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Flesherton Advance, 3 May 1900, p. 3

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Jfc >IAY 3, 1900 FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE MAY 3, 19(0 tfWvwwflwwwwywwu^^ Co. KTOstK Our new department, that of Drern Making, IH meeting with just the kind of success wu, a few mouth* ago, ftredicted, pleading alike to ourselves and ptrnn. We are executing a cUa* of work which for Style, Fit and Finish is aoaroely e<iualkid eliiewhere and not exceeded anywhere the finest cily work not excepted an near al>aolut |<erfee<ion aa it is poatible|to attain. Thin stalemeat ia not one wholly our own. Tho L*rlie of Markdale and vicinity, irhdee valued otdera we have had the pleasure nf til. ing, are one and all perfectly minfied. This a attpulation to which we previously agree. And Uii.s in not by any meana all. The cont of thoroughly high-claw inakin.' moot any more when done hy us than you pay elaewhere for what's only ordinary, whil our guarantee ..' perf 0' ' U' c i .11 prot jets you in overv order you place with us, be the garment only a low-priced akirt or '! e very Bnent silk Drrm, Itloua-' or Tailored Suit. Below ire give a few price* of thia aeawn'* newest materials, made to yum order and entire liking. LADIES SKIRTS $!t7S Mad* to your order nut of fine, plain or figured Lua- tera, Cashmere, Herges, Kanri-, etc. Thin garment will ! well made and lined with cnod canvas inter- lining Mild velveteen or fine braid binding. Your choice of a doten or more uutteriaU, uach .... $ 2 75 LADIES' TAILOK-1U.4DK SUITS, $11.OO Made to your order from fine Ladie*' Cloths, Oranite Clotha, Tweeda, etc. In theae gotMln we \i\\v an al- moat emlleaa aaaortment and uae beat lininga with t.v-it canvaa interlining and velvet or hruah Innding. Price ot auit coii.plete $11 00 LADIES' CBKPOJf SKIBTS, $4 TO $9 Th. -si- pricea embrace oui entire ahowing of fine Crep- ona, from the moderate priced yard goodn to the very finmt wkirt lengtha. In theae we UKO the boat lining* throughout and t In- very fineat workmanihip, each. $4.00 up to $ 9 00 TAILORED SUITS, $1I.9S Our lieat Uomeapuna A very auperb collection in auit lengtha, no two alike, plain or fancy effect*, in all the MI-HI 11 coloring*, with li.-s we furniah the very buat lininga, etc., etc , and liniiih to your entire liking, complete 911 95 PLAID SKIBTS, $3, / lo $A.O For w|ra!f Hkirta for Hiiuitncr wear there in perhapa nothing mure HerviceMe th in a nice pUid matcrul well made. In thcoe g.HidH we have the prettieat and Urgent showing within your reach at the moat moder- ate pricea. Think of H thoroughly well-made akirt lim-il with Iteat linings throughout |>erfect in every particular only 9 8 00 BetU*r onea in HomeHpunH, etc 6 90 BLACK HENRIETTA DRESS fS.ltft Aa a M|'ciHl we will make to your order a droca of our ti HI-MI Black Hcnrifi 1 1 (no In n.-r in town) with beat lininga and worknvtnihip thnui/hout for 9 8 90 This year we easily assume first place in the Dress Goods Imsiness.a position which with stocks and prices like ours will l>e easily maintained. 'F . T. HILL & CO. ... MARKDALE N. B. -New and excluaive novoltiwt in Millinery being added to the department each week. r0BU*IIKD WEEKLY AT THB OFFIC1, COL1. IHOWOOK HTBftBT, FLISHEMoK, OKI., T W. II THUBSTOH. J per nnm. in .trletly ! d*nre Advertising Rates: a* Colama, 1 ysar. M ; bait col . 1 f**r, * qoartsr col., not yssr, !!. Trsoslsnt adTertlssmsnt eharRsd al ths rsU nsois pr lias lor rst InMrtlon an J I csot sash subaaqusnt Innsriloa. The great fire laat week at Hall an 1 Ottawa rmnkn occond amo'Jg the destrnctive fir?i that have taken place in Oanada. Latest oslimatea place the IOM in thii insUnee at 120,000,- 000, The great fire at 8t.Johns.New. foiiniliiiiid. three years ago, where $22,000,000 worth of property w*8 deRtifljed, itandt at the head of the list. In 1885 New York had a fifteen million fire, and the great fire of Chicago dislroyed 1105,000,000 worth of property. Wanted A Traveling GENERAL AGENT An experienced canvasser, or a man with good character and address, with the necessary ability to travel from town to town and appoint agents. No canvassing. Salary and ex- penses paid. Position permanent and promotion according to merit. THE BRADLEY -OARRETSON CO.. Limited Mention tll paper. BRANTFOBBv, OXT. sumer. To briug it down to a point and show how the publisher is affect- ed we may state that the rise in pap- Billy Falls familiar figure has been missed from the streets for the past week. The poor old man ia very ill, with no prospect* of a speedy recovery. The an er alone w,.. can* n. thi. year actual cilia outlay of over one I'nna-/ e lf in his wellfare. The council havu red dollars Added to this, the gOV-> made arraiwenienta for hi* preaent com- u.i x . r I forta, and will probably send him to the e-nment reimposed postage last j car. ; C(lllm|?wilod ,^1 (or treatment.- o ... An editorial writer on the Toronto Btai (which, by tlio way, is now being run as a champion of the department- al store aud is owned by departrnent- a' store men, no doubt inadvertently allowed the following item to appear in its colnmus on Saturday last. ( Miiniir from such a source it onglit to open the eyes of the shopping-by-mail proplo. The Star says : "School children will send a thousand or more milfS for their pads and pencils, pay postage and exproMftge, just as their parents do for shoes and dress goods aii'l think they arc saving something because they may get an eitra pencil or an additional shoelace by so doing. Tln-y lose every tim but no one can convince them of the fact, for have tlioy not a sixth pencil, even if the dtln r five are all shorter than the leijal length they could bny in their i stores '/" For these additional outlays ther is no moans whereby newspaper men can reimburse tbemstlves except by preventing as far as possible loss on their subscription lista aud trimming these lists to actual paid-iu advance subscribers. With profits cut lown a* tin') have beou all leakage must lo promptly stopped or the stvuggliug country weekly will go to the wall. Ri'flector. NOTICE to CREDITORS In tin- mattsr of hs K stats ol Jsines n. UUu, UtH of tbs Townhl| of Artdmeals, in th,< t'ouDty of Orsv, larirter, deceassj. N,itioi- ( herahy Nivn pursuant to tbs revised ststntri of Ontario, 1*7. Chapter Mi , . Section . Ihsl sll Creditnrf ftinl others olslniM sKainBt the entsto of the said H. Ml,-n, wlio .in.. I nn or about the third d of Told To Sue For Peace. Ciimbinos appear to bi> tint f4nhinn- abln tiling in our commi-rocil world ol t ' ,1 iy. ml tlio renent advAiioe in pricen on nil commodities is direct r*>sn!l oftliese. Tlio fitrraing com- "mint > i-i hit Intnl. but tin nt ia an ulli viu'iiio foatui'u in llicu cano in the f.iot thikt prices f-.>r iniufh farm pro^ ^ Imvo also adv.uicod. Tli news- man IM pni'wbly hit harder than nuyone, in tliat lie ln* no means of raising priot-s In rorrrspond with the idvanoe in liin raw material. Merclunis merely rsise the price of i 'H ir q >O<IH and pnivhaicr Img to pay, v-'iile this pr.-<flt is not aftVeird. In f very case it oomrs out of tlie on I, ,,,,!,. M. April !. The Dr.-sjun Neu este Nachritthtun Icarna from tlie very beat *ource that at the confoence l>lil between members of the U"er mission .in.l Dr. do lliMufnrl, the Dutcii Minmtrr of Foreign Affair*, the latier did liis l**it In convince llif Tranvaivl aNaWJMM of ||* aWpWMMMM ! nil HI., n. Al the pri-asimi rei|iu'at of the nii-wion. Dr. ile Hcnufort ;.ut hiniRi-lf in i-iimmuiiica linn wiili the ('iiliim-t* in IVrlin, Vii-tn H, 8t. Pulerlnj antl 1'nri*, ainl natuinlly ivi-eiviMl fiinii nil of tin-in ttie anawur tint miy intt-rvi nlinn WHP im|>oHHilili'. All tin- pnwers, witliinit I'x.vpiion, iwKie<l the (lour* to niako ovurturva of IK-HOI- ti Kngland. Evi-n if tlu-ir ind. p nd.-nco slinuld Iw fiacriti.-iHl, th.- MHMlaSMB of |iimi-n would iit let [iiit HII i-iul to usu- lom< liloinl-hi-d. NotwiihHtanding llii" goo; 1 . nUicc IM '1-li-gntion hs Hjiili-il fur tl.n t 1 ' iti'l .>, whero tlioy liopn to mlim th j,yn.|mti>ii'M .,f rn-ai'li-nt MeKinlr*. They will fil HIT.- IIM.. SvniimiliiT i ,-ln ip roininiMiity mnniig (.dlnu-mim, ami tlin .lii|.-gati,iti will l> Vnif, i'l-il il'i I In Imt |,rirtit-al synijwiliy in another nnil nf this they will uel n<> t.i t,- . ,, .. dsy o November, A I). 1NUP, sie reijuiredon or l,i-f >i,- the -'it ,l.i i of o' M sr, lltiO, lo MD,) by post nrs uslil to K.J. |,iuu, sntl li. <!,,, I A)leD,Vleshr- U>n. the eieciltors e( the Last Will and Tmtsiiii-nt of the !! di>ctin>i1 tlmir full IIH'.I,- sn.t S'lilrewi and psrtiiilarr o? thnir olalniH, If kuy, ln-1 I In- llirni Kin) fin t'ner taks notice tlil sfter Hiirh lst mentiitue,! date the said .,\,-," j tors will proceed to distribute the sssste of the v I deoesii-,) AIIIHIIM the purlin* entitle I Hi,-, t .......^ rt-tisrilunty to th,- elslms of which thy rlisil iln-ii hav,< notiir, sn,| thst ills nail .,, i t,,r* will n,, I be lUliln for the laid s<-.-tt ,r ot AIIV |'.-t Uisraof to nv |>eriH>u or persons of wh. i-Uii.,- notice Klisll not bare twcu >i by ttuuii nf snob illntribution. llobt. J. S|,ioul, anil lllclisnl AMi-ti. UaawMM i-i iTiti, ilsy of A>r!l, 1900. I hnvr ii|i.'i,i,,l nut H full line i in f HIM WRIGHTS OLD STORE, , pi mil* A instrnn^V ji-wt'llory, nd will ^V ji-wt'llory, nd luck i'Vrl\ iliii-,; kc|,t in an Tiiesilay afitirin-on Mr. J',l\n Mnirsn, hfiul 8wyi-r i f Ilii-ito .* Oo'. ?aw mill, Tarn, wa filing aninn machinery whi'e thu aw wa* in iii,>limi Tim cariuv* oiunht liiin >nnl hi- w-< ilrawn U|i i-i;,iiist I ttn- lar(jf circu'ar Raw, ami hi>fore llie mvliinury o-mM lie a'o|i|-l lii-< lift li g I wa* cut urt' .-ilu've tin- knei-. \\v a* r iiiuveil i|tn,-kly to h'B h'unc, fill suinnioiied, antl fal tiopi'* r* i-ntc t i 'I nf liis sur'i i 3 llie sli'K-k.- A-'vo - OP-TI-DiTE HJfEIT SPFtUlTitS II T1EI1 SEUI1 , Cicur', Crtiidir", S|iicca, Cun- IUM! <J"IK!H ' f every rliarriptiun, N,imknl fi, on h^iJil i n,-i, pi QIVR PIE YOUR CUSTOM F. A. BUNT Wright's Old Stand, riesherton tdMMFj M. Richardson & Co. ZbjMrir/t Your Spring -SUIT- You want it for the 24th, of course- --well. <">nie and select it now! You'll Irsve ;i wider choice now than later on and quicker execution of your oitlur. Prices from Jd. T5 to 19 5O. Fit guarantee*!. fiint class cut ami \vorkiu;in>hip. cv> iv su't t lion High- ly well trimmed thn.u^lu.ut. New ('liKxls in Clay worsted, Venetian.-, Serges, K.tury Twills, Tweeds, Fancy Worst ens, Whipcords Fancy Spring Paul ings. in SSieyclf House Furnishings Prospective buyers of U.m.-e furnishings will find we have made special preparations for their wants this season. Our assortment of New Carpets, New Oilcloths, New Art Muslins and New I^ice Curtains is very complete and we present a good choice at ditterent prices in even' line. CARPETS ! Tapestries 28c, 35c, 40c, 50c, ;V>, OOc, 6i>e, 70c, 75c, B.JC per yard Unions and Wools, 36 inches wide 30c, 35c, 40c, 4.K-. 7:>c, ( .K)c. HeinpB 13c, 15c, 16c, 22c, 35c per yai-d. Stair Carpets 13c, IHc, .V. :.V, per yard. OIL CLOTHS New Patterns From '2">c, to 40c, square van! ART MUSLINS Handsome Colorings From 6 to loc per yd. Im- ported Nottingham LACE CURTAINS New Designs and Artistic Patterns _'.*, 40c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.40, $1.50, $2.:.V> per pair. No matter whether you buy the low priced or the better qualities we mention, the value in every case is the same the best procurable and that's a fact worth remembering. Novelties in shaws, Shapes, Flowers and Trimmings arriving every few days throughout the sea- son. Everything in this Department hears the Hall-mark of freshness and eleg- ance. This week we are showing New Shirt Waists and Parasols. Hardware Depart. Everything you want for HOUSE CLEAN ING! NSW WRLL PHPERS. GURTRIN POLES. WINDOW SHRDES PREPRRED PRINTS fli RBRSTINE BRUSIteSfl [. KINDS CHI PET F^l.T, IP YOUR HORSE: with our Nr\\ market Clipper, Price $1.75, thimble, BOS] running, does giHul work. . Richardson & Co. i =0000= Business - Books '! Are the pr.J'jct of a eoml liusi- ne*t *chol. The OW^N SXH;ND. OKT. Hsu pnMiebod nK-rs looks OD basin s >abjt4 tha-i all othor calssti in Cansjs rAinbiuxl. Two of thnu art) rsc!UiiMtHi<*l by tha lustitotsof Chsrterod Anonuntsais nf Ontario. A sshool wbo tscber> caa write such books slil mr rpr^f uiied su'h - oritisson business msttm boal I be (<>o<i eooagh for vna. Writs far Catalogue to C. A. Fleming, Pr1n. Vicinity Chips < har.i.-i,- .-Ut ,.-- of the Pa-. Werk < ar. :ull> Culled for Curlan* Scrvam airl wanud Apply to Mr. P. ;j. Kr4tedt. A. 8. VanDua*n U 1 xtaiiiz money at 4; per cent, atrai-lit. Jervty huifur calf for aa!e. Apply ro V. A Bunt, FJ*wlfton. gurterly acrri-x^ will he held in the churuli < KOB AiJt Good. *.und. youiitf, mare. Apply t-i R. P. Leg.U- * O>., I'vylon. Old Dt-wapapen for mle at thi any qoantity up to one ton at Ic { *r Ib. If you want your carptt done in a wnrkmauliae maiinercall at Hciideraon'a, opposite the Prrabyterun chuivli. To rent - Lota 68-89. Cn. 3. S. D. R.. Artmia. large clearing. ood buildim;*. Apply t-i W. J. Bellamy, Fleshert-n. For a neat account of the wedding of Miw Mary Janueaon <if Artemeaia to Mr. MeMaater of Oeorvy. ae Portlaw iondencc . Ladira, liar* you teen Mm. Trimhle'a line of cheap and pretty haU from 11.75 to |.60t It will pay you to call and lonk at them. Mr. John Nnbn hat re leawd th wortl- len factory and ia busy preparing fur a bn*y wool aetaon. Rememtwr him when you have wool to wll, or r>lla to card. An auction aale of iroplenienta. ttor* tock, etc.. will be held in Priceville on Friday, May 4, the property of K. L. Hogarth, whoin removing to (X>llingwood. D. McOortnaek. auctioneer. The aool Maon ia opening at nom*- what nf an advance over laat year, the j notation at prevent being 16 t 18 crnta, with a praapect thai it may go a little above thia price. Mr. W. Ptch wa* oblig>d thrnuvjh ill- iiew to ifivp up hi* seat on the egg-wag- on laat Thursday, and ia (till undr the wrather, but we hope aoon to ae* him on Tiin perch. Mr*. Trimble inform* The Advance that hr opening hat* have ne*o' gone off *o fast a* they have thia aeaaon. Slic n overflowing with order*, but still thorv'a room for more. Our townahip father* will take an out- ing next Saturday to the mowt picture*. (ii> put in C5r*y County. At lant iiu-ctinn .if c lunoil a rcaoluiion WKH patted to ni<>et *t Eutffiua, on that date. Divimon Court was hekl befi-re Juili;< Morrison in the town hall oc Wodn.-. day of last woek. There wor* tiften cmt oil the docket, n--ne of wh ch were of special interest and n< impi>rtnt Irgnl poin 1 * were brougl-t out in *>y of thfm. Mr. Duncan Mnriliall, Uto of the Dominion Alliance. h.i |)iirx-haed the plant of the defunct Thornrniry Stan- tlaid and re-vitaliwnl that papt-r. The receipt --f the first number under the new utitiMiifiiu'iit should have l*ou n"t- 4x1 lait wek. Clevoland, E. * D.. Crec.-nt. man, ml i tl>er bioyi-len for K.I!.-. The roan whom I cannot jilvniwi i hnl '.> ulra^e iu<K-l. Al' mylrs. all pricea. Your old wheel ta'-i'i) in <>xcbani;e. W. H. Heanl, Kleshcrion. There will 'us an eclipse of ?he un on Mny 28, vitiblt* in On ario. bc'w.eii 8 MM Ml m , w hon * Ix ait two thirds of the HUII'H diso will bo obm-un-d. Farther south, in the ulf Ktntes, (lit- oclipse will IK- toril. nJ t-x'eti-i'.e j.r.-paruti-.nn aro ; mmlc 1>V wi>-i ti>t to olwervo the wrna nttachinu thi-ruto. Tin- Miion Bai.d of the Metho.'ist >-bnrch will (jive one of th- ir ii-ten niig er.teitii ..... -'its on Fridny. ll'h ii.*t.. coiiiiii-noinc at 8 o'cl-nk, MMlwdMJ of r'-adinjrn, >) -\1. ".<, re. ions ami miH'C hy i!:e tl>-nt of FUsherfon. A collec- tion will l t*ken up in aid nf. Band fnmli. All wt-lrt me. The anrual South 0;ey t<>wV>ors' - Tt-ntion will be held in th hiH.| hn-e, Flw*!<ert>n, on Fri'ay ami SatiirtlaT.May 2.">*n.i !W t>n the e<-fini'C of Friday th> unuiil i-iililic enturta'nnient will be iMven, when, nniong mher lale 1 )'. Mr. A S. Kinhiiry, V S.I . Piwl l'' will de- Iner an adtVeaaon "Eihu-'iioi.*! 1'oroe*.'' ] Yi >?rann for evening entntniDii'ent '!! >H> issued ihi we k. Born In Fleaherton, on Mnadaf.Mth i mt , t,< Mr. and Mm. Percy Lawnnc*, I a aon. New a-lvrriiement* thai week : M. ' Riclmrdaeii * Co.. McFartaud * Co., F. j T. Hi:, .t C..., F. A. Bunt. Spr -ule, Oiwalry Jt Co. have juat op- enud <-. iiKigmiient of nice fre*h lemooa. rlm.i; 11 20cdos., and orange* accord- ingly. Alwo a frt-ah lot of new hanaaaa. ilu'cli iwtt oiiiona aod Fugtiah mohiplien very cheap. The Ailvanc* ia aotry to learn that Mr. Tim., townahip clerk of Oprey, wii* t>u>netl out no Saturday !aat. The tire ortxinatwl it, the r>>of near th chim- n>-y and nra cauaed by a drfoot thervm Mr. SCC.TI itbaervtid the tir in time U> aa ill the townahip papera and !*>k and aoinu of hi bouarhold gxod*. Thw losa in fully c-.verod by in*ur*uce. Ktr. J. Buchanan of* pracli- ed aiernioa t.. the Maikdale I. O O. F. on Sunday la*t, tbia being the cxxaaioii f the lt anniv.raary of the order. M.s<.v T. UiK-hnat. Ja*. Dycc. W. Lan-nce. D. McTatwh, John Whitten, W. BoyJ. W. E Wl,it, Jacob A. Wii Imum and W. Sliwru reprenented the Kl.--t.eron lodgu. They all npuak highly of the service. M, J.i.v Patton i* alwaya rntleavoriug .. improve the M-Hik. and hb lat at move in Hut direction i* the. ^urehuse -f a line imi"irti*d clydLile Kiallion froio C.-l- |iik->an A Bru.*i, the veteran impnrt- .r- of Waterloo, Out. The animal i* a bno on weighii-g 3100 Iba, and Mr, Pat t ,i. pnrpnaen travelling him in thia vicin- ity thin *eaa- n. Mr. W. TriuiliU ha, we underitami, < .1.1 liix Durhaiu stigeaud livery buainew ' . U J McNally [ Ullan>i, at leaat, uch side waa announced laat week in the Durham paper*. On Monday evening lav week The Advance a*k it Mr. Trim- ble if the ' had been consummated and were informed that it had not. 8u ju-t where the matter atanda ia hard t,> -:> Wa bvl'.eve, however, that Mr. Me Sally ha* poaacMiun. A Euphraaia cvmcillof in con venatwn with The Advance i--n Saturday laat i premwd a deaire that Artemeaia, would take up the matter of placing the valley tvad in gnod ahape for travel and *aid that the Euphraaia Council waa prepared to look after their end of the road. We draw the attention of our c.uncillon to lhi rtct and trust they can *e their way clear to meet the deairoa of Eupbraaia. That lowrubip wikhea a better outlet f"T their produce and would get it m thit di- rction aa the hill q*eatio would be practically doo aw*/ wvtk. On account of not having a tuficient number of dailiea in the reading room our library grant waa m*ca cut down laat year. From a liat at grant* made public librarian in thia ncctiou w* (juote the followMhf ngtttva by way of cuaparia- on : Shefourne got 118.50, Dundalk $l'Ui, Owen Sound fi82, Mt. ForMt $15780, Stayner $80, Button $126.26. Claude 1110.20, Durham $189.75. Grand Valley f 100. 10. Creemore $88.10. Or- angetille $1V1 00. Roaemont llrtO, Me UiiHhn, $87.10, Fleaherton $B.25, Menford $83 40. and Arthur $33.50 A circular ui b*ing forwarded to the vanoua VuWicScho>'U Impctor*tbnjugh out Ontario, fro-n lh* Minister of Kduca tin, nuggeHting plans fur the celebration uf Empire Dny. May 23rd. It ia ragg, at- ed in the circular that the morning part < f the time be deul-d to a general din "rtti -n on the Empire, ita extent aud reaourara, it* glorioua history, diminguinhnd atatemnen, authors and oith >pecial refurvnce ' Canada. It i* ii-o recommended that a suitabU pro- gramme of patriotic recitation* and *,ng* by the pupils,and addrcxaea trom Truateea or others should be arranged for the after- noon. The Canadian ensign or the Brit- ish flag should alto be howled on toe school buildings. The License connninionera of Centre Grey held a meeting in Bnyd's hotel, Rocklyn, on April 20, to consider appli- cations for liceiwea for 1900 1. License* were granted to the following: Aaron Munthaw. Flesherton; Aich Buttera. Pneeville ; Jt>*eih Cairua.Ceylon; O'Neil Brut , Ceylon: Patrick Bulgr, Priccfille; 1'eti-r Munahaw. KugieiiUi; Mr". S. Allen, IViki.-y; (Jeo. Leich. H-illand Centre; MUn McD- ugmll, WiUiMBMlrd; Joan 1'oinplivll, Chatsorth; Klisha Hanbury, Walter* Fall*; El,/* Bl.-kckstock, Sing- Imnipton; 1!. R. Glawford, Maxwell; Schuinaker. .ln.n.s Kelly, and V !:-' Fogartay, Markilnle: Thoa Lowe and Leah Iwwc, Thornl'ury : W. B. Mc- l.rn, Clarksburg; -'o*. Bovi', Rocllyn; A. K. S^huniHker, De*bi>ro. The caae of J lin Mathexou. applicant for license for Ch.itswurth, was lii! over fi-r ccnaidera- tion at a mevtiini to be he', I *t Ciarks- 1. urn on May 8th. Reflect. T. Anfliuil Honor RolU The annual uuetiiu "f the Flesherton iVmetwy Tiunt will be hi-ld on Wednes- day . the 9th ot May. st 8 P M., in the Tou Hall, to receive the treasure's re- port. A full attendance is requestwd. V\ ni. Clay on, Sec. Articles Juflt Arrived At Hedical Hail Corn Longfell 'W, Compton'* Early, Minnesota Eaily, Red *Yb ensilage coru, Giant IVoliUe and Leeinin ('he earliest , f tV- Urge v .riety) a U Tir--s. Plant f oil for huune am! vitrdi'ii pluils, mnkts a s urdy and luiuriou f-li ive. A'so a freh 'ipl-ly of (.'lover * ,l Uuckwheat. LV-i.r* a ,m th- C Owen Sou' d will thi- y lor. P. r R. -W s at ' cent* pe Vandeleur Public school honor roll fur April: 4th- Mary Pritchard and Katie Dv (qua),) Gracie Oraham. 8r. 3rd Roaie Uiltwrt, Wilfred Cullia. Jr. 3rd Howard Graham, M. Weber. Sr tod- -Ethel, Annie Hialop, Eva Gilbert, Violet \\ arling. Jr. 2nd Edward Kennedys Maggie Daria, Letitia, Warling, Bell Buchanan. Sr. Pt. t Stuart Hialop, Charlie Bu- chanan. Annie Wyrille, Wilford Grahaun. Sr. Pt. 1 Frank Dv and Rertha Fsdden (equaJ) Johnny Kennady and Villmy Summer* (equal ) Jr. Pt. 1- Ella Warling.S-die Warling, Harry Wyville, Ge-irge Hifllop. Average attendance for the month 38. L C. HAWUS, Teacher The village of Brook ville, a few mi'et went of Milton, waa about wiped out by lire Friday afternoon. Th firwt boats uf the aeaaun paiwed througli th Wetland Canal Friday after- noon. The canal is now open. M. Jan. McLaughlin of Owen Sound, who has been dom a tour of the world, returned home last week. Two Owen Sound hotelkeepen died U.t week Mr. S. A. Cameron of the ROM House ai.d Mr. Thomas Gnmea of the Pacific hotel. A rwdent of our town ha* drawn our attention to th uaefulnen of our little fnend, the sparrow, whom he ha* been watching for 'he last few days, and fr-,m observation* h found that they were de- stroying the catvrpillar neata which an DOW making their appearance on the fruit tree*. Many evils have been laid to their charge, but thia one good trait ought t cuver the whole multitude of vil*. Hanover Post. Fi*h atoriwa are in MMOO. A *ma!l boy engaged in &tbing near the iwing bridge a few d*y* ago wa* accoatsd by a (entlem*r pausing by aod asked if he was meeting with sncuaa*. to which th* precocious youngtter replied in tlie nega- tive. "How ia that r said his loterioc- ator. "Well," ai<i Johnnie, "only jut a moment ago I pulle'l a nineteen pound sucker above water and it clipped off the hook ' "How do you know it weighed nineteen pound* f queried the gentle man "That's easy sajd the kid, "you saw, air. it had the tcalea on it* O. S Sun. NOTE LOST LoT A not* lvsn In favor of Win. Pblillps Sr . by Jamw MsaDilsrt, (or tbs lam nf VJ79- JIM in Psto. last AU ptrttM *r bsrvby oan- tiaoad Mklnst aenotlstiktloc th win* WM. PHILLIPS Manb 11 190D. 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE <ttr.n i , . I..1-C*. Intb* ,7 ; .,-.rn,. -i:,4. L ScMsvafl Remember that vou cannot possibly be happy or successful unless vou sleep soundly, eat heartily, and digest what vou eat Remember that if your nervous system needs toning vou will be miser- able vourself and make those you come in contact with mis- erable. Remember that in Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills vou have a remedy that has never yet tailed to cure any disease caused by im- poverished blood, such as Pale Greenish or Sallow Complexion, Nervous Prostration, Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia and Stomach Disorders, Head- ache, Depression of Spirits, Lack of Energy, Pufnr.fss and Dork Circles under the Eyes, Pain in the Back, Kidney and Liver Disorders, and Catarrh. - fT |1 Cow To U *- V>. t* ou Wiii...m 4 Cow A'.l orouto, Oas. BOOTS & SHOES * * * * wV * ili .v -v vi I. 14V WV * * ill a* * i* itv WM bar* received i*rj large supply of In Sumaovr Footwear Not Ui> common- place productions that feck everything bat ch*pniw>. Oar mm m to ({ire satisfaction Give us a Trial Wm. Clayton. - - Flesherton FLESHERTON We are this week making a I GRAND DISPLAY | it, ill * Of New Spring Goods In Every Department Ladies, we have this week opened our New Spring Shirt Waists. We are carrying this Spring a much larger stock and our prices are low. These goods we bought at a bat gain and we are selling at a bargain, prices from 500 to $2.00. Silk and Satin Department In this depart- ment we have now the finest assortment we ever showed, a beautiful variety for Ladies' Waists. We also opened this week a lot of Ladies' ready to wear skirts in aJ colors. The prices range from $1 to 5. Don't forget that this season we have added Millinery to our store *nd shall carry a full stock of Ladies Trimmed Hats. We cordially invite every lady to call and view our selection. Wall Papers Bear in mind that we are carry- ing a very large stock of wall papers. We never car- ried such a variety and the pattern, quality and price are the best and lowest. Ja Flesherton, Ont. THE NEW STORE Now We Have Something to tell the people We hut i* purch.vw.-d the builiinnjs hi , _i and thi.s is one way of cutting do n exi't-uses in ,>plor tlut wo may rlv husin.-s.H still cloacr. BOOTS 45 pain MOD'S Heavy Plough reguUr fl -':> fur" |1 1<> :*> (Mil!) Men a Pabiile. -J-l.,i.-kl.- <t>t.H, tvjcuUr *1 6() for. . . .$1 40 A numWr of li.iml nwuto btH>t,r-i; ular 8.00 ................. >l ::. COTTONS 10 yds. Factory 10 1 lino Factory, full thirty-scv.n inch, clear, yd So TowaUingS^, 4, 5, 7 1> We have Urge variety of , to choose from, ranging from to Ii CXOOO Pounds Woul Uanteal JCiyAiti J*ofsibta ff*ricf ff*a<d &r J^frm y*retn?9 J. E. D W D L E IVoion Station . Ontario

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