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Flesherton Advance, 25 Oct 1900, p. 3

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OCTOBER 26, 1900 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE OCTOBER 25, 190o Jew d c< MtKKUtLG'S /0. .itl HIM s I old . U. o. lkw Dress and Storm Overcoats Almost 600 of th(o have liui-it (iliioed insh.rk which WITC l.oui-lit iit n f..n:oil saiu fur s|il c.sti. Cmiipsri'il i|U i'K V for quality with I|HHU of other diuilurs we can twve you frcmi on to three dollars on any garment a sulistaniial, n MI- isn't it! And the plenHiire and HatJHfacti >f select ini> fn.ui 11 tri.-k two or three time* the mzi you usually in. ot with, would of itself lie, i|iiitoa consiiluration. Not carefully the following pru-.-s .mil when you have itn opportunity colno in iil "we for yourelf the bi- ^est s'>cL and lH.-Nt clothing mluo.s in (irey county. Men'* Nay overcoats, velvet oollar.. doublo breast, pUiil liuiiiK, ilk Btitclt^d rxoelleutly tininho.l and perfect li'linj;. size* Hti to 44 | ; ;, Men's black Ixavcr ovvrcoatu. single t.r double Ircant, velvet collar, twerd Hard, ilk ititcliuJ, very satisfact- ory wntrer. isi-s ;<'i to 4'J 5.OO M. n'n navy and black beaver ovc-rcnutit, |,N ,1 lui'iig. mo" t, sl.-ute lining. \lv-t i;.llr, s.niilu and -l.iui.le 1,1. ,- ulei|ani garmtuls at tl.i price tf.?5 M. i.'s oavy and lilack flue bearer overcoats, quilted satin ;n.iiiK. nmr cloih sleeve liuin^, slu^le mui ilouble breast, Krk stitched aud |.rfecd> labored throuijlioul, sizes ilti to *-' ;.o Men's black and navy beaver ovicoat,iiilk velvet c> llur, ,.,.ul.le or tingle breaxt. ln- back, quiltK.I satin Innn mohuir sluvre liuiug, silk stitched, al.-, lately perfect 111- til' I', sue* *'> 10 44 I II .11 MOII'S navr and Kl.ick beaver uvercoitts, tinest all W....1. Miik'l" <>r iluublo brsast, silk velvet cellar n'k or autit iino.1, pUlU 01 .|in. ted, brut mohair ile'Ve liuiuif, eilk titehed, perfect lailoriuade garmouts, siw- :i>; o 4j, at ll.ll.So. I-.OO Men'i T"ed Overcoats, sma 1 twel patterns, daik C..I.TS pure all-wool Biwdt \V* hav about ?j of these coau iu "'Id sizes, for wbuh reasou we make the price about i the actual va'.ue ol the ^oods, Thr l'..h Buvtr will have i Men's Kiie/. Oi.noatB, dark eolon-4, 6 inch collar U.roHt strap, well trimmed ladorsxl, a servicsaMt roat for ron^h near, izes 'M to I'J 3.S.S Men'sFri. ze Overc<.ats, in a v^rnty of shs.les, pure all wool goods, inch collar, thr.*t utrap, clash and sale pockets, hall belt, a marvel of cheapness 5.OO Mill's Kiicz-- Ovftc.iats. colors i-ark grey nd brown. 6 inoh collar, ttr t |>. M.I.- pook-ts. te.,t liiK.l lhrotihout, hall l>lt, u v<r.v ex- lli-iit garmtut, nizen 3b to 44 5,15 Men's ?rie/.u Overcoats, 2 shades of brown, also fawn, '. null >t. rm i-ollar, .hrost strap, cjccllant plaid lining, Hla>h un.i Mdi Dockets, half u-.t, k.zcn 'Jti '. II. 5- !K> Men's Fri./,. ()vrr.-onls, colors blick au.i* .|iuihti rorduroy lining. " inoh >-oiiu coll*r, throat Kirap, slash aud side pockeU, mohair sleeve liuiug, '> to -44 H.7 > Mvo's Frieze Overcoat!-, co'ors hlack and brown, self lin- ed, making tliem doidde warm. S iu.-h p.^k- rts. thoroiuiilv lai ored, 1*17.1 H lili lo 44 H .*O Men'k (ivuniiie lii-h Krie/i iiv.-rc.mlK, ill fawn, brown- dark nrry, navy au.l Ij.ack. KHlin lined shoMUt-rs, faiu-.v plaid I ..iy .mint.'. sleeve liniiig. Si iuch coti ir.eU 1 ., siz.s np to 44. at *!<>. ".... Sl'J.o.. and I I III' .'*."<> Men - Sum. ootupri-inc all lha'.'s fashlonalde from the I'J -Ja fwte.t Suit to tli- Jli.o'i unest satiu liu. 1 black vru, t.uu sod clay worsted. ->s'i t.. sitare if lie l.tiys his cl'tliiiii' here. F. T. MILL <& Co ... IVIAFtKDALE. ^ ^"""""""Mff"^"^^^^^^^ TV iii.i -IIEII WHKLV AT TH* orri'-'i LIN.lWuoltSTaBKT, rLBHIBTi., I'M . B^ . H. THl I per .in. .UNI Mirirll) in ndtaiirr AdvertisinK Kates: s I'.ilniiiu, 1 yoar. tM ; half col., 1 vear, * luarlar col .0110 >ear, S15. Tran>iunta<lvarti>eiui>nt cliaruo'l ai tlie rule i pr liuo (or Ami innertiun au 1 ' ' ""t Mb subo.|in-nt lii-n'i-tlu'i. confident tLit tLat i iliu? mill be re- ictmt^l. As. 10 the Dominion at a whole, DO Jiving tuau can bf yin to form sui idr of what the 7th of No- vembcr will bring l'i,. ! Sam will hold his i|im<ln-n- .-l.ttionon Nov , the day l'f.>iv i , 1 a . : pi-i KM 1 i i-si-lf, anil the oii,il!nii(l cleoti MI cnnn H olf on lli, Si!,. Tims rather txcititih' UICH will roll over thin North American conlini nl (luring the m-xt two \vt-i l>s. Tli. South Afiicuu rebellion dit-8 a haul tlcatL. Daily xkiruiiahett are i., inland a vigorous giutilhi war- fan is being conducted by the fren- /i. 1 I'.OII-B. who t-videutly bt-lievc ihey luive uolhing wore to !..;. and w nlil rather die killing Kn^li Inn. u than go hack to tin ir finun. political content is now at its l und for the next two wwks the old school LauBca will t-cho and ru- ech.i with "unanawerahlearguini-niH,' " couviuciug gUteiuonts " and " iiw- crful 1 1 iiHoniiif,'." Tins eloctoiH will list, n and weigh ivsulis, but compar- itti>. I . fuw will bn intltii-nc-'il one way or the other as a I'l'sull of the uurt ings . Still there is a " tloating " vote and this IB what tho political lisln r men mo trying to catch, and AH it id bound to cotuu to BOincbodv'B hook the qin sniiii IK one of what is the mottt ifT.ctivt' hail. The politi?al news- papciH are juat now full to ovrrllo'ving With iiiiniuiucL'iueiitH of fiirthcdining victory for both uartu-H, and the avei- age onlnokor and nailer rinds hinis. Il iu a maze if he attuuinta to fathom the nctiml conilition of affairs. In pur own Mifiiif,' of South (irey there IH not uiuuh of ilus, both pai in .-i appar- i-nlly working quietly ami doing coin- paialivoly little shouting, and, BO far n* w.; can learn, m-itlior puriy iippi'tt!- ing lo be any loo sanguine, although bolli have " high hopea." In Dr. Spn Mile's liJmg tlieu- anpt-ara to bo a entiuiont eiwling that Mr. Iliminan will givo thu worthy doctor a hot chase this time, although the Conservatives do not anticipate di-fcitt. North (irey ia putting np the hottest fight of the trio, and the Conservatives feel quite Tk Youth's Conranion'* Seventy Fifth War The new volume of Tin- Youth's dm I .'Ho n for 1'Kll will mark the paper's seventy tiflh yi^tr of c. ul union- | ulilica lion kvvt-iily Ihe years, during winch il hs hail the- :ippi'..\.tl of lino. urin-ratioiH f reiulerN, The coiistiitit ,n,n of The ( ' iM|..iiu..n !- iu .in\ into the 1,. mo ading that si. all I.e l.e!pfl as oil us ont.-i litinnig rending that -.Irill OUBtrib- lite to the pure happin- ss of all the fam- ily. Strong in III.- nsNiir. inre ttutl eiery i. 'idol gitnied is .1 fnend non, I ho pill lisliers utlor lo send 'Die ( '..nip mi. .11 I:, o ioi the remaining . kt ..f T.NK) to ihose who snlis. nlio N..U f..r the new volume f.-r l'.Hl. There ill nut lieanidsue fluln now until IIMI^ that will nut !> .i.\\...l with slon. s and ;titi. I. .-. of rare in- in. -,t to. I \ilno l>i|. loin. .tints, t-xpl'.r- ..r, S'lilors, Trappers, Indian Fighters, Sioiy witters .mil Self- Made M.-n and Women in many vocations, l.enles the inoMl popular wril i r.i of fiction, will wiite for Thu Companion not only next year, hut during the remaining weeks of this yo<ti. The new suWnli.r will alno re- oeive The Companion's new " Puritan (iirl " citltndiu for I'.KIl, hthogiaplu-d in 12 colors. Illustrated Announcement uf the Volume for I'.'I'I will lie si nt flee to uny addrt.KK, with s-implc copns of the paper, THK V 'I' I M> COMPANION l(<>ston. Muss. m Omit Enffiuli Rmtdy. Sold and recommended t>y all druggists In Canada Onlr reli- able medicine discovered. Sit _ lacttau i/Htmntuit to cor* all MM Weakness, all effects of abu* ___ Mental Worry, Kzessvlve nseofTo- i. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of prtc..mepaciajce|t.sli. . O*e viU i^tu*, Ittvtftcun. Vsmphleu free to any addmsi. Ttu> WIMM! Cwupsksty. Windsor, On*. \\ . . '- rii \\ - i hrlitoe M Ml.| in Klt'*-hertoii l \\ K. Klcliardaou. Urn Farm for Sale - M- ft! til. Ollly rfil rl. I ill tl I I rill-l 111 njill tl'MI. '.' I if -'M at uiicc- CM ihti Htatu uf cultivn t (or ^ri/M ^, <'il Hiittflnl ill! I It'll, -i ,| (too.) flIi:f I. .Uii. .lit ! i finiu<> ilwi llllij,', nU 'i.i: 1 m .1, j li.ilc Iruin <<|i>ol. -t tullfrt f i tun Kii L"Ii .M i 'i I .41. ('.I , HI. lit <iW II. IlktUlK > t fi inn. Also K n i.ii. ! n f (..tli- r KIHI.I faruis (or Mtlu clii t|' ,\\ |>l> to 1,1 sri. l Li l>(U" t k --In i ti-t: Strayed or Stolen i r- u in i ^rfini . tin \Vi 'ItU'swlnv i Mmr- r lu.t wt- t , " J ,.M .iM i- I lifi.rr, tllt*< r-|K-t Mil IH-.-t. flul I't LUll Wllltl , li i I, itu K. \Vuit THREE PAPERS IN ONE A no .-I unfortunate arii.loiit, \\liuli i. ul'.-.l in thu ili-'tth of a well k'i..M n IHT- son, John MoVniii, ,-klHiut ^i.i ynu-< of a^it, li;i|.|ii-ii, il III ll.o Itljthu lirullliorluxxl, ill tliu township of N..rm:iiil.y,on t'riiUy liutt. Tin- il-i-<MHi.(l, .lohn Mi-Vain, Wild left nn Kmlay in rari- ..f 'h hoii'ii ami n < sur- ruiininiiKK, wl.ile Inn lirothurs were i-n .0.;. 1 .! OUt of ill .'IN ..II ill. t'.lllll. AloX.UI.I or iinliu^l w;is |il.iu^hiui( 11 "t ftr from the II.HIMI-, and wluluHo onunj{i-il in thu afli-r II". ill, I. nil. I tliu n poll ol .1 i;ii, i liivd off il'I'Hirlltl) 1 itl... ui tlic I. on .o. IK- at iinoii lull, wiiikand Imiiio.l to tliu II..M-.O. On oiiuniiii( tho di or of ''"' Kitclivn I.e f.'iin.l IIIN 1. 1-. .lli, i John Ijii -.\ .n tlii- il.. .-i in a | "! uf Kl. ....I, . . .i.l. U would -in in th'tl thu iliu-eaniMl, who l>y th.i way, |ind- i*l I. ..ii-.. It .. u hiH F.|M.rtMinniiabil.ticH, liav- III K ' I). 1.IHK to ill', I. ink M|I In. Kllll i|.|i,ll onily t.> t'xaiiiiiiu it ami intori'it hiiiisi.l' in so il.niiK. Hut unforliinatuly, while HO oiiXHUi-.l, I ho gun, which was liuuli'd, wont ..II, tin- i liaioo [i sin^ through thu .-.Lull ami i-jirrying ntf tho rulviimiii, und . i ii-M-d its I'onti-nU on tho lliKir. An in- vttNtigali.ui into thu circiinwtiiiu-on wsti undo l.y tlio ('..rin-r, Dr. Oun, l.ut .in in- .|ii M wai nut cousideretl in.>ceHaary. (,'hr.inirli). ftv'rM of rminiiiArictil Hixl * 1 isf-itif.l nowfi. Kii;)i f I'H^. s nf prAfticfkl auri- < ami live Mtork aiticlon. Ki^ht p.-i^frt of iiitcrfstin.' tu-tuui and niAzinu ftu\ turos. Wttkiy Nail anl 3 Sections 24 paRts $1.00 PER YEAR of UtOO free with subsciiption fn IMO. Win. HcCalmon, Importer of and Dea SBELOISII, SCOTCH Granite and Marble Work OH ALL KIND AND -- t'ut on Shortest Notice. st , House d Lot For Sale. 111.. i UK, No. 1.. HI.!* Imhertoii. oort frame boimo, and laruo Htablo. uooil Kar.lcn aad trult tr<H.s. noil w> II, also I'ark lot, block .B, lot I, Apply to A. \Vicken t'le.hei toi . W, H loan, WehtOD. M. Richardson & Co. WHAT ABOUT A NEW FALL SUIT? This weok we i. pen out nonie spci il 'im-s of Seasoimblc Suitings that deserve sp cial mei tioii. Each line has been carefully selected with due regard to its stylish iippvaraiice and wearing qualities and milk, s a very nobby , se*- .nable uit no two patten. alike- at a popular pr.c..-. New Whipcord Smtinns. N. * Fancy W.nst.-.l.s, New Clay W.os-,.,1-', New Fai.ey Tweeds, New Whipcord Pantin-.-s, N - Worsted Panti'i>; Suits -.. , i-dor from SlO.rrfl to ?-Jl.tJO. Pants to or, ler fr. in ?.' HI to$.00 Rainproof Clothing for Fall Showers* i;, nt 1 - at.T| T.of--, all s:r.'s, fawn ordrab '' ""' I' 1 '"' 1 lli"- s . "'wtl Hi-.-tms, donblt COAT I loa-t !. volvit ...liar, new box back i special $4.00 KKI.IAMLI: KOH KAI.I. AM) W1NTK.K WKAK. Our stock is lnr.:<.r and more complete than ever nil styles all sizes fur M.-ii, Wonir.i, Hoys and (! iris in the celebrated liranby Hul>V)fr all r. litblo ginnls- first .pia'ity uo six-omls. Prices right in every lino. Hardware Depart. OXFORD STOVES and RANGES In present in;.; these to our i ustoiners \ve oft'er a line of Stoves and Ranges coinbining the height of perfei'tion in operation, artistic in design, ami prac- tical anil pcrt'fct in construction. Satisfaction is assured when usin^ them tho prices asked are quite reasorialtle and we have a j^ood selection to choose I'IMIII. (\K)KIN; ST.IVK.S riioM $17..'>0 TO $.").">.00 HKATIM; STOVKS VK< M *.*).(M> TO .*i'0.00 When Heeding Stoves Call and See Ours ! A Satisfactory Lantern Is wh:it evenluxly wants the I'.KiO Cold Ulast Pattern has all the features of a perfei. t lantern strong, sti-ady li^ht won't l)low out wont leak won't l>ivak glasses and they re cheap too. \Ve sell thfii and guarantee them. 1'rice 7."n'ts. and h.")fts. Axes and Cross Cut Saws Only the best kinds from the most reliable makers any kind you want bi<; stock small prices. UKI.I vr.i.K AXKSI-KOM 7.~> ct nt... S.VV.s t'OMI'LKTK FKOM .^:5.(l). China and Glassware NKW DINNKH SKITS *)7 pieirs from $>..")(> NKW TKA SKTTS 44 pieces from $:?.(H>. NEW TOII.KT SKTTS (> pieces from |l.21V M, Richardson & Co. r. WILL YOU BE BUSY TMI5 V, INTER ? If n-)t -Irnj't Spend your tini In Ii):t'i.!H<. AiU-u t tb Ovv.'ti js I. () . i .1 k" 1 1 practicHl e.liicat.on which in. ! \on 1 1 .11 life ' - ^.-' Bookknapiiio, Com . rein! i.n-v, ambmetic, Spsllino. .-ttor\\ ' .:, \V,- linv.- ;^,, U uplettf Sl]...'timii I t : .l :.- * >Uo(aoarsiaCada. \' . itul.Hjut toC. \. Kit .1:111:. '. I'rin. Vicinity Chips <' inrnvlcrisiirs of ih> Werk < iii< i.ili* Cull<Ml for C Carious Frosh hum Always on han.l. .1. H. Di:ckeil s, KIIO. u:.i. Rt-v. Mr. U\ird exchanged pulpits with Hev. \V . P Ur. iwn uf Corbeli. >n Sunday. Mr. Arch. Boyu, IMS'. 1 , Inn-, his rented his farm t p*r o4 The lrd -en-u '.i.'d l>: 1'irT.r and bride on' .1 i > il -ui>.u l:utt \VeJ- Pair of M.'ires f"t sitle, KO.M! r .i.isit i ,.i f.irm tc;iai. A;iply to J hn 11. He.ard, Spiin^ heifer cilf lout, xrayish c. '[ r. a'niut two weeks .i^<.. Coiiiinuiacatt: IILI whereabouts to C. Stewart, Flei-heiton. M.. UN.- ai d !<; f>r sale in Euttenu frame house, orchard, .tore ! t. stable. Apply t.> T. ^> Suij^itt. K.iuenii. Good tntine M.HI.-C. and i for sale in tl:>- villtje. tJ.'.d well in wuoilil.eil. Apply t" \\ II 1! Wanted One ..r two -.>.>d steady younu men :.> w..ik on my fn'ni l.y the jruar. I .'*> , ; .' \ -.I.-... \; . e.O.-.-J. Hick ling Latest -tyl. -. in !i.r ns'antly renew- ing the sf. ok ut Mrs. Trimble's .Millinery Rooms, :i\*o new ulc i.-. in tnmin..i_ j i-t in. Duiuljlk has an ..C.I>.MII| . \hilntimi by the rowdy clemeii', .ind the Hcrild threat. 111 to h..- 'cin up if tho-y do not desist. There will lie .1 f./wl supper at the Oranye H:tll, t'eyl.iii. ..n th.. 1 c.ei.iug of Nov. 5th. Sou bills next week f..r fur- ther | articular*. Dr. ltn.leikin h:ts arranged two p. lit- ical uieetinyri fur Arteiuesia, viz.. Emit nut .n Kri.Lty, N'nv. 2. and Priceville S;ttur- d.iy, Xov. .'t Small farui wanted to rent, not to ex- ceeU tifty acres if well seeded d'.wit. "u.t- nble for Uick. Arch. Boyd, Klesherton. or HI (hit urtice Mr. A. Himlies, who been I .on- f r some werk ijt hei inn up scntp iron and other tiuck. U this \n. k ship[ int; thirty tons fr. in th:." tt;iii. n. Rain l^inibs f. T s.ilf. A nunibir of I.oioeMer nun l.'iiiitw for breeding f..r sjile nn It 'J. con. 4, Kuphrasui. James Stuart. Dr. K. A. Little, dentist, will be at the Muu.thaw MUIISI-. Kle.-,herl.>n, the ;ird Saturday in each niunth fruni 8 tu n. ao. i. m. FARMS FUl s \LE- Fftrras of from 50 to 260 acres situated in Dutferin, Grey and Simcoe. 1'vices from $700.00 up to f70UU.(H>, terri'M e,s. For particulars write Geo. Rutherford, I<ox 67, Shel i'lin.o. Out. Thanksjjiv ino Pay a-. <|uietly spent in town. Si-rvici 1 w -. s lield in tho Presby- terian church in (lie turon.Kin, llev. Mr. Ward i.rticwtin^. Th>< woods watt full of hunters, hut chipmunk*, red sip. irre'.s and anakes constituted most of tho gime cap- tured. Hello, boys ! How d'je do ? Great anther, isn't i' / Well, wy, I want ;HK>,IIOO ft tir*'. C'.-ISH soft elm lo^s to be i{in with this winter. C'ut erly. Run them in liist K!> i>jhing and have the money lor Chiittiuas. YOUM truly. F. T. Can. While driving the egK wagon down small hill on th.- east back line Sittunlay s 'me boxes on which the driver, Mr. Fred Ituiit, and .t companion were aittii g xlid forward and threw both gentlemen down amoUK tbe> hornet' hee'ii. Mr. Bunt li.i'l a nb cntcke*) by a kick from one of the aniinals. It was fortunate that no more serious result ^aa to be re svrded. Teacher wanted, second clans, for S.S. No. 11, Arteniesia, for the year IflOl. Personal applications received up to lath Nov.. 1900. Geo. Warling, Vandeleur P. O., Secretary. Mr John Buakin, of the 7th line Euphrasia, baa procured a fine Shrop shirs nun from a tiui-lph breeder which urrivi-d l.y C. P. R. on Friday last. Stan-l.ird. A niii.|ue i-iitettaininent w*s iven i> tlie iuwn hall on Tuesday evening by i > il it.ion Army Life B. at crew of ei({l> }>;"-' l.niies. The contuiuus live unil the program *as quite plenum;; consisting of sonifs, choruses, rccita'ion*. -tc. The hall was crowded to the doors [lev. (}. Shearer, B. A., representing! ihe Lord's Day Alliance, addressed a l.ujje II.;IHH iu tho Presbyterian church on Sunday iif-.-m on nn the suli ject of ihe pn-ser\ ,.M. -1 ..f the Sahbatl from secularization Mr. Shearer M .11 t-ii'urtaiuing and vigorous spi-alcer and r.v.-rt.-.l the attention ..f hia auili -nee for it full hour while he spoke from 'he bacii ..t J.-rc-i'iuh 17 and -T. fn these day ' iU'ld mil 1. .. .if |ne-i- ir.- ho ;.. nit d forces) and were endeavoring to encroach upon the sanctity of the Sab li.-it'i in various ways. The Bihle admit ted of two classes >f work on the Sabhutl works of necessity and works of nit-rcy but to these the two '..rci-s rutnied detiii i works ..f commercial ii.ces.sity anc woiksi.' cunveuience. The speaker sar ..!y unmasked th.' hypocrisy of the ciitimit put f. .rtli in i-tfoits to secularize th.- Sl i .it h, tnil entertainingly deitori>H-r the W..IK done by the Alliance during five years [.t. the time it ban been in exig- ence. XV e illicit in.' v o ninth of Sab- Uiih breaking here, but that very worn- ing he h.i.l seen young men playing gull at M.ik.lile. The .<erniuii was very ktenly enjoyed by Uie lnri:e lUiikii.-e .t. Carter- Hye Mcafui J M. tutor >;ty< ' 'u tV'.il lie-day ifternoon, Oct. 17, .1 very prutty weddniL.' t .. k pi wo i' i he residene. t Mrs. Pye, when Dr. Carter of Fleher'uii was united iu n. to Ellin, aecoml^htcr uf the Lit.- Charles Pye. The . creuioiiy was ierf. ruled by C. J. Lt.-r of Owen Sound. The bride wore;t brown . . inu suit with bluet waist, and was attendcii by her niece, MISJS Fulii u, i f \\ !- .-k. who (.frfonucd the J. _ucl her in a imwt beci'iniiig inaniur. She was Downed in Tu.soan >ilk li->o over iik, with touc!:' black velvet. Tho drawing room in which tiie ciTcmonr was performed wax very tusletully decorated with evergreens and autumn leaven. Miss Pye has l.oen v identified with the editcati. nal in: en-Ms . f Mrnfurd for several yean, having been connected with the public hool staff, and among the presents wna .in uphuUtered uak chniriind a silver rack from tho tet.-lier-i and scholars. There wax .tUo costly and hands.. m.- cabinet of sterling silver from Mrs. R. R. Fulton of \\oijdsti-i-k. Mr. and .Mix. Charles Pye of Clarksburg presented the bride with a beautiful silver tea service. Conspicuous among th* presents was a iiondsomo marble cluck from Mr. and Mrs. Tobias of Toronto. The presents verc t< o numerous to mention iu detail, and bore testimony to the hu:h esteem m hich the briue is held by her large circle >f friends. Miss Pye will be greatly missed in Menford, where she has fur so nany years devoted her talents in the educational sphere, but she carries with ler to her new home many ti kens of re- gard and esteem. After the c nclusion f the ceremouy a dainty dinner was served at the bride's home. The happy ple received many congratulations und expressed wishes for future happiness. Personals MLHS Flo. IV-.ttoti of Toronto is the guest of her brother. Mr. M. K. Biatnn. for a couple of week/. Mis Driukwiitrr of Uuelph, accompa- nied by her sinter. Mn. Thome of To- ronto, spent Sunday with their cousin, Mr. M. K. Beaton, and wife. Dr. E. K. Richardson, Toronto, came nn on Mundiiy and will attend to Dr. .lames. M s practice in Durham ia order that the latter may be free to assist in the political campaii;!!. Dr. Emerson Hendernon and wife of Toronto spent Sunday with friends in town. Miss Ella Stewart returned on Monday fn m Tavmlock, where she had been vis- itim her brother Hurry for a few days. Messra. Joseph I ickering and Alfred ,' Simmons of Shelburne drove up and called on the latter's brother hers . >i Sunday. Mr. Geo. Mitchell spent Thanksgiving Dy with bis n.. .flier at AlliMtun. Miss Patteraon of Klieiihurg wth tin guent for several days during the paH week of Mr. aud Mrs. W. H. Bunt. Mr. aud Mrs. The.-tk.-r of Shelhurne were callers on Mr. and Mrs. W. H Bunt one day this week. Miss Zilla Trimble sp. nt Thanksgiving WIT h friends in Owen Sound. At the recent fall assizes at Stratford an interesting case was disposed of. when a jury awarded Thos. Skinner, an 18 year old M.trhell lad, $1,OOO damagea for the loss of his arm in the foundry of the Hardill Engine Company of Mitchell. The plamtitf obtained employment at the defendant's works, and itiateatl of being put to work on a simple job, was net to run a planer There WHS a IOIMW bolt in the machine near the knivu*, which those who ran the machine were accustomed pubh iu with their hands every little while, and in doing this, by the order of Inn employer, plaintiffs hand was cauifht h.s arm taken . tf nearly r (| the elbow. The facts wero not disputed, the defnce set up being that tlie;kccidenr *as the re- sult of carlewmess on plamtilTs part, he having been instructed, it is alleged, t.. knock the bolt iu with a board . Mrs. Franklin, who hvt-H near Marmora was leading a bull through the woods from a neighbor's Wednesday. When considerable distance from home ihe an. imal turned on her, and, it is said, the ground in a twenty foot circle showtd m.irkea of the tumble pranks of the fur- IUUM animal. Mis. Franklin had one arm broken uid a monstrous ua*ih in the d. *h. 'Hie .>t her shoulder blade was broken, -x was) also her n.w*. Five riba were also cruithed, and tho scalp and throat badly .'ed. She managed to crawl s in lo to the house, ami the doctor wiw summon - eil.whocnu'd not get there oer the rnuuli r> ads until six hours afterwards. H. r M seemed hopeless, but so strong wus her constitution that there is now ho| e .f her rec<'\ Herald. BLACKBCBX TAYLOL- ',! tho reaiJi-nra ..f th- I/ 1 ."-' ' v "' K v ,,,. Mr U'nliaiii Black iu'.iLiliuir ut Mi- 1'ajlur. sll of Art. Clubbing List Nearly all the cheaper class) of city newspapers have nt>id the pure ol their substi-ipiioii very inai.iuilly this fall. Tlusjis owing to two causer the nnprsitM.n of |Njst,tge and increase in coat . f wliito paper. FolL'Wiin; .> a list ..I rho rarmus clui. 1.1114 price-. ... i ir .n wo h.-vo o, in pli-t. .1 i': The Advance an- Mail and Kmpire - - ( Dalai. ce of this year fn . i \\eekl> C.l.djo 1 Ml Daily News :' JO p.-iily _'.:,: Weekly Sun 1X1 BOOT AND W SHoertAKBR * A very large stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, and every- thing in our line worth selling, cheap and good ! I am Instructed bv tin. Milk-it. >r for J. M Thnniton and J. K. >l>wi. 'I ...utois ol the atu K. McLean I'M. iv I.-. --ase.l, an. I for tho lien. tiomruiMot tliu lat-j \\\u. I'tirdy, docoasod, ..tier by lillih>- U-n.i.-i on THURSDAY. Nov. ist. 1900, Tho following lands situate iu thu town plot of I'arcol 1 Fast ba!f lot 24, Simpson strset. south, J acre. Parcel * - Loss 7 to 13 inclusive, Codrinutoii itreet. south, ) acre each. I'arcol I Lots 'JO to :v>. Inclusive, I' ftiilao st. '..111)1. i acra ech en-ept .ii, wluol. contains JA-1IA) of an aero. I'ar.-nl 4 Lots 18 and 19, Napoleon Htrest. south. 5 ncrt-K. Parcel '> -L.its :W to : ii. elusive Napoleon 1 1 o. r. N..I ' ii. ^actoeach. lx<l II KawUn str... i. N'"rth, J aero. I'arcul T-l'art . f Mill Hirve N.<. .1. Uodau Street, W.ilja.-ro. Parrol H- Pirt ..f Mill Kser> N i \>rth Kaxt corner of Siin|.oii au I Alut square <-ro Paicel tf I'^rt of Mill KCWJIA.- 4 oil Flirty itrt-ot a*ijoiitii.u 1' MtiiiHh. ^ shud. ..nt.iKo I ro.l-. l.-i-th "> rod-*. \ acrn. Parcel 10 Part ol Hill Bsstrve Mo. S.Fall'^loT str.-ot .-i'... I. -I. . kllvd ic-infi tli.* pi .-uii**Hri r*.c.'Ti. l\ cH'.-i.T* ' ' . iitt ito \lr. I'ur.U A9 tit ore S' 1 * r " ' '"'o - H^r.-ol II l'h. MMitliorlv pall of Mill : ...rvo hotw.oii Alma and lludmi l.r<.-etH, ki.owu as ho Pteaaun 6ro*o4*. Parcul 14-The sootbwsvt eornei .f Bsdatt an.) fataract street*. \'art mill . .-R..I \ .- i. Paii-oi 1:1 A part ..f null reserve i. north of ti av. r riTr. ndjoi- I in propmt.> m M to W. E. )avin partially tin-her*-'. Parcul U-Lot 17 Niipo!i.o;i street. souMi, S M. rarcol 15 Wont ha'f U/. J4 NnMao -i . soutli A full .1. oripiio.i "f |.rc. H 7, 10. 11. l-j and .< on ai>|'liotion. Ton. lorn in wrif.niK foi auv m all of tho Maid >arcels of land are to ho |>'a.-.l in CTio liiviijs if the nnd>riRiie<I on or rx.toro twrlv o'olook, IM.II. Hill x.lay. tho rtrit of Novoinl.o: . I '.Ml Ou in.tidnatloii of accupian. I ton. lor Ofttr eot of the pu.eha*** pnoe uititit bo iiai.l mi.l he balance in onu month Uu.mhfVn without ntorest. Thn ven.loin do not un.l.ii l.ik.- to urniah abntncts of title or title dm-lx. ,.i i, vlden<-ea of title other t'.ian thooe In Uluir oasvecion, The hiRheit or Any tender uo Korfnither particulars apply o the ttudsr- rs spplv to tl>o uui B.THPBOl/t.K, Fl*obrtOD, Oct. ST.), !.. J. W. PKOT. foi Veo.lo I. CL'STon WORK TO ORDER I.V * * * tfc III * m * .* ! Or . * \* ... itv V-v ... Of in IsV FLESHERTON o MILLINERY OPENING ! f J t III I.V li li li i i'H- .if 'he many attractions for our fair days and especially to the ladies will be our Millinery Opening, which will take place th>- tint day of the sin w and foll.iwiut; <Uy, and we would invitj .-v.-ry laily in the town and surr. >unduii< coun- try to call and so.- the styles which we are showing. Then we have something extra fur 'he meu. also th young men tari boys in the A . . 'I Fine Suits *. h.ivo jual received a shipment in the wuy of Men's and Boyn Suits and i IV.T. n'M. winch far surpaiuics I'lythmK we hart.- ever shown heforu iti.d we think i hero >s nothini; m this country to e>{iial t lietn. \\ u ure lino prepared to ijive nyh. .iy w-iiii'ii.' i bill of g.Mnls . il iii- Juceiuunt for the month, and *.mlii ul- visc anyone w.ntiiii{ same to call li what we .-an .Jo for them before buymu'. as we am null tilled with a heavy <>f all lines at very special pi ice*. \\"o h.iie H.-vi..ral harfivimt which if would he well for everybody to see tinl we will be .it iiiriinii. 1 to shunr them. \V.! should inoiiinin vinet 'in.ij about .iir h.-ois ui.i Shoes, as l.ti-oo s- ,k itid we think wi- can save you twenty prr ojnt when Ijuying. We are prepared to pay the High- est Price for all kinds of Farm Produce J Flesherton, Ont. i* FLESH EKTON For MftKs^y H.-irri!, Xuxon, Floury mid Wilkinson laini iini-KMiiotits, Floury mid Verity plows >n hand nil the rime. :iiso .ill kiiuU f re|>.ir fr tin- same. \Ve inanufaot uru Wagons, x. Ciittfi--<. Sli'ili.t, eU\ Uorseshccinu pr>nn)tly iitU'iult-ii to. Mont'. .11 t.. t uii. lir oi.niractitl fet. Log((iii(! aud Plow Chains i-onit*ii:lv on lian.l. 30?I| 1). IJE^RD, 4^ AOKNL- FOht . . . MELOTTE - CREAM - SEPARATORS Which have tin c<|ual. It takes \ low (M'wer tksu any other. Mo,-, nioi-.- w,.rk in less time. Separatew rnorv offlcitntly. All jrranng protootvU. Perfrct luViriontion. No tin tops) Milk and CTfHin |A ovi-r thickly onnin.ll.-d surfaoM. No tin i'Utu, but, iiluminaiH, which never HIM* i<i is s*flily eloaiuxl. A M.' agnt for (be AU'iaadcr

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