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Flesherton Advance, 30 Aug 1900, p. 2

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HOW PALACE JYAS TAKEN. Chinese Asked for an Armistice and Then Attacked Legations. A despatch to ton London Morning from 1'i-k.n, via Cbefoo, says that the Tsung-li-Yamen on August 12 irquled a conference with the at that IK) nt. " The Indian troops broke down mnd rushed the gale and 1 entered with cavalry and guus. 1 then sent other cavalry and the Punjab Infant r to the Miniiteri, with (be view to bringing J Temple of Ueaven to secure our left flank and camping ground, and with about peace, the request was refused, j M there was notjody on either side ' wh-> w is autlKtrittwl to trt-at. Tint night there wa the longest fusillade the other corps pustidd on towards the Legations. " At 3 o'clock we got on tbs canal MARKETS OF THE WORLD Fricfs o Cattle, (heese. Grain, fee In the Leading Mar.<eu. Toronto. Aug. 28. At the Western Cattle yards to-day there wu total 'I 47 loada. including 200 cuttle, 700 hugs, and 2oO sheep and lambs. Toe market was dull, and prices re- mained unchanged. Tb/e majority of tJM offerings were left over. Some choice lots of export cattle were offered, but there was very little choice eggs are l riming 13o, but the usual run is from 12 to 12 l--'e. No. .' hot weather ei-gt sell at 9 to lOc Dealers here :>: imyiiig choice eggs at lie delivered. Potatoes An easy market, nud lower prices looked for. At farmers' waggons dealers h'-re aro Buying at 30 to 35o, and sell out of store at i 1 mil 40 to 4">r per Im-h Beans Chi ce, hand-picke'l leans are worth from |1.70 to |l.75. Honey Firm. Dealers are paying A to 7c, outside. Deilers quo'e from 8 to 9o per Ib. for 3. 10, or fiO-lb. tin". trading. Prices remained steady at Crm '' honev '' ells here sl ' W to81 ' 75 ft.HO to 5.12 1-2 per cwt. ! '"" <loj * n '"'. In butchers' catlle tbe supply was . Dllecl nay-Very i.ttle being fcroufrht equal to the demand. Choice aelectiona I here - No ' ! t'">y will bring |8.75 of the siegn, the firing lasting twelve opposite the water gate and were aig- were qootod at 94&J to $4 SO per cwt. Inferior grades were practically an. saleable. In shape and limba hours. On August 13 the Tsun-li-Ya- ' nailed from tbe wall held by the Le- nten Legged to be excused from bold- gut toners. Ing a conference, saying tbe members "1, with a portion of tbe staff and were too busy. Later tbeboird wrote aeventy Indiana, ru'beil across tbe al- that they had forbidden further firing moat dry moat and entered through on tbe Legations, and that they would the water gute without lo*ta. \Ve found court-martial anyone who disobeyed, all well in the Legation*. Macdonald but that evening there was tbe sharp- immediately allowed me around tbe po- est general firing. Many sheila fell Hitionn with tb view uf further ac. In the Legation. Fifteen hnu Ire.) Am- lion. ricans attacked (be Imperial police "In Ihe meantime our field artillery on AUK. 15, and captured the four bad been brought up to bombard the u u '^f u P < . r *' Choice" do ' 400 points. The American flag is flying central gate of the Tartar city; but a IluU her, medi., to good. 325 en the Imperial granary. Tba Imper- sorti l.y the Amet ic-itv* and Kus.-.i ins Butcher, inferior. . UI Bank ha Inien 1" of th/ tjjrriAon along ilia wan sntici- Sl ckera, per cwt. . GEN. 0.\-;|-:LKKS lti:i'OHT. pa ted the bombardment, and Ibegate A da.-patch from L mdJn siys : T.en. Ml inL> our handa. the offerings were moderate, sad the) demand alow. Choice export sheep were quoted at $375 to fJ.20 per cwt. . The bK market of Ihe arrival* being held over Folio wing ia the range of . tiona: Cattle. $ 5 12 13 4511 IH 2 o L'OU Sheep and Shrep, per cwt. Spring l.i iu Iw, each. ee. tha cominsnder of the Bri- , "Two field tfuna were then broatrht Bu , ks ti.h forces st Pekin. has telegraphed 'n to tb Legation, and the rest were to the War Office as follows: n t back to the Temple of Usaven. "At a conference. August 12, it At about five iu the afternoon the An- Calvea, each was agreed that th. nll.ei sbout-l con- r'<*n. under Gen llnffee, entered eentrata within five miles of Pekin, th * Legation, and then we moved on 14, and the assault should he- '" w: 'rds the central gate of the Tar- g.n August 15. The attack, however. tar citr for tb * Di ut - eommonced early in the i,,.,rn ng of " O) nightfall we bad four hupdied August 14, and our troops had to make * m " u in lne Legation" forced mir-h ..f 15 milei from Tung- : Here apparently aome words are ebow m great bea.t. "During the evening at tbe Temple 37T> 9 M r cwl. . . - '<* Milkers and Calves. Cone each,. . 2500 315 275 425 875 300 6010 800 Uogs. per cwt. per cwt. "We .r on the eztr ue left, and attackeu the sou'L-east gate of the of Heaven w. were engaged, and. af- Chine--'* city r h v ,< i i , in illy no ter inflicting heavy luasea, we occupied opposition, as we uere uot expected the aouth gate of the city " 1 Out i 1,,-e-t in tbe Buutbern pi- continue. Tha Cnn-tuu station ait igtik was de*tr->>ed on A an.t tbe native t'hi .- . . ti > were made A d>*p<itch frotn llong Kong, aays; pr..->ner* and tortured I he moli .)e- W|ft, g A promoient reformer h-ia obtain- uianded a rani.oj o( Jil t ilf* for e .ch Whit. i>riog. pi .autier. Several ] 4 na- YUWG LITS OATH. Swore lo Murder All Ihe ior gntn With Aid oi Boxers. Choice bo^a, per cwt. (iOO fi 28 Lihl hotre, per cwt. 51^1-25371-8 Sorts 300 300 8Ugs 200 225 i UK snti-:i;r M VHKEI. Two hundred bu-h-N f fill, read and whit.-, w.-r n-il,! on the atraet tol.iy at 70 to 71c per bu.sli.-l; one load of bu.rl.-y hoi I fur {1 1-Jc per, two biinlr.-d Im-irli of oita .-ie *.| 1. the -Ml bi lu^inrf 3-c and (h new ^80 pr bish -1 Another lirge b-ijr m-irket preva.ll ii.-,l.iy, twnnty Umda l> i:.^ s. .1.1 at fruui flJ i<> IlljO per ton. , wit , tr I, 9 to 89, outside. Ilil.-l Sirnw fir lots are quoted at 95 to 65.50, on track. Hops Sell at al>out 12 to ISe for Canada, 'Ufl's. ed frosn the Vara. runner* u letter Irum Groexnl Yung-Lu. coalman-. vrtr '* ''- :lhead- In-chief uf the North-rn srmies. to ** '' ">e ran- . aot forth- Uits. ..Id. c-nnmanding coining. I n General Tung-Ku-.-i.jn th K.n-du troopa. aaymg- "II KI not convenient to accomplish Pkin. and arc devastat og the dim- By secret ordere," and pro<-eeding: tii-'ts on their way. "The foreign devils, counting their warship* II if. "II. pr ton. Uiy, iuw. p>-r too. per ton. . tupcnur atrength in and funs, have dared tu exert all the.r pow--r to rob and inAult us, but their oui irr small and entirely de- pendent on the fb.neie pt oiluctions. China n.w posi.-s.vs cann .n and t .1 - s LIEUT. COKDUA SHUT. Lord Roberts Continue.! Death Pen ally and He Wa> ixecuud \ <|,-b fria 1're.toria. says: snd p,,i,y of well-trained Irani*. 1 , ., , ^ , founil i|t don't fear tJ*. foieigners. In tbe case rf ^ in , ,.. ,. ^ iuur ^ r of S.n-Mun. I refund It, y. with tb. ,, liM-h M 4n< , iW|irl 1 , >n , ,. resull thai nolhiug waa taken. It is , MM . 1l , ^ .,..,., , ,,,,, , ,, evident thai the foreign devils are ' ,, , _ Hol>eru.-..ii.-.i limit mill., finding. nutter, ia Ib. r.'lli. . Kggs. now I ii-1. . . . Chickens, per pur urkey, pr Ib. , . Ducks, e-ich . . P . per bu. i-i.l.|ii . r'.-ri. . H">-f, t -r. . n Limb, spria*. pr Ib. . UTtl OuO O.fl 03J OllO OoO i:*j uou t> -o ?.r. DIM 013 (150 11 030 03'. 701 4 H i 5..0 500 OU f 7- 1-: u7l 1-.J 1-1.1 U7J u .U 0.8 U II 1-2 I.i .u 1350 10 00 80i) U19 OU OSO Oil m i (MO 90D u 760 700 I-J DAIRY MAHKKTS. Butter There is a better move- ment, and values are ate idy Dealera \\eie sellinir to rettnlera to-day a.s fol- i TRAGEDY NEAR QUEBEC, MAN ANU WOMAN SHOT DEAD ON THE STREET. i... .. l>. ,. ; . .1 o ,i ,,r ii,.,,,,. .nil klllea "llli It i l.i In II. r trn,. A despatch from Monte b1lo, Qua. says: A. man i.mi-1 SI MI ^ l.icroii i hi ifternnon shot and kil'i-d i ml in eld-rly man n i med J linn 1 1, l.i ro.\ ind hi* wife have not livee ' for -nine little t tine, th- I i>. TI/ iii Hull. This morning ah* 1 1 i n, nut in HIM u". leinooii f.:i,-roix procured a i,-...|\.-r ind went to i h-' home wherw hn wife hid ^rofle un her irr.vil. H either --d bur out of Hi.- house or the w.iin in l in nit . when he shot her d>- id "n t . , hiddtii^- II.T mill . h II in her arms at tbe Imt tha cli. Id -i.i nut injured H- then ^h'> 1 Thumis who hi I rill- h- h .'He i fr minutes before. Ihniiii, walked a fe\v hundred f t after l.emg shot, nnd th.-n fell de i.|. The murder. -r tunic retuK-i in .1 bun <M close by and re'iise.l tu (five himself up. Later in tbe evening, however ha waa secured. DE WET BURIES HIS GUNS. Gets Back In Orange River Colon) With 300 Men. A despatch from London, aays: The War Office baa received frutr I. [! Koberta ih.- following: I' i 4. .. p >i t.s from llammau.skraa thit>-n-I''>w.-.ll engaged Grobler'i rear guard all day yesterday, (Jroblei wua driven buck aat of Pienaar'i river. n-l' .A.-,, occupied tbi i of thai name.. During Ibe fight Uaden-l'oweU'a advaoOe force and that of th enemy galloped ciptumi 25 U ! ami a ijurmin ar-| into each oth.-r. the Rhodeaiana losing Colonel Sprekl.-y and four men killed and eeven wounded. Many of tb Boexa were killed or w >unded. They were at Cyf.-ik.iil thia morning. I'luovr tii.l ll.ckm-iu were cloaeli pur.-u iu them- "It M*mi oertiin that '* Wet, finding it bopeJeau to make his .iy e-.stwarl, ha.t recroaaed the Mag iliea- be<rg with a tew wounded, with tbe of returning to the Ortnge "B.-P." AGAIN SCORES. Rescues 100 British Prisoners and Captures 26 Boers A <ls|iteh 'i-'in I. iiidun Mys Ih' n\\ - iiih \fi,.-i run.sista of ! i t in ..'U'-tl I.. li . |..;i-l'..u .]! in I ti-MU-.r I I'.irf'-t f'>r |>r.-- . ner- ul I) \V.-t g<4ng ens-t an I >.inin^ l lie 01 he-l Ul-T ^'etl,-l ils. 1).- \Vet : Dortnl to hive criwxsenl ih-i M-({ -ilie-.- ith.>ul wiggon>, asing L puth. Ih- limn in th Vry- diatrict i r.- .U-MV-. I h-y are r.iiuitf in N'-rtb^rn N.itil. and have. in. unt.vl a (run on i h Itin-viil aide of th- II iff I i -ivt-r near Dannhiu-f r, Ireh r mm ui i - . -vay. 'I h- f .. b >-en re- ! it t h- \Vir Offio fr-iu I. 1 It. I. - fr-'in I'rvtnr. i. lit l.-n ell rtv-wile. 1 iu- 'iu-ilt-1 llritish prU J at W.i i m 11 1 Mis vii)<u-n .'-', and Hilary "Bullet's <-i-u.l iif* August :il were aeiVi-n men kill-^l, ind Ci|>' Kller-haw and Jl mnn wounded, and five mi "Kil< b.-ru-r, Aunu.-.t Ji. h i-l ei k 'ht c-n.s-iLiltieM. "Wbii rt-c.a-i.Ht riuu in the Kouritlf v.ll y. Hu.bll- f- uii-l ItU.iNM niiin.l.s ofl iniiiiutijt *! Imriil. " lh" c- lumn-s pursuing lt Wet m i-i- wn/lerful mir.h.'-. OokkBal Mi.-kliuion c-iveu-ej .Jl miles in U Kivwr Odouy. II* is in a vary dif- d.iy." fe.i.-nt condition from when be A dmtputah to tho Standard from l"ft lt-t hleheox v. Uh .six <v eight guiu -ii, aajra' "liewnl ff General llt-ien- D wt, aivl J.OOO men. '}' bwen buti*l HU guns hav unl hti per*>ml fol- w hi-, juncii .n iih ib* l'iu cannot be mors than 300. boly of I h eru'tuy. !)- \V.-t ibni-l- hi-i trni.s|.rt and took t bills, bin oomm iiklo 'lis|nm 1^. some. ti- kkiug awmi h. Ltirxl Kitchener has lei UIK -I to I'reloria." "It small " elated thit Steyn witb a bodyguard has crosaod I'ie- rivwr oiu hU way to join Kru- WILL REATTESTTHEM. Militia Department's instructions to Lol- Otter. eowarda. I anil 1'rince Tuan recently obtninnd tbe help of millions of Holers magic boldnesa. 1 swear to murder all foreigners, with tbe aaaiat- anc* of lb lluxe.ra, who aia auppliod with arm*." General Tung-Ku-Sitin. in hU reply, which waa a. so obluined, saya he if of Ihe aamt opinion, and pUcea the Kin-Su Lruops at lieucral Vung-Lu'a duipoaaL ALL DE WET'S WAGGONS. To/ether With Three Gun Train. Captured. A .1,-ejMli-ll fli'lll I'lelill . i. m U Wei Ii IA he, 'ii pi - v en 1 1-<| ft in j iniiK In- I ui s \\ilh iii Ci n i i 111 . .1 (i HI i II I, n |'.,u,tll bis h. i.l.-.l nfl ind .,1. M...I ill hn 'I !l. HiMini :ire le|~.i u run- Si>l I .1.1.- lliiinli-is in. I | uni, n^ in muidiMVi nt I. . ht.-ulini i{ in. I tin- lull l h i n t". ' oll-lll I 111 UIIIS Hid ,11, 111', II ,|| lull .1 ll.s I'.ltf. ' III. I Illdl-ll I 1 Sll I. ft.-. I i li.. f.irn-.s of t..-n..| n lie U || Biiiiii.l.iy. aiM iel. .-.-d luu Hritish ! iii-m I h.-v . ,|- in . ,| ",ii ||,.. i . mi I ,. w i I. ... ti.ti, l i .mis. I In llin.i .in- n-iriMi ng it the onrlh. Iii. Htii,-li t 'iiii.s..ji it llmks nt.i- ttim \ is coiifroiii e.| \>\ i l|.. r foi . , Who minil in I d I hem lo AIM i end,- > BOERS ARE MOBILIZING. Botha. With 8.00" Burghers, Is at Machadodorp. A despatch from TwyMaar, aays;- A deaputch from Ottawa, aays : The Tbrough secret intelligence agents thi that tl.-n The ^.IIJ-.M! .lei-htii-sl. ind tbn Hoe is fuilisl to itiMik 'III.- d.iiiind is U- L ! I., li.iv. U-eii rii.iH to cover O.4II/U i IK) i ill l) W.-i '* i nun lo the Oi >i.|<e HIVI Colony. BLACK FLAGS^MAIRCH NORTH DevastatlnK Vlllaifes on Their Way con in v -HOT. A <lei.pir.-b f i , m d*pat.-li lo i be. 1'iiitiii News fn.m I'lelot i .s:i\n tint I. lent Ci.rdni w .is MI-- Ihi.i.vl.v. SI.S I KM K AI'I'JUJVKl) IN 1.0MION A .l..spit.-h f i .-in I i.n-l >n preAM K'-n t i !v .pptn.-s the exe< if Coidn.i. Tbe l>uh fb r n i<- le .iloii- .l.-l 1 MM I'- 1 iii|Miii.>n of the deith IK-iiiMy. uh.-h it is so un like ( lt..lern ihit it dtniN-ctit .1 u is d;i r ii -.1 In '.id, -i A from KIIIJ- lanil. STEP NEARER SI. HELENA. Paul Kru^er's Proclamation Counter to lhat ot Co^ei . . A .Itvp'tch from Imiiliin, Purulent Ktuger, iicoonliiig to a ,- i-li fi.Mii Lon-tuo Muiiiii-1 to ' li I) ily KXIM-.-.VI, bu iaaul a pro- rl iiu.iiiu to the latest pro- clamation L-u-uavl by Lord Itobvrta, The Trantivual President aaya: "It will help you nothing to lay down your urm,- or tu leave, (ho coiu- IIIIIL.|.. Kvnry n ep bomewan' a step uearer St. Uolanu," lows: Ui.ry. tubs. 17 to 18c for choice, periutl of service of the firat oontin- Britlab uuthuritii* larn 14 to l&c for second quality; small gent will terminate in October, and in I -u. Uoth.i, the I i.n.l .n. aays; A ] d*\tj, Ib prinU, 18 lo 19c; creamery, reply to Ool. Otter'a request for in- of the Bo>r fore**; Gen. Luc&a Meyer WILL REMAIN IN PEKIN. Foreiirn Ministers Not to leave ihe Capital A <le*patch from . iflawuni-officially ^late-l lint tin- Mini lvra will re-main in P. km I In- Chin- ing (li.- Fi.reitf'i Offii-e and v nnly t-n- Voiirin.; in indniv the nni.'iil to accept I.:-llun-(1i in's iii.diition -Disorder In South Continues. "" <l " ; "" < "" 9+** . . . stateanea hnve b*MD murdered except A 'le pitch from llnnif si\* , 1 . 1 1 u iiii -l h i ng. tubs and bozua, JO to 21c; Ibs , 21 to C'heeae Uwilera bere quoting new at llo. TIIK CIIKKSK MAHKI-:i> IlrockvillH. Out Aug. 28. At (he Cheese liixird to-day 2.402 boxes \\ . boarded, ot which 1,320 were colour- alructions, he will doubtless be advised th commmdr of the Orange Fre to reat teat tbe men for further State foroea; and Un. Scbalkourger abort lertn in tbe field should they be Vio-I>raident of the Transvaal Re- r.- iuirt.1 In official eirclea it U not public, wiib eight thousand Boera o>n.sid~red any of the men-much us i h, TO aa *v. m bld at Machailodorp. gen Uteir friends would like to aee th*m in e ri!ly understood to be the headu,uar UuaineaM was not the butt <>f- I, l>,i-,. HhitU. v.My brisk, 10 1-Jc f i At thia price McGregor bought 3UO coloured and 90 white; Derby- bire, 340 coloured and 200 white; 185. ii, Ang J8.-Special At th i ii-. M lizard 31)9 boiea of white and 44 j bxe.s of coloured c-h.-esn were Ixwrdt-d. 'I hi buyers were Messrs. t'.uiada again will aak for Ilunr cbarge, although they u I be en- titled to it. 'Ihere ia just a possibil- ity ih ii the ie!.iueut will be ordered borne before Oi.jlier. Lieut. lA-clestuiie, in charge of tbe Canadian postal corps in South Africa, writing to Or Cuultor, Deputy Poat- maati -General, atates that f>ergt. K. Johiialon, of Winnipe/g, a member of P 08 '" 1 has been invalided to - lft r overe attack of enteric Sc,,it. Murphy, Alrxand.-i , Thompson. fev * r ' Murray, of tbe London divi- aion, bad l>een det-u'ed fur duty with tbe Canadian Mounted Hifle-v ind has !!..-.- I and Crawford. Mr. Alexander bought boxos uf cb.-eau at 10 5-8c a Ib. Tbe bidding started at UK-; in in,- salesmen refused 10 UOU.S AM) I'HU\ ISUiSS I. in -n .ill provisions, Bt-<l bogs iun-1 Hi Lard very firm. At f.iunei.f' \\ i,;,;.>as cho>>e will bring $7. JO to |H. u n.i, l UK to quality, for butcher*' uflo. PKOUUCK. ( piovi.-ions areasfol- lows- Dry halted shoulders, 7 to 7 l-^o; lung clear liautm, car lots, 8 l-2i , tun lots, 8 l-2c ; cans lota, 88-lo to 9c; sLorl cuti pork, flg.50; beavy meaa, VIC.5U. .smoked iaeat.-<~Uums, heavy, 11 l-2c; medium, 19o ; light, 13 l-4o ; breakfast iiaoou, U to 12 I-Jc ; picnic hams, UK-.; mil liaoon, III I-Jc , stuuke.1 backs, i-. All meats out of piokle lo le-.-i thin prices quoted for smoked meats. Lard Tierces, 61-4 to 8 l-2c; 8 1-2 to 8S-le; pails, ^8-4 to 9o. Eggs Offering free, ill. .ut much cbaoge. and market Some real ter.s of I'us dent Kriiger. on the I're ' -i i-Ut:lagott bay railroad, with th whole Uoer artillery, including the' hvy pwcea formerly at 1'retoria. WILL POUR IN TROOPS. Capture of Pekin Makes No Diffet ence to Russia. A despatch from Odessa says: Tbe capture of Pekin will not mike tbe slightest difference in the regular de- spatcb of Rusaiao troops to tbe far Tbe military authorities con- 30 PLOTTERS BEHEADED. i hey Were Armed WHh Old Muzzle Loaders and Policnnvii s Whistle. V <lwpu(ctl ft MU L 'IvllMI, NIJ, It Ui i.-i.t t, I m ^h.i^hii Hnl Vi.- I'll ill^ fill lull,' i Ir : i > nf-ini-i- n||, io burn iho cily ..f II I "-'i b i I ui I I iniu/i . | ' n i tlTOS hundred i> I lO lew. A f-\v th U-.HII jdie j bi<l it In, . v ...... en- plotting ui^.m : |, , . which rendered aucb good -serv.ce that hehasi tinue to cb-irter extra troopships ir i* en recommended for promotion to I ever y available quarter. Fifteen trnns- .he of aeigeant-major. India baa ports are now in i>ertb here, destined v-i U ,i postal contingent of four d u ~k> for tbe East. The suburban camps inliM-s to South Africa to look after 111.- Indi.i work. The Australian p-t :| men quit aurting letters to get into the fighting line, with tbe nwult that they nil to he rep. iced with an- thi-r poata! stuff fum Vustralia. The I'.iuidiuii poaial corpa ulands as the pioneer contingent from the colonioo and their good work is v.arm.y com- mended. nnd city barracks ur troops arriving for embarkation Troops from a number of tbe centra and north'Tii ('niveriimetil s are ar- riving bere on account of the conges- tion of military traffic on tha .an railway. IHE FORBIDDEN CUT Its Fate Left to the Decision of the Government!. \ il..*l> iti-h fit-in Loud ui. MJTI \ li t" i In- It iilj r.-i.-tfi iph from I kll. ll llvit AllsTUHl il, .H.IVH t||. || | l-i lifel en o| M ii l i- 1 -, i II I i' -net lU on tint ,1-iy d'iMi.le.1 to lefet Ihe ,| U e. limn I'.-.itinif "i> ihe file of tli t Ki:rl:i.|.)eii ( .: . ' " I h ft nine.n's. Tie c> re |<m ent , it i ..d let), -ire retuiuin^. bvvr>lUnig w IJUX-U FAITH. A hipp.r child r.lava on ihi- door And iu<4* kla h.iMki atH sing-*, * naught nt ani-ient Ion Ana n.tiichl of Wnrldlr Oitnffl; But faith it in hi- hrirt, and whem 'Til rii ik : . .ray. Aid what II a 1 [he lure of m<-n. T faimt fruit n4 brush or pen. Ajun.i ||. , faith I, too, OOUl- the crat nthr.lii! dual A poor i'! wi.nun si-mita, A Itranifpr i-ntc wi.rl.lly lore, With kin iinl. ure.l liamla! But faith ia routed in ln-r hmfft, Rim bran ihr I,, !i above, A ...-r liij* are prut. when 'tli m. fit .l,r for* to r-^t. Trinnii>i.ant:v u-i>evtn im ktr Raviour'a koly Oh. MIL wlut li the lore you track! Oh. man uf wienre, all Tb wine ronrltiffion* that you Ar- pitiful and iiniall BH!<- the fat 1 to of him who pl*ys > I Inr ." r th* failb of her wh-** .layl Were aunlraa if atir rniilil not raiw Tht lxx,k to tnjtinj lip* U any An at tin- (bar) -8. K. Kim i* Chlcaco TlmM-Berakl. ;:> i-M-H-H-l-l- H M' II M-'l' I I ! I-l-l- EVER. Hi The Sony Justification of Mus Pot'.er's Ju i^riitnt i I , BV OWEMOOLKN OVBRTON. --------------------- :: l-!"!"l"l I 1 ! 1 ! l";"!-!-!-:-:"l"H-H-l It is all a niistaWi' tu -'.i>; .- that good luditnii'M and a level head are the out- come "f I'xpi-ri.'iire. They are born, not I ijuii-i il. The Dmn uf thi- w..rl.| wlio bus tried all things and held fat that whi.-h Is bad insj go all t'i pi.-i >< oTr sume Uenrietta tbrouicb who* wile* the Kreeu boy from the country Jiitrirt would see In an insiaut. Tike capitalist and the bank president fall victim* to quite H* Oiany buuko came* an the farmer and the cowl.i.j. And th snnia lack of rule b. ids (o.>il in tha world of H.-IIU-U. The blushing iiiai'li'B from a r'rrmn convtut may be quit* as able to tak* i-ara uf her- clf a the youug wumsn whu hsi ab- surlied iiinderii tictinn, wen meu and manners "( many niirti and bven given h. r own h. ad in all things. It in a mat- t>-r of couiuinn ntii4v and iotultinn. aud it all depends upon the girl. Kut Misa Porter's father did not sea that. I IV had I henries to the contrary, and be Ix-lii'vrd iu letting a girl from her earin M iniam-y sea all be wanted of the world, that, having attained to maturity, Shu wight bu able to judge accurately for herself. It was a comfortable theory, mom VIT. aud saved Judice 1'orier trou- ble. T ' it-re w. -n- tlne . n tain ui-igbbora and tn.-ndt o( little MIHS Porter's da- -iMd uiuthi-r- who nutild not sdmit tbst it wan a theory at all. Th. that I'nrti-r neglected bin only child i:id k-l hi-r lun wild. At the age uf 6 little UUa Porter was a gourn.i-t. mnoked her cigarettes with an air aud swure tjm-utly. But at the aga i'f M ha was as inuoreut, if s igoorsnt, a> tbv aforesaid convent Bsiden i piipularly nupposed to be. It wan at this pi-riod that sbf tm-t Calverlcy. lit- was English aud band- Some and agreeable. One of her not rn- tin-ly iiuubji'i tiouuble girl frirniU had pri'sruted bun. and after the i-u>inin "f America, and m >re especially of tha v , iiothintT fuitliwr wan nect-iwary. If M.> Porter thought about it at all, she thought it would have been tba height of fully aud iiihonpitHlily to have ak. d further questions. She had to mauaga all those little matter* ulono. Judge l'i tier believed that ihe was equal to it by reason of his tru.uinn. aud, bt-aldes, he lii'l other thingi tu attend to. But by ami by one of the aforeitaid friends of her mother decided, after tnurh prayer and fasting, ilmt it was her ob- Tious duty tu warn Mini Porter, niin'e thrre was no one else to do It. Hha trembled at tha ne<-^ny ('ure. in > days of Miss Porter's tendi-r lnf.iii.-v, Some other good advice had been met with a storm of bad;i-. at (he u.-'iw memory of which the guod lady bad shuddered and vhrivelrd ever hin.-e. But that had been I'.UK v ii~ ' f<nv Miss Porter's lanuuaice was moderate Dow, not only moderate, but aliifhtly British, s appeartd when she mvived her mother's friend sod led her tu a cor.v corner and prm-eeded to brew tea. The 5 o'clock tea habit hud never been very strong with Mi>s I'mtrr. I'otibtlm It was ain'thcr re--n!t of tlie iutliienrc uf I'alverley. who was just then in the libra- | ry across the hflll mokiug and reading and mukinti hiii'self eulirely at home "I saw you st the theater the other Blcht," becxn the drier woman. "Yen." Hi.l Miss Porter. "Wlio ws the man you were with?" It was the vcnudal of Mist Porter'* let win. h wiis a K.'.'.I "in' in ppite of ail- that s-lie did wiilu.ut chsporoiiR up > most o.-cBsinus. "I dare say it was Mr. Calverley." -.aid Mis-. 1' if.r. Sh,- knew t " us. inn! so did the .'ther. Tjilvi-rleyV !>.. I knuw him? Wht b tba rest of his name?" Mis Porter tried no! to look proud as h. spoke the Konorous sylluMps slid em phnnized Ihe b.ipiien. "It was Cilin Clayton (.'alverlr-y," Mbf snid. "h!" said her mother's friend. "Alia* Where is he Irom?" He wa from KnuUnd, from London. "Oh!" she said nunin. "And who is heT MISK 1'oiler infoimed her that he was wi II connected splendidly conne. i,..l. Sh* wss a little vague, but that was I.e. tux* the could not keep all the names at her SOMETHING QUITE NEW- CEYLON QRBBN TEA U mo flavor as Japaa, only more deliciou* <. How haal she met him? It was bernra Ing aVeidedly cross questioning, sn.l MISK Turter raised her brows. Them ws the same look In the bnh.v blue eyes tenenth them that had pre.eded the evil langmim yesrs ago. But Kba was quite deadly civil now. "1 met htm through a Mem! Were you at tha da nee. last night?" the asked. "I'll tell you aboat that later. Tell me About Mr. CalverU-y Brat, dear. Are yon perfectly ture snout fitmr One nni to lie so careful of these Kn^liiibmen who are Dot properly aerreili'ed." Mis I'orter latiKhed a haiiirhty Is-ich. Not properly ueerediled. indeed! A I of (he prince, a relative of mote or le half the peersce. on ni.-kname terms < i'h all sorts of dukes mid lords and tliin a man of his prfeetly appar- ent IIH:III>! Not properly aeeredited, m- di-. d! Her r'l.'ike was terrible, thnimh brief. She nientioi.*H her own judum- ut and knowledge of the world, and '.er mother's friend withdrew, huffleil, yet VmbtiBg. A* he went she . a ^ht sight of Cal- verley In a big leathern ehnlr before th tire, smokinic hit hrier pipe, and thai ni-'lit ha told her buitbaiiil about it. "What ian .lohu Porter be I Linking of?' 1 ahe demanded. "1I:> owu troiililes perhaps," he t-tiif- gested. '"ITie man U lakiug posaemion of the whole pla.'-e." Her li.isli.iiid dropped into poetry: "Ilia t**\ . 'inswi-pl hearth he Irnu* I' roll.|K.. Till. HI., .writ . .11 l.v <lovm ( He . ^ii.|.a at aufferani-v un tin- - The SpHiiish is bad, but the senti- r all there." "S.. me om oiijlit to put a stop to It." "I'oii't jnii In- the Koiui* one. then. Let her work out her own salvuliun. If ha i iu lov with him. she'll do as she likea; if she isn't, it won't matter." Tin-re wiis presently no doubt about j her being in love with him. She was frank in most thing*, was Mian I'or- ter. There was but one matter iu win. h , she could bring herself to dissemble, and i only then U-.nuse < alverley i in pressed i the great n'ci-muty for it upon her. lle> ' explained that thotiuh be luted her 'o madness and tnuM tunny her, then. wer | soiuetunes reatious whi.h Ameri.-aiia .-..iu. I uot understand why il was best it I KtiKllshmen who ere friends of the { prince, mid so very well eonneeted as he I was, to keep their marriage* seeret for a time. The girl from the French conveni might i harv .-en tlirougb that. Hut Mint Tor- , ter believed it. Anyway, the nol i.iu uf an I'lopeuieiit rather appeal. .1 tu her foiutull love "f the |i|. tliresque. tbi- day wt she went over aeMu the bay with a iiiclit heart and made her way to the seiiueMeied spi/t where be was to ru.*t her und take her to the , niireb. H : was not there. Sh wsited. but ha did not cnllle. At *uuset site recro*niil the bay alone, a sadder hut not yet a wiser mil. Sueh were her judgment and knowledge of the world that >liv tlion^lit Caherley imiHt have u. et wi:h *4iuie i,. rrilili- 1. in. A Dote which she found at tha hou*a ezplaiu.d It was all about cire'iinst.iii. >s i.\er which he had no con- trol and sudden tiuanclul r. verse* and lio- he should always love her and cbt-r ish her memory. Miss Porter believed it. and her heart was broken iwally bi-ken. Si i m went to lar as lo be desp, mtely ill for nix weeks, at the finl i.f wlii.h iinm she eHine fmib again. I i inlidiied and wilted, but with un ii in ('alverley. 'Ihe fiitli it-main. -.1 unshaken through long months of *ilen.'e, a sil. nee to pro- found that she thought it must he of tha gravi. an. I ile.-ided that be had prol.alily killed himself. Hut uua dsy that lisp which tilled her comlaut heart with hope oinf more. "I say," a man taid to her casually, "I aw your friend. Oayton-C'alverley, down *outh the other day." Mis* Porter turned white, after the approved fashion of the shilling -li... I..T, and clutebed al her throat. The very nnturally wondered what the dt-iiea he bud got into anyway and t-iplalned in nn-m-r !u bar hoarse en treaty that be had lieen in K.n.i -hurg ou busines* and had seen the Britisher In the street. Mi Purler nuked if he lived there. "liive it up. 1 didn't speak to bim, and he didn't Bee me iin,\ he doesn't go by the name of (' I'alverley down there. They call htm Myers." There was the suspicion of a twitch about tha corner* of hi> mouth, hut M - Porter could not nee that it was funny. Khe could readily understand why lie had chosen to hide h.s identity A numc like Clnyton Ciilverlcy woulH naturally lie miwielilly In a rough mining town. Now -hi' was a young wunuu who hnd always done exactly s -h,. plmiscd \\iih- ' out asking any one'* l.avc. rreiiuontlr for the i-xccllcnl re.isi.n there WHS no one aUuit >f whom in nsk il. Sm h was at present tile I-IIM- .lu.Ue I'.. Her wa- aniiy. to he gon,- indeliniii iy Si. she lis-k.d her uu )>:ig mid l.oiiicltt ticket and tm.k mhi'n exprenK for the toinh. and in due lime the slaK'' ->-t her down in the town of Kaiidsluir ^ . when- her appe:. i -am a!tl."i!n!i she wag gowned with \\liH! bad secined shdbl'.v i kiiiipin ily nt Sun Francisco .aimed ..n Biilerabie ex< ill im nt and some little lev ity. The hotel man was very civil, however, when she asked where slie could lind a m .in named Myers, lie touk her 0111 into the street and pom 1 ..! out a small, un painted li .us,, ionic, distance nwuy. "That there's his shack," ha told her. with a distinct note nf inquiry in his vim .-, wiiich she d os* to ignore, "but be'* on day shift, aud ha won't coma up until d 'clock." So she went to her room and threw herself on the bunk and waited until o'clock. It began to be hm m- in upon her that she had done a decidedly bold thing even for her, and the way out of it at not altogether apparent. Hul, then, Cal- verlty would show her that, nud at ti o'clock she went in search of him. It was very mmiii of a shuck In. I..-, I. bis place of al"..l-. lid soul yearned toward him that alia tbouiU have lived ia luinry sll these months, the while his fortunes bud been so low n this. It wss slso a very uuiidy woman who opened tbe shaky duor in answer to h.-r uot I.MI confident knock, an untidy woin.iu and weary looking, but pretty, witlal, and yotiuif. And the two children who clung to her nkirt were pretty also. There w;n a third child. It wan sitting ou I'alver- ley's kn.-e before a red covered mipper t.ilile, *ud (Jalverley was feeding it m.ine- thing. He sat with the -poou poised and a lilank look in his e.reu. A terrilile misfiring took bold of Mi-, I'orter. Witb must woiiu-n it would have been a certainty. "(Jile*!" she wailed, losing all preiience of minil. Hut ht kept Ins. It wan not the first tryinn utiKitioa he bad lived through, thonirli it was perhaps tbe must so. He from his chair and spnled the child. His voiee rose above Its injured howl. "Miss I'orter!" he exclaimed. "II. w rharminif! How unexpei-tcii: Let me present my wife. Mrs. Myers, ^fl!<s Por ter " Khe tried hard to take It well, to a.-<-ept her cue him and turn tbe ti of her life into a society skit after the manner of wnncn and of th.- day. Knt she failed. Wiu-n sbi- opened her mouth to apt-ilk, no words would come, sn.l xbe fell forward into Mr. Myers' arum. Mr*. My.-n was very kind to her. She fin k her hack to the hotel and itopped there with her that night. "You H|I..II!<! not be h-re all alone," she said In her *wei voice. And when the girl started to sohbinKly explain sli. i h.-i U.-d her. "I niiilei Mauri." she laid. "Ymi need not tell me. He had *nld a claim well nnd b* went awav to h;i e i time." " She looked at Mi- I'-irter with -tfiil sort of pity and adinirnt n "And I dare *ay." she ad. lad, "that b* hud it." Art-.maiit. R* Didn't A*k. He i a small boy who likes to have the things that be wants, and he la dip- lomsti in itettiM.- tl..-m. Tbe other day be had K'-iif "in to make a call with hi* mamma upon an old friend. "Now, dear," laid mumuia as they (tootl on the doorstep, "n n. ember that you are. not to ask for anything." "Te>, mamma." answered tbe snisll boy. "I havo been busy nhn- I all the morn- Ing makinic millers." anl the friend ss she entered the room and greeted them. A beutitic expression spread over th* mall hoy'* face. "1 like to hear you talk about crullers." he said, witb'a smile ef mure than ebild- like innoo-nee. "Why. are you fond of them?" nsketl tbe mamma'* friend In a ula*d tone. "(lh. y.-s. very," said ib* aiail lio.v, looking, if anything. t,ll more ion "1 didn't ask for them, mnmina." he i in a tone of Indignant pr.>t*t us the door closed on the eruller maker. who bad gone to bring iu a sample.- New York Times. THE DEMAND FOR LUDELLA O0Vr.O*r WI.4V uasbaeapbsnomeaal. Fo..r ynmm go prae'loallr unknown T*> Day household n*clty Ihe rsu;t of car. f I t.l.ndiriK *mt JPJ2 1 {",_. In Lsml P*oujt>. 26 39, *u, HI *no so QUKKNS IN IMl'OHM \ a':/ ' i! e i \V Hie in u.i's (oy knew no U/unda not long ago wh*n the Kuiwer ai.pi ii le.i lt-t .-oionel of the 15i b Hutwars. tlw-u^rh it waa not her first cfuiun.ind. Tin- Queen <if Saxony ia hiuhly i . h ber .-older* .ind f'.-n .l.spi.iv ber (nn(je(nis uniform -it 'he monthly drills of her <<>[ r>i the Jn t It- >> -i S-ixon Quefn's HUMHII r.s. The (JU en "f (Irefve get- much at f uti- t. .n 1 .1 f.iir amount of glory from being ihe on! y i luiiral in tb world. Alexander III. \v;u. .ilw.iy.s extremely f. ii.l ->r u: . iiu.r i ; itr. e. and, know. ing Ii- v - "i for i be sea, h/er hip* incitead of troopa. Hiieumaiism . ia I'rlcAcidin tbe blood. Unhealthy kidnays are the cmuaa o! the ciil being tbi-ie. It tho Icijliey-^. -rd ma .hy thoultl they wou.J alt - n the I'rlc Acid aul of the ivalain ami rheuma- tism wouldn't occur Rh*u- iraiibm ia a Kidney Di- etif. Dodd's Kidnay Pilla have made a groat part of their rapulalion curing Rheumatism. So eat at thr<f7uj* of thc*.a fenrtul aiiooiing pains and ititT, acliiMg joints. There ia hut one sure way Dcdd's Kidney Pills \\I11CMJ A younx and new lj- -married oouple ii. ng ilie.i friends, and amongat tbe gueel-s was one whose 'U'ivueA--* lu^.U- him extreme* ly ohj. i .tillable to tbe reat of tbe V 11 s conduct, aitbouiill almoat un. UMiabie, wan put up with for aooM lime, unl.i at eup|H-r .n >n bis fork a piwe of meut which bud It in. and .n i vein of iiitende'l bum n be. looked tound nnd ; i 'I- h . ;-! f ' uhich iiuuie- iv drew fartu . k from a looking 'ii.-.i. ,.tii i i-ting at the ; Which and of fiik do you refer tof" Ths " Balmoral,"* Fra But AVFNIIF HQUSF 11 ."! -UoUtf* ATMMM ~P.oitir Hui '< ai.M Ad lnT..,l "I will tell you a aim y shout the late .-I lugei-oll whi.-li 1 never saw io punt." said a lawyer wbo kuew the great agnostic well. "When ha was an attorney In P.-orla, Ilia., a young w f .-ailed to see him about filing a suit for divorce. Ingerxoll questioned her closely and after she bsd detailed a number of grievances be told her that none was *urBcient. She wss much perturbed in c< iiriju> nee an. I Html- ly sppen!c<l to him to know on what grounds she could procure her bill. Tba colonel took a la\vl>ook from hi* collection and pretended lo examine it. Af-.-r this he turned to her and aid: 'Madam. I hnd nothing in ibis I -.ok to lit the situa- tion. But if you can establish the fact that he is addicted lo the nnma-n uline habit of rating ice cream sods 1 know a Jlldlie who Will give VOU K decree ' "That, in Ingersoll's opioina. In a man. was Inexcusable." Kvvplac HI* Flmm'rm ..ppl^. HOW any fr.-ut pianoforte player Ue.-p< hi* hands (rpple Iu- often heeu a matter f.-r wond.-r. but M I'uderewski. the king of piuin-.tH. revealed the whole neeret. "The n IK lit hefore I play 1 tnin my bands over to my vnlet. and be ruhs my flnger* until they tingle." deelnred M. Padi-n-w ski. "Then he hikes one tinker after the other anil turn* and twUts It in the palm of his baud, always turning the one way. Thnt nuik.-s the nupple Slid k< epti th knuekle* iii ..,.. I woikiuK order. Lant he rulm the palm of ea<-h hsn.l very bard ss haul a* I .-in stand it ,lui before 1 go on the pi. i' im m L. play I hare a bnula ef hot wnier hroti^ht to nil- die--iti^ ro.iin. In thin 1 iinmersi. my hand*. II l! I should say so: just about ns hoi as poHuible for a man lo stand it." Su thii Is tbe way it is Not BloualboMB**. "^Ve hnve for mauy years past," says thr- New Orleans Stti-.-n. "Ii, ,-n pr-. (eating gninat thi' pi fo'tii-e 'not only of the noith ern, but even of Ihe son unn. pre*. whose editors should know belter, if ni! of the dogs ii.-ed in |Miruing ciiniin.-tls or riinanay before the wnr as 'Mi'oilhi. iiiids. ' h i- .-\ 1 1 . in.-ly iloiibtful if any ( thexe saw a 'bloodliiinn.l.' but the term in o blood curdliiiK. }-ou know. The doits ti...| for this piirptiM- me the common fox nr deer hound, pi-nhably the most timid of all rlmts. nnd in n-markahle for iht-lr kceunesx of seent. Tbolr owner or train- er siuit ly follow* thi-ir cry and (bus i- ...n up with the fugitive. The Iniu-r when ove'iuken has no dirrienliv in keep- ' ln off tha dog*, whi.-h bay ni.iuud h --n, but kei-p at a *tt di'tmn.- fi-nm kinle ar *tlek 'ititil the It ..p." IIUM'M! A P.' ti,iiid f puvl him bv. An he 1 h fxuri^e wallt^l. s fly W|,. . 1 ,t,..| .'" "W* tl ;' t)| V "LI "I.I thirSA whu m^>.-, Wh> I'.nk on - \Vh.> >M"-;kiv -. |pxl-liv- In hr>|W W {" One Mlnuta Cur* foe Toothache. Mof :< .1 in pi-teiu-v and [ovv-r pene- trat !i_- -..l nerv" N'.-rvilin^ nerve-|>.nn i-ure i ii oi h i.-iie ii .1 ii i iline. the ui'Xt mat v. Ml. 11^ i ,i ii i known totriemv in.iy l- u.-i-.l ; nerve pwiim. Teat ai .>n<-e n t-fi TIIK rt>~r OK \\ VU. Somt> idea <if the <'! of MIH South Wit m. iy lx ft in i In- amount uf war in.itc.rial wnt u' One hundred and sev^n'v nullioii i< un.N uf Am-tll -irm .immun :.-m lia\> diApatched, in .ui. I ' it to SMiMhi rounds for tied nun-. l> uii/t-i-. etc, Ti'-l-iih,'- "iir itoo,-< NV. li,,- .-.-MI mil ^HIJMKI kli-.k suit.s. II\.M TTTI.IKMI i f Is - o.i. . .. ..(J.U.U in of w.. . i| l (I HI fUnu.-i I -l:-. and ov-< .V HI l)Ki f mriel ,-lnt eh.*e. ome 1H.OOO tents, 4.d."n I link- n ' o .' -i .- -]- - f - have l>t-.-ii foruuide.l. AS 1 \ I KM)l-;n KM'KHIKNfK \Vrile< ;i - l-ktu <v n i h. m s- |.HI nuts in t" -- n ' :. n I'm u. un s Pa, n . -- I- \ n. . i i It link"" in- .-. ' p.'ls .n '||. ; .|ll.'lll V - Uoll'l ' to (jet I'm n . ITI I Ctii n I-; x i i ,n tn'v\ fot c.ile l>y in .1.. me rln.iler.s w -here. l'i/ OVBK FIFTY YEARS MRS. WIN.I.IIW-. siiuiillNU HYHUP haa b*t. *>! by inoilifni fur 'hrir ' n iilr^n tn-liinff. It BOO a* In* I'hild. aoi.cna Ui niirun, a>llay IAID. i-urw wind olio, nd tut]).- >IMK rn;. itj fur .ila.rhia*. Sold by ft. i ' i.k - - . .ir I'm *orld. nxl Ma tot " Hn Wina.i.W* S.^Uliuf >jrp." T>\vif > . s. ] in looking for a h ii--; \\. -'II hive tu tiinve. I he t .. u-h--.s wh-.ii- we .re n/w .-icare uiy u f.- ,, nv>-i t<; il.\ith Hti.un-'-l i Imutrlii you stil the only t binit I It 1 1 i-ntrt ! nvtlly f lighten her was u ui l-'Hiuv 'l jll-l it \1 .. little .INt inc.- ihnKC t.Mi-lii.-, li.ok J.kt- Strategy Tbiit f.-ll<- niunl'li ton Is a <l-fp <>ns. What hit ha beau <lo- luti ! Why, b got thu ne* bonr<ler Lni<> i bi i-sk cont rovvry with the litvJUdy ov>r tli.- reaaiins for wo- rn Hi'- mental Inf. ..... v in! umlr r uf i h .IM lio'il * aticoiid piitca of hurkl->b>rry i>i>- Thar* \ man Oalarrta In thU SKtlnn of thi country uiu all other dl*eauM put '.i k tnr, ml tin U Ilia !( few yur wauaup|M0il to IM !m arable. Kar a>Kri>t inii> 7<wra doc-Mn pr niiuai-'ii it * <M:I dlwuo. itna prMvrtbcd ImwJ rorueair*, nod by oa utmni i) f ililng lo . u with I<HMU lienimenu proauunned R incuritb e. 81* are na' pr> TCD i-ntarrb U> be a ooonlitutlniu^ aiMavv. ud tburafors requirw oontuuiuJ irratmeni. HaU's Catarrh Cur*, maoufaotvrea by r. J. Cbenoy St Or, Toledo. Ohio. U tb UB)T i t 'i "" 'in* OB the market. It la take* iniimatlly m doM< from |n drop* to a tpon- .UL i j on ih olooi nd ui lr '.. f -ir '< -ii Thr\ urfnr uo ra 00 ir> fur any cart tt falls to eon. Cer ourru are and . *illl til UflBRtM . TSO. Hall's PamllT fill, are the H it n. W.iti<ler whut ban happen- t h - ii-trr! I'hi'.r U'-eil to > -I- n| in I -vn with OT<vh olhei \Vhv v-iy' wis liu/hiau t their <i- volvlii >. N r t)MJ .re as glum a i h'V i 1 m IH- I-IIHLT I kn.>. <ho illy wn.-ti.jli t . jf-i him to n tig With ll'M . ! i V H P ( 1 4 >:'.!> CALVERTS QiMinf octaint . ajaipa. Olnt mant, Tootn Powuor. to., bar* bawi awarded 10U inoditin mil diploma* for uniiariar K^ilnno*. I'h. ir rocular IIMI prarent infect*. OBK niaeuaa. At* rour dealer u> obttUa s nppij UU mailul frea on applloauea. P. C. CALVERT A CO., MAMOMKBTBH CNOLANO. .1 . HOI. i i \RMS, i Wtilr fr.i i-.r ,t r*. J "nt I ' K 1'imnll LAW MILLS, MILLS A HALES, Krn.|. ... wUh -r n.ilKtiig*, Hi. hnio 4 SI W . Tnrwnlo. Brass Band ln>tru*M*jt*. Or us... Lniloroa. Bu. Every Town can have a Bantf I^>w prlc* ...i . j.-id rtn. aulcM * tr*na. aDsaajei W.uaafor aajtblbf I* Mualo or Musical Instruments). Wha ey ROVGC A C*., Catholic Prayor *.; K'-l k K >UO I'l ' .1 a, , M i \f , to \ I 'hi VV..r. kUil onicm rfH.<* . 0. A 4. tAOLIC.1 * 00., MmrU. POULTRY, BUTTER. ECCS, APPLES, kuil 1'KOUri.F.. to *nur bl raaull. .vjv*if ft k* Th Oawiort Commitsion Co., Liir(ltBd, tor W*l- Market A OMksnw St., TWOTI*. .Aveoo A PHOTO E NGKAVIMG ' 1 1 ION^ ENG r Dyeing ! Cleaning ! Por < hi* wry )> n<1 your wurk l . ch " BRITISH AMERICAN OVEINO CO." Look fin M"" in four town, 01 n.l ilirwt. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. ENGLISH TEETHING SYRUP Largest Sale IN THE WORLD. t>0 YOU USE SHOE TNU WILL KNT TNf LUIItf K SOrT *N PlIABLE

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