess of Wales engage,! Lord Roberts in a conversation for some length. Tbe scene waa altogether brilliant. Everywhere were Biases of bonting, troops, ladies in bright costumes. Cabinet Ministers and ataff officers. Tbe Prince of Wales, with Lady Roberta, soon left the railroad sta- tion ia a royal carriage drawn by aix horses and escorted by Life GUI ids, preceding Lord Robert* tu Bu kingham Palace. rat, PROCESSION STARTS. The people on the atand opposite the carpeted platform could see little bat cocked hats and ladies' bonnets. Tbe first captain of the five feet r wo high, was invisible except from the front of the circle. After con- gratulations bad hee.n exchanged, Lord Hoberts walked with th Prince of W.iles, the Duke of York, and the Vdj-:t nit-li.-aeril <i u -ral Mr Kv.-lyn Wood, and reviewed the guard of honour. The veteran I .' : M., who appeared to be in perfect he.altb, with pink cbiictu, bore b mself jauntily and with evident enjoyment. - walked down each rank, saluting with his left hand, as his right band still in a. sling, speaking to the sergeants, and occasionally p:ck ngout a private for a few words, recalling previous service together. AJ'.er the uwpectwo Lord Roberta had a few minutes' onovrsiition with hie old comrades, before be weM oat iinto the station enclosure to meet London's multitudes. After Lord Robert* had replied to tile address from Piddimtrton. the proceaaum was formed, tbe head- quarters ataff, in six carriages, fol- lowing immediately behind the field Maraaat who occupied a state car- .age escorted by Indian cavalry. Ihe Secretary of State for War. Mr. U'illUm St. Jofcn Brodriok, and the Secretary of State for Foreign Af- fairs), the Marquis, of Lansdowne, were seated in another carriage. A detachment of cavalry brought up -he rear. GREAT ENTHUSIASM PREVAILS. The party proceeded to Bucking- bam Palaoa, by way of Hyd* Park and Piccadilly. Deateaing cJleers greeted the Field Marshal and new Oufnmaader-un-thiet of tne forces along all parU of the route. Club- land w.u* ablaie wiiJi colour and tbe greatest enthusiasm prevailed. Tbe ladieu admitted to the hallowed pre- cincta thronged tbe windows and the bulconiea. The hotels and other buildings were all liviahly bedecked and all crowded from top to bottom with cheering spectators, The roar of welcome rolled am un- ceasingly until the veteran command- er entered t-be gates of the pulaee. BREADSTUFFS, ETC. Tironto, Jan. 8. Wheut Quota- tinow ara as follows; Red. winter. 66r; and white, 06c, middle freights: spring A eay, 69e; Manitoba. No. 1 hard uld. g.i.t.. 98c; No. 2 a* 9gc; No. 1 hard. North Bay. 96< . MUlfeed Scarce. Ton lota, at the mill door, sell u follows; Bran. 912 t.. f 1J..VI; aiod aborts at |U tn $14.50 DUTCH RISING FEARED Open Assistance Given to the Raid* ing Commandoes. i A riexmti-h from London Moml.iy, annuls. KlaewheTe the Government is C-.ra Tone firm; No. 1 American, yell-.w. I.*; No. 3 yellow, 43c; No. 2 yeil.,w, 44o. Fea^ riteudy, No. 2 sold, midule freights, ait 61 l-2c; and euat at 62c. Barley Conn iauea dull. No. 2 eaaL, 41c: a-iul middle freighu. 40c; No. 3 extra. X) 1-ic, ea*t, and 38 l-2c, mid- dle freights. Rye firmer; new rye, 47c, weat; and 48c east. Buckwheat About steady. Car Uts. weat. are quoted at 49c; and east at 50c. Oaui Quiet demand; No. 1 white, eaat, 27c; No. 2 while, north, and weat Flour Unsettled. Holders outside are asking more money. So far foreign market* have not responded much. PRODUCE. Egga Cold Btored eggs rather firmer. Prices are as follows; New laid. 28 to 30c; cold tor--d, selects, 19 to 20c, limed, 15 to Ifc. Poultry Reeeipu to-day were very Ug-ht, and dwmvand very quiet. Prices were firm. Turkeys sold at lUc; geese at 7 to k, ehickeoa, at 30 to 40c; and ducka, at 60 to 70c. The market Waa bar- of atork a the close, and mure could now be aaya :-Thor. a, on <At Ici-i i and lit Me <>tlu-r ne., of the Hi.tunt.oD in the Ope CVi'jtty. bu what has arrival i not to the British. Despite th> rapul frvgrexu made IB arming th loyalists there m gen- eral uneasiness in Cape Town an. I lh>' m ht> i ln l owing tn the ipnor- ;w C4mciirn:nn the where ilj-.ui - of the itivader.s. There is no ; ion thtit they :ire beinti .-becked. Every d.iy iddr- to the pr.ibubility of a Dut<-h rir-infr. M'prt.i of openly given it) the Boers multiply. I hi farm- ers ia the western distr --is ure ex- ceeiling'y unwilling to Bell to thw (jt.vftroincnr. It M Ht.itil n one dutru-t they b;ivc refused to sell. cwnin in. leering borsi-H. l>u' .a paying a good price ior them. 1 >opa have M.I ni'-ylHiry, from ihe Pir- repreaentation of wh -h HI I': m- M nct.-r .-*-hreiner was lately <uat.-d Mirt-al law was proclaimed as soon aa the tn.opa: arrived, and all tbe horses w.-:a seized. I'll.- Britiab resident a ia several villages around Cape T < a 1 ik^n refuire there, finding fa unendurable anx>ntr 'tu-ir rebelliously inclined neightjiiuis Meanwhile th troops that oan be spared from rape Town md volan'eera for the front are, being forwarded to the Piquetburg r<>ad. M in.les mrrth of the capital, which will apparently be used aa aa and defy the Government toaeixe their i Jllvjncetl baae. Barley Stronger; extra, 69 to 6V: fair to good, 56 to 59r. Rye No. 1. 57c akd; So. ^, on track. 56c. Chicago, Jan. 8. Wheat scored i he high*t price of the seaaoa to-lay on h-.i VT baying, but broke sharply later on profitiaking, an 1 clo-ed weak. May 1-Jc lower, Corn cloaed 1-8 to l-4c lower, oata !-< higher, and proriaions pr.u-tj-il.y unchanged. STILL MOVING SCUTH. at DL WET DRIVEN BACK Reoccupation or Important Towns by the Boers. A despatch from London, says: Tbe *ff at of tbe withdriwal cf troops fi OB the Transvaal and Ornnge River Col- ony to deal with the invaders in Cape Colony is seen in tbe continued activ- ity uf the Boers there. Gen. Knox is holding Lien U.- Wet, who has been tmtbed farther north, bat tbe Boers have reoocupied Jjgersfontein. tbe richest and most Britiab town in tbe Orange Haver Colony. They are also probably iu pvsaeasiun of Faureamith, place the British abandoned on Christmas day concurrently with their abandonment of Jagarafooteia. Tbe in- habitants, with hundreds of waggunn and carts loaded witb their belongings, mournfully moved to Edinburg, where they encamped. Thi- men <lefended the towns fur montha, but the military authorities decided that it was imprac- ticable to continue sending them sup- plies, as thy were so Car from tb railway. Report* frum Durban state that armed Boers are in the neighbourhood of Lad>j>inHb. poaeibly seeking a chance to ifk-iac the Boer prim-Hem ther-. l PURSUING DE WET. :.iniion Firing continually Heard at Maseru. A despatch frura London, aays ; . -, fr m \Ii.vru, Basutol.ind. datiNl \V diie-.|<\ -iv ihit thr.-e s-p- jr:it.- .-> 4anuu ar>- lill pursuing U.-n. Uv Wit, but w.tb no sui-eeaa beyond t.ik iitf t'-iiiy-i-.(jhi PTLSOUITK. Can- non firing in rontinui My beard. Ml t b>' KnrflLih have .lex-rnsl Kicks- burg, taking t b.-ir nt u-fc* f gruu at-rtwa the border, ind 4 hi Boers have k>te<l the t.i.\-n. ViTunling to th" Dtiily Mjiil'u cor- rvip^-n !. -n: .it The .H.i^ii... the <lire<-- t.T.ite of th' Netherlands South Af- r in ri Iway. has applied Ho th' 1 Ara- -i. r, lam courts for a suapeniiion of payment* Boers Break the British Cordon Zuerberg 1 A despatch from London, save: The Roer raiders of the Cape Colony are atill moving south without apparently Potatoes Tone steady. Sales arei* nT hindrance. A party has passed bein< made outside at equal to 30 to here. Salea, out of store, are made at 40c. Field produce, etc. Turnips, oat of tore, 30c per bag ; onions, 70c per bag ; carrots. 35c per bag; apples per bbl, fl to |2. sweet potatoes, per bbl. |2.SQ. Dried apples Dried apples sail at 3 1-2 to 4o; and evaporated at 5 to S l-2c. Deans Ordinary white beans bring Middle bury to Roode Hoogte. and an- other has reached Ulenbarry. 20 m.les north of Graaf Reioet. one of ihe chief centres of anti-British sentiment in tbe colony. General Kiirbener'a of- fn-,.il despatch allays any anxiety re- garding the capture of tbe town at A report from Cape Town states that TOO Borra have broken the British cor- **.<* 14.1.10 jj^u uruiuary w ntiaan oring > i,,.. r _,,_ i, , I. .0 to, 1,5; choice hand-picked bean. ' * * ^uerberg. and -e looting and ; HUGE WARSHIPS. Britain Will Build Two Monsters tor the Navy. The Britu-h Admir.iLiy bxis decided M build two battiodupa which are in- te<uded fj* br tfee lanfpaf in the world. The daninntfcsi of liavmg the largest w.u.-lup., biR hi-h-riM uneo h-'d bv- Italy. wkJi tbe LnfBunt-o and her iuter ship* ihe ItaJii (ir,t Hrit.iirTsj tw. projected lar*e wwr**:p.s. to hej * *'** p****T ivdy XMUU^ft (Do Oiit*t* n i ri<f t.he Prunou o* Wales, will be 2.UOO t,m heavier thtui the Italian whip* men-, tioned. reaching the enormous dia. o* If 000 rone, which is S,- bea-vU-r Tjinji Am.-r:.-a'.> l.i_ armour-clad v>*.l. Tlte-ae treii out. Uri,UHh vessel* wijl cwj-ry within*) larger h , :i l^-mcti gun*. Th-n teriee will obt^j be c<anr-ed -I h ind n to in- th. balk of tbf buttle, h pe WBJI only ,,rr v>d at after muHi for !*.. til.- d-iys < M, the f.iv- 5<tll are quoted it 91.40 to f 1.45. Honey Firm. Dealers quote from 9 burning within a few miles of l.u-h- m.-n.l. wbic'b town im threatened. Th- r- baitlealiipB of m.'nr. "f w.b.rfa the 1--' to lOc per Ib, for 5, 10. or 80-lb. ttre on " > rumu r of engagementa be-, * tbe .nvaders ind their pursuers,, S u,..~. .1 Car lots of straw. 3,600 MORE VOLUNTEERS. Australia and New Zealand Will Send i his Number A dAsputch from M lU.urne Mys; In n- p. ns.- to tbe suggestion from (V>|-n : al S-crel.iry t'!*-; l;iin that more troop* from th- i-o'on.eM ,\ould lr .ii-ceptabl foi service in S,HUh Afuca. 1.000 ineii h.ivo volunteered at Vi.-tor;a. 80U in South' ii, and i,000 in Ne-w K.-.ilind. I'h.-se men haw .siguifi'-'l ih.-ir il.-^ire tn serve against the It - i > HAVE JOINED HANDS The Two British I: orces In Cape Coloiv Unite A despatch fp.r.i Cipe To n. says: Infi.i m:itinn, iff u .l-nj,- the invasion is aonnty. Col. Willhms attacked the eastern mv:i>* IM .l.m i i. r M ddel- buiR but fail-- I to dislodge th. ui II haa since becu joined by Lieul.-l'id. Orenfell, and th.- Btn-rs hu\e ietiie.1 General Brabant baa arrived at Braaf Reinet. BULLETS AMD DYNAMITE. The British Hake An Important Seizure. A di*paii-h frum Cape Town, says; An imp >r'ant seizure ol bullcta and dynamiiu beeoi made in i ne Fraeerburg disuic-t. The \ arrived from Ctape Town packed ia condensed m:!k ouns. It ia learui-d tbe Uwrs invnd- Oolony obtained only six r-- cruita anvm; th- At , i . r.-si- ,i M I iu iti H ; >\ii d. strict. It is d Ucrt. ;h.u ilieir measure uf success ji o;h-r di^ net-, w is .-.4111.- ly iuiall, the Uutcli i-d.ii"!i mongers feaniirf to iraobiato thoir woid-i in- to deeda. Recruiting ia pruceediug at an active rate. The :i.-w n. r nii.Tif, tbe e ( Wa!*4' l.-'i, ll.irse. has Mtabliahvd a recruit iiijj n-cord. PROTECTiNG^THE MiNES. Boers May Do : huusands of Pounds Damage. A dep:itrli from London says: Tbe Cape Town n.>rte-.ponlent of the Tiine remark.* ii|>.>n the iuipoHil>i:ity of Gen. KUciiener, with hi-4 pi.-~- n: force, protertuig th.- uimiv*. in, I .xi ys iiiar iirl.-ts would be al'le inanhiMir fir J 1-1 do dam i* amount in>q t< th<"i'.iii.!-< "t i^Jiin.l.s. He in- sr,n - 'i-- Kti-ini.'tit --in niitie, which T.-c.-lllly (luli:..el tn the .-xteill of 2Kl.tHHl. Tli- i-i.n innol be j.t.n ,- d ap again IB two ycnrs. dozen sections. Baled hay FirBa. Cboioe timotby, on tia.-k. 11025; two-ton lots, deliver- ed. 911. (Straw Sc iree. on tra<-k here, 97. DRE-iSKO HOCS AND Dressed bogs on the street were ancbanv'd it S7 .0 u>$7.75. Car lots, on track U.-ie, were quoted firmer at 17.15 to 7.J5 for mi d lots. Provisions continue quiet but fiendy. Quotation* for provisions .ire aa fol- lows: Dry salted shoulders, 8c; long clear bacon, loose, in car lots, IOC; and in case lots, 10 1-4 to 10 l-2c ;short out pork. 919 50 to f-JO: heavy mess, 917.30 to 918. Smoked meats Rams, heavy. 12c; medium. 12 1-2 to 13 l-2c; light. 13 l-2c; breakfast bacon, 13 to IS l-2c; picnic h.-invj. lOc; roll b.iron, lie, smoked j backs, 12r. AH m- its out of pickle le less than prices quoted for smoked meat*. Iprii Tierces, lOr; tuba, 10 to 10 l-4e; pails, 10 1-4 to 10 l-2<-. Dulutb. Jan. 8. Wheat Cash. No. - bird. tl-2c. N.I. 1 V>rth.rM 74 ^ - ^. ith.-rn. 6') 1-4 to 70 l-4e; N ' -! UT t ; '-l to 631-4c; to ar- riw. N.;. 1 hard, 77 1-4: ; N.>. 1 North- ern, 7r, ! " .')-*, 7S Corn-3: 3-Oc: oats, .'43-4 to 21 l-.V. Mini-.- i, I v ,7m. ?. -\Vh--at Cah, 781-4o: Miy. 77 1-J t- 77 -,-.V: July. 7H1-J t.' 7CV8-; >n tr.i.-k. \... 1 I- 7 I I \ I \ i - N.irth.-rn. 7:ilH-. K| .;.- r -T--n h ,;h. r on |>it.-nt<. Ilrm-In Ixillf. 11.7.'> to $12. I'cle.l... .Im. 8. Ca,-4h and ,Tanu.ary. f)k-; May. 83c; July. 8' l CVirn Cash and January. ST.-: May. We. Oats C-ish and January. j;t :j-4o: May. J. r > l-.V. Hye_521-2o. Clovi-r- si-c-,1 1998. prime, 9'i.-'5; 1899. prime, fii.'O January, 97; March, 97.10. Oil (Unt-h.i iiKi'-l. Buff 1 1.-. .Ian. 8. Flour Steady. Wheat Spring stemly; No. 1 hard. -S - w \o. 1 Northern, i-ll. carl Mds, 85 1-&-. Winti-r h.-at N No. .' red. 78i-; mixt.l, 77cr No. 1 white, 7ft'. ii track, Buffalo. C.'rn Firm; good dominl: >'>. ' )... 411-4c; Nm 5 do.. 41.:; No. 4 do., 40 l-.V; N... 2 corn, 403-K-; No. 3rorn. '401-20. Oats-Strong; N,.. 2 whte [30 to 30 1-4*-. N'\ 3 white. .<) to 2!" I 4e; N . 2 mixed, 27c; No. S miz>-d, Me. tins, according to the size of the order. Comb honey sells at fi.10 to 12.75 per but no detttll- re * iven - ' ferred from certain vague statement* that great bodies of British mounted troops are chasing the Boers with the evident hope of Leinir able to drive them where they can be captured, and (bus prevent all chance of their i >- turn to the Transvaal or Orange K.v^r Colony. Martial law has been proclaimed in five more districts. di*plaae- of U.- '* l ** "<tt I.-"'-. l:i -1.1 Kr:in-f. rii.. 1 ., | cr-su-iuy ,i... r j,.,pi. lc ,, n . naa bee a aim. i i.-.'r ha steps in. tnkinj the <! Queea an.: if \Vn4ea, to an; iHXJi/.nw of th- ul til*. FoimdibJ^. b.h .,< WO 'nB, o<Mv n-in HJ nrutsLsni b.i ml \ TO REMOVE PRISONERS. Will Ba Taken From Camp and Placed on Transports. A desp-itch from Tip I'owa, saya: Tb ai l.t.iry auth- ritK-4 are pn- piring f :r ill contingen.-i - been .le> .di-il t.- tiin-ifer the prisoners from th '.imp to trans- ports. Farmer^ comin,- into Carnarvon de- scrib* 1 th U . er-t u triveling in par- il'.-l ix-lnauid. with numi-rous flmk- ing purtifs sweeping th- .-'iontry <>f burses, plan. I. loyalists, and carrying off everything eatable. It appears that they are a<'Oompaui.l by strings of pick h >res l:gh ly 1" Coleataug telejrraph- that ! inger'a comrn n . :ng t h< 3t d Iburg ' tri-t. but is (vtiiaK f' ^ if any r.K-ruits. H-ru in Cape Town u*-h business men aa .ir un il>|i- to leave are -r- gin.iiiifi i town guard, composed of tbe leading ajsian . Thi- commcr- ciiil oonip:tinvs h.iv.- a"ked th<- Mayor t.i .ill i iua-.- m---t.:i< to org" the Cioverutn.-nt tu .suppress disloyal newspapers and to proclaim martial law. ELIGIBLE FO < PENSIONS. o Dependents of Dead Canadians be Provided For. A despatch from Ottawa says;-Wv- ' *'- nr orphans or otbt-r .1. -|ien.|.-tif 3 >f r-m.i.1 ,n JH. ).,! , <-!, Afnea. will be provi,le,| OUT of th.> Im- lr:,i, p.,Trmnr f u ,,.| | ,,, wn y the f^ ii-i.^r.,,,, from Mr. H.,.n to i, the i .- ^ ..... "uns of Pnsii,o for and orphans of non-,-, ,nm.>,i ,,f- fioers and men are now being ' arl. Descendants of i ,, m i. .1 through the wur ar eligible for grnula from the Royj triotic fund ' BRITISH 'OSSES Casualties in the South African War Toul 51.687. frora Tx>n<lon *iys: The NORTHERN DISTRICT Commandaau Vlljoen Destroys . i.uable Mines. i>iv- r,.wti. .Jin. 4.-ri.iiiii,.in \ > .-n in .-.irMlin-iing- a p impaign of m .in- ili- I>.KI w..-k he b.i<i i. Brj. ti.-b pr. prrty v-:iln,Hi n L : -ien. K ;i. II-T tor ni-iiti'diniu but wi-re in- i rin..! In: they U,IJM. n .-t look to l - h - r 'l 'heir property. K II. . . i| tuiWrViT flir five IK- U.--.1 -i.i men to ,. Hand tu iie. t h. \\ i . >,., - -Miied i able of the war K>8 to th en.l of KH'O. Tin- to- t :il ra.-*u i Hie* of -vry kin I w Me. ."il.t-sT hut onving tx) ihe fact thut a m;ijoi ity of th.- tn- '<! home h ive re- corered ^tid rejoined their comrt. tlu> tot-il reilui-lion nf ! lie f.iii-.-<wn ltl*3iv There are also nimln ui.l |riiner> *'Ven officers ind PSH nieti The nuiiil" 1 ! "f in lii'ls wlui lift the svrvlce ami are unfit for duty is 1,570. A NEW GOVERNOR. Lieut -CoL MacCollui.i v . be to Natal. 1. ii.l T> .Inn 4. I, .> nf fii'i.iily an- ll.-li-r ,.i- n. >;. iraoi \ . i :. i i iiif-f-i r.. I . ii - ij, vernorship o 1 -iy. Uc will Ix- su<- \ . i -C 1. H. luui. 1. v iuol ai JWw fniiinll ind.