he Home ! AM-AH VliLS AND SI HA WHKUH1K.S Asparagus Cro<|umiea - Mash i..- (ether bunch of cooked asparagus i"l a can of 4.11m,, n frum \vhiub tbe liquor but heu well di -.inii.il. sea-tun with Ball, |i,-|.p,.r and dm juice of 1 I'inoii. MII,M,,II with i li- fish liquor, <ld a cup of bread crumbs. When cold form into croquet lev roll in crumbs and fry in deep hot fa. drain Serve in a nenl of on brown piper, lei i nee. Asparagus Malad Cut one bunch of celeiy into little pieces, add a small on:,, rk. a tiny blade of mice and near- ly a pint of water. IJ.nl ibuui half an hour, aeasuu with salt and beans are rooked, drain them thor oughly. For two quarte of benna, al 1 'w two cuffuls of vinegar, ona o water and twp of brown sugar this does not nuke them rich enough to suit, add another cupful of sugar Heai the sugar, vinegar and wate. t tbe boiling point. A little bag o apices may b. 1 added, If desired, or some sticks of cinnamon, and a few clovea give a delightful flavor Whan the vinegar is boiling hot, add tbe cook ed beans, and ..eit through till boil- ing hoi again. They will be ready for iininediaie or may be put into Add to the liquid 1-2 ox. pink gela- tine which ni iii-en s<>alc,iiK fr JU glass cans while hot, and kept inde- finitely. Swiss Chard. This is a most useful vegetable, it in of (lie beet family, but it in the top a .id not the root that in eaten. The lops grow large I and lender and the leavea. when washed are thrown into boiling wa- ter, cooked half an hour, drained and served witb a naiad dressing, or witb mi im i en in a little water stir until ( made as follows: Yolks of , four eggs, (Milled hard 1 and then irrat- well dissolved, then strain. Wet a iip plaio in cold water au.l invert *'' n> " twl '" h " lf * ' u ' >f ul of bulter ' In the bui i, ,iu of a 2-qt. tin pan. I'our Ihe celery jelly over tbe dish, and when the jelly begins to cool, set it tbe ice box until tbe following day. When needed, lurn the jelly out upon a large round plate which has been chilled. Kucircle tbe edge of the dish witb parsley, fill tbe center with a aalad made by ateaming until lender two bunchea of asparagus, aud mix- ing witb n, after it ban be.n cui in mall pieces, a muyoiiu-.iise dressing. i.ieen lluitei Sandwiches Chop to- gether until fine three stalki of cook- ed asparagus, a bunch of watercress and a sprig of parsley, knead wiih them as much butter as they will laku up, add salt and a pinch of cayenne pepper Spread evenly on thin alices Sf bie.id Cmi.ige Cheese Mix with '1 cups cottage cbeese 1 tablespoon melted butter, 1-J iu.i<poun salt and 1 table- spoons thick cream, iloll into bnd's- agg balls and dot with, parsley. On hiead and butiei plains curl the heart leave* of lelinc.li in i li shape of lit- tle nests, aud in the nesta arrange 5 egg>. Serve with wafers. KciMlloped Si raw berries Kor Ibis deaseri oue pint of cream, a pint of tmwberrieB and the samu <|ii.ii>lily ef canned piueapple it needed. Whip tbe cream 1.1 a stiff froth. Arrange on Ihe IMHIIIIU of a glass dish a layer f pnie..|,p|.., add a -pi -inkling of pon- dered sugar and oover wiih the whip- ped cie.im make another lajur with i r i btjriier sugar aud cremn. So continue ihe alternate layers uniil all are used and there is a pyramid of fruii with strawberries laat. H.-ap the cream on lop and keep on ice until re-idy to ei v, 1 . SI i aub.'iry >>u lib - M ish snawlter- i ,!< fiufficieni i" mike a quart of liquor, i.l I I l-J Ib-.. iu rf ii and tbe juice of half a doien l.-iirms. After, Iba sugar has dm, ,!>,-, I ... .in and idd a pinl iif H.iiei. crushed ire in sinali (j M-I vc with a teasooonful of mixed mustard, same of aalt and \w\>\-t. Make the rhard into a mound, anil pour tbe dressing o-vef il or Hpreml it well over. Vine- gar may lie added, if preferred, and many do prefer it Many like therhird aerved simply with a French dressing of pepper, aalt. vinegar and oil, or butter. Ureen Corn. So many rooka spoil corn, in cooking that I would like to any, green corn will rook in three min- uie after it comet ton boil It tikes a trenermiM kettle of water for green i <n n. and this should be boiling hrisk- ly, and a good tire kept under tbe kettle after the corn at added, aa it 1-otiln tbe water very much. Have tbe corn liueknd and, the n.lk-* removed, put Itato the water and cook aa de- acr.Sied. Serve at once with little puts of well-nailed butter. Corn ia aweeter aerved on the cob than in any other way, but It ia very good creamed. i;u'tei.-.| .- wei" fin n tli iii- or cut from the cob, put into a akilUt two heaping tableapoonfula of Imtier.add the corn, a quart at leaat, and cook for ten minute*, salting to Uutte. HOI'SKltOI.U DON 'IS. Don't conceal iireakage. Uon'l forget to clone doors In-hind you. llnii'i regard it aa a burden to be obliging. Uon'i unilale your oiiiitreaa' ai.\les of ilreiia. Don't ei|iect to lie regarded aa one nf t be family. Dou'l be i iff less about your appear- ance in I he houae. l> HI'I *|irnd your salary on fine clol hea. 1) HI'I think it i* a htrilthijt to have the humblest' yeast FROM SCOTLAND. 't NEWS FROM THE HIGHLANDS Ati-LOWLANDS. . 3*i Manj Things That Happen to Inter- est the Minds of Auld Scotia's Sons The value of fiah landed in Shot- land in the month of February am- ounted to 1,9!>7. ag-ainat 4.799 in Ihe corresponding month of last yesr. The falling off this jrenr ia account- ed for by tbe had weather. Ai tbe Edinburgh Twn Council I-ord I'rovotti Mitchell Thomson inu- mate.1 that he lud received 100 fimu __. Mist Florence Xigbtingale towinis the p a , LLS O F FASHION -i.'h Chubb ...I other, have reduce* them l,ord J, ow idinitied that the c waa a bard UOB , but h had n *"* Wa "" df>tted *" Ver with " n * opt .on but to atu-k to the letter of the ' ***" " r " ular '"'"! lair. PLASHES OF FUN. fjftle Kluier I w |,.,t tat 1 Prof. Brueflhfad Tact, my son. is the ' an at knowing what not to do. Little Willie Say, pa, when a man faiks in business. wh.it is meant by . ..a v;ae UL urayK Lorlship is raising for the ,1.,-n, K; r death bin frimily wnuld have puid his os|>ita in S.nith Africa ' fund Scottish Hospi The governors of the Glasgow and Weal of Scotland Training College have .1.-. I- I to erect their new col- age at the corner of George street and Montroae street, clearing iway he old Andersunian College. Tbe i;iaago<w I'arks Committee bns unanimously resolved to recommend bat no jierni btion be given 10 put run borea in Kelvingiove Park with a view, tu work a model coal mine uring Ibe Exhibition of 1801. Major-general Andrew Gilbert \V . u- btipe, of Niddrle Mu. MI hall. Midlo- Is an, anil of the 42nd Foot Black V'atrh, who died in action at Magers- ootein, left personal estate in Eng- land and Scotland valued at >&.7i2. Tim death of the widow of Llnuien- nt Thomas Swinnon, of the 4-nd toyal Highlanders, look place al her eaidence at Heitbfield lionise, Dun el, at the advanced a^a of 94 yearn he had survived her husband 84 ears. i;-neral lie, '-r M-icdon.iul his sent is cboi-olale box and contents. which e, along with tbe other soldiers at he front, received from the 'Vueen Trinity i'ollega, lileualuiondi tube reserved there as a memento of the loer war. Tbe members uf Ihe Dumfriesshire 1 nut, have subscribed 150 for the n- his liabilities' I'a Th.- sum f,,r which bis creditors get left, my .son He baa a voice which in ikes i iiciow,l With wonder stand and blink. He I alien so | <>a g likewise ao loud. He haa no time to ihiok. Hrown <Jr ay ,s in a had way. I fear, They say the doctor haa given him up. Black I shxmlilu'l have llioughi that. In case of Uray'a doctor'a b II if i hey were fin spots, are one of tbe I'n s, in fancies, and with these ie worn a collar band pointing down be- In" ihe accustomed neck line in front and closely beaded all over. Veila with velvet spots have bees) the reigning fashion for some time. lui the novel feature which disiin- tfuiHhes them mm in that you can seleci your |*lam net, i-hmise the sixe and number of S|MIIS most becoming, and have i he,iu put on to order as far apari or as near together as you like. Kim-y a pretty woman standing be- fore the mirror arranging the becom- ing position il tbe spots on her veil while the girl behind the, counter in 1 1 k in the In lie placet. threads to and you will No, I won't have anything morn for you. Your work lint week displeased me very much l.uundry- nmn Whit's tbe mailer, w.itn't it well done f Pepprey Yes, loo well done. [ like my shirts rare. have a new edition of the vanity of vi n. iie.s. liu' the result fully justi- fies Ihe means Neckiies made of silk in tbe form of ba i wings are one <>f the many novel lies in neckwear, paatel rulor- inga being ibe choice. Shu-ring ia very much in evidence on tbe new thin gowns. Skirts ire slurred -ir.Miinl the top, sleeves fruu to work. Kven |il i nl has to. Don't object to wearing a eap. If* Ihe in irk ,f in boneit women, not a adge of servitude. . -, Don't we.ir a rlolh Strawberry Glac.s-.'u, 1 Ib. gran- y , , k ,,,,,, . Mated sugar and 1 J cup w Her in a. iioiceUin lini-d -.i.ir..|, m Stir until dissolved , add H mnali salispoon of 1-1 cam ' ii i u to preveiii ih, 1 mixture from sugaring. I'lace on the fire and ilreM boil rapidly for 15 miniiies wilhonl stirring. Al the and of this un nt in culd water. If Ihe syrup spins a t blend when dropped fimu Ihe spoon it is ie,di fur use Iteinoye from the fire, flami with a ici-|>mii of 1,-inon juice, siand ihe saucepan iu a dixh of hot water on I h i ibl.- m.l dip the eiiawberriea in the fondant VMI|I ,..-.! tuugs. Tin on buttered paper u. dry in a warm place. .ir ne.it- er and more comfortable Uuu'i loae sight of Ihe (act th..i you ure lieiug paid for your work. Il is 's >m h Af rica . 1'rinta Shanuigan is i he luialake lu act aa if you were con- of Ibree beds in the Imi>eiUl emnanry Hospital in South Africa, he aleepltx-baite* have been ilmn- "tie.l for this yur In consequence of tw war and the many Imreavement s of county families. Mr Jume Cherrie, oue of the fuii'l- m of the Si-ottish Itnd Restoration nague, died at Glasgow. Mr. Cherrie was a well-known figure ia labour orguniralions in Si-ntlmd, aud con- triUuN-l voluuiinoual) tii Ihe pre~-, .>n Ibe subject of land reform In i"i- - IDWS circles as Ibe oity representative of the well known firm of Mea.<trs rieardiuore, of I'arkhead, he enjiiyed an exletisive acqu lintauce, ainl win lii-ld in high eateeni, for bis kindliness an. I sincerity. Un le.ves u wiitow mil taauily. Cainbuab.il ion feels itself IMIIHIII ivl at pieoeol, in lieiug the residence uf tb- late (iural W,iu-hi>p''a gronui in ^ . . . --.. 1.10 , ij, s,f-r>vrs I I uua cuuipel our cook ,u keep , he ahoulder lo the elbow ,,,d usually an alarm clock in her , .Vnn- ;ihrre , . , hil ,,, k . t( , U~ -he gong .in.u,, her , .-Huh,.- ^^ , ,., ^ ^ ^^ No. bat ,t arouse, my wife and iben I ,,, tol r , >url drelwml w()rn a th> ahe goes up two flight-, of stairs and Q UBwn -. |, r ,. iwriliw H^,,,,, rap. . tha cook's door Gn . en ^ )p , JHn ,, e||t |. H an) . o| Husband, of a month. My love, 'lie fads in hat pins what cook book, do you use.' Brute 1 <<>ld linid which is the real thing Sometimes one and aouie-iiuiaa auoih- dives a very chic touch to many ,>| er. Ma and grandma and my wx auuis 'he new gownn. Il is only a touch) gv me about a dozen of 'em. Hu- ai the belt ami wrists, however, and band, tundjtativsly 1 wiuider how u very artistically arranged with black would do not to use any for a while, velvet on a soft uele color. One finle very little real poetry in Long .silk and sunn costs in colura prim nowadays, remarked the young " s well aa black, are such an evident woman Yes, snswered Mr. Bardly element of fashion thai there must be tii-rips, aa be pushed his hair bank aome reason for their apfiearance N f r mi hia brow. It's the old story with doubt the elegant followers of the '" (f a man wants to be sura some- unile will find i he in useful at the thing la well done b inu.tl do it him- ''- and the watering places later self. o A. dark tan nh.-ule of satin forma I aiever tell my boy thai I won't on " JUO<lal ' w-nu ' h '" In '" 1 - ' lengih- -ake hiui to the .-ircus if he mn ' .'d '' shorl cr "- 1 ' '"""'- " "< - remarked the candid man Why not f ', .-t ill aWe the knee I duu't rare tu mku my chani^ee. I'm lired o< worrying for fear he'll do something tha' li keep the whole fain- "' " ' " ood llne '" lht> f "*" r " n< ily liotue Hl '" rl on<> " fl " ln ^ween Klowerndi yaunette riblx>n ia twed for a looaa 1 have of'en wondered, said Cholly. lining or a second rever. and extend* what I aw would do in caee of fire all down the front on each side It if all em-apt- waa cul off. Whether I !,> ,,laits in at the back lining the aw-w.mld Jump or be burnw.l. If high collar Hull silver bul tuns ara I werw yuu, saiil \li*s Cutting, i lying i ho fastening, lo aiifle ynwn, I wouldn'i it" eit U- - * ' '"" nt th * sklrt '" al P'' '' hB l(m * I>: "" M " et ,n te er. I wnild bore my wuy out. Binkii I uAiterstand that Uoadsby loM I.LU,- old stories ai thel'ol- ferring a favnr upon your nuitlreas by working for her. i L.I i uf l.isinit ladiea' cloth, sr white |ili|iie, double breasted, with a '< ket nn ech side. The cape has |.i-il e.lge and is ornainenteil with sunning, and the i,,,, si,,, ,n collar alsn baa a scolloped lop and is trim- A I'hlUM.V IIKU. Afiei npeiiod of pailnil urgleui, the in.ue biilliaiit typ,v, ,,f i| K .suiall-flow- eiel JH-.IIIII sie again being uattd i.u bedding alfecl. The ,.nly , m piuveaiietii g.iine.l iu Uiu attain for ihe I , -i 31) 01 tu yeiiis, useuui tu U m ihe way of ilxv-uf mi , ,mn|*i, t- glowing vaiifiui.. | ,- hybu-ds U!K tamed a generalum ago vveie fully w good in color aa a.iy sinci- uia.le In Ih ii large ot 'guiiii 11 ,.,-ieil .-I.,., KI-H uii|iiiiveiumiin in . si ,11. 1 mi,. n ny of color have heou leienlly biiHigbl forward, bul I be nm.tU-f low- ered varieties, tviih ihiiir inyrnn. >f chveil'iil bli.uUiM, si ill leiin.ii I hi- fivuiiie 11.4,1,1,, l'luma.- ,u-i! prac- tically giovMi only an pol 01 gn-eu hi.iihe pi i in. s AUuny of Ihe l.e.si vaiie- tlp IIH weak growers in ihe gar, leu, ; mM UUUBlla | ,,, in, I ill become ..| i; l|y lHMliaggle.il ' n w ^ ,|>,,| ilui ng wei ,MMI|,,U 1'u ,u,.iiy ib.-re JUI(K| . H,,.^,,.,^,,,! , ne , barge. It > lysao old faahi.Mied cbaiui cou- ^ii\ that If I . is not found necied with even ibe o.U,i of , Led of ' in , lis hou ^, ,, ,. , . ,. , , lln(>t b . gulden i.e.iiii a.,. ,, I I,, Hums >|u,\\ su III I le . b ,, uf ,lu- soldier iu qutvsi iuu He ia a Hlack Witch reservist, stxmi i went) -eight years of K n . ml was a I-KII-IIIUMII iu Ihe llillfoota dis. ru-i, when he WH* .vilied up m to rejoin his regiment, lit- was then apfMiiiiied tieii- er.il Wuuchopca giooui, anil v/e-nl w ih him tu tbe front. At Megeiafon- le n. Mutuiiigan w m close to his ma.n- ter when he vta* sltor do\v u, aud ran tu help him, Im 1 was bimsflf woundl iu linili legs whiltt doing ao. Shannigan Ikia been invalided home, and h n i a ken a h'.u.s.. w.lh his wife iu I'mi bu.sbitrrofi for a few m.intha. A ia-te which cam- l>efore a Conn of Session the u hei day to l.tihl one of tboNr half ci>mic anoui- al P which So-.ch leg-al |>nelure occasionally exhibits V mi-s.te.mfer- al-aiimt served a chaise against a cer i n |>"i.soii for s >uia i'f court *x- IM-I..S.-S i'h B .udividual iu itue'it>n w>. nil foini i in i Ins house u tbe A TTltXJRAPHlCAL ERROR You sy in your puper t hi morn- ing, cried the irate Mr Heeler, 'hit in [xilitics. Heeler ia a lobster ( a correction. , dear sir. levlied I he editor, it aky dinner lest night. Thai's lirab- sky's joke, you know Stranger No. wuit 1 don't kn.-w Whal'a bis joke f Minks My -Why. be always gels off I hose stor. w--m corrected In the proof, but the ie* when the dinner ia bad. Ware you ly V <> overlooked it. 1 wrole " job- iliHie* J-li auger \ ee. I'u I'od.sky. star" very disUm-ily Caller Isu'l y.nn mother in, K.hell Kihel No, ma'am Sibe'a down town. Caller Sh<vpiog ' Kibl O! no, ma'- am I don't think ahe thai, iihe said jb hid lime for ai iuai going to i un down and gat .>uie . hm^-* she needed. Keadrii-k, who for two monlhe bas IIHM.II studying French &ay, Sutinu, 1 cuti write a good letter in Krenc-b now. Suit on R'm I IM I hat so? Well, you rnnjr lie able lo write a good lel- ter in French, but 1 d*>n'i Iwlieve you can wriie a letier in good French. UIS PRIVATE OPINION. Here, w-iiter, hind me a pa- per Wailer-Whi.il one, sirt liuest Oh, the hcnt one. Waiter sSorry, sir. but fbe hoiaj I ,.-n i Mibscrine fur it. KV1DKNTLY HOI, DIM; H.VNUsl. Is that young man in l.be parlor with Maude still f i -k-d her fitiher siidilenly Linking up fnnn his paper. Very still, replied her mother. A Strange Malady Among Soldiers ! Said to be tooomotor Atana n Nervoua Oleanee, which le AJao Prewnlant In This Country Peculiar Symptoms. Capl J. 1*. fc'mliy. <rf I h" ' h I niled tbe spinal rd and, revitalises tbe Slates Infantry, has returned from osrvea. Manila, suffering wiih wbal he says 'Ihe time to act ia when nerv uii.snnas ie ' a tai'rible tuabnly which ia pre- valent aiu-nug Ihe oifice>rs iii.l men [i '(svelopo into imiiii'isor neivei-. s vii-iiuis .ne . Slat aaasMa itself apparent. When I>P>I im life." uient Uii'l'-i Un it NU. -. h M being a I you lie awake, too uervou.s ii> sli-p. when you bave ne.i vm.s ii utacho and "*" f MH11 i-hil.lb ,,,.1 day. coiuoioi i i\ i, aud Ls jusi us piev i- vv is exp! HUM. leal iu No-rlh Amorina ae i ihe I'bil- II the same ml be ippinea. Il is a (^generation of the neVre .-elln of tUe sp.nal cord which <lU) " li , k""l>"^ n.r ,0,1, pios. ralion, affe. ia the nerv couirollmg motion. l ln<> >sieui ia 'I liere aiu many exuinple of Ihe ter- rible n-sulis of this disease lo bo seen ' mi : In- si reels of I'm onio md oth- er t'linnliiii cltiea. The characterist lo ay nip' -.MIIS of this nerve-exruuis HIK diaea inability to w ilk proper- ne I, ibe I'l.ipiM- proeedttte iiiogive km. k. ai the lour and 10 sffix Ihe schedule if i huge lo the gale lor door or put i: in ln> key-bole t The nerva be^iiiii.ng of a wasting which must and m locmnoiur sy unl-'-is tba sysieui ia re li'oi llii- l',-n,.fii u( all mad* arlid- v., otnuoi d'i betlet than to ifoi'Uini' ml the peixisteni IMS of Ui I'h i>,. i Nei ve l-'uud. which la a fi-w moTilhs will completely rebuild the exbiiiisid n. -i vous. syaium and UK I'A HUM. W \l.l. I' \i'|,|; U .It paper thai haa bee. .me lnui or loin off in small |,.n. h.-s , n I cau- difference bei wi-eu |nii-in^ it -oiin nvuiH below Ihe door an, I n n S,- keybi.lt io ill- liv ini.il w .iild nol seem vei m.i' ! . il, but in ihe eyes . . I with stimuli*. Coat sleev ea , " Ol >>e match * 11 ">"> e rep.iued <vnh (>f , hl , ,., W| ,, [K |M .,,,,,,, Th<> Im be wide, L' yarda. -. i. iiinied back cuffs. M,,irial re- | <-' <ll ""-'y rhildren's paints. Mix ihe i,|.i of si i, ki,,^ '... uiiient i quired, fur girl of 4 years, cloth, 48 c<'l till you gel as nearly as possible ' a keyb.ie s ,,f Mifficiei, iv 'the desired shade, and lightly touched riihji uli.u.s Tins ,,,,,!,, ,.r.H,s,,,n up Un- l.r.-ken placus, and at Hi.- ids- f i h IHW IUUHI 1 n- ,|..VMI t,.,,,, isnce of a fool or I vw, I ), .l,s,- uuie . ihe lime v hen krv b ,'e, .. r e k v,|li..|., meni will be .,,!,. unnoticed. mu 4 nul t | lt . ,n muiui ivn ip.-nui.-, I,. VKliKI VIII.K IMSIIKS. iiin,! lleana V , IT ur to control ihe han Its and nuts ot ". H ' n must serious disaaaes of tbs Thi> feel ire i r'.sml high up :tnd put nerves. , v\ hec! and sola logeth-r n i SOP* i ""* I'l-i'iu-ni i.s renonimeiideit of llapp.ng motion The victim is in above .-ill others beciiuse it is i UIK!- H "f f ill nx w:,..|i tfoniK ii]> in ei n cicin il'n: p? rpi ra I ion i-onnx, i n,|,,J| |{ ft -.in I favourite |II-H*H;I ipl ion of Hi A. W. Chase, who his laateil ii 10 111. ins. indi of oaaes of looomolor alas* ii ILI ilysis ind H.-IV.IU.1 prostration wiih wlij. h IIH I-UIH -s in ooni-i" in hl n. ii-i- practice. It is considei nd by nu'. I:,- 1 1 in, MI lu i), i I tic K'' 'it-'sl ra- slurative vvhicl, nature provides for p.. 1 - weak, nuivuui mou, wumen a oil iairs or around walks wall Ins dyes on his f.iiM. ,<x- peneti ing sli.nniiik,- pa:ns in i h* Naga ami seuw nl pressure ilnjii' thii w < st In the later stages lorouiolor :it.ix-a a.s i h s .lisn.ise is>-.il!-l. is nn-ni i lil^ If laken In tijne, il is fount lu yi,-l,l io ihe leHloiarve infliiein-e of l>r rhas- s Nerve l-'-iol. wii li unple)! M- ly reUulda the wi-<tail nerve call* of chilJran. SIEGE OF MAFEKINC RAISED Pretoria Officially Announces That the Investment Has Been Abandoned. A (ieepatuh from Pretoria aaya: It WM officially announced on Friday that when the laagers and forts aj-ound Mafeking had bean severely bombarded Ihe siege was abandoned, a British fores from th south taking poaHesaion of the place. President Steyn arrived here on Wednesday night, and had long and clone conferences with the Transvaal Government. He left here for the Free State yeajterday might. Addressing a eriiw.1 on the platform, he urged them to be of good cheer. It is reported that 5,000 British troopa have surrounded C'hriatiana, and that Landdorat and other offi- atala hare been taken prisoners. Jamas) Milne, the correspondent of the Renter Telegram Company, who baa been a prisoner here, waa liber- ated and escorted to the border tkia M , . g TH KKWS CONFIRMED. A deepetcn tmm London aaya : Col Bhden-Powell's brother, who ia in Lon- eo. to-dey received a telegruon from a Dutch, friend ia Pretoria, announc- thnt Mafeking bad boen reller. d TUB NEWS IN KNGLAXD. A despatch from London, Saturday, says: There waa a wonderful scene at 'tie opera at Covent Garden theatre when the relief of Mafeking was mude known. After the aeooud act of "Lohengrin," the Prince and PrincHi of Walea, the nuke of York, the Duch- ess of Fife, tbe King of Sweden and Norway, and Princess Victoria were present. The news apparently em- anated from toe Prince of Wales, but the houne waa iiuiet until the informa- tion reached thn gallery. Thn audience there announced the news in the voice nl 3. Stentor. and demanded that the ' orcbeair* play "tiod Save the Queen." ! Urr Mottle, wuo was conduct .ug, had retired, and tbe remaining musicians hemtated, but tbe audience struck up the national hymn. The royalties cama >o tbe front of their box, the Prince of . Wales beating time, perhaps unoon- BCII usly, with hia hand. Tbe scene terminated witb roars and cheers of jubilation. AT THK MANSION HOUSE. Va aouo as the news of the relief i of Mufeking waa [roclauaed at the MARKETS OF THE WORLD Prices of Grain. Cattle, Chi IB tho Leading 1 Markets. Toronto, May 22. For an off day ear receipt* were heavy thla morning, aa a total of 72 carloade of livej atook eaane in to the western oat tie yarda, comprising 1,100 boga. 1,000 onttla. 300 Inoibs, yearlings, and sheep, 30 calves, and a dozen milkers. Shipping cattle wa* unchanged and eteady ; choice stuff ranged from 4 *> to fOt5 and ft.W, w.ta $6 a a tup figure for selections Good butcher cattle was steady, but inferior grades were inclined to weak- ness on account of tbe large supply Several loads were left over Small staff, while not quotably changed, bad a decidedly weaker ten- dency Hogs are steady and unchanged. For i/i. me bugs, seeling frein .00 te 20t las., tbs top price is 1-Hc . heavy nogs 6b-ttc, aud Ugbi hogs S Me per Ib. Following in tba range ef queta- Uons: Ckltle. Shippers, par cwt. . |4.26 Uui . liei , choice, de, . . 8.76 Butcher med. to good.. 3 i'- Butcher, inferior. . . 2.60 Mockers, par cwt. . a.0 Sheep and Lambs. Sheep, per owt ......... 4 00 Yearliaga, per cwt. ... 6 tt Sftring lambs, saob... 2 SO Bucks, per cwt ......... 3 28 Milkers aud Calves. Cows, each .......... .... 26 U Calves, each ............ 2 UcfS. Choice hogs, per owt. CM Light hogs, pur owl... ft M Heavy bogs, per owt. u DO stows ..................... > 0* Stags ........................ t Oi Toronto, May 22. Wheat - Local prices were easier, and businsaa con- t in in-d dull. Manitobas eased off l-2c. Quotations r as follows ; Ontario, red and white, 64 1-2 to 65c, north and west, (15 1-2 to Otto east; goose wheat. 72o east, and Tie west ; spring aast, floe ; Manitoba No. I hard, 77o, Toronto and west ; and TSo. g.i.t ., lake and rail. Flour Quiet. Straight roller, in buyers' bags, middle freights, $.: -11 per bbl. bid, and |2.6U u.sk>ul. S| nal brand, In wood, $2.90 to $3. Millfeed !Jil. Bran, flS.iW lo Sit aaked, and aborts, |U.iO to Sib aitkad west. Corn Lower, In sympathy witb Chicago, No. 2 American, yellow at 44 l-2c. no Irn-k heie. and mixed at 44o. ally at 67 l-2o, north and weal, and fallen off. Car lota ara quoted nomi- Wl-'Jc east. B.I i ley No. 2, 4LV west, and 4ftc aast; and Ni>. I, 4% want, and 44c east. Kye (Juiai. Car lota, weal, 51o, and We, east. W<-.. eaat. Oata Kas/. 'Whlta oats, north and Veal, 261-2o; and east, |71-2o. Buckwheat Quoted at fiOc went, tnil 51u eaat. 'Mooirssl, May 22. Grain The re ia $r> ue 4.26 3.62 1-2 e.OO S.7& I .<0 '& 76 46 00 ! M U b 37 6 02 some demand for sets. bu4 otherwise tbs market very SfQiet. We quote pncea afloat aa followe: Ontario spring wheat. 71o tu 71 l-2e: pass. OHo tu 6B 1 - rye. ' 1-2. i o ii:r . buckwheat, 571 'if.. No. 1 barley, 9Ur; No 2, W l-Jc. oata. 51 l-2r to SI S-4i- Flour Drtuanil for mimll lota ban improveil and price* are steady. We qutiie: WiMter patent. $8H6, straight rollers. S.2U to $3.16, in bags. 1 >5 to fl DO-. MatiUofaa petenta, M.T.< lo |4; strong bakera'. 4 * to 94.75. Keeil There ia a gou-l demand and price* an firm. Ws quote. Mani- toba bran in baga $17. M to $1H, shorts fiyjW to $'JO, uiuuilla $2U iu $25: On- tario bran in bulk $1'J .>nu horts :o per ton. ' Meal Prices show no < twinge Small loia are selling nt $8.4(1 i-. tieirei ,,ml I at f 1.80 per bag. IL'i.ei- I'av market quiet at It l-2c for weMlern whi'* and 103-n tor |wssi*rn ixjloieil HUI! 10 1 *< (or cest- 1 am white. Bultsr There U a gued demand and creamery ia firm at 17 l-4e te 17 Mfc Kgga TW> market is ssederatelj ac- tive and firm at II t-^c aad 12 i-2o fur cbi'ii . 1'ruviaions There is good demand for lard and smoked meats. We qitolc: Heavy Canadian abort c.ut uie-.ii, $111 to $!H.uO; short out back, $17 to $17.60, selected heavy snort out niens pork, biineleea, special quality, $l'.i to $U'.M), and heavy moiis prk, lung cut, $17 lu $17 50: purs Canadian lard, '' l^o to 10 l-2c tei ib. and conipounil refim-d si 7c to He i,er Ib; bam* 12c lo Mo and oacou 11 l-2e to 18e per Ib. Buffalo, May ii. Spring beai No. 1 bard, slot, round lots, 72 7 Me, No. 1 Mori hern, spot, carina.U, 71 U-He Corn Light enquiry; No. yellov>, 43-; No. (yellow, 42 1 -c. No. 2 c.irn. 42o : No. t corn, 41 l-2c risked. Oius yniet and easy; No. J .li, .-, JK I >, -. No. 3 27 S-4c; No. 4 wiiite, ."7 '-4i-, No. 2 mixed, 1 26 l-2c. No. S limed, Joe aHked. Hv. No. 1 nomin-illy 110 l-2i . N J >> on track or itore. Klour Quii-l, ateady. Chicago, MHJT ;. Kluxseed c.losed ; Ni. nil, West and South-Waal, cash, aud M ... $1.HO; St)pienibr, $1.27 I J bid; u. nii-r. |1.22 bid; $1.22 1-2 asked. Ue-. mil. Mav 22. Wheat clotted: - No. 1 while, cash. TSc; No. 2 red, oHb, 72 -4c; July, 71 7-8o. GEN. RUNDLE'S MOVEMENTS Still Several Days Behind Com- mandant ullvier's Commando. A iie-Hi.mti-.il fniin Winburg. 8iiyt. General Kumlle r-i li-,l Ttoiumel. 2K imliih from heie on Kiioy, trnverNing exceeuingly mouulaiuoun coumiy. CiMiiiii.uiiliini Olivisi's comma ndo is savaral days ahead of him. but ittrny patrola of Boers are wa lotting KUII- dle's miAeuiitnia. Hut men are in splendid form in npita of long dnily unrobea. Mansion house, tba Lord Mayor and bia wife appeared oil a balcony before the mlriculoualy-assemblad crowd, which numbered tena of thousands. An Immeoae portrait of Col. Baden-Powell wa ilixj laved, bearing tbe inscrip- tion -M -i (eking II. lie veil." While the attendants were waving Union Jacks, tbo f. ril Mayor briefly address- ed I he HSMe-iubUge.: " 1 wisn your cheers could reach Mafeking " hei-e (he upeec.h wne m- teirupted by redoubled cbeervng, and the aungine; f "Rule Hiilannia " after wuivh the Lord Mayor remark- ed: "We never doubled what the end would be, or that British pluck ami courage would conquer at buit.' The Lord Mayor thnu led the crowd in dinging "Uod Save ihe Quci-u' and "Suliliera of ihe Queen," aud with re- newed ilieeiing and ihe waving >l flage by the aaaembled mulutudn, and the ringing of "Kor He's a Jolly Hood Fellow," ibe Lord Mayor aad b>e parly retired. DIARY OF THE SIEUK. Oct. 14 Boera inaich IMI town. Oct. 16 Boere- repulsed. Oct. 28 BumUrdme-nt. Dec. 24 Sortie. Dw. 28 Unsuncesaful sortie. March 18 I'lumor having advanced s..ui awards to Lobatai is forced to re- lira to Crocodile Pool. March 51 Dinner Repulsed at Ram- athlabama. May IS Cadeo-Powell lays trap for Boera aud eapturea Kruger'a grand- sou and 70 Boera, 41) being killed. May 14 BomJierdBnenl. FOUGHT RELIEF COLUMN. Boers Attacked It Near Mafeklnir. Were Repulsed, and Retired. A despatch from London, says: I'oiif Tiuiuion of the relief of Mafe- king, brief bui nuffn i--ni. reaebed I."n- uon >uuday night. A special despatch from Molopo. uated Thursday, nays: "A large Britiah force from ibe suuih succemled in entering Mafeking yiisn-rday The siege was raised by tb* Boem. their nuiuioandoea withdrawing aaalward." Il it understood thai it was led by Colonel II. T. Mi lion, who served in the DouguU aud Nils e \pedi lions under Kitchener One story auys the column secretly left K, mm- ii for the north on May 4. Its baggage mas ruuveyed on led horse* and light mule waggons. Quan- titiea of live ii.uk were captured. The force IK said to have panned through Ibe THUIIKS and Vryhurg <lia. tin la without eiii-iiuiili-riiiK I lie aneiny. anil inarhvd Murilzau river, 29 milttk aonlh of Mad king, un Kridity, May It. Krporta e( what happened afterward dlffei widely. One despatch declaies thai Ibe relief fon:e entered Mufnking unopposed, the siege having been al- ready raised. Aiinilier despatch aays: The relief column an it approached Mafekmg from the south wan attacked in I -.1 1 nng force ef lh>rs, who Mere repulacd. The rulunin ihen pu<bd on, ami 'he lioera retreated buiiiedly. The rear guard continued in uiiuii for Nuine tune. The Hmi.-li cusualties er slight " KRUGER SUES FOR PEACE. A Message Said to Have Been Re- ceived in London. A despatch front London. Monday, aaya .-Displayed in the most oonapi- CMOIIS style in the Daily Express is the dominant wir news of the morning . - "Wn have the beat reason for aaying tha,t in the laat _' h mrs a telegram has been received at Ihe Foreign Of- fice, addressed personally to the Prime Minister, from President Kru- ger. proposing terms of peao*. 'The exact terms of the message oannot be stated, but we believe it U couched in an exceedingly humble strain." It is iuconoivable. of c.ourse. that Lord Salisbury can have sent any reply except tbe one that stands ready , on tbe lip of every Briton, "unoondi- lional surrender." Hum mi nome from Lorenzo Mar- ' ques and elsewhere that the Boera are sick of the war, and that President KruiriT is seeking peace. The correspondent of tbe London Times at Lorenio Marques says il la the common belief there that the Boers are thoroughly disheartened. I The basts for this statement is the testimony of tbe moat recent arrival* from Pretoria. They say tbe residents are quite unable to predict whether the capital ia to be de/e.nded or not The archive* are said lo be already loaded for removal to Lydenbnrg. OB tbe other baud, nothing baa been done to strengthen tbe natural defences in the region of l..ideiilmrg The talk of removing the Government to that place tnay b a run* to delude Gen. Huberts Into the belief that Pretoria, will make no rebalance. The Boer ruling clique is raid to h* quite un- able to agree aa lo what ought te ! done. Judging from tbe present demoraliiation among tbe Boers it ia Improbable that any considerable number of them will anbmit to the investment of Pretoria. President Kruger'a uhief aim is to prolong the campaign M> kN tu enable the peaoa mission to " do wimelhintf to justify tbe lavish expenditure of Trsnsvaart gold, which has taken place in Bur- opa and America," CAPTURED BY HUTTON. I ^^ Colonials Surprise Commandant Botha s Brother and 24 Boers. A ileftpa.eh fimu London, nys: 1 I'ollowung ia the text of Lord Kobnrta' I dewpiiich to Ibe Wax Uffk-e: ' 'K roof mi id, Muy 18. Mel huen en leied lI<Hi|Mtad yoaierday iuioppued <ieiia)i ilt, IJuprsy and Mann-Is andfi.r'y mnii bnvn MII i ondnred. 'Bi omliil occupied Lmdley yea- I lenity, after eligbi i>pjMu n>n. Only in., i>f oui men wore Mounded. Stoyu \\.is mil Ihi'ie. -mil ||IN t,i>\ei niiii-n ,1 fn-ial*. bud left lani Sumlay. "Uuitoai's niiMinled infiintry yexier- ilav mirpi ise.l and c.ipiuted, nboul t hiiiv tune* iiniih-weet of ihin place. Con.nnindnni Boiba, Kield Cmnei tia.s- aen, five JiihnniifsbuiK I'oln "men, n,l oovenieen Boer. There were in, . .- ualitea un oir side. "Uuller reporli Ihnt severnl Nalal fnimera are bunding in arms." A 1 sjtronc oompiin.v lias Iwnn fmn, ed at Kingston to operate smulting works. I' Is experledi that b rvjwratlona will be , uiiunenreil in ( weeks. NEWCASTLE NOT DAMAGED. Burghers Even Appointed British subjects to l.ooal Offices. A ilespiuh f i i>ia New i ist le, Natal, This town was little diiaiug- eil by the Boers during their oucup- iii. > The resulenii |xiy a tribute to ihe bin iiluirs for their consiilerate I ieni men', iniitfling Ihe i ppoint meiit of bi'-isa, subjBt-i- %> lucul eUii us. Noteso Proceedings In the Nation- > LeeTislature. ROYAL MINT IN CANADA. Colonel I'r or ask -.1 if there bad beau any recent commuuioutiun with tba , Imperial Government reitpBcting tbs ' eatabliHhing of a branch of the Iloyal Mint in Canada. There waa a strung 'feeling all over the country, especially in BritiKh Columbia, lhat there should Iba a mint in the Dominion. A large quantity of bullion was going to s.,,, l-riuciaco. and with a mint here tbe gold would be retained in Canada, so that supplies which were now pur- chased in ih* Uniioil States would ba bought here. Mr fielding aaid I here ha>d liesa sume negotiations between the depart. menl of Finance and the Home ttov. erniiieui. but not recently. It waa by ; no means clear ihat the elalilisbment of a Hoyal Mint iu Cnuada under Ihe same terms and conditions aa In tbe ' ir.,- ,i Australia would serve the pur- pooea of ihe Umtn m ion. It inuel he ( In. i ne in ami.' 'Jin i the Australian and Kogluih aoveiaign was iha sume. but i ha fact of uui f ve-dollar i>.. being different oreuied in important uiffi- cully. The uatinr wan itugaging ibe attention ef the lioveruwent. luii ha . wua nol in a ^itwitiun io uiake aay Us- I (mile etateiiianl. M KM HUfs AI'POlNTKU. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, in reply to Mr. ' K. K. Clarke, gave the II.IIIU-A ,rf iiina J teen memhem oi I'arhammii who re- signed their sen Is in the Commons snd were appointed to p<nlions between Nuvemliei 1, 1872, and November 1, U7H, and uf twin other membern uf I' ' i li-iinen' wlin. after dumoluliun, were a leu appointed to pooitiona. LKI'lill PATIKNT8. Mr. I'rior waa informed by Mr. 1'isher that ihere went in patients in Tracadie I. a/ntet to. Of these 14 are from New lirunswiok. I from Prince Kdward, I fium Manitoba in, I I from Nova -Sui 1. 1. Mr. I'i-lu-r addnd thai he had be. -ii informed thai there were b-pms ou baicy litlund ill lirilisb Columbia, but he bud never bemi re- quested lo 1,-in .. I In-Ill to I ic. idle, and the Dominion Uov ernnienl bad i e- fiiMid to issinne the cost ot I heir uiiiininnnnce in liim.sti roluiiilua, because such uaiienis wnre legally a charge upon the province. CA> 1 VI>IAN KXIIIHIT Al I'AHIS. In reply to Mr. Flutter, Mr. Kiaber said that the Canadian exhibit at I i--. with thn exception of the (jii in. ii. ihe uniM advanced towards c,.in|ileli..ll. \\llll |.-,,,,-| to the cold-sloi HH iixhibil. 1'iufi-vMoi Kub- erison had sncoeedeil in hiving Ihe di-Miiul change- m.i, IK ai small ..-i, and ihe exhibit will lie n. my if not quite ounclnded in i.-n days. TUB CANADIAN CONTIMiKNTS. Dr. liiHilen. n-piy MK to Mr. U. P. Clarke, said tbm ii was mipuMsihln to give tbe cost of provisioning tbe seo oiiil (a M|I, nn coniingeul separately. The (invernmeni bM |wld J14(...7:t iO to the Eliler-lfejiiusler Line on *<- count, wliir.h incluilna the charge of twenty Hln Mings per tun per muntb and tha no't of fitting, coaling .mil iiiuviHioniiig the buain The accoutra have nnl yet been receive I in <leiail and adjusieil '('hen wis nu separate ajui'un' charged for officers a.s dis- tinct from the men, a lump sum be- ing charged for all the contingent. Certain names fra wonm Mip|>llaa might be purchased were suggested to tbe siearasbip couipaines. but they were not restricted to this .tut. er ti any list. LBUAL KATK OK 1NTKHKST Mr. Fielding introduced a bill te amend the Expropriation Act, and a)' i so a bill to amend tbs Act Iteapc' (lag Interest. Ha explained that measures were Intended to preride that tba legal rats of inteieat should be 5 per cent, lujtead of 6 per cent., an at present. This rale, of course. only applies in ths absence of any agreement i.etween tbe pertiea ton cerned. KRUGER GETTING READY The Hoer Capital Will Be Removed to the Mountains A dsavatih to ths Lunden Time, from l.nisiau Marques says (her* seeuts to IM no longer any doubt that it ia (he intention f the Tranmaal to tranafsr the neat of l-n-ernment to I.jilenlmrg, and lo enAravour te make a final stand there The Volks- i.-iad is reported, lo have endorsed the proposal. The ill-si*' i h adds that there n general talk in Pretoria that I'resi deal Kruger IB containpUii ing .in im nidiai* ileiartuie from the napil n A number of officials are already rm panng far flight It is stated tjbnl State Secretary Haiti has nhtisea South Awerice a bis future lioui*. AFFAIRS AT PRETORIA Boer Newspaper Strongly Advocate! Destruction of the Mines. A despatch from 1'iatoria says :- The recant Uoer reverses are causing a splendid itiiplay of patriotic ardour. Amnxou cm pt are living formed, both here and in Jobanin--uui g, with tha object of teleasing all available mea for aolive service. The spirit of tha burghers is running high, and they are determined to make a de.peraie resistance 10 the Htitiab. Thr ia feverish activity in all tbe Govern- ment unil military departments. I lie Viilknalem st i eniiiniMly adve oates the dexi rm-i mn of ib Witwst- ei'Mi aii gold mines aa a necessary military measure. Mil hue, l>a\iit. i be Irish National- ml. who ...m. here ostensibly an tbe c.m respondent of a newspaper, has mailed on his i ei in n to Kurope. RETURNED BRITISH MAXIM Gun Captured at Nicholson's Nek Surrendered by the Boers. A ili-i-pi'rh fi'-in l.iiniloii. Miiys: \ iletipau-.il fnmi } .mi Uni le.kgh tnthr Daily TelnRnph fn>m Kroonsiail. s.i\> that the Uoer.s have lelnrnw.l tu the Britiab a Maxim i--iin thev ia|.:nii-,| HI N' 79 FATAL CASES. Ike Kul>,.uli 4Hlrnlln. flugllr A deapatrih fi'Kii Sy.lney. N S. \V., says; Two hundred -and ihiriy-fiva oattea i4 ihe bubonic )>U|<'ie have thua far been nffirially ie|xn-e<l. Uf I hesr 79 have piuved f.i . I A bei oii.l ile.uh fimu i In* in -KUI- h -- i, i, in ieu ai Uock- hnuipion,