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Flesherton Advance, 19 Jul 1900, p. 3

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.rrr.V i*. THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCK PLESHERTON ADVANCE Every day Bargains 1 No nutter in what department of .,ur lar.- you d,-.ire to make a purcha-- \ . ,)rice lower than tht ,.f ..ih<-r iiioichanu and in no instance will you lin.l anything n It may he that we pay II-KH for oilr ".Mid* than others or that wu a"r.' -, it^ti,- \ with a smi * < lia* v the lit-st kind .if husmeKM and f hi* In at <<?IL*U . .f c...!.... ...:..?.,.., i i . .:i.i.. i .11 will invariably find our mark.-.! at higher uri--i-. - - - ...,,.. -M. ill. -r protit, certain ii i liaic the bent kind of busmcK and the lust class of customers that couH possibly b,. de.iire-l and whicli WB hall endeavor to retain if prices like the following count for anything im.l tli.-y should. Soodt :;."> 1 '!....< this fnni- n,-v."i .|r, ,, malt-rials Blich .11.1 llgurud lu'r,-, < Hi.. , , l... -1 . Cash. ni"i.- - . K.imvis. Ii-r. -I-... MC. . .-. Tin-no . \tA\ .' l>.-t-ii Hulling nil sras ,n nl L'o , _'- , .">i)c, Hi;.'. :>..-, .'!7i, 4 ( >o. and are no >! vitliu-s at tlmv |>ii cs I .nt I"! tfii Jiy rolling or until nil are K<>ue the price will I'. 1 , Y. mr choice por yart ........ > ...... !!UclB. } If e) ..... i ..ur |M>I Slnrl \Viii*'.H tlioKo that ,iv :..-. '.,. 'Jfic. ?1.X) *1 IT) for only ...... Bt Your choice of our cheaper Shirt Want* - t'm- wi-r.i r.0.-. r,i).-. 7.V, for only .................. !W<-ts. I'll. - .11- absolutely IK-W I.'O.K! inniK- out of t'.lH i. I .-.hioimblc faliricH. "Cab/a jCinon Positively tin- lest Ta'.l" Linen \:ihii". j'.ii or we havM . x.i of. Extra heavy half U.-m-l.. d |>ui-u all liiit-n uils full 72 inch width. Kegular 7-V. |..-r > ml. only .................................. 48cts s' ff^a ratal t tlui' t'n- ]>resont SCIWOIIH H -Him; ' these ijcMi.U tin-, lit'.- i the Iii4;ust v.o'vu I-V.T (i 'if, we yet have tutticient 11:1 to KIVC l.j'o liuyer-t n ;: ..-I choice Rinl tiie |'ii . '.r,- ;ill Icmi'...' your w iv 1'iira- 8'iN at _'.")., and (8.09 and nil intcnn-diato prices aro Huliject to c!rj same <ii- .. . r j", ,.fi Tffen nnd 53ot/f tS/raif Jfats Altlioujli the B i-., i is i.o\v fairly well .1 ! ...n -.-d, Kutti.'riit li.,t weather mxy luejpcoted to nrike co .1 hit d-sir.Uil,., |ii;-ii.'iil,tr!v -,> when p; i -"s ar mad-.! an oliject OD'any 'IMMT hut in our store \.u will receive i dUcouni of li'l . ftyillinary All kinds of triniTiiud and un' rimmed millinery, am) millinery i.-.jnisit.-s j-r.- l-in^ cli-anil out at SHC- ntice prices. We are prepared t<> give you the very biggiit kind of values during July aud August. i I F. T. HILL & CO. N. It. -New and excluv.v.- i|]'n^ iu Millimry ln-ing a.ld.-d to tho departim-nt , ,K h wt-.-k. J :^4^,WftMAM^ Advance n Bl.lSIIKIi WEKKLY AT THE OFFICE, I Ll. ' IN. .Wool. STKEF.T, H.KsHEKToN , uM , . BV W. H. Till HSTO.V SI per alum i.i Ktriftly In iidvaurr Advertising Rates: Column, 1 yr. 15* ; half col., 1 yer. <> lutrter col . on* ycr, (IS. Trn'iot kdrertioment charged at the rat* H oeott par line (or flrit liiMrtlou n 1 1 ccut Mb tubM44iieut InMrtlon. Tweuty-geveu men of the first Canadian contingent have returned to their hornet ai iuvalides. These men, however, return hale and hearty as ovtr, having entirely recovered iu h u;iital from tlair ailments. Out of the 1080 in the first contingent only 350 remain an active duty, and the men who 1 av. returned say that these- will see no more ugl.tin r -. Theru arc not enough of them to be Htiit anywhere, and they will have to Epe-ud thu rest of their days hand- ling baggage and such work along the line of march . years. If evcr'a piece of C'B legisla- tion was prop, sed this bill was one and ii. MI veil to be killed. In fact it was merely a dummy net rp for tho Sen- ate to kuock over in order that Mr. Mul. ck might cry murder, and the woods arc now ringing with his mel- odious voice-. It is another case of the boy and the wolf, and no assist- ance is actually required. That Gravel Pit T Ihe Editor <>J Utf, DEAU Siu, - In the proceedingH of th township council uf Saturday week I n lieu the following retolution : lioyd -Tlioinp.sun That the police village of Flcshert ui be requeated to leave tlie gravul pit on Ad. HIM dc\ iation in a^ g.Hxl condition a* when they took |msiteM<iiin of it. In <<. they do nut comply \\i! h this if . l.i'imi, the commiH- sioner of \o. .'< to repair the pit at the cxpi'iinu ..f tlif trustees. Kow, iiir, tho < oiiiiniHnioner of Ward U ii John li'ijil, n resident of Fl"i.!i:-itoii, ...N inn no propi-rty therein, and who un- fortunately ha* a HWolU-ii head. of U-HH calilire would have ap- l>ii-..'l the trustee* if any wrong t-\isti'd lefore Kvcuring a reaulu- tion of council in t!iv niattrr. It is funny to have the <lcIini|iH'iicy charged t' iho Irusteei. ! Hut I suppoM- hi' nn ant to charge it to the village. If he had ROAD NOTICE. TOWNSHIP OF ARTEflESIA Sotice'i* lioreby given that the Municipal Council of the Townnhlii uf ArU-munia, iu tlie County of Grey, will, after four < ek Jriim ih.- ftmtpuhlication lii-i.-ot in tliu H.'t,h,-it vance nuw|>aper, ithe date of flr- publication bciiii! thelith Jav of July. A.U. 1COO) pruvrwl tuparia By-la* U. wtablisli tho uudenuen- ti.>ni..l (ii'viatluu of roa/l In t ..- nid tuwnihip. awordluf to a plau anil >lcrit>tinii ma.le by H.ili, -i-t McDowell. K~i , IM,.S. an. I C.K.. Raid .li.via' ion li.'lni; .|".rnti,..| as follow*, vli : ConiiiH iilii'k' at a point ID the ioulh-a.strly l... ..n lary of lot 1VI. in thu DI-COIK! coiicewiioii n.iitliai.t of the Toronto and Kyilouham Id.a.l. lit a ilii-taii. wevtvrly nl fuiirtoen chain* teu link... more or !.. trooi the aoutheaaterl y angle of Hal I lot : tli.'ncu north <9 deRro*, went thirteen rhalni t<.ii link* thence uertb &7 in Kiea* Winiuute* 7 chains writ, thence north W OSflMS M mlaotCS WM|, ten chain* thirty link*, thence north JO nVitrre* .VI minute* wa*t inurteen chain* tereuty link*, thence north JUilmireM fifty uliiute* ea*t, chaiuv thirty five link*, thence north ! ili-Krvnn 50 luiuutei eaut fifteen cbalnn, tbeuce north II 'Int. i <!. teu minute* went Afteen chain* eilit y liukn. thence north 13 dree 80 minute* rant f'.ii. I'hain*. thonce north M (leureea art minute* aft ten chaini fifty )mk. thenoe nurili Id di'ijrue*. ai iniuute* eat. two chain* thuty liuKA, tliHii.',. north ton deKreet, 40 uiinute^ went olKht chain* fifty link*, tbenru north -il ilt>i;r.-iiMniinutea>t two chain* forty link". tlu.nce north 40 negreee ten minute* eat tvn .h'liii* .thence north K3 .linrrecu 10 minute* eaut >.| chains !ity link*, thmice north 5 doereu* i mlnolM ...M twelve chaini forty lluka, thoncn north nitoun de(,ree forty minute* ea-t -'I ohalin 4O HukH, there., noitli 30 deree* miniitei raat, fourteen chain*, thence north IH .lfrt< 'JO minute* went eight chain* fifty links, thence north nine riegroe'i teu niiniit.". a*tJ7 chain* ihty link*, tbence north 17 decree* .10 minutes wejt nine chain* 30 link" thei.o- i.orth HilereM 10 minute* eat sixteen chain*, eldhty link*, thcnc* north at det;r.-. H <i minutes east eight chain* 65 link*, thence north (W degree* 40 minute* eait five chain*. 'Ihe eiiualiun in China becomes l.oar by hour more grave. There HI tins now no reasonable donbt that every foreigner in Pekin has he-en butchered, and vivid details arc givin iuadepatcli printed elswhoro. But we can rely on nothing whatever that con:ei from Chinese sources and even this despatch may yet bo provun untrur, As Dirt Hart sayx, "For wa) s that are dark and tricks that are rain the heathen Chinese it peculiar," and added to this ho in the biggcRt liat in cuution. Holies on a huge ccale. The despatch referred to is dtiiied from Washington and iu this matt, r w < do not know what to believe, but to our knowledge of tins fanatic and ignorant jeople it fully indeed lo hopo that ono his bec.i left alivo of the four or five 1 Eiuopcaiis in 1'. Kin. Tin 1 Ulobo and othor Liberal pap- ers arc now endeavoring to make rnp- ital out of tho fact thot the Senate Las tin own out Mr. Mulock's bill re- ducing the postage on newspapers circulated within their own province. This bill was a swipe at one of the Montreal nowdpapers of Conservative tendunciea which circulates by the mm} ili. ins-Hi I throughout Ontario aud comes m competition witli the (ilobc aud other lieform papers of this province, and a paper that has hcu a thotn iu their side for many consulted the tniMci-s he would have l.n n s.ivrd a naitty exhihiticn of ignorance and icliainriiVii^kVuimicv nniniUH uguinst tin- village. The fact^ minutes ut flftvcliaiinVi 'liiik^tL'enre'nurtii H MRTCeS IX minute* went 90 chains 90 link* Hi. in-.- n. .rth 4l.leRrees, 11 irlnuto* ea*t. evun chains ton link*, thence north :l decree* 4M lite* went lit chain*, thence north 13 de- '* I'J minute* eait 27 chain* fifty link*, to the boundary between lots No*. 24 aud l'> iu the l.ith . OnifSauOO, All |.e VIIIH intermtwl are hereby rr<|iii-fd to tako in>ii,.|, and covern thsoMShrfs accordiugly, Dated tin* I-.MI day of July. A.D. 1000. W.J. IIKI.L\MY, Townhip Cleik. are tlue : The inistees I.M.k no p. sse -i ui of this gravel pi'. ; they simply let a job of gravelling no iaa iy rids of street, thu contractor t furnirh t!.e -t.u.l. He might hove brought it ft-, in Kiinenm for aught thu trus'i':.-. . Indeid Mr. Ciirr proiUred to take a part of the job on wiiiie con, lit ion j mill furnish his owi gravel. Itut who authorised this matureJ roun. ill..r of Ward 3 to take poiHCHsiou of thia gravel pit I Is it a township pio;)- rtty atall .' I venture to stale that ac- cording 'o well r.-t,i!i|is!.ril eustoin the town.-hip is linlil for every yard of ^r.ivel titken fiom it, and this councillor lo an action for trespass. If this IH.. correct, nnd I ln'ii '\c it to be no, then he iior tl ^ township council have any more light Fanners' Scales THK IIKST AVAIL, \HI.K The un leri.ini.oil I* |lint; tin- boat Farm >H-aU! tLat cin b u pio t.icwl on tho, kuown ai the HaDdy Track scalt-. 1 alw. .. -. p Wllkluaon ami H.urv reiiair* on lian.l. alo Uoni f-ir ilnlvri'iit limrlu ..... than UWOM cUu to MHMM authority ni d !. " ! l ' h . oe '"'i on . "." '"'<- l'l' '. . .', . |i liiul|.lf. a I PIIXH such luincroiiH reKoluliona without iirsl | . ii" in ' a liylaw MMtlta] and payn ^ for tin- | I'lMpi-rty. Tin! wiiiur ii few days ntfo :iskc.| tlllN srilni' r. .itln ill.. r to aa^lst out ..f liin ward np|iro|niation to the n leu' i.l -.inn- twi or lliri-n .l.illur, to HO t-uru | H pea I ua lay KiiJir.lM un. I Hor*o ihoeln liriiiulplm. a* 1 havo w.irke-l under tho" v.-t. ri nary tur^ooni In tho Old Country. Prlceville, July 6, 1000. Farms foi Sale tli. in a di-iiin wliirh this i The drain a.s alx.ut r l " lt 1M1 -, 147 '',"" "- N - T - '"' K., ICO acre* !,;, IWOof.hioh m i.l,i,, *&Stt^r^^T& MM 11 x M rrr in tli>; township, I '"" ..f ...... r.i Hiii p.ti I n..,ru n* AlkO.IS aorei witli KO<><! fntmn barn. 1 aeret ol OOUM H'.lieuti. MM r.u 1 more ol , . . . i . ., i '. . , lu ,| orou it| V atlon. 10 aor.' lianlwoo.l bu*h ah<l MM throughout, it* I..I.M- DUl a siinpleton balancu roiiKh anil well wat . i ill .luiiy, l.ut a vi'.y ,!i -rt iinnwir wsl_ ..... _____ \V. A. AHMSTRONd. r< c.-ivml. It was ' No!" I hud not then, the Monday aftur tho coun.'il's sitiiiig, heard anytliiug iilniut tin- othor ninth r, line hi n on Wcdm-sdiy persons talkeil about it I w. not surpyi.-i d at his i-ofunal The i u L 1-1 havo i.o iK-sirn to injun- M . l(..y.l, liolii-ving that uhun he In cut his iniini.'ipal wisdom toeth and loarned to 1> w littld more In- may do hctvr. In another letter wo may deal with his i-cononiy in lut.ting. ttc. I'UUCK TRl'STKE. P. 8. Since tho above was written th" palhmiift.-i inforuiH me tint tho dilh cnlty coiiiplauiod of occu r ed whilst he waa drawing gravel purformintf his tttatuto labour, A tree accidi<ntly fell from the bank acn - . the road. Afi.-r temoving thu top the stump rtmained in the pit. I Fludherton Jan. l\ 1000. Bull for Service Thoroughbred Durham bull with nedicrc .... on lot HI), Jn.l W T. A S. II . A, u nienla. Tormi *1, for single, reduction for tbreoor more. N. LAWKKNCB, 1'rop Farm for Sale First el UK* farm, Iot4,oon. 5, 0*prey,12Sacrei> lOOeleared three mile* fromMaswell audeltiht froDi Flasherton, good frame house, hank barn Kod young orchard, farm well watered and mill. Would rout to good tenant If not "Old A Xi'KECHMU Max will. May*. 1000 M. Richardson & Co. jjj ^lesherton " *Dundalk Hot Weather Attractions Something in it to interest you .Mm > Brown Featherweight' Veil lo Straws ventilated crown, li'-ivv corded rirl>'uis. calf leath- \ ja.j'11 :<! sweat li.nxN c'ol, li.^ht ami .Ull L (comfortable. All sizes. ! Nrw pattern.- and colors in fancy \ 'I lionliTfd silk rtt'ects, just the tiling .. . -, for hot weather wrar, well made ll6!T!lI(il 118$ anil finished, your choice for. gilk P In I Special in Crash Suiting Novel patterns And ooloringa in *iik front .-Isii-i.--. superior quality, fun 1 white cotton lk-s, wash well, all sixes ........ 8oC. \ spi-i-lal liii.- :',) inch Pure Linen Crash Suiting, fine even thread, smooth finish the correct tiling for outing ami camping suits or skirts manufac- .turer's price all, we ask for it per yanl. /Sc 77/en 's jffosiery Specials. Men's Cotton Hose, fancy colors, white \ 4 pairs heels and toes- full size well shaped J for 2.~>e. Men's Hlac-k ( 'ashmere Hose, spliced heels \ 5 pair and toes sizes 10, 10^ and 11. Keg- > for ular 25c. line. Very special ) $1. Shirt Waists and ready to wear Skirts at Clearance Prices. Make your choice nowSelling fast! Prints, Piques and Muslins at Keel need Prices. Hardware Depart. Tllfi Is cek'lirutod for its "jcut I'-^.-rhs, cviMiness, trt't'ilnni from wett^btinu :-,-!)- stiuuTs, siK'h as (ii'latini* Si/e, Fro'.u-li ( 'lay. i-tc. Always alisuhitcly roliablo, it assures tin- usi-r against tfoul'-K', opccratcs as snu>otl)l\ with tht'OLD as ilic NK\V Binder, givecue tiu-nuTs the f^foatcst value fur its cost, and thero is no othor twine niah' that will give such No o'l ill i: TWIN; satisfaction, or which, in practical use ', will lie found so eoonomioftL 4 Just as Seed' ' as Plymouth Plym -a'b is QhttfOl beaese it goeo uuiie Sold Bv Richardson & Co. FLESH E Ft TON JULY 19, 1900 -z* J Business - Books I Are i lie |i:-i*liK-t nf a L-O.*! IlUhn lullOol. Tl.O OWEN SOUND, ONT. II*.-. |>uhlir-h*4d inert Look* or* Imiin - rh:.l all uttltii' . in l'.ir;nil* combined. Two of them are rucotnrnen mil by tin; Inttiriitu nf . -1 Accountant* of Ontario. A *chool whole toacheM ca;i writ u.-i' imks and i : u'h- >u bu.^iiiesi> u.attecs nil >uJ<l .ii <iigli for yrii. \Vriti; fur Cat ;i . C. A. Fleming, Prin. Vicinity Chips of tlu> Pat n>ck ('artfully Cu!!el for Un Curisi's - - lime aiwuys on 'a.iJ. J. H. , Kli;4 111. I. lJ*sr (ir.i'l- M.ic'ii',- (>! 40: pirzallon at the J'ouutlry, C> )!.! Coat found, aooir u m... .t'l a.'o, h. Ait- mi -i... Ap[ > ' VV 1.1. J. rwaru lienl ailivi-WH'e on ih.' inirct out re- . cil at .1. F. V.-uiI' .-..MI'S. An in> 'ili'i n filled the pulpit of tin.' Mi-t hmi :' fli,. cli ni: Suiuliy ni'irriing ai.d pn ached an .ilile xurmon. Dr. A. K. Lin le ask-; us t.. ami >uee that he will bo ;.i the Muii-hii.v house on Saturday iiionii;..: m-x , 'Jl-t i .-^t.. tY in _, 8 toll.:iO,uiHt?a<l'if the following Friday. \V. J. Kadley va up before A. S. Van Dust'ii, Saturday, ciiarged with .1- afturg disturbance at Eugenia on the 1'Jili Mr. Ridley ackuowledgeil the oorn and nettled the cae at one dollar and costa. The result of thi; entrance eiaminatimis ill be found elsvwheie in this issue. We notice that out of a i-lisn of sixteen Prin- ciial Slaughter ot this school was success- ! ful with twelve. The 1. 0. F. Bund played for one of th^ I .!,' Toronto l.xl^eb on thu 12th aud returned hme highly pleased with the demonstra- tion and the manner in which they were treated by the Toronto people. During a hailstorm one day last week Mr. Hector McDonald, South Line, had seventeen panes of glatui broken in his residence. At aouie points the haiLituiiea were as big as bantam eggs. At the Kockvale mills ouo day last weclc during a thunder storm a heavy crash wax heard and there wax a blinding Hash f lightning. After the atonn had tMUied a sheep which had been struck wan S>und dead in the yard. The Ladies' Aid society of Wesley Church, Meaford Road, will give a lemon pie and sandwich garden party at Mi .!<. Buchanan's on Fi ida^ eveninu, Aug. 3. Music, games and other ainiiseni. nts. Adminiou 16c. Proceeds in aid of church fund. Arteouwia district L. O. L. celebrated at Eugenia th:s year, or rather a porti'in of them did. The crowd at this favoiite picnic j'oin' waj not largo, still a p . afternoon wan spei.t. The ladits of the Presbyterian church took in from lunch- eon and Iwolhs over 171, a tidy ti^uure considering the circumstances. A frawe ham bcl'inging ti> Mr. Wm. Osborne, lot 5, Cun. s, Artemer>ia, was track by lighteuiiii; one day Ust week and entirely consumed, toother with a log barn in clone proximity. The build- ing contained three tons of hay, reaper, mower, nine pigs, etc. There was an in sura Dee of^SooO "n the buildings and contents. Postmaster Snroule had a nan.. CIHJ from a serious acculcnt one niglit last week. While .standing in a wagon placing goods, at the station, his horse utepped suddenly foi ward, throwing him "Ut lytckwards, on the <( his back on the hard, stony ground, r'n- a day or two he w;. somewhat indisposed tmt was able t" attend to husines*. For- tunately it was ii-i worje, a it might eas- ily have been. CORRBC TION -111 the IIHMlUs of Al'te nienia Councd in mrlist issue the follow- ing corrections re duo : 1. The motion to pay coinm's.ioner No 2 shouH read!' days oveiseeii'ij work with grad.-r and spi-cinl Work. 2 Th" motion aeceptitiH report of txiinm'ssioii. r N .->. '.' ie to\\n line A. and E. should read " Euphravia expending an equivalent.'' :. The TOO tion to pay John Wain 52 fo- shovelling snow on t. .'.n line A. and K. shouM be marked "" Messrs. K. Toltoii nnd M. RichardKOn, the recently -seliv'rd I'oiintrvative Can- didate* fortho Commons f.u Noith Wel- lington and South (3rey le^pectively, called kt the Rep. office while in town Thursday attending S'. Mary's church picnic. In both geiillenun tli-- Cons, r- vtive party has sUndai d IMV.I-.-IS it n-.iy well be proud "(, and if they re not en- abled to add M.P. to their n,<nifs after next flection it will be a sad reflection on the judgment ind appreciat on of \v rtli on the part of the elecl:'r8 of the two riding*. Mt. Forest Hep. 1 per cunt, private ni'iney loaned on e;my terms of repayment by Oeo Rut her ford, Shelburne. Expenses low. Com i n:ii!ii' atinns receive prompt attention. Ti-nders will l>e received by 8. Hemp- hill, CY-ylon, up to July 25th, inst., for i the ejection of two olose^at the school I house. who WHS in Thorn- evening. suites that Mr. Mrk VVi luiry Saturday one u( the heaviest electric storms he has ever seen passed over that town from : to ten o' p. m. Saturday Iii'ineiwe damatiu w.n done to banu and other propi.-r'y. Five 'jams could be seen burning at on- time within a radius of three or four miles, and a 1 arm- ipian lity of live it ock, grain, etc.. waa destroy ed. The linhtnin,' played in a frightful in.iuiier, ihniT li-in.' -in tlui"^ '-ontinu- ous dash of light and crash of bursting elect i-ioity, .ii.i rain fell in torrents. Dunditlk had a , day o July 12 tin- li'^.'i- t d'iy in it-, liisfriry. There WIM siiid to be alioi, t vl jwople pr.'S- en', ard ihe procrsr.:.)!! up of tw. nty-tl .1 A uum- lier ..f L'O'M! s;,t-akuis a.idr. -^.:d tile as semoiy, which \. . and we.ll oohilurti-.l. I. li. Luca-, M. L. A., oc- uupit-u the cliMir. .MciJoiinel'a ! Swin-oii l':iik. tuch tirst |.ri/.^ a.s a lodge. and old 'J-14. 1 i. > n Sra'ioii, !. u.l. M C..!.IK!S hie aixl ilium land took tirit for nni:-ic nnd 'in'ii.!. .M.irk dult' and L'ui'dalK 'i: ii.'. 1' >v r. . .^ 1 ,iv, wliirlt the L' ..... ! :. of Dundall. v.i,j I,.H'_' Tlio I ..... -U -I. .1 .:..^ to .Mr Teen Mc- Ciiiliiin. which ; I.IM .-ek as ii;.vui4 i!isjip|H.-4ri-<l Tom tin- hotel shed at tl.t.- station, n ,:..vired (he day of publication. A Lid, who claimed tliat he found the animal tin? night l*-f.,re. out on the old Uiirli.-ini toad. ' r< ugl.t r Imck to n. Mr M.:C;.llmn thinks rhne i a n.y-ti r\ h -r. .nnt solve. The r was not U-oken nd some ihingft on th" < t "t t!'.' ......ri " just as he h.-t.i . ! tlieui. Tlu Iiorse. jM.telitly li id untied his o n lialt.r and travellexl very slouly ai.d cautiously in order not to t'irow anything out of the cart. Then, too. the e.|Uii.e ap|'-ar, to have been im- bued with the foolish idea of getting an far away as possible fnnii his own stable ju.d bin. But there is no ;MXI muting for the vagaries of a hone '. Wednesilay evening of last week little Marcus H.-aid. a 3-yenr-old ton of Mr. and Mr. W". H. Heard, was misxed from his hme in the village about 7 o'clock, and search of the surrounding* and neigh boring premises failed to reveal his wheroabouti. Darkness came on and he h.i.l not been found. The news soon d"- over the town that the child was lost and search parties with lanterns were or- ganized, and for over two houra went hither aud thither in search of the little fellow. One party found themselves. about 10 o'clock p.m., at the east end of the late George Stewart's farm, adjoining the village, aud at this point thought they heard a child's voice calling in the bush further on. A long and careful tramp over difficult ground brought them to the top of a hill on Mr. Loucks' property, near a d.iai which he has in the bush to preserve water in dry seasons, and here, standing by a heap of logs and brush. they found the lost baby, who laughed with joy when they came up to him, and whose voice they had heard plaintively calling " Mamma ! ' The little fellow Siiid he h i.l been chasing sheep and pick- ing " fowers, ' and that he had hail a lee]'. lie was i|uickly taken home and pUcvd in his distracted mother's arms. The liaby was absent about four hours and dunti'.: 'liar t : me hail wandered i several fields and through the rough hush prolmbly a quarter of a mile. Uecomitu wearied he had lain down and slept, but the odd had awakened him and in calling [or his mother one of the search parties providentially heard hi* voice through the still niuht air. It is believed thtt hud the baby not been found when he was a would have had to be an- nounced, as the night proved bitterly cold and wet and by morning he would scarcely have been able to make a noise. Few persons ever pass the point where he was found and bis disappearance might have remained a mystery for many years. We ui ed :mt dwell upon the joy of the p. u>r mother when her pretty and bright little baHy boy was returned to her arms safe and sound. Personals Mr. and Mrs. A. S. VanDusen came" up from Fksherton last Fii.lay an I maiued until after the funeral of th< Geornc Elder. Cha'swoith News. Mis.s Linda Flesher, who has been itintf with relntives in Burrie for - months, returned to her home here on Tt.ui-s.'.ay las'. Mr. and Mr*. Jonathan Hicklit'L! of tin .-I h line left un Friday last to visit with frieiidsat 1'elee Islind, London, and oih.-r p.iiiis in western Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson sp t nt Sun- day with friends in Tlvn;bury. Mr. J Duncan of Toronto spent a coii| 1, of dys dunna the |a-t week with Mr. \V. I'. Crossley. Mrs. Uamford of Toronto ia a guest of friends in town. Mr. J. J. Unnsmorc of Strnifurd is the guest of Mr. K Kctithaiii Jr. Mr. IJurry Pel 1 and Mr. Lloyd of Chicago wre guest* at M. Wm. Strains ovtr Sundiy. Mr. and Mis. Wui. Richardson and Mt*s .Tome leave this week for a visit to thr -'Id country, an. I Will be abaoiit ! r some time. The Advance wishe them a p'e . i in! voyage and S[B return. Mr. Will Sinclair supplied for Rev. Mr. Fentuscii in West street church, Owen Sound, on Sunday. Miss Guild of Mount Rose, Michigan, is a .'u. ^t with the family of Dr. Christoe. Miss Bert Smith han returned from 'o where ahe has spent some rnonthi . Mrs Will Thompson and two children of Dobbiutoii are guesti ut Mr. Barn- house's. Mr. (ieo. U. White of Toronto was a guest of his sister, Mrs. \V. Barnhouse, this week. Mr. D. Wright has severed his connoc- tion with the Uuntsville public school ain I will leave next week lo take the pi incipalshiji of lire Veiietanguinhine re- formatoiy school. This is a government appohitnml and carries with it a good, comfortable salary, fre.- house, fuel etc. Mr Wright ia receiving tho congrtula- tions of his friends. Mrs. W. J. Hacking, nee Mis Nellie Thi .tl. wiite. of Main.', has been visiting friends here for a few weeks. Mr. Havk- inu paid H flying visi' here over Sun lay and Mrs. H. r.-tnnieci with him to their h.'itie in Maine. Mr. and Mis J. R. II ^ and family, .! Kuueiiin, left by tlm Moudiiy ev- ^111114 train for their m w lioine in 'lie A tiiimber of friends nnd rela- t iv. s were at the station to bid iheni a l.i-t farewell. ReT. Mr. Tliom. theirlaLe past .r hi-r.,'. [Tesented them with a beau- titul boti.|uet ..f tl.jwiT-- from his ciir-x/r- vatory to help while anay thxtedi .usness of the journey. Mr M...J will h.> much I in Eugenia business ma'i.i-, ind he aiul his tiott cmed wife will 1-nvu an altc. : iirepaialile void in social and chur.-h circles. (.'harles Iintz, a resident of Clifford, was :he \iirum of a ti'rrible acci.lei.t which occurred at i><>-niert. n. Mr. l,ant/. who is a caiptiircr by trmle, w-u* engaj..! shn.gli'ig a iarn theie. Ue t the creepy on a loose s!;ingle, with tin result thiit he was shot over ths side of tin; r.K.'f and fell to the ground, a dis- taine .f !."> feet. He fell on a pile of and his Ixidy *as badly disfigured. tie breathed his last an hour after the .t.-cid. nt happened. Deceased was * member .f the Workmen, and was bur- ied by that society in Clifford cemetery on Monday. EXC U RS I ON Court Northern Light, Vo. 197. Independent Order of Pores'ur*. Owen Houad, an.l thu Tari- ou towni north of Corbctton, will Rive a (rand KTcuntion to Toronto and Niagara Fulli*. por Caua.lian Paciflc Kailwav, teanir Chippawa, Cbin.ra and Corona, of the Nluara NaTi^ntion Co., Toronto to Queennton. and Niaifara Fall* I'ark and Ktvar IUilwa>. yuceoitoi. to Niauara Fall*, u the regular train, on thu njorumif of FRIDAY, JULY 20 ,1900 Fare from OWBII Hounit Kockf.ird 1J Charw >rth .. HolUn.l Centre 2.10 Kvk i'i - Duu.lalk Coi betton l 1.0-1 s.w 2.0.-. I "i To Toronto To Niagara Fa. In _ .. 140 Ui 2.4) 820 Ui Ml 100 HALF FAKK 1 ii-keis to Torouto gotxl to retni i. "dine day. . ',. Niagara noo.1 to roturn .Inl% -il . - will be HIM uiont ^njoyahls excuri<in nf the naon, ami will be tli nnly .in t.i 'I l>rli:. A TUit to the railway brldm over the (urpu and the hitorie amiiinif ground* uf the vofuiitawn biug aloce worth thu inon-r. Coui mitten B McUcUarcby. J. T. Joyce, J. W Toiuton J.McBwen, >V Wllaon (NORDER That the children may not come from school heavy-eyed, languid, and listless. IN ORDER That they may be cheerful, happy, and contented, growing stronger and iturdier day by day. IN ORDER To have strength for pleasure after the duties of the day are accomplished. IN ORDER Not to have the body so tired that the mind cannot b culti- vated. IN ORDER To have the sensibilities keen, the wits sharp, perceptions clear, and the ability to make affairs run smoothly, take DP. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills Systematically, and you will be delighted with the result. Why? Because they will en- able you to sleep soundly, eat heartily, and digest what you do eat, thereby keeping mind and body in proper condition. BOe. per bos, OT. boiea for J.oo. All UTOCftat*. O to, Zernata, Set the best for your Tffoney. We have now a well selected assortment of Shoes. Slippers and Boots, in Kid, Dungola and heavier gradua of footwear for Ladies, Geuta, Children. GOODS Cheap and up to date in Style. Inipcct them, compare the prices and give us A chance to make your feet comfortable in warm weather Custom llJork and Repairing ms uauat at Clayton's Wm. Clayton, - - Flesherton Agent for r>ominion Money Order Expresw. FLESHERTON Oil i i i * i s I I July startu otu- tliird years' businead iu Fk-sherton, an-i \- might say we are mure than pleased with tbe ending of our a. years business. Now we are bound to make this year s busiu< greater success then our other yeara business with you. Our stock ia every department is much larger, and ucver were we in su. good positiou to supply the wauta of the people. Ia our star partetucnt.our tables are stocked with the boat ipoil.-t prucnrab the lowest prices. We have just received a few pieces of I. Dock that every body *as wauling and conldn t get on account of the scarcely, we are showing a large assortment of prints at ".'.', 10,11 aud 12Jcts. We are selling our ahirt waists all at r'.'! prices, we don't want my left, and at the prices thev arc bin;: go- Our Hosery Department is very heavy with special values in Ladies' and Children's Cotton Hose, priees ranging from 5 to 25c. a pair. In boots and shoes we shine. We carry the largest assort- meat of ladies' and genia wear that oa& be found and can fit you at any price. We will speak a word about oar Millinery. We will char all our Summer Millinery at cost. We are this fall going into it more extensively and we are crushed for rooom naw and don't want a lot left over. It will pay anybody to call and see our prices whether they have intention of baying or not and we are soie anybody see-> ng the styles and prices will bay before leaving. i i a i i i 01 Oil a \i To The Qentemen We just received some fifty suits which wo got at a bargain, clearing out a wholesale of two lines, and in taking the lot we got a good cat cut, These suits are extra value at 110.00 and can't be beat for the money. Wu will can these two lines <<Z $8.50, Wv have lota of summer underwear, Top ShirU, Sweaters, White and colored shirts. Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Hats, Caps, and can suit any- body. We carry a very heavy stock of Tweed for suits and sell you tailor made suit frum 512 to $20. Crockery and Glassware It is a long time since we liafo said a word about this depart- ment. Iu the last two weeks we have unpacked three crates, one of glassware. All white ware in dishes have greatly alvanced. .Ve aro helling all at cli prices. We have a nice assortment of colored dish- es at your inspection wuicli is something special, the prices art- very low. Now when you want auy thing in the crockrey liuu call and inspect our stock aud we aro iuiu we can suit you. Buy your M.icbiue and Coil Oil from us Wo carry the best ami cheapest. ^ (1 W?re)1M W II a i M^iriM!!) Flesherton, Ont. Or i itt p ii ni ii 01 i ii 1* * f w ** w # if (f * if if if if if if f if if f if J. E UOWDLE ) E. DOWILE Proton Station With our few months experience in business here, wo tin.! it f:istly iiicn-nsin, ami why shouM it '"'. wli. " p?-pl come and Bad goods at rook bottom pnoM. On* thin wo wish t<, biinx Wore oar is, that \VEDNKSD.\\ nd SAT- URDAY are to be our market du}*. Hring your j.nduce along those days and we will I,,. |. r. pared to iiivu you special attention aud py the highest ponwilile pricts. r,AU(JAlN DAYS Staples 500 yard* i. f Prints in pretty pitternB regular "i ami Ou Sutunlay 5c a yd. 150,ls F i -KTV Cotton :fc. yd 5') )Mi-'U WU te Du U, ix";\ilar UteHne Sat. July 21st and Wed. July 25th 1900. Groceries tt) lb Redpath Granulated Sugar *1 00 2-2tTw. Beautiful Yellow Sugar, Saturday andNVednewlay 10 l>ars soap Pre*m-d Rose, as lary- jw Comfort or Elect: ic for "H:. 6 Bar Toilet Soap, limited -6c. \V,- h-^e n-o-ivo 1 one .r U-ul (Jem Jars that wre bought months ago, anJ we are willing to itispo** of t 1 .. m ;it a reduced rate. Millinery Lvlirs S;i.lor Hat* worth 50-60-75 for 25 1 ',, discount on Riblxm, Hat Pius. Mer.and Boys Surnrner Caps 60q for 40c f<-r 26c for 2i)c. ,, Ono'cnr of Win.lsor wit on hand and will sell part of it at . . Aiiyi-rm.n coming here ami doio* Ten Dollar, worth of busing w vvnl p.y their H.VI Ming to niilroml rate. We %r in the lea.l n. K ivin< high prices for .11 farm pro>l. * J. E. OOWDLE ^VJ

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