The July sun was sending Its slant- Ing rays across the kitchen floor, as Mrs. Jane Whiiford moved about get- ting supper. Her spry step and ener- getic movements were in accord with the ih-eiful scene. Kvery thing be- tokened tbrifl .md neatness; not a fly was to be seen and no dust was visible to tbe naked eye. Of course it was for no housekeeper ever gets conijilets victory over the dust demon, but il was out of sight in Mrs. \Vhit- furd's kitchen, which is all ran be eii-ected. There was reason for the sliience of the fly, for the outer door nd all tbe windows were protecled by blur iot ton screening, tbe frames of which were painted green, a diacord in color to be sure, but the occupants of this comfortable farmhouse had strong nerves, hen'e no one was dis- turbed and the screens fulfilled Iheir put (-use. A large black and white cat net in the. sunshine which streamed in at the door, lailljr snapping at the flies on the outside, regardless of the futility of bis effort. He hud white paws and u white spot under his chin, which his Biisliesa called 'bis apron, aud which WHS always in a slate ut snowy white- ness. "Sum" was evidently the family pel aud bad a reputation for great Intelligence. "Wh),' Mrs. Wbitford would say, "if I tell him lo roll over, he'll do il just s i|Uick! and he does look so cute, lie know s w h u I say to him as much as folks do." Hu' >nn was prone lo mischief some, times, lie delighted in putting bis paw tbruugh the screen door, undjust now, as Mrs. Wbitford oame from the pantry, ihe spied him in ibe act of beginning hi* mischievous work He had ilin.idy made a small rent. I expect be intends to speak t'night. lie's goln' up tbere. You better stay 'til he's ready au' rids along with him us far'* the turnpike. It'll save vuur wslkin'." "I guesi I will," laid the other. There was a nilence for a few mo. tueuis as tbe two women went on with ilu-ir work. Then Mrs. Kemii spoke. "Jane," said she seriously, coming nearer, as she wiped a cup. "1 come up here t'night 'c.uuse I wanted to tell you sometbiu', if you'll Bromine not to tell John. I do' want to make trouble Into the cont ributlon box, an' I remem- ber hs give t hn Bible a great thump an' hollered up when be said it. Asa gen'ral thing I don't enjoy a prea< h<-r local interest. She finally asked him :In a trice Adeline was clinging t if he was going to the picnic "I'm goin' if you are," he made an- swer, seriously. that pound* th Bible, an 1 Hiram says | The quick color came to her fao, 'taint min 1 the good book proper, but "t she merely said she intended to we tbal time." ri."i . plain talk, I sh'd think," commented Mrs. Whitford. John, terrified and trembling. Oh John, John, aint you struck!" be gaspe.l. "Yes," he answered tenaerly, as ha _ held her, "right here," and laid bis Imfb though" ha told" 'the' truth K u '* nothing happened. There was an hand on his heart and laughed. awkward silence as they seated them-i Some little details which would be selves on the pisxaa eiepv j uninteresting to outsiders ensued, and But John ut length screwed up his | when the shower was over they went courage. "Aileline, is there anybody out to look at the tree. They found Between lovers, but I thought you'll like to know." "I shan't say an'thin," returned Mrs Wbitford calmly. "Well," said Mrs. lleinis, "I was up to Elmiry (!roves the other d;iy. ^he's Hit mi's second cousin, you know -lie liven in Hiyville now, ;ind when I was to tbe HI at ion wailin' for the train home, who should come in but Adilie Churchill's mother. When he saw in--, she walked right up to me an' nays : "Yes, Imt it didn't hurt us none to hear it. I told Hiram after meetin'I guess we was all hit an' that's whit made the folks all laugh. We Agreed we wouldn't put no more coppers in the box an' we baint. But I guess I'm lacking in the generosity o' love, 1 don't hev tbe patience with other folk's notions I'd orter hev an' its jest i.s bad to be stingy with our charity as un'thin' else, I fc'pose." "That's so, but (shouldn't wonder if wo was all lackio' some in that line. I tell Ji'hn human natur' awful weak .stuff an' I-M in'. Ue seems to think Adeline's 'bout jerfect, liut he'll find out she aint. lie was a talkin' the '"Good sfl'noon. Mis' Bemis, :u '"her day 'Unit her bein 1 so indepen- you like beller'n me)" "No," in low tones, with face. Jjbn drew nearer, encouraged. "Do you think you could make l Adeline's father and mother and averted hired man there. the "Pooty close call for my barn!" said Mr. Churchill. up your mind to lake me, Addief "Close call for your house, Abner, I She put her band in bis silently and'gh'd say," was Mrs. Churchill's re- smiled up at him. lie pressed her joinder. They all laughed and the bund and looked as a respectable lover three men set to work to remove tbe ought, under thu circumstances; very tree from the highway, for it had happy. fallen directly across tbe road. .us I shan't, AdMine ; A . lelin( . wen , witn j ohn to the barn you don't know only the best side o' wh( . n , he way was c , elir( , d and it _ me," be said with some solicitude rurr ^ u - her as he unhitched the "Well, you don't know- m-> neither." horse , nu , b . ir llispute was not , et . was the girl's reply. 'I've got also' Ued .. Jobn/ . gbe wh i s pered a. be ' all right money. I don't care. Ma put tied. juuii, sue wnisper faults, you II find tiat out." laughing. kUsed hp( . goou . nignt .., t ., "I don't b'lieve it ; you're tbe best lbuul th- m doB ., ca girl the Lord ever made, 1 ' protected the friendly as could be, ton' we aint much <. 8a j d /' W *? ',' ^ be fault she hed ' loyal lover, and so they talked and '(was avery bad cooe j j n ,h e j r new-found happiness. acquainted. I couldn't think what on earth in i > her so ajiprnachin', but found out." an' be didn't one either, only be thought a woman orler lie willin' to lean on u an' "\\.uited to qui jou. didn't she r j '' kinder easy influenced an' yieldio'. me to - >t ' Did shef be asked quickly. "Well, you c'n hev it, Addie ; I intended you So absorbed were they the approach- ahou | di but don - t te|) you ma u ,. ing thunder storm was unnoticed until | asked Mrs. Whitford; "she knows you'n 1 are cousins, an' she thought 'she was goin' to find out '(tout family expects she's goin' to change some after she's married; he should talk some of her ideas out of her, be said. a few drops of rain and u h , followml by i vivid flash of a sharp re- 111,1 Hers, I'll be bound." "Yes, 'twas just- that," sitid Mrs. II. mis. "she begun by askin' how my folks was, an' kinder Ind up l<> you and was terrible anxious about your health. Then she says, 'Mis' IJemis, I don't want to ask what's none o' my Im.s'ness, but I sh'd he gl id if you'd ' lell me some things almul John Whit. ' ford. You know he's heeii g>m' with I didn't say nothin', >>ut I bed my private opinion." (;!!.*< he'll have somethin' to do to bring 'bet ib'U'," said Mrs. port, warned them tbe shower was w ,, u [,j M _ none o' her affairs." She laughed coyly. "I'll see 'bout that," was all she "Did be propose f" "Yes, an' he's got Adeline a diamond The next evening he had occasion to Adeline sprang up. l drive OTer to Mr Bemis am , hu mother Let's go into the parlor," she said, wen , with {hfm fle W( , nt out to th- and led the way into tbe tiny front barn to find Hirttm , ni( K , |en aaked "H, ire'.'' 00 " 3 ' dadi " at ^ ' '. wedding, Mr8 . in an excited whisper. 1 and funerals. They were sitting at the an' Ihe boss all hitched up. I , W11 front w , n ,, OW!i w:lt chiiig the be gel tin' ready; he won't want ' ,, orm Vben Adeline remembered her , Won for .,,.. if h.' lib* ih., r, > *vonuer wnai Mr*, tour, nil 'mother's injun,,,,,,, when they were wia , to tnal ,.. the men. laughing as she arose. I discussing her future one day forth-y The young u..i, tied Ihe horse and j war , d fu ,, v aMured that Juhn wuu!d I think """ "P t ir t akl> ready. Soon be propose a* that the sun would set. he's get tin' ready to speak. I want to "FPe-red. arrayed in his best, and Flirting was unknown in their coin- know ,f he' liberal. The Whit fords whpn ni8 mother told him Kllen was mull iiy. I, . in bad lh name o' l*m' very gen- B ! 'ng lo ride as far ai the turnpike, be j . y, )u ,, ,,-. her mo(h(>1 . h , saidi rous ,u' I don't want my girl t.' mine Assented with preoccupied air. As I bey .. t(J O ,. T i tirl , n . bargain that you're to to marry i stingy man. I've seen r " llr ''""K 'be country lane, (ordered hev the bulter'u egg money an' then enough o' close fo.ks. .\h ..,t>,.'.-r "" -n her side with grey, ivy-covered y ,, u '|i hev somel h,n' you can call your ' world, an I h.., |>l mned ' m-rned a man who's . tight in W "U. n-l '" "'"' "'-> ' -'''I, elm (lw n ^^ ^ al , right . , hink tbe pure-strings un' she aint bad no " r "'urdy mtple tossing its lenes in h e\ wii;in f to give you everythin' you cuuifori o' life ever since I hale n> lhl " ' v *ning bres/e, not much was said. ; want, but it aint best to take no risks, have iiii.tbei .me .> the .SJIUM kind in >"" -sked if crops were mniing along An - he's got stingy bloo.i in him; THE SHAH'S CIRCUJT. He Will took the broom to bun and sent him flying out-doors, "if you aint the big- gest rogue, now I've got lo mend that screen again. Tbis's the fourth time Id. i believe that cat baa tui bis paw through i bu screen door." She |.i..> Hcisaors, needle and thread and WHS repairing damages Alien a woman cama into the yard and "How'd do, Klleuf called Mrs. Wlm. the fiim'ly. tbougn ' course John *" "">' her folks and after Mrs. ma ybf it haint showed none yet, if his Whitford's a nice feller.' It-mis had answered h"th relapsed in- mother's free he.iried an' brought him ' "Mi- 'Cbunbi I.' sa>s I 'y. u needn t to silenr.e. The, pen-e uid quiet of t he ur K en'rou.s. l.ut what's in folks is worr) none ahout John. His father si-eiie through which they were pass | M iund to rorin- out sometimes. It was kinder close, I s'poae. l>ut he died ing pervaded Ellen's tamd and John takes circumstances to hring out's in folks an' he aint never h id i f.un'ly lo support You listen to me, Addie, and hev it fixed afureh.tnd." Adeline hid demurred at the time and said she didn't care p'tic'lnrly , John w.ui'i but four v.irs old, ,' > ' hinkiug of t h.' future. , , *lked up the drive-way to the house . ,. |,,,,ughl ut l.v his mother, When they reached the turnpike tbe as generous an' frue a \\oiu.iu us ever "? n asnisted his r.uup.niion to ford, when her visitor was within | ,,_ ,{ ,, Mlv , ,, u ,i n i BU es he alihi -he thinkej him for the ride, bailing distance, "aiul ihis a oplendid won -, i U inut very itliugy,' says I" !"lh said good-night nd John drove dayf I'm really glad lo sen you. Tome j " No 8BJ( | Mrs. Whitford. with mild on toward the home .if the one girl tbe I 'bout the money. She didn't" think it uriH 'P ln * o>uta-he. ad there are no in to' se.t down I'll be done wiih Uns ;,. h ran .1...,, ,,, u l,,, i.,, ,:] world contained for him. I wonld look vr w.ll ta i.ii,,,,. " n * hu narron* forehead. HU >l-ll Ihr |,,l I < "urt. Thl MMt-r. The Shah itf Persin, having been yeans on the throne, wuibes to long journey. He will visii St. Petersburg. Berlin, Vienna, Pnrui, London and Cunatantinople. and will be enter- tained at all the courts. It will be s costly journey, and ihw h,iii ut nol re- puled to be nob: but bis credit u good, especially in St Petersburg, where ibe treasury ualwuys ready tu made ad- vainoes la tbe ruler of a vassal stats whose territory Russia covets il>n it(ai-e I- Un, the. shib, is near* ly fifty years old. He looks younger than he . for there are no traces of gray in bu jei-btauk hair and long, scorn, "sh cm sl.-ep o' nigbts. f.,i ,11 Is* minute," she added, handing he r ,,. tight -fistmlnese limn, is in John vis,.,,, chair and keeping on with Comi. out an' set ou the porch, Kllen, btr work The day had been b "I anil sultry, a I \liral July day, and us tbe twilight now ili.i dishes are done. Wlm C|SH "leepen.'d. i dai k t bunder-cloud loomed The womao, Kllen Hemis by name, did she hev tu say r* i- in ii- I her greetings, and said "I'll J "Sam," the cat, came purring around jus' slop .1 minute long's you've got it the two women went outsi.l,., ,,,,( most done. But >ou'r gettin' sup- ensconced h m-e;f in hu inistreas' lip I would look very well to begin t ilkin' 'bout what you was to bev when a mm asked you. Hut her mother insisted it looked all right, and she would lie *'"* are ** t HnJ u r ' iu 'y' ">e contour : ot hut lace is regular, and his, smile is that o/ an indolent and weak man good ,1il happier after she was mar-! whl) * n ** up in the west. A short dil m e from the Chirch II s ,,,,| if ,he did as she said And Mrs. i H * * ru " r w " b>L>ul """*'' of per, fer your table's set. I mustn't slay Imig if it's eo late." l.neT 'taint so very lute an' if 'tis you're, goin' to stay. I'd look well let- tin you goon borne jus' supper t.rne," r in H---I Mrs. Whitford coidially, >* and put away h fuii^hi-d Ibn rent h'l sewing tools. , 'Well," Mid Mrs. Bemis, with t proper show of reluct. nice which was Oh -h- kinder apologised in she ilnln'i doubt he was all right, but John found 'Adeline by the roul-sid, |n> king themes from in oil gnu led rh>-i ry-l ree hnse In nn lies bun low. Churchill's st rung will opinion won the day. and derided ! CQSrBl ' 1 r ' WDO " "leved lo have {Secured tbe throne through Ku.saMD "You're goin' to let me hev the but- u P url wll n h *'!" brother h*d a stood ou a stone wall, I he fo'ds ..f )rr an' egg money, ain't you. Johnf" she thought she'd like to know. niM ''n uiuslin gown hi If revealing Adeline isked. per-uasively, as they was all. She said nhe thought u man thul wait close wasn't neir the m >n he ib- supple lines of her slender figure, .mil the nutlini- of her rounded inns ought to be in other things, it kinder *'- I ' " lllv "'"'Me through h.-r sleeves us she re.irhe.l for thf fruit >be mole a | retry picture, by ; slight w irpe.l bis 'hn.ictor in every direc- tion. She hid i great horror of it. She told bo h.-r sister's busbind had riui<h l>n far au(1 '", us she spells sometimes; 'twas when | 1B , '"' "-'d her h i,l and siw t b.- le.un ind wholly superficial, us h* bad intended worried over money milters. He'd | ar ' t>r - tu i. -in -in all along. "I s'pose 1 can, if come in an' set down to the i.iM- an' I II"" 'd do. Adeline!' Il uii't goin' to li.. any trouble to you eat his vittlei without unr a word I sh'll be rather late to supper if I all dinner-time, an' keep it up for wait 'til I git home, sure enough." 'several days at a tune Tuas terriMs She was a middle-aged woman, uid, ilcpi essioii," she said, 'to hiv t n li\ as ihe removed her lionnel in response with such a titan.' " sa'nl John, MH| | ing his horse and getting out. "I'u kin' cherries f" Yes," she answered, as her volor deepened uid then faded "I guss I talked about their plans. A shadow came over John's fare .is he looked at the lowering clouds and the downfall of rain. He made no re- ply at first, but presently said, stiffly; "M> wife'II lie well pervided for .' Adeline's mother was not aware that a (imminent; trait of John's character clearer right to it, anil wouM have re- sisted foreign influence more slrenu- i>usly. He is a plmiaure-luving .sove- reign wti<> likns tu go il'oui every- thing in the eaaiesl way. <iie ii results in i/ l-illiiM ihe sUib'i circuit uf Kuroi>ein travel. An em- pire larger i ban Prance and Uenuany together uuiy be ufMtned to Kurope-an commerce, and Kussi i miy find her- quick to recover from il, and he re- | tor all iu Asia" lieitei lie goin' home, IIMI Looks as to ur hoHtess' urgent invitation. "Yes. must ho." aesented Mrs. Whit, though .- w is goui' to b-v a shower." rented's question. He thought tlms in, |, mi was shown in ihe ford. My uian wasn't like I hal *"'' a "e sprang lightly from i ll" w all ,i was s, m ,e more o' her plaguey in- eirinkliug of gray bun among ihe though h.- was * pretty good hand lo ' tu lne '"ot-pttb by ibe roa.l-side. dependence." bruwu locks parted over Ihe nuriow 'stn-k ! i dollar" lltdn't ><ni letter get in an' ride. vdeltne. w h > bid I.een reajy to let f'"" I Her gr.y eyes spoke of "Well, n.d, ,,|y ,,eifeci Il's IIKJ llle " ' I " , ,'imu' up to see you " i he mat ler re ^t v> as likewise disturbed l"r.tps 1 inigln's well," she an- (>v his reply. w.i>. a curtain ob-itinaoy if he thought self ">n i h Persian tiulf md on) the he i* driven. Hi* mot her understood Ibis and was careful never to arouse his "contriness." as she called it He was also l)U ick to take offense but frontier of India \wliiln KngUsti- me>n ire asking whetbei Lord Salis- bury was renlly in enrnesl when he doclired thnl there v:ia 'ruoui enough i i ills borne and misfortunes ei- bad, tun when \u down to .w ,.,,.,! slowly, ,,,,,| handuig him ihe -, (lldn ., ,, you woull|n ., ,, wel , >t fruit she got into ih , .u- ., y ull , | )UI ,. VBry .,., ,, ught , onnTe Moinethin' of her own, ma says." pll., lull there wax i ko.ll> light the fine |ionil. Jitie. e\eii the best o' fcb.n ng frmn ibeiu, 111 t * i h t >n ling. folks his got <.un,. wi- ikn"s< ,.i f nlin' 'How's all your folks?' asked .\l i s. (hul s|.oilds I he ef fw-l , s,. m ,,| , INKS |( Wlillford us >h.- osi'ill.Ued fiuiii p.inl ry I is to h.-v tin , l|,.i, | , .Imgy an' '' don't linlieve it's goin' ' i> i un." IIH ^, ,hi s John flunhnd up. his petu to lei-t*ble, and the two women n x - " s.eiuiihiifl I don' kuov>. but I be- M 'li "''oii'i you want to pi, tu r ide, lance incieismg. news and funiil.v li..|,| en ngs lieve I sh'd tike t lir ,-lii> H mm ev'tr Adeline f Let's go up hy Ibe M>ulh -|f )11UI , , ,.., ,,.,, metodolh n .""K, tall sun-burned ;,.,ung nine, for i',1 l.e likely I. .h.-v ,.,,,, l ,i|, m ' Uunh.iii, ruad." rigUl thlug ulub ., y shrt ^ on ','' w ,",, in iu> old age , u h -.,.. by -I ii,i,,k 't, goin' t,, rain." she re- , m ., rlv ,.., lu ,| then re,,en,,,| and mm .une in ilh ,i ii.ii I hi iiu. smug with i,..'li, milk in tti-. bmi He .j .U- lo Mi . lleiins and then asked his m..' her. II > mud) milk'll you need t'niglii, Ulillllel I" Oil. HI me I n o or I hi '" quarts," -lie so-.> f ! Me mi i. uied nut the milk an i en' <>ul, ay n he w .ul I lie u I M"' 1 "'"li Mis. \\hllfiilil t\ is i VM. low , .111.1 her son A is i lie .lehglii m I uiule of her III.' MI- I|AI\. i ilked uiiout John a deal In hei fi tends, and never is If he possessed a fault or U, ., i i virtue. After the evening meal was done and John v> is fun. lung the chores at I he bun. Mrs. Bemis remarked us she Mil -I i lie ilishe* for Mrs. Whiiford .1 .liii's a uu.vm' attention to Addie dim hill now, aim he f i ' said his inolhrr good-na- tuii-dly. md tlieu lowering her tone, SB i I I- I: Don't >ou tell, Kllen. but the poor n il In. ul l '""" - ' lf ' ''" v ' '" " "" "'Hi decision, hul pie. ,,,. ,,| le I he hul not said it "Kx ,,s., s..ine Hi, ngs I'd like lo bev" "you l.clle, ,,,11 your te.ui m the barn me. Vddie," he started t., say, hut si,.. ^ e.s, 1.11. jri' Hie i.i me, a mi, I. llm 1 m, I we i-aii sei on the front |n//i. inteiruuled him. .re cnmf'Uiile to git free man's along wnb. to my mind," retiiined Mrs Whiiford. us ahe stroked Cain's back. I I." i . imnister prea< h lermon ,;,,,. waa out ana oii.e on geneio,,! v , |,e was awful Then if il runs we'll I.e. near bi'ine "All right," assented John. h,.,-r- fully. lie drove into the I.ii :i uidbe,- fi'ii' hn could issisi hi'i- to alighi \de_ cule. .->ome u' his nle is hev st ud in my head ever since. I leineiiilier thing be said: "Twits a good thing some folks did die; 'twus fortunate there was in end lo then metniie.s. Why, 1 sez be, 'I've known foiks ^o . In.,. "I ihink if you w;s lib'ra I SI all, you _. wonldii'1 lie g..imr nrovoked .1 such .i hg'ht. little Ihiii^' I* 1 ! I|M 1 b.-tter ni.l h.ive a Mini who thinks ni"re of his money intu Ihe I h i n he doei of hi . > i e ' and Ad lin ' house wnh Hi.- i berries. A shadow eye> f I ishod, fo, sbe is I,UM k-tem- ! ci.inr over John's fare. ",lu<i h-r i.eted too '" plaugey indepMiiileii-n.'' he muttered; OOLOBIM CANAKY BIKIXS. A p,i>uiir culm for c.inary-liirda ID Kuglind n present is a reddish yel- low, or deep orange. This color, it Is said, onn for produced an ifici itly by dieting the binU <>n a uuinber of different substances, the chief uf winch is cayenne pepper mixed wi'h in '. iSMes. !( ilei s are able pro- duce particularly desu nd- .hides by v living i hf qu.illtny .i 1'PP''| in I b) iddnig iM'casioii il ly M In lie tur- meric ii madder. Kn-h dealer b >.< his .w u fin muii. -\h.. h he kce|M sec- ret. Tin' plumsge of the buds thus iieitiU is i^n to fnle, andf they) ire kepi is ininxli i.s piMnible out of th 'leiiilde ,ifi nd I'll help her out .in' have i i h. nice to h .1 I be i h i ud hilfa iiiiiiule." they wouldn't give you , ,,,e, e of , h-ir A ' 1 " 1 "" """ 'Pl""r' ""a a -.|" minds, without ihurcin 1 for it " Roth women luuxhed. "O' course I dun' give jest Ins Hs said too thai tb New Jeru-ulem measured twelve thousand furlongs, but some ' Ihe folks; that e\| ectd ID git theie woiil.ln'i nee, I ill | |, , ( ,,,,,,, mi her arm. "Mi s ij. she i hinks the shower aim ruinm' this wa>, but Ibptler put on my .sucque Vnusi> i be wind's cool " They walked .slowly round to the from of the huse. vdeime, >\ h . \mrnt gieiil t.-ilkei. chut ting bin hn'y .ihont unless they SlOffSXl f>Qtlisj couueis Ihe cbuiob i)i, me iii.l "ihei m tilers uf ll w:n now so dark they could not see each other's faces save h-n Ihe room u as lit by the flushes of liuht- iiuirf The (bunder was almost in .., S;IIH un.l torrents of rain were The storm of anger in the. t,i voung hearts inrreasBd 'Iso audit looked as ' if (h*ir future reliiion* would be far 1 M.tH' V I KU. Mrs. Slubli .luliii. i||,< king it "" h'i p.-k.'ts in which her young coti'.-il Iheniselvivs it the first ,,-eii. .if I i n ger. Mr. Stubb Well. M nia. if ihey are as difficult In liM-a'e i < t llOHrt of I ll* majority of her set 1 cm't H.M. how h- young ones [md I h.-ui from h 1 1 m Sudilenly. whir seemed lo them like vulet tgie"! blinding bail ,,f f,,e. fell with I UK KKKVKINli lletii- bis ilMi-h u g- I In. f..r f ile:ifenini{ sound, uid in, 1. 1,. l r eel;iy llo I'dil Ibe Iliiicluu >'i ' " "'" ' " "' bi pi "st rate iu lUe road, ne.n the huusa, trou-seis, and ths valnl MAHI HOPELESS GASES, NUMBER OF FAMOUS MiIN WHO HAVE CHEATED DEATH. ferll Mh.xlrt W.i. !." llgklrr. M*BlSU> In Whlrh lo ii> ir, Clark M... tii.trkril l> < H.UIII..II. Wkra *.( * r. AreklkaM Wai ll- rkrc~4 > tkr Mwtpllal tu lrr Me. U hen a man is sentenced to death by doctor or by judge his career IB regarded as closed. Metaphorically speukiog. his grave is dug and his coffin made, says London Answers. Bui in many notable cases the grim THE INFUSION OF SALADA CEYLON OREEN TEA is superior to that of the finest Japan tea grown. 1 would save his life. ! with it health. j Very different tyrrnt"Dea^hVcbeaVed"o7~his victim j "other member of ll tor uuuiy years. The condemned man d| - ath - THK SEEDLB. ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ The Roman proverb corresponding I^PV B I aH a^^s^ aH with our "To hit the nail on the bead" was "To touch the question with tbe point of the needle," a pro- verb which indicates not only how highly needle w irk was esteemed by the ancients, but that with ihe point of the needle we touch a fundament- al industry, and one which rises of 1 i-n ; | to an art. "A seam was the first ef- ship arrived. He confided bis fears fort to overcome a difficulty." This to a doctor, who told him the office seam, appears so c Be took it, and CEYLON. berelically refuses to die, and proves his vitality to the whole world. If you were to examine the book* of a doctor who used to practise at Biihop's Storlford you would find a hopeless entry anent the health of a tertain Cecil John Rhodes. He w n ery ill, and the doctor o|>me<l n 1*11 South Africn would not prolong his life for more than eighteen miHithn. lie made this entry against his patient's name. Hi.w young Rhodes cheated death in<l defied the faculty is shown by the MAP Or' SOUTH AKIUCA. was tbe escape of tbe House from F. X. O'Brien. now M. F. for Cork, was tried for high treason >n connection wiih the Ken- La n movement. He was conricled, and sentenced to be hanged. DRAWS, ANU qi.'ARTERKI). However, this was commuted to penal servitude for life, and subse- quently he was released. No other man can boast such an experience. Many famous men have cheated death fur years, and so altered Ihe world's history. Isaac Newton was so puny and delicate a babe that his survival accounted miraculous. In 1753-thirty-eight years before his I death John Wesley was so convinced But for him the Boers would reign of his approaching death by const supreme, for it was his action in tore- tion thai he wrote his epitaph, stalling them by annexing Rhodesia wrote himself as baring died was i he progenitor of constructive- in- dustry, the first civilizer of the race. \Vhere tnai first seum was made, or by whose hands first fashioned, who can tell f The needle used was, no di, uht, an eyeless bodkin, such as the Kaffirs use. to-day, and the animal or vegetable fibre, wUun A is the thread, was drawn wiih difficulty through the skins that were j,iineu to forma garment. Muscle was required fur the sewing of those d,i>s. The in- ventor of a needle with an eye bad Mken a long step, or, in<. r e strictly, a long stitch, forw.iru in the seam which joins so many chapters in the history nf ihe race. The first needle, with an eye which we have any knowledge of is found in the Neolithic eaveiuiii's grave. It is m-ide of bone and neaUy fashioned. Later came the needles ot hammered bronze and iron, and in I'.nupeu have been discovorod evec surgeon's needles. This venerable implement of He jf a thai put ihe first spoke in their wheel, , con-sumption in the fifty-first year of his age. not leaving, after hi* deb s " ns in are paid ten pounds behind him." '" Pinted toot, it, Cyclops eye in Bolh doctors ind himself were falsi- "!' '' U ". pri.cucally tbe uid earned for himself their undying hatred. Lord Wolseley. tbe Commaader-in- Chief of the British Army, was medi- cally pronounced dead in ihe Crimea. He was so defiant of discipline and science as to live. Flis existence to- day is a standing instance of insub- ordination. Mo one us more typically the British tar bold, breexy, strong than Lord Charles Beresford. But as a lad he was puny and delicate. As he step- ped uo board H.M.S. "Marlborougb" an old tar scrutinised the puny middy, >nd ifin.tiked. ' Mother candidate for lea-berryin' come aboard. Bill." Sir Andrew Clark, the celebrated physi. i in wb" died at a ripe old age, was attacked by consumption when a industry bos shown but sm.iil varia- furin. Its long, slim body, fied. and In three months he was travelling and preaching again. 1'itt the younger was another who defrauded death. He lived to forty- four. but the doctors had sentenced him to an early grave when a child. Huw he accompli.shed what he did was a miracle to them, as to us. These are but a few uf the threatened men who have lived long. WHEN VOU WANT TEA, THINK OP LUDELLA WEIGH IT! v'%.%^ Thinking of painting? Weigh carefully the matter of "cheap" p paint before buying it. Don't buy ' tuff in the paint line, because it's f cheap it' never cheap. RAMSAY'S PAINTS |l I are not cheap painte. but whan you pay for thui you pay for the f beet that's made, and whan you f weigh tbe matter, weigh the f " cm " and see Uiut you are gt- j ting mere paint to the gallon than ,, ii be/ore (rum any \ ever fol HONTfttAL. f n n x ut T m Hn. PERSPIRATION. same, whether made of bone and found in a ravemnn's grave or of bronxe or fold, in Scandinavia or of steel to-day. In these days, when needles may be bad att 5 cents a paper, each paper miing two dozen, it is hard to realize tbe value placed long ag'i n one. or how much the possessor of that one needle was envied. The value of this possession is emphatical- ly st forth by tbe performance, in 154J6. at Christ's College. Cambridge, of a ci med> called "Gumtuer Gurlon s TOO NVMEROf 'S TO BE IMPORT ANT. Jimmy Jone brought bis liitls) hro- th*T to erhool with him. and I asked him who the !) Id wn. What did he ey T H i-ui-l : ' Otn this is jusi one of t he Jooee cfaildreo." PLtAL'IMi THE BLAME. She looked si him scornfully, even indignantly. Would you let a woman stand while you cocupy a seat ! she asked. M.uUiua. he replied, do not blame me. (Die fault primarily lie* with your own sex Hirw IMI ' she demanded t did nut receive proper hometraiu- tf, bs TIM Me* Woman Now enters upon pursuits formerly Ne.-ille,' the hero of which was li inmir's lost needle men, monkeys young man. A speciahxt confirmed ' sweat all over tbe body and so do young Cl.irk's own diagnoeis of his 'human beings, bul monkeys, it is said, "Twelve in. >ni hs." said the ruse. "Twelve months," nun SHORTLY ANU SIGMUCAM I.Y. How be lived fif'y times that peri lod is well known. He cured biuiself by fresh air for tbs moiUrn out- door treatment of consumption was originated by Sir Andrew Clark from bis own experience. His Holiness the Pope is a standing defiance of death. He has always been of the fr.ulesl and mosl delicate health. It is a fact that be w i sleeted to tbe Chair of St. Peter twen- ty-two years ago because the i-.udi- Dls anticipated his early death, and the consequent early recurrence of the vacancy. Bui be has outlived all those who uiuiied upon his early decease. He has been I'ope twenty-two years, and st least ouce every year he bus b*en d.mig or dead, according to trust- worthy reoorts. Mr. Archibald Forbes, tbe famous v,.i cur respondent . who died the other day. owed his chances in life ti. i doctor's sentence of death. He w is i iioupei III the Kin ll Drigoons Nra. W..iik<-< . ! .rsrs *. . ,m I.. H . . .- tSM I...I I .. l..r Ikl. I'rmll.r l.lll.- I..II. Pe t spi r :| t ion i.s annual peculiar to and horses Horses chinery have changed all that, how- | cun jnien.i Nervime nerve-pain eer, and with more than OO.UOO.OOO j cures toothache in i niwmem IieeilN-s made weekl) ill tile Kedditch di^tiirt. Kngland. lo say nothing of those turned out each day in other the poorest woman sweat only on the hands, feel and f.u-e. Tbe use of perspiration is mainly to cool the body by its evaporation, al- countries, even , n ,. mooopolned by m.m. Uui the femm- | me nerves are s'lll hers um! she suf- i-,. i r ,^n ,Mho.-hM To her we re- cure line. the moet marvellous p.nn lemedy known to science. N'ervilme may be UM* I effirnciously foi ill nerve pain. lie mm NOT NOTICED. dat nebber kicks an' de man dat kicks ail de lime, said Unoit Eben, in both mighty li'ble to git ae tent ion paid to UTAKHHI. FKAVKJ. CUKNBY. Sworn to before se ana 1 "" -r J' b 7 1 D ln i5i' .l^': A ' W '.viJr^&ifc. 'ail's Catarrh Owe Is taken t">f>''. asd Ssld by DniMwu, :*. ll- Kamilr 1111" According to the Soir. it will cit $1JU to we all the sights nt the I'arii W Pt' I0'!7 though it is generally believed that waste materials are also excreted through the sweul glands when tbe a<-tiou of the kiilnoys is interfered with. In animals that perspire but In tie. tbe cooling of the body is ef- fes led by e\ i| oral mil from the lungs, as w .see in the rase of a panting (tog. The amount of perspiration varies grwaily, according to Ibe temperulure of the surrounding air, tbe condition of health, the degtee of eierciae i.-iken the amount of fluids imbibed, \- Ihe iv.-i.ige jui-'uni of perspiration is thought to be about two puts a day, but ibis i.s, of course, much increased in hoi weather. > In damp weather evaporation from tbe skin is lessened and so one seem to perspire more profusely thun in dry weather, but this us only apparent, for it-all) transpiration is lessened when the .uuiosphere is- charged itb m<>is_ ture. H> fvi hidrosis is t he medical term used lo .lenole an increase in can have her own needle. Dpdd's Kidney Pills are the only medicine that will cure Dia- betes. Like Blight's Dis- ease this dis- ease was in- c srable until Dodd', Kidney Pills cured it. Dot.-u-rs themselves confess that without Dodd's Kidney Pills they are powerless against Dia- betes. Dddd'a Kidney Pills are the tirst medicine that ever cured Diabetes. Imitations- box, name and pill, are advertised to do so, but the medicine that tieti in IMii. He hud risen to acting quar- j, e i > yiraiion. let m isici . aud promotion would have froui The increase may be the enure body, or sun M followed, had not his health confined to souic part irul-ii part, as broken "low n. Aftet eighteen monl hs ihe face, the hands or the feet. Pro- fuse sweating is ten, ci.miuon in sasen of debility and in excessively stout pfi.sons II .NTH is also in con- nvciton with various diseases, such as < "ii-uiun ion. utghl swsils. pneu inoni-t. 01 y rheum. i < ui aud certain nervous disorders. Sudden pun. i ion ui. i\ "U-e .lU'ie.i-ed j erfspira. lion. The oppo.siie coii<lition. a gie.t diiiiinu ion or absence of sweating, anbidrosis, is 11111- h rarer, uud occuia usually m c(muet:iion with .some dis- ease of ihe >kiii Sometimes the char- acter of the secretion in changed, and of black, blue, grav, yellow or re. I sweating have been described I'll.' treatment of perspira- liou depends upon ihe ,iuse. Tonics, i-olil M ..'"' b.i>bing, especially .salt ..MII|. i ne exercise, and rub. jeinleni upon general debility ur obes- ity. Spraying ur sponging ihe body Diabetes Is Podd'y Kidnev Pills. Dodd's Kidney Pills are firtv cents a aoa at all in Ihe military hospital he was dis- charged as incurable. He placed himself under i London docinr, was cured in six weeks, and then WKNT 1X1 WN I'O Al.llKHSIIOT. to show the Army surgeon how- he ,iv "Well you ought to be de.i.l !" d.- ln.-.l the doctor griidginglv. Thus Itiii. un and the AIIH.V lost a brave soldier, aud journalism and the world gained a brilliant wnier md the prince ..f war correspondent* The life of charming and brave Kob- erl Louis Sievenson was one long de- fii-.-c of death. Pitifully weak in bod> hi.s great brain and brave spirit tarried him lo forty-four, when he died at his ocean-home. Apia, leaving behind ibal which will not let him be rasily forgot. It is nut generally known that M' 4. J. It, i If. mi was formerly a dealh- launted man. I'ntil he blossomed THK WOMAN OK IT Clara If you don't love him, why should you accept his attentions? Maud Well, you know, some oth- er girl might- FOR OVER FIFTY YEARfc M fU W1XSI.OW" lMiTHI?l<> STRIP k ! MWbf atb>n lor Uilr hiLiren tin It ew^JMJ thr,Hiuhoul Lhr world. M AHKI.MIKS. In AuBtria a man and a woman are supposed to be csp.O>le of conducting a home of their own from tbe age of 14. MONTMAL NOTIL OIMOTMV. CALVERTS lie Ollnfctnt Soapa Oln . Tooth Pewrsx <.. bm keel twtniwl 1UO m*4al> >nd diplosssstar or*""' irslleaee. Thtr reTilr OMprtrvsir mfc otu fllimn a*k four to nbiaia > apply LUU mailed ?re on ap*llaa F. C. CALVERT A CO., HANOMiarM OUTTIM SO vo Kit Jc..rMii ol v 1,1.. of CUUani "! rilllnt U. WnUi tor (MjUuulan m HATTS FOR SAIL HKS INrfBATi'R. lOSK'-l! "li raau nnlj tt nl - il ntHM-iiOB ! W A.Tlt ' EHS.^'ltrT. AJbU. Brass Band ucn l)rum. iUrns. Etc. Every Town oan have a Band Music or Musical Instruments. Wha y Royce & Co., r '""wU-ii LAW Mill* Mm. * Mavle* B<trrlsln.t- . raieTi to Wley Ui . lUea- und 31 w . TnroBte. AVKNUE HOUSE M, Out Collf A >" Fm.lll HOUI rsl- SIM T 91. T K . r P <W()OD & PHOTO T NCR AV ING |> J. L.JONt.S TNC ( ? ul 6 * IU AOtUlUE >TW TORONTO" Catholio Prayer MllllKKN HI -I\K>S MKI IIOIIS. ll.iw is business f asked the reporter, i Dull, said the marriage license clerk. I in i hulking aboul advertising Mt< R ' Saaki. SoMnec, Dr oifiiM, SoasiuMra, 1 Church Orom*nu- V 4 J.'SASUSS * St., Issotreai, Dyeing I Cleaning I BHITIIH' AMIBIOAN OTIIHG co. ir MBd 111 llin I II give an oil stove and a pound Look for .i .n rr u,wn. on..d dir^s. of c.,,,,u ,ih e.-.h hc.nse. Montreal. Toronto. Ottawa, Qubc. OUi< BKAVK VOLUNTKKRS Enduied the severe marching of 'he IN THK tX)l NTKV Vmle Cyni.s' f. Iks ie g.Mn t take rl loi o' summer boarders m self-<le- able (onftude. The fi-nse I should hive supplied North-west With I Ml Covernnient < lieiin with Lind, is tbsy a mot 'g"l f 1 1 in .' "N:> buh thai 's wh-'l lies guard in nginm. ?!'< g.wn t'f'll til' house up wiih bivirders. -10 t h-y won't he no io*>m f'r h eiiy rousms t stay with iui f r noihing' th' hull summer long on his i , iu ., u iity ,,f tne oelelutiieti Putnam s , ess Corn Exii.ic.iur Ii never fails tin remove corns pinlessly. and, the volunteers snd eve:\!,'U else sliou I h Te t' B ware of sui -t 'ut.'s. Ge Put u un s Extractor aad tnk'- no ot her. POULTRY, BUTTER, ECCS, APPLES, This Oawsoq Commission Co., Lin\ttcd, sr. *MI - M.ri.i a OslSenis st , Teresrtst P F I N C and s*is>st MSUI work*. n v w r i n w n,.,,..^!) HLATB. m MM*. txltrdr^n. HLATC BI^OKBOARDS l> I'.' ui.4 Blak sk**U,Ton>B*ol BOOSM Psli.1 :'o, Tu MO ROoriXu TI1.B s~- x- i ur Hsii*- iu|i. Tin nu>. ,loQ t)f iiur dim). MoUl CwltBft, Cor ij ,ur Ana). Mnll CnliM*. c> * furiiiuintl foi vurt I* .)imyi4 Or f MniiUtih pp<l to u> prt ut UiotiBlrt r 0. SUTHII A SONS, kd.Uid. A WlenMrlts,, CTifli Terenl*. HIKTHUAY A souvenir hirihdi.v |>,i,in has the name i>f i he iii.mtli in the bowl, the handle is embellished with the flower uf th.' in. in i b and with the, sign of the /mliac appropriate tu it. LAKOEST IN EUROPE. Tbe largest hositii) in Europe iaat M<cow and bus 7.000 bivis Its staff ronaists, of 6 physician* and 900 nurses, and nboui 15.0011 paltnta, are cared for every year. FURS. FURS. Importer snd exporter of Raw Kara aid Skins. Con signmenM solicited. High- est prices paid fi r g tnsiag. 11 JOHNSON, M St. Paul stnet, Montreal- !.,iih as Thief Secrelaiy for Ireland wi|h llr . ill(lv .,,,,| :,,,._ vinegar and le was a confirmed hvpiH-hmidi i.u- tnd valetudinarian. tie was not itrirog, but he made mati>-r worse by Im iinagniai ion. xnd by physicking himself. water, or a solution of '.11111111 or acid is useful. jVrt.iin drugs which hue a dvm> 10 diminish |_e ion .met lines employed lo reduce nighl swe.its of ronnumf i : "ii, The story goethat his mantelpiece |h ., S(1 ue , PV .,.,,ne is was covered with medicine-bottles t |,i. len- are to weaken ireadv deln'ii .n .! |.itient and lo hen the offer of Ihe Irish Secret.1 y- prevent ,* sleep. Canada Permanent LOAN AND SAVINGS CONPANV. Iti-nftroliA' KD 1SU The Oldest and Largest Canadian Msrt- (Sg Corperstion. Paid-up Capital, $1,600.000. Reserve Fund, 1,200,000. HwKMIlM Toront* !., TsrMte. ranch OfTlM* Wlimlpa. Man., VVIMUVW. DCPuSIT* RCCIIVKD IntoraM . DF.BBNTVRM ISHUD for I. 1, 1. Uk IMOMM c...lp,.n. ti.wknl MOM 1ST LEFT ont~.ini j nf rol at Muni, ipoi, < nuin ( J. HERBERT MA3N. Maaa|lsi Director. Ttrease.