A H ..... Bll..r. When a real Kaunas bllaxard Mart*," Mid ft natlv* of the state, the MOW at Brit ! usually soft aod Him and come* down with an omlnoua quiet. Then It Increases In rolume, and a wild \vto<l burl* It along. It I* Minding and enveloping, and, a*lde from being freeslng cold, on* cannot but loan bl* wa^. Tb* *torm some- times lasts two or tbre* day*. When one of the** blixzarda come* up, tli* fn.iuer who want* to gel from hi* farinbouae to to* atanle or milkhou-w take* a cord and start* for the liable or raillebouse, a* It mar b*, even If It la only 90 yard* off. Ha seldom take* It the Unit time, anil the cord I* to keep him from getting lout and waadering la tan snow. Sometime* the people stand In the door aud beat a ttn caa for a signal to any on* who (nay b oat In tb* *tarm, bat tbi* la of little UIM, aa the noise of the wind is *o frat that It drowna alrur.it every otli r 4011 u.l. I know of a case of a man wbo got lost going from bis (table to tbe house, !> iwlftly and bllndlngly did tbe storm whirl dowa noon him. H* (tumbled over tli* entrance to a cyclone cellar and crawled in there and dropped tha tfoor after him to keep out the *now. Tta* snow fell faster and famer and buried the door so deeply that when It wa* all ended and be tried to open It Be found It ImpOMlbl*. HI* family searched the country around for him, and It wa* not until the IDOW had melt- ad and gone and some ene happened to go Into tbe cyclone cellar that ha era* found there." New York Tribune. Teet WM ' a mi t< .- "I remember well once wben Joe Blackburn and I were on the same committee," aald a senator. "It waa taring a Democratic administration, ind thera bad been a good deal of other trying to get tb* secretary wt agriculture to agree ta a certala thing, and Blackburn had been tent to talk him over to the committee'* plan. In fact, the whole cabinet had been lifflcalt ta deal with. When Joe cam* back, *everal of u* were assembled In tb* committee room, among us Sen- ator Teat, who waa sunk dejectedly In fee depth* of an armchair. Some on* uked: " 'Well, Jo*, did yon succeed T " 'Succeed r be echoed. Thea b* kegan to tramp up and down, fuming tod fueling. Finally be broke out: " 'Of all tbe obstinate thing* In the bap* of a cabinet officer 1 ever en- countered, commend me to J. Sterling Morton! Don't you agree wltb me. TeetT 'Vtut roused up slowly and answer- id: Tm sorry, Joe, but I am commit- ted to Hoke Smith.' "It wa* tb* funniest thing I ever heard." continued tbe senator, "and ONE TASTI OF SALADA CEYLON GREEN TEA f will captivate tbe taste of aay Japar tea drinker. GREEDY MACKEREL. A '.oral,,* i>., .,,,1 th War I* Was MM*;e. I one* enjoyed the privilege of seeing au army of mackerel successfully cor- ner a (boat of small fry In a rocky shallow pool which was a cul de *ae. Tue mackerel swain behind their vic- tims In iterrled ranks, a company of hungry, determined creature*. Intent upon a gorging feaat to which there need b* no limit. They bnd followed the fry for mile* maybe, merely wal- lowing on* here and one there to keep their appetites whetted. Now they had cornered them where there wa* no es- cape for their victim*. No alert fisher- man on the lookout for just Mich aa opportunity waa at hand to convert their triumph and feasting Into captivi- ty and lamentation. They might feast at will. And. ye god*, feast they did! No on* who has not *een It would believe that the cubic capacity of a mackerel could poHibly deal inccessfully with the number of small flsb b* actually swallow*. Tb* way be conduct* the operation of feasting la unique. Open- Ing hi* mouth wide, the mackerel dart* In among tb* small fry, some of which are perhaps one-third of his own length. In an Instant one of the** la to b* seen sticking half In and half out of hi* mouth. Then the mackerel give* on* gulp, and the victim baa disappear- ed. Without a moment'* delay tb* proceia 1* repeated and repeated so many time* that the spectator cannot fall to b* concerned for the Immediate future of the particular mackerel be bas watched. Tet nothing happen*. As for the fry, their belpleae anguish Is somewhat heartrending. Tbe whole sboal of them bolls and cburns tbe wa- ter In an agony of fear. High Into the air they leap In order to avoid their voraclou* enemies, landing tbemselvea often enough upon the weed covered rock* which skirt tb* pool and panting their live* out there rather than leap back Into tbe seething maa* of their haraaaed companion* beneath. Long- man'* Magazine. SETTING TIRES. Tke Old Wur < * n nk> ,, 4 the M..<I<TD War. The old way of putting a tire on a ur bill waa never even reported."- ne | *.", l hrl . n j l ll oa ; T J atnrday Ivenlng Post. TV n.t w o.i J n. T. **!. la a complicated criminal caae an old tend surveyor waa subpoenaed to glva Ma professional opinion In the matter. A* the proceeding* were about to be- gta he fl<ked permlaslon to *ay a few word*. ' 'it wa* called to order sternly af the Judge, wbo told lilru to wait till ha waa questioned Tbe ease tbea pro- ceeded. A boat of wltne**** were ex- amined, and even the prisoner fre- wa* mad* just a trifle smaller than tbe wheel and then heated, witb the result f expanding It slightly. When thus heated It waa crowded down over tbe rim of th* wheel and then c'ooled with water to keep it from burning tbe wheel and also to contract It Cool- Ing, it waa shrunk on to bind th* wheel tightly. The modern way of putting a tire oo a wheel la with a hydraulic tire setting pi em. By this method tb* tire Is mid* Just a trifle larger than the wheel, so that lueotly waa called upon' ta" mak* a j ' wUl over tb* rim freely. Th* statement l "'' 1 ' th1 * P r * w - "I 1 " 11 which th* After a couple of hour* th* judga aaJd to tb* old surveyor. "Now, sir. we (ball b* glad to bear what you save to say on tk* whole caae." Ta* witaesH stood tip and replied: "I only wished to remark awhile ago bat I am quit* deaf In my left ear and satber hard of bearing In th* right. I wheel He* horizontally, wltb aa open- Ing at th* ceuter for the hub, I* com- posed of 18 sectluua, radiating from the center and In shape like the space* between the spoken of a wheel. Tb* outer end of each section I* turned up- ward, tbe turned up ends making a continuous flauga, or collar, all around /a* merely going to ask If I might b* ! tn *** f "' P 8 - Euch nn f tu THE DAY AFTKR. Mr*. Mixer-Tell ma the worat, doctor, i* my husband's condition serious I Doctor Thar* ia no oauii* for alarm, madam ; be N now out of danger, aU though suffering acutely from en- largement of the cerebral glands. Mrs. Mixer But, doctor, how do you auppoee it waa brought on ( Dootor-On a tray, probably. HAD THE SAME EFFECT. Dasher .That w.ia a uplandid spring powm you had in the laat Usu* of Guaher's magazine. Spacer Why. that wasn't a spring poem. i Daslher Wasn't it Well, K **Te me that "tired feollng" Jnat the MONTREAL FBEE. No Longer Any Fear of Bright 'a Disease Sinoe Dodd's Kidney Pilla Game Into Uae. All BU4nr 01- .< M Hern HndT<l ana taw- Maria (.uimo.rt Case r au.uraail.m - NT <iralllat B Dwiit-i aiiin? mu. Montreal, May 21. Another rure by Dodd'a Kidney Pilld i reported in thi* oity. This time it is Rheumatism which that excellent remedy has con- quered. There hawe been acpres of similar oases thus winter, few of which have reached 'be pruas. Rhuumatism is so common in this city a* it i* indeed throughout the province that every day Dodd'a Kidney Pills ar* coming more ami mure into general USA. In Montreal alone there have been dosena nf urea of Hheumn'mm by Dodd's Kidntty Pills reported m<-e laat fall. Rheumatism la seldom eumble a* treated by the majority of physicians and at hospital*. But more than one doctor ha* confooaed of recent years that he baa owed Rheumatism by the ua of Dodd's Kidnny Pills celebrated aa the first and only cure ever known for etl her Bright ' Diaeat* or Din- bete*. Thai this latter claim ia true has beeii proved over and over again in Moniinal- In fart Brig-bra Distuian i* no longer tbe <lreade<l malady it w 1.1 ten yeara ago wlien to be eeized by Bright'a Ihsnn.-ta m.int certain .leath). Now Dodd's Kidney Pills are well known and by their utte fright's L>i<teaa* Is thnnrn from th system. Doild's Kidney Pilltt are just is effi- cacioua In tbe traiine>nt of malmlieo resulting from dlnordered kidney* as they are for local kidney diiwaaea h'-ju '. n< Uer <.< an instance: "I havs fallow*! <h treatment of tbe firat doctors "f Mouinvil for |{h<^iuuiti*m from wlnoh I have leu suftering for six yan, but I got no relief from It. I have taken seven bvxtm of Dudil's Kidney Pills, and I mi ciMnpietely ourwl I am telling all my frieuda of the excellence of this romdy, and I thank it a thousand timea a dty." Yours truly, Man.-i Guimnod, St. Flavie. Wisdom in buying tea consist* in buying the heat-- LUDELLA W, J*, 4*, M an* I IT ISN'T QUANTITY THAT COUNTS... It i* only with th* aheap paint that quautitf Is reqnirsd to mak* a show aaid than you lose ia Ume and labour putting It on. One i gallon of ( Ramsay's i; will " cover" aiore eurfaoe aad do better than two gallon* ordin- ary paint, ami wben it'* oa. it emys an, *nd g-ives you eotne- h ng fr your time, labour aad money. It's " iiuaNty," that Miun i Ask four denier. I ISM. MONTREAL. Mrs. Mofaair in both dark and light shades in very tnu<-h u><l thin season. Stylish travelling gowns are made of Lt, pretty afternoon dretwes in tha ILjfht oojurs aumetima* striped with wthite. and for skirta to wear witb waists it is very desirable. Belts are either very wide of very narrow, no tniUum widiha being ad- missible if you would be up to date. O'KEEFjE'i T':V MALT bUIYD wtfooToramo^lcVBaAL 4UBJTT SOMETIME* UAi'PKN.i SO. "ing". <M>e.ning hi* envelope on pay day I sew 1 have got my entire weak,'* alary in ona bill. Higga. opening somewhat larger envelope That's nothing. 1 have hare one bill fur my entire wnek's salary. TUK MOON'S INFLUENCB. Upon tbe weather is aooeptnd by some u-. real, by others it I* disputed. Th* moon never attracts ourns from the tender, tolling spot. Putnam's Pain- less Cum Sxtractor ramovns the mnai painful oorns in three days. Thla great remedy m.ika no sore spots, 'lofitn't go fooling aroun.i a man's font, bin gr to business u onoe, and effects a cure. Uon't ua imposed up- on by an bt 1 1 u lea ind itnilalions. (Jet "Putnam'*,'' and no other. WPC eaa jlti THE POINT. OF VIEW Dixon I havn I seen vour friend Mixer for same time. Is be sirkf Hi mm Yes, he's been ailing for a welc or more. Dixon I'lm: i tno bad. I kurw he'd Ijmiii bearing for guile awhile, but I wn.tnt aware thai be had switched to ale, Herat, IMOTMV. CALVERTS Crt>oll.: Ol..n< tr,(. tomam. Oln nnt. Tooth eowr t c have be**) awarded 100 oiednli nd dlplonu for pert** Thrtr r**TilAr w pr*Tet lafaeek L Aik jour dealer ta obteia a Uu nallM fre* on pllrHe. f. C. CAIVIRT A CO., - BNakAND. SHI. ' . a m m A LAW BBBiaT * 8u \VOOO A PHOtO.EMCKAVHM. ^ I UJONL5 F.NC .(V b IO AULIMOf >'W TOKOMTO Dyeing I Cleaning ! P** ' "'T K **t ! f pur ri u ifc*) "MITISH ANIUVAN OYIINC CO.* lvk for wmi 11 rw >. oj 41 Montreal. Toroato, Ottawa, POULTRY, BUTTER, ECCS, APPLII, 'I.-M w ^1.1 1 b.n rvulu oewu. M Cowm i.ion Co , LJnJtaa*, iiet A *knw It.. T*eH%, , tff *> 'a< >OI 'I.-M w ^1 TIM Michigan Land for Sale. KAMI* 010D .AKMINQ , On M k <*. r.iilri . Apply M oi Ml allowed to sit Immediately In front of the witnesses and tbe prisoner. Up to aow I have not beard a single word of Hie proceedings." London Telegraph. ' ...l.l < Rn.r lc On* of the hest repnrtt-es on record la that of Koote. tbe actor. Dining With com* friends, n heated dispute arose between himself aod a youug aobleman. Tbe latter sought to <!ii- arage Foote by asking him what bin tatber waa. "A tradesman," aald Koote. "Then, air. It I* a pity lie did uut eaake you oue." "And pray, let me a*k. what wna four father, my lord''" "My father, Mr. Koote, was a ccniU*- BUII." "Then, uiy lord, It's pity he did not nuke you one." C'ollk'i's Weekly. I hi., i, lll.iirr In < llnl loii "When a Chluninnn Nsnes iuvlta- tlous to dinner." write* Or. Sn'n Hi- Jin, the trmclor, "he svuds out, one or two days beforehand, a tiny card of Invitation, coulHlued In a huge cim-l *(>e. If you accept the Invitation, you are supposed to keep the card. If you nave not time that Is, If you deoliue you are expected to send It back. If sections bas under It a hydraulic cylln- ' der, and the aecllous are all arranged to work to n common center. In use tbe wheel I* lui'l on tbe press wltb th* coM tire arouml It within that turned up collar, or tlstizf. around the e<lxe. When The press Is set lu operation, n,* collar, or flange, Is irresistibly contract- | eil. V\ lieu It couies In contuct witli the ' tire aroniiil the wheel. It il"-s not bring up against It, h t keeps on contracting : just the MI mi' i i-.v riiiiii-;ii-i'iig the I tire as >vcll ;i ,.' Hi-til'; : It upon the 1 wheel, the pr * lire bi'inc eoiitlniied until the >v!ice M-II' h:i> hi-n hrnught to DM ri'i|iti-i' ileKri* of il'iililng. New York Sun i ,i ,.i i.i . ii . 11,1 ^. On a tiiiiii>i<iiiv in :,u "I.! New Kng- lainl cbuivh.varil there Is .-in epitxpli viliich ue.'t laila to hrlng a smile to the face . >f the reader: "To the memory of Ann Sopliln nnd Julia Hattle, his two wiven, this stone I* erecteil bv their grateful widower, Jnines B. ICollln*. They mad* home pleu.saut."- Woman's Juui-uaL NO 8ATISK ACTION. Mrs. Newixiioh. t.<i hide Willie I'm afraid yon must b sick, dear, you make no littl noisu. Willie No, in i nun i it's 'oauiM xrundaix and Aunt Kntu vrna't here to h".n in*. TO IKK t ...10 M * l If Tak Laxntiva Broino IJninlne T%b!eM. All tr*ggtot*iena4 tba monaj if it fail* to oar*. 29a. n. W. (>IOT' mgaature U on ech boa THB ItKASON . BrayaUn W:IH ju.st '-oraulaininK to me th it h finds it alm<Mi itnposKibln to K4 any sntw.-r ii i.ni^ to that hos- pital he's inti*rt>!d in. I in lloi nurpi i.-wil h- -ho HI,I an- noutu-ed pull! i- 1 y tlial the lint would not be iwil Ok OVER KIFTV V- vws MR5 WlNHMIW'H Hi n <l lllNll AYKtTP hw V^ Md hr niothrn for tlmr h.Mrno toihinit (t wo hue ttia uhild. >ftnf th cum.. <ly p.in. oum* wind ooliu. Mid l.'h'i hwl rln,-J> f"i '! rh.fi*. JV> hiHtlt*. So4-t l)y ftil .Ir'ifH'* 1 * Miroiighotil thf> world. B ur - tn. wiuiw'iViaihiii4riu*L- Quick aa Thought The maddening toothache slops wben Ni-rviiine tbat wonderful nerve-pain cure is applied to the tooth. Ner- \ I.IVKI.Y '. VMK. Mr. \Vi|(glf-Mra. ll.iohet played wbiHt with HI ibis afternoon. Mr. \Viggles--li that ao t What core did she make f Mr. Wiggles Three hundred and eighty words a minute. ' Balmoral," Free Collnf* A-n.i Hotel rau. II M AVENUE HOUSE 8T. JAMES' pr^fMnrnu Rto. modwttl* ONE OK THK CURKWITIES. Cbul ly Choker Yaw.s. Miss Peppah. I tlriik I'll go tha Ezi>w<>Hit ion, don't you know. Aw. wouldn't you adviaa me (of Mian f'epwr Hy all inaana. I ua quite sure you woul<l take a first premium. $100 Reward. ioj. The rwtders at thin paper will h q r,-,i to leu-a i l\al there It nt laani ana dra*lid !>... that ciein-i haa b-i able to -MIH In ail lie ity> and 'hat In Catarrh. Hail'ii Catarrh Cui la tb* only poiitirt ovr oow known to Jif mi- :in. 'raterniiy. Catarrh bring eonv titulional diiieaae. rqnirei. a ounHi itutineal -.rci'iimn'. Hall'* Oasarrh Oara I* tafe nlntar- nalljr, aollng dlnotly upna the binod and I 1 ni'i m inrfaoea of ihi /lent, thrbr due, trnvlng iba foundailon of she it N,-., n .| Kivm< tie patient irngth bj butl.llni ip th 0' oititnUon aad M<UtinK natiirt In rfoInK it* work. Tha propriatO'H b**e ao much f aith 'n It* ogratlve powera, the* they mrer nnn Kun- ini'l l>>, liars for any oaon that U fallt to cure tran tor Hit of tSSttOHWlal*. Aildrew. F J. l-HKNBT&CO..Toled9 a i*nld by dniiiKl.-*, TSo. FURS. FURS. Importer and mporter at Raw Furs and akiaa. Coa- lignmente sollettea. Fllgh- it pnoee paid for ginsiag. H. JOHNSON, 404 8t. Paul BCNct, Montreal AJAD4 Pi:itYI4\E\T Loan and Saving* Company Tha Jtuest and Largest Canadian Mort- ags CorporaUon. P nd up Capital, $1,600,000 Reurve Fund . i.jon.ooo Neaa tlea-Tre>it* at.. Tarwit^ Wleea- WMiMaea, Man.. vaaMwer, s.( RBCKIVgn ----.. . ,....-. ISSITKD t^t 1,1.1,4^} " h ul.mM . Tipt.n, Ut*chtf. ; .i.rifot K> ,1 MuDloip*! Munda, J rtw fiirth^f fmrtL ulftn ap*4y ! J. HBRBBRT MA50N. Wansilnf Dir etor, Toronle NO USE k'Olt MOKE. They (wy ttmH i^ money. Yea but you nwr heard of a rlook atriUng for more tinm, did you' rIM, Cru- Catholic Prayer to .:' 01 Ri*h(lou Plotura*. StoluMy. ftu.l L'uurcb Dr'ift.il.uM K IIIC.UUBU Work.. Mft'l t trn nwwa prumpl f Hn. . * J. IADLIIR a 00., Montr*^. PACKARD'^ Shoe Creasing HAVE V OFTEN AHINEA UHO B U ALL COLORS ALL LEATHER! Foi ^19 t>v ftll flrnl-u.Mv MHOK OEAI.KK- L. H. Packard A Ca M ON TR U A I. . JOHN J. MAIN, suet and TrMC. iap|>oiute<l for 12 o'clock, ."JL 1 "* I? t ,*L* ;"^ lT t P* lt 'y e nnver-fail- r'u need uot go befor* 't u. in." A Oermnn tailor who died at Br#a- IHII In IV;T had niu-b keen aiRbt tbnt he wa* able to see two of Jupiter* four moons with tbo naked eye. Hailstone* In India are said to be (row S to 20 Htm'* larger than thoae In or America, THE USUAfj WAY Lady It seem^ to mn I hnae brrl* *r rather small. IVdrller I'm -*nr they h,v ^nt their full growth, mn'ini. I nlv - VVe.ll. I'm *ur your quart tiivnu't K.II ihnira. The Canadian Heine Safety '(] BOILER Ull. High Class Water Tjibe Steam Boilers, for All Pressure*, Duties and Fuel. SENU H0 l:fc>CIPTIVK CAT -LOOtB . ... nCo L'mit.j DM u>iu f.raa B<MkwTllra o* V I'D. Will.. i, H ii,,v.i !,, L 'ii . l.im'ii lolToroaM. vkmbMlera m>f WiMiworku