HOUSEHOLD. li Kuiirr T every peuche-, Heitrhed Rfler peeling and ' iij.' allow one half |>niid of su- gar. I'.ire und stnne t li, pr:u h.-> i -li'-ild be very ri|-e md niel ' * i-lit in | > and put ihroiiKli lie I 'Tit ov.-r i he fire in a|oi- nclaiu kettle 1-t the pulp he.-il --low- ly aud cook, stirring orc.iMonally it is uu the con,imencv of mar- A<ld the Mipiir, st i until it in dissolved und oook rapidly for 15 I'l ice t he kott le on t he I' u-k part of the stove where the Imtter will not become cooled until it is quite solid. Pack in jars or tumblers while hot. Apple Hutter. Pure and core the apples, rut In p.rc s ml put through the To i- Veiy pint of apple pulp take one q.iiirt of u<-\v cider. Ouler not more than two days old will make the U-st apple b'jt'er used with tart apples Uoil tbe cider down "iia half; then measure using in I be pr<- portion given above. Add thi> .-ipple pulp and rmilc very slowly stirring "f. ten. When it begins to t bickers [ meat. I.KJ long nx.kiiig sweeten to taste with brown ..ugak. h indling eauy, und rover the top with tread-crumbs inoi.tte.ntMl in in-li.-d l-uiler and to a pretty blown. tin n i-li with tliin Iciiicn lica and jMisley. Ginger Snaps. One cup butter and lard mixed, one half cup wtigtir, one i ii|. Ni-w Orleans mi I one tea- -I' "iifnl sc ilded in ii" cup hot ilci. Ih'- "lifuls ginger. Heal well and hainll lighlly. Holl out th. u. cut .md kike in a hoi oven, ll.ik. oil ihe .slide. o I II U they \tlll IPIOWII .pi i kl.v vvitliKiil raising and l>" veiy brillU-. I Ins reciM- i> vciy fine. 1 in ike .s.'ft n:n. T c-ike by the same baking pi'H.I. i .md us. m; on.- h ilf llu- nu unity of flour one and a half Current Jelly Omelet. M 'k'- a plain egg nnielet. and jllisl bi'f o: e -eivillg, spie.d with entrant jelly c. nsnlen-d il d. I.e. icy either US U bieakf at or luncheon diah. DKLIClot - Ci; \VIIKHIUI-S Cm n be me* are frequently her veil in a Henii-liqnid .slat.-, but nre so inm-h superior in last" and app.-ar- . i rice when firm enough lo l- imiulded lllll cV.IV In ll.s.-w ife whool I l.'irll lo Cook them ill thus way It l> I I,.- only vv a v . vjul". d, ill vv hich t li- y in - v l- I" pi-i.prialelv iw-rved with turkey or - t he flavor. Always ctnk era nberri-s in Stir until tbe sugar in entirely is- granite or porceliun. Mi-tal will give w.lved; cook until the butter is tb:'"''"> *" unpiVa.sunl I iate and a Iwd .1' red consistency that of soft jam; color. p.i-k ui jars or HUmblejs whiln hot. I ''" ""'" cranl. ny c.iuce to per- a.n.1 keep m ., .-..I ,,!-,. If pr..f,-ired feel ion. allow lo one quart of cran- -! I, allow the followiiiK qua nd lies: l^-rriea irtle cupful of fold water, and to every five ojuarts of apple pulp, lel cook "' '"'""' """ l "''' kills one teaspoonful each of ground cloven, hive l-gun to break, then ad. I two sllsp.ce and cinnamon. cupfula oi graunl.Ued sugar, and l.-l Ction I'r^erves.-Three pound, of bl> ' 1 IU """""* itron. two .emons. ,hre p,mn,l of h.-rries and crush them; to each gal- lon of juice add onrt qliarl of boiling water; lel it stand 2t hours, stirring it a few times; strain ami add two pound-, uf sugtr to e.i.'h gallon of l.quid;. put in jut?- and cork tight. U in iv lie used n two months. . .- i up fi>r Colds. Uoil flax- uiit.l water becomes slimy, then n, sweeten with powdered rock candy, and juice of fresh IIMIIMUS. Dose vv ineglassful when cough ii trouble- Koine. Cure for a Felon. Take the yolk of au fgg, an edual quantity of common -.alt and one tablespoouful spirits of turpentine. Mix well nud apply poul- tice at bed time. LITTLE THINGS Thai l. .1 In tt<imr ut Ikr v,.r|.r. l.r. r*| The rolling of cold iron was first suggested, it is snid, by a workniiin vv h . -in H piece of b't iron in ihe rolls an 1 ,- uelessly allowed his tongs to be drawn 11 also. Noticing tl, it the tongs rolled withinil break- ing, he called the at I en I .on of the Su4>- eriniendi nt to the imnlenl. I'b < mat- ter wits investigated, exp. riments were in ide, .mil it f.i.ind thai c-ild roll- ed iron is equAJ to steel for shafting pur pones. A ^ilireinherg HI i s s cuttHr ace dent- ally discovered the art <rf etching lip- on glu.-s. A few drops of aqua fortis Floriculture. I 1. 1. KM) OF \\llilh 'In lac and liiw-n and silken And aheen of atm thry dressed llie bride, U'i'h a goaaamer veil, and a wreath of To crown her Iwauty. the day Mi.- SVitb rich perfume* of the ru*e and lily They Cutnhexi and plaited her torks of gold. And under th- tree where once he. tryc i They bid her down in the froxen mold. With nun and abadow and balmy bfOfZHM Cirii' i li- -(: nrf to her pLire of real And a alender blade like an emerald arrow Liftexi I he cloud*) above her brmiat. Crystal dews of the puipl.- tw.ligbt, 8ilver i mi.- of i In morning cloud. Coaxed tli. M,m fnmi its leify shelt- er, Drew id., bud frum if fold-d hroud. I' ile and pure an a pearl of ocean It slipped the green of its dainty Ml:' III!. I 1 n IIM heart a hint of yellow From the biail. d t.-n r b. So it. !,i.' II. the lay Stride'* f'ur The wh.t. HIM IN.IIO (>uds ami blows. . t and M.-irry in ailmt pi. ires Over the gi .ive f i lie v\ nier .-: AliOL'T Till-: I'KKlll I AltN VI10N. NK.r. one e,gb,h pound of ginger I',,, :,,,d sl.ce he citron Kx- ii . i the juice trotn i h- lemons and '" " rrv "" 1 ' ...... ur ' '* nil" "' rlb< -" """"' ' 6t fr I- hoiir Inifore serving although fell ii|p"ti his spectacles and he .-I that Hi.- n-.'.l c.uised the glass to oornxle and soften. He, at once tinik the hint, drew figures upon the glass varnish, applied the aqua fortis and then clil -away tbe glass from , i stood by that name., but the t ut- -n aruund the drawing. Removing t h.- _ varnish, he li'.ind the figures that be bad drawn r ..,-.! u;K>n a dark back- ground. l-'inigiiena. the master ol early ru- Uo you know the meaning of the n.iiuc of \\li.-u ui.iny jiropU i mi->i'ler tin- prettie.M f . er tint trri>w.s( 'Ihe word carnal. on mean* f!. li color; nut the piukiKb \. in.. lily nfil.-r- in a cold place it will I. come firm %urt them in slice*, linns., t hn ginger very quickly if mid.- a.s dirccled. I'mt slightly, tie it in a m.iislin cloth ami cover with three pints of water. Add the slirs of lemon and Ixul un- til the water is highly flavored ; strain laving all the water. Add to t his t In. ngiir iind juice of the, Imnons. stir Until (be sugar in dissolve I. I*,, I and 'k m until dear iAdd t he ril r MI and !" I until the slices ire transparent, but not too soft to keep t he r -ln|.e Put i li.-m carefully in glass jars. |piir the -,rup ovnr them and seal while hot t'olfee Jelly. Half a IHJI of gelat me, ' cu|. fnls of boiling wit.-r. half a onpfnl it cold w.-it.-i one cupful of Migar, three fmirlhs of , cupful of Blear, s| r coffee. Cover the gela- ' IK- with th>' cold water and let it ' lay them acrum l-h lop of lh pi lo stand foe half in hour, disso ve n foi m a neat l.iitu-.- wi.ik Hake in m.ikn v. i v good molds, and l.irge-fiZed I'kg-vmp* make pieli) in- dividual shape*. Cranberry pus u* delicious, and a fni|. . m denser t. To it. wash and pick over one quart of ci.inlp.i- ric. und place in a deep granite pie with I wo cup-1 of gi.iniilaii-d sugar urd Ihe junv of h.tlf a lemon. IVv.-i with mcit puff pan ic. and bake in a moderate oven for three-foul tha of un hour. CianU'i ry tart, if inc-cly made, is ua hiinds.'iu.' us il is ginp.1 I. me a gTiinile i'. dih with puff paste, und (ill it with Ci anlpi'i l ies. leim-n juice, and sugar, us fi ci.mlwrry put. .Twist little strips of puff paste, and graving, delighted in doing deeds of k.iidneits. One day a washerwoman, in washing a piece of clothing in which a needle had lieen carelessly left, h id llie iiu-foj mm- to run it into ber hind Th" needle broke, and more i than lull .4' it w n left e>rubedded in ployed by portrait painters m repre- senting faces. Ihe cninati'-ns on a ic include all tbe reds and pinks ami cieanis and white*, with their in- leiuied.ate tones, tending ti- ted. yel- low md white. It will thus be seen how ..ppn-pi i- ate i tli n uue. as applied to a i; of flovverit whose, petals display all the r.-d.s p.nks. yellows and wtni.s. as they aie Men n ihe huin.n face We m iv p nkitb wbitA, md whitiah Hi- hot water and mid the -nignr am) i*.f.lee. St,r until Ih,. slltf.-ll IS dis- olved and strain. Turn a mold prevuMi-ly 'vet with col.i vater, and when solidified servi vvilh whipped cream. lir.i|m I'at-ltp --|'ive (rounds of ripe grii|>eJi, brown i per, one t.ih|cs|>Minful earh of whole bunk oven. Serve cold. .-IMl'LK KKMKU1KS. For Summer Diarrhea Listerine, one ounce; potass, carbonate, one drain; syr. rhei -iioin.t.. ounces. Half two and a half |>ounds uf an i*inc every four hour*. the fler-h. It gave bur much pum.and led cri-am white aud yellow white, las >n as she. could she went to whitish v. i -v md pinkish yrllow, ill r inig-iici iis ,i u.l,,., put down tbe bun- shown in the cam ilion f unily. and all die of damp clothe., that she was cur- Irying to , h-,r own m.l ,,,kcd , he , veritable flc-h i,,u.. Tbe vv, , i OBI II i' "H a' illl'l. l- i artmt to help her After mfrch p*- t>v florists m> ins i double pink, that dent, careful manipulation with bin fine t.ols be, Hiicceedeii in eit i act i ng t he broken needle. The woman thanked him as xbe lifted her dump bundle, to leave l he sl.ud.o Kmiguerro noticeil it bad rested upon one of his engravings and had i.-i.-.v.-.l an excellent iinpn- s.i.n from ,. Tne ciiKraving. like all ,,th- ^ ri)B , Wllb |ivtl ,.,, ers ,rf that tune, was u metal plite ^.^ uiim , vl , M-1IU ,. llfl Many ^ ''''" '" '"*" alMl w s r *** rd - our favorite flowers have n .1 , a single picture. The irapre*- lheir prwt ,. nt ,,,, | argt! i r thn-ugb son nude upon tbe damp cloth sug- ^ ,. y ,,( U1 .,,,. gi-sted to the alert mind of Kmitfuer- ' Th( . ,,;,,' , ,., ,,., ,,,, u . ,, ia the p.-.s.luh.v of |,,..lucm k . an in- ,,, ,,,;,. f | ONS .. r M a m ., Mt ro . ilyi and definite ntiinU r of pictures fioin a t | Ml l>. r . f iM'talM. III.- pink in its ii.n ui .1 s.ale. h.lH f.v.. p.- 1 ils. lell v illi ii- m I twopiKiis I hro.igh rich culture the t im.-n-s have ileveloped into petals lly a a, mil- u piocess all Ihe ni.iu- beil<Hss vain -t us .>f dotble roses that , . \V . le evolvi-'l f "111 the le. with five p' and a , on:' I a l,lesp,.,i,ful of p,.p- Vul.cose Venn..- -Tmci .11 e collinao- I, n, a ,s a specific in llie t real inenl of ally niHile it single original By e|H'rimenl ing he discovery, and eventu- .,sil,;e fur all homes to rloves, ciiin.inion, mid ull.spi>-e, I w,. vanco>sl veins. Teiiilro|* fuui tunes ciipfult <f vinegar, two te.-ispiMinfuls daily, all other comhtiou.s of th pu- of Halt, twn hl.-idfs o; m. ice. |Mi! i he lltMl1 receiving proper attention, will graiies through I hit press, add the pr.nhice prompt benefit sugar, vinegar, -salt, and spicus |!,,l Tonsiliti.. Let Ihe putienl wet hi* until thick at ordinary c.n sup. remove f>' and dip it into pmvilcnsd the uhi.le npions and boltle vvhilii Ir.' Chili Siuier K, 'hi ri.Mi Ion, ,t,.,.s, 1. 1. .1 I pollute of , "lily. i The, surface, of the tonsil should be rubbed wilh the mill of Ihe finger evnry five miniute-s have lieantifnl engravings, for, pre- vums to his disciivery, >nly the weal- t h.v could afford them. l hi ee gnud- z-d onions, one ie,-is|K)nt|. half ail hour, and afterward ful . ,1111. mi. .n iine te.-i |,,N,nfnl cloves, very ln*ir Itnruig the same day. one '. . !-, .I ul ginger, one lulde- Powder Stains on the Skin. They |>nful .salt, pinch of red pcpiM' may be niu"Ved by punting with Ihe oup -Aigar, three cu|>s vmegi.r. rut ti>- following -olntion: Iliniixlide of itm- CAHK OI'' ( I.OTIilCS. Curls -h.*il.l U> early taught the un (I (mice uf caiMig for their clothes. \\ith some neatness is innate, but many, if alhAved to follow their own inclinations, kick off their shoee, drop their clothes in a heap on ihe floor, 1 1 ue nalnialiMt prefers a blos- Koin in ill. wild state. Ihe new bola- | n HIS are telling ua something quite . different. They auy that all fli>vv.-i.s are tbe uoiilt of development. and iliu m ins agency uiiutl be t.iken in-, to nccii. mi. an well as any other factor. .\rco! ding to this view, doul.le flow.-i.s ml m idem valietie* have it rightful pl..c- in any syntem of natural hi.Mory. \\'e all know what is meant by the | color named pink; it is a rd. light- ened with while. I'here are a.s many i>l, . l.-s of pink as l li. ie ure of red and range from une almost as dark and in t he morning " jump into t hem" J aa gurnet to one almost white, with regardless of or of hyginn- malm', and on.oiis m s.inll p,|.,-,.,, .,,|,| inn.nn and distilled water, equal ic laws. Tench Ihe girls and toys, -|.ie,s, vinegar, and sugi.r. and .,.k parts. Then dilute will, by drm-hlor- I"", to hang I he.r clothing imlergar- II- ill-Ill to I each ly affected. t issue* im're .le.-p- Infanlile Ilia i i hoe. i At the unset until s thick an ynu wish: il, seal slid it will keep any Iriigl h if tune Toiii.ilo Marmalade -To I vv o pounds of tomatoes a'l.l two |ioiinds of augur B' VB a liilde.-piionful of Ihe follow ing and the jujce and grated rind irf one iikixbure: Oil of ncinl. one ounce, scald I In- i 1 1 IH-S anil (like glycerine, two ounces; oil of cussiae, off Ihe skin; mix the sugar with ihe " drop. After it has operited free- u-inii".- . ami I..., I i hem slowly (or ly give ImttTine comliimvil wit h a small un I, -i n. skunining and .stirring; udd d.e of Ki.lle'.i papine. tbi juice and united rind f the lemon tlargle i.iul MiMith Wash. Diluted Hid boil until her half hour, or till it list urine, makes u p'easant and effi- me.nts e.sfieoally over the brick of n i-liinr. at night, where the air will the fainteot n*.-ale tinge.. 'let, when we think i-f the flower "pink." we know it ia not neCH-aaarily pink in color; it may be * red, pink, a yellow pink or a white pink. cirmilale. through them, for this is us ! Still, there ut a reisin for the color. uii|.rtaiit o,s Hiring Ihe night dress having the name of the flower, and bedding in the morning Stock- pink. llie old-f.i.shioncd clove-pink, ings, if left in a heap where no air mich as we used lo see in our grand- is Htirring, will be dm, my in the mothers' gardens, have five petals. I - especially if they were wet Thin a|>ecies is taken as the type of have a tincture which baa all the vir- tu ee of quinine. A quantity will brace you up and give you a ra- eooua appetjte. A larger quantit/ will cure your nuril/ia or allay your fevr. if you happen lo be suffering from typhoid. Tbe sweet-tmelling verbena make* an infuaion wnn-h i* i fine cure for aore tliroat. and it wiil also piev -111 hair falling off. Fennel, which we grow in kitchen girdenn to flavor sauces, makes * m. n strong, give* him courage, and uliLs a dozen yenrs to bis life. Ferns have many curative quali- ties. If you are wanting in common *en*e the maidenhair fern will give it u, and it be* been known to make idiot* into aensible men. Maid- enhair fern tea ut a splendid cure foe a cold. And tbe tincture make* one'* h ur grow luxuriantly. Vou can easily grow a blackberry buob in your garden, and from it* leaven and fr.ia many uaeful medici- ne* can be made. If you eat th young ithoota they will harden your gums. If you make a decoction of the leave* you have a cur* far whooping cough. For an ordinary aore throat nothing i* belter than blackberry jam. And if you boil tbe leaves in strong >u get a liquid which will dye your hair a beautiful glossy black Tbe cowalip can be very eaaily i It l.H.k-i pretly. and it i very useful. If you cannot sleep, lake >...iu.' of the powdered root and u wiil fend you into the *ounde*t lumber. If you want to do some ra -untaiii climbing, and don't feel nerve* up to ihe mark, boil tbe rout* in ale and lake a few draught* of it. You can then aland on a mi.-'h'-.i'l without a tremor. Cum m.le * worth cultivating for the ik- uf if pleasant aod refresh- in; ,Jor. Uut u ia al*o valuable in dc.nil No finer stimul- in can l> found for it languid tm- ach than ram. -mi.- tea If you make a tincture with i-pintsof wine it will cure yiMir neura'g.a. while an infusion i* an xiv. leu i th ug lo give irritable and r>ftUss< children. .sf,p..t. with its pleasant smell, ia . CHIP for ualbma. You can make it into cigirettee or fill your p.p.- wuh it and ,1 vvi.l give you UKtlant r.-lief. The lovely lily of the valley ha* th* nn of .strt-ngt hvniiig the memory. It al.-o atreuglheus ill* h> irt. and ut a aplemlid thing lo take before go.tig on a long cycle ride. And if you make a snuff of the dried cut,- the worst he aj- ache. The fngiaut mangold, much uaed on th. cont.n.'iit f' i fuivonug noup*, ia a aplendid thing for cimtumption. It aUo ra.aes one's spirits in a womler- ful m inner If you have measle* there ia nothing lo equal a d-Kocuuu of ^ while the pain of a liee- liug cm U- r nj.'Ved by i a fieoh f.ower n> the painful spol. Lin i - the bLr gnw, it cine.s >,"auis ,,nd j"iuts. and lii lie oil of lav.-ndei will cure giddl- H. so and palpilatmn. Ibe pi.uir.Me ia useful us well a* i.i in m n .. If you mike an infusion of primiiAsea you have aa good u cure as any doclor can rftve you for hi-. id- ache. hysteria or sleeple-sanesa. \ gulden cbuiiUl be wilbuul an'[e u.-e. A p.'iiltice of lollen iip- ill cur* *ore *}' If you eat a few giK>d apple* every day you will IK- sure lo cac.ipe ihe gout. And if you are .inuii.-'l :o h.ive wiiits a raw apple rubbed on them will veiy quick- ly reuiipve tli, in with perspiration at night. Those who PI-I -pie freely -.lndl.l hang their Ihe pink genus. All varieties of pink nr |.,:>c-d under the held of D.amhns. ia a thick, kuniolh muss. _^ si I.KCTKI., TKSK1T) HKCIIM s A New Mok. M .-I Ikah. Thoi ongh- ly freshen two fiah by sinking over night, wash in fresh w.itr in the in. in. ng. wipe dry and squeeze lemon j.i i .- i .vi- 1 Ihe fli'Mh sule l.av f the fi>sll in Ihe In.lliim of u buklllg . nil gargle and mi ii'i vviish, acting k Hilly on irritated "i infliiim-d mu.s- ous surfiic.-s. and lemi'ving any nn pleasant odors of the breath- l-'or .-sore Kyes -llalhe in weak so- lution nf suit and water, before go- ing tl' I'e.l. I .. -, .1.1 or llu i n 1 1 only on the surface, make an ntm-iit of sulphur vv aists wrong side, nut lu air and nev- 1 1, generic name for the pink Inn- er hang them in a clov i-loset I'n- ,ij means, literally, "flirwe-r of Jove," .Invests that are worn all day should , -flower of Ihe god. From very not be worn at night. Old ones ' early tluiea the whole tribe has been sli.nil.l take i he. i place In the sun, m. -t. nothing but the night gown is necessary. As a girl grovv.-i older she should learn to shike and brush he.r gowns a iul jackets, es|>eciiill.v her one*, admired f.>r UN beauty and fragrance. I IU< \ II VK ijU M.I I I K> OF COMMON PLAMS It i> not a gene-ially accepted fict that nearly all the plants grown have pun. and cover wilh n thick dreesing made of I.,, id i , unilis well aeiison- d with piirnley, pepper, aalt, butter nd noinH- bus of thin U-nuin peel, Ihs milHide yellow Lay (bit other fiflh on I hut dreasing and buale with *' and lurd cliff and cover tbe or. Diphtheria K.-m.-.U Inline Ihe fume.-- uf slaked limp, Put some lime in n small veeael au i inhale with a Onion Kirache Cure. Hottst small onion until soft, dip it in sweet oil melted biitlnr and hot water. Hake and i|l( .. rt ln , _ Wnel) , h . ,,., until l.iovvn lo ,. hot platter without disturbing the layer*, use a fint ('.* in the Uiking pan to make. ia relieved take out I bi< onion ami put raw cotton in. Ill u kiien v Cordial. Secure rip* t-|.>ie hanging them up; ,l to j x>me curative virtue, but auch is i he ( off any spots tighten Ihe ca*iv And if the average man would loone Imttims anil repair inv breaks, only .ipptcci.ite thin statement at it. so that (be garments are in perfect full value he would give the prefer- ie.idme.sft for instant use. It is .n, cm>- to the which are ceitnn novnitf to w ut for a rip to Iw mend- to cure ailmenta if trebled properly, . I 1. 1 a luit ion to be sewed on at Ihe | an it citft no more to i.nse a inr.lici- lasi m*.iiiie when ihe horse is har nil plant than one piitily oi nesseil and von yourself nre ready. Take, for mil. nice, tbe beautiful aun- lili.ves and hats are in the same" ou I egory . flow r i \l you get the le.ive* and ateina aud stee-p them n brandy, y<-n SHtLLFISH Niikr a i !- ou,i.l f ihr .f ibi-lr -h. n. M..-NI Nsiiuen ran lell of curious clinking aouunla luMid uu c.ilui night* .i, ^ ., an . ' b.- on uin t fa. ii"i-e b-<-lU,i .> alU'gethrtl UUUCfOUlll.ible Ih. I it Uis3 "ft>-ii -some i.iim among sup-.: s.j. mu- fishei IU.MI. A difsi ilinui--hisil n UU;. i. l-l m. ule a Ciuvfui ntuly >sf ilie aomv.U oik uuiuy .. .n.-. .ml fiiund it a-i not a MUntiiiirutvl uoie. but mule up of a uiuniiude. of tiny note,-., each clear uu,i dusunci in iisis.f, and lauding tu in a bLjh : id'-- i.' to a ba-o. \\ h.-u 'h c . i w.i - app.i I to the gun- w. I-- .-( ill.- l>'..i th-.stmn.l grew more ur.. -n.-*. and in in p. i.-t-s, is iho Uvit iuove>l o4i, it coul I not be he., id a . 1 Ou olbc.. .* .NIDUS tbe sou,, Is ie- M-ml'..-sl the i.-lluiK uf bells, tbe Usiining "t guns. ..u i the* note of un \.s-.i u hirpv r'--, a l->ixg lime bi< wast unabU- to t r.ic ibr c.tus, lull at length <lis. c"vi\el Ih, I t h" -.'1111.1- .veie in.ide by s.h-illi h. trill ' eds <f t h"Ul <>|>ell- ing the.ii shell, and oliwiug them with <4tarp Mikips. I'bei n\<iae, partly uiuf- l! I l.y ill.' ilisi. s. -Utk.le.1 indecl li- ably we*r<l. He fin illy II to tine. c.Mu-!u.-An Ihit. as the shellfish lui-lv i V *>urvil<, they pirxkbnbly bad wnu> ineining. and th tt t h"* might pvt-..l)ly li ' a warning < ( d:in- ge>r uh"-i. 'h- shillw vaioi <*> tui Ul by - Ii.- boiit. THE MYSTERIOUS CKIME ON THE S.S. NEPTUNE CHAPTER VII Continued. "If you like to call at th* LaDgham .*!, I iihall be there for a fort- *jght," she answered, and his far.* lit gp with, a happy (imi.e a* he went rrff." 'Why did yi>u dto that, Carm- Mk"d ill' Mir-he-N lu a vexed lone ; "we don't w.ial to, ae hi in in L>n- *on." "You may not; 1 do," re-plied MUM Dotoner, with culm contempt. "bhall we go on shore now, .Sir M.irkf" and withut another word, abe went off with the Baronet and his daughter, leaving him alone. h bias not given up th chase f-'." muttered Vu.vv.iia, as he looked after the luggge. "well, we eh.ill Mrs. Pellypop, tu her difegust, found Bo one to meet her. no went off to the Laugh-iui Uutl, and wrote a severe letter to the Bish )p. which hod the ef- foct of bringing th* pieiate up to [/undon heit day . And m> they .ill went their different w.iya, aud i u<- happy on board lite* "Neptune" wad MM lie. red abroad l i-u^h . b ati vets of London low a. liouald aw the C.ip: iiu before he tef i , and had a talk with hiui al.out Veutm'a h. PM .musing to iook up hid Uirrister frielid on the morrow. linen hw wnl wiiu I'.it ti the 1'avi- ttoc-k, where they hid a little aiuuer, after which i he.> patronized 111 A.hiiubra, followed u> a supper at tu<- C.voui. Then, though t'al vv .is in- cliiM'd to m.ike a Met uigut uf it purticultrly A the.y hud uit uf Ih* buy* at the Ibealrn Koiuld wnt to bia hotel, ami i*.-tired soberly to bed, firat, however, pooling his let- ter of introduction to Gerald luster, of M.d-lle 1VJU4>1. nu that be could call u him ou the mono*, ui.j w.lii huu about llie uivatvi .'jus dMth uf his friend. 11. fiu.l out who killed poor Ve-ii- tin. D<- -'.'l >- b><> wni to bed, 'and titu I'll many I'll Vl'i I.It \ ill "Kvery thing comes to those who know hovv to wait " an excellent ! veib for a bruaflmtf barrister! Let Mr. Ui lef lesa nil m li.s < ILIIUI^IH. sur- rounded b> lu* law-books i rammed with learning, and ready to undertake am thing if he wait, will Fume come t<> him! Not she Fame ia a laxy god- dess, except w h.-ti -be flies away, and thj-n il i difficult for even the u*wt in<lu.lrii>us t oateb her ami clip her w i nge. "lie who would aeek the weulih of the Indie* must i >ke ui tbe wealth o< the Lndiea." ts not th't ^ij ing a tra- oaef In order to gnu fame, richiea, aod ra.-w. uiuat not .>o ming In.luatry. per.M-ve ranee, and kn - ieilgef If ilr tir.ild t\tr. barrister, 0< too luuer TU4>1, hod udovied t b tot 10 "( knowing how to wail, bw might have done <v "" the end uf the ch,i|'ter, atd thitn have been no let- ter off ;it the ud thyin the beginning. Hut Mr. Kmiwr wua uo-t of Ihia Utic creed; he did not heln-w i h 1 1 wlii t. utuat be, arul th it if i man U to )>e f:iuvou* lit' will be HO whvi ber b idles at hwrue r gtieo out mto the world and work-< No; he iw cl.irly thjt every day Ibe pru:e*i were fewer nd the uiultitudv of coni|V - greater, and so h did not reM idly on bis oara after being admitted to the 1 bar, but wnt ii tor hard atudy, both of men and books. Books, an he knew, are all very well, but acoordtng to Pope, th* proper atudy of mankind U man and Onld went out into the .world and neglected no opportunity i of getting tisn into hm net. He w&nt into th/e thealrical world, nd knew I all the ni't famous actors and aclreoMes in London, he went into t he ral world, and all the burn- ing queationa of the day al the end uf bis tongue ; he noled ihe rising ana falling of share* on the .Stcx-k Kx- |ca.iuge, and knew exactly how the (May m.irkei. -iioud, o-ml he \\ut int'i society *nd beuajme acquainted witb. the follies of Ibe hour. All lhu work waa for a purpoae, fur he wait a you-ug gnl/tnian w Uo never iiel an opporluuily, >u . liu^ .sprata I were all <wnt f <rth, to . iti-U ojuckervl. Ao yet, In spite of tu.~, assiduity to I u.k, aud li-> tultiva, uu uf the lul.if* . a:iii virluee uf hut fellow -uwn, hu had u>xveded but. mile, bui theu he wait ..ii.y lwenty-ight yeara of age, ,iuu f 01 lune ia uol a godoUssa IO be u uoed ruugh.y, au h Meul ou, keeping bus l/iaiu cool, hit yeM open, and hi.-, uiiud cilitivaled, aud uo uoubt in Jits uwu uita.i ih-i. ha woulU ouvuved. With such lUiiooiilable prcveiauce tiera.d kiM.v lid uiiioL win al .oat. k'urlune, fickle though he be, bccomea weajy o( Lnceoaant. aitamls, and vie-ids in the ea>l to the peraevenug auilor. .-u Mr. Lmrald Fualer, gi| tweaty-eight, with clever braia, guutl healib, aiid jaruly of lad, vsoikea .i.-vuiu' u < it hi jjii>ieai.iu, waning lor the hour would bnag u.a [auw . u.l ncliea. .Sol a hanuaeuie ui.iu. certainly nut; Unl ui, bn *a.< not an oiled aud curl- ed dur. ing of aocniy. tie dieaaed w.-H. b*M>uae it |>oa pun "I but liu-^urwa; but eveu hat kmdMt t . u-: u -t uot b.iv pri>uouuued bun h-iuu>i>uie A luld head, uilb a thick fnuge of blown hur round it, a proainiui none, a clean-All n en f < . .N ah a thin- lipped unoulh, ju-l two lii illiautiy black eyea uudei bor>Uy evebiuwa, ho vtouid have beeu ugly, but' for the wixideifiii cU.iuu o( hi MUlile \ deiightful suiile. i hut cniLiiged all hia feature*, -uid luruud biui froiu the ugly booat into the bundoouie ynung jirince of the fairy tale. Aud, above all, h.. f io wan 'UMlbul indued n- ficleute n iu.J.uablr quality lu i lawyer. On the morning alter the arrival of the "Neptune.' he aut in but nfn<- in the Temple looking over hia le .WcuraUUy drenned. in fruck b..iclc ' nHVMvra and iv. u<J "pullea* linen, but waa turning over hie letters, he.u he c4tuM <>u that of KunaLd'a, and something in th- h.i ui i it .n "t M> u b. ii. 01, Deemed tu (trike bun, tut he <ve-iHMi it fn-ot. HIM. nine it over carefully, he gave ve-nt to a J^w Whlfltle Of OjHulll-llllMMlt. Ilinu." auil M.t Kiwler, .surveying the letter thoughtfully, "'frieod of 'your futher'n only sou first visit to Kiitfi. ui.l would like you to look after a j m exiiolly' " 1 I.MIH d<-n thv let- ter "a ab I expect, with no look*, and leaa nj.inners, brought u|> in th> wilds. i'J'l >'an't eat hut food pr<>|>erl.v .1 ilelighlful ti nit t (( u' ', u. i 'M .i.-ioty. Well, 1 Hupt>os I muat. I love my deu.1 old father loo well to think of refusing to do a Rood ' rm>ve the earth, f am like the Greek. turn to any frieod of hia. Confound 1 have the lever ndnlioet my braana. it! I'm sure, ibid aom ia awfui \V,1, oow I want a world, namely, a case poiuapa he'll be rich, and that will cover a multituile of sin. We axe t_hr papers, fond of aepulchrea ni)\ .iday H. ' i-b.inre." this a* far as I can gather from will be an excellent The Home \ He put toe lettitr of introduction on one aide, and proceeded wilh the mat of hU corieApondenoe, carefully anawering e-ich letter, and put- ting it neatly away Then he, rang for bin clerk, and giving him a pile of letters, told him tu pout them and lakiug up the "Daily Telegraph,'* proceeded to read that paper a>ud wait for clienta. Of course, he went first for the money market; then he looked over thy pliiicaJ uewa, glanced at the law ret^pita, :ind read all the leaden*. , 1U , , ne tlpB of aw filllfHI ., en,l a^ itu Ihetheuter.s. Theueptm. i- 'Huml' he 3 .id, h Might u ly "Then you ahall have it," said Ron- ald, heartily, "and I .iin only loo glad to thmk I have suh a:i tic worker." "So lie it: now tall in ii s ir ,n youj- own. wjy : newspaper accoints i -. gre." \\heriMipnii Him, ill i oil b''>-te ubout Iho coae, and hia own suspi- ni.v.-os i\ THK ru CHILDUEN. V UMd oan .veil hroi up i-ther by continual a iressas at p r. oullyu^'. l'i eat is* u M more as an equal, whose o >udtanca you de- mainl on reuaouu de grounds, because iru, older and know more than he itoes. Compel h-s oijeAience bj cions tegir-Ung it, to all of wbi'-h -h.iw ng h.m the bad re* uf hi* the young- barrister listened ,ice. But at the same time ly, then If. me I back in hm In r and j let h ; s personality have play, so that h" m.v learn to, do pal iliu (iuiibed, he glance,! idly over tbe paper, and at last came ,, u , VHr , 8t rong ,, 4 , , na rHl .i Illf :u , . may learn toj do for h'lnself us " - .. .. ii us posaible. Let U.m feel free, as long as ho doe* right. Aa lo pun- ibis i.shluents. It b.u,. ,,. .vife I musi confess, bat the , uy oae Bum, *udilr. toHtei, t^.ughtful- ! BVldence ,. puraly ,.,r,-um,i u,. ,al. ' ly. a murder oouimateu on bod the .. Bu , who el9e wuulj ^ n h lo talk about may have oomeiniug when he does come.'' tie read the arlicl* carefully, which | told all about V'entiu'* murder, and the au-'piciuut entertained by U/<n- Uiih, aftur wbu-h he laid the paper down, and ri*.ng from hi--* te*i, w i.ked \~^ ca[j"h*r"*o slowly up and down the ruom with his h.. ids Ijehuud hia back. ' Don't think the cu'u oau be o bad out oa record that ever unproved by barbarity. Depr.ving a child of hia the i punishment fives U itu a distaste for what be should like, or deprives him, "But with what motivei" ,. needs. It is no .-are foi "Becaiuse he was told la do ao." nervous ,-hillrn tu be so frightened "But I don't see " lnat they trem'de mors at fear O)f "Of course you don t, ' said K,,st..< : ,uu.sament 'bun fioui tha tearing of coo.Iy: "but I wiil explain, from wh.t thejr nerves. The tru< .. ,- the I you have told in-. Mrs. Ventm we ,|e ,-hild treated reasonably ber real name uiusi hare been worn in of very strong paisions. N is it likely that s.i would reiui.n i. hful to bandf No; 1 am sure sue would not. rather a clever fellow, gueer cuee, .. depend upon u, sbe, ha 1 lowra. or married agtiu. In the latter ,<r a o not know req u .r-s litt e puiiiahn.en- Rather t after all,' 1 he .vtul, mumngly. 'lu.i.-. --. judging from OJ evidence., he seeuis hild 'ban i.eai him. Let him see that he wa--i wrong 'o to what he a vvmaii ,|.,|. and he will reui.iru ei tljis belter hur bus- ihan'li.- ermg. The m si.ikn gener- allv 'n.. IK l. 'h..: ha parent -.-.** nol the reform.i' .":i >f ihe child. L't.lize the nelf-resiiecl. the il- and one I'd like lo have a hand in; to unravel a mystery like would. a fellow, furia,*,. ,., tue^ '^. 'he might u.iv- ,U,be fee, , m of you, -on. ,ud daugh. ers for crime berseli, as husoaud.s are nol m.ike a tello'W's f"i : dim-. ihmge don't otfme my way, ouofouud lit !" Here hi* was interrupted by a knock at ihe door, aud his clerk, a red-heal- ed boy. with a large appetite and fear- ful dialike for work entered, with * Held in us grimy fingers. Iain waitin 1 . sir," said ihe -e.i- youtli. who breatbed hard in aa ap.<p|eclic manner. "rdun.Ud Mun- e. h," read Foster ou the card ; ' boml lib show bun LU, Uerk'es " Bviklea gi inr>ed,-vju .-vh -il, umi -b i - ly ..fterward* threw i.jjen the and aun.ianceJ "^ir Eoua.d teilh." If ever Ueralil foster got u shuck lu his iif it vvaj seeing the cu.n of his fancy transformd into tbe b.n.i- aoiue }' u-ng maa of leil.ty. There he si. >. I ai ibe door, bat in band, tail and --looking, quiet a diaunct l>eing (mm i Ik,' ordinary lounger of Regent foul of endangering ih.-n ne k-. for vvi^e- ho.vever [iretty. but iL sh had lovers. |.-p..iid upon it one oi them bel|>iiig thm to the right. Lei Miem ,^ P ihat you ara looking solely to (heir He tud ,nlm and that is reuso,. , much pe ng committed the murder for hor sane.' is l, a d for the .h plnsiciily and Ih-u's all very wel., ' s,il lional 1. .,,, ,;!y Let .,..,n e -e.1-.- . , ut. ,\e ujuat not be con- and they vvnli not :.e t h.i lass iffnc- with Now. g.'iieril rule (or the train. ng f -ii. .11 .-n s to ue your common to work in thu mtereit of h* uoor. Mou- a clue. Now, how are we to siarlf ' '. the idea of Capt uu lem- pietoa is beat" said c"stc., tho.. fuily.-"to look up the divo, M , (i (u ( . uii . ,. lll)VMOltUr dnd th . a "You do not reou'Uiuei 1; I bars are Joz-aa fail lo have a _ son or daughter are doiena of d.- vorce case* every year-we aie s.i -u a mur-il union, you know I , ,n l keep them ill in iny huad, but I wiil look it up." "And tbeuf" reach uol , "Iben I w ill see the solicitor* who - i.-te iu about Ventin; vou knew t h.- in.u. kmtw him, aud if your de* - tp Mtabliah .Stive i .md H.v de Park. Acut -me, I to H"n* tally, w* will**oou ion, Koier took th ni.s i.leniity.' "^n III i> ;.p."ll." ta I It'illal'l ill puiiently; "bui ha: foll.war Than we musi ,, n-l out where this Mil pise wife is 11 I.. \l il- i." s ii i H . i ! i irupt ly. n _-n mil he. by the time w- find out her burtbund's real name,' 1 suwl tbe baj-nete-r. cvoily; "don't nd what an bou- hurry, my dear boy. but when we dis- cover where she is, \v- in-ist set a de- tective on her to fin I <>u 'i uiove- The Pains of Kidney Disease Warn You Against the Most Dreadfully Fatal of Disor- ders. You Can be Cured by Promptly Using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. w h le of t hat stalwart figute ami hon- est i-i.uiiteuaiice in at a glance. .in,| wiiU the aaddeu 1. king i -f instinct ad- vanced toward* luin with letch- e.i hand. 'Mi. M me. h, 1 believe)" be S-M, AS Id n.U'i stpuwl into the luoui. "Ye*,' aus.veied Kunald, gi . w the pi offered baud- CAI firm gri| Aiuimliaii, ' 1 Mtut m.v lettei of in- tioiiui-iiun to you last uighl. " It- is bere," lepued i'oalj, point- ing to the table, as JtoualU took ij- Seat. "I am very glad 10 itee you. Mi. MOII- lnh. my father waa n great fneuxl of >nui talber'B iel Us hope 1 hu fneuu- sh.p will be hereditary. 1 "ll is very kind il vou to say so," s.u.1 Mouleith, in SOIIIK surpnae, "1 >ui i|uite a stranger lo yuu." "Vou are,' 1 answered i Ue young .r, "but 1 am a Mii.lent ,l La- vaier. ant I can lacee thtjiel i., I say, 1 U pe we ahuli le Ineii.i- "1 ui ceriain we shall," said Uonald, MM-X'LVL HliLPU. l)rax and sugar will disperse io*) n. nd. md isk all """ L t I' Mill remove ink . . . v li - -f in etfg well whi(Vd is .in . . ' Keeping IJuuer A g-.d pion for k-'i>.tiK i ir i- u the Mimuier i* a IHJX w. ih .s-.n.t t i one or two in. h. - t -ik the butler jare in ihf siiud, '..- ighiy wet tbe i A.I Or>el tile box air tight li ni-.y '. e kept m tbe cellar a ud . i To . Ink -If the scam- <M! .nii. -in lie .vi.->ii"l imniedi..ily in s. -<i aknd Ul milk for etveral h .. ... -n ',[ he holding out h* hunl, which the olner graitped again. '"\'OU h.ul I l..ea.s.iu Vipy.lg.(' .l*k- xl Ktjuu'r, in a coiiveraatumaL uian- neir. V.-ii .v,. for one mcidem " "Uli.s-u 1 know all alioiit " point iilg to the iii'vv.-)- IK : "I'm "f that Ins- a .!.< 1 have >illi<d t.o s. limut it." Pain i* nature's signal whereby she *a>rQA man of .ipproaching danger. Few disease.* are so dreadfully fatal aa disorders of the kidneys and few ire accompanied by more severe pain* and di<-ouifort. One 'f trie most common symptoms of kidney disease is the smarting. It-aiding sensation >v b-n pulsing w .Her. hich i* likely to fme veiy frequent ly in, I at inconveiieni i ime.s there is the dull, heavy, aching ill th*- small of lh bock and don the limb*. When these pain* are iccompanied by d*p<*ite in the urine after it has itood fur twenty -four hours you may be *ure that you are a victim of kidney dieeaae and should not ingle di.v in securing th* world's reJiteai kidney cure l)r Chase's Kidney-Liver Hills Take one pill at H done, and in a *ur- pi uoiugly short time you will be far on the road to recovery, for Dr. Chase's K dney-Liver I'ilU act directly and Coiptly on the kidneys, und ara cer- I to prve of great beuafit lo any "ii" suffering from irregularities of these organs. l>on't imagine that you are vxperi- I n v' v. In- n you u ... Hi Thise's K-il- ney-Liver Pills Irt'-y ite almost a* well known as bis great Heci|e H.uik, have nliiile some <f the most sni|., s ing cures ,,,' k.'lney di-ease <>M record arid have come to bt> consulere.l t h.- cmlv absolute cure for klni>y disenne. Mi .1 lines .s.inpson. Nev\coinb Mills. Ntu-thuiuberl and Cimnt v . Ont.. wi "This is lo certify tint 1 .s sick in bed the most of the tune for throe VH..I - \\ ,th kidney diM'.ise. I look ev- ei al h, \ f p,ll* ilifferenl kinds and n great many other kinds of ent medicines : besides ihii I \\ ,s un <le, treatment by fun r different dor tors during ths tiuin and not nble to work. I beg nil to take Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills .-nd since thit 'nne h;tve been working r>vry day, although a ma,n nearly 70 yer< of age. Dr Chase's Kiitney l.ivei Pills have cur- ed me." Dr I'hase's Kidney- t.ivr Pills, one pill i dose. J.i cents n box, at alt deal- ers, or Kdui.iDMUB, Bate* St Co., I rooto. "Kill" b'ntie.i. sitinig up in hia Cll.i.l, "by Jove I lli>|>.. yil I put tile caae in my way. 1 wua jut iJiuik- .ng bi'fore you c.uue in wiui; a aplemlid chance U v\a tu mako a u.nue. if one only h ul the r.use." "Well. Mr. l'\u-i . s-i l Ki>uald, slowly, looking koenly at him. "I mi v.-iv much iiUM'-ntrtil m the cam-, is Yxutiu. waa an mtimaie fneitd of mine, and a* no one thai I cm he,, i of ia going to try and clear up l !i<- tiiv.sitTy of bj.s dc.uJi I am going to Uike duty on my own aftouJde.r*." "I see," observed Koslei , nodding sagely; "and you want helpC "I do yoar heip. N ou (vhall have it." ciiel Ka*ter, iitpnWively: "a subtle ce like (hi* i* what I require to make my name.. \i |UisBMil 1 am a briefless bar- rister. but give nw> tbe i-h.ince and I'm all right. Aiohim.l<M> wanted i \viuUI wheiemu to l .i hi* lever au*l meuts on that n :> v hen the mit- der was commit i"d. .1 h" i i cuuut for i h" ly your theory inunt fall to t h. gtouad." "But if she can if' ('outer nhiuggel bis shouHeis. "Then we must be. guided by cu- . uuisiauces; we can hardly arrest a woman on i h unsung Hvidance. it is a verv ilifficult case, and we m.i*i b* careful '' "When \viil you look up tlim di- vorce catef" "To-day, and let you know all about it to-mol row , uieair- you bad better come and lunch al nn ' tub." 'Ill i nk vou veiy much,' K n aid, blushing: "if you will lei me away immediately ,:te'waid* I have to muke a > 1 'Certainly,' 1 repl e-l b\'*iei. g ing t bin rump. 1 1 ins 1 tiln fa e stain , pear; or washing th .mill. -Hi i e y IU v illegal th* :\f.i 11 A<>up, will remove it. .Mildew : . , ping t b* n|ioiM in bulleimi.k and p in the suiish ne -ii will give a better polish and - Itfel if I|H.i|if||l ipf |>,-. ij.ii ...i i ,0 , v ui -..i.i...i 10 one .JIM I I Sjilt will |>ie>i-nt nM<tbi>. Kid gloves, limits. l>i^s ITU) rusty IMS k ci'e,r* are gmiiiy 11114. toved by applying ivith a a|>onge ,, 'eap.iou- ful of sweet oil. two of black ink. i I\\ ' Inv Hi, Is ihe vv i -i V.M .ue given lheir lj,e,,| m i |-,. fi>i ui of t ,ii,l i h.-rv an- m ' too* ;ii"i . n l w b.v this is done. I ast- mg lue id un . . ..nitss b- , as they wfiit 111 bo i. h.< s going 1 . )1({ ,. u ..,,.;, , hr s ,,,,|, 'viiin.-ui D - fi nigh :-.-- || .,.. , , ... , .,, . . ,.. , .,_ - 1 inc.,,i and liii- more ih"!<>ugu v they are tiMsted not iMHiu-ii. In' .still '-hingi'd lo a .|.., v i i-i'lor it will he found ie be I tvn-sily ,hge-led t U.. n the i-,. V '.i.lSi. ing .11 Monteith 'What parent ly h" man he is" To be Cuuitnued. l-;\i t si. Onxtomer ll.tve \ on my dates. Laxy c-lerk We iHighi to h.iv" ronrhl here nomcvv hci e. I'll see if I run find 'em. I'u.siipiner. aeveuNtl m miles later Haven't vim found tbeju yetf Surely it >"u have :uiy you Hlionld know il. Laay clerk -1 know I nug-ht. lady. 'ni- I've got an awful poor oM-moi v (" date*. i in INI; Ur loulun -\Vh-it iU you consider the ni'vsi trymg thing in tbe world "ii a IIM n s |.,i .n. .-f Mr. Siitib.ibs \v,.;i I should say it wan i i n; to om.ike t !m stub of a in 11- i K.I c .ml w- oh ihe dishes at the wine lim. I \\o K V.-'i -\LADS. "h- Hi,, -i id. '>,. . inpa. \\ ish in, | cut in Mak-- sng of tvv" egg.s. \vn.;...s lxsi',.,1 first t li.-n v,ks . J.l.-.l ..n,. i ible.spounful "il added slowly "lie teaspoon- fill eacb sail and pe|'i>' . -m- half cup "'g i r and a little mustard. Stir on stove until it tlm-kens ami add ' ti"p|'ed lell nice. i ne . i.l. Kor nne large lo of ard:ne take s,x hard eggs, drain <>ff the .... ft ihe fish, remove In. k- bone. tail and nk n fid mix thorough- ly wuh ihe .-gg FH'm-,.,1 fine; season with pcpp.-r ami .salt. Serve plartl. iv : th viuogir ->r mayooaaUsM J leaning. S