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Flesherton Advance, 18 Oct 1900, p. 4

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INTERESTING ITEMS. Ths firwt win opn- Sd by Kr.K-b.-l in 187,1 at Dnndnn- tMirg, Oersnany, and fifteen yi-.irx afterward tia died. Thin "h-irt ir- xl was sufficient to eatulli.ib a ys- t-m of I'd in- it i. n 4h it h in in I'll- life different for li.ll- ihil'lrmi. Whi-n ths King of Pruasli, in l-Cil,* the natabliahinK of ki'i'li-r^irtens, the old uv-in diod of a broken h.-irt, not dinamiiLK that hU life wnk hud been u nobli- uc -MS. \ll thit .if t ri reit tem- 010 uf Zeufl. which was 709 years in building, Li to ba found aluul 150 yards from the foot of the Acro(>lis st Athena. The rulna consists of B'x'iv-n columns of tb- Uorlntbim or- d.-r, 81-2 feet ia dinneter and 69 fnnt hiirh. It waa (ba so<>nd lirgeat t-ni]'l<- pr.'tr,<l by the tJreiik.-*, one u- pnrior Lo it in uizn bnng tbe temple of Duna at lOph-HUs. \i---or. linn 'o a l-v-'id jta foundation waa built by DuBOili'iii, the (Jri-ok Noah, whu from Mi.- point witiuissttd tha waters of til' fl Kid Hulni.le. \ri opening in thi- grirmid la mil to bn the orifice tlhnnuih which thn flood du-i|--r- ed. rb- Htmlli-st kinifdiirn In ths world IB Mon ico, which is only fifty-thrne snd a iiu;trUr milnri in rirruit, in- cluding M/inte Curio. Th I'.ipit.-il, I4>sn:<r.i>. containing t'O Ml inhabi ia p>'n-h-<l ti[m i rm-lcy promon'i.ry rvairux prrpmidirul irly about .0' ahnv tim H<,-I level. For the coii- Bid.-r.iii'in of $J, 40(1,1)00 and an an- n-u..| r*nt <.f $3I.W) M. Ulino in 183 w-ia permitted to establish his gamb- ling bouwe at Monte tlirlo. No na- tive of Mornrte Qirlo or Mon ico wnai to be psrinitfr-d to enter tbe, but stringers sre present at all tiuvMi of tb* ye-ir :ind furuish irootl avpport to t h.** institution. In the calnud-ir of the n.itiona there are nuite a nutnb-r of "bl ick" daya. "Bl..cJi Monday" w,ut A/pril U, 1MJ. a day MO dirk mid cold thit many of d*- army of KUird III, King of EntrLind, which lay before thn City of I'.ins, w-.-re frozen to deitb. An 1mm -ha.- bush fir uc urre.1 oil "IIIn k Thursday" in Atmlnli.i. Kubruary fl, 1851,. Two evitn'M r r..iuin. inur it-d by "HlucJc Friday" in riiik'l ind De- o*ni).-r rt, 1755. when the news- re.ii-h- ad gngland ths Pratwider hid errivnd at Dnrby, and May 11. 1H88. whi'-n the fail-urn of Overland, C.ur- ny A do. bi<ni,rbt on a moat dins- tn-.w IMIIIO. A pinin In Naw York onvuirnd tinpUtmber 25, 1*8'J, whii-h waa afterward known as "niiok Kri- d.iy " "lUick Sihn.liy" U s]i'li.-d to 4, IrtJl, whsn a great storm occurred She Like most Women Was Very Fond of A oup of Tea Au< lia/d be<x>m uccuj>Lum*d '1V> bhe us* ot Japiui tU Tlwre waa a peculiar ' AtMHit Uue ikfuioa ah* Newr quite likad S, ahm pondered And iHjudred To decide wihat it WM HorrUl thought Taint Yea Thus was it HKMOSC t.he acum Aini groeniah aedin>eot Indicated Now She was a prudtml wmraan Su xh argund That a nsiuudy muat ba Bought For while 1'niaMw.n BllM And I'uria Green \\irc all Htg'tt in their place They w*re Out trf pJaoe In hr Tea And Must be injurkoo* . A 1 i r r i t a )IL And tl hr dnotor o; her fe*n V'.u are right Slid lie 1>. aa I do And II, i.,:d hrr how he did it )! bnuifht the new Tea Fn-ra Ceylon and India Sold tn the Sald lead parkatn uf The "Salaxla" Tea Oa And dwUrwl That no Japan Tea In the w<fr-d CW.d bogin to equal It Thn, IU Pure and !l.-a'.t h.f ill Said he Su *h* bcnittht it too And \V..mrn like In wnrrynog axain Decaune Sh* did nwt f'-vl The reined/ Hi 1.K.S TO FOLLOW. Do not riitfiige in argument. DII not iiitrrrupt another when ATMOSPHERIC RESISTANCE. There is a dispute In regard to the atmunpherie reaisUnce exerted on moving train. Some claim that every Jectiuu which ran catch tbe wind every flag, bolt, bur or strip of mol.l- ing contributes just so much to in- crease friction ami retard api-ed, anil at first the propmtiti >n seems abso- lutely Bound. On th other band, however, there are a innrr uf en- gim-rrt who that a train going at liigli speed is enveloped in B coat- ing of air, Wthich movea with it, and prenruts a snKjoth surface to th surrounding atmosphere, regard: * of projections and irregularities on th axles of the oars theoi-ielves. Tbe first theory was recently tested by th.- much-talkad-atxiut 'wind-split- UIIK' train on the Baltimore & Ohiu railroad. The entire engine was provid- ed with a abinld fitting over the front uf Une Mnokenlnrk like the prow of a cruiser, and t* cars were incas- ed in a sheathing that made th- ex- terior one smooth '. n I unbroken ur- fce, from eod to end. Although this tr.iin developed remarkable speed, it did not meet expectations, and is now being rebuilt to correct ci-rtiin me- chanical defects. When it is give.u its final teats, accurate me:isurements of reaiatance, friction and so on i 1 be. m utn, and tlu>n, at Ust there will be something definite ii|on h.-h to base our calculation*. Strange to say Lhere is no exiting data uu th- sub- ject of atiii..-[-h.-ru; procsures. '1'lie 'wuul-^piitter' advixrati claim that their style of oonatruction will !.- > the air friction of a train lu ly 40 par cent anl effact a saving of alxjut 20 per cent in t'uul. If that pruvn to ! th.- case, the railroads of the country will not be long in adopt- ing it, especially as l.he system can be applied to old cars without any great expense. Pain Banished as If by Magio. Nerviline> nerve-puln cure ut a ire and almost Idnldnlsaeous remedy for external, inieniil. or local pains. Thi moil active reme ly hitherto known falU far abort of N -rvili'm for pu'.e.ui power in lue re- liafl of nerve puin. A triil will dem- , onsLmts. Ral Gratitude. Traon>, to Thappie. whir his given him a ahiilinK, 1 'ope | as 'ow some day, sit, you may want a ' KUilun', an' that I'll be able togivs it to yerl '01T3 LUDELLA OHJYLON" T'K! A an thnUdrrt and worthy offSiu rtior. Th whr not innlitoai bTlDKih*eknowll|edttaad*rd. la Lae4 PatlMte M, t, 49, t* ** sss. % *^^'^'* t A Pleasure to Paint. Not only to paint, but to have J your house painted with good ~ c.ein honeu paint. Paint th-t lists. Paint that has a style In color and improves your house ASSAY'S PAINTS Improve the house. They are valuable ralnts, but also ejonom eal, wear and tear ia what tails v^hen you paint- Ask your dealer. i. wir j son, Pol to; MCNTREAL. Est'd 1(42 "atural Hnfientment. Mrs. Trow. Im going to cut Mrs. Utter. ' from now on, th thing. ' P 4' 104C Mrs T-asdale Why, did ahe ask for corn bread and molasses at your iei f No. she was looking at tbe cracker jar that I had decorated with Chineae characters and remarked to - !' .i-linK that she didn't believe Ct.iua wa as bad as it's pninled. That man nays his merry-go-roun I is one of the finest in this c.i-mtry. Yes; I hear.l ban brn nxing that his patrons- move in th heat circles. >,aTS*V The " Balmoral," Fre Bus CALVERT3 CrSM>llc Disinfectant*. Soap*. aw*r1.l loo mediia and diplumaa tor ap< iralianea. T^.-ir rafvukr OM pnreai lareeeV 4laaea. Alt roar tfeavar lo abi&la a -uoplj U.u mallxl free on applloaUoa. r. C. CALVERT A CO., - asiacAsio. The Laodlady-Ob Mr. Strikers will come back fast enough. There's no danger of hi* ' ths house. Re knows on which side his bread is liu'- tered. The Ui>di-'lolined Boar.ler, sotto vmv- When he is away from from here oh, yes, very likely. HOU OVBIC FIFTY YPAHfc SIM WIX*U>WS SiKiTHI.NO STRUf hat kMd kr <i lha taU4. wultimf tka UTTER, ECCS, aaa ta> PauDl'CB. WMamr* kMtnaal The DIMS . Commsiien Co, Lin^itesl, aw <t-Ma/>*t a b4k*ma St., TerMIe, Music Teachers Wanted T* MM far to-M akeel k B J aiiS tuns WM iBMMl rmlM WHALET, RJYCE *0o. aattr. aU f > i I).., -mi find fault, thouyb you mity generally <eritic'uie. t ilk of your private, peraon- nanve el awl family mattora. Do 'not appear to notice inarcuraciea Tf merchintM nre under tbe pdTsioii thit CV-ylon and In lit Teaus will displice all Jap.ias in, Can- ada before lotvg. ihs "Salada" Tea Company sre introducing tli-m in thir sealed Lead Packets. They are ily- ni'^t del cii>a Green Tea ever of- f rr* 1 1 th public. t tbe lime o speech of others. an not always commence a cou- nt waa silling to enforce Te;on by allusion t,- the weath-r. Suggestion.- Wife-Ws neod s new Do not, when narrating an Incident, nt of china, dear. This one is nearly I oontiDuaUy say "you see." "you g ,, n . HuiUmnd Why don't you wait Do* not 'intrude profesatonsl' or other ""til^we get n new tirj.cs that thn company generally upon t'be praplo. Tb* wrd "beill.un" M corruption ef tb* word 'Bnlhliihnm," and ori- ginated as s synonym for rh-ion at cook and start t>e time when the II. rain i>f llelhle- cannot take an interest in. hem, icrupiml by a mstrrhnod of Lon- don, biame an insane asylum. Tbe arentment of the iiuune in the curly part of the nit.-iit h century wm not wi-ll iiinleraUiod and ir.nmliru to lh r|i.-< i rii* thra pr.'v ili-iit It wns nec- ems:iry to frgrbtnTO th pitient out ot bte lunncy. All sorts of awful >-x- p>dionts ware n-turteil to, nnmnff thnm "mirvri*' fl Mirs " whlrh li'i>-l from umdr Ihi fit; "tur|riM luilm," anil flodiriiigs at thn |MIC.II of inoHt eev<ir illnrfls. Hence tbe iiunn "In-ill uu," t bt- rivtult nf ini-orrm-t S]> lli, ponil>ly. r mi,' ,, i Ly to slum! for Hwhil J>" i.ot talk >-iv loud. A firm, clear, STRICTLY TRUE. voice yet raUd. gentle and in, e vry respect and attested by the voice has great power. l)o not be absent-minded, requiring IOMO-MILK AUK1MOIIILK THIVL One of tbe nilw>rthy rsiulu of flue great trial U the confirm thnt it nff.irdn uf t !.< cotiliniiiiii wm-Wtin nptirlty of th-< llttlw hl"h- V .1 nv>tnm, wh^cli mi in my rrvin- ie>iii iiTtd < li.-r- nut n-.| i . T I with M. i- |-i f.n in me" umlor Mnvere n>n- ditii *fnm to thimk i the n' l>l |nrt .if it in.i'.ir rrri:ic?>'. It m.-iy nafi-ly ! mi<| (hit, .-i t li- \\linl fh in . i.. i ' -If ID iv ! d.vj>nilod ii|>- on to iv I t iimli|,> f hiii myolh- r (irt *>f th< rir in i< hirixry. (In iii tti.T hi.rid. t'Vun i hf be.^t lircs oni th' hvy <-. i r miff.. re. I ni>ven>ly, and i'%|-iii>nri> tv>vvi'l t d 1 1 t b.. , t of fiwl |r mi In run wnn mil ni id. .M fi...ii on,, fifili to one-hilf thn oont of th- liri-n It In, thorrforn, I. iLilf tli" I nil It l.i Miy nf inniiir cant It is t ).. |n..- t hit 'kills; for ao as tires it ,l.-nt are ooin i-t m-il II in iv equally l mi-l ihit It i' the wi-iuhl Hi it JrilU. I h- limit I. w>rii|rht which ntliln-r run r.irry, with- out . iy d.'^t i iu-i 1 1 i-uiiiiii - IIIH ilin.tdy l'in rnnchrd ' t "I. and with llres hii' thn limit to iini'ruvfln>eata whirl will isduoe wiiiirht U at nrrsnnt far off. Mrs. Million* The clergyman epoks quite bitterly of the extravagant en- j tertainmanta given by wealthy in. m- ' .if the congregation. Millions- Did h. mention nny nameaf Mrs. Mil- lions, with a sigh No; he didn't men- tion 1 a single name. 91 OO Reward. $ 00. .<\VOpl> A IHOT<J f M.H \\ INf, s J I.JONIM Nf. ( * * IO<AUiUII>t ii W HlKOsjlf t h r*d. f iliU LIV r will tlrase-1 ts leira hat there I. * k. one 4raa4<d O.w arc (imply kid.iry di*on!rr. The kidneys t .-i llu? bltxxl of^ll that sh.mliln't b there. Th blotnl paes throu|(h the Wi.l- ncys every three niinulr*. It the kidneys do tlirir work no impurity or cause of i.i'i Hi' in in II r rin tilatio.) |OIII;IT ih in limp. Therefore if your I .jf orj.-i vour kidnry* ha\s failed in tli.-ir wi>ik. 'i liry Mrs In nrrd of Slimiilntiiin alirKglhrninjr, or doi-tor.nij. One mrdii'im* will do all I'MIT, Itir fnvst and must i nilntrd b.ooJ medicine tbcis Kidney Pills t li-- --!>- i lo ir|i-it w Ii it li.'tn bi'i'M k 1 1 A i h u yi>u in iv unili' apenk di-i -.|..-. i ull.v ol IM i -,1111.1,' n |>(-. 1 1 ,uu u linn nny out) l>i.M-nt may have thn BHIIH- drfn-ts. J)n not try tn fmmi yuui-x-lf into the of otlieiM. If tln-r giv Hi. .1 i iiuf nil-life naver betray it. J)u) not llrW \ II'.^'.H Irnni, A l>li: i-.", \ u' .inutile ineaniiifr or liiiiKimif.. that will IHIIIK s liluoli I any one. D" not interi^ier^e your coin i Stit ioi with foreign wunls and hi>;ti-*i>uiiiliii ti-iniH. It xliui' a nffm'tatiou mid IM ifi.iw ridicule upon you. il)<> mil i-aii> ..u runt-prim ion wit muith.-r in ruiuvatiy about milti-r wh <'h Ih^ Reimrnl rninimiif knov until M ' nf. It is slmuat as nnpolit a* to \t h isper. teailiuiony of ihouaanda th.t I'ut- am'a l'ainli-as Curn KI:I u- or i uie and piuilnss cure f 'i coriM. The : inn (hit it U ja-t 1.1 itoo.i in i i l>y Dr>a endeavunuif to ilm off imita- ns for tbe genuine nn'y i>nir.-.* h> auperwirity uf ' I'm n uii'.i." Use ::l)1 Putnam's I'uinlnss Corn Kxtrsc- Uir. Sure, wife, painless. What makivt you look no gloomy! I ust h.i-l an awful shiM-k. Did you, allyf Yes, I just' heard a in in hn is IK H.I me age as myself referred to as Id. Mi'Anra, Janwa K|>| A. tVi, I.I.I., IH- HI-. I kiwrwn t\-.n M. in. if i if l/oaidon, h?iV4- just rBU<l ;in c\- .'iliinr'.v i.n'rfiil litil uii*. Ill in iiiniiliiuni for ill-: i it'ii i -11 tin MI/-.I ti.-ii iiiiiiiiTinM ru-*ii.iin i i -in. I ill Ki-iH-rnlly. It la fall, -I N.iliniial i>f the I 11.1 -.1 Kni- ind haviiitc b>vn <tiurk n Ii IIM n-iji -n ..f the war in S-'iih \fiii-i, it frins at th.- MIIIF n i u 1 1* riMt i n i{ -*.Miv.-ni? oi tti-' M.'ih.-r '.iiiitry MI. I lii-r V.ITMIIK i-n ' \|.i-il fiK'nri'i i>f i-i.-!i lH-in{ i , i - . .V 1-1 r 1 1 -.. ir>( r:l>- . .11 :i . | |]| I in, l-'ll i-iiin- -. its i>i|iiipiii -.lit, in I i- fi-i-1 sure hat all *\>rii<-.ii* f tb.- pul-li.' \till tit- i,-. i i - - K|i|>s & CX>s., at riot ie nn-dal. Kind St i i . Mr little man, do oui not ti,-> i\rr i.'fu'ly tanned in the iiiiiiiii-rf Little Johnny Naw. Vaw :i-k - me in nunirniT : Iml ile tearhor tans uif every day in de winter. ien hn< > *bl ! .-nr In a I .11 M.M nj .at U IV.-irrh. Haifa I'atJirra fa** lathe onlr P" 1 lr an a*w k-.uwn i<> maii.- ratsrat j <' warrh *!'> cen> d; . r qu rat a OUB. ituUuaal ma i'. Mi:iM'- rrt- Cu lat.k au.M.- r, olln< ,iir-r r :.f up< itM uod and saasses aarraces us >--am. d*. ir.tjlng ih. fonndi 10 of ! diavao*. and <inn|i iipii.en r- <th '.7 bu lalai up the r natitU'loD an 1 HI l^'tn^ Dt'ur* tn uoln^ r orl. m w .prlulo i n . < s > taii.'li ' Ih IB l:sesfaUvcBew/sra.taataaef ler a* Hm>- .i-rj !il AT. f -r rtur .% in. I It fall* to cure. Scad (or I t of ta-l UM. Ad.1 >'. K J rlli.\KY:rO..Toled'.0. *otd br drtul'> . Tlo. Hir.rm ly Ml*r tbe best ARE YOU WEAK? Whnt's your husband doin' now f i<k.-il tbe neightior. Well, anawert'd Mrs Ciirntoss.'i. peara to me like hs ain't doin' iiim'h of anythin* exrept -ol i i our ln>> Ju>h fur not l>ein' more industrious. Are y.o auB>rtaf traam daer, liTtr mr aloaia>k coviplaJBts. rkcua- iBie back. slui ar la auv part Ol voTSo4vf D* y > feel ywi-aalf jrowtnj letvt aad awd teo o f Ifjuii an a will the wt.kae^a that r- i from abuaiaf tha laws ot nature. I caa > a curt to three Bant as ^tB aiy wonderful K.rcSnc Belt THREE MONTHS' TRIAL. * ir han^'t Biaa ran UM amv appliance three Btnn hi. aod par me only Whra CTirexl. tfi i.:ul illustrated book, which tail* of mv pu.thod of tremtrrrnt and piY*s hundreda of leiim from my (ratelul paiieita, wnt cl*w!y Kale-1. tr.e. adJrus I3O Yonge St., Toronto. BABIES LIKE IT. so tor NammomV Hall ina-*:i Testn- Ina; Syrup, Cemforta ie SKYUGHTS Wf" ! . I O, O \ T CARPET DY^INQ ^^ sai r.n MK MibsavsaBheessiaB) ^** BHITI H AvlERiQAN DVKINO CO. Sand ptfvlmlara l>y pn i tn . w- *r *u- j '. Isfy Mdreaw Ion IM, Montr. al aisn Saaintre !* laiiHBlliM *Mal >.4 f ' i-l * (WFl.LSIXX, eat etupMysnc apiatee, naroottoa, aloohol, emiotoua sugar eyrup, or any hurtful ena3. * tare. Prtee IS ota., at IRITISH CHEMISFS OflKPANY. TOBONTI. CAN. Aak for liwtWi Teethrasj tyrua, and Take He Substitute. (s CM) THE MOST NUi MITIOU&. EPPS'S GRATEFUL C MFORTINQ. COCOA BRf AKFAST SUPPER. The Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation. Board of Directors t'rw ,i t Ik r(< Oo ij.rhara in Vi, I'r - i.i in nd ' J. Herbert Waon. n.l Vl.^-PrHldD N\ . M. Htaltr. K.!|.l> K It.rtwa. ' N '^ ^ Winm^t, Mil K 'rlsBlk SJfc*Oaa*irh*i. w r II . ". J " ,\ 81 Jol ,v N H .. riwl- .k V., ,|. ASSETS - $23,000,000 II..J 01 lc : Tarnt.. *t..Tl)OINIO Hv H orrioan WMnieae:. Ma*., Vane*HV*r, a a. st Jena, a. a. WALTIM a. LSI, General GENERAL RISING PLANNED. Boxer Outbreak Similar to That Which Occurred in the North. A despatch from Bong Kong, says: It is said thati the authorities hers have received information that a general rising in the aoutheru pro- Vinoss has been planned for the month f November. The whereabouts of the rebels in the Hinterland is not knowa, bat is believ- ed to be ten miles north of the British borders. A aetachmsnc of 1,UUU Chi- nese troops took up a position at San Chung yesterday and 1,000 more arriv- ed there to-day. Ten thousand more troops from India have teen requ t.on -d for Bong Kong. The 16th Bengal Lancers and the Hong Kong Regiment have been recalled from the north to Hong Kong. The present indications are that there will be a Boxer rising similar to that which has occurred, in north China. "A considerable body of rebels, prin- cipally Triads, ars in the Kowloon hinterland* adw**U is believed they oc- ^a*p> two positions ten miles north of the British border. One thousand Chi- aese troops from the Bogue forts hare arrived at Sam-Chun, and another thousand fiom Canton are marching to the disturbed district. It is rumoured that fighting has occurred and that the Chinese Imperial troops have been defeated by the rebels, who sre towards the south sad BIV tooted several villages. It Is also reported that the object of the Triads is to overturn the Maochu dynasty and restore the Chiaese. as they believe this ia the only way of establishing peace in tha kingdom." London, Thursday, Oct. 11, 4.U>i.m. The Standard, commenting editori- ally upoc the attitude of th L'nit'd States says: "Every diaaent, even on minor points, from the sug^eatmns of the puwers is uufurtunata. as it lesds to (reab correspondence aod to [urtber de.ay. We caa only h. p< that when Lord Salisbury is free to turn his attention to China be wi.l fin I some middle course that will secure tile support of ill the powers." The Shanghai aorrenuondejil of the Horning Post, wiring Tuesday, says; "The Taotai of Shanghai snd the Viceroy of Nankin have protested against a demonstration by (omgn troops.'' Shanghai specials say that the real reasun for tbr. auspeoaioo of Yn- Haien, Governor of ui Province of Shansi, was the discovery ih.u bis supposed army of W.OOO numbered only 40.000. GROWS MORE SERIOUS. A despatch from Shanghai, says: Shrng. the Taoiai, baa received aie.s- from Gen. Su reporting ibat a serious rebellion has broken out in tb* south- .veatern part of Kwsngsi province, that bis 30,000 troops art n- adequate, and be needs al least 100.000 to oops with the danger, which is directed against the liaochua, and threatsns to becoms worse) tkaa tbe Taiping rebeliioo. MPIETS OF TM ICELD Prices o Catt'e. Cheeie. Grain, iJ In tha Leidlni- Maricota. THE STREET MARKET. Toronto, Oct. 18. On tbe street to- day SOU bush, white wheat sold at to 09 1-ic, 300 bush, red at flBe, 600 bush, guuse wheat at 6> 1-Jr one load of wheat at 8S l-2c, 2,3<W bush, barley at 43 l-J to 48 l-lc. 3UO bush, oats at 28 1-2 to 29 1-ic. and one load of rye at 5lc. Twenty loads of bay sold st $13 to |li. snd. two losda of straw at |U. Dressed ba were firm at a.i5 to 9&JaV Wneat, wb te. atraight 9 i :V 9003 1-8 \V|j^at, rc.i. . . . 0.00 O.t W, . . 0.00 ' W beat, goose. . .. 0.00 0*1-2 Oats ...... C i 1-2 Barley. . . Rye v . . I Hay, per ton. . I Straw, per ton. . I Butter, in Ib r >lls I Bffffa, asw laid ' Ch^kens. per pair. Turkeys, per Ib. . Geess, per Ib. . Ducks, per pair. Potatoes, per bag. Apples, per bbl. . Boef, b ndquarters. forequarters. 0.43 1-2 48 l-t 0.00 54 054 14.00 1200 DE WETS FORCES ROUTED. The Boer General. Eowever, Again Managed to Get Away Bad Located in the Vrede- fort Mountains in Gape Colony. Beof. rircase. Mutton, . . ... Lamb, spring, par Ib Veal, rircase. . . Dressed 000 19.00 0.00 20 OJjO 0.11 O.Otf c.' 0.30 0.40 0.07 4.1)0 . 5.50 5.00 O.OR * 00 . 8 J3 0.1* O.Uft 0.90 UJ6 ' " 7.00 6.UO 900 LM BOEE8 CIPIURE ESCORT, TRAGEDr AT ST, THOMAS Are Very Active la the Kroonstad District. LOVER SHOT HIS SWEETHEART, THLN BLEW HIb B .AIMS OUT. -U a r.rl. ef >.rlr B^-r. IB KBM r*r > r i. ..i . A despatch from Cape Town esya; -The Boers are very active in the KrocBBftsd district. General De Wet fc-is prucuoonl thst burghers who refuee t fjtjbjt w-kJ be mad- prisoners Britiao nwainteri infantry, scoating Crom LiAaiey, bad CWpLain Wiluvhire kaied talrough maetakiog a party of 40 Boers am tabuki for frieaasa. cciuuxiadoes cun<jnue to ha- thc British ivtiiOau. which is from LtndWy to ad. Tbe BOBTB oaptured a deiachmeat at the CbeKBsrs Regiment, which waes- eortuig an empty waggon near Pr ink- ier t. They rjea,il ths driver, but kept the KILLED BY _A MAD DOG. TWO CHILDREN OF 1SENTON. N. S. MEET A HOR.1IBLE FATE. er WM l aawlr lajerrd avforr sVI> r - A' deeps teh from Balifax. says: A horrible tragedy has occurred at the mining town of Treaton. Two chil- dren* of A McKay bare been torn to death by a mad dog. Mrs. McKay wsa greatly iajured by tha animal before help could be secured. Further parti- eulars cannot be received, as the lint-s ef communication, between Pietou and New li.asgow are down oa account ot the. heavy windstornx rl.r-'. a I.r-Wikr. Aura I- A despatch from (St. Thorn is. (Jot says ; After attempting to murdrr bis sweetheart. Bertbt Beety. Frank McGregor committed suicide. He went to tbe girl's parents' house iod mot the girl <iutid. and upon br turning to go in thr boiase a? fired tixree shc^s at her. hittin her but once, inflicting a flesh-wound in the i m. He tbeo wont donra an ijjoio- uig alleyway in the rear us! tbe huu*e and behind Lbe City auiLs. and h 4 bimeelf Uiroub tbe hsad. deitk be- ing instantaaecaia, MGreor was a cnpv'l". a ci< ir-mae>r. shotLt J3 jrsura o< age. U had kp: company witk tike girl tot some tun. xud tup- pxxwd to be (a:bsr of tbe girl's illegimate eaild. and was forbiddca the aooes by ih girl's puronts. Ths found bis body shortly after as bid oummitted tits aeeo. A a inqaest will be bcld. TO RAISE 200.000 TROOPS. BOERS CAPTURE OUTPOST. Tore Dp Railway Traeki North of Bethullo. A despatch from King WUlismstown says: Tbe Boars have torn up the railway north of Bvthulie and captur- ed a British outpost. Delaying- Peace So a* to Be Able to fight In Southern China. A l*pate.h from Moscow, says, A despau\h from Pekio says t hat the rumoured expedition of the allies lo to rapture the Chinee* court to Donaense. The Emprror is eeid still bo be there, and tbe reported Ulness of the Dowager Empress s bWievsd to be feigned. She doing her best to keep the Emperor from goia bark to Pehin, and mtfa to delay tbe pears negotiations in ordec to gjin time to get on foot an army of XOO.OOO and i- nw iwsKstties in South Chirvi The att'tat ot tbe di*nis"l Trincs Tuao h*vs been ct.ferrs>l in BOXERS' HEADS ON POLES. How the Chief Boxers Will be Punished by the Empress Pour of the Leaders Will B Beheaded A despatch from IVkm. via Tien- Tsin and Shttnghai, saya; A re- sponse to the Germin demands baa beea transmitted to U-Hung-Cbang. This says that Yin* Nien. president ot the eensorate; Kang-YI. assistant Grand Secretary and President of tbe Civil Board; and Chao-Shu-Cfeiao. President of the Board of Pvalahment. w.ll be drcipitated and that Prinoe Ckwang. Duke Tsai-Lan, and Prince Tih will as senteaee.1 to lite isaprls- onment. aad that Priaoe Txin will be banisbrd to tbe Imperial mili- tary poet roads on ths Hibartanj froa- tlsr as s further punishment for aid- tag the Boxers. Trustworthy Chinese reports say ohat the Dowugr Smpress to aerlous- ly ill at Tai-Tuaa-Fu. Province of Shiinsi. and Us frea hand ot the Km- pprur MD affairs of st^ts of late is regarded as confirsaaiory sf t h*-se re- ' DAIRY MARKET- Butter Supply of creamery, bniee and dairy tubs, aad pails ia ample, snd pr:oes are easy. Choice dairy prints neatly packed, sell at tOe Creamery pounds src f.rm Conimis- s.oa bousee sell to the trads as fol- lows Da. ry. tubs and pa. Is, oheies, 17 to ISc , asvd second qua! ty. at U to 15c ; di.ry prints. cb>. -e, 19 to MB; creamery, boxes iJ to !lc; sad pounds. 1 tu 23e. Cheees Pull cream. July aad Aug- ust makes, sells at U 1-1 to lie PRODUCE. Eggs The egg buyers ia the coun- try ars reported to be oper- ations for Ute season, and this scads rather better supplwi bvrs- Prices of fresh eavater. Quotations ars as foJomrv.-Freah. 17 1-1 to I8c. heU. loc; limed. lc; and culls, t to lOe. Poa! try Receipts are Isrgrr. sad wiil increase from now on. Prices easier. Quotations arc ss follows, Chickens, per pair. M t 55e; ducks. per pair. 40 to oOc, turkeys, per .b. 10 to lie, aad ceess. per lo, to fc Potatoes -Market steady Cr leta. on track, are q utl at J< to SOo prr bag. Sales, out of store, are saad* st 3i to 40e. Field produce), etc Turnips, out of stors. Me per Uig. on..-o*. Iv per Ib, spp^s, per utol. 50c to |1. Dried fruits Dried apples sell at I to S l-c, sad svaporatcd, at 4 l-t tu 5e. Beaaa New beans bring f 1 M to $1 25. Cbou* Wnd-pickrd beans art quoted st 91.40 to |1 4S. Honey Dealers quote from te let per Ib far 5. 10. or 90-lb uas. accord- ing to the siae of ths order. Comb honey sells si %M3J to f2.7S per dusoa sect ions. Baled ksy Steady. No. 1 timothy. ear lots, oa track bare, |sVM to flu; lo-tn lots, delivered, sell st flVlb U> 910.50. Baled straw Car lots al good eat atrsw ars quoted at SS to 96.M. an track; and too lot*, delivered, at 94 to 9S4). Hops Quiet. Growers gvoersJr srs baling for better prica, 8al of 190's wore nude at IV to-da/ Now crop quoted at IS to lie; aad yearling* at to IDo. D.lKSiiEU HCXJb ANU PROVISION- Dressed hvs oootinas acarre snd fiim. Provisions ars also very firm and are getting ac.irrar. There is vary little barrel px>rk here. Quwiatloua for provi^ioiis ir* isful- k>w. Dry salted souul-ters. c. long clear bacon, loue*. IB car lots, lllo, and in rasf lota, 10 1-4 tu 10 U..-. abu t eut pork. |1.V) to fJU; heavy jiess. 9 17 SO to 918. Smoked meats Hams, heavy. iJc; medium, K 1-2 to ISc , light, 13 l-Jc, bresukfast bacoo, IS to IS I- Jr. ptcnie home, lUo. roll b*con. Uo: smoked baokst. ISe. All meats out of pickle te leee than prices quoted for smoked Lard-TiereM. lOe; tubs. 10 to 10 1-*. . paila. 101-4 to 10 1-2*. Toronto. Oat. 1C. -The receipts of HVB STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, Oat. IS. -The reoeipts ot live stock st the Western cattle yards thia morning were 4S oarloada. includ- ing -'.000 bogs, tOO oat tie. M> sheep an dlamhs, a doaen calves, sad a few miloh oowa. t'bere was little chaags la the mar- ket to-day, tot that little wma B eh*a I..T ID* A despatefc from London, Wednes- day aayy, D>spatnha from South Africa i*j that Gnrai De Wet. with 1.000 men and five guaa. has been fighting with the Ouiucial diviaion aod the mounted men. under Culoael OeiiBis. wibo reosntiy left Pretoria with two hxiies each and doubie teams for the guoax for tb* ay awes' purpose at eapturioc the Boer gen- eral. He has not been aeptured. bat it is 4ecUxed. as it has often been before, that hi* command is "thor- oughly demoralize*!. " The fighting has been going on for three daya ia the niouiKatns near Vradefort. The despatches say that De Wsfl tea were dimodged from stronghold', and are Qeeiag ia var directions. The Boer Inseea ars not given The Britiah eaoualiies are ami 1 tb kave been very iigbc. A deapatefc from Maseru says that 100 Boars have ntered F.ckstourj. routing the police, who Oed scros* the Basutoland border. There is again scarcely any movs- ent .n ahipp of catt^. on y a few .11 deals occurred to-day. There was practically no trade, and ; are nominal. The Old Country mar- k?tj cuntinue ia bad shape. Butcb'-r cattle is weaker except for tL.- smai: aupfily of choice stuff, aad for this pric- are stsedy. The joes I dsasmad is slow, and mediuai to com- mon stuff was left over. Both orkirs and feeders are a Base's easier, but not qootsAly- ehaaged. For export baits the eoqairy to ligkr, aasV prices are ashaae lower. M.irbi COKJ are aaare*, sad ia da- ms ad, Skeep and lambs are selling at stronger figures. All the aaesjlisa sold readily to-4ay. aad more would aare sold. Goad: val esives are scarce ; aad calves r*oera ly are wanted a from ii to f* or eaab, Bout ars firm at the advaaee of laat Tuesdsy. Pnav hogs ("siagvra *> ars aslliag st *-4c prr ib. aws ars worth I l-3e aer Ib, sad stsga avper 1ft. Fai sad lAt aogs srs firm al S 1-fc per Ib, Bogs to fetch the top fries mast be ef vnnv qus.tty. aad scale sot bsiow ltt nor above J* Iba. 5 STSATHCONAS KILLED, SU8HOUNDED. THEY REFUSED TO SENDER. lj-h Sllllml rkrtv Blwr . Bi ihr mjHln IM IT Wrtv Ivrmtmm IT BW^lrd Wilt DEATH THE PENALTY A d iy a For Air Boers Fouad Htish Dmlftorms tch f IOSB Lojdfcty says .-The sd a ptt-ket asaaday Bight. They esase froaa a K kvasl. dreaasd sn bUakaXs. sad leaeV usg huraas Latter. No. I.Jil. wus tailed, sad Hmasy. N &. slghdy wuaavdeO. A IssHaaer anssi > la the full eaufwrai <at Brabmsit , Horse. A aotsae h>is bse that say <d tn* earmy f IMC t*e vaiforia u< her MUJM y s to eea are bsbis t be aJkX. 86 RcBELS BEHEADED. Result of a Plot lo Capture and PU- the Town of Suenow A deapatcb from ~banUai. says -A plvt ef rebels is Htichow te get poa- ulirs ef thmt sswl p>. ae it has been diseove-ed. aad De priavaera heve beea srrested. the ret ef the eoaapira. tora tahin* te taotr bsahl. H the prisoners h*re beta behead. TO AID BOtR PRISONERS. imperUl Government Now Constd- tnnn a Plan. A despatcti uoi C>,M Towa ssya - ParliSBDcnt w.ll adjourn asit Mv.aday Tbe treason . .j.iaJa will be eoavea- ed Octobvr . wilk Af. : i - <! eral Ttolnmoa as preaidiac judge. Ths Impej-.j (.. rernaseat is eoaeid- ermg s p4s.a (or tkv sssistaaee of nere ef war whea they istui n to tbe fai us. A despatch from London, saya .A ial deapatch from Ly-ienburg says: "A Buer prisoaer tells the story of -he way ia which a, patrol of f.vs troopers of Stratbrona's Horse, under Sergeant Brothers, met death. It ap- pears that they ware suddenly ear- rounded by a strong foros of Bucrs. The Canadians indignantly refused to surrender, and a murderous fire was exchanged st ehurt range, unt.l ev- ery man ia ths party was riddled with ballets, but aot before eacJ had accounted tor three Boers. " Sir Hedvers BuT.r, wh.!s paasia througb Mschsdodorp, aad bidding farewell te the troops), said be should be greatly pleased to tell Lord Strsth- eoaa of ths magoifjcent w<*rk ef hit BRITISH WERE AMBUSHED Enemy's Soaews at Kaaprau'.der Reported by Lord Roberts. A deapsteh Iron London says - Ia a deBDatea to ine War Office from Pretoria, aader yssKerday's date, Lord Roberta says, "Deuale's mount- ed iafantry eagaged De Wat's f fur three dsys at Ketibrrg. Us drove the Boers north of the Vsal. aear Vratcrafcroudk. "Do Wt baa bavn speaking free!) of Ute. asauriag tar burghrrs 'hit the European powers wou. i s> op tb wsr by Oct 1*. Thursday was tbe an- B4Vraery u< Low u .imatunt. to-. jay to Kru^er's birthday, sad to-ov i kt will be s year since the first shot was fared. The Bv*r hav* oeea in- ia these dates), believing that rawtt iBtervsa* t > end ths wt m their favour 1 trut that they sew reaUse that ts-u ea- awtstiueai ars futile. "An uafortuaste sccideat occui rec. yveterdey st Kaaptnu;deo, owing to a treai upeeoing am th division >r alasp rrrsr. Three aaen wers k. led aad fiftvea injured. An eagias coaveyih two Roy il Knglneer officers ind 'i^h- tss* saea frma the Vela4fontia gir- risoa pmassJsd to sax-ertain ths na- tur at the daaaa^es. The Uoers were lyuig IB wait for the pairty. and upwa- rd fire. On hennas? of ths j'l.iok, Csat. Stuwart aad forty rota of the Brigade weat to tbe support of, isr eaciaeera. "Stewart aad oate private waj two oftkvra and five men were severely wutMidsd. sad one officer n* tea saea were m-iJe prisoners." 4SC.OCO POINDS OF POWDfcK Russian* Also Capture From Chinese 144 Guns and 30 Flag* A despatch from Ifoooow, says: It kas been aaeertsiaed that during* tb* month* of July and Aotfost tbe Rus- sians eaptu-i^l 144 Cbiness g*u*. ~H an-l i^l.i<0 pt>aiid< of guapo d r SUCCESSFUL RAID BY BOERS Lord Roberts Reports a Number oi Engagements. A despatch from London, says Tbr nnaieations. Th* d .omar* War Office has received the followioc despatch froaa Lord Aobarta, datca* Pretoria, Friday " The Boers have been making many successful raids, sud ars with railway sad Uleajrapeie repaixed, sad wvsre panishraent in flieted. bat tb B.*P axe remarkabh per* is tent. " There haw been saweval alight en nsjTBBtnt- %ith snwill bands of tb '> 1'tM te*sl Britw* oaeualtu ^ kUM and .11

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